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  • Configuracin e instalacin MxK

    Procedimiento de configuracin e instalacin MxK

    Procedimiento de configuracin e instalacin MxK Zhone


    En este documento se muestra la configuracin, comandos de entrada y mensajes de salida va Interfaz de lnea de comandos (CLI).

    Los parmetros aqu configurados son la base para poner en servicio el MxK de zhone esto es, Gestin, envo de Traps de alarmas, configuracin de la tarjeta de uplink contra la red MPLS, etc.

    Los comandos se muestran con letra azul y los parmetros que se deben modificar segn el nodo se muestran en color verde.

    La versin de software es MXK, aqu se muestra la configuracin para el video en capa 2 y el modelo de gestin de ONTs con Smart OMCI y para ONT 24XX con DOMCI

    ZMS Versin 2.3

    Enmarcado lo que debe hacer Mesa de Configuracin

    Creacin 27/03/2013

    Confidencial Pgina 1 de 31

  • Configuracin e instalacin MxK

    Procedimiento de configuracin e instalacin MxK

    Informacin del Documento:

    Preparado por: Rodrigo Jaramillo Fecha ultima modificacin: 13-06-2013

    Revisado por: Fecha de Revisin:

    Aprobado por: Fecha de Aprobacin:


    Para: Accin (*) Fecha de Activacin Fecha de Vencimiento

    (*) Tipos de accin: Aprobacin, Revisin, Archivar, Accin requerida, Asistencia a reunin, Otras (por favor especificar)


    Versin: Seccin que cambian: Descripcin de la Modificacin: Fecha:

    2.0 Se modifica documento para versin de MXK 1.163.0 Se cambia mtodo de configuracin y aprovisionamiento

    ONTs de flat OMCI a Smart OMCISe modifica VLAN de servicio VoIP a 3871Se cambian reglas de velocidades de acuerdo a planes existentes 10, 15, 30 y 100Mbps


    4.0 Verificado upgrade a 2-1-3-121 28-01-20114.4 Se agrega modificacin de umbral potencia ptica 18-04-20117.1 Se modifica creacin Bridge de Voz, nueva versin Mxk 22-8-20127.7 Versin anterior 7.6 -Se agrega SYSLOG Server

    -Corrige DIGIT MAP del 7.6-Se saco una red de la lista de acceso-Se agrega paso faltante del activacin de log-Se agrega comando para chequeo de tiempo de registros ONT.-Modificacion simples de formato


    7.8 Versin anterior 7.7 - Se agrega forma para agregar puerta optica al linkaa de MxK


    7.9 Versin anterior 7.8 - Se agrega canal de control en 1/1031 para widgets minerva- Se agrega comando consulta DigiMap o Dial Plan


    8.0 Versin anterior 7.9 - Modificacin de Digimap 24-10-20128.1 Versin anterior 8.0 Se modifica configuracion syslog

    Se agregan nuevas Velocidades de Bajada y Subida (GTP y Rule)

    Se saca confguracion de CPE Manager para ONT 2426


    Creacin 27/03/2013

    Confidencial Pgina 2 de 31

  • Configuracin e instalacin MxK

    Procedimiento de configuracin e instalacin MxK

    8.2 Versin anterior 8.1 - Nuevo release MXK 15-02-20128.3 Versin anterior 8.2 Habilitacion Segundo NTP Sever

    Configuracion LACP Switch Huawe 5300IP Server Voip IP Zonales SIP ProxyActualizacin Dial Plan


    8.4 Versin anterior 8.3 Actualizacin Dial Plan Voz MasivoDial Plan Voz CentrexActualizacion Canales ControlActualizacion VOIP Server ONT 25xxNuevo Software ONT 24xxAnexo Canales de Control


    Creacin 27/03/2013

    Confidencial Pgina 3 de 31

  • 1. Instalacin MxK y OLT.

    1.1. Caractersticas fsicas.

    Marca: Zhone TechnologiesModelo: MxK 819Dimensiones: 19 pulgadas de ancho, Altura de 8U.Capacidad de tarjetas: 14 tarjetas de lnea y 2 tarjetas controladoras.Alimentacin: -48Vcc (-41,75 a -60 Vcc).Potencia: 1200 Wmax.BTUmax 4096.96142Corriente: 28Amax.

    Consumo Chassis 58WConsumo Uplink 4xGe 80WConsumo GPON x 4OLT 50W

    1.2. Consola.

    El puerto de consola se debe configurar a 9600 8N1, sin control de flujo, esto es:

    Baud rate: 9600 Data bits: 8 Stop bit: 1 Parity: NoneFlow control: XON/XOFF

    1.3. Montaje

    El equipo cuenta con los soportes para rackear, por lo que solo se debe disponer de un destornillador y proceder al montaje como se muestra:

  • 1.4. Energa.

    Los cables de energa se deben conectar en la bornera bajo la rejilla de aire siguiendo los smbolos mas y menos (+ y -).

    Usar cable 10 AWG para una distancia de 7,6 metros o menor. Usar fusible de 35 A. Mximo.


    1.5. Instalacin de la OLT.

    La OLT se debe instalar en uno de los slots disponibles en el MxK, siguiendo el riel gua e insertando con cuidado hasta el final. Luego se debe subir el seguro y atornillar como se muestra en la figura.

    Las tarjetas de Uplink debern estar insertadas en los Slots exclusivos para esto (a y b).La OLT deber instalarse en el Slot 1.

  • 2. Configuracin MxK y OLT va CLI.

    2.1. Actualizacin de firmware (MXK y ONTs, agregar auto-upgrade)

    La versin de software del MXK debe ser MXK> swversion Zhone mxUp8G software version MXK

    Si no tiene esta versin, actualizar como sigue:

    (Configurar una ip en la puerta elctrica y en el PC de la misma red (en este caso el PC con la /MXK/ , se debe activar un servidor TFTP en el PC).

    Agregar una direccin IP en la puerta 10/100 del MXK

    interface add 1-a-1-0/eth ip-interface-record ethernet1-1/ip.

    Levantar puertaDesactivar auto.

