DynaTrace5.6 ReleaseNotes x


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  • 5/24/2018 DynaTrace5.6 ReleaseNotes x


    dynaTrace 5.6 Release Notes

    January 15 2014th

    Compuware is proud to present powered by dynaTrace.Compuware APM Application Monitoring and User Experience Management 5.6


    1. Enterprise Grade UEM for Your Mobile Offerings

    2. UEM for the Web: Easier and Optimized

    3. Pinpoint Bottlenecks in Big Data Environments

    4. Improved Visibility Into Your PHP Applications

    5. Easier Rollout and Safer Administration

    6. PurePath for zOS

    7. Leading Edge Technology Support

    dynaTrace 5.6 also includes:

    Implemented Enhancement Requests

    Additional Improvements and Changes

    News from the APM CommunityResolved Issues

    Known Issues

    Additional Informationand Software and Hardware Requirements

    Supported Java Virtual Machines

    Supported .NET Platforms

    Supported Web Servers for UEM

    Supported Application Environments

    Supported Browsers for Web Start

    dynaTrace Support Levels and End of Life Policy

    Migrate to dynaTrace 5.6 Today!

    dynaTrace 5.6 Documentation

    1. Enterprise Grade UEM for Your Mobile Offerings

    There are different ways for your users to interact with your system. Besides using on their desktops, they may alstraditional web applicationsuse or on one or more mobile devices. dynaTrace provides a fomobile apps mobile web sites single user experience management solution

    all these scenarios, helping you to meet your end users' expectations.

    Mobile App ADK

    An Industry First: Hybrid Mobile App Support

    Many vendors rely on like PhoneGap to build a single HTML5 and JavaScript based mobile app that runs on multiplehybrid app frameworks

    platforms and leverages all device capabilities. The drawback to this approach is obvious: Web technologies bring additional risk of performance

    problems, making user experience management even more important.

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    The Mobile App ADK provides an easy-to-use JavaScript interface for monitoring user actions within the WebView control. All web requests are

    tagged automatically. Moreover, the Mobile App ADK is now fully integrated with the JavaScript agent , so page actions that occur within a

    WebView are now merged with other mobile actions into the mobile visit.

    Mobile App Monitoring Without Code Changes

    Auto-Instrumentation for Android (soon also available for iOS) offers an easy means of injecting the Mobile App ADK into your existing apps. It re

    by automatically adding the instrumentation for lifecycle actions and network request taggingduces the complexity of manual instrumentation

    It even gives you the power to instrument apps that were created by without touching the source code. If you develop your ap3 party vendorsrd

    in-house, thats even better: auto-Instrumentation fits perfectly into your application lifecycle.

    Auto-Instrumentation for Android

    Get to the Root Cause of Crashes and Errors

    Crash reporting is not enough. Every developer knows that there are many conditions that may not crash an app yet still pose problems. The

    Mobile App ADK lets you capture exceptions and errors that may indicate that something is going wrong, regardless of whether or not your app

    handles them without crashing.

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    When it comes down to analyzing crashes and errors, dynaTrace tells you exactly what the user did in the moments leading up to the error.

    Would you like to know if those users that experience crashes are on or ? The Mobile App ADK captures thisjailbroken rooted devices

    information along with a rich set of other attributes like application version and screen orientation.

    Crash reports on iOS are most valuable when they are properly . The iOS ADK now supports on-device-symbolication and evensymbolicated in

    like HockeyApp.egrates with other crash reporting tools

    Understand Network and Server Impact on Mobile Applications

    Ever wonder where latency originates from when a user waits for a mobile action to complete? The Mobile App ADK measures the time spent

    waiting for network requests from the application side, while the web server agent measures the same request from the server side, helping you

    to understand the impact that network and server side performance has on your user experience.

