CODEBOOK DOXA S-5810 (1958) fileDOXA S-5810 (1958) Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sul...


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Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sul Cambiamento Politico Università degli Studi di Siena Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche Giuridiche Politiche e Sociali Piazza S. Francesco 7 I-53100 SIENA


SURVEY INFORMATIONS SPONSOR: Dr. Luciano Dal Falco (Adm. Secr. of Christian Democratic Party) – Rome / L’Espresso – Rome / Gente - Milan ISSUE: Political Survey SAMPLE: Stratified random sample with substitutions POPULATION: Adult population (21 years and over) N. CASES: 2.161 POLLING INSTITUTE: DOXA SURVEY CODE: S-5810 DATE: 1958 SURVEY FILE NAME: DOXAS5810.SAV ORIGINAL DATA SOURCE: DPLS, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN ORIGINAL DATA CONDITIONS: ASCII RAW DATA FILE, CLEANED, MULTIPLE PUNCHES REMOVED


VAR001 NUMSURVEY NUMBER OF SURVEY VAR002 REGIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Piedmont Liguria Lombardy Trentino Alto Adige Venetia Venetia Julia Emilia Tuscany Marche Umbria Latium Abruzzi Campania Puglie Basilicata Calabria Sicily Sardinia

VAR003 CODREG Macro Regions 1. 2. 3. 4.

North Centre South Islands

VAR004 SIZECOMMUNES Sizes of communes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Up to 2,000 inhabitants 2,000 - 3,000 3,000 - 4,000 5,000 - 10,000 10,000 - 20,000


6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

20,000 - 30,000 30,000 - 50,000 50,000 - 100,000 100,000 - 250,000 Over 250,000

VAR005_A TYPEPROPAGANDA_1 Q.1 On these days the electoral campaign has started. Among various initiatives (meetings, posters, cinema, ecc) which were carried out during the last few days to influence and drive electors, which do you remember particularly? Type of propaganda remembered 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 10. 0.

No manifestation, nothing, don’t remember, have no time to follow Meetings Certain posters (indicated party and/or subject) Pamphlets, papers, various publications Speeches of activists Have seen murals (without indicating party or subject) Slogans, electoral programmes Documentary films Other types of electoral activity The electoral campaign has not yet started here Other answer No answer NAP

In questi giorni è iniziata la campagna elettorale. Tra le varie iniziative (comizi, manifesti, spettacoli cinematografici, ecc.) svolte in questi ultimi giorni per influenzare e orientare gli elettori, quale ricorda particolarmente? VAR005_B TYPEPROPAGANDA_2 Q.1 On these days the electoral campaign has started. Among various initiatives (meetings, posters, cinema, ecc) which were carried out during the last few days to influence and drive electors, which do you remember particularly? Type of propaganda remembered Coding see Var005_A VAR006_A PARTYREMEMBERED_1 Q.1 On these days the electoral campaign has started. Among various initiatives (meetings, posters, cinema, ecc) which were carried out during the last few days to influence and drive electors, which do you remember particularly? Party referred to by propaganda


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 10. 0.

PCI - Italian Comunist Party PSI - Italian Socialist Party PSDI - Italian Social Democratic Party PRI - Republican Party; Radical Party A certain person DC - Christian Democrats PLI - Liberal Party PMP - Popular Monarchic Party PNM - National Monarchic Party MSI - Italian Social Movement Other answer, other parties No reference to parties or persons NAP

VAR006_B PARTYREMEMBERED_2 Q.1 On these days the electoral campaign has started. Among various initiatives (meetings, posters, cinema, ecc) which were carried out during the last few days to influence and drive electors, which do you remember particularly? Party referred to by propaganda Coding see Var006_A VAR006_C PARTYREMEMBERED_3 Q.1 On these days the electoral campaign has started. Among various initiatives (meetings, posters, cinema, ecc) which were carried out during the last few days to influence and drive electors, which do you remember particularly? Party referred to by propaganda Coding see Var006_A VAR006_D PARTYREMEMBERED_4 Q.1 On these days the electoral campaign has started. Among various initiatives (meetings, posters, cinema, ecc) which were carried out during the last few days to influence and drive electors, which do you remember particularly? Party referred to by propaganda Coding see Var006_A VAR006_E PARTYREMEMBERED_5 Q.1 On these days the electoral campaign has started. Among various initiatives (meetings, posters, cinema, ecc) which were carried out during the last few days to influence and drive electors, which do you remember particularly? Party referred to by propaganda


Coding see Var006_A VAR007_A PROBLEMSLIST_1 Q.2 Among the problems listed on this card which are the two you should like to see solved first? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 10. 0.

