Curriculum Vita Dr. Khaled A. Douglas cv/CV 2015.pdfBy: Khaled Douglas. Archäologisches...


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Curriculum Vita

Dr. Khaled A. Douglas

Associate Professor

Department of Archaeology

Sultan Qaboos University





Place of Birth: Jordan

Nationality: Jordanian

Date of Birth: 07.10.1965

Marital status: Married, father of three kids


Sultan Qaboos University

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Department of Archaeology

Phone: 00968 9851 2479

Muscat – Sultanate of Oman


Department of Sustainable Tourism

Queen Rania Institute of Tourism and Heritage

The Hashemite University

P.O. Box 330027 (13115)


Phone: (W) 00962-0- 5 382 6600, ext. 4598/ (Mobil) 00962-0- 79 692 77 95 /


1994-1999 Ph.D., “Institut fuer Ur- und Fruehgeschichte und Archaeologie des

Mittelalters”, Tuebingen University, Tuebingen, Germany. (Archaeology).

1988-1993 M.A., Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology - Yarmouk University,

Irbid – Jordan (Archaeology)

1988 B.A., Fine Arts Department, Yarmouk University

Ph.D. DISSERTATION: Die Befestigungsanlagen der Frühbronzezeit in Palästina.

Language of the dissertation is German. English translation: The Fortification Systems of

the Early Bronze Age in Palestine

M.A. THESIS: The Pottery of the Bronze Age from Jabal Abu Al-Thawwab, North

Jordan: A Comparative and Analytical Study. Language of the thesis is Arabic.



September 2014-present: Associate Professor at the Department of Archaeology/ Sultan

Qaboos University-Sultanate of Oman.

September 2013-June 2014: Visitor Professor/Consultant at the Faculty of Arts and

Social Sciences/Department of Archaeology/Sultan Qaboos University-Sultanate of


2011- 2012: Head of the Department of Sustainable Tourism at Queen Rania Institute of

Tourism and Heritage/The Hashemite University-Zarqa-Jordan.

April 2012-present: Associate Professor in Archaeology

2005-2008: Head of the Department of Sustainable Tourism at Queen Rania Institute of

Tourism and Heritage/The Hashemite University-Zarqa-Jordan.

2002-2012: Assistant Professor in Archaeology at the Department of Sustainable Tourism

at Queen Rania Institute of Tourism and Heritage/The Hashemite University-Zarqa-


1999-2001: Researcher at Tuebingen University, Tuebingen-Germany.


Ancient Civilizations, Old World Complex Societies, Archaeology of Jordan and

Palestine, Archaeology of Arabia Peninsula, Ethnoarchaeological Studies, Architecture

through Ages and Tourism.


A. Arabic Publications:

2012 زيدان كفافي، وخالد 2012، حولية دائرة اآلثار العامة، عين غزال، حفرية انقاضية .

دغلس، وبالل خريسات وغاري روليفسون.

2009 ق.م( في خربة الراحوب، شمال 2750 – 2900) الثاني البرونزي المبكرتصوينة العصر

، 160 – 141المجلة األردنية للتاريخ واآلثار، المجلد الثالث، العدد الثاني: . خالد دغلس، ،األردن

عمان األردن.

2009 يل الطينية "خربة التجارة في العصر البرونزي المبكر في األردن ودالالتها من خالل التماث

دراسات آثارية ،في: التواضع والصبر ،وفردوس العجلوني خالد دغلس. الزيرقون حالة دراسية


سم غيبل وزيدان االمحررون: هانز غيورغ ق ،16-9ص: ،ومذكرات تكريماً لذكرى نبيل القاضي

ex Oriente e.V., Berlinجامعة اليرموك و ،كفافي وعمر الغول

2008 الثاني الخارجية وأهميتها في التخطيط المعماري لمدن العصر البرونزي المبكرالساحات

خالد .م( في جنوبي بالد الشام:"حالة دراسية من خربة الزيرقون.ق 2250-2900والثالث )

