CHAMBER CHOWDER - Please contact Kerry at the Chamber ... 2nd annual “Dog...


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VOL. 11, NO. 9 SEPTEMBER 2008

KKey West City Manager Jim Scholllikened the island’s tough budgetscenario to a tumultuous and

challenging storm season.That season began in earnest for the

Florida Keys with the approach ofTropical Storm Fay in mid-August, whenofficials evacuated tourists and enactedemergency operations. The storm had aminimal impact on the Florida Keys.

“Acting on the side of caution, andgiven the speed with which the storm wastraveling, there was a decision to bemade,” Scholl said during his update oncity affairs at the Chamber’s generalmembership luncheon on Aug. 27th at theDoubleTree Grand Key Resort.

With some business owners havinglamented the tourist evacuation, Scholl empha-sized at the luncheon, that “there are rules to befollowed, and if we’re going to err, we’ll err onthe side of safety.”

Scholl, who took over as city manag-er in July 2008, highlighted the city’sbudget scenario, focusing on the $38 mil-lion general fund.

Although the $38 million comprisesless than a quarter of the city’s entire $174million budget, the general fund comesunder the most scrutiny, Scholl said,because property tax is the biggest con-tributor to it.

Most city salaries come from the gen-eral fund, he said, adding that local gov-ernment officials, in recent years, have“done a pretty good job of maintainingservices with minimal increases in taxes.”

This year, in order to limit tax increas-es and streamline city government, 34.5positions were eliminated, Scholl said.

Seventeen of those positions alreadywere vacant, and in other cases, whenpossible, employees were transferred toother departments.

Changes and improvements in citygovernment

“We’re working on an evolutionaryprocess, too,” Scholl said. “And mak-

ing changes in certain areas toincrease the capabilities of the city.”The planning department, now fullystaffed after being shorthanded forseveral months, is one such area, hesaid, crediting City Planner AmyKimball-Murley with much of thedepartment’s progress.“I consider the planning departmentas important as the legal departmentwhen it comes to operating the cityon a day-to-day basis,” Scholl said.“It’s also probably the most criticalcustomer service office.”Kimball-Murley has been focus-ing on improving customer ser-vice and making her department,which oversees building, devel-opment and renovation projects,more user-friendly. Additional staffing changes includethe reorganization of the city’s hier-archy to include two assistant citymanagers.Following the retirement of formerAssistant City Manager John Jones,Scholl appointed two replacements inMay of this year.David Fernandez, who formerlyoversaw the city’s general servicesdepartment and has spearheadedwastewater improvements, now is theassistant city manager in charge ofoperations.Mark Finigan was the city’s budget direc-tor several years ago and recently workedfor the development company Cortex. Henow oversees the administrative side ofcity management.“You’ve got to manage the moneyappropriately,” Scholl said at the lun-cheon. “That is not always an easytask at any level of government.”Another step forward is the decisionto make Donie Lee the permanentchief of police.Lee, a Conch and former police cap-tain, has been interim chief since BillMauldin resigned April 1, 2008.Lee’s promotion will be finalized

Oct. 1, 2008 the start of the city’snew fiscal year, Scholl said.

Questions about the future

Following his presentation, Schollfielded questions from attorney andestablished business man MichaelBrowning about the future and prof-itability of the Truman Waterfront.“When can we get the numbers to seehow we’re going to pay for what’scalled for in the Truman Annex(waterfront) development plan?”Browning asked.Scholl pointed to the planned marinathat is slated for the area. The city hasissued a Request for Proposals fromcompanies interested in either build-ing the marina, operating it, or both.“The marina would become a rev-enue stream,” Scholl said, acknowl-edging that much of the waterfront’sfuture – an assisted-living facility forthe elderly and a combination ofhousing, retail and meeting space forthe Bahama Conch Community LandTrust – has been decided by voters ina citywide referendum.


Key West Chamber of Commerce PresidentElect Michael Knowles greets City ManagerJim Scholl, following Scholl's update on thestate of the city during the August general

membership meeting. Knowles, generalmanager of the Doubletree Grand Key Resort,

hosted the August general membershipmeeting in the resort's conference room.

Page 2 Chamber Chowder September 2008

Each month, the Chamber of Commerce spot-lights a business or professional personwhose business card is drawn at the BusinessAfter Hours. This month’s winner is SusanMiller, Director of Operations, Habitat forHumanity of Key West and the Lower Keys.