    Verificar carpetazSH> pwd/card1

    Realizar la descarga de los archivos al MxK.

    zSH> image download /MXK/ image download to: /card1/mxlc4gp.binImage download successfulzSH> image download /MXK/ image download to: /card1/mxup8g.binImage download successfulzSH> image download /MXK/ download to: /card1/mxup8graw.binImage download successful

    zSH> image flash mxup8graw.bin 1WARNING: This operation will overwrite the boot partition of the ACTIVE and STANDBY flash disk in port 1.Continue? (yes or no) [no] yesImage flash successful

    NOTA: si el uplink es 4xGe el archivo binario debe ser:Mxup4g.binMxup4graw.bin

    2.2. Cambiamos la regin a Chile

    zSH> update system countryregion = chile 0system 0voice-system profile not updated for chilePlease remember to set country's pulse dialing parameters in voice-system profile.

    chile uses a different PCM encoding type (ALAW) from us (MULAW).Please reboot the system for this change to take effect.

    Record updated.

  • Reiniciamos el MxKzSH> systemreboot

    Do you want to reboot the system? (yes or no) [no] yes

    Do you want to exit from this request? (yes or no) [yes] no

    Are you sure? (yes or no) [no] yes


    Cards 1: MXK 4 PORT GPON (NOT_PROV)

    Verificamos la versionMxK> swversionZhone mxUp8G software version MXK

    2.3. Activar tarjetas e interfaces

    Poner el uplink en el grupo 1

    Para tener redundancia en las tarjetas de Uplink es necesario que ambas esten en el mismo grupo (grupo 1)

    zSH> update card-profile 1/a/10101 card-profile 1/a/10101sw-file-name: -----------> {mxup8g.bin}admin-status: -----------> {operational}upgrade-sw-file-name: ---> {}upgrade-vers: -----------> {}admin-status-enable: ----> {enable}sw-upgrade-admin: -------> {reloadcurrrev}sw-enable: --------------> {true}sw-upgrade-enable: ------> {false}card-group-id: ----------> {1}hold-active: ------------> {false}weight: -----------------> {nopreference}card-line-type: ---------> {unknowntype}card-atm-configuration: -> {notapplicable}card-line-voltage: ------> {not-used}maxvpi-maxvci: ----------> {notapplicable}card-init-string: -------> {}wetting-current: --------> {disabled}pwe-timing-mode: --------> {none}

  • Activar el slot b para redundancia (solo si aplica)

    zSH> new card-profile 1/b/10101 card-profile 1/a/10101sw-file-name: -----------> {mxup8g.bin}admin-status: -----------> {operational}upgrade-sw-file-name: ---> {}upgrade-vers: -----------> {}admin-status-enable: ----> {enable}sw-upgrade-admin: -------> {reloadcurrrev}sw-enable: --------------> {true}sw-upgrade-enable: ------> {false}card-group-id: ----------> {0}1hold-active: ------------> {false}weight: -----------------> {nopreference}card-line-type: ---------> {unknowntype}card-atm-configuration: -> {notapplicable}card-line-voltage: ------> {not-used}maxvpi-maxvci: ----------> {notapplicable}card-init-string: -------> {}wetting-current: --------> {disabled}pwe-timing-mode: --------> {none}....................Save new record? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: sNew record saved.

    zSH> slots

    MXK 819


    Cards 2: MXK 4 PORT GPON (NOT_PROV)

    Verificar redundancia (solo si aplica)

    zSH> showredundancy Redundancy status for card 01: a - Safe, all services have redundant peers01: a is active storage01: b is standby storage

    Forzar las Puertas de UPLINK a 1000Mbps Full Duplex y Activar LACP

    LACP deber estar activado solo en la puerta 2 de la tarjeta Uplink, si la tarjeta activa falla pasara toda su configuracin a la tarjeta stand-by (incluida la configuracin de LACP en la puerta 2)

    zSH> update ether autonegstatus = disabled autonegcap = b1000baseTFD 1-a-2-0/ethether 1-a-2-0/ethRecord updated.zSH> update ether autonegstatus = disabled autonegcap = b1000baseTFD 1-b-2-0/eth (si aplica)

    zSH> linkagg update link 1-a-2-0/eth activeWarning: this command will similarly update the aggregationMode of every link which is in an aggregation with this link, as well as any redundant peers.Also, changing a link from on or off to active or passive will put the link into an aggregation if it is not in one.Do you want to continue? [yes] or [no]: yeszSH> linkagg update link 1-b-2-0/eth active (Para agregar puerta 2 del SLOT B al lag- si aplica)

  • Para agregar puerta 3 del slot a al lag. (EN CASO NECESARIO)zSH> update ether autonegstatus = disabled autonegcap = b1000baseTFD 1-a-3-0/ethzSH> linkagg update link 1-a-3-0/eth active (Para agregar puerta 3 del slot a al lag)zSH> update if-translate adminstatus = up 1-a-3-0/eth

    Verificar estado de LACP

    zSH> linkagg showLinkAggregations:slot unit ifName partner: Sys Pri grp ID admin numLinks----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a 1 1-a-1-0 00:04:96:27:92:c9 0x0 0x3ed up 1 links slot port subport state admin ------------------------------------------------------------- 1-a-2-0 a 2 0 UP upb 1 1-b-1-0 0x0 0x0 up 1 links slot port subport state admin ------------------------------------------------------------- 1-b-2-0 b 2 0 DN up

    La interfaz cambia de nombre a 1-a-1-0 pues es el LAG 1 (1-a-1-0/linkagg) no confundir con interfaz 1-a-1-0/eth que es el primer puerto Ethernet de la controladora.

