Ephesine Rite


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  • 7/31/2019 Ephesine Rite


  • 7/31/2019 Ephesine Rite



    1. The purpose of these rites is to help the assembled people to become a worshiping

    community to prepare them for listening to Gods word and for celebrating the Holy Eucharist.


    2. After the people have gathered, the ENTRANCE ANTIPHON assigned for the day is sung.The presider enters with the deacon and ministers with all present standing and proceeds to the

    entrance of the sanctuary.

    3. The Book of the Gospels is carried by a deacon and is placed on flat on the altar.

    4. When the ENTRANCE ANTIPHON is concluded, the presider and the people remain

    standing. As the presider and the people make the sign of the cross, the presider says:

    n the name of the Father,

    and of the Son,

    and of the Holy Spirit.

    The people respond:


    5. Facing the people, the presider says:

    This is the day that the Lord has made.

    The people respond:

    Let us rejoice and be glad in it.


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    6. Facing the people, the presider invites the people to remember their baptism:

    et us remember our baptism,

    in which we were born anew

    of water and the Holy Spirit.

    May this water remind

    of Christ, the living water,

    who has redeemed us

    by his death and resurrection.

    7. The deacon brings a vessel of water to the presider. The presider blesses the water, saying:


    for in the beginningyour Spirit moved over the waters

    and by your Word you created the world,

    calling forth life in which you took delight.

    Through the waters of the flood

    you delivered Noah and his family,

    and through the sea

    you led your people Israel

    from slavery into freedom.In the River Jordan

    your Son was baptized by John

    and anointed with the Holy Spirit.

    By water and the Spirit

    you adopt us as daughters and sons,

    making us heirs of your promise

    and servants of all.

    Through this water,remind us of the gift of baptism.

    Shower us with your Spirit,

    that your forgiveness, grace, and love

    may be renewed in our lives.



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    To you be honor and praise

    through Jesus Christ our Lord

    in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

    now and forever.

    The people respond:


    8. The presider takes a vessel of blessed water and sprinkles the deacon, the other ministers and

    the people present. An appropriate song may be sung.

    9. After the sprinkling is completed, the presider says:

    O God, the Creator of all things,

    by water and the Holy Spirit

    you have given the universe its beauty

    and fashioned us in your own image.

    Here and every after acclamation, the people respond:

    Bless and purify your Church.

    O Christ the Lord, from your pierced side

    you gave us your sacraments

    as fountains of salvation. R/

    O Holy Spirit, giver of life,from the baptismal font of the church

    you have formed us into a new creation

    in the waters of rebirth. R/

    10. Then the presider says

    AY THE SPRINKLING of this water upon us

    call to remembrance our baptism into Christ,

    that cleansed from all our sinsand renewed in your Holy Spirit,

    we may ever more serve him as his faithful disciples

    and worthy to sit at his table in his heavenly kingdom.

    The people respond:



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    11. Facing the altar, the presider says:

    I will enter your house, O Lord.

    The people respond:

    We will worship before your throne.

    12. Then the presider approaches the altar and together with the deacons and ministersreverences the altar with a profound bow. As an expression of veneration, moreover, the

    presider and deacon then kiss the altar itself. After kissing the presider says:

    Pray for me, your humble servant.

    The deacon responds:

    May the Lord accept your offeringand have mercy on us through your prayer.

    13. In solemn celebrations, incense may be offered. Blessing the incense, the presider says:

    ncense and a pure offering, O Lord Almighty,

    your holy Church presents to your Name;

    and when the cloud ascends to the heavenly altar,

    look upon your people and declare mercy.

    14. After blessing the incense, the presider receives the thurible from the minister saying

    May the Lord enkindle in us the fire of His love

    and the flame of eternal charity.

    15. The presider then incenses the altar and the cross. He may likewise incense the altar while

    walking circling it accompanied by the deacon and other ministers. The HYMN OF THE

    INCENSE is now be sung.

    16. After he has incensed the altar, the presider says:


    with the sweet fragrance of this incense.

    Make us worthy to proclaim

    your rising from the dead

    with your holy angels;



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    to announce the resurrection

    with your women disciples;

    and to rejoice in your triumph

    with your blessed apostles.

