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请安静,默祷Keep Quiet and Pray

建立基督的身體,作神百般恩賜的好管家Build up the body of Christ, be good stewards 

serving others according to the spiritual gifts received

服事教会Be a good steward by serving in the church



空的墳墓卻證明救主仍活著。God Sent His Son, They Called Him Jesus;

He Came To Love, Heal And Forgive.He Lived And Died To Buy My Pardon;An Empty Grave Is There To Prove My 

Savior Lives.


因祂活著,我能面對明天,因祂活著,不再懼怕;我深知道祂掌握明天,生命充滿了希望,只因祂活著。Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.Because He lives, All fear is gone.Because I know He holds the future,And life is worth the living just because He lives.





How sweet to hold a newborn baby,And feel the pride and joy he gives.But greater still the calm assurance,

This child can face uncertain days because He lives.

因祂活著,我能面對明天,因祂活著,不再懼怕;我深知道祂掌握明天,生命充滿了希望,只因祂活著。Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.Because He lives, All fear is gone.Because I know He holds the future,And life is worth the living just because He lives.

當我走完,人生的路程,面對死亡痛苦爭戰;救主為我戰勝了死權,在榮光中我見救主祂是活著。And then one day I'll cross the river,I'll fight life's final war with pain.And then as death gives way to victory,I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives.

因祂活著,我能面對明天,因祂活著,不再懼怕;我深知道祂掌握明天,生命充滿了希望,只因祂活著。Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.Because He lives, All fear is gone.Because I know He holds the future,And life is worth the living just because He lives.

Lord, I offer my life to You 1/4

你是我的一切 You are My All in All

你是我依靠的力量You are my strength when I am weak

你是我寻求的宝藏You are the treasure that I seek

你是我的一切You are my all in all

You are my all in all 1/6

Lord, I offer my life to You 3/4Lord, I offer my life to You 1/4

你是我的一切 You are My All in All

你好比贵重的珠宝Seeking You as a precious jewel

我怎能放弃你不要Lord to give up I'd be a fool

你是我的一切You are my all in all

You are my all in all 2/6

Lord, I offer my life to You 2/4Lord, I offer my life to You 1/4

你是我的一切 You are My All in All

耶稣神羔羊配得大赞美 (x2)

Jesus, Lamb of Godworthy is Your name (x2)

You are my all in all 3/6

Lord, I offer my life to You 1/4

你是我的一切 You are My All in All

洗净我一切的罪孽Taking my sin, my cross, my shame

挪去我所有的羞辱Rising again I bless Your name

你是我的一切You are my all in all

You are my all in all 4/6

Lord, I offer my life to You 1/4

你是我的一切 You are My All in All

当我失脚你扶起我When I fall down You pick me up

当我饥渴你充满我When I am dry You fill my cup

你是我的一切You are my all in all

You are my all in all 5/6

Lord, I offer my life to You 2/4Lord, I offer my life to You 1/4

你是我的一切 You are My All in All

耶稣神羔羊配得大赞美 (x2)

Jesus, Lamb of Godworthy is Your name (x2)

You are my all in all 6/6

S183 美哉主耶穌 1/4

1. 美哉主耶穌宇宙萬物主宰祂是真神降世為人我心所景仰我靈所崇敬是我榮耀冠冕歡欣Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature, O Thou of God and man the Son, Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honor, Thou, my soul's glory, joy and crown. 

S183 美哉主耶穌 2/4

2. 美哉芳草地原野更是美麗大地披上彩色春衣耶穌更美麗耶穌更清潔使憂傷心發出歌聲

Fair are the meadows, fairer still the woodlands, Robed in the blooming garb of spring; Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer, Who makes the woeful heart to sing. 

S183 美哉主耶穌 3/4

3. 陽光多美麗月光更覺清新繁星點點燦爛閃耀耶穌更光明耶穌更皎潔天使榮光不足比較Fair is the sunshine, Fairer still the moonlight, And all the twinkling starry host; Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer Than all the angels heaven can boast. 

S183 美哉主耶穌 4/4

4. 美哉主耶穌統轄萬國萬民世人救主天上真神尊貴與光榮讚美與敬崇都歸主耶穌到無窮

Beautiful Savior! Lord of all the nations! Son of God and Son of Man! Glory and honor, praise, adoration, Now and forever more be Thine. 