    Activar linkagg en el switch (extreme)>enable sharing 5 grouping 5 lacp , Habilita LAC con la puerta 5 como master>configure sharing 5 add ports 6 , agrega la puerta 6 al grupo lag 5

    Activar linkagg en el switch (Huawei) 5624 [VLDV-NBLA-D2-HW01-MPL]link-aggregation group 5 mode static [VLDV-NBLA-D2-HW01-MPL]int g 1/0/5 [VLDV-NBLA-D2-HW01-MPL-GigabitEthernet1/0/5]port link-aggregation group 5[VLDV-NBLA-D2-HW01-MPL-GigabitEthernet1/0/6]port link-aggregation group 5

    Activar linkagg en el switch (Huawei) 5300

    interface Eth-Trunk 1 port link-type trunk port trunk allow-pass vlan trust 8021p bpdu enable stp disable mode lacp-staticdescription

    Interfaz gigabitethernet 0/0/1-2 (Puerta Switch donde conecta MXK)undo ndp enablebpdu disableundo ntdp enablespeed 1000port link-type trunkundo port default vlantrust 8021peth-trunk 1description

  • Revisar Procedimiento Conf_SW_Dis_Huawei_5300_MPLS_v1.3.doc

    5 : es la puerta master6 : es la segunda puerta del lag

    Aprovisionamiento de la tarjeta OLT

    zSH> slots 1MXK 819 Type : MXK 4 PORT GPONCard Version : 800-02586-03-AEEPROM Version : 1Serial # : 3462679CLEI Code : No CLEI Card-Profile ID : 1/2/10205Shelf : 1Slot : 1ROM Version : MXK 2.0.100Software Version: unavailableState : NOT_PROVMode : NONEHeartbeat check : enabledHeartbeat resp : 0Heartbeat late : 0Hbeat seq error : 0Hbeat longest : 0Fault reset : enabledPower fault mon : not supported

    new card-profile 1/1/10205 1 : N Slot

    Todos los parametros quedan por defectoEl tipo de tarjeta (card-line-type) debe quedar como desconocido (unknowntype)card-profile 1/1/10205Please provide the following: [q]uit.sw-file-name: -----------> {mxlc4gp.bin}: admin-status: -----------> {operational}: upgrade-sw-file-name: ---> {}: upgrade-vers: -----------> {}: admin-status-enable: ----> {enable}: sw-upgrade-admin: -------> {reloadcurrrev}: sw-enable: --------------> {true}: sw-upgrade-enable: ------> {false}: card-group-id: ----------> {0}: hold-active: ------------> {false}: weight: -----------------> {nopreference}: card-line-type: ---------> {unknowntype}: card-atm-configuration: -> {notapplicable}: card-line-voltage: ------> {not-used}: maxvpi-maxvci: ----------> {notapplicable}: card-init-string: -------> {}: wetting-current: --------> {disabled}: pwe-timing-mode: --------> {none}: ....................Save new record? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: s

    zSH> FEB 21 16:31:32: notice : 1/a/12 : shelfctrl: Card in slot 1 changed state to RUNNING.FEB 21 16:31:34: alert : 1/1/1025: alarm_mgr: 01: 1:01 Critical OLT Up Line 1/1/1/0/gponolt CAUSE: activeNew record saved.zSH> get card-profile 1/1/10205card-profile 1/1/10205sw-file-name: -----------> {mxlc4gp.bin}admin-status: -----------> {operational}upgrade-sw-file-name: ---> {}

  • upgrade-vers: -----------> {}admin-status-enable: ----> {enable}sw-upgrade-admin: -------> {reloadcurrrev}sw-enable: --------------> {true}sw-upgrade-enable: ------> {false}card-group-id: ----------> {0}hold-active: ------------> {false}weight: -----------------> {nopreference}card-line-type: ---------> {unknowntype}card-atm-configuration: -> {notapplicable}card-line-voltage: ------> {not-used}maxvpi-maxvci: ----------> {notapplicable}card-init-string: -------> {}wetting-current: --------> {disabled}pwe-timing-mode: --------> {none}


    2.4. Gestin del MXK

    Agregamos la IP de gestin en la puerta giga del MxK y la ruta esttica para llegar al ZMS.

    interface add 1-a-2-0/eth vlan 4006 cos 7 tosOrig 7 ip-interface-record ethernet2-4006/ip.

    Nota : La IP corresponde a la IP asignada al nodo

    route add 1Nota : La IP corresponde al GW de gestin (En el agregador MPLS)MxK> ping 64 data bytes!!---- PING Statistics----2 packets transmitted, 2 packets receivedround-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 0/0/0

    Agregar la VLAN de gestion (4006) en las puertas correspondientes del switch

    Lo mismo las dems rutas estticas.

    route add 1route add 1route add 1route add 1route add 1route add 1route add 1route add 1

    Nota : La IP corresponde al GW de gestin (En el agregador MPLS)

    1. Permitimos el acceso por Telnet a las siguientes redes.

    new port-access portNumber = 23 srcAddr = netMask = 1new port-access portNumber = 23 srcAddr = netMask = 2new port-access portNumber = 23 srcAddr = netMask = 3

  • new port-access portNumber = 23 srcAddr = netMask = 4new port-access portNumber = 23 srcAddr = netMask = 5new port-access portNumber = 23 srcAddr = netMask = 6new port-access portNumber = 23 srcAddr = netMask = 10

    Creamos la comunidad para gestin y el trap-destination.

    new community-profile 1community-profile 1Please provide the following: [q] -----> {}: 9df8322k67permissions: --------> {read}: readandwriteaccess-table-index: -> {0}: ....................Save new record? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: sNew record saved.

    new trap-destination 1Please provide the following: [q]uit.trapdestination: -------> {}: ---------> {}: 9df8322k67resendseqno: -----------> {0}:ackedseqno: ------------> {0}:traplevel: -------------> {low}:traptype: --------------> {0}:trapadminstatus: -------> {enabled}:gatewaytrapserveraddr: -> {none}: ....................Save new record? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: sNew record saved.

    new trap-destination 2Please provide the following: [q]uit.trapdestination: -------> {}: ---------> {}: 9df8322k67resendseqno: -----------> {0}:ackedseqno: ------------> {0}:traplevel: -------------> {low}:traptype: --------------> {0}:trapadminstatus: -------> {enabled}:gatewaytrapserveraddr: -> {none}: ....................Save new record? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: sNew record saved.

    new syslog-destination 5syslog-destination 8Please provide the following: [q]uit.address: --> {}: -----> {514}: facility: -> {local0}:local1severity: -> {debug}: warning....................Save new record? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: sNew record saved.

