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Paulus Barata Putra

Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480

Arti Handayani

Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480


Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480


Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan suatu aplikasi e-learning berbasis web yang

diharapkan dapat membantu kegiatan belajar mengajar pada SMA St. Antonius Jakarta. Metode

Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah dengan pengumpulan data, analisis dan perancangan.

Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi pustaka, studi lapangan, wawancara, survei ke SMA

St. Antonius Jakarta dan menyebarkan kuisioner kepada siswa maupun guru. Hasil analisis yang

didapat adalah siswa SMA St. Antonius kesulitan untuk mengetahui Rencana Pelaksanaan

Pembelajaran (RPP). Simpulan yang didapat adalah aplikasi e-learning berbasis web dapat

membantu siswa untuk mengetahui Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) dan membantu

kegiatan belajar mengajar pada SMA St. Antonius Jakarta.

Kata kunci : Analisis dan Perancangan E-Learning, aplikasi e-learning, e-learning berbasis


1. Pendahuluan

Dunia internet kian pesat berkembang saat ini. Aliran informasi pun semakin

deras terasa. Masyarakat juga sudah akrab dengan kehadiran dan perkembangan internet,

terutama kalangan muda. Dapat kita lihat penggunaan internet sangat banyak didapati,

baik dipergunakan untuk mengakses jejaring sosial, untuk mencari informasi – informasi

dengan keperluan sekolah, pekerjaan, dan lain sebagainya. Hal itu dapat menjadi

indikator majunya internet di Indonesia khususnya Jakarta.

Sistem belajar yang diterapkan sekolah – sekolah tergolong efektif sampai saat

ini, namun untuk memajukan pendidikan bagi para siswa/siswi sangat dibutuhkan sebuah

penerapan teknologi terhadap pola belajar dan gaya hidup siswa/siswi yang dapat

menunjang mereka untuk meningkatkan sisi akademis mereka. Penggunaan internet

adalah salah satu hal yang dapat dijadikan cara atau alat untuk meningkatkan performa

sistem pembelajaran yang ada saat ini. Untuk mewujudkan hal itu E-Learning dapat

dijadikan jawaban yang cukup menjanjikan.

E-Learning adalah sistem belajar yang memungkinkan siswa atau siswi belajar

melalui media internet yang diakses dengan menggunakan perangkat elektronik. Sistem

belajar ini juga dapat memudahkan pengajar untuk memberikan materi maupun tugas

kepada anak didiknya.

2. Pedoman Umum

Pembuatan E-Learning SMA St. Antonius, dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah sebagai

berikut :

1. Mendefinisikan permasalahan yang terjadi pada SMA St. Antonius

2. Mendefinisikan solusi pemecahan masalah

3. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai setelah solusi pemecahan masalah teridentifikasi

4. Proses

5. Mendefinisikan fitur-fitur yang akan digunakan

6. Mendesign user interface

7. Mendesign database E-Learning

8. Membuat diagram STD (State Transition Diagram)

2.1. Ruang Lingkup

Untuk pembahasan sebuah topik skripsi yang lebih terarah dan terfokus maka akan

dibatasi pada hal – hal seperti berikut ini.

1. Perancangan sistem aplikasi belajar online meliputi:

a. Forum diskusi.

b. Fasilitas upload materi pelajaran untuk guru.

c. Fasilitas download materi pelajaran untuk siswa/siswi.

2. Perancangan sistem administrasi bagi siswa:

a. Melihat nilai.

b. Melihat jadwal.

c. Melihat pelanggaran yang telah dilakukan.

3. Perancangan sistem administrasi bagi guru:

a. Memasukan nilai siswa.

b. Melihat jadwal mengajar.

c. Melihat pelanggaran siswa.

4. Perancangan sistem administrasi bagi administrator:

a. Menyusun jadwal pelajaran untuk siswa.

b. Menyusun jadwal pelajaran untuk guru.

c. Mengatur pembagian kelas siswa.

d. Mengatur berita sekolah.

e. Memasukan dan mengubah data siswa/siswi.

f. Memasukan dan mengubah data guru.

g. Memasukan data pelanggaran siswa.