    We glorify you, O Christ,your Father, and your Holy Spirit,

    now and for ever.

    The people respond:



    17. The presider, the deacon and other ministers then go to their proper places in the sanctuary.

    All remain standing. Bowing low before the altar, the presider leads the Prayer of Preparation.


    to whom all hearts are open,

    all desires known,

    and from whom no secrets are hidden:

    cleanse the thoughts of our hearts

    by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,

    that we may perfectly love you,

    and worthily magnify your holy name;through Christ our Lord.

    The people respond:


    18. After the Prayer of Preparation, the presider, facing the people recites the Summary of the

    Law. The presider says:

    UR LORD JESUS CHRIST SAID:The first commandment is this:

    Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is the only Lord.

    You shall love the Lord your God

    with all your heart, with all your soul,

    with all your mind, and with all your strength.



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    The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself.

    There is no other commandment greater than these.

    On these two commandments

    hang all the law and the prophets.

    The people respond:

    Lord, have mercy and incline our hearts to keep your laws.


    19. The presider then invites the people to acknowledge their sins in silence and to repent of

    them, using one of the following invitations or similar words.


    as we gather aroundthe altar of our Lord,

    let us examine ourselves

    and repent of our sins.

    Knowing our weakness and unworthiness,

    let us ask from him both mercy and forgiveness.

    20. After a brief period of silence, the presider and the people together say:

    ERCIFUL FATHER,we confess that we have sinned

    in thought, word and deed.

    We have not loved youwith our whole heart.

    We have not loved our neighbors

    as ourselves.In your mercy forgive

    what we have been,help us to amend what we are,and direct what we shall be;

    that we may do justly, love mercy,

    and walk humbly with you, our God.




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    21. The Prayer of Penitence concludes with the absolution. The presider says

    Have mercy on us, Lord.

    The people respond:

    For we have sinned against you.

    The presider continues:

    Show us your steadfast love, O God.

    The people respond:

    And grant us your salvation.

    With hands extended over the people, the presider says:


    who forgives all who truly repent,

    have mercy upon you,

    pardon and deliver you from all your sins,

    confirm and strengthen you in all goodness,

    and keep you in life eternal;

    through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    The people respond:



    22. The deacon (or the presider, if the deacon is not present) says or sings the Beatitudes andthe people make the response:

    Blessed are the poor in spirit,

    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

    Here and after every verse, the people respond:Remember us Lord when you come into your kingdom.

    Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. R/

    Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. R/


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    Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness,

    for they shall be filled.R/

    Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. R/

    Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. R/

    Blessed are the peacemakers,

    for they shall be called children of God.R/

    Blessed are those who are persecuted for doing right,for theirs will be the kingdom of heaven. R/

    Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you,

    and speak all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake.

    Rejoice, and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven.R/


    23. The Gloria in Excelsis is a very ancient and venerable hymn in which the Church, gathered

    together in the Holy Spirit, glorifies and entreats God the Father and the Lamb. The presider

    introduces the hymn saying:

    Let us sing the praises of the Lord,

    the God who made us,

    whose glory is from age to age.

    24. After the introduction, the presider or the deacon intones the Gloria in Excelsis. Then the

    presider, the deacon and people together sing:

    LORY TO GOD in the highest,

    and peace to his people on earth.

    Lord God, heavenly King,

    almighty God and Father,

    we worship you, we give you thanks,

    we praise you for your glory.

    Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father,

    Lord God, Lamb of God,

    you take away the sin of the world:


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    have mercy on us;

    you are seated at the right hand of the Father:

    receive our prayer.

    For you alone are the Holy One,

    you alone are the Lord,you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,

    with the Holy Spirit,

    in the glory of God the Father.



    25. The presider says the following invocations:

    Turn to us, O God, and bring us life.

    The people respond:

    And your people will rejoice in you.

    The presider continues:

    O Lord, hear our prayer.

    The people respond:

    And let our cry come to you.

    26. Afterwards, with hands extended, the presider invites the people to pray.

    Let us pray

    All, together with the president, observe a brief silence so that they may be conscious of the

    fact that they are in Gods presence and observe a period of silent prayer.