. عمان األردن.239-221المجلة األردنية للتاريخ واآلثار، المجلد الثاني، العدد الثاني:. دغلس

2008 حالة : خربة الزيرقونفي شمال األردن، العصر البرونزي المبكرمالمح المدينة في

في: المدينة في الوطن العربي في ضوء االكتشافات اآلثارية: وخالد دغلس،معاوية ابراهيم ،دراسية

، "أبحاث ندوة المدينة في الوطن العربي في ضوء االكتشافات 96-77النشأة والتطور، ص:

7-5ه ) 1426ذو القعدة 5-3المملكة العربية السعودية / –النشأة والتطور" الجوف اآلثارية:

م(، المحررون: عبد الرحيم الطيب األنصاري وخليل ابراهيم المعيقل وعبد هللا بن 2005ديسمبر

محمد الشارخ، أدوماتو

B. English and German Publications :

2014 Figurines around Early Bronze Age Fortifications: Did they Serve Cultic

Purposes? By: Fardous Al-Ajlouny and Khaled Douglas. Pp: 1-19, in Z. Kafafi and M.

Maraqten (eds.), A Pioneer of Arabia: Studies in the Archaeology and Epigraphy of the

Levant and Arabian Peninsula in Honor of Moawiyah Ibrahim. Rome (LA SAPIENZA)

Studies on the Archaeology of Palestine and Transjordan 10. UNIVERSITÀ TO ROMA


2013 Organic Residues Preserved in Archaeological Ceramic from the Early Bronze

Age Site of Khirbet Al-Batrawy in North-Central Jordan. Mediterranean

Archaeology and Archaeometry 2013, No. 2. By: Abdulraouf Mayyas, Khaled

Douglas, Thorsten Hoffman, Ute Thorenz, Ibrahim Bany Yaseen and M. El-Khalili.

2012 Jneneh. American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 116 No. 4: 706-708, By Khaled


2012 Laden Animal and Riding Figurines from Hirbet ez-Zeraqōn and their

Implications of Trade in the Early Bronze Age. Zeitschchrift des Deutschen Palästina-

Vereins (ZDPV) Volume 128. By Fardous Al Ajlouny; Khaled Douglas, Bilal Khrisat

and Abdulraouf Mayyas.

2012 ‘Ain Ghazal. American Journal of Archaeology Vol. 116 No. 4: 708, By Gary

Rollefson, Zeidan Kafafi, Khaled Douglas, and Ahmad Lash.


2012 Beeswax Preserved in Archaeological Ceramics: Function and Use. By:

Abdulraouf Mayyas; Mahmoud Al-Qudah, Khaled Douglas, and Fardous Al-Ajlouny.

Bublished in: Annals of Faculty of Arts. Ain Shams University, Volume 40, No. 2.

2012 Ain Ghazal, Rescue Excavations. By: Zeidan Kafafi; Khaled Douglas, Ahmad

Lash and Bilal Khrisat. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan (ADAJ), 2012.

2011 Spatial Distribution of the Early Bronze Clay Figurative Pieces from Khirbet

ez-Zeraqon and its Religious Aspects. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Vol. 48:88-125.

By Fardous Al-Ajlouny, Khaled Douglas and Bilal Khrisat.

2011 Beyond the City Walls: Life Activities Outside the City Gates in the Early

Bronze Age in Jordan, Evidences form Khirbet ez-Zeraqon. By: Khaled Douglas,

Monograph to honor W. Rast and T. Schaub (for their contribution in the Early Bronze

Age Archaeology in Jordan). Edited by M. Cheson. Eisenbrauns publisher, USA.

2011 Combined Photogrammetric Techniques and Computer Version For 2D-3D

Documentation of Historical Buildings, Gharissa Case Study. By Yahia

Alshawabkeh, Khaled Douglas, Mohammad Matareya and Bilal Khrisat. Journal of

Computing and Cultural Heritage.

2009 Quarry Technique in the Early Bronze Age in the Southern Levant, Hirbet ez-

Zeraqōn: A Case Study. By: Khaled Douglas, Bilal Khrisat and Fardous Al-Ajlouny.

Zeitschchrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (ZDPV) 125, 2: 101-115.

2008 Area D: The Early Bronze III Fortification Structures and the Early Bronze

Age IV Occupation at the South-Western Corner of Khirbet al-Batrawy. Pp: 241-

244. By Khaled Douglas and Lorenzo Nigro. In: L. Nigro (ed.) Khirbet Al-Batrway II,

The EB II City-Gat, The EB II-III Fortifications, The EB II-III Temple, Preliminary

Report of the Second (2006) and Third (2007) Seasons of Excavations. Rome.

2007 Die Befestigung der Unterstadt von Khirbet ez-Zeraqon im Rahmen der.

2007 Fruehbronzezeitlichen Fortifikationen in Palaestina. By: Khaled Douglas

Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins. H. Nier and D. Vieweger (eds). Band

27,3: Deutsch-jordanische Ausgrabungen in Hirbet ez-Zearqōn 1984-1994, Endberichte,

M. Ibrahim and S. Mittmann (eds.) Band III/1. Harrassowitz Verlag. Wiesbaden.


2007 Analysis of Nabataean Ceramics Using CT-Scan, AAS and FTIR Techniques.

A Research project funded by INCO-MED under the Fifth Framework Program.

Contract number ICA3-2002-10018, by: Fardous Ajlouni, Talal Akasheh, Khairieh

Amr, Bilal Khrisat, Maram Na’es, Khaled Douglas. Second International Conference on


Science and Technology in Archaeology and Conservation (December 7-12, 2003,

Jordan), T.S. Akasheh (ed.), 47-64, Fundacion El legado andalusi, Spain.

2006 Occupational History of the Early Bronze Age in the Upper Wadi az-Zarqa.

Pp: 49-62. By: Khaled Douglas. In L. Nigro (ed.), Khirbet Al-Batrawy: An Early Bronze

Age Fortified Town in North-Central Jordan, Preliminary Report of the First Season of

Excavations (2005). Rome.

2004 The Early Bronze Age Town of Khirbet ez-Zeraqon: Excavations,

Preservation and Site Management, by: Moawiyah Ibrahim and Khaled Douglas. First

International Conference on Science and Technology in Archaeology and Conservation

(August 12-17, 2002, Jordan), T.S. Akasheh (ed.), 367-382, Fundacion El legado

andalusi, Spain.

2001 Die Befestigungsanlagen der Frühbronzezeit in Palästina. By: Khaled Douglas.

Archäologisches Nachrichtenblatt 1/2001, Band 6: 42-44, Berlin, Germany.

2000 The Main Aspects of the Early Bronze Age I Pottery from Jebel Abu

Thawwab, North Jordan. By Khaled Douglas and Zeidan Kafafi, in G. PHILIP/D.

BAIRD (ed.), Ceramics and Change in the Early Bronze Age of the Southern Levant

(Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press), 101-111.

Accepted articles

Mayyas, A. and Douglas, K. (2015). Organic residues in Iron Age II pottery vessels from

Jneneh, Jordan. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 15 (No. 3).

Mayyas, Abdulraouf and Douglas, Khaled (2015). Analysis of Organic Residues

Preserved in Archaeological Pottery and Soil from Jordan. The third international

conference for Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Sultan Qaboos University, 15-17

December 2015.

(. العالقددة البينيددة بددين علمددي التدداريخ واآلثددار. قل ددات حالددة 2015) دغلسسس، خالسسدالقدددحات، محمددد و

الثالددث لكليددة اآلدال والعلددوم االجتماعيددة، جامعددة ر الدددوليمددمتمالورقددة عمددل مقدمددة لدد دراسددية.

.2015ديسمبر 17-15، السلطان قابوس


A. Undergraduate Courses:


Introduction to Archaeology.

Archaeology (1).

History and Archaeology of Jordan (1).

History and Archaeology of Jordan (2).

History of Art (1).

Cultural Heritage Management (CRM 1).

History of Civilization (1).

