

CANADIAN ΒORDERS. Canadian borders. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Canadian borders Canada i s a country in North Amer ica ,

the second la rgest in the wor ld . Bordered east by the At lant ic Ocean and west by the Pac ific Ocean. South bordered by the Un i ted States o f Amer ica . Northwest bordered w i th A laska in the Un i ted States and extends in to the Arct ic Ocean to the North Po le .

Canada–United States The Canada–United States border,

officially known as the International Boundary, is the longest international border in the world

United States Canada shares borders with the

United States in 8 out of 13 provinces and territories

International Boundary Commission

In 1925, the International Boundary Commission was made a permanent organization responsible for surveying and mapping the boundary, maintaining boundary monuments, as well as keeping the boundary clear of brush and vegetation for 6 metres.

Border LengthsState Length of Border with Canada

Province/TerritoryLength of Border with the U.S.

Alaska 2,475 km (1,538 mi) Ontario 2,760 km

(1,715 mi)

Michigan 1,160 km (721 mi) British Columbia

2,168 km (1,347 mi)

Maine 983 km (611 mi) Yukon 1,210 km (752 mi)

Minnesota 880 km (547 mi) Quebec 813 km (505 mi)

Montana 877 km (545 mi) Saskatchewan 632 km (393 mi)

New York 716 km (445 mi) New Brunswick 513 km (318 mi)

Washington 687 km (427 mi) Manitoba 497 km (309 mi)

North Dakota 499 km (310 mi) Alberta 298 km (185 mi)

Ohio 235 km (146 mi)    Vermont 145 km (90 mi)    

New Hampshire 93 km (58 mi)    

Idaho 72 km (45 mi)    

Pennsylvania 68 km (42 mi


By Anna Kannavou &Myrsini Syriopoulou