    Then the presider, with hands extended, says the COLLECT, at the end of which the peoplemake the acclamation.


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    27. The president signifies the presence of the Lord to the community gathered there by means

    of the Greeting. The Greeting may be introduced by the following invocation said or sung bythe presider:

    Open to me the gates of righteousness.

    The people respond:

    We will go through them and praise the Lord.

    The presider adds:

    I was glad when they said unto meThe people respond:

    Let us go to the house of the Lord!

    The presider adds:

    This is the house of God; this is the gate of heaven!

    The people respond:

    From age to age, we will praise your name.

    The presider adds:

    Clothe your ministers with righteousness.

    The people respond:

    Let your people sing with joy.

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    The presider adds:

    There is one body and one spirit;

    there is one hope to which we were called.

    The people respond:

    One Lord, one faith, one baptism,One God and Father of all.

    28. With hands extended, the president greets the people, saying or singing:

    he grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    the love of God,

    and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit

    be always with you.

    The people respond:

    And also with you.


    29. After the Greeting, all sit. The president may briefly, introduce the faithful to the Ministryof the Word. During the Liturgy of the Word there are proper times for silence, for example, at

    the beginning, after the first and the second readings and after the homily. The presider says:

    ear friends in Christ,let us now listen attentively to the word of God,

    recalling how he saved his people

    throughout human history

    and in the fullness of time,

    sent his own Son to be our Redeemer,

    our life and our salvation.

    30. The deacon then makes the invitation to the people:

    Listen and give glory and thanks

    to the living Word of God.

    The people respond:




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    31. The readers approach the presider and ask for his blessing. They bow to the presider and

    says in a soft voice:

    Father, give us your blessing.

    The presider then blesses the readers, saying

    Faithfully proclaim the holy word of God

    so that it may grow strong in the hearts of people.

    In the name of the Father

    and of the Son,

    and of the Holy Spirit.

    The readers respond:



    32. Then the reader goes to the ambo and, from the Lectionary already placed there before the

    celebration, proclaims the first reading, to which all listen. The reader introduces the reading in

    the following words:

    A reading from the Book ofN.

    33. At the end of the reading, the reader says or sings:

    The Word of the Lord.

    The people respond:

    Thanks be to God.


    34. Then, as appropriate, a few moments of silence may be observed so that all may meditate

    on what they have heard. Then the psalmist or the reader proclaims the verses of the psalm andthe people sing or say the response as usual.

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    35. If there is to be a second reading before the Gospel, the reader goes to the ambo and, from

    the Lectionary, proclaims the second reading, to which all listen. The reader introduces the

    reading in the following words:

    A reading from the Book ofN.

    36. At the end of the reading, the reader says or sings

    The Word of the Lord.

    The people respond

    Thanks be to God.


    37. Afterwards, all rise, and the Alleluia or other chant is sung as required by the liturgical

    season. During the singing of the Alleluia or other chant, if incense is used, the presider puts

    some into the thurible and blesses it.

    38. If the Gospel is proclaimed by a deacon, the deacon bows to the president and says in a softvoice:

    Father, give me your blessing.

    The presider then says:

    May the Lord be in your heart and on your lips

    that you may worthily proclaim his Gospel.

    In the name of the Father

    and of the Son,

    and of the Holy Spirit.

    The deacon responds:


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    39. If there is no deacon, with hands joined, the presider bows profoundly before the altar and


    Almighty God, cleanse my heart and my lips

    that I may worthily proclaim your gospel.

    40. If the Book of the Gospels is on the altar, the presider or the deacon then takes it and goes

    to the ambo, carrying the Book of the Gospels slightly elevated and preceded by the ministers,

    who may carry the thurible and the candles. Those present turn towards the ambo as a sign of

    special reverence to the Gospel of Christ.


    41. At the ambo, the deacon (or if there is no deacon, the presider or another concelebrating

    priest) opens the book and, with hands joined says

    The Lord be always with you.

    The people respond:

    And also with you.

    42. Then he introduces the Gospel and makes the sign of the cross with his thumb on the book

    and on his forehead, mouth, and breast

    Hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according toN.

