DP CYO Soccer May 1, 1977


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  • 8/13/2019 DP CYO Soccer May 1, 1977




    May 1 1 L977frldcver have so ferr c']-;cne so much for so many. tt Winston Cl:urchillThe sa.rne can be said rf thc parents, adults and teenagers r.,rho }ceepthe j-n-house soeeer program alivei lvlany hoursr late (or missed)meals, ingratitudg and gutter snilringe roore rften than notr ls thelrre,,ro.rd. Some decide enough is enough and ouit. Can you blame thern?I canrt. Good sportsmanshlp, fair p1ay, and just plain fim, should bethe purpose of any youth organi-zatlon. Tirere seems to be, hor'rever,a groi,iing elernent th.:t believes win at any cost, intlmicl-ation, hor+ tobe a poor loser, .tnd a-path;r;1i's the lcieals we should be holding up tOour cirlldren. I donlt buy thet. fil fact I refuse to give my time,effortr or supi;ort to anlr s3g-rnizatlon th.l.t preaches t]1e latterrMany ethers also feel as I C.or In f;.et, th;nk Godl welre stil1 inthe majorlty, a.J.beit a silent onel Unless r,,,re sireak up1 ho,,revere theminority r,,rill tarke overl Th{ opportunS.ty to do so (spea.k up) 1s here,Come to the rneeting on 1lay 27t L977, Bob Th.rmesIn-house coordinator

    To cliscuss the fuiure: il, 3'ItX, of the boys in.housesoecer proSram.I,'rlhere: Sts, Cyr1l & Methodiusl,,trlren: Friday, l[,ay 27 at B:00Those invitedr 1. Coa.chesOPIII }EET]I;GPurpose:

    Church basementPM Divlsion seeretariesConcerned 1:arentsAnyane rdth lntestlnalfortitud.e r.rilIing 61 makea conmitinent'r "' "" ,;;";aora=*n""'tr""t

    Reeently there,.ras a note 1n our Ner,rsle'bter s'U't-i-ng that'o.trere wa.s ashortage of coaches and referees j-n our soccer i)rograin. Paren'r; pbusrlras given as the cause. It is human na"ture that rre al-l- -rrafit ourchildren to v,rin. Soire do i:ct cirried alray and e:rercise their vdcalcorcis, 1,{e sonetimes for3et that our coaches anrl: referees are valun-tering thelr tli,re and" services. liJe reay be at faul-t here.rnd i.re alrologlzeallor.rever, in all fa.irness, blaiae does not a}r;.ys rest',rith us. Ourorganizatlon seems very polit:lca1, A I'chosen fe',rrr .-.1' a.llorred theprlvilege of puttlng sons, dau.i4hter a.nd friends on c.hosen teams. Whenthey are ctr-les'uioned-e 'bhe pa.rents aI'e g-iven all k:r.ncrs of storics, mosfrf whlch lrre cattnot acceitt. ]',fer^l co;,rc.l:e s and refel'ees ciuic)l1ir dfop Outnat only because of trparent ..busett but ',rhen confronted 'rlith the rrpoli-ticsrr of 'bhe prog-t:arn.Soccer was mean'b for younii cl:j-ldren 'bo have fun" Let us return theprogr.aiii to the ehi-"I-dren. The rrself-se::ving interestrr of certain clachesry..: :t:*i":t:u: . . . ., . o . . . . . r G . . . . . o . . .,

    2. Assista.nt coaches3. Refereestta2,/^\Jr

    The above unsignecl Ietl;er ::efersfeel that stron3llr plea"se a-btendand air )rour grlev;lnces.ato al aa oa ia aa a aal a a aao t

    to rriroli-bics of bhe i:rogramrr. If yousehcduled neeti-ni, to be heIC. \lay 27Jilir lt{cKeo1...rn - Dlrector


    Unfo::tunatelr, tl-ris is 'uirc last i:e'*rs1e'bte:: 'that C,,rntine Lnd FranGal-Luzzo call er.iit. If an),oite is intcrested in edi-bin3: and ta)tingch".-ri.ie of the iie'u,rsle'btore i)1e.r"se con'i;act }-ran.WiLCOiiE: To Carol Quirl.: ne',r boys Ba.nt;iit ii.ivision secreta-ry. Itrysure 1,Ie al-'l- ',ri11 give Carol ou.r fu1l eooper.-r.ti-on in t-irisd_ifficlut anr-l "nnr-1un1-i-ni,i t,'osltiou.