2.2. Tujuan dan Manfaat

Tujuan dibuatnya E-Learning pada SMA St. Antonius diantaranya yaitu :

• Merancang sistem informasi nilai, penjadwalan, dan data – data lainnya

sehingga diharapkan sistem ini akan mempermudah pengaksesan data – data


• Merancang E-Learning yang mampu menyajikan materi pelajaran yang

dapat diakses oleh siswa dimana saja dan kapan saja.

Adapaun jika tujuan sudah tercipta, diharapkan akan menimbulkan manfaat yang

diantaranya :

• Meningkatnya sisi akademis siswa/siswi.

• Meningkatnya efisiensi proses belajar mengajar.

• Meningkatnya kesiapan diri siswa/siswi untuk melakukan pembelajaran di

sekolah sehingga meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas kegiatan belajar mengajar

di sekolah.

• Sebagai sarana distribusi dan komunikasi informasi tentang kegiatan di dalam

sekolah maupun kegiatan sekolah yang berlangsung di luar sekolah.

2.3. Permasalahan

Permasalahan yang dihadapi SMA St. Antonius adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Pendistribusian jadwal yang tidak efektif fan efisien. Jadwal

pelajaran ditempel di pintu-pintu kelas sehingga terkadang ada murid

yang lupa mencatat ataupun sudah mencatat tetapi catatannya hilang,

rusak, dan sebagainya.

2. Keterbatasan penyampaian materi. Dalam sistem yang sedang

berjalan, sekolah SMA St. Antonius memulai pelajaran pada pukul

07.00 s/d 130, sehingga waktu yang dibutuhkan terbatas pada jam


3. Kurangnya bimbingan guru di luar jam pelajaran.

4. Terbatasnya waktu dan tempat untuk melakukan konselling.

2.4 Metodologi

Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah :

1. Metode Analisis

a. Studi Pustaka

Dengan metode ini, data – data dicari dan dikumpulkanmelalui buku –

buku yang dapat diperoleh dari toko buku, teman, dan perpustakaan di

Universitas Bina Nusantara serta browsing di internet tentang semua hal

yang berhubungan dengan sistematika penelitian, penulisan laporan,

landasan teori serta mengenai bahasa pemrograman dan teknologi yang

kami gunakan.

b. Studi Lapangan (Wawancara dan Observasi)

Untuk memperoleh informasi yang akurat mengenai keadaan di

lapangan maka dilakukan observasi langsung pada lokasi sekolah untuk

mengetahui sistem yang sedang berjalan sebelumnya. Selain dari pada itu

juga dilakukan wawancara untuk mengetahui kendala – kendala apa saja

yang dialami serta fitur apa yang mungkin diharapkan oleh siswa dan guru

untuk mendukung proses belajar mengajar.

c. Survei

Kami melakukan survei dengan cara membagikan kuisioner yang

harus diisi dalam bentuk pilihan ganda untuk mengetahui kendala apa saja

yang dialami dan fitur yang diharapkan oleh siswa dan guru sebagai


2. Metode Perancangan

a. Perancangan Use Case Diagram.

b. Perancangan Class Diagram.

c. Perancangan State Diagram.

d. Perancangan Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).

e. Perancangan Database.

f. Perancangan User Interface.

2.5 Analisis dan Desain Solusi

2.5.1 Diagram ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

Gambar ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

2.5.2 State Transitional Diagram

Rancangan navigasi akan menunjukan bagaimana alur halaman –

halaman yang ada pada web e-learning SMA Santo Antonius. Untuk

menggambarkan navigasi website ini maka digunakan State

TransitionDiagram (STD).

