Dr. Álvaro Alberto Aldama Rodríguez Consultor Independiente Simposio Ismael Herrera Avances en...


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  • Dr. lvaro Alberto Aldama Rodrguez Consultor Independiente Simposio Ismael Herrera Avances en Modelacin Matemtica en Ingeniera y Geosistemas
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  • Dr. lvaro Alberto Aldama Rodrguez Independent Consultant Ismael Herrera Simposium Advances in Mathematical Modeling in Engineering and Geosystems
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  • Las matemticas como lenguaje Las matemticas son lenguaje puro - el lenguaje de la ciencia. A. Adler, Mathematics and Creativity.
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  • Mathematics as a language Mathematics is pure language - the language of science. A. Adler, Mathematics and Creativity.
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  • Wittgenstein y la importancia del lenguaje Wittgenstein fue quiz el filsofo ms importante del siglo XX. Estudi ingeniera mecnica y aeronutica, ms tarde se interes en los fundamentos de las matemticas y termin haciendo contribuciones muy importantes a la filosofa del lenguaje. Wittgenstein postul en su Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus que lo que no se puede expresar mediante lenguaje, no se puede pensar. [
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  • Wittgenstein and the importance of language Wittgenstein perhaps was the most important philosopher of the twentieth century. He studied Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, later on he became interested in the foundations of Mathematics and ended up making notable contributions to the Philosophy of language. Wittgenstein postulated in his Tractatus Logico- Philosophicus that what cannont be talked about, cannot be thought of. [
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  • Las matemticas puras son la clase de todas las proposiciones de la forma p implica q, donde p y q son proposiciones que contienen una o ms variables, las mismas en ambas proposiciones, y ni p ni q contiene constantes, con excepcin de constantes lgicas. Y las constantes lgicas son todas las nociones definibles en trminos de los siguiente: implicacin, la relacin de un miembro a la clase de la cual es miembro, la nocin de tal que, la nocin de relacin, y todas aquellas nociones adicionales que puedan estar involucradas en la nocin generalizada de proposiciones de la forma arriba definida. En adicin a stas, las matemticas usan una nocin que no es constitutiva de las proposiciones que considera, esto es, la nocin de verdad. Matemticas puras definidas por Russell
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  • Pure Mathematics is the class of all propositions of the form p implies q, where p and q are propositions containing one or more variables, the same in the two propositions, and neither p nor q contains any constants except logical constants. And logical constants are all notions definable in terms of the following: Implication, the relation of a term to a class of which it is a member, the notion of such that, the notion of relation, and such further notions as may be involved in the general notion of propositions of the above form. In addition to these, mathematics uses a notion which is not a constituent of the propositions which it considers, namely the notion of truth. Pure mathematics defined by Russell
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  • Cmo estuvo? What?
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  • Matemticas puras Las ramas de las matemticas que estudian y desarrollan los principios de las matemticas por su propio inters, en lugar de por su utilidad inmediata.
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  • Pure Mathematics The branches of Mathematics that study and develop the principles of Mathematics for their own sake rather than for their immediate usefulness.
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  • Hardy Nunca he hecho nada til. Ningn descubrimiento mo ha hecho, o tiene la posibilidad de hacer, directa o indirectamente, para bien o para mal, la ms mnima diferencia para el servicio del mundo. G.H. Hardy, A Mathematicians Apology
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  • Hardy I have never done anything useful. No discovery of mine has made, or is likely to make, directly or indirectly, for good or ill, the least difference to the amenity of the world. G.H. Hardy, A Mathematicians Apology
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  • Source: http://www.proofwiki.org/wiki/Definition:Mathematics
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  • Lobachevsky No hay rama de las matemticas, sin importar cun abstracta sea, que no pueda algn da ser aplicada a los fenmenos del mundo real Nikolai Lobaschevsy.
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  • Lobachevsky There is no branch of Mathematics, however abstract, which may not someday be applied to the phenomena of the real world Nikolai Lobaschevsy.
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  • El proceso de usar matemticas para incrementar el entendimiento cientfico puede ser convenientemente dividido en los siguientes tres pasos: i. La formulacin de problemas cientficos en trminos matemticos. ii. La solucin de los problemas matemticos as creados. iii. La interpretacin de la solucin y su verificacin emprica en trminos cientficos. iv. La generacin de nuevas matemticas que sean cientficamente relevantes a travs de creacin, generalizacin, abstraccin y formulacin axiomtica. Lin, C.C. and L.A. Segel, Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences. Las matemticas aplicadas segn Lin and Segel
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  • The process of using Mathematics for increasing scientific understanding can be conveniently divided into the following three steps: i. The formulation of the scientific problem in mathematical terms. ii. The solution of the mathematical problems thus created. iii. The interpretation of the solution and its empirical verification in scientific terms. iv. The generation of scientifically relevant new Mathematics through creation, generalization, abstraction and axiomatic formulation. Lin, C.C. and L.A. Segel, Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences. Applied mathematics according to Lin and Segel
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  • Ingeniera La profesin en la que el conocimiento de las ciencias matemticas y naturales, obtenido mediante estudio, experiencia y prctica, es aplicado juiciosamente para desarrollar mtodos que permitan utilizar econmicamente las fuerzas de la naturaleza para el beneficio de la humanidad. Consejo de Acreditacin de Ingeniera y Tecnologa (ABET, por sus siglas en ingls).