    Editamos el servidor NTP pre-configurado en el MxK.

    zSH> showdatetime Current Time: FRI OCT 10 16:46:04 2008

    update ntp-client-config 0Please provide the following: [q]uit.primary-ntp-server-ip-address: ---> {}: -> {}:

  • local-timezone: ------------------> {gmt}: atlanticdaylight-savings-time: -----------> {false}: true....................Save changes? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: sRecord updated.

    zSH> showdatetime Current Time: FRI OCT 10 12:48:44 2008

    1. Activacin LOG del MXKupdateuser adminUpdating access levels for user (admin)

    Please provide the following: [q]uit.admin: -------> {yes}: debug: -------> {no}: yesvoice: -------> {yes}: data: --------> {yes}: manuf: -------> {yes}: database: ----> {yes}: systems: -----> {yes}: tool: --------> {yes}: useradmin: ---> {yes}: Save changes? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: sUser record updated.9999-LABO> exitlogin:

    login: adminpassword: zSH>

    zSH> pwd/card1zSH> cd logzSH> dir

    Listing Directory .:drwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 4096 Jul 25 21:57 ./drwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 4096 Jan 1 1970 ../-rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 0 Jun 11 2010 consolelog1.txt -rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 0 Jun 11 2010 consolelog1.old 117601960 bytes availablezSH> copy consolelog1.txt consolelog2.txtCopy OK: 0 bytes copiedzSH> copy consolelog1.old consolelog2.oldCopy OK: 0 bytes copiedzSH> dir

    Listing Directory .:drwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 4096 Jul 25 22:15 ./drwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 4096 Jan 1 1970 ../-rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 0 Jun 11 2010 consolelog1.txt -rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 0 Jun 11 2010 consolelog1.old -rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 0 Jun 11 2010 consolelog2.txt -rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 0 Jun 11 2010 consolelog2.old 117601960 bytes availablezSH> cd ..zSH> cd datastorzSH> dir

    Listing Directory .:drwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 4096 Jul 25 21:58 ./drwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 4096 Jan 1 1970 ../-rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 201 Jul 25 21:57 poly.cfg

  • -rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 75460 Jul 25 21:58 infotbl.v8 -rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 492 Jul 25 21:58 cardprof.dat -rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 40 Jul 25 21:57 select.act -rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 97372 Aug 2 2002 infotbl.v8.old 9976152 reserved for provisioning 117601960 bytes availablezSH> copy select.act /card1/log/logger.txtCopy OK: 40 bytes copiedzSH> cd ..zSH> cd logzSH> dir

    Listing Directory .:drwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 4096 Jul 25 22:18 ./drwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 4096 Jan 1 1970 ../-rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 0 Jun 11 2010 consolelog1.txt -rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 0 Jun 11 2010 consolelog1.old -rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 0 Jun 11 2010 consolelog2.txt -rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 0 Jun 11 2010 consolelog2.old -rwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 40 Jul 25 21:57 logger.txt 117597864 bytes availablezSH> consolelog oncopying file /card1/log/consolelog1.txt -> /card1/log/consolelog1.oldCopy OK: 0 bytes copiedcopying file /card1/log/consolelog2.txt -> /card1/log/consolelog2.oldCopy OK: 0 bytes copiedzSH>

    3. Rectificador en MXK (Solo si Aplica)

    bridge add 1-a-2-0/eth tls vlan 4001 taggedupdate static-bridge flapControl = enable 0/14/4001/0/0/0/0/0/0/0

    bridge add 1-a-1-0/eth tls vlan 4001 untaggedupdate ether autonegstatus = disabled mauType = mau10basetfd ifType = mau10basethd autonegcap = b100baseTXFD pauseFlowControl = disabled 1-a-1-0/eth

    update if-translate adminstatus = up 1-a-1-0/eth

    4. Reglas de velocidad y servicios

    4.1. Agregar la regla de velocidad de Bajada.

    rule add ratelimitdiscard 1/1 rate 1413Created packet-rule-record 1/1 (ratelimitdiscard)

    zSH> rule showGroup/Member Type Value(s)---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/1 ratelimitdiscard 1024 120000 130000 1 record(s) found

    rule add ratelimitdiscard 2/1 rate 2355rule add ratelimitdiscard 3/1 rate 3533rule add ratelimitdiscard 4/1 rate 4710rule add ratelimitdiscard 5/1 rate 5888rule add ratelimitdiscard 6/1 rate 7066rule add ratelimitdiscard 8/1 rate 9421rule add ratelimitdiscard 10/1 rate 11776rule add ratelimitdiscard 12/1 rate 14131rule add ratelimitdiscard 15/1 rate 17664

  • rule add ratelimitdiscard 20/1 rate 23552rule add ratelimitdiscard 30/1 rate 35328rule add ratelimitdiscard 50/1 rate 58880rule add ratelimitdiscard 70/1 rate 82432rule add ratelimitdiscard 100/1 rate 117760rule add ratelimitdiscard 120/1 rate 141312

    4.2. Agregar la regla de DHCP-Op82 (video)

    rule add bridgeinsertoption82 1000/1Created packet-rule-record 2/1 (bridgeinsertoption82)zSH> rule showGroup/Member Type Value(s)---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/1 ratelimitdiscard 10240 400000 400000 2/1 bridgeinsertoption82 2 record(s) found

    4.3. Agregar la regla filtrado de MAC ALU (workaround Loop Capa 2).

    rule add bridgeforbidoui 1000/2 00:16:4d

    4.4. Agregar GTPs (Velocidad de Subida)

    de Internetnew gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 640 dba-max-us-bw = 640 512new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 896 dba-max-us-bw = 896 768new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 960 dba-max-us-bw = 960 840new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 1216 dba-max-us-bw = 1216 1024new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 1408 dba-max-us-bw = 1408 1228new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 1792 dba-max-us-bw = 1792 1536new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 3584 dba-max-us-bw = 3584 3072new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 5888 dba-max-us-bw = 5888 5120new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 11840 dba-max-us-bw = 11840 10240new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 17664 dba-max-us-bw = 17664 15360new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 29440 dba-max-us-bw = 29440 25600new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 23680 dba-max-us-bw = 23680 20480new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 35328 dba-max-us-bw = 35328 30720new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-ubr-bw = 47104 dba-max-us-bw = 47104 40960

    de TvIP y VoIP

    new gpon-traffic-profile dba-enabled = true dba-fixed-us-cbr-bw = 512 dba-max-us-bw = 512 1000

    Bridge de Videobridge add 1-a-2-0/eth uplink vlan 3850 taggedbridge-path modify linkagg-a-1-3850/bridge vlan 3850 default flap enable block blockasym igmpsnooping enable mcast 241 igmptimer 120 igmpsendip enable

    Nota 1 : La IP corresponde a la ultima IP de la red de STB.Nota 2 : La Vlan siempre es 3850

