Disney Uglacy Chapter 2



Ugly children! Ugly Childrennnnn!

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Last chapter the founder of this Matriachy Uglacy, Disney Ugmo was introduced. She had an eXtreme start, came pretty close to death, spent a lot of time asleep on the ground and generally had a pretty poor time of it all. Eventually she married in Stuart Jakobsen who took up the Ugmo name. He has a few distinctive features that will hopefully shine through to the children. Let’s get chapter 2 underway and find out.


I’d like to make a BIG shout out to those who have provided custom content that appeared in this chapter. I don't have the credits on hand but if there's something you saw that you liked you can message me at the Boolprop forums or in this blog and I'll try to find the name of the piece.

What better way to start the chapter about the kids than with how kids start out. We have a lullaby on the first try! Looks like we've snagged

ourselves a real breeder here Disney!

Given the Disney was pregnant and would soon be perpetually hungry, I felt an upgrade of the facilities was required. Note the lack of fire alarm as per the "Fearless" handicap... I see a future wreathed in flame...

Disney has completed her novel for the "Storyteller" handicap. Unfortunately "Nuclear Jigsaw" didn't sell particularly well... a royalty check for $1800 is nothing to sneeze at though.

I realised quite late the Picard was running out of time to start a petacy. I had wanted Alegra to be the first but with time running out Disney and Stuart adopted Buffy.

The two dogs took to each other right away, which was a relief - I've had dogs in the past that have gone days before interacting with each other for the first time. I just hope there's enough time to get them to do the doggy dirty.

I’m beginning to suspect that Stuart is a closet Romance Sim. He's now heart-farting the mailwoman. I don't get it! His turn-ons are Fatness and swimwear! She has neither!

Picard has reached the pinnacle of the Security career track! He is now a member of the Pet Corps! Y'know... I think this is the first time that a pet of mine has reached the top. Wow... I SUCK at this game!

I did this shot with the walls down to show that this burglar could be in for a bad night as Stuart has fallen asleep standing up at the front door. Who needs a burglar alarm?

Hmm... apparently we do... she got away with the doghouse, the bookcase and the easel that I just bought to start working on the family portraits!

"My water broke!"

No, that's from the broken shower you chose to stand under when giving birth.

Hooray! A girl! Maybe this matriachy won't end up like ProfessorButters‘** where her poor heirs keep having nothing but boys! Meet little Alice - named after Alice in Wonderland of course – released in 1951. I'm going to try and keep things alphabetically by gender. So the first boy will have an A name and the next girl will have a B name followed by a C name for the third girl and a B name for the second boy etc. I'd do it by generation but I don't know that I could get thru 26 generations!!


**The Squeaky Clean Legacy. Check it out at forums.boolprop.com

Stuart was very excited to see his new baby but first, he had to make the bed.

Well, wonderful. Disney is pregnant again and asleep and Stuart has gone into Aspirational failure because his novel "Nuances of Cheese" sucked. Brilliant! Just what we need with a dependant infant in the house!

Little Alice grew up to a toddler almost without my noticing because I completely forgot about her. Let's see how we've gone for our potential heir.

Wow... wow... I hope that's not a case of too much too soon! She looks like she's got some ape ancestry (incestry?) in there! Definitely need a new suit too! Pink Tuxedo = NO!

The legacy tree was hit by lightning! I sent the most expendable sim outside to extinguish the fire. I have at least one potential heir already, should Stuart be struck by lightning and die now, well... look it would suck but we'd get on with life.

Two beings so alike... except one is ugly... Disney's second pregnancy was quite hard on her.

In a further case of "I'manidiot-itis" it turns out Buffy is an elder dog and thus useless for breeding purposes. Disney has now also adopted Lulu the black lab. We're not going to get rid of Buffy though, I'd feel bad. She can stick around and live her final days (however many there are) in comfort.

The arrival of Lulu also heralded the arrival of potential heir number two.

Here is little Aladdin Ugmo – named, of course after the film of the same name which was released in 1992 featuring the wonderful talent of Robin Williams voicing the genie. Aladdin has mum's eyes as well and looks like he might be sporting red hair with those eyebrows.