Gambar STD Home Student dan Teacher

Gambar STD Change Password Student, Teacher, dan Admin

Gambar STD Message Student dan Teacher

Gambar STD Consultation Room Student

Gambar STD Schedule Student dan Teacher

Gambar STD Course Material Student dan Teacher

Gambar STD Assignment Student dan Teacher

Gambar STD Score Student

Gambar STD Profile Student dan Teacher

Gambar STD Violation Record Student dan Teacher

Gambar STD Forum Student, Teacher, dan Admin

Gambar STD Score Teacher

Gambar STD News Detail Student dan Teacher

Gambar STD Home Admin

Gambar STD Message Admin

Gambar STD Schedule Admin

Gambar STD Student Admin

Gambar STD Teacher Admin

Gambar STD Course Admin

Gambar STD Violation Admin

Gambar STD Class Member Admin

Gambar STD Quote Admin

Gambar STD News Admin

3. Simpulan

Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan penelitian berupa observasi, wawancara, dan kuisioner

kepada siswa dan guru yang dilakukan pada SMA Santo Antonius, maka dapat

disimpulkan sebagai berikut:

1. Aplikasi e-learning pada SMA St. Antonius dapat berguna bagi murid dan guru

untuk memudahkan mereka dalam mendapatkan informasi sekolah secara efektif

dan efisien. Fitur pesan pribadi dalam aplikasi e-learning SMA St. Antonius juga

menambah keefektifan dan keefisienan sekolah dalam memberikan informasi

kepada siswa dan guru.

2. Aplikasi e-learning pada SMA St. Antonius memungkinkan guru untuk

memberikan materi pelajaran secara online, baik materi yang telah diberikan di

kelas ataupun yang akan diberikan di kelas. Siswa dapat mengunduh materi

pelajaran tersebut pada aplikasi e-learning SMA St. Antonius kapan saja dan

dimana saja tanpa terbatas ruang dan waktu. Sehingga dengan demikian murid

dapat lebih intensif belajar di rumah dan di kelas.

3. Aplikasi e-learning SMA St. Antonius memungkinkan guru untuk memberikan

tugas secara online dari mana saja dan kapan saja. Sehingga guru tidak dibatasi

oleh jam pelajaran di kelas untuk memberikan tugas.

4. Aplikasi e-learning SMA St. Antonius memberikan kemudahan untuk murid dalam

berkonsultasi dengan guru bimbingan konseling. Sehingga murid dapat

berkonsultasi dengan lebih leluasa karena kerahasiaan konsultasi sangat terjamin.

Dari sisi guru konseling aplikasi ini membantu mereka dalam menanggapi

konsultasi murid – murid yang terkadang sangat banyak dan tidak terlayani karena

batasan ruang dan waktu.

5. Pada aplikasi e-learning SMA St. Antonius terdapat fasilitas untuk menambah,

mengubah, dan menghapus data, yang memungkinkan admin untuk

memperbaharui database siswa dan guru, pengumuman, materi pelajaran dan

jadwal pelajaran dengan lebih cepat dan efisien dalam proses operasional. Semua

fungsi tersebut digunakan untuk dapat mendukung proses belajar mengajar.

Daftar Pustaka

Anonymous2, 2009, Pengertian CSS (Cascading Style Sheet),


Anonymous3, 2002, Pengertian HTML,


Ben, Scneiderman (2005). Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-

Computer Interaction.Pearson, Boston

Bowen, Rich and Coar, Ken. (2000). Apache Cookbook. O’reilly, United States

Cantoni, Lorenzo dan Tardini, Stefano. (2006). Internet. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,

New York

Clark, Ruth Colvin., Mayer, Richard E..(2002). E-Learning and the science of Instruction :

Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designer of Multimedia Learning. Pfeiffer, New


Collin, Simon. (1997). Setting Up a Web Server. Digital Press, Boston.

Connolly, T. Begg. (2010). Database System 5th Edition. Pearson Education International,


Eck, Michael. (2002). The Internet : inside and out.North America : Rosen Book Work

Gourley, David, Totty, Brian. (2002). HTTP: The Definitive Guide. O’reilly Media, Inc.,


Hamilton, John .(2007).Internet. ABDO Publishing Company, United States

Holmes, Bryn., Gardner, John. (2006). E-Learning concept & Practice. SAGE Publications Inc.,


Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, edisi ketiga. (2002). Balai Pustaka, Jakarta

Laga, Timothy C. (2002). Object Oriented Software Engineering. McGraw-Hill, New York

Maryono Y., Patmi Istiana B. (2008). Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi 3 SMP Kelas IX.