Greek and Roman Archaeology

German Language (1).

Introduction to Tourism

Archaeology and Tourism

Principle of Archaeology

Prehistoric Archaeology

Beginning of Writing

Special Topics in the Heritage of Oman.

Special Topic in the Archaeology of Arabia Peninsula

B. Graduate Courses, MA:

Archaeology of Bilad Al-Sham (Levant) Through Ages

Methods in Archaeological Excavations (Field Excavations).

Advanced Topics in Archaeology.

Ancient Arab Pottery in Southern Levant


A. Supervisor of the following MA Thesis:

The Late Bronze Age Pottery from Sahab (1525-1175 BC.), By: Luma Hadad, The

Hashemite University (jointly with Prof. M. Ibrahim), 2011.

Developing a Tourism Plan for the Site of Iraq Al-Amir, By: Muna Slihat, The

Hashemite University (jointly with Dr. M. Mustafa), 2009.

A Study of Khirbet Al-Batrawy, Archaeological and Tourism Development, By: Mariam

Ibrahim, The Hashemite University, (jointly with Dr. M. Mustafa), 2009.

Dolmens Field in the Upper Wadi al-Zarqa, By: Ahmad Al-Zawahrah, The Hashemite

University, (jointly with Dr. B. Khrisat), 2009.

Stone Cairns in the Upper Wadi Al-Zarqa, By Amirah Sublaban, still running


Organic and Functional Analysis of Early Bronze and Iron Ages Pottery from North and

Central Jordan, By: Hiba Sawalmeh, The Hashemite University, (jointly with Dr. A.

Mayas), still running.

Ammonite Pottery in North Central Jordan: Jneneh Case Study. By Ghosoon Al-Shibly,

still running.

Ayyubid-Mamluk occupation in the Upper Wadi az-Zarqa. By Faiq Abu Al-Rub, still


Iron Age Grinding Stones: Function and Use: Jneneh Case Study, By: Inas Mohammad,

still running.

Islamic Occupation in Wadi al-Zarqa, By Amani Al-Dabuqi, still running

B. Participation in the Examination of MA Thesis:

The Assessment of Conservation Process of the Early Bronze Age Rubble Fortification

Walls of Khirbet Al-Batrawy: A Case Study, By: Ala Al Saif, The Hashemite University,


Rubble Stone Layer from Tell Abu Asuwan: Geoarchaeological Study. By: Amer Bani

Amer, The Hashemite University, 2011.

Iron Age Goddess from Jordan, By: Ute Joe, Yarmouk University. 2013.

Developing a Tourism Plan for the Site of Umm Qais, north Jordan, By: Jalal Al-Burini,

The Hashemite University, 2013


Participated in more than 25 archaeological field activities: archaeological survey and

excavations projects. Starting my first field work experience at 1988 till present. In these projects

my duties varies from square supervisor to director of the projects. Archaeological sites ranging

from large settlements e.g. Jneneh, Khirbet Al-Batrawy, Ain Ghazal, Khirbet ez-Zeraqon, Beit

Ras, to small forts, e.g. Dhra Al- Khan. Their dates go back from Stone Age (Ain Ghazal) to

Late Islamic Period (Gharissa).



Date Activities

February 2014 Archaeological Excavations and Survey in Fliej-Dahwa, North Sultanate of Oman,

Directed by Dr. Naser Al-Jahwari, Department of Archaeology, SQU.

May-June 2013 Director of the second season of the archaeological survey and excavations Megalithic-

project at Wadi al-Zarqa.



Director of the first and second season, 2011-2012 of the archaeological excavations at

Jneneh/Zarqa. Iron Age and Early Bronze Age settlement

March 2012 Director of the first season of the archaeological survey and excavations Megalithic-

project at Wadi Al-Hasab/Upper Wadi al-Zarqa.

October 2011 Supervisor Rescue Documentation at Ain Ghazal-Amman/ Department of

Antiquities/Yarmouk University/ The Hashemite University.