  • 8/13/2019 DP CYO Soccer May 1, 1977


    Sts. Cyrilrs".Soccer Jackets - Contact Susan lriona.han 667-L3\-2Sts. Cyril,s ilnnual Soccer ,rbrrr" - JuJ-y 10, Lg77 I

    Please send yourJune 1, L977 byall and supportLUr_T ,: jp Jaulip

    Sunci,ry, Ma-y 1stF. Lotter I s Rt\ivlRODS IB. 0lsents BOBC:\TS OR. liare s ca I s ROY:\LS 2II. l,Ta-i-plnts LEPI1ECHALDTS 2SaturCay, ,Lpri1 23rd ($i;rif 2nd gameF. Lotterrs RAI\BODS 1

    reservations in regardlng the Cosmos soecer outlngI.tay Bth to Bob Thomas, coordinator, Come one, comeour Deer Park teanr.Contact: Ilelen 0u1nn - 667-58221. 1black pacicled sirln guard - found at I'Iay }ioore on Sunday.Joe is naroe on 1'b.2. red s'uleat jacket anci soccer bal-l.FLY,EIGI-IT DIIiISION Dlvision Sec. Joe Gaug

    J. r\ndradets LUCKY 7 |J. Tenbrinkts C0SI'10S 3]B. Gaba t s GOLDEII BEARS l+ll. Ga"gl-i-ardo I s RED DEVIIS 1rained out)B, Olsents BOBCATS 0

    The Ramrods ca,me out today r,'iith super defensive pJ-aying ancl were luckyto defeat tire Lucliy 7ts 1-0. Our goal rras scored by Kevln Sissonr dueto a-n asslst from Ter"'rnce Holland. Fine clefenslve playing by Andy Adler,Joe Dt;\rrigo, Jge Davie, Itlchgel Lepll

  • 8/13/2019 DP CYO Soccer May 1, 1977


    On S:rturday, April 23rd, the ilamrods ancl- Bobcats played'bheir ma.ke-upgi*u of ,ipi'il 'ZnO1 ffre Ramrocls bea,t the Bobcats 1-0. Great tearl irrorkEy, thc Boi:ca-bs irei:t us from seoring only one -goal. Scoring-fol ltuRirnrocl.s lras Kevin Sisson assisted 6y trlumpytt Lotter and Louls Goldenbergrfirr" defenslve playing by Joe Del1a(ui1ar-Eussel Scala? anq BartlettFuls'ocrr T.[re t-er.rn- mi-ssel David' Hlckeyl r'rl:o is recovering from abroken toe - hurry bacl< D"-'vidThe Bobcatsr'16ad. bi co-captains lilke Rizzo anct IIex Dieclehoff lostr tougir ganci io tire"R.ar,rrods 1-0 on Sat, itflll-2JIil.._. Grea'c d-efensivegoo"i-Eo"Eiri-q by llm srnj-th ancl Bobb;r 1,leI,ch heIcl the-il.rfllrocl-s from scoringf,ro,," t.tra.n f-goit. Al-1. tl:e Bobca.ts dlsplay66 a trenenclous anount ofter.rl i.rorli and coopeffition in tirelr cffort for a t'rinl

    oEAJ''T'J; DI\ruSIO1:' Divlsi.on Secr - Caro1 Qt-iilcSr Dlra5;:-ts Islancl.ers 0J. Lambrots Sharlis 5J. La.r,',brols Sh.lrls 3P . Roone "y I s Sha::tr'ccl-s ?-P. Roone;r l s t5o-,'1i'9ciis I;-s: Dirr.rr:its Jslr-i:&cr s 2Dr welndteinE Rangcrs l-

    BTLrDIT)))aIicT,auge-J.1n I s Cougers'.ieIezf s Stinl,ers Oi,',Iil11aras I po1ph5-ns 2Iicl,e.ui:,-hlin I s Couga r s

    The Sharlcs ,,lon t.hci.r rrriilie-up tgar,ie'egerins,t thchad a hat tricl;. i.lchiLcl Rausa I e:nci Stelrhcnplaylng by ai-1 che boys oSharlcs goa.1s rr3rc scorecr. by Robert Tasso 2 a.ncLpleiylng by iiark anc] PauI Iirouina-ic, Alex ::ilgerigo,':11e Chr"is Pao-l-i.celli.