    The breakdown of client, network, and server wait times for web applications has also been improved to be consistent with the new visualization

    for mobile applications, assuring that you have .comparable metrics across web and mobile users

    2. UEM for the Web: Easier and Optimized

    Improved Out-of-the-Box Experience

    dynaTrace 5.6 comes with pre-configured business transactions that let you monitor the response times of your user actions. Timings are divided

    intuitively by client type and action name. The UEM have also been to make setup easier. Also, if for someconfiguration dialogs reworked

    reason you cannot install a web server agent, the will help you configure the JavaScript agent to your needs and add itmanual injection wizard

    to your web application.

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    User Experience

    Management Overview

    UEM for ASP.NET


    UEM for Java Web


    First Steps with PurePath for


    Ensure That Your CDN Does What You're Paying Them to Do

    dynaTrace lets you distinguish between 3 party requests and requests that were sent to your content delivery network, providing you with therd

    insight you need to confirm that your CDN investment is making a difference. Simply configure the domains of your CDN to automatically identify

    any problems.

    Improved JavaScript Agent Uses Less Overhead and Bandwidth

    The of the JavaScript Agent has been compared to the previous release, which will help you save bandwidth. Also, ansize reduced by 30% ove

    for complex pages with a high number of DOM elements ensures that the JavaScript Agent won't impact userhead reduction of up to 70%

    experience, even with extremely complex pages.

    An often requested improvement is the sending of captured data within the of the signal. This feature is nowPOST BODY dynaTraceMonitor

    enabled by default, but it can be disabled if necessary, for example for web servers.IIS 6

    The Best of Both Worlds: Leverage dynaTrace UEM with DC-RUM

    With the new UEM integration of dynaTrace and DC-RUM, you can now enrich the passive network-protocol analysis-based information provided

    by DC-RUM with the agent-based information collected by dynaTrace. dynaTrace UEM data is integrated into the DC-RUM Central Analysis

    Server and user actions are assigned to the business hierarchy. This provides another monitoring perspective that supplements DC-RUM with:

    CDN and third-party content impact on performance

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    Web 2.0 (XHR calls), AJAX readiness

    Visit recognition

    W3C navigation timing metrics

    Perceived Render Time

    3. Pinpoint Bottlenecks in Big Data Environments

    With the newest release of dynaTrace we further and ease of analyzing your deployments. New with the latestexpand the insight Hadoop

    release is a Hadoop-focused dashboard that displays the core information of any Hadoop cluster: and . It delivers a quick overview oJobs Tasks

    the performance of different jobs in relation to users running jobs and the time it takes to complete jobs.

    As such its a great starting point for getting to the root cause of performance issues. With this release we've made it even easier to drill down to

    hotspots or, when necessary, to the method level to detect the root cause of slow or failing jobs. Basically we allow you to slice and dice your

    Hadoop cluster anyway you want, be it , HDFS behavior, or any other Hadoop related metric.job distribution cluster utilization,

    Visualize Tasks and Users in Real-time

    Just monitoring Hadoop processes and daemons is not enough. With direct correlation of map and reduce tasks and their related JVMs to the us

    , , , and driving those JVMs, we allow you to directly analyze who and what is utilizing your cluster resources, empoweringrs pools queues jobs

    you to manage consumption and even build charge-back models for your Hadoop environment.

    Hadoop MapReduce

    Ensure Optimum HDFS Locality

    Two of the major advantages of Hadoop and HDFS are that the data that needs to be processed is stored closely to where processing occurs an

    that HDFS breaks large data sets down into small pieces and distributes them across your cluster. This is great, but how can you ensure that the

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    distribution is optimal? How can you identify the pieces that failed and had to be reprocessed? More importantly, what was the impact of those

    failures on the entire map reduce process? With the newest version of dynaTrace, you get all this information and more with our new HDFS


    Extended Big Data and NoSQL Technology Support

    We have once again increased our support for various Big Data technologies; this includes support for the newest Java Driver foDatastax CQL3

    Cassandra and support for Cassandra.Apache Commons Daemon

    Additionally, we've added an all new Sensor for , guaranteeing full product integration, and we updated our support to includeHBase Mongo DB

    the latest versions of this popular database.NoSQL

    Cassandra HBase MongoDB

    4. Improved Visibility Into Your PHP Applications

    The PHP agent now comes with an extended number of sensors, enabling you to capture database calls to various databases and capture Zend