  • Editar Calidad de servicio (802.1p COS)

    update bridge-interface-record vlanIdCOS = 5 outgoingCOSOption = all outgoingCOSValue = 5 linkagg-a-1-3850/bridge

    La interfaz en en agregador MPLS se debe configurar de la siguiente manera (De esta forma la MPLS hace DHCP Relay y respeta la marca de DHCP Opcion 82 que viene desde el MXK)

    interface "prueba-video-MXK" create description "Prueba_GPON_Zhone_Layer2" address Red de STB dhcp server trusted no shutdown exit sap lag-10:3850.0 create LAG correspondiente exit exit

    Ademas, agregar la interfaz a PIM e IGMP

    Agregar la VLAN de TvIP L2 (3850) en las puertas correspondientes del switch

    rule add bridgestormdetect 1000/4 discardandalarmandblock 20 10 Created packet-rule-record 1000/4 (bridgestormdetect)

    Agregar lista de canales. (Anexo 1)

    Bridge de VozNota 1 : incluye calidad de servicio (802.1p COS)bridge add 1-a-1-0/linkagg tls vlan 3871 tagged cos 6 outcosall 6

    update static-bridge flapControl = enable 0/14/3871/0/0/0/0/0/0/0

    bridge add 1-a-2-0/eth tls vlan 3871 tagged cos 6 outcosall 6 (Cuando no este el linkagg)

    (La Vlan siempre es 3871)

    En la VPRN 1000003 se debe agregar la interfaz de voz, con la primera IP de la red asignada para Telefonia.

    interface "TO-VLDV-VLD2-GP-ZH01-MPLS_Lag-10" create address Red de Telefonia sap lag-10:3871.0 create LAG correspondiente exit exit

    Agregar la VLAN de VoIP SIP (3871) en las puertas correspondientes del switch

  • Bridge de Internetbridge add 1-a-2-0/eth uplink vlan 30XX tagged (o 31xx)Adding bridge on 1-a-2-0/ethCreated bridge-interface-record linkagg-a-1-30xx/bridge

    bridge-path modify linkagg-a-1-30XX/bridge vlan 30XX default mcast 999999 igmptimer 499999 flap enable block blockasym age 1800

    Bridge-path added successfully

    Nota: La vlan de cliente lleva solo un TAG, es el mismo para todos los clientes del Dslam.Esta vlan corresponde al nmero 39XX para los dslam con ALIAS que empiezan con 9 y 30xx para los dslam con ALIAS que empiezan con 2

    Por ejemplo para el Dslam de Puerto Montt 9507-PM07 la vlan de trafico masivo para internet con DHCP ser 3007.Para el dslam de Puerto Montt 2526-PV13 la vlan de trfico masivo ser 3026-PV13

    Si la VLAN 30xx esta ocupada por un dslam huawei, se deber modificar en el huawei.

    rule add bridgeinsertoption82 2000/1Created packet-rule-record 2000/2 (bridgeinsertoption82)

    rule add bridgeforbidoui 2000/2 00:16:4dCreated packet-rule-record 2000/2 (bridgeforbidoui)

    rule add bridgestormdetect 2000/4 discardandalarmandblock 20 10Created packet-rule-record 2000/4 (bridgestormdetect)

    Bridge de Internet Corte por no pagobridge add 1-a-2-0/eth uplink vlan 3801 taggedAdding bridge on 1-a-2-0/ethCreated bridge-interface-record linkagg-a-1-3801/bridge

    bridge-path modify linkagg-a-1-3801/bridge vlan 3801 default mcast 999999 igmptimer 499999 flap enable block blockasym age 1800

    rule add bridgeinsertoption82 3000/1Created packet-rule-record 2000/2 (bridgeinsertoption82)

    rule add bridgeforbidoui 3000/2 00:16:4dCreated packet-rule-record 2000/2 (bridgeforbidoui)

    rule add bridgestormdetect 3000/4 discardandalarmandblock 20 10Created packet-rule-record 2000/4 (bridgestormdetect)

    Bridge de Internet Navegacin Segurabridge add 1-a-2-0/eth uplink vlan 3802 taggedAdding bridge on 1-a-2-0/ethCreated bridge-interface-record linkagg-a-1-3802/bridge

    bridge-path modify linkagg-a-1-3802/bridge vlan 3802 default mcast 999999 igmptimer 499999 flap enable block blockasym age 1800rule add bridgeinsertoption82 4000/1Created packet-rule-record 2000/2 (bridgeinsertoption82)

    rule add bridgeforbidoui 4000/2 00:16:4d

  • Created packet-rule-record 2000/2 (bridgeforbidoui)

    rule add bridgestormdetect 4000/4 discardandalarmandblock 20 10Created packet-rule-record 2000/4 (bridgestormdetect)

    5. Configurar OLT

    5.1. Software Smart OMCI para ONT 25xx

    5.1.1.Crear directorio para ME Profile

    Y bajar el archivo para la ONT correspondiente


    mkdir mecd mefile download GPON/MXK/Smart-OMCI/znid-gpon-me-25xx.txt znid-gpon-me-25xx.txtFile download successful

    5.1.2.Crear ME Profile

    gpononu profiles create me me25xx znid-gpon-me-25xx.txtProfile created

    5.1.3.Crear Generic Profile

    gpononu profiles create gen gen25xx me25xxProfile created

    5.1.4.Personalizar el Generic Profilegpononu profiles update gen gen25xxGeneric Profile: gen25xx 1 "ETH 1 Auto Detection [0]" 2 "ETH 1 Data VLAN 1 (VID or COS,VID) [0,3800]" 3 "ETH 2 Auto Detection [0]" 4 "ETH 2 Video VLAN 1 (VID or COS,VID) [5,3850]" 5 "ETH 3 Auto Detection [0]" 6 "ETH 3 Video VLAN 1 (VID or COS,VID) [5,3850]" 7 "ETH 4 Auto Detection [0]" 8 "ETH 4 Video VLAN 1 (VID or COS,VID) [5,3850]" 9 "Voice VLAN [6,3871]" 10 "VOIP Host IP Option: 2-static, 3-DHCP [2]" 11 "VOIP Host IP []" 12 "VOIP Netmask []" 13 "VOIP Gateway []" 14 "VOIP Server IP []" 15 "VOIP Primary DNS []" 16 "VOIP Secondary DNS []" 17 "Country Code [ 56]" 18 "Rx Gain [0]" 19 "Tx Gain [0]" 20 "Out-of-band DTMF [0]" 21 "Echo Cancel: 1-enable, 0-disable [1]" 22 "POTS1 Dial Number []" 23 "POTS1 User Name []" 24 "POTS1 Password []" 25 "POTS2 Dial Number []"