主啊!有誰能像你Lord! Who Can Be Like You



You always prepare a table before meMy life is filled with surprises

How can I repay all your goodness to meThousands words cannot describe




Who am I for you to come to me in such wayYou choose poor for me to be rich

What is I that you love me soWhat shall I ask for but you




Lord, I praise you, my life sing praises to youLord! Who can be like you

Lord, I worship you, my whole heart thank youMy whole life only wish to serve you



God Loves a Cheerful Giver


John 10:1-18

Scripture Reading

1「我實實在在告訴你們,那不從門進羊圈,倒從別處爬進去的,那人就是賊,就是強盜; 2那從門進去的,才是羊的牧人。 3看門的給他開門,羊也聽他的聲音;他按著名字呼叫自己的羊,領牠們出來。

1“Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. 2 The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. 3 The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.

4他把自己的羊全都領出來以後,就走在前頭,羊也跟隨他,因為認得他的聲音。 5牠們決不會跟隨陌生人,反而逃避他,因為不認得陌生人的聲音。」 6耶穌對他們說了這個譬喻,他們卻不明白他所說的是甚麼。

4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. 5 But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” 6 Jesus used this figure of speech, but the Pharisees did not understand what he was telling them

7於是耶穌又說:「我實實在在告訴你們,我就是羊的門。 8所有在我以先來的,都是賊和強盜;羊卻不聽從他們。 9我就是門,如果有人藉著我進來,就必定得救,並且可以出、可以入,也可以找到草場。 10賊來了,不過是要偷竊、殺害、毀壞;我來了,是要使羊得生命,並且得的更豐盛。

7 Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full

11我是好牧人,好牧人為羊捨命。 12那作雇工不是牧人的,羊也不是自己的,他一見狼來,就把羊撇下逃跑,狼就抓住羊群,把他們驅散了; 13因為他是個雇工,對羊群漠不關心。 14我是好牧人,我認識我的羊,我的羊也認識我, 15好像父認識我,我也認識父一樣;並且我為羊捨命。

11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me -15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father - and I lay down my life for the sheep

16我還有別的羊,不在這羊圈裡;我必須把牠們領來,牠們也要聽我的聲音,並且要合成一群,歸於一個牧人。 17父愛我,因為我把生命捨去,好再把它取回來。 18沒有人能奪去我的生命,是我自己捨去的。我有權把生命捨去,也有權把它取回來;這是我從我的父所領受的命令。

16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. 17 The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life -only to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”

“Jesus is the Good and Unique Shepherd”


The , I shall not want. He makes me lie down in

. He leads me beside still waters…I will fear no evil for


。…… 我不怕遭害, 因。

诗篇 Psalm 23:1-2,4b

I am the good shepherd


约翰福音 John 10:11,14

A sheep’s “pen” was an enclosed open space made of uncut field stones in which sharp thorns, if available, were workedinto the top of the wall.


The opening through which the sheep would enter and exit. The shepherd may lie across the opening overnight to prevent any of the sheep from leaving, and thus likely either getting lost or being killed.

: 羊的出入口.晚上,牧羊人或许躺在门口,就好像一扇门,保护羊群不让羊出去以免丢失或遭害。



• He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. John 10:3b

• 他按着名叫自己的羊,把羊领出来。约10:3b

• 羊也跟着他。 约10:4b

• his sheep follow him. John 10:4b

“he [ ] ‘leads’ me beside still waters.”

他( )领我在。

诗篇 Psalm 23:2b

Normally the shepherd leads the sheep


Sheep at the rear of the flock are notorious for getting the rest of the flock as

they nibble on the grass

?那些在 会怎样呢?

:在 因在草地上啃食

Surely shall me

我 必有 ,我且要住在耶和华的殿中,

诗篇 Psalm 23:6

我 必有 随着我,诗篇 Psalm 23:6a

leads his sheep to

surely goodness and mercy shall me

领我在可 。诗篇 Psalm 23:2b

• thieves• wild animals: wolf

• 盗贼• 野生动物: 狼

我差你们去,如同羊进入 。太10:16

I am sending you out like sheep among 。 Matt. 10:16

I know that after I leave, will come in among you, and not spare the flock。 Acts 20:29

我知道我去之后,必有 进入你们中间,不爱惜羊群。使徒行传20:29

Jesus says that the good shepherd for the sheep

耶稣 说 “ ”

See Verses 11, 15, 17 and twice in 18

经文 11, 15, 17 各一次,18节两次


the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep?

