Cardiovascular History&OSCE


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  • 8/17/2019 Cardiovascular History&OSCE


    Cardiovascular History

    Presenting Complaint

    Concise description of symptoms the patient feels - (e.g. I’m short of breath)

    History of Presenting Complaint

    Onset - When did it all start?

    Acute or gradual – Did it come on suddenly?

    Duration? - is this an acute or chronic health problem?

    Progression of symptoms - has it gotten worse/better or stayed same over that time frame?

    Intermittent or continuous?

    Pain – SOCRATES 


    Associated symptoms – Dyspnoea, chest pain, orthopnea, palpitations, syncope, sweating, nausea, leg

    swelling, reduced exercise tolerance, fever, loss of conciousness


    Risk Factors:

    - Hypertension - if patient unsure, check their medications

    - Smoking - very important risk factor, establish how many a day for how long

    - Hypercholesterolaemia - patients often don’t know – ask if their on a statin or check - Diabetes - establish how long they’ve had it & how good their glycaemic control is (HBA1C useful)

    Ideas, Concerns & Expectations…

    Past Medical History

    Any hospital admissions? – when, where & why?

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    Any operations? – CABG, Stents, Carotid Endarterectomy, Fem-Pop bypass, Amputation

    Dental work - if suspicious of infective endocarditis

    Other medical diagnoses- atrial fibrillation, hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, diabetes,

    thyrotoxicosis, angina, previous MI, heart failure, cardiomyopathy?

    Drug History

    Do you take any regular medication? – Beta blockers, Ca+ channel blockers, Anti-hypertensives

    OTC drugs?

    Herbal remedies?

    Contraceptive pill? - increased risk of thromboembolic disease – DVT/PE 

    Oxygen? - patient may have end stage COPD with Cor-pulmonale

    ALLERGIES? - some patients are sensitive to beta blockers & develop bronchoconstriction / wheeze

    Family History

    Any illnesses that seem to run in your family? - MI’s, Clotting disorders, Haemophilia

    Are your parents still in good health? – if deceased determine age & cause of death

    Any unexplained deaths in young relatives? - Long QT syndrome / Channelopathies

    Has anyone ever had any problems similar to what you are experiencing?

    Social History

    Smoking - How many smoked and for how long?

    Alcohol - How much each week (convert to units)

    Drug use - Cocaine causes coronary artery vasospasm – present as young people with chest pain

    Diet - Fatty foods? Salt intake? – significant cardiovascular risk factor

    Exercise levels - gives you an idea of this persons baseline & risk of cardiovascular disease


    Living Situation:

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    - House/bungalow? – the presence of stairs is important – will the patient manage?

    - Who lives with you? – do they provide support?

    - Any carers? - important factor when discharging a patient

    Activities of Daily Living - Does illness impact patients ADL’s? e.g. stairs, going to shop, cooking

    Occupation? - those with sedentary jobs are at increased cardiac risk – i.e. Lorry Driver 

    Systemic Enquiry

    Cardiovascular – Chest pain, PND, Orthopnoea, SOB, Cough, Ankle swelling, Palpitations, Cyanosis

    Respiratory – Cough, Sputum, Haemoptysis, Chest Pain, SOB, Tachypnoea, Hoarseness, Wheezing

    GI - Appetite, Diet, Nausea, Indigestion, Dysphagia, Pain, Bowel habit, Haematemesis, Jaundice

    Urinary - Frequency, Dysuria, Polyurea, Urgency, Hesitancy, Nocturia, Back pain, Incontinence

    Nervous System – Visual/other senses, Headache, Fits/Faints, LOC, Weakness, Numbness

    Musculoskeletal – Pain in muscles, bones & joints, swelling, gait 

    Dermatology – Skin changes, dryness, ulcers, rashes

    IntroductionIntroduce yourself Explain what you would like to examine

    Gain consent

    Place patient at 45° with chest exposed

    Ask if patient has any pain anywhere before you begin!

    General InspectionBedside for treatments or adjuncts – GTN spray, O2, Tablets, Wheelchair, Warfarin

    Comfortable at rest?


    Malar Flush

    Chest for scars & visible pulsationsLegs for harvest site scars and peripheral oedema



    Temperature - poor peripheral vasculature

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    Capillary refill – should be

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    Bedside Blood Glucose