    . It is now possible to capture There is also a new that makes use offramework log messages PHP session variables. PHP exception sensor

    your PHP application's powerful error rules. Other functional improvements include tracing calls that are made via andcall_user_func call_user

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    and the tagging of PHP remote calls. If you want to chart the long-term trends of your PHP compilation, you can now use the newfunc_array PH

    .P compilation time measure

    First Steps with PurePath for


    PHP Agent Configuration LAMPP Apache and PHP


    XAMPP Apache Sample

    Fully Leverage Business Transactions With Session Variable Capturing

    To understand what happens inside your PHP applications, you need to capture domain specific data like the number of articles in or the value ofa user's shopping cart. This is now possible by capturing session variables in the PHP server sensor. Combined with the powerful concept of

    business transactions, you can now see how performance and user satisfaction impact your business success.

    Improved Visibility into DB, WordPress, and PHP 5.5

    Although MySQL is the most commonly used database with PHP applications, there are also drivers for other databases. New database sensors

    for native Oracle and PostgreSQL database drivers have been added and a PDO sensor pack now brings full visibility into PDO accessed

    databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird, Informix, Oracle, ODBC, FreeTDS, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Azure

    and more.IBM DB2, CUBRID, 4D SQL, Cassandra,

    In addition, if you are running WordPress, you can start with our out-of-the-box WordPress sensor to get metrics for the most important

    WordPress methods and functions. PHP 5.5 was released over the summer and is fully supported with this release.

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    5. Easier Rollout and Safer Administration

    Faster Time to Value

    For those who want to set up a new environment as quickly as possible, and also for occasional dynaTrace users, we havefirst-time users, imp

    beginning with the installation process and extending all the way through to deeper diagnostics. With Compuware APM youroved workflows

    proceed quickly and easily from product installation to application performance monitoring of the details of your application.

    Quickstart Guide Application Environment Wizard

    Intuitive Navigation

    Based on customer feedback we have improved the navigation for our out-of-the-box dashboards and dashlets. These changes have resulted in

    significant productivity and ease of use enhancements.

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    On Demand Activation and Rollback for Critical FixPacks

    FixPacks are now listed separately from Plugins, and we provide a full history of all installed FixPacks. Based on this history you can Activate/De

    on the dynaTrace Server. It is also now possible to install a FixPack while postponing the FixPack's activation until later (foactivate any FixPack

    example, in situations when restart of affected dynaTrace components is only possible from a certain maintenance window). FixPack handling ha

    never been easier!

    FixPack Installation and Removal

    6. PurePath for zOS

    Leverage Compuware Abend-AID Fault Management for Efficient CICS Exception


    The dynaTace CICS Agent automatically detects abends (abnormal ends) for all your CICS programs. Abends are captured and reported withinPurePaths as exceptions. The new makes it easy to drill down into the Abend-AIDintegration of dynaTrace and Compuware Abend-AID

    Report of any particular exception (abend) for detailed code-level analysis. This eliminates the manual effort oftime-consuming and

    cross-referencing PurePath CICS exceptions with corresponding abends on the mainframe. Abend-AID is Compuware's industry leading

    mainframe application failure resolution solution.

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    Abend-AID Fault Analytics Integration

    Save MIPS on Your Mainframe

    In this release, the footprint of dynaTrace on zOS has been significantly reduced. This was achieved with a fundamental re-tuning and

    re-architecting of the data collection model for the zOS Agents. The zOS Unix Agent (previously zDC USS

    Agent), which still resides on zOS, can now be extended using the optional dynaTrace z Remote Agent which is hosted in distributed environments including Windows, Linux, AIX and z/Linux to reduce expensive data

    processing on zOS. It's still possible to configure the zOS Unix Agent to process all data on zOS and

    communicate directly to the dynaTrace Collector. In this scenario the dynaTrace z Remote Agent isnt required

    The new zOS Agent Architecture

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    zOS Agent Overview

    7. Leading Edge Technology Support

    dynaTrace 5.6 adds support for new technologies (for full details, see ) includingSupported Application Environments :

