Case Lilypad


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  • 8/20/2019 Case Lilypad



    Should Lilypad’s Hotels Be Marketed Under the Corporate Brand or Their Own Brands? 

    LILYPAD HOTELS and Resorts could certainly create some connections among its brands; the

    business rationale for doing so is evident. However, Andre needs to proceed with caution: It’s criticalthat any linkages don’t compromise the value of the individual offerings. A plan to emphasize the

    corporate brand over the property brands might very well backfire.

    The implicit promise from each property is that no other hotel in the area will offer guests the same

    sort of culturally grounded travel experience. But how credible can that one of-a-kind claim be if La

    Plaza’s “handwoven” bathrobes are made in China and stamped with the Lilypad logo? Once you

    start making branding choices that don’t ring true or that otherwise detract from the customer

    experience, you’ve gone too far. 

    Lilypad’s brands are quite distinct in customers’ minds – that’s their greatest strength.

    So instead of making signifi cant and observable changes in the rooms themselves, Lilypad’s

    management team should emphasize changes behind the scenes to help boost the co mpany’s

    cross-sell numbers. The soft endorsements Lilypad is already doing (putting its name on coat

    hangers, for instance) may still infl uence customers’ behavior over time.

    But the company should also make better use of other resources – specifically, the internet and

    various players in the travel industry. By linking the individual properties’ websites to the

    corporate one, for instance, Lilypad would be able to give customers more information about

    the hotels. It might even engender a community of “brand fans.” And by forging stronger

    relationships with travel agents and the trade press, Lilypad would be able to tell the corporate

    story more comprehensively than it has in the past.

    What’s clear, though, is that Andre and his team haven’t found the right balance between the

    company’s two approaches to brand management. Lilypad has been espousing a strong bottom-up

    approach: Managers at individual properties have used their own marketing methods. This seems

    to be working – Lilypad properties are on a best-of list in a travel magazine, so someone is doing

    something right. Now Lilypad’s VP of sales and marketing is nudging the CEO toward a top -down

    approach in which all brand promises fl ow from corporate. But this is likely to fail without a

    clear corporate brand strategy, which the company sorely lacks.

    Andre will need to position the Lilypad name broadly enough to encompass all the company’s

    diverse properties. Obviously, he should start with the current brand promise and key in on the fact

    that Lilypad is not trying to “out-luxe” its rivals. Rather, it is offering distinctive cultural experiences

    with decidedly local points of view. True, each property will do this differently – but each must meet

    overall expectations that customers will get something that’s one of a kind. 

    Lilypad must also understand its target market better. Only certain types of business travelers will

    want and need the same things as typical leisure travelers. Andre could take a closer look at

    competitors’ branding strategies – although in many cases it would be an apples-to-oranges

    comparison. A company like Abercrombie & Kent emphasizes unique, high - end travel experiences,

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    too, but also touts “expertise” as part of its brand, offering its hotel guests expert-led tours of the

    Egyptian pyramids or the chance to play a game of polo with a professional.

    If Andre and his colleagues want to emphasize the corporate brand, they need to be clear about

    what it represents. They also need to remember that being part of a large corporate structure

    shouldn’t require Lilypad’s already successful properties to make any sacrifices.

    Andre should start with the current brand promise and key in on the fact that Lilypad is not trying to

    “out-luxe” its rivals. 

    Should Lilypad’s Hotels Be Marketed Under the Corporate Brand or Their Own Brands?

    A FORMER C EO of British Airways once told me that when he first joined the airline, he thought

    about the brand once a year. By the time his tenure was over, five years later, he thought about it

    once a day. That’s twenty-fi rst-century brand management in a nutshell. At most companies, the

    brand is an immensely valuable asset, but often CEOs have had little formal training in this area. So

    when someone from sales and marketing drops by and says, “I think we need to do things

    differently,” the chief executive is put in a diffi cult position. 

    At Lilypad, Andre is becoming embroiled in the subjective and emotional topic of company names

    and identities. He and his colleagues aren’t objectively considering the brand as a powerful asset,

    there to leverage long-term business strategy. They are looking at brand management in a surface

    way, which frankly makes them not that different from a lot of organizations – particularly midsize

    businesses seeking McDonald’s or Disney levels of name, service, and quality recognition. Instead of

    approaching this branding matter as a name-change question, Andre and his colleagues need to

    systematically examine the corporate brand through a couple of important lenses: customers and


    Customers. It’s evident from the unfocused way Andre and others talk about the Lilypad brand that

    they don’t have a clear sense of the customer. At one point, the individual properties are

    characterized as feeding people’s desires and aspirations, which casts the individual brands in

    sentimental, emotional terms. But by the end of the case study, Andre is thinking about Lilypad as

    the best little secret in hotel management, which frames the corporate brand in terms of execution

    and operations. Great brands are single-minded about what makes them different from others. To

    get more clarity about whether the company should be, say, niche and focused, it’s critical

    to ask, “Who are Lilypad’s current customers, and what will future customers look like?” 

    Market research can help. Interbrand created a value-based modeling tool for a global hotel

    company that was trying to answer brand questions similar to Lilypad’s. The tool uncovered how

    value was generated at different properties by determining the optimal relationship between

    customer-satisfaction scores and customer-experience attributes.

    The top team was then able to make a strong business case for new branding investments – which

    have resulted in significant increases in sales and cross-property usage.

    Ultimately, how Lilypad positions itself vis-à-vis its customers will have a huge bearing on its future

    as a brand. Take the Virgin brand: It’s not exclusively about airlines or beverages or broadband

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