SSusan Miller spends a lot of time tra-versing the 30 miles of U.S. 1between the Key West and Big Pine

offices of Habitat for Humanity.As director of operations for the non-

profit housing organization, Susan over-sees hundreds of daily tasks necessary tokeep the wheels of progress moving.

The organization is in the process ofbuilding 18 townhouse-style homes on BigCoppitt Key, and then will work on anadditional 12 just a few blocks up the road.

Habitat homeowners are selected by athorough Family Selection Committee,which measures the family’s need,income and willingness to partner withHabitat for Humanity and work long vol-unteer hours on their own, and theirneighbors’ homes.

“The families have to be able to affordthe no-interest mortgage, but not be ableto afford a market-rate home,” said

Susan, who has been with Habitat forabout two years. “We really are veryeffectively addressing the affordablehousing shortage like no other organiza-tion is able to.”

The land that Habitat builds homes onis part of a county-run land trust, meaningthe land remains in the trust in perpetuity.Homeowners own the house, but not theland, which reverts back to the trust if thefamily decides to sell the home.

“I try to handle most of the day-to-daythings so [Executive Director BobCalhoun] can deal with the bigger picture,”Susan said recently – while in her car.

She coordinates volunteers for variousHabitat projects, ensures that the organi-zation’s truck and vehicles are properlymaintained and accomplishes administra-tive priorities pertaining to building per-mits, invoices and contracts.

For the past several years, the organi-zation, in addition to building new homes,has been helping Florida Keys residentsrepair their houses following hurricanes.

Volunteer crews from all over thecountry arrived en masse in Key West inOctober 2005 following the devastating

floods of Hurricane Wilma. The volun-teers removed drywall, rebuilt walls andhelped with mold eradication.

“Most recently, we’ve been focusingquite heavily on new builds,” Susan said,excited about the 18 Big Coppitt homes,to be called Bayside Landing, which nowhave permits.


As a service to ourChamber Members,

the Key WestChamber of

Commerce offersnotarization of yourdocuments. Please

contact Kerry at theChamber


The Chamber Chowder Heartily Thanks These Businesses for Their Generous Support of this Issue of the Newsletter

Ernest Hemingway House Museum

907 Whitehead StreetKey West, FL 33040


La Concha Crowne Plaza

430 Duval StreetKey West, FL 33040


Porter Allen Insurance Company513 Southard StreetKey West, FL 33040

305-294-2542TIB Bank of the Keys330 Whitehead StreetKey West, FL 33040


AT&T Real Yellow Pages®

2001 NW 64th StreetFort Lauderdale, FL 33309


Old Town Key West Development201 Front Street, Suite 301

Key West, FL 33040305-294-3225




Key West305/294-3040


Miami Beach305/673-0154

Susan Miller- Director of Operations, Habitatfor Humanity of Key West and the Lower Keys


SSeptember is here and the2nd annual “Dog Daze ofSummer” We Love Locals

Campaign has just come to aclose at the end of August. Onceagain the program was a greatsuccess with 95 Chamber busi-nesses participating this year.This is a great way to promoteour local businesses during oneof our slower months of theyear. Thanks again to ourChamber staff and ImageCommittee for putting togethersuch an incredible program.

Due to Tropical Storm Faythe Key West Chamber of Commerce re-scheduled the 20thAnnual Trade Show “The Showcase of Key West Businesses”.The program was originally scheduled to take place on August20th, but now has been re-scheduled for September 10th.Presented by AT&T Real Yellow Pages and co-sponsored byWaste Management, the trade show is sold out with 42 vendorsparticipating. The business trade show will take place at theCasa Marina Resort and is open to the public from 1-5 pm andstarting at 5:30 pm the event will convert to our monthlyBusiness After Hours which is open to members only. TheBusiness After Hours sponsored by the Casa Marina Resorttakes place from 5:30 to 7:30 pm and will feature complimen-tary beer, wine and hors devours. This is one of the more popu-lar Business After Hours so be sure to mark your calendars and

bring plenty of business cards as there will be tons of greatprizes given away by our vendors. For more information on thetradeshow please visit the Key West Chamber of Commercewebsite at

Our August General Membership Meeting took place atthe Grand Key Resort and our guest speaker was Jim“Dagwood” Scholl Key West City Manager who gave us anupdate on the City of Key West. Jim gave a very informativepresentation about the City of Key West budget and discussedthe recent cut of 34 ½ positions as a measure of reducing costsand offsetting anticipated revenue declines. Jim also discussedmandatory visitor evacuations due to threatening hurricanesand how those are handled by the Emergency OperationsCenter. We thank Jim Scholl for taking time out of his busyschedule to update the Chamber membership on the budgetand operations of our great city.