    I,';l-irncl-crs r Jc.il:ie IiareLi.ilbros 1. E:icellentJe.mie l.{are 1. Flne, Rocco }iagnaro a.nd our


    ,iilhc Shornr.ocLts beatthr Cou3;r's b), the scolre of 2-Ot Jimniy Rooney 1-ancl Stephen Pepel got thc gor:Is. Damen Lrnato, Robert Saroeeo andAngelo Sarocco il1ays61 1;Ie11 for thc Shiu_roclis.The SJ:.arnroeks bcat ir strong Stli:3c-rs team by 4-6. Jimr,ry Rooney ahat tlrlclc ancl robert Sa.rocco got tire goals. Robert Cor,ip"rne1la, JohnHuber and Eugene Sa.rocco rrcrqr verlr .gooc1 for the Sharnroclcs.tTirc Dolphlns i.irr o. h.ilr raiscr vent i'.ircacl 2-O c:r:J-;, in the 2n,J halfbut the clcfcusc tirecl 1t: the fin,''l .:uarter a-ncl g.rve up 2 goLls forratle rrrith il cleterli.iilc.iinc \--1. In splte of tltc 1oss, alJ- the boysjtla.ycd thelr l:est. Ilj-cc ijarirc for Stevcn Bra.cco and Sterren Socco11.Thc lenc',-$ol.l for tfe Jli',scr1s rras scorocl by Davlcl Borghi'-rcl.The llarriors illa.yecl a berlancerl-,cffc,:,tse anrr d.efense to r.iin a 4-2vlctory. Scoring r,rais liike LoRuss;o 2) Fra-nk iton,,...no 1, anci John Anzelmo 1.Tomroy Lce scored 2-April 9

    gor.rls for thc Kriights. Et;cellcnt irla)/ing by all.J. l'.{clieol,rn I s i(NI G]-ITSJohn }ielodla had :.iprll 16 Ir;,t tricli a.uri Rlchie i:li.lbert IJ. j.fcKeoi:rnls I(I'IGHTS 1Goal scorecl by Johii ltieloc'iia. Iio . B;: l:ylon I s i ,.1-Gf Cf ili\TS 3

  • 8/13/2019 DP CYO Soccer May 1, 1977


    Goerls scored - a hat,trick by Toiliny Lee, Jaek Costa 1, and RichleI{ilbert 1.rrstll1 no r,,rorcl fiom the \dandererst'tllUlirErt_}2 iipril 30Chris iia.lprnb CEI:IICS 3 Garden Cli;;, 'I.h]:DERIRS OThc Ccltlcs r,ron this gi'me 3-0 on goals frorn Tom llornc 1l lt{arelloGonez 1, i-.nd a grea,t head goal frorii Loule Ca.landra on a cross froilTon iiorne. It was a very i,.,rell- plalred galne a.nd- oull clefense of TomIforris, Jrm Tenbrin1"., John SaLvato and goal kee.per llike Coughlinplayed e:lcel] ent defense.

    ;lpr11 2-3J. i'lcKcor.rnt s KNIGHTS 5

    -uj J3_10 l'Ia.y 1F. Sharir I s SPIIIIITS O

    T. Lottents KI)l & COI:P'.ifY IP, Griffents B.l,LBIrlfS OC. Qulrlcrs GRASSHOPFERS 1

    Eru-IJ-]GETCr :';tklns LUCKY Cll'.Rl':S 2M. IicCabe COUG:i1S 3

    IrTol eabylonrs TORIIi;iDOES O

    l'Ias sapeciua t

    Jr 0lLougir-'l-j-nts J,'J.^1S 2P. McKcnnais III;IEIIS 1It. L)rnehardrs OR.:.FGI BLgSS.MS 0

    aD.Brunots E'.GLES 2i,i. DlGlacomo I s RO'rrDI{S 2

    I'{assr,1:equ;r poured on their pol,.rer the fJ.rst'half r.rith 2 goalsr D.P.defense held them in the second half, Grcl.t goaltenorng by lviartlnl,ullho1and. Goodlall around defenslve playlng by Hor,r;rrd. Hemi:son,Paul Benzlng, l,lichaql Lentlnl ancl Jamle i,,lorshouvlcy,