    All dynaTrace components are now on Java 7 and support Windows 8 & 8.1

    IBM WebSphere Message Broker 8 & 9

    WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus 4.6 using HTTP

    JBoss Enterprise Service Bus 4.12

    SAP NetWeaver 7.3 as Java running on SAP JVM 6.0

    Cassandra Support for Datastax CQL3 Java Driver

    JAX-RS via XCF 2.5.X, Jersy 2.X, RestEasy 3.X

    JAX-WS async WebService calls for GlassFish 3.1, IBM WebSphere 8.5, WebLogic 12 and JBoss 7.1.1

    PHP 5.5

    Internet Information Server (IIS) 8.5

    Implemented Requests From Our User Community

    Based on suggestions and discussions in the forum of the APM Community, we haveProduct Feedback and Enhancement Requests

    implemented the following enhancement requests in this release:

    Multiple Y-axises in charts

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    Clearer labeling for XLS Report columns

    Historical data reporting from deleted application definitions

    Custom session names for storepurepath REST calls

    Chart overlays for time periods

    Exclusion of traffic from some user agents for UEM

    Filtering of non-site generated third-party resources

    Use of official certificates for WebStart client

    Additional Improvements and Changes

    Apart from the major enhancements described above there have been dozens of other enhancements that make dynaTrace easier to use and

    more productive in many new ways. Here are the most important improvements:

    dynaTrace is now on Java 7

    Due the fact that Oracle won't deliver additional security updates for Java 6, . Sinceall dynaTrace components are now optimized for Java 7

    Java 7 utilizes different memory management, it is recommended that you increase the maximum available memory of the dynaTrace Server

    . The maximum recommended memory settings for the dynaTrace Server have been increased to 14GB.and Collector by about 20%

    Test Automation - Parallel Test Execution

    Using this unique id, the dynaTrace Server can now distinguish between parallel test executions. You no longer need to set test information

    across different agent groups.

    Automated Memory Dumps and Incident Downtime

    The dynaTrace Server offers several REST interfaces for managing memory dumps (for example, create, get, delete, post process of status of

    memory dumps).

    Incident downtime can now also be fully managed via the dynaTrace Server REST interface including functionality like list, add, update, or delete

    incident downtime.

    Database Connection Aggregation

    By turning on "Statement Aggregation" in the JDBC/ADO.NET sensor properties, PurePaths now not only contain aggregated summaries of

    database statements, but also aggregated summaries of database connection acquisitions (such as Java getConnection()). This significantly

    reduces the communication between Agents and Server and the overall length of PurePaths, thus providing an overhead reduction for these

    sensors. We highly recommend that you turn this setting on for production environments or if you have long PurePaths due to database

    statements. For newly created system profiles this setting is turned on by default.

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    Ensure Maximum File Handles Setting on Linux

    To prevent stability issues on certain Linux systems, the dynaTrace Server now validates that the maximum number of open f iles is set to at least

    2048. If necessary, adjust this setting before upgrading to dynaTrace 5.6

    Continuous Transaction Storage is Optimized for dynaTrace Server Throughput by Default

    Continuous Transaction Storage in mode prevents the caching of transactional information in"Optimize for dynaTrace Server throughput"

    memory. This reduces garbage collections on the dynaTrace Server and increases throughput by up to 25%. This mode is now enabled by

    default. thisDC-RUM integration doesn't support mode. Please switch to "Optimize for user triggered

    when using the DC-RUM integration.transaction analysis"

    News From the APM Community

    Check out our series of . Look for the series called "Performance Dashlets Explained" as well as other recentlyAPM Community Webinars

    recorded webinars that will show you how to become more productive with dynaTrace.

    Extend dynaTrace with the provided by the dynaTrace Community.Plugins and Fastpacks

    If you have suggestions about dynaLearn Webinars or ideas about plugins, send us an email at apmcommunity@compuware.com

    Featured Plugins

    A recent addition to the plugin list is an extended that provides additional information in SNMP traps for integrationSNMP Action Plugin

    with central incident management systems. The Plugin can be used alongside the already built-in SNMP Action Plugin and will likely

    replace this plugin in the future.