  • 26 "POTS2 User Name []" 27 "POTS2 Password []" 28 "Fax Mode [0]" 29 "CID Features [0]" 30 "Call Waiting Features [0]" 31 "Call Progress or Transfer Features [0]" 32 "Call Present Features [0]" 33 "SIP Domain Part 1 []" 34 "SipRegistrar []" 35 "ETH 1 Admin Status: 0-Up, 1-Down [0]" 36 "ETH 2 Admin Status: 0-Up, 1-Down [0]" 37 "ETH 3 Admin Status: 0-Up, 1-Down [0]" 38 "ETH 4 Admin Status: 0-Up, 1-Down [0]" 39 "POTS 1 Admin Status: 0-Up, 1-Down [1]" 40 "POTS 2 Admin Status: 0-Up, 1-Down [1]" Enter OMCI edit command or [s]ave, [q]uit, [h]elp: 2" ETH 1 Data VLAN 1 (VID or COS,VID) [0,3800]" : 0,30xx , 0, vlan de internet Enter OMCI edit command or [s]ave, [q]uit, [h]elp: 13"VOIP Gateway []" : El gateway cambia de acuerdo al sitioEnter OMCI edit command or [s]ave, [q]uit, [h]elp: 14"VOIP Server IP []" : El servidor VoIP cambia segn el sitioEnter OMCI edit command or [s]ave, [q]uit, [h]elp: 22"POTS1 Dial Number []" : dn1Enter OMCI edit command or [s]ave, [q]uit, [h]elp: 23"POTS1 User Name []" : un1Enter OMCI edit command or [s]ave, [q]uit, [h]elp: 24"POTS1 Password []" : pw1Enter OMCI edit command or [s]ave, [q]uit, [h]elp: 25"POTS2 Dial Number []" : dn2Enter OMCI edit command or [s]ave, [q]uit, [h]elp: 26"POTS2 User Name []" : un2Enter OMCI edit command or [s]ave, [q]uit, [h]elp: 27"POTS2 Password []" : pw2Enter OMCI edit command or [s]ave, [q]uit, [h]elp: 33"SIP Domain Part 1 []" : El servidor VoIP cambia segn el sitioEnter OMCI edit command or [s]ave, [q]uit, [h]elp: 34"SipRegistrar []" : El servidor VoIP cambia segn el sitioEnter OMCI edit command or [s]ave, [q]uit, [h]elp: sGENERIC profile has been saved

    Sip Proxy (Servidor VoIP) Zonal192.168.96.1 CONCEPCION192.168.96.7 TEMUCO192.168.96.8 PUERTO MONTT192.168.96.9 VALDIVIA192.168.96.10 OSORNO192.168.23.94 COYHAIQUE192.168.96.8 CHILOE

    Tabla 21

    6. Bajar estos archivos al MxK

    Software para ONT 25xx

    > cd /card1

    file download GPON/MXK/Firmware/ONT/sip. sip. download GPON/MXK/Firmware/ONT/zh. zh.

  • 7. Interface vlan gestin ONTs

    interface add 1-a-6-0/ipobridge vlan 3871 Nota 1 : La IP corresponde a la ultima IP de la red de voz.

    8. Activar Auto-Upgrade de las ONTs

    new remote-sw-upgrade-profile 2510remote-sw-upgrade-profile 2510Please provide the following: [q]uit.enabled: ---> {true}: model: -----> {}: 120-00041-04swVersion: -> {}: R2.0.9.19afilename: --> {}: sip. new record? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: sNew record saved.

    new remote-sw-upgrade-profile 25102 (para 2510A)remote-sw-upgrade-profile 25102Please provide the following: [q]uit.enabled: ---> {true}: model: -----> {}: 2510AswVersion: -> {}: R3.2.4.94sbnfilename: --> {}: zh. new record? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: sNew record saved.

    8.1. Software para ONT 2426

    cd /card1

    file download GPON/MXK/Firmware/ONT/24xx/24xxSIP_0300068.img 24xxSIP_0300068.img

    new remote-sw-upgrade-profile 2426remote-sw-upgrade-profile 2426Please provide the following: [q]uit.enabled: ---> {true}: model: -----> {}: 2426swVersion: -> {}: S3.0.068filename: --> {}: 24xxSIP_0300068.img....................Save new record? [s]ave, [c]hange or [q]uit: sNew record saved.

    gpononu auto-upgrade enable allThis command may affect many OLTs and ONUs.Do you want to continue? (yes or no) [no] yes

    processing 1-1-1-10/gpononu ... processing 1-1-1-20/gpononu ... processing 1-1-1-30/gpononu ... .


    9.1. Configurar orden de seleccin de Codec de Vozcpe voip media modify 1 codec-selection-first-order pcma codec-selection-second-order g729 codec-selection-third-order pcmu codec-selection-fourth-order g723

    Saving this profile will trigger a partial reconfiguration on eachof the CPEs that depend on this profile and may cause serviceinterruptions on those CPEsDo you want to save the profile? [yes] or [no]: yesDo you want to exit from this request? [yes] or [no]: noAre you sure? [yes] or [no]: yesProfile has been modified.

    Ver cdec configuradoscpe voip media show 1 echo codec Packet-period silence Index Profile Name cancel fax mode Selection selection suppression========== ==================================== ======== =========== 1 Default_Cpe_Voip_Media enabled passThrough PCMA (1st) 10 (1st) disabled (1st) G729 (2nd) 10 (2nd) disabled (2nd) PCMU (3rd) 10 (3rd) disabled (3rd) G723 (4th) 10 (4th) disabled (4th)

    9.2.Configurar Facilidades de Voz (se eliminan pues las pone el softswitch)

    cpe voip features modify 1 call-presentation-features -msg-wait-splash-ring -msg-wait-special-dial-tone -msg-wait-visual -call-fwdSaving this profile will trigger a partial reconfiguration on eachof the CPEs that depend on this profile and may cause serviceinterruptions on those CPEsDo you want to save the profile? [yes] or [no]: yesDo you want to exit from this request? [yes] or [no]: noAre you sure? [yes] or [no]: yes

  • Profile has been modified.