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  • Engineering The profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET ).
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  • Contribuciones a la ingeniera Las verdaderas contribuciones a la ingeniera son aqullas que impactan positivamente el ejercicio prctico de la profesin.
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  • Contributions to Engineering True contributions to Engineering are those which cause a positive impact on the practice of the profession.
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  • Ismael Herrera: Matemtico, fsico e ingeniero Ismael Herrera curs un semestre de ingeniera civil en el Tec de Monterrey, complet el plan de estudios de ingeniera qumica, fsica y matemticas en la UNAM. Posteriormente obtuvo su doctorado en matemticas aplicadas en la Universidad de Brown.
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  • Ismael Herrera: Mathematician, physicist and engineer Ismael Herrera took one semester of Civil Engineering at the Monterrey Institute of Technology, and completed the whole curriculum of Chemical Engineering, Physics and Mathematics at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Later on he obtained his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at Brown University.
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  • Ismael Herrera: El amor a las matemticas Muchos se enamoran de la belleza de las matemticas. Yo me enamor del poder de las matemticas.
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  • Ismael Herrera: The love of Mathematics Many fall in love with the beauty of mathematics. I fell in love with the power of Mathematics.
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  • Ismael Herrera: Su motivacin filantrpica tena la creencia de que la ciencia tena una extraordinaria capacidad transformadora del mundo, y cre que al estarla estudiando iba a poder hacer muchas cosas: tena conciencia de los grandes problemas de nuestro pas. Fueron compaeros mos [en la carrera de matemticas] Vctor Neuman y Federico Velasco... Federico era una persona muy crtica y, precisamente, l un da hizo la pregunta: Y esto para qu sirve? y nos qued claro que aunque intelectualmente era muy bonito lo que estudibamos, en la prctica serva poco. Ismael Herrera, Matemticas Profundas y Matemticas Aplicadas, Testimonios de los Presidentes de la Academia de la Investigacin Cientfica.
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  • Ismael Herrera: His filantrophic motivation I had the belief that Science has an extraordinary capacity to transform the world, and I believed that through its study I was going to be able to do great things: I was conscious of the great problems of our country. [In my Mathematics undergraduate studies,] Vctor Neuman and Federico Velasco... were my fellow students. Federico was very critical and, precisely, he asked the question one day: And this what on earth is it useful for? and it became very clear to us that what we were studying, although very intellectually attractive, was of very little practical use. Ismael Herrera, Profound and Applied Mathematics, Testimonies of the Presidents of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.
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  • Ismael Herrera: La simbiosis entre teora y aplicaciones Me parece un punto muy importante combinar un alto nivel acadmico y cientfico con las aplicaciones; es frecuente que se maneje el concepto, muy desorientador, [que] no es cierto, que para hacer investigacin de alto nivel, slo se puede hacer en cuestiones que no son relevantes en las aplicaciones. Eso es una idea totalmente incorrecta. Ismael Herrera, Matemticas Profundas y Matemticas Aplicadas, Testimonios de los Presidentes de la AIC.
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  • Ismael Herrera: The symbiosis between theory and applications A very important point to me is to combine a high academic and scientific level with applications; it is frequent to hear the very disorienting concept, [that] is untrue, that in order to do high level research, one must do it only in topics which are irrelevant to applications. This is a completely wrong idea. Ismael Herrera, Profound and Applied Mathematics, Testimonies of the Presidents of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.
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  • Ismael Herrera: La belleza y el poder de las matemticas (1) En las matemticas existen dos sistemas de valores que son complementarios. Por una parte las matemticas son muy bellas, y por la otra son muy poderosas. La escuela matemtica mexicana ha adoptado la belleza como su valor supremo. Aunque reconozco y admiro la hermosura de las matemticas, en mi actividad como matemtico, el valor supremo es la potencia transformadora del mundo que tienen. Los paradigmas derivados de la belleza conducen a la produccin de matemticas puras. En cambio, los derivados de la potencia y la fuerza son la motivacin de la matemtica aplicada. Ismael Herrera, Matemticas Profundas y Matemticas Aplicadas, Testimonios de los Presidentes de la AIC.