Disney got pregnant a third time and was too exhausted to even feed her toddler. I watched in horror as the hunger bar went up while she scarfed down the dog food.

I try not to use these objects as much as possible but this was a desperate situation. Both parents were having crises and with two dependants I needed to take action.

This third pregnancy was hard on Disney. She was constantly throwing up and even after using the energizer her needs were falling quickly.

"Honey, I love you but I swear if we have any more kids after this one, I will go coo-coo bananas!"

This place seems to be turning into a communal lot for dogs...

Wonderful! So, Disney threw a birthday party for Alice and Aladdin. Death crashed the party and Buffy was sent on her way to the big doggy park in the sky. To add insult to injury - of the seven people invited, two showed up.

But! Not half a simhour later, still during the party, Lulu gave birth! Right next to Buffy's headstone which is a little bit creepy and also a little bit fitting. This little female pup is called Troi - after Deanna Troi from Star Trek: The Next Generation who is played by Marina Sirtis.

After a rollercoaster party we have cake! Cake no. 1 for Little Miss Ugmo!

Well... it's not hideous but she's got some massive cheeks and lips happening there. I like the hairstyle on her, though that might change soon.

Aladdin grows up into a wee toddler!

He's actually pretty handsome! A good mix of genes and a cute little haircut to boot!

This has got to be one of the creepiest pictures that I've ever seen. She looks like the girl from The Exorcist doing a full 360 head turn.

“The power of christ compels you!”

Everyone in this family autonomously cleans. Alice sprints to cleaning jobs. There is FAR too much enthusiasm for chores in this family.

Is this really a recommended activity for someone who is heavily pregnant?

He's got me!!! Help! Help!!

"Show you a magic twick!"


Wh... what the deuce! Let me down! Let me down I say!! Heeeelp!

The legacy tree is looking much healthier these days and we got $63 for the fruit.

There is a strange old man waiting to greet Alice as she gets off the bus. Very. Very. Creepy.

Third labor fun times! Alice looks positively horrified at what her mother is going through.

"No way am I ever doing that!"

You might have to if this turns out to be a boy.

You might be in luck, Alice. It's a little girl! This is Belle. Named, of course, after the character in "Beauty and the Beast" which was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture in 1992 and won Academy Awards for Best Music: Original Score and Best Music: Original Song. She has the blonde eyebrows that go with Disney's custom hair... hopefully she's not a clone of Alice.

I couldn't keep up with the mess of 5 sims and 3 dogs any longer so Stuart hired a maid... I'm not 100% sure that Joy, here, is a woman...

Sweet mother, not again! Release me!! I saw you splashing in puddles that were definitely not made from water before!

Picard grew into an elder without any warning. He retired from the Pet Corps with a $143 a day pension.

Seriously, what the hell is with everyone smelling themselves?

Buffy paid a visit. I'm a bit concerned with how easily she got into the house. My free-roaming ghosts handicap is going to definitely bite me in the aspirations if i can't keep the ghosts outside.

There was a small family party for Belle's transition to annoying little er... i mean, toddlerhood.

Hmm. Not a clone of Alice as I had first feared. A few different features from Alice and I'll need to make a decision when they reach their teen years on which way to go here. Belle has definitely got her father's nose.

He may be ugly, but he is a frammin' good cat burglar! Stuart snagged a diamond from a museum in a chance card and sold it for $20,000. They are in the money now!

Troi grew up looking a lot like her father. Mum's ears though.

"Say: Daddy!“


"Close enough."

Aladdin had a fear of having a party so it was another private family celebration. Alice looks like some kind of beast trying to inhale the cake and the family members. Stuart is considering ways of appeasing this monstrous creature.

He's actually quite a handsome kid. I really like him. We'll see how he grows further.

Disney grew into an elder on the same day. I'm a bit concerned about getting her to permaplat before she dies. She just needs three kids to graduate from college. I think maybe Belle will be making an early entrance into college life once she hits the teen years.

"Its the red bird! A sign of the prophecy of the coming doom. The one with the massive mouth of inhaling death is upon us!"

Aladdin seems to have a lot of issues regarding Alice.