At this time all of our Chamber members should havereceived their ballots for our upcoming Board of Directors elec-tion. This year we have 19 candidates running for five electedpositions. Please be sure to complete your ballots and mail theminto the Key West Chamber of Commerce office no later thanSeptember 20, 2008, at 5:00 pm. This should prove to be a veryexciting race this year and it is awesome to see this level of inter-est in serving on our Chamber Board.

With August behind us that means we are past the half waypoint of our season for Tropical Occurrences. FortunatelyTropical Storm Fay proved to be nothing out of the ordinaryand hopefully Hannah will leave us alone. This is part of liv-ing in paradise. If you ask me the tradeoffs are well worth it.Don’t you agree?

September 2008 Chamber Chowder Page 3

by Bascom Grooms

Page 4 Chamber Chowder September 2008


AAge is just a number, and Tony Boza’s supervisors arerelieved they recognized this fact three years ago wheninterviewing an 18-year-old Conch who wanted to work

for the City of Key West.Boza started work as a temporary maintenance worker with-

in the city’s landscaping department, but quickly demonstrated awork ethic and integrity that garnered him a full-time position.

Not one to stand still, Boza attained his commercial driver’slicense as soon as he heard of an opening for a heavy equipmentoperator. He climbed behind the wheel of a tree-trimming buck-et truck and never looked back.

“It’s our crew that trims trees and removes coconuts beforea storm, which is a really busy time,” he said.

Cynthia Domenech-Coogle, one of Boza’s supervisors,recalled at the Chamber’s August General Membership meeting,her first introduction to the outstanding employee.

“I’m first in the line of interviewers,” she said. “I saw thisboy standing in front of me wanting a job, and thought tomyself, ‘Wow, he seems really young.’”

But Boza’s willingness to work and work hard quickly wonover Domenech-Coogle and others.

City Manager Jim Scholl pointed out that many of Boza’sco-workers and subordinates, most of them much older than he,recommended him for this award – a testament to his ability tolead and earn respect.

Boza was recently promoted to foreman, meaning he over-sees ongoing landscaping projects, and was heavily involvedwith the recent tree plantings on Duval Street.

“Now I oversee crews, but still step in and help out when thejob just needs to get done,” he said, with no plans to leave the citythat has been his home for all of his 21 years. He turns 22 on Sept.20th. “I’m going to stick it out here, this is my career.”


From left to right: Deputy Director of Public Works Greg Velizcongratulates landscaping foreman and employee of the month

Tony Boza. They are joined by Chamber President Bascom GroomsIV, Landscaping Coordinator Cynthia Domenech-Coogle and City

Manager Jim Scholl.


9/2-7 Key West WomenFest 305-294-4603

9/5-7 Mercury Redbone CelebrityS.L.A.M. Celebrity TournamentWestin Resort/Conch RepublicSeafood Email: 664-2002

9/6 Citywide Cleanup 8:00am,Bayview Park 305-797-0462 or305-292-8920

9/10 20th Annual “Showcase ofKey West Businesses” TradeShow Presented by AT&T RealYellow Pages and Co-spon-sored by Waste Management,Inc., 1:00pm-5:00pm, CasaMarina, Open to general pub-lic. Contact: Kerry Baker, Email:kbaker@keywestchamber.org305-294-2587

9/19-21 Poker Run: www.peter-sonskeywestpokerrun.comContact: Chris Pare 305-393-4827 Vendors contact: JamieRodriquez at 305-304-4106

9/28 Art Behind Bars 14th BirthdayParty 5-9pm Pier 305-304-4772


10/4 Citywide Cleanup 8:00am,Bayview Park 305-797-0462 or305-292-8920

10/17-26Fantasy Fest, 30th Contact:Fantasy Office 305-296-1817

10/17-18Goombay Festival visitwww.goombay-keywest.orgor call Melissa Wallace 305-509-0015

