Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


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  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt



    3rd year /IE

    Course 3

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    I. Cultural diversity in business

     A. Different languages, different worlds

    B. What is culture? – definition and thediensions of culture

    C. Who is noral, anyway?

    D. !tereoty"es

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    A. Different languages, different


    For a German and a Finn, the truth is thetruth. In Japan and Britain it is all right if it

    doesn’t rock the boat. In China there is no

    absolute truth. In Italy it is negotiable.

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    !ig"lig"t differen#es in s#ial be"avir 


    $a"anese do not li%e sha%ing hands, &ow whengreeting each other and do not &low their nose in


    # Bra(ilians for unruly &us lines, "refer &rown shoes

    to &lac% and arri)e two hours late at coc%tail "arties'

    # *ree%s stare you in the eye, nod their heads when

    they ean no and occasionally sash "lates against

    walls in restaurants'

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    Differen#es f #n#e$ts and ntins

    Cntra#t# to a !wiss, !candina)ian or Aerican, a

    contract is a foral docuent that has &eensigned. !ignatures gi)e it a sense of finality'

    # to a $a"anese &usinessan a contract is astarting docuent that can &e rewritten andodified as circustances re+uire'

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    B. %"at is #ulture& ' definitin and t"e

    di(ensins f #ulture


    *eert ofstede defined culture as “the collectie programming of the mind that distinguishes the

    members of one category of people from another!"

    # Collecti)e "rograing – the need of "eo"le to ha)e

    a degree of certainty in their li)es. -eo"le fro the

    sae &ac%ground &egin to res"ond to e)ents in

    ways that &ecoe "redicta&le. hey &egin to act and

    tal% ali%e.

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    ) Di(ensins f #ulture

    *+ Cntet ' has to do with how we attri&ute eaningsto e)ents and sy&ols in a culture.

    # Cultures are "ig"er in #ntet – a sy&ol or e)entor thing cannot &e reo)ed fro a sentence andretain its eaning' the sy&ol is understood only

    within its contet'  lwer in #ntet – a sy&ol can stand

    on its own' it has eaning whether or not it is in asentence.

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    !ig"er #ntet #ultures  are #lle#tivisti#

    0grou"s of "eo"le who will care ore a&outwhat we ha)e in coon than how we


    -wer #ntet #ultures  are individualisti# 

    0"eo"le )alue their uni+ueness ore thantheir siilarities1'

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    e.g2 I ha)e a red #ar.

      o tengo un #ar r.

      Eu a (a/in0 r/ie.

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    Englis"2 ad4ecti)es coe &efore nouns' the

    focus is on what a%es the car stand out.5ed atters ore than the fact that it is a car

     – an indi)idualistic, lower6contet culture.

    S$anis", 1(anian2 ad4ecti)es coe after

    the noun' the car is ore i"ortant than thecolour – collecti)istic, high6contet culture.

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    71 Mn#"rni# vs. 2ly#"rni# 0chronicus 

    in 8atin eanstime

    1# (n#"rni#3 4 "eo"le see their li)es as

    se+uences of &eginnings and endings 0A, B,

    C, D1'

    # $ly#"rni#3 4 "eo"le see their li)es in anonlinear fashion 0A, 9, -1.

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    5+ S$a#e

    2re(i#s ' the study of how &ody s"acedefines huan relationshi"s'

    Each culture has its own s"ace di)isions,

    &ased on how close you can get to one

    another, and how "eo"le inter"ret thatrelationshi" within that %ind of acce"ta&le


  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    # 6er(ans – ha)e a greater distance in their "ersonal

    s"ace than the Italians' *erans ay feel a "erson

    fro Italy is )iolating his or her &oundaries and is

    coing on too strongly.

    # Arabs  – when you:re ha)ing a con)ersation with

    soeone, you ha)e to get )ery, )ery close to their

    face, and, unless you feel the warth of their &reathas you are s"ea%ing to one another, you are not

    engaged in a con)ersation.