    The people respond:

    Glory to you, O Lord.43. The deacon incenses the book, if incense is used. Then he proclaims the Gospel and at the

    end says the acclamation

    The Gospel of the Lord, the Word of eternal life.

    The people respond:

    Praise to you, O Christ, to you, be glory forever.

    44. Then the deacon takes the Book of Gospels, open to the reading and makes the presider kiss

    the book. If there is no deacon the presider then kisses the book. The presider, kissing the book,may say

    May the words of the Gospel wipe away our sins.

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    45. Then taking the Book of the Gospels, the presider elevates it before the people saying

    BLESSED ARE YOU, Lord our God,

    for in your great love for us, your people,

    you have given us the words of eternal life.

    46. Then the presider blesses the people with the Book of the Gospels.

    Your Word is the light of our lives,

    and the lantern that guides our feet.

    The people respond:

    Teach us and lead us

    with the light of your eternal Word.

    47. Then the presider gives the Book of the Gospels to the deacon who places it on the altar.


    48. All sit for the homily. The presider standing at the chair or at the ambo itself or, when

    appropriate, in another suitable place, ordinarily gives the sermon. But the deacon or another

    priest present may also give the sermon. It should develop some point of the readings or of

    another text from the liturgical season or the celebration of the day and take into account themystery being celebrated and the needs proper to the listeners. It may not be omitted onSundays and principal holy days without a serious reason.

    49. When the sermon is completed, a period of silence may be observed.


    50. The deacon (or the presider, if the deacon is not present) says or sings the following

    acclamations and the people make the response:

    Blessed are you, the God of our ancestors.

    The people respond:

    Worthy to be praised and exalted forever.

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    The deacon continues:

    Blessed is your holy and glorious name. R/

    Blessed are you, in your holy and glorious temple. R/

    Blessed are you who look into the depths. R/

    Blessed are you, enthroned on the cherubim. R/

    Blessed are you on the throne of your kingdom. R/

    Blessed are you in the heights of heaven. R/

    Blessed be the Lord for he is good,for his love endures forever. R/


    51. If catechumens are to be dismissed, the presider recalls briefly the great joy with which thecatechumens have just been received and urges them to live according to the word of God they

    have just heard. For the dismissal the following or similar words are used.

    My dear friends, this community now sends you forth

    to reflect more deeply upon the word of God

    which you have shared with us today.

    Be assured of our loving support and prayers for you.

    We look forward to the day

    when you will share fully in the table of the Lord.

    Go in peace, and may the Lord remain with you always.

    The catechumens respond:

    Thanks be to God.

    52. After the dismissal, the group of catechumens goes out but does not disperse. With the helpof some of the faithful, the catechumens remain together to share the joy and spiritual


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    53. Standing at the chair, the presider says or sings the following acclamations

    I will go to the altar of God

    The people respond:

    To the Lord who gives joy to my youth.

    54. Then the presider approaches the altar and says or sings:

    Guide me, O Lord, in your fear

    The people respond:

    And instruct me in your justice.

    55. Then the presider kisses the altar as a sign of reverence.


    56. Standing before the altar, the presider with hands extended says or sings:

    Let us pray.

    The people respond:

    Lord God, we praise and thank you.

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    57. The deacon (or the presider if a deacon is not present) leads in the Solemn Intercessions.

    The people then make the appropriate response after each petition. The deacon says

    In peace, let us pray to the Lord, saying:

    Lord, have mercy.

    Here and after every petition, the people respond:

    Lord, have mercy.