Another toddler with a fear of having a party so another quiet gathering.

"Um kids... playing rock, paper, scissors in front of the stove while daddy's cooking pork chops isn't really the best... um... kids... moving would be... y'know..."

"Argh! Frammin' Booprop!! We have a minor crisis here."

You can see in the background that Belle has just sprouted into a child amongst the chaos. Didn't get to blow out her candles though...

Here she is. That nose is still there... Belle is a 9/4/9/10/3 Taurus. A neat freak like the rest of the kids and a little bit on the meanside. Very playful and active.

Apparently very curious too... Want to maybe give your brother a bit of privacy there, Belle?

The voyeurism extends to the pets too, apparently.

“Stop. Watching. Me.”

Lulu and Troi had a bit of a mother/daughter spat...

Lulu won.

Alice grew into a teenager and I feel that she grew into her features slightly... still has those HUGE lips though. She rolled fortune and her long term want is to be a Hall of Famer. Better start working on those body points.

Both Alice and Aladdin had managed to get pretty behind in their homework and had to spend a ridiculous amount of time catching up.

Nice to see that love doesn't fade. They do this autonomously all the time.

"Hi there! We'd like you to join the secret cuisine club!“

"Hi there! I'm reading and studying right now and I want you to go away because you are standing in my light!"

The headmaster is around for a visit so that the kids might get into a private school.

"Listen bucko, you're going to let my kids into that school or else!"

That might have been more threatening if she wasn't wearing her granny pyjamas...

“And then they bet me that I couldn't fit a CD in my mouth whole. Well I showed them!"

Wonderful manners for a private school headmaster. He's judging *us*?

"Bye honey! I'm off to my job as a... um... Zebra Crossing!“

I don't think the headmaster is buying that.

Failure! Alice took a massive aspirational hit for that but thankfully she'd been in pretty happy shape going into the evening.

"This is the picture I drew of me and my friend standing over the headstone of the defeated inhaling death beast."

"You are a seriously creepy dog."

She does things like this autonomously all the time. Disney really loves her family.

Alice is working as a Dance instructor and her hair goes black when she changes for work. A wig maybe? It actually kinda works for her.

She lasted about an hour and then got fired. Too much ugly for the kids to handle probably.

Jill and Alice began the fusion ritual to form an truly grotesque and deadly four-armed inhaler beast.

Bye Picard... I almost missed it completely.

Picard reached the top of the Security career and is survived by his offspring, Troi.

He goes into the graveyard off to the side with the legacy tree. According to the legacy tree rules the tree can’t be moved once first planted so I’m putting the graveyard around it. You'll notice that Buffy's headstone is gone... I don't know why. I may have accidentally deleted it but I don't remember doing so.

A quiet family birthday sees Stuart age into his elder state. He's keeping his job for the meantime though - we're pretty close to that criminal mastermind.

I'm totally useless with remembering birthdays. Here's Aladdin immediately after he grew into a teen. He's actually a really handsome guy and even if this wasn't a matriachy there is no way he'd be getting that heir position. I might put him aside for a different purpose... He's a pleasure sim, by the way

Stuart is a criminal mastermind! Permaplatdom has been acheived! Huzzah!

I figure that now is as good a time as any to get Stuart to repair the computer since we can't get a repairman to do it as per the "fearless" rules. I think the maxed mechanical points saved him here.

Belle Ugmo! Excuse yourself this instance you disgusting child! Oh, you're growing up, never mind. Carry on.

Wow... this is going to be a tough call for the heir, I think.

Look, it’s a tight call for the heir but I think I’m going to have to got for Alice (in green)… the lips and cheeks combo wins out.

The girls entertain themselves. Just don’t punch each other in the face… not that it could get much worse…

Aladdin ended up taking Troi and Otis to a community lot where they had nothing really to do but play with each other and build up their friendship. This resulted in this recipe for a new puppy. Fiona felt that they needed to be cheered on.

I’ll leave you, now, with this rather unpleasant shot of Alice calling to leave for college. Next chapter…. Could be college life… I might just skip over it… I’ll see what happens.

Tune in anyway! It’ll be Ugly - that much is guaranteed!