Higher pensions Tax reduction Price reduction Agricultural grants School reform Put state concerns into private hands Construction of economic houses on the part of the State Reduction of state expenses Protection of property and private initiative Distribution of land to peasants State investiments for scientific and technical progress Higher grants for the unemployed No answer/NAP

Quali tra i problemi elencati su questo cartellino vorrebbe vedere risolti per primi? VAR007_B PROBLEMSLIST_2 Q.2 Among the problems listed on this card which are the two you should like to see solved first? Coding see Var007_A VAR007_C PROBLEMSLIST_3 Q.2 Among the problems listed on this card which are the two you should like to see solved first? Coding see Var007_A VAR007_D PROBLEMSLIST_4 Q.2 Among the problems listed on this card which are the two you should like to see solved first? Coding see Var007_A VAR007_E PROBLEMSLIST_5 Q.2 Among the problems listed on this card which are the two you should like to see solved first?


Coding see Var007_A VAR007_F PROBLEMSLIST_6 Q.2 Among the problems listed on this card which are the two you should like to see solved first? Coding see Var007_A VAR007_G PROBLEMSLIST_7 Q.2 Among the problems listed on this card which are the two you should like to see solved first? Coding see Var007_A VAR007_H PROBLEMSLIST_8 Q.2 Among the problems listed on this card which are the two you should like to see solved first? Coding see Var007_A VAR007_I PROBLEMSLIST_9 Q.2 Among the problems listed on this card which are the two you should like to see solved first? Coding see Var007_A VAR007_L PROBLEMSLIST_10 Q.2 Among the problems listed on this card which are the two you should like to see solved first? Coding see Var007_A VAR007_M PROBLEMSLIST_11 Q.2 Among the problems listed on this card which are the two you should like to see solved first? Coding see Var007_A VAR007_N PROBLEMSLIST_12 Q.2 Among the problems listed on this card which are the two you should like to see solved first? Coding see Var007_A


VAR008_A PARTLESSDEF_1 Q.3 Among the parties you know of, which has, in your opinion, less defects and faults? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 10. 0.

PCI PSI PSDI PRI Radical Party DC PLI PMP PNM MSI Refusal to answer Don’ t know, no answer Other qualified answer/NAP

Tra i partiti che Lei conosce, quale ha, secondo Lei, meno difetti e colpe? VAR008_B PARTLESSDEF_2 Q.3 Among the parties you know of, which has, in your opinion, less defects and faults? Coding see Var008_A VAR008_C PARTLESSDEF_3 Q.3 Among the parties you know of, which has, in your opinion, less defects and faults? Coding see Var008_A VAR008_D PARTLESSDEF_4 Q.3 Among the parties you know of, which has, in your opinion, less defects and faults? Coding see Var008_A VAR008_E PARTLESSDEF_5 Q.3 Among the parties you know of, which has, in your opinion, less defects and faults? Coding see Var008_A


VAR008_F PARTLESSDEF_6 Q.3 Among the parties you know of, which has, in your opinion, less defects and faults? Coding see Var008_A VAR008_G PARTLESSDEF_7 Q.3 Among the parties you know of, which has, in your opinion, less defects and faults? Coding see Var008_A VAR008_H PARTLESSDEF_8 Q.3 Among the parties you know of, which has, in your opinion, less defects and faults? Coding see Var008_A VAR008_I PARTLESSDEF_9 Q.3 Among the parties you know of, which has, in your opinion, less defects and faults? Coding see Var008_A VAR009 VOTEINTENTION Q.4 If elections were to be held tomorrow, would you know which party to vote for, or would you be undecided? 1. 2. 12. 10.

Should know Undecided Other answer Don’t know, no answer

Se le elezioni si tenessero domani, saprebbe per quale partito votare, oppure sarebbe indeciso? VAR010 DANGERAFTEREL Q.5 Do you think that after the next election a calm political period is going to start, or a period full of dangers and unpredictable events?