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  • Ismael Herrera: The beauty and power of mathematics (1) In Mathematics there are two value systems which are complementary. On the one hand, Mathematics re beautiful and, on the other, they are powerful. The Mexican School of Mathematics has adopted beauty as its supreme value. Even though I recognize and admire the beauty of Mathematics, in my activity as a Mathematician, the supreme value is the transforming power of the World that Mathematics possess. The paradigms derived from beauty lead to the production of Pure Mathematics. In contrast, those derived from force and power are the motivation of Applied Mathematics. Ismael Herrera, Profound and Applied Mathematics, Testimonies of the Presidents of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.
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  • Ismael Herrera: La belleza y el poder de las matemticas (2) Los rasgos que caracterizan al pensamiento matemtico - la claridad, la precisin, el rigor, la generalidad, la unidad conceptual, el pensamiento abstracto y la sencillez- contienen belleza, pero al mismo tiempo son muy poderosos. Por ejemplo, la claridad es poderosa? Desde luego, porque la claridad da el poder de moverse con seguridad. Quin es ms fuerte: el ciego o el que ve? La generalidad, es poderosa? S, porque nos da el poder de abordar y aprender lo diverso con esfuerzo mnimo. La sencillez, que es la magia de transformar lo difcil en fcil, nos da el poder de abordar lo an ms difcil. Decir que las matemticas aplicadas son pedestres es una tontera. Para m ha sido un gran gusto y placer dedicar mi vida a esta actividad. Ismael Herrera, Matemticas Profundas y Matemticas Aplicadas, Testimonios de los Presidentes de la AIC.
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  • Ismael Herrera: The beauty and power of Mathematics (2) The features that characterize mathematical thinking clarity, precision, rigor, generality, conceptual unity, abstract thought and simplicity contain beauty but are at the same time very powerful. For instance, Is clarity powerful? Indeed, because clarity allows movement with safety. Who is stronger the blind or the one that sees? Is generality powerful? Yes, because it allows us to tackle and learn the diverse with minimal effort. Simplicity, which is the magic that transforms the difficult into the simple, gives us the power to tackle even greater difficulties. To say that Applied Mathematics are pedestrian is nonsensical. To me, it has been a pleasure to devote my life to this activity. Ismael Herrera, Profound and Applied Mathematics, Testimonies of the Presidents of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.
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  • Ismael Herrera: Su nacionalismo Como conclusin de todo lo anteriormente expuesto, se seala la importancia de plantear el desarrollo de la investigacin cientfica y tecnolgica en un marco conceptual nacionalista. Dicho movimiento nacionalista debe estar basado en la decisin de los cientficos de servir con eficacia al pueblo mexicano a travs de su conocimiento e investigacin. Con tal actitud los hombres de ciencia adems de contribuir al progreso de Mxico, propician el surgimiento de un nuevo tipo de cientfico que como ser humano ser ms completo, ya que integrar sus preocupaciones sociales y polticas con su actividad diaria como investigador. Ismael Herrera, El Nacionalismo Cientfico.
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  • Ismael Herrera: His nationalism As a conclusion of all that has been expounded upon, the importance to consider the development of scientific and technological research within a conceptual nationalistic framework should be noted. Such nationalistic movement ought to be based on the decision of scientists to serve the Mexican people through their knowledge and research. With such attitude, men of Science will, in addition to contributing to the progress of Mexico, favor the emergence of a new type of scientist as a more complete human being, which will integrate his social and political preoccupations with his daily research activity. Ismael Herrera, The Scientific Nationalism.
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  • Ismael Herrera: Su disposicin a la colaboracin Las matemticas aplicadas, entendidas como el conocimiento de aquellas ramas de las matemticas que son importantes para las aplicaciones en otras ciencias o en la ingeniera, tienen el potencial de ser usadas en variedad muy amplia de actividades humanas. Esta es una caracterstica que, cuando se desarrolla apropiadamente, enriquece la vida de los matemticos aplicados. Sin embargo, si un matemtico aplicado intenta desarrollar aplicaciones en un campo especfico de la ciencia o la ingeniera por s mismo, sin la gua de un experto de ese campo, se frustrar. Para hacer contribuciones que sean verdaderamente relevantes, es esencial trabajar en asociacin con un lder, del ms alto nivel posible, del rea especfica de aplicacin. I. Herrera et al., Advances in Water Resources 27.
