Ensayo ingles



Tecnologia en ingles

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Name: Angel Guangasi

Date: Tuesday 04 November of 2014 Third level G



The technology today is the set of knowledge and technical skills through which humans use to create tools and machines to provide our products every day. But not everything is rosy so all good leads to a long term problem.


"Dupree"Define technology as an information system that connects homo sapiens with their environment. Technological change is faster every day, 50 years ago nobody imagined the new forms of communication. The Man in the Moon, the science in medicine industries ease the world in our hands.

But only see it from the purchasing power of people because they are not seeing the science behind all this effort and hours of research devoted to the acquisition of these technologies.


"Edwin Layton Jr" The design is the central purpose of the technology.

A major contribution is the development of discoveries around the world in addition ease of sharing with all these developments.

Technology has also allowed the discovery of many drugs so the advances that have saved many lives, and it is also a source of employment for many people.

Virtually technology is developed to do the simplest things, from a focus to a generator adrones. This is the product of human curiosity and research with which God has endowed us.


Some common promemas of technology are:

"Juan Dominguez" program director of quality of life Insurance Sura mentions some cases generated by the use of tecnogia

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

It is a disease that occurs when the nerve that runs from the forearm into the hand, becomes pressed or trapped inside the carpal tunnel at the wrist causing numbness, pain, tingling and weakness in the affected hand.

Damage to hearing:

If listening to music on headphones at full volume, you risk hearing problems and balance problems in the short term, nausea and vomiting.

Mental problems:

Overused technology brings significant health consequences. Many people with conditions such as depression, social isolation, anxiety, loss of pleasure and enjoyment of daily activities, among other psychological problems.

Overweight and obesity:

A recent study confirmed that people who spend so much time in front of a monitor or TV are more likely to be sedentary, and therefore, to overweight and obesity.


One problem is that each corner is the reliance on technology to do it all and the ease with which we get further makes countries that do not have technology depend on those who generate it.

"According to researchers at Stony Brook University in New York,"

Facebook overuse can cause a predisposition to depression and anxiety among adolescents. This phenomenon has even been called "Facebook Depression."


In my opinion technology is a double-edged sword because,helps us in many aspects of our lives every day but also makes us dependent on it while there are cases where we can not continue our daily life without it and taking into account also the technology progresses nature to get it done.


SORIA Mauricio¿ Qué es la Tecnología? Available http://www.visionindustrial.com.mx/industria/la-tecnica/%C2%BFque-es-la-tecnologia.html

OSORIO M Carlos Enfoques sobre la tecnología available http://www.oei.es/revistactsi/numero2/osorio.htm

CARÁMBULA Patricia 10 problemas causados por el uso de la tecnologia actual available http://www.taringa.net/post/ciencia-educacion/16594958/10-problemas-causados-por-el-uso-de-la-tecnologia-actual.html