1. 2. 12. 10.

Calm period Full of danger and unpredictable events Other answer Don’t know, no answer

Lei pensa che dopo le prossime elezioni si aprirà un periodo politico tranquillo, o uno pieno di pericoli e di incognite? VAR011 US-RUSSIANEUTRAL Q.6 In your opinion, what is better for Italy: to remain closely bound to the US and the Western Block, to tie bonds of friendship (and cooperation) with Russia, or to be independent of the two blocks, to become neutral? 1. 2. 3. 12. 10.

Tied to the US Friendship with Russia Neutrality Other answer Don’t know, no answer

Secondo Lei, che cosa conviene di più all’Italia: restare saldamente agganciata all’America e al Blocco Occidentale, oppure stringere legami di amicizia e collaborazione con la Russia, o rendersi indipendente dai due blocchi, diventando neutrale? VAR012_A PARTYREINFORCED_1 Q.7 Which party would you like to see reinforced by the next election? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 10. 0.

PCI PSI PSDI PRI Radical Party DC PLI PMP PNM MSI Refusal to answer Don’t know, indifferent Other qualified answer/NAP

Quale partito vorrebbe che si rinforzasse nelle prossime elezioni?


VAR012_B PARTYREINFORCED_2 Q.7 Which party would you like to see reinforced by the next election? Coding see Var012_A VAR012_C PARTYREINFORCED_3 Q.7 Which party would you like to see reinforced by the next election? Coding see Var012_A VAR012_D PARTYREINFORCED_4 Q.7 Which party would you like to see reinforced by the next election? Coding see Var012_A VAR013 DCMAJORITY Q.8 Do you expect the Christian Democrats to obtain the absolute majority during the next elections? 1. 2. 3. 4. 12. 10.

Yes, certainly Yes, probably Probably not Certainly not Other answer Don’t know, no answer

Lei prevede che nelle prossime elezioni la D.C. otterrà la maggioranza assoluta? VAR014 DCGOVERNALONE Q.9 Let us suppose that DC gets more votes that the other parties during the next election. In Italy’s interest, should it govern by itself of together with other parties? 1. 2. 12. 10.

By itself With other parties Other answer Don’t know, no answer


Supponiamo che la DC ottenga nelle prossime elezioni più voti degli altri partiti. Nell’interesse dell’Italia, essa farebbe meglio a governare da sola, oppure insieme ad altri partiti? VAR015_A OTHERPARTY_1 Q.10 [If “with other parties” VAR014] With which parties should DC govern? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 10. 0.

PCI PSI PSDI PRI and Radicals Right wing parties Centre, or centre-left wing parties PLI PMP PNM MSI Other answer Don’t know, No Answer Left wing parties/NAP

[Se “con altri partiti” Q.9] Con quali partiti dovrebbe governare la D.C.? VAR015_B OTHERPARTY_2 Q.10 [If “with other parties” VAR014] With which parties should DC govern? Coding see Var015_A VAR015_C OTHERPARTY_3 Q.10 [If “with other parties” VAR014] With which parties should DC govern? Coding see Var015_A VAR015_D OTHERPARTY_4 Q.10 [If “with other parties” VAR014] With which parties should DC govern? Coding see Var015_A VAR015_E OTHERPARTY_5 Q.10 [If “with other parties” VAR014] With which parties should DC govern?


Coding see Var015_A VAR016_A PARTYNEARYOU_1 Q.11 On this card are listed the names of the main Italian parties. Could you indicate the Party - or possibly the two parties - which you feel ideolgically nearest to you? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 10. 0.