    The Vixens lron 1-O,agllnst the Bambles. Good, team effort for off-enSe r--- :-- -Sl"tP.thanks to 3oa11e Bi-,t'br:.ra.^-nn Piening. Ist tlnie r I1o',t:.rning, she d1da. supcr job. Our r','lnrrlng goal r,uas scored by taura 'l',-cKenna. /Jso.,special mention to ot-lr ner^,r girls on tl-:.e tearn, Kim Col-Iins1 ChrlstlneDegan and Klm Badcnaeher for 'cJ.reir moves. .The Grasshoi-.;ers fin:rIly got their first r,rin. Thc ',,rhol-e team d.eservesa specia"l congra.tuLa.tions. Speclal mention goes to fullba.el.r $-saLanzetta, Denise Pepe and- Jo,Lnn Corblsler. Great offensc plafing byPatrlcla Kaletchcr, Kerrlr I'lclaughlin, Jacltie Cairpicllo, Krlstin Englishe-nd- Lorl Treivina. Their one goi:l- wo.s seored in the ]-st half by Denise 'loPreto. Thelr coaches a.re vcrlr proud of thc.i.rhole tea-m i:nd l-ool;ingforr,iard to i.tore rrrins I |The Jar,,is ceme out thj; r.n/eeli."^rith only 9 girIs. But, I{rs. L,ottcr ,,,rasYery graclous.-.nd playcd. r,,ri'i,h onl-y 9 girls to na,llc thc si-res crenr TheJar',rs pIa;red I grc.tt g.rme l.ilth goa.1s scoredL by I'Iora Ronano ancl lilexandrel{arsden. Speeial rncntion to M:rrie Sanzone, ancl Dawn Bl-oek rrho dld agrcat iob on offcnse, on defense Christine }iigro dlcl a great job.Great goal-tcnriing b;r Q1i1i1.lss Garvcy. Kcep uir the good t;olrL,i girls. .'

    Thc Eagles tirro goi'.Is tlrer :cored b Cind.y liil-lcr. Ulth one a-ssistedby Louise Saceone and the othcr.,:;sistecl by liar;i Jurison. Our goa.llesDiane Purificato a.nd lis"l Calcancs did a gre t job. Good F1a;r1p* 5t'Connj-e Diaz, Barbara Furlfici'.to, Dcnisc ,Slrf-llva"n and Chrls Gusinerottl.Keep up thc (iood rrorkr .The Luclili Ch:rrms iraci their second tic of thc season t.iris iarccl:. Evcry-one put in terrific effort. Both gorls scorcd by Roseann Atl=ns withassists frorn }fargret lfa.nnahoc i nd l,Tanc]r'0rLoughli.n. Crcc].it for fantastlcall around pl,rylng for threc uc.lis in a ro17 g63s to She-ron I'l'r-hon. Goodoffense b), iVancy 0tLoughli-n and E11een Rohr. Good midfield playlng hyTor:i :nne }tlelod.ia and Barb-,rr- Evers*r5;.:irt a- big hand for our goallesLaura Schoenburger rnd Lori Ster,rarb. Kccp up the gocci uorl: gir1s,

  • 8/13/2019 DP CYO Soccer May 1, 1977


    .iprj-1 30Ti Lot'l.er t s KI;I & KOIiP'-liY 1 J. OtLoughlinls JAfiS 2-', h.-rd fottght ga.ne for I(lx & Komp;ny. The girls just eor,.lcnlt 3c'i; itto3c'bi:cr ap6l. placc the ball in the net, passed.:the Jeii;s iefensc.Scoi'ing flr the Klx was Linda Boehm On an assist by Linc].a Rooney.Goccl ;layipg b), Irancy Grecn; Laura RLzzo, Ellzabe';h Andrade, CarolynI'{ur::a.y :.nd Pa.ttl }lapolitano. Good goaltending by Dianna Lee Lotter.Ja,.rs ''rou']d. 1il:e -i:o th:nli Ierry Lotter for her goccl sportsn,-:nslt-r. l in1-.1 ;ring even u1r r,rit,: otrl y .c playe rs. Ti:e girls r ofl botl: tc;lms , i:layedrg::ea.t gnd to end soccer. Exccptj-OnaI .la.irirrg by ;]exa.nc],ra l,ii::sden,Dar,vn Blocl:, i"ora Romrnc anc, our go":.Iic C;nc1y Galrvey. Gre"tt cl"efense byChrlstlne l'ligro and l.ichele De1latuor Sgorrrrg - ,Llexi-ncira liarsdetr 1riior;, B,oiira.ito 1. Congra.tulations Dinah Lotter, )iou liere outst;niing ingoa1.W Div, sec. Pa'i; He,nahteIialieup Gemes i.onday nlght, .,,-.r11 25