    The provides several metrics for monitoring this messaging platform with dynaTrace.Rabbit MQ Monitor Plugin

    License Changes

    dynaTrace 5.6 licensing is compatible with previous releases. Therefore you don't need to upgrade your license when you migrate from

    dynaTrace 5.5 to 5.6.

    However, migration from much earlier dynaTrace versions (version 5.0 or earlier) requires a license upgrade. You can upgrade an existing

    dynaTrace license on your own using the self-service license management capabilities of the dynaTrace customer portal at eservices.compuware

    . For details, please have a look at the . If you need help, our Licensing team will gladly support you inapm.com license upgrade documentation

    upgrading your existing license to a 5.6 license.

    Please note: We recommend that you read the prior to migration to dynaTrace 5.6.upgrade and migration documentation

    Resolved Issues

    This release contains a number of quality improvements, including the following issues that have been resolved:

    dynaTrace WebStart Clientno longer starts after upgrading to Java 7 update 45

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    JDBC Statement Aggregation can cause an unexpected NullPointerException in the JDBC Sensor

    Known Issues

    While the new release of dynaTrace has been tested extensively to ensure that it works with all supported platforms and technologies, certain

    issues cannot be addressed by the product. This section provides links to more information regarding issues you may run into. Please refer to the

    for other workarounds and tips.Knowledge Base

    VM arguments for WebStart client can no longer be set on the server (>= dynaTrace 5.6)

    Watchdog restarts collector when set to retrieve data via HTTP(s)

    To get a load test entry in the Test Automation dashlet, it requires a "dummy" unit test

    KB-484 How to fix a class cache explosion

    Detection of client side aborts (e.g. closing a mobile browser) of UEM paths can lead to reported skipped PurePaths

    Java 7 does not accept by default. This might lead to refused connections e.g. when authenticating to a secure LDAPweak certificates

    server with a weak certificate.

    Additional Information

    Software and Hardware Requirements

    dynaTrace Agent

    Windows x86/x64 >= 2003/XP, Linux x86/x64, Linux PPC, Solaris SPARC 32/64, Solaris x86/x64, AIX 32/64 Power 5, 6 and 7

    Architectures, zOS 32/64 (no host health information available), z/Linux 32/64, HP-UX IA64

    Oracle (Sun) JVM, IBM JVM, JRockit JVM, HP JVM

    10MB disk space

    dynaTrace Server


    Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista/XP or Server >= 2003 with latest service pack; installer contains private 32bit/64bit JRE

    Linux x86/x64 with a recent kernel >= 2.6; installer contains private 32bit/64bit JRE;


    dynaTrace Server support on Solaris and AIX is limited to medium environments with a maximum of 100 Agents and 500

    requests per second

    Solaris SPARC; Solaris x86/64; installer requires pre installed J2SE 7.0

    AIX Power 5, 6 and 7, installer requires pre installed IBM JRE 1.7+

    Minimum 1.5 GB disk space (additional storage is required for continuous session recording)

    Minimum 2 GB, typical 4-12 GB memory

    LDAP for dynaTrace User Authentication

    Active Directory


    See the for detailed hardware recommendations specific to your load.Deployment Guide

    dynaTrace Collector

    Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista/XP or Server >= 2003 with latest service pack; Linux x86/x64 with a recent kernel >= 2.6; Solaris SPARC; Solaris

    x86/64; AIX Power >= 6.1.5, zOS, z/Linux, HP-UX IA64

    Oracle (Sun) JVM 1.7+, IBM JVM 1.7+, HP JVM 1.7+

    This section describes the minimum system requirements for installing dynaTrace. Typically these minimum requirements are suitable

    for demonstration purposes only. Please refer to the for production-ready hardware requirements that vary based onDeployment Guide

    the size of your dynaTrace deployment.