Quadra, Bandung

Nailburg, Eric J., Maksimchuck, Robert A. (2001). UML for Database Design. Addison Wesley,


O’Brien, James A. (2002). Management Information System : Managing information Technology

in The Businnes Enterprise,5th Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York

O’Brien, James A. (2005). Pengantar Sistem Informasi. Salemba Empat, Jakarta

Peranginangin, Kasiman. (2006). Aplikasi Web dengan PHP dan MySql. Penerbit Andi,


Post, Gerald V., (2005). Database Management System 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York

Pressman, Roger S..(1997). Software Engineering 4th Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York

Pressman, Roger S.. (2008). Software engineering 6th Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York

Shiflett, Chris.(2003). HTTP Developer’s Handbook. Indianapolis

Sommerville, Ian. (2011). Software Engineering, 9th Edition. Addison Wesley, New York

Sunyoto, Andi M.Kom. (2007). AJAX Membangun Web Dengan Teknologi Asynchronouse Java

Script dan XML. Yogyakarta : Penerbit Andi

Swastika, Windra. (2006). PHP 5 san MySql 4, Proyek Membuat Blog. Dian Rakyat, Jakarta

Turban, Efraim, Volonino, Linda. (2010). Information Technology for Management :

Transforming Organizations in The Digital Economy, 7th. John Wiley & Son, San


Priestley, Mark. (2000). Practical Object-Oriented Design with UML. McGraw-Hill, United


Whittern, Jeffery L., Bentley, Lonnie D. and Kevin C. Dittman. (2004). System Analysis and

Design Method. McGraw-Hill, New York

Yeager, Nancy J., McGrath Robert E.. (1996). Web Server Technology. United States : Morgan

Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.



Paulus Barata Putra

Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480

Arti Handayani

Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480


Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480


This study is purposed to generate an e-learning applications that are expected to assist teaching and learning activities at St. Antonius High School Jakarta. The Method of study was conducted with data collection, analysis and design. The data was collected through literature studies, field studies, interviews, survey to St. Antonius High School Jakarta and spread the questionnaire to students and teachers. Analytical results obtained are St. Antonius’s high school students feel difficult to know about Learning Implementation Plan. The conclusions obtained are the application of e-learning can help students to learn about Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) and assist teaching and learning activities at St. Antonius High School Jakarta.

Keywords : Analysis and Design of e-learning, e-learning applications

1. Introduction

More rapidly evolving Internet world today. Information flow was more heavily

felt. Communities are also already familiar with the presence and development of the

internet, especially among the young. We can see the use of internet is very much found,

both used to access social networking, to search information with school purposes,

employment, and so forth. It may be an indicator progress of the internet in Indonesia,

especially Jakarta.

Learning system is applied to schools is quite effective to date, but to improve

education for students, students needed an application of technology to study patterns and

lifestyle of the students which can support them to improve their academic side.

Use of the Internet is one thing that can be used as means or a tool to improve the

performance of learning systems that exist today. To realize that E-Learning can be a

promising answer.

E-Learning is a learning system that allows the student to learn through the

internet medium accessed by using an electronic device. This learning system can also

facilitate teachers to provide materials and tasks to their students.

2. Pedoman Umum

Create E-Learning for St. Antonius Senior High School, carried by the following

steps :

1. Defining the problems that occured in St. Antonius Senior High School

2. Defining the problem solving solutions

3. Goals to be achieved after troubleshooting solutions identified

4. Process

5. Defining features that will be used.

6. User interface design

7. Database Design of E-Learning

8. Creating a Diagram STD (State Transitional Diagram)

2.1 Scope

For a discussion of a thesis topic in a more targeted and focused, it will be limited

to the things like the following.

1. Online learning application system design include :

a. Discussions forums

b. Upload facility for teachers subject matter.

c. Download course material to students facilities .