PCI PSI PSDI PRI Radical Party DC PLI PMP PNM MSI Other qualified answer Refuses to answer, don’t know Other qualified/NAP

Su questo cartellino sono elencati i nomi dei principali partiti italiani. Potrebbe indicare il partito - o eventualmente i due partiti - a cui Lei si sente idealmente più vicino? VAR016_B PARTYNEARYOU_2 Q.11 On this card are listed the names of the main Italian parties. Could you indicate the Party - or possibly the two parties - which you feel ideologically nearest to you? Coding see Var016_A VAR016_C PARTYNEARYOU_3 Q.11 On this card are listed the names of the main Italian parties. Could you indicate the Party - or possibly the two parties - which you feel ideologically nearest to you? Coding see Var016_A VAR016_D PARTYNEARYOU_4 Q.11 On this card are listed the names of the main Italian parties. Could you indicate the Party - or possibly the two parties - which you feel ideologically nearest to you? Coding see Var016_A


VAR017_A SOCIALISTS_1 Q.12 [If the PSI is indicated to Q.11, VAR016_A TO VAR016_D] - Would you prefer the Italian Socialist Party to cooperate closely with the communists, or rather with the social-democrats, or with the Radical and Republican parties, or would you like it to act independently? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 9. 10. 0.

Cooperation with PCI Cooperation with PSDI Cooperation with Radicals and PRI Independent With DC With other parties Don’t know, no answer Not asked NAP

Lei preferirebbe che il P.S.I. collaborasse strettamente con i comunisti, o piuttosto coi socialdemocratici, o col Partito Radicale ed il Partito Repubblicano, o vorrebbe che agisse in modo indipendente? VAR017_B SOCIALISTS_2 Q.12 [If the PSI is indicated to Q.11, VAR016_A to VAR016_D] - Would you prefer the Italian Socialist Party to cooperate closely with the communists, or rather with the social-democrats, or with the Radical and Republican parties, or would you like it to act independently? Coding see Var017_A VAR017_C SOCIALISTS_3 Q.12 [If the PSI is indicated to Q.11, VAR016_A to VAR016_D] - Would you prefer the Italian Socialist Party to cooperate closely with the communists, or rather with the social-democrats, or with the Radical and Republican parties, or would you like it to act independently? Coding see Var017_A VAR018_A PSDI_1 Q.13 [if PSDI is indicated to Q.12, VAR017_A to VAR017_C] And would you prefer that the PSDI cooperated strictly with PSI or rather with DC, or with other parties, or that it acted independently? 1. 2.

With PSI With DC


3. 4. 5. 9. 10.

Independent With PRI With other parties Don’t know Not asked/NAP

Lei preferirebbe che il P.S.D.I. collaborasse strettamente col P.S.I., o piuttosto con la D.C., o con altri partiti, o che agisse in modo indipendente? VAR018_B PSDI_2 Q.13 [if PSDI is indicated to Q.12, VAR017_A to VAR017_C] And would you prefer that the PSDI cooperated strictly with PSI or rather with DC, or with other parties, or that it acted independently? Coding see Var018_A VAR018_C PSDI_3 Q.13 [if PSDI is indicated to Q.12, VAR017_A to VAR017_C] And would you prefer that the PSDI cooperated strictly with PSI or rather with DC, or with other parties, or that it acted independently? Coding see Var018_A VAR019_A DCCURRENTS_1 Q.14 [if DC is indicated to Q.11 VAR016_A to VAR016_D] Among DC leaders there are various tendencies and currents. In your opinion, which currents or which persons should prevail, in the best interest of the country? Trend 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Indifferent Left wing or central-left Central Right wing or central-right Other answers concerning the trend

Persons 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 10. 0.

Pella Fanfani Andreotti Other answers concerning persons Don’t know, I am not able to answer Not asked NAP

Fra i dirigenti della D.C. vi sono varie tendenze o correnti. Secondo Lei, di quali correnti, o di quali persone sarebbe desiderabile la prevalenza, nell’interesse superiore del Paese?


VAR019_B DCCURRENTS_2 Q.14 [if DC is indicated to Q.11 VAR016_A to VAR016_D] Among DC leaders there are various tendencies and currents. In your opinion, which currents or which persons should prevail, in the best interest of the country? Coding see Var019_A VAR019_C DCCURRENTS_3 Q.14 [if DC is indicated to Q.11 VAR016_A to VAR016_D] Among DC leaders there are various tendencies and currents. In your opinion, which currents or which persons should prevail, in the best interest of the country? Coding see Var019_A VAR019_D DCCURRENTS_4 Q.14 [if DC is indicated to Q.11 VAR016_A to VAR016_D] Among DC leaders there are various tendencies and currents. In your opinion, which currents or which persons should prevail, in the best interest of the country? Coding see Var019_A VAR020 DCPOSITION Q.15 In your opinion, should DC be a central-left, central, or central-right party? 1. 2. 3. 12. 11. 10.