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    min. 1GB disk spacemin. 128MB, typical 1-2GB memory

    See the for more specific hardware recommendations.Deployment Guide

    dynaTrace Client

    Windows: Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista/XP or Server >= 2003 with latest service pack ( )certified

    Linux: SUSE/RedHat Linux with GTK ( ); no official support on 64 bit Linux (32 bit GTK2 runtime, libXtst-32,... required -certified see

    )dynaTrace Forum

    Mac: OS X 10.6+ 64bit ( )supported

    100MB disk space

    1GB memory

    Minimum screen resolution: 1024x768px

    JRE 1.7 is required

    dynaTrace Performance Warehouse

    Long-term historical data is stored in the dynaTrace Performance Warehouse. The Performance Warehouse uses a relational database to store

    data. Out of the box, dynaTrace uses an embedded database for demo / testing purposes. Any production installation of dynaTrace must us

    one of the following (or greater) to host the Performance Warehousee database management systems with the specified minimum version


    Oracle >= 10g

    Microsoft SQL Server >= 2008

    SQL Azure (see )Windows Azure Best Practices

    IBM DB2 Version >= 9.7

    PostgreSQL >= 9.1

    NOTE: dynaTrace supports partitioned tables for high load scenarios for all of the above databases.

    To determine the disk-space requirements for the dynaTrace repository upfront, factor 15GB per 1000 persistent measures (of all System Profiles

    within the dynaTrace repository). You can find more details in the .Deployment Guide

    dynaTrace z Remote Agent

    The dynaTrace z Remote Agent is in an experimental phase in version 5.6. Please contact Support to determine if your environment can

    support a deployment!

    Windows x64 >= 2003

    z/Linux 64

    Linux x64

    AIX 64 Power 6, 7

    Supported Java Virtual Machines*

    OS Architectur



    (Sun) JVM

    7.0, 6.0, 5.0,




    7.0, 6.0, 5.0,





    6.0, 5.0,



    HP JVM

    6.0, 5.0,




    6.0 64bit

    Fujitsu JVM

    5.0, 1.4.2


    Hitachi JVM

    5.0 32bit

    Windows x86/x64

    Linux x86/x64

    Solaris 9+ SPARC


    Solaris 10+ x86/x64

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    AIX 5.2, 6.1,



    HP-UX IA64

    z/Linux z32/z64

    zOS z32/z64

    *) only bytecode created by the Java Programming Language Compilers (javac ) from supported JVM vendors

    **) these 64bit 1.4.2 JVMs are not supported by dynaTrace

    Supported .NET Platforms*



    32 bit



    64 bit

    .NET 2.0

    .NET 3.0

    .NET 3.5

    .NET 4.0

    .NET 4.5

    n.a. = not applicable

    *) .NET is not supported on the Itanium architecture

    Supported Web Servers for UEM

    OS Architecture Apache Web


    2.0, 2.2, 2.4

    Microsoft IIS

    6, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5

    IBM HTTP Server

    (IHS) 6, 7, 8

    Oracle Http Server

    10, 11

    Windows x86/x64 2

    Linux x86/x64 1

    Solaris 9+ SPARC 32/64

    Solaris 10+ x86/x64

    AIX 5.2, 6.1, 7.1 P32/P64

    ) incl. support for PHP 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.51

    ) IIS 6: "split large signals for IIS 6" for the dynaTraceMonitor signal must be enabled in the User Experience Settings. Web server metrics are2

    not available for IIS 6.

    Supported PHP Versions

    OS Architecture PHP 5.2 PHP 5.3 PHP 5.4 PHP 5.5

    Windows x86/x64

    Linux x86/x64 * * * *

    Solaris 9+ SPARC 32/64

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    Solaris 10+ x86/x64

    AIX 5.2, 6.1, 7.1 P32/P64

    *) Apache Web Server 2.0, 2.2 and 2.4

    Supported Application Environments and Technologies

    Servlet Containers & Application Servers Databases, Connection Pools and

    BigData Solutions

    Operating Systems (Platforms)

    Servlet Containers:

    C Apache Tomcat 5/6/7

    C Jetty 6/7/8/9

    J2EE Compliant App Servers:

    C IBM WebSphere 6.1/7/8/8.5*

    C Oracle WebLogic

    9/9.1/9.2/10/11g/12C Oracle Application Server 9i, 10g

    C JBoss AS CE 5.0.1+/6.0.0+/7.1.1+**

    S JBoss AS EAP 6**C SAP NetWeaver 7.3 AS Java

    C Sun Java Application Server 9.1

    C Fujitsu Interstage 8/9

    C Cosminexus 8

    C Glassfish 3.1 Open Source

    S Virgo/SpringSource dm Server 2.x


    C WebMethods 8.2

    C Sun Java Web Server 6.1

    C Microsoft IIS/ASP.NET 6/7/7.5/8

    C Microsoft SharePoint

    S MS COM+ Component Services for .NET

    S Adobe LiveCycle

    L other/proprietary Java/.NET Servers

    *) IBM JVM 7.0 only on Windows

    & Linux

    **) not all JMX measures



    C IBM DB2 8/9 1

    C Oracle DB 9i/10g/11g 1

    C MS SQL Server

    2000/2003/2005/2008/2012 1

    C PostgreSQL 1

    C Derby 1

    C ADO.NET data providers (e.g. ODP.NET)

    L generic support is available for any Type4

    JDBC driver

    Connection Pools:

    C WebSphere Connection Pool 6.1+

    C WebLogic Connection Pool 9-12.1

    C JBoss Connection Pool 5.x-7.x

    C Apache DBCP 1.0-1.4

    C Tomcat Connection Pool 1.0.6+

    C c3p0 0.8.5+

    L generic support is available for all J2EE

    connection pools

    NoSQL & BigData Solutions:

    C Cassandra 1.0.x, 1.1.x, 1.2.x 2

    C MongoDB 2.0.x, 2.2.x, 2.4.x 3

    C HBase 0.90.6, 0.92.1

    C Hadoop 0.2,1.x, 2.x 4

    S Solr

    1) JDBC Type4 drivers only

    ) Java Thrift based Clients2

    (Hector 1.0/1.1) and

    Datastax 1.0.2 for Cassandra


    ) Java Clients only, v. 2.3 -3

    2.11.3) Tested with CDH3, CDH4, HDP4

    1.1, EMR, MapR M5...

    C Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista/XP

    C Windows 2003/2008/2012 Server

    C Suse Linux 8+

    C RedHat Linux 4+

    C AIX 5.2/6.1/7.1

    C Solaris SPARC 9+

    C Solaris 10+ x86/x64

    C IBM zOS 390

    C z/Linux SLES 8 SP4

    C HP-UX IA64

    ESBs and SOA Remoting Messaging

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    C IBM WebSphere Message Broker 7/8*/9**

    10.3.4C Oracle Service Bus

    C JBoss ESB 4.12

    *C WSO2 4.6**

    C Mule 1.x / 2.x / 3.x

    S Oracle SOA Suite

    S Apache OpenEJB

    S Fuse ESB

    L SOA Software Service Manager 5.2/6.1

    *) on supported Windows,

    AIX, Linux 64bit and zLinux 64bit

    **) on supported Windows and Linux 64bit

    ***) HTTP communication only

    C RMI / IIOP

    C RMI / JRMP

    C RMI / T3

    C .NET Remoting

    C ORMI (OC4J 10g R3)