10/17 Royal Coronation Ball – meetKey West’s Royal Family andvote for the King and Queenof Fantasy Fest 2008; a benefit

for AIDS Help Inc. LaTeDa,1125 Duval 6-10pm, 305-296-6706, Suggested Donation

10/21 Fantasy Fest Headdress Ball8:00pm Tickets: www.keystix.com305-296-1520

10/22 Fantasy Fest Pet Masquerade& Parade, Casa Marina or 305-296-1817

10/23 Fantasy Fest Pretenders in Par-adise 8:00pm, Pier or 305-296-4600

10/24 Fantasy Fest Annual Street Fairnoon-10pm, Duval or call305-296-1817

10/25 Fantasy Fest Parade 7:00pm,sponsored by Captain Mor-gan, Whitehead, Front andDuval St. or 305-296-1817

10/26-317th Annual Haunted Fort, FortZachary Taylor. For times,prices, sponsorship, or non-profit opportunities contactFrank Everhart 305-879-0091

September 2008 Chamber Chowder Page 5


Doug Mayberry Real Estate1007 Truman Avenue, Suite A

Key West, FL 33040305-292-6155


Sponsored by: Bascom L. Grooms IV, BGRE

E & E Concrete of Key West, Inc.3322 Riviera Drive

Key West, FL 33040305-292-1562

Concrete ContractorSponsored by: Lissette Cuervo, US 1 Radio and Gregory

Barroso, Latitude 24 Recycling

Epstein Becker & Green, P.C.200 S. Biscayne Blvd., Suite 4300

Miami, FL 33131305-579-3200


Keys To The Sea Realty, Inc.26822 Shannahan RoadRamrod Key, FL 33042

305-304-1413Real Estate/Property Management

www.judyjack.comSponsored by: Bascom L. Grooms IV, BGRE

Parrot Key Resort2801 No. Roosevelt Blvd.

Key West, FL 33040305-809-2200 or 866-MID-KEYS

The Pigeon Key FoundationP.O. Box 500130

Marathon, FL 33050305-289-0025

Saltwater Angler243 Front Street

Key West, FL 33040305-296-0700 or 800-223-1629

Truman & Co Real Estate Services1205 Truman AvenueKey West, FL 33040

305-292-2244Real Estate Sales

www.trumanandcompany.comSponsored by: Bascom L. Grooms IV, BGRE


Page 6 Chamber Chowder September 2008


September 2008 Chamber Chowder Page 7

Page 8 Chamber Chowder September 2008



Wednesday, September 10, 200820th Annual Key West Chamber of Commerce

“Showcase of Key West Businesses”Community and Business Exposition

Location: The Casa Marina Resort Keys Ballroom

Presented by: AT&T Real Yellow Pages andthe Key West Chamber of Commerce,

Co-sponsored by: Waste Management, Inc.1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., Open to the Public

5:30p.m. – 7:30p.m., Members only Business After Hours

Sponsored by: The Casa Marina Resort

Wednesday, September 24, 2008General Membership Meeting

“Expose Yourself”NOON

Location: The Casa Marina Resort

Business After Hours To Be Announced

Wednesday, October 22, 2008General Membership Meeting

General Election – Candidates ForumNOON

Location: Westin Key West Resort & Marina



Paradise Dental CareDentistry to help you

look and feel your best!

Dr. Bill Goldner, D.D.S.Key West’s Premier Cosmetic Dentist

1460 Kennedy Drive • 293-9876









AT: 294-2587








At the CASA MARINA RESORTWednesday, September 10, 2008

1:00p.m. to 5:00p.m. (General Public)

Business After Hours5:30p.m. to 7:30p.m.

(Members Only)For more information contact the Chamber at 305-294-2587.

SALESPEOPLE AVAILABLE FREE!Yes, Chamber staff members can act as salespeople to refer potential cus-

tomers to you, but ONLY if they know what your business is all about. Appointments are available at 8:30 a.m. each Wednesday for you to tell

Chamber employees what your business has to offer, so they are educated toanswer questions from residents and visitors. Call Kerry at 294-2587 today toset up a meeting with your FREE sales team!


September 2008 Chamber Chowder Page 9


CCandidates for election to the Boardof Directors for the Greater KeyWest Chamber of Commerce are

profiled below. Five positions are avail-able for up to a three-year term, beginningin January, 2009.

As members of the chamber board,directors are to attend all board meetingsand general membership meetings. Alsoto participate actively through commit-tees and serve as a committee chairpersonwhen needed, and attend various events;Business After Hours networking events,trade shows, and seminars.