    or the holy Church of God,

    that it may be strengthened

    in faith, hope and love,

    and be found without fault

    at the day of your coming,we pray to you, O Lord. R/

    or popeN the bishop of Rome

    forN our primate andN our own bishop,

    (if another bishop is present,N, bishop ofN)

    for all bishops and for all priests and deacons

    and for all the churches entrusted to them

    and the catholic Church around the world,we pray to you, O Lord. R/

    or all who fear God

    and believe in you, Lord Christ,

    that our divisions may cease,

    and that all may be one

    as you and the Father are one,

    we pray to you, O Lord. R/

    or the mission of the Church,

    that in faithful witness

    it may preach the Gospel

    to the ends of the earth,

    we pray to you, O Lord. R/





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    or those who do not yet believe,

    and for those who have lost their faith,

    that they may receive the light of the Gospel,

    we pray to you, O Lord. R/

    or the peace of the world,

    that a spirit of respect and forbearance

    may grow among nations and peoples,we pray to you, O Lord. R/

    or those in positions of public authorityespeciallyN the President of our nation,

    the members of Parliament,the justices of the High Court,(Here other public officials may be named)

    that they may serve justice,

    and promote the dignity

    and freedom of every person,we pray to you, O Lord. R/

    or all who live and work in this communityespeciallyN andN.

    For a blessing upon all human labor,

    and for the right use of the riches of creation,

    that the world may be freed

    from poverty, famine, and disaster,

    we pray to you, O Lord. R/

    or the poor, the persecuted,

    the sick, and all who suffer;for refugees, prisoners,

    and all who are in danger;

    that they may be relieved and protected,we pray to you, O Lord. R/






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    or this congregation

    for those who are present,

    and for those who are absent,

    that we may be delivered from hardness of heart,

    and show forth your glory in all that we do,we pray to you, O Lord. R/

    or our enemies and those who wish us harm;

    and for all whom we have injured or offended,

    we pray to you, O Lord. R/

    or ourselves,

    for the forgiveness of our sins,and for the grace of the Holy Spirit

    to amend our lives,

    we pray to you, O Lord. R/

    or all who have commended themselves to our prayers;

    for our families, friends, and neighbors;

    that being freed from anxiety,

    they may live in joy, peace, and health,we pray to you, O Lord. R/

    or all who have died in the communion of your Church,

    and those whose faith is known to you alone,

    that, with all the saints,

    they may have rest in that place

    where there is no pain or grief, but life eternal,we pray to you, O Lord. R/

    ejoicing in the fellowship

    of the ever-blessed Virgin Mary,

    saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse

    saint John the Baptist

    saints Peter and Paul






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    Saint John and all the apostles

    saintsN andN and all martyrs and confessors

    and all the saints and blessed of every age

    let us commend ourselves, and one another,

    and all our life to Christ our God.

    To you, O Lord our God. R/

    58. Then the presider continues with the following doxology

    or yours Lord, our God is the majesty,

    Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;

    yours is the kingdom

    and the power and the glory,

    now and forever.

    The people respond:



    59. The presider introduces the Peace with the invitation.

    HRIST is our peace.

    He has reconciled us to God

    in one body by the cross.

    We meet in his name and share his peace.

    60. The deacon (or another minister) leads in the acclamations and the people make theappropriate response:

    I give you a new commandment,that you should love one another

    as I have loved you, says the Lord.

    Here and after every acclamation, the people respond:

    Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you



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    There is no greater love

    than to give one's life for ones friends, says the Lord. R/

    If you have love for one another,

    then all will know that you are my disciples. R/

    61. Then, extending and then joining his hands, he gives the greeting of peace while facing the

    people and saying

    The peace of the Lord be always with you.

    The people respond:

    And also with you.

    62. Then the deacon (or the priest, if the deacon is not present) adds

    Christ is our midst.

    The people respond:

    He is and will be.

    The deacon continues:

    Let us offer one another a sign of peace.

    63. The presider may give the sign of peace to the ministers within the sanctuary and to a fewof the faithful near the sanctuary. At the same time, all offer one another a sign that expresses

    peace, communion, and charity. The HYMN FOR PEACE proper to the day is sung.


    64. When the exchange of the sign of peace is completed, all sit, and the OFFERTORY

    ANTIPHON proper to the day is sung. Then the deacon and the other ministers arrange thecorporal, the purificator, the chalice, the pall, and the altar book upon the altar.

    65. Sufficient bread and wine for the communion of the faithful are to be prepared. It is mostimportant that the faithful should receive the bread and share the wine consecrated at the same

    Eucharist. Communion is thus a clearer sign of sharing in the offering, which is actually takingplace.