    Ver Default Voip features profileModify if necessary.

    cpe voip features show 1cpe-voip-features 1 Name: Default_Cpe_Voip_Features Type: reordertone

    Caller ID Call Waiting Call Progress or Call Presentation Features Features Transfer Features Features============== ================ ================== =========================calling-number call-waiting 3-way calling-name cid-announcement call-transfer cid-blocking call-hold cid-number call-park cid-name do-not-disturb anonym-block flash-on-emergency emergency-hold 6-way

    1 entries found.

    9.3. Create voip server Masivo

    cpe voip server add 1 primary-server signalling-protocol sip sip-domain sip-registrar softswitch UTSI

    Nota : IP SIP-Proxy de la zonal de cada zonal. Tabla Pag.22

    Check voip servercpe voip server show 1 Signalling Oob Dtmf Dtmf Events Cas Events Index Profile Name Protocol Events Passing Method Passing Method======= =============================== ========== ======== ============== ============== 1 1 sip disabled rfc4733 rfc4733

    Primary Server : Secondary Server : Sip Domain : Sip Registrar : Mgc Termination Id Base : Softswitch : UTSI OutBound Server : Port Id : -1 Rtp Dscp : 0 Signalling Dscp : 0 Sip Reg Exp Time : 3600 Rereg Head Start Time : 601 entries found.

    9.4. Create voip server Centrex

    cpe voip server add 2 primary-server signalling-protocol sip sip-domain sip-registrar softswitch UTSI

    Nota : IP SIP-Proxy de la zonal de cada zonal. Tabla Pag.22

  • Check voip servercpe voip server show 2 Signalling Oob Dtmf Dtmf Events Cas Events Index Profile Name Protocol Events Passing Method Passing Method======= =============================== ========== ======== ============== ============== 2 2 sip disabled rfc4733 rfc4733 Primary Server : Secondary Server : Sip Domain : Sip Registrar : Mgc Termination Id Base : Softswitch : UTSI OutBound Server : Port Id : -1 Rtp Dscp : 0 Signalling Dscp : 0 Sip Reg Exp Time : 3600 Rereg Head Start Time : 601 entries found.

    Sip Proxy (Servidor VoIP) Zonal192.168.23.14 CONCEPCION192.168.23.30 TEMUCO192.168.23.78 PUERTO MONTT192.168.23.46 VALDIVIA192.168.23.62 OSORNO192.168.23.94 COYHAIQUE192.168.23.78 CHILOE

    Tabla 22

    9.5.Modify default IP Servercpe ip server modify 1 host-ip-option static netmask gateway

    Nota : IP GW de la red de voz del Mxk para las ONT.

    Check default ip servercpe ip server show 1 host IP secure Index Profile Name option gateway igmp fn nat fwd firewall-access======== =============================== ====== =============== ========= ====== ====== 1 Default_Cpe_Ip_Server static none nat disabl pingNet Mask: Dns: Dns:

    1 entries found.

  • 9.6.Modificar Tiempos de Registro SIP

    cpe voip server modify 1 sip-rereg-head-start-time 60Saving this profile will trigger a partial reconfiguration on eachof the CPEs that depend on this profile and may cause serviceinterruptions on those CPEs

    Do you want to save the profile? [yes] or [no]: yes

    Do you want to exit from this request? [yes] or [no]: no

    Are you sure? [yes] or [no]: yes

    Profile has been modified.

    cpe voip server show all Signalling Oob Dtmf Dtmf Events Cas Events Index Profile Name Protocol Events Passing Method Passing Method======= =============================== ========== ======== ============== ============== 1 1 sip disabled rfc4733 rfc4733

    Primary Server : Secondary Server : Sip Domain : Sip Registrar : Mgc Termination Id Base : Softswitch : UTSI OutBound Server : Port Id : -1 Rtp Dscp : 0 Signalling Dscp : 0 Sip Reg Exp Time : 3600 Rereg Head Start Time : 601 entries found.

    Signalling Oob Dtmf Dtmf Events Cas Events Index Profile Name Protocol Events Passing Method Passing Method======= =============================== ========== ======== ============== ============== 2 2 sip disabled rfc4733 rfc4733

    Primary Server : Secondary Server : Sip Domain : Sip Registrar : Mgc Termination Id Base : Softswitch : UTSI OutBound Server : Port Id : -1 Rtp Dscp : 0 Signalling Dscp : 0 Sip Reg Exp Time : 3600 Rereg Head Start Time : 601 entries found.

    9.7. DIAL PLAN Masivo

    Para aplicar este digit map, se debe contar con los Archivos indicados ms abajo (DIR) y copiar ellos segn corresponda en su PC, de acuerdo a ello

  • se debe editar en el Script addDIALPLAN.vbs para indicar donde ser dejado el archivo DigitMap.txt para que vaya a l, modificar lnea 11.

    Set opr1 = A.OpenTextFile("E:\Mis Documentos\DSLAM\MxK\DIAL-PLAN\DIAL-PLAN\DigitMap.txt", 1)

    Nota : El path se debe Editar el Script, segn donde se deje el script en el PC

    La planilla digimap_Zonales_v6.1.xls cuenta con los digit map para cada zonal, la columna F debe ser copiada en el archivo DigitMap.txt

    C:\DIAL-PLAN>dir26-06-2012 16:33 592 addDIALPLAN.vbs26-06-2012 15:36 404 delDIALPLAN.vbs26-06-2012 16:26 65,024 digimap_Zonales_v6.1.xls22-08-2012 12:25 650 DigitMap.txt 4 archivos 66,670 bytes


    Check Dial Plan cpe voip dialplan show all index dial-plan-format dial-plan============= ================ ========================= 1/1 h248 *x.T|*xx*x.T|#xx#.T 1/2 h248 *#xx*x.T|*xx#x.T 1/3 h248 *x.*x.*x.T|#xx*xx*xxxx# 1/4 h248 *xx*xxxx*xx#|#xx*xxxx*xx# 1/5 h248 *xx*xxxx*xxxx#|*#xx#|**xx 1/6 h248 19*xx|13x|14x|10x 1/7 h248 60[09]xxxxxxx|800xxxxxx 1/8 h248 19[578]xxxx 1/9 h248 [234579]xxxxx|6[1-9]xxxx 1/10 h248 60[1-8]xxx|8[1-9]xxxx 1/11 h248 80[1-9]xxx|09xxxxxxxx 1/12 h248 018x|012x|032xxxxxxx 1/13 h248 041xxxxxxx|03[345]xxxxxx 1/14 h248 04[235]xxxxxx 1/15 h248 0[2567]xxxxxxx 1/16 h248 00xxxxxxx.T 1/17 h248 x.T17 entries found.