Central-left Central Central-right Other answer Don’t understand the question Don’t know

Secondo Lei, la DC dovrebbe essere un partito di centro-sinistra, di centro, o di centro-destra? VAR021_A NATIONALPRIORITY_1 Q.16 Please look at this card, on which some important national issues are indicated. Of them which are the three you feel ought to be first by the next administration?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 10. 0.

Land reform Struggle against state and public monopolies Struggle against private monopolies Indipendence of Magistracy Struggle against delinquency Relationship between State and Church Reform of bureaucracy Reduction of public expenses Motor-ways, railways, traffic safety Abolition of inverified bonds (titoli nominali) Struggle against unemployment Indicate No Issue Other issue/NAP

La prego di esaminare questo cartellino, su cui sono indicati alcuni importanti problemi nazionali. Quali tre pensa che debbano essere affrontati per primi nella prossima legislatura? VAR021_B NATIONALPRIORITY_2 Q.16 Please look at this card, on which some important national issues are indicated. Of them which are the three you feel ought to be first by the next administration? Coding see Var021_A VAR021_C NATIONALPRIORITY_3 Q.16 Please look at this card, on which some important national issues are indicated. Of them which are the three you feel ought to be first by the next administration? Coding see Var021_A VAR021_D NATIONALPRIORITY_4 Q.16 Please look at this card, on which some important national issues are indicated. Of them which are the three you feel ought to be first by the next administration? Coding see Var021_A VAR021_E NATIONALPRIORITY_5 Q.16 Please look at this card, on which some important national issues are indicated. Of them which are the three you feel ought to be first by the next administration? Coding see Var021_A VAR021_F NATIONALPRIORITY_6


Q.16 Please look at this card, on which some important national issues are indicated. Of them which are the three you feel ought to be first by the next administration? Coding see Var021_A VAR021_G NATIONALPRIORITY_7 Q.16 Please look at this card, on which some important national issues are indicated. Of them which are the three you feel ought to be first by the next administration? Coding see Var021_A VAR021_H NATIONALPRIORITY_8 Q.16 Please look at this card, on which some important national issues are indicated. Of them which are the three you feel ought to be first by the next administration? Coding see Var021_A VAR021_I NATIONALPRIORITY_9 Q.16 Please look at this card, on which some important national issues are indicated. Of them which are the three you feel ought to be first by the next administration? Coding see Var021_A VAR021_L NATIONALPRIORITY_10 Q.16 Please look at this card, on which some important national issues are indicated. Of them which are the three you feel ought to be first by the next administration? Coding see Var021_A VAR021_M NATIONALPRIORITY_11 Q.16 Please look at this card, on which some important national issues are indicated. Of them which are the three you feel ought to be first by the next administration? Coding see Var021_A VAR022 GOVERNAPPROVAL


Q.17 Which of the following phrases expresses best your opinion on the government’s activity during the last five years? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 12. 10.

I absolutely approve of its activity On the whole it acted well enough Acted poorly, although without making too many errors Made quite a number of avoidable mistakes Completely disapprove of the government’s activity Other answer Don’t Know

Quale delle seguenti proposizioni esprime meglio la Sua opinione sull’operato del Governo negli ultimi cinque anni? VAR023 ZOLIGOVAPPROVAL Q.18 Which of the following phrases expresses best your opinion on Zoli’s government? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 12. 10.

Fully approve his activity On the whole he acted rather well Acted poorly although without making too many errors Made quite a number of avoidable mistakes I completely disapprove of this policy Other answer Don’t Know

Quali delle seguenti proposizioni esprime megli la Sua opinione sul Governo Zoli? VAR024 DCMAJORITY Q.19 Somebody says that, if DC is going to obtain the absolute majority (that is to say obtain the seats in Parliament) in the next election, during the next five years there will be a stable and efficient government. Do you agree with this opinion? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 12. 10.