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    66. It is appropriate for the participation of the faithful to be expressed by an offering, whether

    of the bread and wine for the celebration of the Eucharist or of other gifts for the relief of the

    needs of the Church and of the poor. The presider, assisted by the deacon or another minister,

    receives the offerings of the faithful. Each of those who bring the gifts or offerings may kiss the

    stole of the presider.

    67. With hands extended, the presider blesses those bringing the offering to the altar


    as you accepted the offerings of the just of old,

    we ask you now to accept these offerings,

    presented to you by your faithful people

    as a pledge of their love for you and your holy name.

    Shower upon them your spiritual blessings,and, in exchange for their perishable gifts,

    grant them the gift of life

    and entrance into your kingdom.

    The people respond:


    68. The bread and wine for the Eucharist are carried to the presider, who places them upon the

    altar, while other gifts are put in another appropriate place. Then standing before the altar, thepresider says:

    et us now remember

    our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ

    and his plan of salvation for us.

    With these offerings placed before us

    let us remember all who pleased the Lord

    from Adam to the present,

    especially the blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God[and SaintN(patron of the church),]

    [and SaintN(saint whose feast day it is)].

    O Lord, remember our brothers and sisters,

    the living and the departed,

    the faithful of the holy Church,



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    especially those for whom we present

    this offering, N andN.

    He remembers the living and the dead he wishes.

    Remember also, O Lord,all those who share with us today in this offering.

    The people respond:



    69. The deacon (or the presider, if a deacon is not present) lights the seven-branchedcandlestick, saying:

    In your light we see the light,

    O Christ, Source of Light.

    The people respond:

    You are the true Light who illumines our universe.

    The deacon continues:

    Illumine us with your joyful light

    The people respond:

    And rejoice us with the dawning of your day.

    70. After the candles have been lighted, the presider says:

    Let your light shine before men

    so that they may see your good works

    and praise your Father in heaven,always, now and forever.

    The people respond:

    Blessed be God, now and forever.

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    71. Standing at the middle of the altar, the presider accepts the paten with the bread and the

    chalice with the wine and sets them upon the altar. Then he says the following prayer:

    LESSED ARE YOU,Lord God our Father

    for in your infinite goodness,

    you created us and brought us into this life

    and through the sacrifice of your Son Jesus Christ,

    you have shown us a new and living way of salvation.

    72. Then touching the paten and the chalice with his both hands, he continues

    rusting in the multitude of your mercieswe come before you with the gifts

    that you yourself have given us:

    bread and wine, the fruits of the earth,

    symbols of life and joy.

    May they become the offering for our salvation,

    the bread of life and the drink of spiritual blessing.

    73. With both hands he holds the paten with the bread slightly raised above the altar and says

    Grant that with this bread

    we may be fed the bread of life.

    74. Then he places the paten with the bread on the corporal. After this, as the minister presents

    the cruets, the presider stands at the side of the altar and pours a little water into the chalice

    with wine, saying

    ORD, you did wonderfully created man

    and still more wonderfully remade him,grant that by the mystery of this water and wine

    may we be constantly renewed

    in this sacrament of your redeeming love

    and be transformed ever more closely

    into the divine likeness of your beloved Son

    who humbled himself and embraced our humanity.




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    75. Then he returns to the middle of the altar, takes the chalice with both hands, raises it a little,

    and says

    Fill to the brim this cup of wine

    that we may drink from the cup of blessing.

    76. After placing the chalice upon the altar, the president bows profoundly and says

    UNITE our prayers with these offerings,

    and count us worthy

    to find grace in your sight

    that our sacrifice may be acceptable to you.

    May the Holy Spirit rest upon on us,

    on all your holy peopleand this offering set forth on your holy altar.

    77. Then with hands extended, the presider continues saying:

    ORTHY are you,

    the Lamb that was slain,

    for with your blood,

    you redeemed for God,

    from every family, language, people and nation,a kingdom of priests to serve our God.

    The people respond with the acclamation.

    To him who sits upon the throneand to Christ the Lamb, be worship and praise,

    dominion and power, forever and forevermore.