As the he is much like other shepherds. But there is that separates him from all other shepherds.


作为 ,他很像其他牧羊人,但有 将他与其他牧羊人区别开来,就是,

1. It was a laying down that was VIOLENTThat cross was

在 中舍弃生命, 那是一个

没有人夺我的命去, 。

2. It was a laying down that was

No one takes it [his life] from me, but

约翰福音 John 10:18a

: 为其他人做些事情,


3. It was a laying down that was

“ ” means taking the place of somebody else. It means doing something, like suffering, for somebody else.

v-i-c v-i-c-i-s

Substitute 代替

“… 他要… 他要 ”

4. It was a laying down that was

“…but after 3 days I will rise again,” or, “…but on the third day I will rise again.”

因为 ,你我也可以体验– 今生的

Because , you and I can also experience —a victorious life that in this life and


Holy Communion


我们在天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣。 愿你的国降临,愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。 我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们。免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债。 不叫我们遇见试探,救我们脱离凶恶,因为国度,权柄,荣耀,全是你的,直到永远,阿们.马太福音 6:9-13

主祷文 Lord's Prayer 

欢迎新朋友Welcome to LCCC

新朋友, 请介绍你自己

Please introduce yourself if you are new

4月8日報告事項 April 8 Announcement1. 从今天开始,周日传单只印30份,主要是给年长者和新朋


2. 今天下午1:15‐2:00 pm 有基礎英文及ESL 二班上課。教室C及A.請准時並邀請慕道朋友。繼續思考耶穌的复活和我们的關係。思考耶稣复活,中国傳統文化的清明節和信徒的關係。

1. Starting from today, there will be only 30 copies of bulletin and announcement and they are for seniors and new friends.  Please pay attention to different kinds of church WeChat groups for the information. You can also find the information in church website:www.lcccky.org/worship.asp

2. English classes are from 1:15‐2:00 pm today at classroom C and A. Feel free to invite friends.

3. 從3月份開始, 第四個主日崇拜結束後, 在大堂設立半小時的宣教禱告。欢迎对宣教事工有负担的弟兄姐妹参加。

4. 路城华人教会将于4/20‐22开设特约讲座”基督徒的社会责任与宣道使命”,讲员为张乃千牧师。有意参加者请联系林红姐妹

5. 教會有需要建兒童戶外運動遊戲區, 請會眾為這一事項代禱。

3. From March, after every 4th Sunday service, there will be half hour prayer meeting for Mission. Welcome all to attend.

4. Louisville Chinese Church will have special workshop, Christian’s responsibility and Mission, on April 20‐22. Speaker is Pastor Zhang.

5. LCCC would like to propose a playground project for LCCC kids. Please pray for this project.

6. 教会专门设立了宣教基金,用于支持宣教士及宣教机构,请大家为宣教基金祷告,在支票奉献时注明。

7. 新堂房贷已于2月26日全部还完,感谢弟兄姐妹的忠心奉献,感谢神的丰富供应!教会的建堂基金仍然保留,为将来的需要和发展做预备。

6. Church set up a mission fund for supporting missionaries and organizations. Please pray for it and if you would like to support, please write the check and notes for mission fund. 

7. The mortgage was paid off on Monday 2/26/18. Thank brothers and sisters for offerings and thank God for his abundant provision. The Building Fund will continue for future facility needs and projects.

下周同工 Next Week (4/15/2018)

司會 Presider 朱海宁

司琴 Pianist 王錦

領詩 Song Leader 沈赤

敬拜團 Praise Team 李囡囡, 孫京紅, 范鈞鍇, 周勝斌

講員 Speaker 房正豪 牧师

翻譯 Interpreter 牛春玲

招待 Ushers 吳海燕, 王梅榮

問安長老 Greeter 尹谷恩 長老

清理 Clean Up 蔡藹華, 陳昳喆, 張金超

愛筵Love Feast 迦南一组(黄明勇)耳机/鮮花Earphone/Flower 陳耀存/欧光文

教會鎖門Lock door 林紅

投影/音響 Slide/Audio 朱仕鋒/刘得玉

巴士 driver 何強
