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Prof. dr. Jernej Klemenc


Gear boxes

Ročni predležni menjalnik /

Manual gerbox with a layshaft


Vhodna gred / Input shaft

Izhodna gred /Output shaft

Prestave /


5. (direktna /direct) R 1. 2. 3. 4.

Sklopi za sinhronizacijo vrtenja /Syncroniser components

Prestavna shema /

Shifting scheme:







Predležna gred / Countershaft (Layshaft)

Ročni predležni menjalnik – sinhron /

Manual gerbox with a layshaft – synchroniser


Ročni predležni menjalnik – sinhron /

Manual gerbox with a layshaft – synchroniser


Ročni menjalnik s pomičnim trnom /

Sequential gearbox with a selector pin


Avtomatski menjalnik /

Automatic transmission gearbox

• Triosno planetno gonilo tipa 1AI:


• Three-axis planetary gear

with an 1AI arrangement:


2 – Gred zobniškega venca /Shaft of a gear wheel with

internal teeth

P – Planetna gred /Planetary shaft

Planetna os /Planetary axis

Planetni zobnik /Planetary gear

Sončni zobnik /Sun gear

Avtomatski menjalnik /

Automatic transmission gearbox

• Možne prestave za avtomatski menjalnik:

– 1. prestava (gred 2 je blokirana, gred 1 je poganjana);

– 2. prestava (gred 1 je blokirana, gred 2 je poganjana);

– 3. prestava (vse tri gredi so povezane, gred 1 je poganjana);

– R prestava (gred P je blokirana, gred 1 je poganjana).


• Possible gear ratios for

automatic transmission:

– 1st gear (shaft 2 is fixed,

shaft 1 is a drive shaft);

– 2nd gear (shaft 1 is fixed,

shaft 2 is a drive shaft);

– 3rd gear (all the three

shafts are fixed together,

shaft 1 is a drive shaft);

– R gear (shaft P is fixed,

shaft 1 is a drive shaft).

Avtomatski menjalnik /

Automatic transmission gearbox

• Štiriosno planetno gonilo Ravigneaux:


• Four-axis planetary gear


Avtomatski menjalnik /

Automatic transmission gearbox

• Štiriosno planetno gonilo Simpson:

• Predvsem starejši avtomatski menjalniki na ameriškem trgu so temeljili na planetnem gonilu tega tipa. 9

• Four-axis planetary gear


• This planetary gear was a

basic transmission gear for

older automatic gearboxes

mainly in USA.

Hidravlični menjalnik /

Automatic transmission gearbox

• Zgradba hidravličnega menjalnika:


• A torque-converter


Hidravlični menjalnik /

Torque converter

• Hidravlični menjalnik v menjalniškem načinu delovanja (ωV=0):


• Torque converter in a fixed-

stator operation mode


Tok olja /Fluid flow




T/ Č



0 1


Hidravlični menjalnik /

Torque converter


• Hidravlični menjalnik v sklopčne načinu delovanja (ωV>0):

• Torque converter in a loose-

stator operation mode


Tok olja /Fluid flow




T/ Č


0 1



Hidravlični menjalnik /

Torque converter

• Dejanska karakteristika hidravličnega menjalnika, uporabljenega v avtomatskih menjalnikih:


• Actual characteristics of the

torque converter as applied

in automatic transmission





Avtomatski menjalnik – zgradba /

Automatic gearbox – assembly


Avtomatski menjalnik – nevtralna prestava /

Automatic gearbox – neutral gear


Avtomatski menjalnik – 1. prestava /

Automatic gearbox – 1st gear


Avtomatski menjalnik – 2. prestava /

Automatic gearbox – 2nd gear


Avtomatski menjalnik – 3. prestava /

Automatic gearbox – 3rd gear


Avtomatski menjalnik – moderna izvedba /

Automatic gearbox – modern variant


Menjalniki z zvezno nastavljivim prestavnim razmerjem /

Continuously Variable Transmission – CVT

• Uporaba gonil z zvezno nastavljivim prestavnim razmerjem (CVT) v avtomo-bilski industriji v zadnjih letih kontinuirano narašča.

• Po pričakovanjih bo delež CVT gonil v naslednjem desetletju dosegel 25% vseh avtomatskih gonil.

Pričakovani razvoj trga avtomatskih menjalnikov / Expected

market development of automatic transmissions [Pennings] 20

• Application of continuously

variable transmissions

(CVT) in the automotive

industry is increasing in the

past few years.