2. Design of administrative systems for students:

a. View the score

b. View Schedule

c. View infringement made by students 

3. Design of administrative systems for teachers:

a. Enter student scores

b. View the teaching schedule

c. Seeing infringement of students

4. Design of administrative systems for the administrator

a. To schedule a lesson for students

b. Develop timetab;e for teachers

c. Regulate the class of students

d. Set the school news

e. Entering and changing data of students

f. Edit teacher profile and change data

g. Students enter data breach.

2.2 Pupose and Benefit

Purpose of the E-Learning in St. Antonius Senior High School among

which are :

• Designing the information system, schedulling, and other data, so

hopefully this system will facilitate for entry data.

• Designing E-Learning is able to present the subject matter

accessible to students, anywhere and anytime.

If the purpose is created, it is hoped will lead to benefits that include :

• Increasing academic side of students

• Increasing the efficiency of the learning process

• Increasing readiness of the student to make learning in schooland

improve the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching and learning

in school.

• As a means of distirbution and communication of information

about activities at the school or school activities that take place

outside school.

2.3 Problems

Problem faced by St. Antonius Senior High School is as follows :

• The distribution schedule is ineffectice and inefficient. Schedule

taped to the doors of the classroom so that students sometimes

forget to record or have recorded but a note is lost, damaged, and

so forth.

• Limitations of delivery of content. In a running system, St.

Antonius senior high school started lesson at 07.00 – 13.30, so the

time required is limited to school hours.

• Lack of guiandce teachers outside of school hours

• Lack of time and place to do conselling.

2.4 Methodology

The methodology used in the writing of this thesis are :

1. Method of analysis

a. Library Studies

With this method, the data sought and collected through the books

which can be obtained from bookstores, friends, and the library at

University of Bina Nusantara, and browsing the internet on all matters

relating to the systematic research, report writing, as well as the

theoretical basis of language programming, and technology we use.

b. Field studies (interviews and observations)

To obtain accurate information about the situation on the ground it

made a direct observation on the school site to find out who is running

the previous system. Apart from the interviews were also conducted to

determine constraints of what is experienced as well as features of

what might be expected by students and teachers to support teaching

and learning process.

c. Survey

We conducted the survey by distributing questionnaires to be filled in

the form of multiple choice to find out what are the obstacles

encountered and the features expected by students and teachers as a


2. The design method

a. Designing use case diagram

b. Design of class diagram

c. State diagram design

d. Designing Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

e. Database design

f. Designing the user interface

2.5 Analysis and Design Solution

2.5.1 ERD Diagram (Entity Relationship Diagram)

Picture of ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

2.5.2 State Transitional Diagram

The design of the navigation will show how the flow of pages that

exist on the E-Learning St. Antonius Senior High School web. To illustrate

the use of this website’s navigation, State Transitional will show them.

Picture of STD Home Student and Teacher

Picture of STD Change Password Student, Teacher, and Admin

Picture of STD Message Student and Teacher

Picture of STD Consultation Room Student

Picture of STD Schedule Student and Teacher

Picture of STD Course Material Student and Teacher

Picture of STD Assignment Student and Teacher

Picture of STD Score Student

Picture of STD Profile Student and Teacher

Picture of STD Violation Record Student and Teacher

Picture of STD Forum Student, Teacher, and Admin

Picture of STD Score Teacher

Picture of STD News Detail Student and Teacher

Picture of STD Home Admin

Picture of STD Message Admin

Picture of STD Schedule Admin

Picture of STD Student Admin

Picture of STD Teacher Admin

Picture of STD Course Admin

Picture of STD Violation Admin

Picture of STD Class Member Admin

Picture of STD Quote Admin

Picture of STD News Admin

3. Conclusion

Based on the analysis and research in the form of observations, interviews, and

quistionnares to students and teachers who performed at St. Antonius Senior High School,

it can be concluded as follows :

1. E-Learning in St. Antonius Senior High School can be useful for students and

teachers to facilitate them in getting school information effectively and efficiently.

Features a personal message in e-learning applications of St. Antonius Senior High

School also increase the effectiveness and efficiency of schools in providing

information to students and teachers.