2005 and 2006

Co-Director, Archaeological Excavations at Khirbet El-Batrawy (Early Bronze Age

Fortified City), Upper Wadi Al-Zarqa-Jordan first and second Season. Joint Project

between the Hashemite University-Jordan (represented by Khaled Douglas) and Rome

University-Italy (represented by Lorenzo Nigro) and the Department of Antiquity of




Wadi ez-Zarka Project, North Jordan. Surveys and Excavations (Paleolithic to Late

Islamic Periods) directed by Dr. Massemiliano Munzi, Rome University, Italy.

August - October


Area Supervisor, Excavations at Khirbet ez-Zeraqon, North Jordan (Early Bronze Age

City). Directed by: Prof. S. Mittmann, Biblisch Archäologisches Institut-Tübingen

University, Germany and Prof. M. Ibrahim, Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology,

Yarmouk University, Irbid – Jordan

June – August


Area Supervisor, Excavations at ‘Ain Ghazal, Central Jordan (Neolithic settlement).

Excavations were co-directed by Prof. Z. Kafafi, of the Institute of Archaeology and

Anthropology-Yarmouk University-Jordan and Prof. G. Rollefson of the University of

San Diego – USA.



Excavations at Dhra’ al-Khan, North Jordan Valley (Late Islamic site). Directed by Jum’a

Kareem, Berlin University, Germany.

April – June 1989 Excavations at Beit Ras, North Jordan, (Byzantine, Umayyad, Ayyubid-Mamluk

settlement) under the supervision of Prof. C. J. Lenzen of the Institute of Archaeology and

Anthropology-Yarmouk University, Irbid – Jordan.



Excavations at Khirbet el-Yasila, North Jordan (Roman and Byzantine site). Directed by

Prof. Z. Al-Muheisen, of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology-Yarmouk

University, Irbid – Jordan.


Duetsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Scholarship, Germany. Fellowship for gust

Prof. June 10th

2014 – September 1st 2014.

ICHAJ 2013, Travel and Research Grant 2013, to participate in the International

Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (ICHAJ) 2013/Berlin, Germany.


Tuebingen University. Research Grant to facilitate C14 Dating at Mannheim University-

Germany August 2011.

Duetsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Scholarship, Germany. Fellowship for gust

Prof. June 2nd

2011 – September 1st 2011.

The Hashemite University Grant to accomplish the Archaeological Excavations Project at

Jneneh (First Season April-May 2011).

Duetsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Scholarship, Germany. Fellowship for gust

Prof. June 4th

2010 – September 1st 2010.

Duetsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Scholarship, Germany. Fellowship for gust

Prof. June 1st 2009 – September 1

st 2009.

Duetsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Scholarship, Germany. Fellowship for gust

Prof. June 15th

2008 – September 15th


American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR), Travel and Research Grant from 2007,

to participate in the International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan

(ICHAJ) 2007/Washington DC USA.

Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) Scholarship, Germany. Fellowship

for gust Prof. June 2005 – September 2005.

Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst (DAAD) Scholarship, Germany. Fellowship

for postgraduate studies to earn the PhD degree. 1994 – 1999.

Tuebingen University, Biblisch Archaeologisches Institut. Research Assistantship for

2000 - 2001 academic years.


Membership in the Deutschen Vereins zur Erforschung Palästina, Germany. 1994 –


Board member of Friends of Archaeology, Amman-Jordan, 2009-2011.

Member of Friends of Archaeology, Amman-Jordan, 2011-Present.


Arabic. Oral and Written.

English. Oral and Written.

German. Oral and Written.



2-4/11/2015 Workshop: Steps of an Institutional Accreditation, Site visit and Outcome,

presented by Agentür für Qualitätssicherung durch Akkreditierung von Studengängen

(AQAS), at Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University.



of June, 2015: The 19th

Rencontres Sabéennes Conference, University of Pisa,

Piazza Torricelli 2.


of May, 2015: Omani Heritage: Present and Priorities. Organizer: The Research

Council. Muscat, Oman.


of November, 2014: The Fourth Annual Meeting for the Arab Open University,

Oman: The Omani History Reading and Analysis, Muscat, Oman.