    9.8. DIAL PLAN Centrex

    Para aplicar este digit map, se debe contar con los Archivos indicados ms abajo (DIR) y copiar ellos segn corresponda en su PC, de acuerdo a ello se debe editar en el Script addDIALPLAN_Ctex.vbs para indicar donde ser dejado el archivo DigitMap_Ctex.txt para que vaya a l, modificar lnea 11.

  • Set opr1 = A.OpenTextFile("E:\Mis Documentos\DSLAM\MxK\DIAL-PLAN\DIAL-PLAN\DigitMap.txt", 1)

    Nota : El path se debe Editar el Script, segn donde se deje el script en el PC

    La planilla digimap_Centrex-Zonales_v1.0.xls cuenta el digit map para las zonal, la columna F debe ser copiada en el archivo DigitMap_Ctex.txt

    C:\DIAL-PLAN>dir26-06-2012 16:33 592 addDIALPLAN_Ctex.vbs26-06-2012 15:36 404 delDIALPLAN_Ctex.vbs26-06-2012 16:26 65,024 digimap_Centrex-Zonales_v1.0.xls22-08-2012 12:25 650 DigitMap_Ctex.txt 4 archivos 66,670 bytes


    Check Dial Plan cpe voip dialplan show all index dial-plan-format dial-plan============= ================ =========================2/1 h248 *x.T|*xx*x.T|#xx#.T2/2 h248 *#xx*x.T|*xx#x.T2/3 h248 *x.*x.*x.T|#xx*xx*xxxx#2/4 h248 *xx*xxxx*xx#2/5 h248 #xx*xxxx*xx#2/6 h248 *xx*xxxx*xxxx#|*#xx#2/7 h248 **xx|[09]00xxxxxxx.T2/8 h248 [09]012x|[09]018x2/9 h248 [09]0[2345679]xxxxxxxx2/10 h248 [09]10x|[09]13x|[09]14xx2/11 h248 [09]19*xx2/12 h248 [09]19[578]xxxx2/13 h248 [09][23]xxxxxx2/14 h248 [09][4579]xxxxx2/15 h248 [09]6[1-9]xxxx2/16 h248 [09]600xxxxxxx2/17 h248 [09]8[1-9]xxxx2/18 h248 [09]800xxxxxx2/19 h248 [09]1[125]x[2-7]xxxxxxxx2/20 h248 [09]1[678]x[2-7]xxxxxxxx2/21 h248 [2-8]xxx|x.T

    21 entries found.

  • 10. Cada vez que se agrega una tarjeta GPON se deben aplicar las siguientes configuraciones

    10.1. Configurar envi de TRAPS desde la ONT (por perdida de link y energa)

    El script realiza el cambio de configuracin, verificar que se aplique al slot que corresponda y que el promtp sea el correcto


    gpononu auto-upgrade enable allThis command may affect many OLTs and ONUs.Do you want to continue? (yes or no) [no] yes

    processing 1-1-1-10/gpononu ... processing 1-1-1-20/gpononu ... processing 1-1-1-30/gpononu ...

    10.2. Configurar niveles de alarma de atenuacin

    El script realiza el cambio de configuracin, verificar que se aplique al slot que corresponda y que el promtp sea el correcto


    zSH> update gpon-olt-onu-config us-rx-power-low-threshold = -24 1-1-1-1/gpononu

    gpon-olt-onu-config 1-1-1-1/gpononuRecord updated.zSH > update gpon-olt-onu-config us-rx-power-low-threshold = -24 1-1-1-2/gpononu

    gpon-olt-onu-config 1-1-1-2/gpononuRecord updated.zSH > update gpon-olt-onu-config us-rx-power-low-threshold = -24 1-1-1-3/gpononu

    gpon-olt-onu-config 1-1-1-3/gpononuRecord updated.zSH > update gpon-olt-onu-config us-rx-power-low-threshold = -24 1-1-1-4/gpononu

    gpon-olt-onu-config 1-1-1-4/gpononuRecord updated.

  • 11. Agregar el nodo MxK a ZMS.

    En el ZMS hacemos click en la raz de la regin correspondiente (en este caso DefaultRegion-MALCs/MXKs) y pinchamos en ADD.

    Ingresamos la IP del nuevo MxK y el nombre de la comunidad, adems de la IP de ZMS ( para ZMS de produccin)

    Al terminar con la sincronizacin hacemos click en Done.

    11.1. Programar Backup Automatico MSAN

    1.- Una vez que el equipo este gestionable, ir al Menu Tools y seleccionar Opcin Backup Device Configuration.

  • 2.- Se desplegara la siguiente pantalla donde aparecern todos los MSAN que estn en el Gestor ZMS. Los equipo que no tengan una fecha en el lado derecho, son los equipos a programar fecha y hora. Seleccin opcin Daily y Time (indicar la hora)

    Nota : las horas de Backup son entre las 00:00 a las 08:00 AM.

  • ANEXO 1


    Carga de nuevas Imagenes Amino:

    [Image bootstrap.110][Image bootstrap.125][Image bootstrap.130][Image bootstrap.530][Filesystem mc.think110][Filesystem mc.think125][Filesystem mc.think130][Filesystem mc.think530][Filesystem mc.thinkAx4x] de Imagen WNC224.2.2.201225.50.50.64Imagenes de Skin239.255.8.1239.255.8.6239.255.9.0239.255.6.5239.255.7.5239.255.12.1239.255.12.2239.255.12.4239.255.12.3239.255.12.5239.255.9.1239.255.9.6Mensajes para STB239.255.7.2

  • Deberian estar todos los streams desdeAplicaciones Futuras

    1. Activacin LOG del MXK