    78. During solemn celebrations when incense is used, the acclamation above is sung repeatedlyas the presider puts some in the thurible, blesses it without saying anything, and incenses the

    offerings, the cross, and the altar. A minister, while standing at the side of the altar, incenses

    the presider, the other ministers and then the people.


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    79. Afterwards, the presider washes his hands standing at the side of the altar and, as the

    minister pours the water, saying

    I wash my hands in innocence,

    and I go around your altar, Lord,

    giving voice to my thanks,and recounting all your wondrous deeds.


    80. Then the presider returns to the middle of the altar and continues with the Invitation to



    this feast of our redemption

    and from the many gifts of your creation

    we take this bread and this wine

    to be the acceptable offering of your Church

    following Christs example

    and in obedience to his command.

    The people respond:

    Yours, Lord, is the greatness,the power, the glory,

    the splendor, and the majesty;for everything in heaven and on earth is yours.

    All things come from you,

    and of your own do we give you.


    81. Without the invitation, the president, with hands extended, says the PRAYER OVER THEOFFERING.

    At the end of which the people make the acclamation.



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    82. As he begins the Eucharistic Prayer, the main presider extends his hands and sings or says,

    he grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    the love of God,

    and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit

    be always with you.

    The people respond:

    And also with you.

    83. As he continues he raises his hands.

    Lift up your hearts.

    The people respond:

    We lift them up to the Lord.

    84. Then the presider, with hands outstretched, adds

    Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

    The people respond:

    It is right to give him thanks and praise.


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    85.Next, the presider, with hands extended, continues with the PREFACE proper to the day.The following Eucharistic Prayer has no preface of its own and may be used with any proper

    preface appropriate to the liturgical season or celebration.

    86. At its conclusion, he joins his hands, and together with everyone present, sings or says

    aloud the Sanctus

    oly, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,heaven and earth are full of your glory.

    Hosanna in the highest.

    Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

    Hosanna in the highest.

    87. All present stand. Extending his hands, the presider alone continues.

    LESSED ARE YOU, our Father in heaven,

    through Jesus Christ, your only Son, our Lord

    begotten by you before all time,

    by whom you made the world and all things.

    In your continual care, you called forth all creation

    and fill the earth with beauty and bounty.

    In your infinite love, you formed us in your image,

    raised us from dust by the breath of your being,and called us to be your people.

    From the beginning of creation,

    you have marked out the way of the upright.

    In ancient days, you made a covenant with your people Israel

    and chose for yourself a people, our ancestors in faith

    through whom, you gave us your commandments

    and your merciful love into all the world.

    Through the prophets, you called us to accept lifeso that none are lost to your love and protection.

    Even when we turn to our own ways,

    you came to us in your Son, Jesus Christ.

    so that we might know that our life is in you.



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    lessed too is your Son, Jesus Christ,

    our only Lord and Savior,

    who is the way, the truth, and the life.

    In the fullness of time he came to us

    and embraced our humanity.Born of Mary ever virgin, he lived among us

    to reveal the mystery of your Word.

    In obedience to you,

    by suffering and dying on the cross,

    and being raised from the dead,

    he delivered all men

    from the way of sin and death.

    He walked again with his chosen ones,speaking to them of your glorious kingdom.

    You carried him up into heaven

    and seated him at your right hand

    so that he might be everywhere present,

    not only in our time but also in the age to come.

    Now he reigns with you in glory

    and ever lives to pray for us.

    lessed is the Holy Spirit

    who leads us into truth,

    defends us in adversity,

    and gathers us from every people

    to unite in your one holy Church.

    He leads us and bears witness within us

    that we are indeed your children,

    born from above of water and spirit,

    and destined to share with Christin his sufferings and his glory.

    In him, you have given us the bread of life

    that we might be nourished and built up

    as one body in the bond of peace.



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    88. With hands outstretched over the bread and wine, the main presider and the priest

    concelebrants present continue

    Therefore, accept and make holy these gifts

    which we offer not only for ourselvesbut for the whole creation

    and for all those we carry in our hearts

    and now remember before you.

    Then he joins his hands.


    89. A concelebrating priest, with his hands extended continues

    ORD, teach us, the people who bear his name,

    to follow the example Christ gave us:

    as we walk before you in sincerity of heart.