2. E-Learning in St. Antonius Senior High School allow teachers to provide course

materials online, whether the material has been given in class or to be provided in

class. Students can download course materials on e-learning applications, anytime

and anywhere without the limited space and time. Thus students can be more

intensive study at home and in class.

3. E-Learning in St. Antonius Senior High School allow teachers to provide online

task from anywhere and anytime. So that teacher is not limited by hours of lessons

in the classroom to give the task.

4. E-Learning in St. Antonius Senior High School provide facilities for students in

consultation with teacher guidance counselling. So that students can consult more

freely because of the confidentiality of consultations is assured. In terms of this

application counselling teachers help their students in response to consultation.

Students are sometimes very numerous and are not served due to limitations of

space and time.

5. E-Learning in St. Antonius Senior High School there are facilities to add, modify,

and delete data, which allows the admin to update the database of students and

teachers, announcements, course materials, and schedule a lesson with a more

rapid and efficient operational processes. All these function can be used to support

teaching and learning process.


Anonymous2, 2009, Pengertian CSS (Cascading Style Sheet),


Anonymous3, 2002, Pengertian HTML,


Ben, Scneiderman (2005). Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-

Computer Interaction.Pearson, Boston

Bowen, Rich and Coar, Ken. (2000). Apache Cookbook. O’reilly, United States

Cantoni, Lorenzo and Tardini, Stefano. (2006). Internet. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,

New York

Clark, Ruth Colvin., Mayer, Richard E..(2002). E-Learning and the science of Instruction :

Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designer of Multimedia Learning. Pfeiffer, New


Collin, Simon. (1997). Setting Up a Web Server. Digital Press, Boston.

Connolly, T. Begg. (2010). Database System 5th Edition. Pearson Education International,


Eck, Michael. (2002). The Internet : inside and out.North America : Rosen Book Work

Gourley, David, Totty, Brian. (2002). HTTP: The Definitive Guide. O’reilly Media, Inc.,


Hamilton, John .(2007).Internet. ABDO Publishing Company, United States

Holmes, Bryn., Gardner, John. (2006). E-Learning concept & Practice. SAGE Publications Inc.,


Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, edisi ketiga. (2002). Balai Pustaka, Jakarta

Laga, Timothy C. (2002). Object Oriented Software Engineering. McGraw-Hill, New York

Maryono Y., Patmi Istiana B. (2008). Teknologi Informasi and Komunikasi 3 SMP Kelas IX.

Quadra, Bandung

Nailburg, Eric J., Maksimchuck, Robert A. (2001). UML for Database Design. Addison Wesley,


O’Brien, James A. (2002). Management Information System : Managing information Technology

in The Businnes Enterprise,5th Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York

O’Brien, James A. (2005). Pengantar Sistem Informasi. Salemba Empat, Jakarta

Peranginangin, Kasiman. (2006). Aplikasi Web dengan PHP and MySql. Penerbit Andi,


Post, Gerald V., (2005). Database Management System 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York

Pressman, Roger S..(1997). Software Engineering 4th Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York

Pressman, Roger S.. (2008). Software engineering 6th Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York

Shiflett, Chris.(2003). HTTP Developer’s Handbook. Indianapolis

Sommerville, Ian. (2011). Software Engineering, 9th Edition. Addison Wesley, New York

Sunyoto, Andi M.Kom. (2007). AJAX Membangun Web Dengan Teknologi Asynchronouse Java

Script and XML. Yogyakarta : Penerbit Andi

Swastika, Windra. (2006). PHP 5 san MySql 4, Proyek Membuat Blog. Dian Rakyat, Jakarta

Turban, Efraim, Volonino, Linda. (2010). Information Technology for Management :

Transforming Organizations in The Digital Economy, 7th. John Wiley & Son, San


Priestley, Mark. (2000). Practical Object-Oriented Design with UML. McGraw-Hill, United


Whittern, Jeffery L., Bentley, Lonnie D. and Kevin C. Dittman. (2004). System Analysis and

Design Method. McGraw-Hill, New York

Yeager, Nancy J., McGrath Robert E.. (1996). Web Server Technology. United States : Morgan

Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