• It is expected that a share of

the CVT drives will be 25%

in the next 10 years.

Menjalniki z zvezno nastavljivim prestavnim razmerjem /

Continuously Variable Transmission – CVT

• Osrednji strojni element CVT gonila je bodisi jermenski variator bodisi toroidno torno gonilo.

• CVT gonilo omogoča brezstopenjsko izbiro prestavnih razmerij od redukcijskih do multiplika-cijskih vrednosti prestave.

• Pri jermenskem variatorju se navor in moč prenašata s primarne na sekundarno jermenico s pomočjo trenja med jermenicami in členkastim kovinskim jermenom.


• The main component of the

CVT drive is either a belt

variator or a toroidal friction


• The CVT drive enables

level-less selection of gear

ratios from reduction gear

ratios to the multiplication

gear ratios.

• The belt variator transmitts

power and torque from the

primary to the secondary

pulley with a help of friction

between the pulleys and the

segmented steel belt.

Menjalniki z zvezno nastavljivim prestavnim razmerjem /

Continuously Variable Transmission – CVT

• Brezstopenjsko prestavljanje se izvede s spreminjanjem aksialnih sil na pomičnih jermenicah, kar rezultira v spremembi dotikalnega polmera jermena.

• Jermenski element je obremenjen z nateznimi in upogibnimi obremenitvami.

Princip delovanja jermenskega variatorja /

Principle of operation of the belt variator [Pennings]

Obremenitev jermenskega elementa /

Loading conditions of belt segments [Pennings] 22

• Level-less gear ratio change

is carried out by modifying

the axial forces on the two

pulleys, which changes a

negotiating radius of the belt.

• The belt guiding element is

loaded with tensile and

bending loads.

Menjalniki z zvezno nastavljivim prestavnim razmerjem /

Continuously Variable Transmission – CVT

• Van Doorne-ov segmentni jekleni jermen / Van Doorne‘s

segmented steel belt:

• Jeklena veriga s prečnimi tornimi sorniki / Steel chain

with lateral friction pins:

Vir / Source: www.slideshare.com

Vir / Source : www.sanboo.en.alibaba.com


Menjalniki z zvezno nastavljivim prestavnim razmerjem /

Continuously Variable Transmission – CVT

• Brezstopenjsko prestavljanje v toroidnih tornih gonilih se izvede z nagibom tornega kolesa, ki se nahaja med pogonskim in odgonskim toroidnim tornim kolesom.

Input disk

Output diskPower roller

Toroidni variator s polno votlino /

Toroid variator vith a full toroid [Pennings]

Power roller

Input diskOutput disk

Toroidni variator s pol-votlino /

Toroid variator vith a halftoroid [Pennings]


• Level-less gear ratio change

is carried out with an

inclination of the middle

friction wheel that is mounted

between the input and output

toroid friction wheel.

Menjalniki z zvezno nastavljivim prestavnim razmerjem /

Continuously Variable Transmission – CVT

• Toroidno CVT gonilo z dvojnim vmesnim kolesom:

– Znotraj toroidne votline je postavljen par nasproti-vrtečih se koničnih tornih koles.

– Na ta način se minimizira izgube zaradi nasprotne rotacije v širokem področju prestavnih razmerij in zmanjšajo aksialne sile na ležaje pri vmesnih kolesih.

CVT gonilo z dvojnim vmesnim tornim kolesom / CVT drive with a pair of mid friction wheels [Walker et al.] 25

• Toroid CVT drive with a pair

of the mid wheels:

– Inside a toroid space a pair

of counter-rotating conical

friction wheels is mounted.

– In this manner the losses

due to a counter-rotation of

the main toroids are

reduced in a large domain

of gear ratios. Besides, the

axial bearing forces of the

mid wheels are reduced.

Kontrola prestavljanja pri jermenskem CVT gonilu /

Gear-shifting control for CVT drive

• Pri CVT gonilu z jeklenim jermenom za kontrolo prestavnega razmerja uporabljamo direktni pritisk na jermenico.

• Kontrolni mehanizem je navadno izveden s koračnim električnim motorjem in servo ojačevalcem.

Jermensko CVT gonilo /

Belt CVT drive [Seiichiro et al.]

Koračni motor s servo ojačevalcem /

A steper motor with a servo amplifier [Seiichiro et al.] 26

• The axial force acting on the

pulley is applied to control

the gear ratio of a CVT drive

with the steel belt.