    Gi Pepe I s pOl:fTs 3There w:s fintastie hustling by f3e;r Stuart of 'b.t:e Ccmc1:s 1n'i;.l1isge.ne 'ndt.ir the Chargcrsi Good cifense kept ever)/one on their tlcslThcre r,ra,s e;reel-lent c',efense by Feli:c Lam..:tio .r]1d Joe Pei'ronel PhtlipRooney seored. one goal- ancl- Faul }.litl:ish scorcd. tr.ro for .the CometsfI\resd.aynightr -'ipr11 25 . r | ' '

    IG.Pepels COlfiTS 1 Dr Sisscnrs TO;1N,DOfS 0The Comets met thc undeferteiL Tornado6s i:nd-:1:'l.ryccl ,: fantastic team'gaae. Ever1, phyer ;:Laye( i:i-s ;:oslti,on a.nc':. lpere 1y'.-s great Cefense andoffense. The one goal - scorecL b:' thg Conetsifroiit a.i:cut.2O ye.rds ar.,'4Xand just over the goaLiqs heao ::esulteo frgii:,coiist-r:'t.i5ieslure fror,ithe front 1ine. :'iqgreat aI-]--out tea.: effort:b;r i5" ConetslAn ou-bstand.ing galle by TornaCoes Keith MeLadgirj.i.n, Rj-c1; Sisson, Tcn:nyM;urf"-',;' a.nC Steven :l.naiooSaturaay, April"_{ , ';Dr Sissonls TORI:AfOES 2 ' , G. ljangels CiI.i.'iGf;lS 1i\r fndlicators ii,IrilKS 2' ' Pi Iir:3ots BLUI ilL-r,ZfRS 1.The I-iar^rhst Fal- Salzarano and Jinily Sghaefer scored t]:.e 2 goals'andplayed ai: excelleiit game.The goals fcr ti:e Tornadocs',rcrc seorec', by ]/in.n;'LcPreto. l1iek Sisson.0utst,anding p1a;r b), f,ornadoes Pe'[e Gorma.n, Chrls Doirini-k1 Frai:.li Congror,.Antl:ony Pettro zzell.a .-,irci Kertir i'ilaugi:11n.

    :Sund.a;,, I.fa1r 1 .G. fep;rs bOynfS t' A. Inciellc;tots Ii.',r,KS OG; liangelrs Cil-\RG.l;1S 2 J. DiGiaeornots hl-|ilIORs 2D. Sissonls TORI'r,D0fS .3 )r Doclr.sr'1,?s G.i.ELS 3-tithough the Harvks l-ost \1O to the Coriets ''[he l-ia,viis fought ha.rd andoid not give i-ii: in their efforts holdang the Comets to only one goaL'ln the Znd fraffr $perial mentj.on to }3ke,1.m:-to r,,iho gave us a flne effort.The Comcts continued. to. play gooc]- tea;,i socccr 1n 'bheir LO win agalnstthe Haruks. Goals lrere blr fy$1.r Stuar;b 2 and I'lirlt ]itiish 1 and Paul1'litt ish 1] Good defense- by ha.lfbi.e1cs Russel Dit":gi and Charles Rainone.Goals for Tornad-oes r,.rcrc b), Steven .1.na.to. Tcrenee ]Iu1hollanC & RickSisson. Qutstaniing pla:r by To;:rl:;' Ilurral', Ted Wozniall, Joiu Vegal PeteLanni and, Joh-:: Bona. '

    G, llan3els CH-\?Gir'iS 2

    s. )lra- l^i I s ISLiIIDIIS 2Botir Isl:nder goals scored byFenlnela a.nil. Trac.r'. Jennings.Cord.aro brothers *tnthcnlr .trrd-

    Df l'rilIlans DOPI{II]S 2John Hepner r.rith assj-sts fror.: JohnGreat iiefer:.sj-ve pertr$orn;Lnces b;' theGreg. ,1mci lcts not forget the gemesaver by our goalie llj,lce Scenel-la".