Board members make a commitmentto the Key West Chamber of Commerceand its mission to support the local busi-ness community. Board members musttake their commitment seriously, actingas a bridge between the local businesscommunity and the Key West Chamber.Through hours of service to the cham-ber, board members work to help thechamber meet its goal of better servingKey West Businesses.

Timothy R. AtwellTim is a graduate of the University of

South Florida with a Bachelor’s degree inBusiness Administration. Tim has beenemployed with Historic Tours of America,Inc. (HTA) since 2003 working in theFinance Department as Accounts PayableManager and in 2007 moving to the RiskManagement Department where he nowhandles insurance claims for HTA. Timhas held a Mortgage Brokers Licensesince 1998. Tim has served on the LowerKeys Heart Counsel, Key WestHotel/Motel Association, Key WestBusiness Guild and was a member of theLower Keys Chamber of Commerce in1999 representing First State Bank. Tim ispresently a member representing OldTown Key West Development.

Clinton J. BarrasClinton received a B.A. in Political

Science from Boston College. I feel thatthe greatest purpose is Truth and live alife that is in accordance with this philos-ophy. I am the Director of Sales andMarketing for, thelargest Internet Marketing firm in theFlorida Keys and chamber member since1995. I am very driven to success andstrive to excel at everything I undertake. Ihave a relatively high IntelligenceQuotient, can solve problems indepen-dently, yet work well in a team environ-ment. I have served on the Board ofDirectors for: Easter Seals, HSMAI, and

National Marine Sanctuary Eco-Discovery Center. I feel that my strengthsand aptitude, leveraged as a member ofthe Board, can benefit the Chamber infurthering its Mission.

Gregory BarrosoMy public service started in 1987

when I volunteered in the Army. I washonorably discharged in 1992 andreturned home. I met my wife of fifteenyears, JoLynn. I have volunteered mytime to my parish as a ReligiousEducation Teacher for the last 7 years,and as a member of the Knights ofColumbus, helped with the homeless andthe soup kitchen. With three 5th genera-tion conch children of my own, I volun-teer as a mentor, and coach. As a 12 yearmember of Key West Firefighters Local1424 I have volunteered as an HonorGuard and have helped raise money forlocal charities. As a Veteran I belong tothe American Legion Post 28, Veterans ofForeign Wars (VFW) Post 3911, BCCLT,FIRM, and GLEE.

Jason E. BeemanBeeman is a 1989 graduate of Key

West High School and a 1991 graduate ofFlorida Keys Community College. Afterserving his country in the U.S. Army for 3years, he returned to school attendingFlorida State University. After a 10 yearcareer with Citigroup, Jason joined OrionBank in 2007 as their Residential Lender.Jason is active in the Key West communi-ty. He is a member of the Rotary Club ofKey West. He joined the Key WestChamber of Commerce is 2004 and wasappointed to the Board of Directors in2008. He has also coached in the KeyWest Little Conch Baseball League forseveral years. Jason was born and raised inKey West and is a sixth generation conch.He is the father of 3 boys 11, 7 and 3.

Aaron Jose Castillo, Sr.Aaron is a third generation Conch

who graduated from Key West HighSchool with the Class of 1981. I receivedmy AS degree in Business Administrationfrom Gupton Jones College of FuneralServices. My wife of 21 years, ShellyMya and I together have three children. Iam a member of St. Mary’s Star of the SeaCatholic Church, The Knights ofColumbus, and Union Lodge #47 F. &A.M.P.H.A. I currently serve as Vice-Chairman for the Monroe CountyHousing Authority. I am a board memberfor AIDS Help, Inc., past board member

for the City of Key West OutreachProgram, and past Vice-Chairman of theBoard for Florida Keys CommunityCollege. I am part owner and manager ofCastillo & Thurston’s Key West Mortuarylocated at 328 Truman Avenue.

Lissette CuervoThis July I have submitted my intent

to run for the Board of Directors of theKey West Chamber of Commerce. It iswith sincere intent that I ask for your sup-port. At a glance, here is some of theexperience that I can bring to the board:Key West Chamber of CommerceMembership Committee 2004-Present,Board of Directors, Cuban AmericanHeritage Festival 2004-Present, Mayor’sGreen Task Force , Clean & GreenCommittee, City of Key West, Currentlyemployed with 104.1 US1 Radio & 98.7Conch Country, Campaign Manager forcounty wide election. It would be myhonor to serve your business as a Directorof the Board of the Chamber. Please con-tact me at any time at 305-797-6800 ifyou have any questions while consideringmy candidacy.