• A controlling mechanism is

usually composed of a

stepper electric motor and a

servo amplifier.

Reverzibilna Variabilna Transmisija /

Reversible variable transmission – RVT

• RVT transmisija je nov tip transmisije, ki omogoča kontinuirano obratovanje motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem na krivulji minimalne porabe tako, da eliminira nepotrebne potrošnike energije v transmisiji (torne sklopke, sinhroni, hidravlični menjalnik itn.).

• RVT gonilo je oblikovano tako, da hkrati minimizira t.i. rotacijski zdrs (ang. drill-slip) tornih koles, kar poveča učinkovitost prenosa in zmanjša izgube pri prenosu.


• RVT transmission is a new

type of transmission, which

enables continuous function

of the ICE within the

maximum fuel efficiency

domain in such a manner

that the un-necessary

transmission losses are

avoided (friction clutch(es),

synchronisers, hydraulic

transmissions etc.)

• RVT drive minimises the

drill-slip of the friction wheels

and maximises the

transmission efficiency at the

same time.

Reverzibilna Variabilna Transmisija /

Reversible variable transmission – RVT

• RVT gonilo je dvojno torno planetno gonilo.

• Prestavljanje je brezstopenjsko tudi med spremembo smeri vrtenja. Prestavna razmerja variirajo med 2.4 (prestava navora 0.417) v smeri naprej in 0.26 (prestava navora 3.846) v smeri nazaj.

• Rotacijski zdrs med tornimi kolesi se pojavi le med spremembo prestave.

Nevtralna prestava RVT gonila /

Neutral gear of the RVT drive [De Maziere]


• RVT drive is a double

friction planetary drive.

• Level-less gear change is

possible even when the

rotation direction changes.

Gear ratios are between 2.4

(torque ratio of 0.417) in the

forward direction and 0.26

(torque ration 3.846) in the

reverse direction.

• The drill-slip between the

friction wheels occurs only

during gear-ratio change.

Reverzibilna Variabilna Transmisija /

Reversible variable transmission – RVT

Najvišja prestava v smeri nazaj /

The highest gear ratio in the reverse direction [De Maziere]


Najvišja prestava v smeri naprej /

The highest gear ratio in the forward direction [De Maziere]

Avtomatski brezstopenjski menjalnik – FENDT vario /

Automatic CVT drive – FENDT vario


Avtomatski brezstopenjski menjalnik – FENDT vario /

Automatic CVT drive – FENDT vario

[Vir / Source: Honzek R., AGCO-Fendt ]


Pluženje(75% hidravlični prenos) /Plowing (75% hydraulic transmission)

Motor z notranjim

zgorevanjem /ICE

Vklop počasne/hitre prestave /Selection of a slow/fast gear

Mt,1=pogon/ input

Mt,2=odgon/ output








Transport (100% mehanski prenos) /Transport (100% mechanical transmission)








Motor z notranjim

zgorevanjem /ICE

Vklop počasne/hitre prestave /Selection of a slow/fast gear

Mt,1=pogon/ input

Mt,2=odgon/ output

Seznam literature / List of references

• Motorno vozilo. Ljubljana: Tehniška založba Slovenije, 2001.

• Spletna stran podjetja FENDT / FENDT company web site: http://www.fendt.com/de/traktoren_fendt900vario_motorundgetriebe_fendtvario-getriebe.asp (zadnji obisk / last visit: 3. 1. 2013)

• Honzek R.: Firmenpräsentation: Stufenlose Getriebe und Motormanagement Neues stufenloses leistungsverzweigtes Traktorgetriebe. Marktoberdorf: AGCO-Fendt.

• Pennings, B. Recent material developments for further optimisationof the pushbelt CVT. FISITA Conference 2014: F2014-TMH-003

• Walker, P., Durack, J., Durack, M. Laboratory testing of new form of toroidal CVT. FISITA Conference 2014: F2014-TMH-025

• Seiichiro, T., Hiroyasu, T., Hideaki, S., Masahiro, Y., Tetsuya, I. Application of sliding mode control to a CVT ratio control system. FISITA Conference 2014: F2014-TMH-043

• De Mazière, F. Reversible variable transmission – new transmissionsystem for optimum fuel efficiency and sharpdynamics. FISITA Conference 2014: F2014-TMH-071

