Canvassing Script




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Either 1 or 2: Before we begin, let me remind you to turn your cell phones to silent

mode and be courteous by refraining from talking aloud. During the other parts of

the program, I encourage you to express your pleasure by applauding or clapping.

Either 1 or 2: We ask all of our distinguished guests and the whole Poblacion Oeste

Community to come and gather in our Sports Complex as we will start one of the

splendid events of our traditional all-month long festivities.

1: Filipinos likes fiestas. They are celebrated all-year round. All over the country,

especially in the summer months, May is the merriest and the most beautiful month

of the year. The merry month of May is when Flores de Mayo is celebrated by the

Filipino communities throughout the country to commemorate a celebration in

honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

2: For us Filipinos, this is a tradition that can’t be easily erased from the calendar

amidst the radical changes in cultural orientation of the new generation. Filipinos

turn each of the 31 days in May into a charming honor to the virginal virtues in

Flores de Mayo, the flowers of May fiesta. Spiritual virtue searches to reach even

the young.

1 & 2: At to this time, we are delighted to welcome you all to this anticipated

grand endeavor, the 2014 May Flower Festival, Search for Mrs. Poblacion Oeste,

the first and last canvassing formality.

1 & 2 (alternate): I am Judy Anne D. Norte, and I am Claymark C. Simeon, and we

are your masters of ceremonies for tonight’s affair.

1: Before the commencement of any happening of our tonight’s event, let us first

be filled with the spiritual ambiance of our Almighty God and let us pay homage to

our Blessed Virgin Mary for her unending benevolence. Let us ask the presence

and guidance of our Father for the success of our annual celebration of the May

Flower Festival in our community. We call out Mr. Meljay Elegores.

Prayer: Dearest Lord, we face this night with your love and your joy. We thank

you for this wonderful evening because you had gathered us in this one big event

of our beloved barangay. We ask forgiveness for the sins that we had made as we

clear our conscience to our hearts’ content. Bless all the people in our community

especially the generous, ever-supportive, and assiduous leaders. We ask for your

great presence for the success of our annual festivity as we commemorate and offer

this affair to our Blessed Virgin Mary as we huddle to give our prayers to You

through her intercession. Give us the good welfare of our barangay bestowing upon

us the unity and respect of the homage of each individual. We ask for the

continuous shower of blessings throughout this blessed year. We ask this through

Christ our Lord, with the intercession of our beloved St. Roque and our Blessed

Virgin Mary, through the begotten name of your son. AMEN.

2: To pay respect with great honor of nationality, please remain standing as we call

on Ms. Charlyn Mejia as she leads us in the demeanor of our Filipino racial pride,

the National Anthem.

1: Tonight, we shall also witness the 2014 Induction Ceremony of the proud

components of the newly formed organization in the designation called upon

“Aliguas Poblacion Oeste Association”.

2: So without further ado, we are now going to begin the induction ceremony. And

we shall start with the head of the pact, as they say, the president of Aliguas

Poblacion Oeste Association, hereafter to be followed by the downstream of

officers of the association. Please come up front as we call on your name. The

president…Rhoda Andungo...

1: Thank you very much and congratulations to our newly formed organization.

Continue to prosper and be a blessing to support the progress of our community.

2: Now, we gather with great pleasure as we meet, further in this beautiful night,

our barangay’s most dynamic young women competing for the prestigious title of

Mrs. Poblacion Oeste 2014.

1: Indeed, we have a great group of young women in our beloved community and

added tonight, we are looking forward to an exciting evening, which will culminate

with the announcement of the winner of our 2014 Search for Mrs. Poblacion Oeste.

We also remind everyone that the submission of envelopes for each candidate is

now formally open. Their ballot boxes are provided up front.

2: To give her warmest welcome and to extend her heartfelt gratitude for the

presence of our community people for tonight’s event, let us call on the proud

president of Aliguas Poblacion Oeste Association, Ma’am Rhoda Andungo.

1: To address her inspirational message for tonight’s grand occasion, let us call on

our beloved Barangay Captain, Hon. Lolita P. Vallejos.

2: Let us welcome our ever-energetic Barangay Council Officials as they take

center stage down to our stage floor for their support for this festivity. After which,

we request Barangay Kagawad Mark Anthony Gutierrez to give his simple words

to all of us present tonight.

1: And finally, we are now to meet our lovely May Flower Festival candidates who

are to participate in our prestigious Search for 2014 Mrs. Poblacion Oeste. Let us

witness their graceful radiance as they take their parade of wonders in our stage

floor. Watch carefully as we introduce each of our lovely candidates in a short


2: We also ask the respective husbands of our lovely candidates to please

accompany their wives as they parade on our stage floor.

1: To start with the meeting of our lovely candidates, let us welcome Mrs. Cris

Escorpiso Munton as she takes the path of our parade of wonders. Cris is…

2: Next to step in on our stage floor, let us give way for the entrance of Mrs.

Arsenia Ganalongo Barcelo. Arsenia is…

1: And now, here is Mrs. Digna Paragas taking the parade of wonders of the stage

floor. Digna is…

2: Lastly, let us witness the parade of Mrs. Julie Dela Cruz. Julie is…

1: There you have it folks, we are done with the parade of wonders of our lovely

candidates. We had witness their individuality with correlation with their

respective personality.

2: Let us now break the ice at the moment and be enticed with a great showcase of

performance of the Mix Version. You may now emerge the stage floor.

1: We are not at the climax of our tonight’s occasion, the chronology of our

traditional May Flower Festival which will culminate with the announcement of

our 2014 Mrs. Poblacion Oeste. We are now reminding everyone who did not yet

submit their envelopes to our ballot boxes provided for each of our lovely

candidates to come in front and pour on your support to your chosen candidate. We

are closing the ballot boxes at exactly 9:00 (to be adjusted due to changes of

startup of the program).

2: At this juncture, we request our lovely May Flower Festival candidates, to take

on center stage, with their escorts, as they dance on our star spangled stage floor,

as we begin the selling of basket for each of our candidates. We request Barangay

Kagawad Artemio Fernandez and Barangay Administrator Atong Dela Cruz they

roam around and conduct the selling of the basket.

1: To conduct the traditional and always-be part of our wonderful annual May

Flower Festival, let us call on Mr. Ricardo “Badog” Cayabyab for the

bidding/capturing of the goat.

2: To end with formality, let us now call on our beloved and ever-supportive

Dagupan City Councilor, Hon. Guillermo “Emong” P. Vallejos for his closing

remarks for tonight’s event.

1 & 2: We are very glad and very proud to spend this wonderful time of the year

with all of you guys. It is indeed a great pleasure and a great feeling to celebrate

this beautiful festivity in our beloved barangay. Once again, I am Judy Anne, and I

am Claymark. Good night and Thank You everyone.