Chris Bailey Georgia Tech Research Institute. FalconView 4.1.1 – Currently Fielded FalconView...


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FalconView Open Source Inspired

FeaturesChris Bailey

Georgia Tech Research Institute

Understanding FalconView VersionsFalconView 4.1.1 – Currently Fielded

TalonView 4.1.1 – Fielded by NGA

FalconView 4.2.0 – Just completed Operational Test !

FalconView 4.2.1 – About to Enter FQT

FalconView Open Source 4.2.1 – Synched to Gov Version

FalconView 5.0 – Almost to “Beta” stage

Feature Matrix  PFPS 3.3.1

SP5 PFPS 4.0.1 PFPS 4.1.1 TalonView 4.1.1

FalconView Comercial

4.1.1PFPS 4.2 FalconView Open

Source (4.2.1)

Basic Map Handling / Printing

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

VVOD - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesPolar Charts - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesGeoTIFF DEM (LIDAR) - - Yes Yes Yes Yes YesGeoPDF Support - - - Yes Yes Yes YesECRG Support - - - - - Yes YesGeoJPEG2000 - - - - - Yes YesStreaming JPIP - - - - - Yes YesBasic Aircraft Route Planning

Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes -

Aircraft Route Calculation Yes Yes Yes - - Yes -

SQL Server Version None needed SQL Svr 2000 SQL Svr 2005 SQL Svr 2005 SQL Svr 2005 SQL Svr 2005 SQL Svr 2008 R2

Developer API support Ilayer2 ILayer3 ILayer3 ILayer3 ILayer3 ILayer3 IFVOverlayVista Support - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

64 bit compatible - - Manual InstallManual InstallManual InstallManual Install Yes

ArcGIS Data Viewing- -

Req ArcEngine 9.x

Req ArcGIS 9.x

Req ArcGIS 9.x

Req ArcGIS 9.x Req ArcGIS 9.x

ArcGIS Editing & Geoprocessing

- - - - -Req ArcGIS

9.x Req ArcGIS 9.x

Threat Overlay Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -Bird Dog Threat Feed Support

1.2 2 2.1 2.1 - 2.1 -

Tactical Graphics / Mil Std 2525

Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes -

Distributed Map Data Server - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

KML Support - - - - - - YesWMS Support - - - - - - YesLAN based Collaboration - - Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDAFIF Version Ed 8 Ed 7 Ed 8 Ed 8 Ed 8 Ed 8 -Favorite Tabs - - - - - Yes YesOriginal at:

Open Standards in FalconView

GDAL featuresGeographic Data Abstraction Library

Open Source Library (DLL) for reading and writing a wide variety of common data formats

Raster Formats (GeoTIFF, NITF, JPEG…) GDAL/OGR Vector Formats (Shape, GML,


FalconView 4.2.0 incorporated GDAL into the FalconView Imagelib for enhanced GeoTIFF support in the NITF overlay

FalconView 4.2.1 incorporated OGR into the GeoData Overlay

GDAL Capabilities Tactical Imagery Overlay picked up

capabilities for a number of new Raster FormatsBSB (Nautical Charts)EDRAS Imagine files

Web Mapping ServicesOpen Geospatial Consortium Standard

for serving raster map dataClient passes in geographic area and

desired layersServer returns raster (JPEG, PNG…)

Tile Map ServerSimilar to WMS but world is divided into

predefined rectanglesClient requests tiles of dataServer returns multiple image files

Weather WMS (Overlay) Available

Layers from WMS

Tiled WMS (cont)Multiple competing standards

TMS (Open Street Maps)WMS-C (Proposed Standard never

accepted)Tile-server (older World Wind Standard)WMTS (New OGC Standard)

All designed to lessen load server and allow client side caching.

4.2.1 Supports TMS, WMS-C and Tile Servers to create background maps

Open Street

Open Source map data (collected from open data suppliers)

Available for users to download for basically any use

Available via TMS server

Configured by default in FalconView OS 4.2.1

Tiled Map Types

GeoData OverlayReads a variety of Vector Data into

internal OGC Simple Features COM representation:KMLSHAPEFalconView DrawingsFalconView Local PointsFalconView DAFIF (5.0)Geo RSSGPXGML

KML example (reatime Earthquake info)

GeoRSSRSS (Real Simple

Syndication)WWW standard for

XML schema used to publish links to data

Typically data that is frequently updated such as News or Blogs

GeoRSS Extension to RSS to

include a geographical location along with the published data

<rss version="2.0" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:georss="">

<channel> <title>Garmin Connect -

chrisabailey</title> <description><![CDATA[Garmin

Connect RSS Feed]]></description>


<copyright>Copyright 1996-2009 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries</copyright>

<item> <title>West Stride 10M</title>




<category>training</category> <description>

<pubDate>Sat, 21 Aug 2010 07:36:24 -0400</pubDate>

<georss:point>33.8508558 -84.4296727</georss:point>


RSS Feed

GPXOpen Standard for

GPS dataXML FormatTrail pointsWaypoints Route Lines…

Common format produced by and read by GPS devices

SLDStylized Layer Descriptor

OGC Standard for “style sheets” for Geospatial data

Set of rules which describe how the application should draw Geospatial data

XML file contain one or more rules Each rule contains


SLD Example

RSS Icons and Labels formatted based on