Fully agree Agree Don’t agree Don’t agree by any means Agree, with reserve Don’t agree, with reserve Other answer Don’t know, I am uncertain


Qualcuno dice che se la D.C. otterà nelle elezioni la maggioranza assoluta (cioè oltre metà dei seggi al Parlamento), si avrà nei prossimi cinque anni un governo stabile ed efficiente. Lei è d’accordo con questa opinione? VAR025 OPINIONDC Q.20 Many electors hope that during the next election DC gets the absolute majority, while others fear this possibility; others are indifferent. In your impression, which of the phrases written on this card, or which other phrase, most agrees with the attitude of your friends and acquaintances? My acquaintances think that: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 12. 10.

No matter what the returns are, things will not change in Italy An absolute majority of DC would ensure a long peaceful period for Italy An absolute majority of DC presents more advantages than disadavantages An absolute majority of DC presents more disadvantages than adavantages An absolute majority would induce DC to abuse of its power Other answer Don’t know, not interested

Molti elettori sperano che nelle prossime elezioni la DC conquisti la maggioranza assoluta, mentre altri temono tale eventualità; altri ancora la considerano con indifferenza. Secondo la sua impressione, quale fra le proposizioni scritte su questo cartellino, o quale altra proposizione, corrisponde meglio al modo di pensare dei Suoi amici? I miei conoscenti ritengono che : VAR026 FOREIGNCATHOLICS Q.21 Some people assert that German, English and American Catholics are better, in a religious sense, because they are obliged to defend themselves from many religious groups. Do you share this opinion, or do you explain the superiority of German, English and American catholics in some other way, or do you not believe in this superiority? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 12.

English, German and American Catholics are better because they are obliged to defend themselves Not true that they are better than Italian Catholics I never thought about it, don’t know Are better for other reasons (without indication ) Are better for other reasons (indicate) Other Answer

Qualcuno afferma che i cattolici tedeschi, inglesi e americani sono, per zelo religioso, migliori perché costretti a difendersi da molti gruppi religiosi. Lei condivide questa opinione, oppure spiega altrimenti la superiorità dei cattolici tedeschi, inglesi e americani, o infine non crede a tale superiorità. VAR027 CLERGYTV


Q.22 The participation of the clergy in the discussion of moral and political problems is much discussed. I should like to know whether, in the cases below, the clergy should not deal with thease problems. TV PROGRAMMES 1. 2. 3. 10.

Clergy must express judgement Clergy is entitled to express opinions Must not interfere Don’t know

Si discute molto della partecipazione del clero alla discussione pubblica dei problemi morali e politici. Vorrei sapere se Lei crede che, nei casi sotto indicati, il clero abbia il dovere oppure il diritto di intervenire nella discussione con dichiarazioni pubbliche, o se pensa invece che il clero non debba occuparsi dei vari problemi. VAR028 CLERGYFILM Q.22 The participation of the clergy in the discussion of moral and political problems is much discussed. I should like to know whether, in the cases below, the clergy should not deal with thease problems. CONTENT OF FILMS 1. 2. 3. 10.

Clergy must express opinions Clergy has the right to express opinions Must not intervene Don’t know

VAR029 CLERGYSCHOOL Q.22 The participation of the clergy in the discussion of moral and political problems is much discussed. I should like to know whether, in the cases below, the clergy should not deal with thease problems. SCHOOL CURRICULA 1. 2. 3. 10.

Clergy must express opinions Clergy has the right to express opinions Must not intervene Don’t know

VAR030 CLERGYTRADEUNION Q.22 The participation of the clergy in the discussion of moral and political problems is much discussed. I should like to know whether, in the cases below, the clergy should not deal with thease problems. TRADE UNION QUESTIONS


1. 2. 3. 10.

Clergy must express opinions Clergy has the right to express opinions Must not intervene Don’t know

VAR031 CLERGYCIVMARRIAGE Q.22 The participation of the clergy in the discussion of moral and political problems is much discussed. I should like to know whether, in the cases below, the clergy should not deal with thease problems. CIVIL MARRIAGES 1. 2. 3. 10.

Clergy must express opinions Clergy has the right to express opinions Must not intervene Don’t know

VAR032 CLERGYPRIVATELIFE Q.22 The participation of the clergy in the discussion of moral and political problems is much discussed. I should like to know whether, in the cases below, the clergy should not deal with thease problems. PRIVATE LIFE OF CATHOLICS IN GENERAL 1. 2. 3. 10.