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    7+ Ti(e

    # Cl#8 bund – "eo"le conduct their li)es according to the tie

    it ta%es to get things done within the standard 7;6hour day'

    # Natural bund – "eo"le conduct their acti)ities according to the"laceent of the sun and the seasons of the year 0

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    9+ 2wer Distan#e – is the degree to which a

    culture will acce"t the distri&ution of "ower'# C"ina ' has a high "ower distance2 the older

    a "erson is, the ore "ower and res"ect he

    or she coands'

    # USA 4 "eo"le do not acce"t an une+ualdistri&ution of "ower' they "refer e+uality'

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    :+ Un#ertainty Avidan#e ' is the degree towhich a culture can tolerate a&iguoussituations'

    # cultures with a low tolerance for a&iguityha)e a high nu&er of rules and regulationsthat go)ern "olicies, "rocedures and&eha)iours'

    # cultures with a high tolerance for a&iguityha)e fewer rules.

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    ;+ Individualis( vs. Clle#tivity '  is the degree towhich a culture &elie)es an indi)idual:s actions and

    &eliefs should &e inde"endent of the rest of culture.

    # Individualisti# #ultures ' affir "eo"le who thin%creati)ely and who differ of one another'

    # Clle#tivist #ultures ' &elie)e "eo"le should acce"tcollecti)e &eliefs and not thin% or &eha)e differentlyfro one another.

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    )+ Nurturing vs. A#"ieving ' the degree towhich a culture &elie)es indi)iduals should &erewarded for their inde"endent ideas andachie)eents.

    # Nurturing #ultures ' coo"erati)e andcolla&orati)e'

    # A#"ieving #ultures ' encourage co"etitionas a way to i"ro)e "erforance.

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    Dwnsides3 (ar8eting disasters <


    In Chinese, the #entucky Fried Chicken slogan $finger%

    lickin& good$ came out as $eat your fingers off.$

    'he (merican slogan for )alem cigarettes, $)alem %

    Feeling Free,$ got translated in the Japanese market

    into $*hen smoking )alem, you feel so refreshed thatyour mind seems to be free and empty.$  

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    *hen +arker +en marketed a pen in e-ico,

    its ads ere supposed to say, $It on&t leak inyour pocket and embarrass you.“ 

      'he company thought that the ord

    $embara/ar$ meant to embarrass, so the ad

    said0 $It on&t leak in your pocket and makeyou pregnant.$ 

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    +epsi slogan $Come (lie *ith the +epsiGeneration$ as translated into $+epsi Brings 1our

     (ncestors Back From the Grae$ in Chinese.

      *hen Gerber started selling baby food in (frica,they used the same packaging as in the 2), ith the

    smiling baby on the label. 3ater they learned that in (frica, companies routinely put pictures on the labelsof hat&s inside, since many people can&t read.

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    Colgate introduced a toothpaste in France called Cue, thename of a pornographic maga/ine.

      *hen (merican (irlines anted to adertise its ne leatherfirst class seats in the e-ican market, it translated its $Fly In3eather$ campaign literally, hich meant $Fly 4aked$ 5uela encuero6 in )panish.

    General otors had a ery famous fiasco in trying to marketthe 4oa car in Central and )outh (merica. $4o a$ in )panishmeans $It 7oesn&t Go$.

  • 8/16/2019 Curs 3. Anul 3.IE.ppt


    C. %" is nr(al, anyway&


     Aericans thin% Aerica is the &est 0the

     Aerican drea1 and the &iggest, the

    newest and the richest, and all the others area &it slow, old6fashioned, rather "oor and

    soewhat on the sall side.

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    !"anish thin% they are the &ra)est &ecausethey %ill &ulls'

    @rench thin% they are intellectually su"erior toe)ery&ody else'

    $a"anese are +uite sure they are su"erior to

    others, including the @rench'*erans are the ost "unctual, efficient,


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    D. Sterety$es =

     A stereoty"e is a &elief that a certain grou" of

    "eo"le is all the sae and shares identicaltraits. -eo"le who &elie)e in stereoty"es do

    not understand that all "eo"le are uni+ue in

    their own way.

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