Michelle Cates DealMy name is Michelle Cates Deal and

I am running for a seat on the Key WestChamber of Commerce Board ofDirectors. Since 1996, I have been a solepractitioner attorney with Michelle I.Cates, P.A.. I am a Stetson Law SchoolGraduate (1993) and proud alumni fromFlorida State University (1990) and KeyWest High School (1985). I hold a FloridaRealtor’s and Community AssociationManagement License and am a TeenCourt Judge. I am a member of the KeyWest Woman’s Club, Inc. the Florida BarUnauthorized Practice of LawCommittee, Key West Chamber ofCommerce, Keys Family Alliance, Inc.,and previous member of the MonroeCounty Planning Commission. With yourvote, I can continue my dedication andcommitment to our home. Thank you foryour support!

Javier GarridoA Key West native since inception, I

have more than just my residence here inthe Conch Republic. Graduate of KeyWest High with Honors, Bachelors fromthe University of Florida, and morerecently an MBA in Hospitality from FIUhave provided for a sustainable life in“Paradise”. Civic Involvements: 2003-‘08: Key West Gator Club President*,

Page 10 Chamber Chowder September 2008

2003-‘08: Sunset Rotary, 2005-‘06:Sunset Rotary President**, 2003-‘08: SanCarlos Institute Board, 2005-‘08: DeMarco Foundation Board (benefitingfamilies of handicap children). I’ll sum upin saying that I am a believer of the 80/20rule (20% of the people do 80% of thework). I fall into the 20% and believe mypeers would agree.

* #1 In-State Club ’04, ’05, ’06, 07 **Presidential Citation

Sam Holland, Jr. After attending the University of

Central Florida as a student/athlete andreceiving a degree in Communications in1986 I was employed by Key West nativeJack Katz of Panama Jack International.Resigned as national sales manager toreturn to Key West and renovate the fam-ily home known today as The ConchHouse Heritage Inn. In 1993, with reno-vations complete, joined the Chamber andopened for business. He is a member ofthe Board of Directors of the Key WestInnkeepers Association, The LodgingAssociation, a licensed charter boat cap-tain, president of the Key WestTouchdown Club and the owner/operatorof Suncrest and Keys Mini-Self Storagefacilities located on Stock Island.

Melissa KendrickMelissa has been with the Mel Fisher

Maritime Museum since 1991, where sheis the CEO. Melissa has served the com-munity on the Chamber Board since 1993,serving 3 years as Vice President and asChamber President in 2001 and 2006. Sheserved three-terms as President of the KWAttractions Association; served on theTDC/DAC I Board for 9 years, three timesas Chairman; the Historic Florida KeysPreservation Board, Big Brothers/BigSisters, & the Founders Society. Melissa isa tireless worker for the community serv-ing on the City’s Tour Bus Committee;and the KW Resident/Visitor Committee.Among her service awards are theAppelrouth Award; and Athena Award andthe Chamber’s Piece of the Rock. Beforecoming to KW Melissa was a bankingofficer at Citibank in NYC.

Benjamin N. McPhersonBen has been employed in various

positions with Historic Tours of America,Inc. since 1986. Benjamin is a graduate ofFlorida State University. In 1997, he wasappointed the Company’s Treasurer. In2002, Ben was named Historic Tours ofAmerica’s Chief Financial Officer. Mr.McPherson is responsible for HistoricTours of America, Inc. and subsidiaries

accounting department, budgets, financialstatements, tax returns, and financing.Ben’s community involvements includebeing a member of the 16th judicial cir-cuit unlicensed practice of law commit-tee, founding member of the Key WestPolice Department’s Love Fund, Eventcoordinator for Children’s Day since2000, and a member of the Key WestYacht Club’s Finance Committee.