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  • Ismael Herrera: His disposition to collaboration Applied Mathematics, when it is understood as knowledge of those branches of Mathematics which are important for applications in other Sciences and Engineering, have the potential of being used in a wide variety of human activities. This is a feature that, when properly developed, enriches the life of applied mathematicians. However, if an applied mathematician intends to develop applications in a specific field of Science or Engineering by himself, without the guidance of an expert of such field, he would be frustrated. To make contributions that are really relevant, it is essential to work in association with a leader, the higher his level the better, of the specific area of application. I. Herrera et al., Advances in Water Resources 27.
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  • Contribuciones a la ingeniera (1) Colaborando con expertos de diversas disciplinas, Ismael Herrera ha hecho aportaciones notables a mltiples campos del conocimiento. En hidrulica, desarroll un mtodo para predecir la propagacin de avenidas en ros y canales que ha servido de base en mltiples estudios de control de inundaciones. En ingeniera ssmica, construy un mtodo para predecir espectros de temblores en valles sedimentarios y suelos estratificados, como los encontrados en la Ciudad de Mxico. En hidrologa subterrnea, fue el autor de una teora pionera de sistemas de acuferos, con especial nfasis en acuferos semiconfinados, como el del Valle de Mxico. En mecnica de suelos e ingeniera de cimentaciones, hizo notables contribuciones a la teora constitutiva de los suelos, las cuales fueron verificadas experimentalmente. En ingeniera petrolera, demostr que pueden existir choques en la solucin de problemas que surgen alrededor de la simulacin de yacimientos petroleros.
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  • Contributions to engineering (1) In collaboration with experts in several disciplines, Ismael Herrera has made important contributions to various fields of knowledge. In hydraulics, he developed a method to predict the propagation of flood waves in rivers and channels that has served as the basis for many flood control studies. In seismic engineering, he built a method to predict earthquake spectra in sedimentary valleys and stratified soils, such as those encountered in Mexico City. In subsurface hydrology, he authored a pioneering theory of aquifer systems, emphasizing semiconfined aquifers, as the one found in the Valley of Mexico. In soil mechanics and foundation engineering, he made noteworthy contributions to the constitutive theory of soils, which were experimentally verified. In petroleum engineering, he showed that there may be shocks in the solution of problems related to oil reservoir simulation.
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  • Contribuciones a la ingeniera (2) Los descubrimientos de Ismael Herrera en estos campos han sido la base para, entre otras cuestiones, el desarrollo del reglamento de construcciones de la Ciudad de Mxico, la modelacin matemtico- computacional de los campos geotrmicos de Cerro Prieto y los Azufres y del sistema acufero del Valle de Mxico, as como de modelos que se emplearon para disear la construccin por bombeo de lagos artificiales en el vaso del que fuera el lago de Texcoco, amn del modelo para sistemas acuferos empleado por el United States Geological Survey.
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  • Contributions to engineering (2) Ismael Herreras discoveries in these fields have been the basis, among other applications, for the development of Mexico Citys building code, the mathematical and computational modeling of the geothermal fields of Cerro Prieto and los Azufres and of the aquifer system of the Valley of Mexsico, as well as for models that were used for the construction via pumping of artificial lakes at the location of the former Texcoco Lake, and the aquifer system model employed by the United States Geological Survey.
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  • Contribuciones al anlisis numrico y a la modelacin numrica de sistemas continuos Su mayor logro ha consistido en construir un marco terico general de aproximaciones discretas de sistemas continuos que se conoce como la Teora Algebraica de Problemas de Valores en la Frontera, que ha permitido desarrollar una multitud de mtodos a la vez elegantes y eficientes para la solucin de problemas descritos por ecuaciones diferenciales parciales. En particular, Ismael Herrera ha hecho contribuciones a la formulacin variacional de problemas con valores en la frontera, al mtodo de Trefftz, al desarrollo de mtodos de funcin de prueba ptima, al muy citado mtodo euleriano- lagrangiano-localizado-adjunto o ELLAM, por sus siglas en ingls, y a los mtodos de descomposicin de dominio. En particular, el mtodo ELLAM ha permitido abordar dificilsimos problemas de transporte dominados por adveccin.
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  • Contributions to numerical analysis and the numerical modeling of continuous systems His main achievement has been the construction of a general theoretical framework of discrete approximations of continuous systems that is known as the Algebraic Theory of Boundary Value Problems, which has allowed the development of a multiplicity of methods that are at the same time elegant and efficient for the solution of problems governed by partial differential equations. Specifically, Ismael Herrera has made important contributions to the variational formulation of boundary value problems, to the Trefftz method, to the development of optimal test function methods, to the very well known Eulerian-Lagrangian Localized Adjoint Method or ELLAM, and to the domain decomposition methods. In particular, ELLAM has allowed to efficiently tackle difficult advection-dominated transport problems.
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  • Reconocimiento como matemtico
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  • Recognition as a mathematician
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  • Su cruzada
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  • His crusade
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  • Bravo Ismael!