    C JBoss Remoting

    C WCF

    C HTTP Remoting


    C JMS 1.1

    C IBM WebSphere MQ 6, 7

    C Apache Active MQ 4.x / 5.x

    C Microsoft MQ 3.0

    S TIBCO Rendezvous 8.4

    L TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks

    Service Engine 5.8.2*

    *) Wired mode via Tibco Spline


    Web Service Stacks Frameworks AJAX Frameworks for UEM

    C IBM WebSphere 5.1/6/6.1/7/8

    C Oracle WebLogic 8.1/9/9.1/9.2/10/11g/12

    C .NET WebServices

    C AXIS 1.4

    C AXIS2 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5 / 1.6

    C Hessian 2.1/3/3.1/3.2/4.0

    C Oracle WebServices

    C JAX WebServices

    C Codehaus XFire 1.2

    C Apache CXF 2.2/2.3/2.4/2.5/2.6

    C Apache Wink 1.2.0

    C Restlet 2.1.0

    C RestEasy 2.3.5

    C Jersey 1.15/2.0

    C Spring Web Services 2.0S WebMethods Glue

    S Hibernate

    S Struts 1.x/2.x

    S AWT/Swing/RCP/WPF/WinForms

    S Spring

    S BlazeDS

    S Oracle Coherence

    S Applets

    HTTP Frameworks

    C JDK Http API

    C Apache HttpClient 3.1/4.0/4.1/4.2

    C Jetty Http Client 6/7/8/9

    C NING Http Client 1.6.x / 1.7x / 2.x

    UEM is compatible with all JavaScript


    automatic click detection is available for:

    S jQuery

    S Dojo

    S ICEfaces

    S extJS

    S GWT

    S ZK

    Browser Support for UEM Browser Diagnostics (with plugin) OS for Mobile ADK

    Compatible with any JavaScript enabled



    S Internet Explorer 6+

    S Firefox 3.5+

    S Safari 4+

    S Chrome 10+

    L Embedded Browser

    Mobile Browsers:S Mobile Safari 4+ (iPhone 3/4/4S, iPad


    S Android Webkit 4.0+

    S Firefox 3.6, 4-24

    S Internet Explorer 6/7/8/9/10

    C Apple iOS 6+

    C Google Android 2.3+

    Hybrid App Frameworks

    S PhoneGap

    S Apache Cordova

    S Custom WebViews

    Mainframe Environments

  • 5/24/2018 DynaTrace5.6 ReleaseNotes x


    C IBM zOS 1.12/1.13

    C IBM CICS Transaction Server


    C IBM WebSphere MQ 7.0/7.1

    C IBM DB2 v9/v10/v11

    C IBM CICS Transaction Gateway*



    *) CTG for zOS: EXCI and IPIC

    CTG for Multiplatforms: IPIC (no support

    for TCPIP or SNA)

    **) EXCI: UK56730 requiredPTF level

    Support level: C = , S = , L =certified supported limited support

    Please see the section of the for details.Known Systems Community Portal

    Supported Browsers for WebStart

    The dynaTrace Java WebStart Client can be started with any WebStart compatible browser. Internet Explorer 6+ and Firefox 3+ are certified by

    dynaTrace. The Java WebStart Client requires a 32-bit JRE 1.7.0_25 or higher.

    dynaTrace Support Levels and End-of-Life Policy

    Compuware is committed to providing effective and reliable support for dynaTrace on all supported platforms and technologies. This includes

    communicating early about the planned end of life for a given version as well as providing manageable upgrade paths for even the largest

    deployments. Typically we support the last two minor versions (now 5.0 & 5.5) as well as the last minor version of the previous major version

    (currently 4.2). This ensures that clients can always stay on a well supported version of dynaTrace, even if the upgrade of large systems with

    various organizational challenges can take a long time to plan and execute. If you have any questions, our Enablement Services Team can assis

    you to ensure a smooth and predictable upgrade to a new version of dynaTrace, .

    Support Level Overview






    end of life


    5 Spring 2014




    3.x.x and earlier

    *) On demand support and FixPacks for these versions are only available for severe production problems

    Announcement of Platform Support Changes

    The dynaTrace 5.6 release for the following platforms:discontinues support

    HP UX on PA-RISC

    dynaTrace Collector

    AIX < 6.1.5 (no Java 7 available)

    Solaris < 10.8 (no Java 7 available)

    Application Server

  • 5/24/2018 DynaTrace5.6 ReleaseNotes x


    IBM WebSphere Application Server < 6.1

    Oracle WebLogic 8.1 (SP3+)

    JBoss 4

    Oracle Application Server 6.5

    Borland Enterprise Server 6.5

    Borland Application Server 6.7

    Sun Java Application Server < 9.1

    With the , dynaTrace will for the following platforms:next release discontinue support

    dynaTrace Server on Solaris and AIX

    dynaTrace Server 32bit