Clergy must express opinions Clergy has the right to express opinions Must not intervene Don’t know

VAR033 CLERGYPOLITICS Q.22 The participation of the clergy in the discussion of moral and political problems is much discussed. I should like to know whether, in the cases below, the clergy should not deal with thease problems. INTERNAL POLITICS 1. 2. 3. 10.

Clergy must express opinions Clergy has the right to express opinions Must not intervene Don’t know



Q.23 When speaking about Resistance (that is the struggle against Fascists and Germans during the last war), different opinions are to be heard. On this card are listed various attitudes, partly in favour and partly against Resistance. Which of these opinions, or which other opinion, is nearer to your personal attitude? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10. 11. 12.

Resistance saved Italy’s honour during the war Resistance helped Italy, despite its negative aspects In Resistance the negative aspect equals the positive There have been heroic acts during Resistance, but the negative side is prevailing Resistance was not honourable for Italy I know nothing about Resistance I refuse to answer Other opinions not implying a judgement

Quando si parla della Resistenza (cioè della lotta contro i Fascisti e i Tedeschi nell’ultima guerra) si sentono giudizi disparati. In questo cartellino sono elencati vari giudizi, in parte favorevoli e in parte sfavorevoli, sulla Resistenza. Quale di questi giudizi, o quale altro giudizio, corrisponde meglio alla Sua Opinione? VAR035 OILOWNERSHIP Q.24 In connection with oil research in Italy opinions are very different. Some would like to hand them over exclusively to the State or by-State organizations, others feel that the allotment of fields should be given extensively to Italian and foreign companies. Which of the phrases written on this card, or which other phrase is nearer to your opinion? 1. 2. 3. 12. 11.10.

Reserve all oil research for State and by-State organization Allot research areas to the State and to private companies according to the means of each company Allot research areas mostly to private companies Other solution Don’t know the problem, I am not able to answer Don’t Know

A proposito delle ricerche petrolifere in Italia le opinioni sono molto diverse. Alcuni vorrebbero riservarle esclusivamente allo Stato o ad enti parastatali, altri preferirebbero che l’assegnazione delle zone di ricerca venisse fatta con larghezza a società italiane e straniere. Quale, fra le proposizioni scritte su questo cartellino, o quale altra proposizione, corrisponde meglio alla Sua opinione? VAR036 WHYANSWER Q.25 Why did you give this answer to the previous question?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 10.

Private enterprise is better, more efficient, more dynamic, there is less bureaucracy; I am in favour of private entreprise Research work would be more intense; greater chances of finding oil; better exploitation of resources; competition in looking for oil The State should profit; products must go to the community; underground riches are for all; the benefit should go to all Have greater means, greater possibilities for research, capital; great means are needed to exploit the underground; greater technical guarantees Struggle against private monopolies This is, in my mind, the best solution; it is better like that; the just, safest solution The State is not in a position to carry out research; cannot do alone, has not the means These offer better working conditions, higher pays, better treatment for personnel Not to favour foreign interests; to defend Italian interests; Italian riches must remain in Italy To defend private companies’ interests; it is right that they too should be enabled to carry out research Other answers No answer

Perché ha risposto così alla domanda precedente? VAR037 SEX Sex 1. 2.

Male Female

Sesso VAR038 AGE Age in classes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Up to 21 years 22 23 24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 and more



VAR039 OCCUPATIONINTERV Interviewee’s profession or occupation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10.

Employer, manager, professional, businessman Farmer Agricultural wage-earners Artisan Worker, labourer White collar, agent Housewife Students, other non-professional conditions No answer

Professione od occupazione dell ’ intervistato VAR040 OCCUPHEADFAMILY Head of the family’s profession or occupation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Employer, manager, professional, businessman Farmer Agricultural wage-earners Artisan Worker, labourer White collar, agent Housewife Students, other non-professional conditions

Professione od occupazione del capo di famiglia VAR041 SES Social Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Upper Upper middle Middle Lower middle Lower

Classe sociale


VAR042 EDUCATION Schooling 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

No schooling or elementary classes Vocational school Lower secondary school Higher secondary University, higher institute

Educazione VAR043 TIMEINTERVIEW Time spent for interview 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 10.

Up to 15 minutes 16-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66-85 86-105 106-125 Over 125 No answer