Crystal RuffoI opened Paradise Staffing Solutions,

Inc. in 2002 and immediately joined theChamber and the Education Committee.The nature of my employment businessgives me the prospective of both theemployer and the employees. I haveworked with several non-profit organiza-tions such as Zonta to ensure health careassistance to uninsured women in KeyWest and Sunrise Rotary on several com-munity projects. Serving on the Board thisyear has provided me with the opportuni-ty to participate in looking for solutions tothe problems facing Key West Businessowners. As Chair of the EducationCommittee, I have the pleasure of inter-viewing the candidates for the scholarshipand witness firsthand the wonderful, tal-ented and dedicated young people thiscommunity produces. Thank you

Catherine SmileyI moved to Key West in 1995 to

accept a position as the Director of Salesand Marketing at Pier House. In 1997, Itook a position as Sales Manager for theMonroe County Tourist DevelopmentCouncil representing the Florida Keysdomestically and internationally. Ireturned to Pier House in 1999 as Directorof Sales and Marketing. My Chamberinvolvement over the last 13 yearsincludes membership on the GovernmentAffairs Committee, (now EconomicDevelopment), Marketing Committee,Tourism Committee, Election Committee,and Candidates Forum Committee. I haveproudly served on the board for 3 yearsand now hold the position of Secretary onthe Executive Committee. Other businesscommunity involvement includes mem-bership in the Lodging Association,Hospitality Sales and MarketingAssociation International, Florida KeysAttractions Association, and theInnkeepers Association.

Robert A. SpottswoodRobert was born in Key West, Florida

in 1957. Mr. Spottswood graduated fromKey West High School in 1975, theUniversity of Florida in 1979 and

University of Miami, School of Law in1982. Mr. Spottswood is President ofSpottswood Companies, Inc., ViceChairman of Hyatt Vacation Ownership,Inc., Director of First State Bank,Principal of JL Woode Ltd., of counsel tothe law firm of Spottswood, Spottswood& Spottswood, and has served on manycivic, community and charitable boardsincluding the Key West Bight Board,Greater Miami and Florida Keys Chapterof the American Red Cross, PoliceAthletic League, Community Foundationof the Florida Keys and Key West Art &Historical Society. Mr. Spottswood is anattorney, a certified public accountant andLicensed Real Estate Broker.

Andy StraubeAndy is currently serving on the

Education Committee since 2006 andrecent appointee to the chamber board ofdirectors ending December, 2008. I’m afinancial advisor with Edward JonesInvestments, and have been a chambermember since 2004. I graduated fromUSF and I’m series 7, 63 & 66 securitieslicensed, with an AAMS designation. I’mproud to act as President of the SunsetRotary Club of Key West this year untilJuly, 2009. I believe in and use the ethical“Four-Way Test” when approaching sim-ple and challenging situations. I alsobelieve, by working with business leaderswho take action, together we can improvemore than just our community. Thank youfor the honor and privilege of serving onyour chamber of commerce board. Pleasevote for me.

Greg SullivanChamber Member since 1995, I am the

District Manager for Waste Management,which serves Key West to the Seven MileBridge. Past President of the Key WestChamber (2007), prior committees servedon for the Chamber include GolfCommittee, Beautification, MarathonAirport, Leadership Monroe CountySelection Committee, Affordable Housing,City Manager Selection Committee andpresently a current Board Member. I amPast President of Sunrise Rotary, priorboard member of United Way, Past ChairClean Florida Keys, a member of TheLodging Association, Military AffairsCommittee Chair 2008, and Lower KeysChamber of Commerce member.

Clif TaylorClif began his hospitality career with

Radisson Hotels as a hotel controller. In1992 he was promoted to hotel general

Continued on Page 12

September 2008 Chamber Chowder Page 11


Bascom Grooms, PresidentBascom Grooms Real Estate/295-7511

Michael Knowles, 1st Vice PresidentDoubleTree Grand Key Resort/293-1818

Diane Gibson, 2nd Vice PresidentFirst State Bank/293-6800

Randy Moore, TreasurerMoore & Spottswood, CPAs/294-5234

Catherine Smiley, SecretaryThe Pier House Resort & Caribbean Spa/295-3230

Michael Browning, AppointeeNew Moon Management, Inc./293-8888

Greg Sullivan, Past PresidentWaste Management/296-8297

Virginia A. Panico, Executive Vice PresidentKey West Chamber of Commerce/294-5988

CHAMBER STAFFExecutive Vice PresidentVirginia A. PanicoDirector of Research

Buzz WagnerExecutive AssistantDagmar Piegler

Membership Director/Special Events CoordinatorKerry Baker

Tourist Information ReceptionistCheri Baker, Gladys ClarksTourist Information Operators

Debbie VanScoyocNewsletter Editor

Virginia A. PanicoArt Director

Cindy Jefferson

Do you have importantnews to share?

The Key West Chamber ofCommerce provides mailing

lists to our members for anominal fee.