9-10 April 2014 Workshop on the Shared Archaeological Heritage of Oman, India and

Pakistan. Sultanate of Oman, Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Muscat.

24.2.2014 Workshop on the New Cultural Heritage Low of Sultanate of Oman, Ministry

of Heritage and Culture, Muscat.



of December, 2013, Conference on the Role of Museums and Cultural

Institutions in Strengthening Identity, Sharjah Archaeology Museum, UAE.


of May 2013, The 12th

International Conference on the History and Archaeology

of Jordan, Berlin, Germany.



of March 2011, The Second International Conference on Digital Media and it's

Application in Cultural Heritage (DMACH). Amman, Jordan.



of March 2011, The Second International Conference on Conservation of

Architecture, Urban Areas, Nature and Landscape. Amman, Jordan.

2010, Workshop on: Zarqa: The Cultural City of Jordan 2010. Zarqa, Jordan.


March 2008, The Traditional Handcrafts in Jordan, Yarmouk University.


– 28th

February 2008, Kunouz Amman (The Treasure of Amman), Amman, Jordan

23rd -28th May 2007 The 10th

International Conference on the History and Archaeology

of Jordan (Crossing Jordan), Washington DC. USA.

International Conference in Ecoturism and Cultural Heritage, Universitat Politècnia De

València, Salòn de Actos UPV del Campus de Gandia, Spain, November 27 and 28 of

November 2006.

Alumni Conference Amman/Jordan: Perspectives of German-Jordanian Academic

Cooperation, University of Jordan, Amman , Jordan 22nd

and 23rd

of November 2006.

The City in the Arab World through the Archaeological Discoveries: Beginnings and

Development. Al-Joof, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, December 5-7.2005.

The Fourth International Conference on Science & Technology in Archaeology &

Conservation Dec. 7-11 2005. The Hashemite University, Zarqa-Jordan.

Workshop: Traditional Architecture in Zarqa. The Fourth International Conference on

Science &Technology in Archaeology &Conservation Dec. 7-11 2005. The Hashemite

University, Zarqa-Jordan


Workshop: The Protection of the Dolmens Sites. The Fourth International Conference on

Science &Technology in Archaeology &Conservation Dec. 7-11 2005. The Hashemite

University, Zarqa-Jordan

Media Information from WTO. Regional Conference on Tourism Communications for

the Middle East and North Africa. TOURCOM, Amman, Jordan, 20-21 September 2005.

The Third International Conference on Science & Technology in Archaeology &

Conservation Dec. 7-11 2004. The Hashemite University, Zarqa-Jordan.

The Second International Conference on Science & Technology in Archaeology &

Conservation Dec. 7-11 2003. The Hashemite University, Zarqa-Jordan.

The First International Conference on Science & Technology in Archaeology &

Conservation August 2002. The Hashemite University, Zarqa-Jordan.

Kolloquium des Deutschen Vereins zur Erforschung Palästina, Giesen, Germany. Dec.

12-14. 1996.

Kolloquium des Deutschen Vereins zur Erforschung Palästina, Giesen, Germany. Dec.

08-10. 1994.


Director of the archaeological excavations at Jneneh/Zarqa, 2011-present (Iron and

Bronze Age settlement).

Co-director of the Megalithic Culture in the Upper Wadi al-Zarqa project 2011-present

(Bronze Age).

Director of the Ethnoarchaeological project at Gharsia: Late Islamic - 19th Century AD,

abandoned heritage village in the Upper Wadi al-Zarqa, 2004-present (Late Islamic and

recent village).

Co-director of the Archaeological Excavations at Khirbet al-Batrawy: An Early Bronze

Age Fortified Town at Wadi al-Zarqa, Central Jordan, 2005, 2006, jointly with Rome

University and the Department of the Department of Antiquities, Jordan..

Supervising the rescue and Documentation archaeological excavations at Ain Ghazal-

Amman/ Department of Antiquities/Yarmouk University/ The Hashemite University,

Whitman College, USA (Neolithic).