Hard Copy Mailing List $20 + tax

Mailing Labels$70 + tax

Electronic Excel File$150 + tax

The Chamber can share yourinformation with othermembers through our weeklyemail called the "ChamberChatter" or if you would preferwe could also do a customizedemail.

50 words or less weeklyblast email $25

Individual/customized email$65

For more information contactthe Chamber at 305-294-2587

manager. In 2001 the Radisson Hotelachieved the President’s Award; also in2001, Mr. Taylor was promoted to AreaGeneral Manager, and oversaw four prop-erties. In 2005 he moved to Key West andassumed the management of the Radissonand Comfort Inn hotels. During 2007, hewas promoted to the position of AssistantVP & Area GM for SpottswoodManagement, Inc. He twice served asChair of the Convention and VisitorsBureau and is on the Board of Visitors ofHigh Point University. He served fourterms as VP of the Guilford CountyLodging Association and five terms onthe board of the High Point EconomicDevelopment Corporation. He is current-ly the treasurer of The Florida KeysLodging Association.

Lynne E. TejedaLynne is a currently completing her

first three-year term on the chamberboard of Directors and is seeking re-elec-tion. She is the General Manager & CEOof Keys Energy Services since December2005 and has been employed by the utili-ty since January 1989. Mrs. Tejeda isactive in the Florida Municipal PowerAgency (FMPA) and the FloridaMunicipal Electric Association (FMEA).She currently serves as the President ofFMEA. Mrs. Tejeda holds a Bachelor ofArts degree, with a major in Journalism,from the University of North Carolina atChapel Hill, and a Master of BusinessAdministration degree from RegisUniversity in Denver, Colorado. Mrs.Tejeda is currently serving on the Boardof the United Way of Monroe County.

James E. WilsonI have been a resident of South

Florida since 1976 and Key West/KeyHaven 14 years. I received a BS inBusiness Administration with a Major inEconomics from the University ofFlorida in 1991. I am a member of theKey West Board of Realtors, PastPresident of the Key West Gator Club,Class VIII Leadership Monroe County,Board member of the Rotary Club ofSunset Key West, State Certified GeneralReal Estate Appraiser and a GeneralAssociate Member of the AppraisalInstitute. My wife, Maria and I purchasedthe Appraisal Company of Key Westfrom Richard Padron in April, 2004. Ibelieve my real estate and business back-ground can be an asset to the KeyChamber Board of Directors. Thank youfor considering me as a candidate for theBoard of Directors.

Page 12 Chamber Chowder September 2008

Chamber Board Candidates: Continued from Page 10 CRUISE SHIP SCHEDULE

September, 2008

9/2 Enchantment 7:00a.m.-2:00p.m.9/2 Fascination 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m.9/4 Majesty 8:15a.m.-6:00p.m.9/5 Imagination 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m.9/9 Fascination 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m.9/11 Majesty 8:15a.m.-6:00p.m.9/12 Enchantment 7:00a.m.-2:00p.m.9/16 Enchantment 7:00a.m.-2:00p.m.9/16 Fascination 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m.9/18 Majesty 8:15a.m.-6:00p.m.9/19 Imagination 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m.9/22 Destiny 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m.9/23 Imagination 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m.9/25 Majesty 8:15a.m.-6:00p.m.9/26 Enchantment 7:00a.m.-2:00p.m.9/30 Enchantment 7:00a.m.-2:00p.m.9/30 Imagination 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m.

October, 2008

10/1 Fascination 7:00a.m.-3:00p.m.10/2 Majesty 8:15a.m.-6:00p.m.10/3 Destiny 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m.10/5 Disney 11:30a.m.-7:45p.m.10/7 Imagination 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m.10/9 Majesty 8:15a.m.-6:00p.m.10/10 Enchantment 7:00a.m.-2:00p.m.10/14 Enchantment 7:00a.m.-2:00p.m.10/14 Imagination 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m.10/15 Fascination 7:00a.m.-3:00p.m.10/16 Majesty 8:15a.m.-6:00p.m.10/17 Destiny 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m.10/19 Disney 11:30a.m.-7:45p.m.10/21 Imagination 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m.10/23 Majesty 8:15a.m.-6:00p.m.10/24 Enchantment 7:00a.m.-2:00p.m.10/28 Enchantment 7:00a.m.-2:00p.m.10/28 Imagination 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m.10/29 Fascination 7:00a.m.-3:00p.m.10/30 Majesty 8:15a.m.-6:00p.m.10/31 Destiny 7:30a.m.-2:00p.m.