    Raise as one holy temple to your glory

    your Church gathered here and now

    with your ministry in every place,

    with popeN, the bishop of Rome,our primateN, our bishopN

    and all bishops, priests and deacons.

    Help us to grow in love for one another,

    to grasp more fully the truth of your love,

    and become more perfect witnesses

    of your love in the sight of men.

    Then he joins his hands.


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    90. A concelebrating priest, with his hands extended continues

    ord, help us to embrace the world you have given us,

    that we may transform the darkness of its paininto the glory and joy in new life.

    Change our selfishness into self-giving and open our eyes

    to behold your gracious hand in all your works;

    Rejoicing in your whole creation,

    may the leaders of our nation,especiallyN, our president

    learn to serve you with gladness

    and follow closely the example of Christ,

    through whom all things were made new.

    Then he joins his hands.


    91. A concelebrating priest, with his hands extended continues

    O BEFORE US in our pilgrimage of life,

    help us in all our needs and prevent our falling.Teach us to cherish the gifts that surround us.

    Let the gift of your life continue to grow in us.

    Reveal your glory in our hope and love

    so that all who were without hope,

    may be filled with compassion;

    the sick and broke be healed and made whole.

    Grant to us all the blessings of heaven;and gather us into your family;

    and share in the rich destiny

    prepared for Gods people.

    Then he joins his hands.



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    92. Then he extends his hands outstretched over the bread and wine and joining his hands,

    makes the sign of the cross over each of the gifts and once over both and then makes a sign of

    the cross over himself

    END the Holy Spirit,

    the giver of all life and the source of all holiness

    upon these humble gifts of bread and wine.

    In the bread that we break

    and in the cup, which we bless,

    grant us a sharing in the body and blood

    of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    according to your holy word and in obedienceto the commandment of your Son.

    Then he joins his hands.


    93. While saying the words of the Lord, each extends his right hand towards the bread and

    towards the chalice, if this seems opportune; at the elevation they look at the host and chalice

    and afterwards bow low. All concelebrants, with hands joined continue with the main president

    in a low voice.

    ESUS, our brother came to fulfill for us your holy will

    and to accomplish all things for our salvation.

    He walked with us in the road

    of our human joys and grief.

    Now, he reveals himself in the breaking of the bread;

    and gathers us together in a new life fulfilled.

    On the night of betrayal and desertion,

    and on the eve of his passion and death,

    Jesus came to table with those he loved

    to celebrate the Passover feast.



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    94. The main presider takes the bread and, raising it a little above the altar, continues

    He took bread and gave you thanks and praise.

    He broke the bread among his friends,

    gave it to them and said,

    95. He bows slightly and says




    96. He shows the consecrated bread to the people, places it on the paten, and makes a profound

    bow. Then he continues

    When supper was ended,

    he poured a final cup of wine and blessed you,and passed the cup among his friends and said:

    97. He takes the chalice, and raising it a little above the altar, continues








    98. He shows the consecrated chalice to the people, places it on the corporal, and makes a

    profound bow. Then with hands joined, the president continues

    We have seen, heard and touched the Word of life:

    his is the sacrifice we present;

    great is the mystery of faith:

    The people respond

    We commemorate your death, O Lord.We proclaim your resurrection

    Lord Jesus, until you come again in glory.

    Maranatha. Maranatha.

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    99. Then the presider alone continues



    100. A concelebrating priest, with his hands extended continues

    ORD, your Son Jesus Christ

    loved us even unto death

    that we might live through him.

    Risen to life again,

    he now stands at your right side,

    crowned with unending glory and honor.

    Exalted above the heavens,

    you made him our perfect high priest,and now he prays for us, day and night,

    that he might save all who approach you through him.

    Until he comes again in glory in a world made new,

    we celebrate this perpetual memorial of his sacrifice

    made once for all upon the cross for our redemption,

    the perfect offering which has restored

    our friendship with you, our living and true God,

    and has made us all your children.

    Then he joins his hands.


    101. A concelebrating priest, with his hands extended continues

    OOK WITH FAVOR, gracious God,

    upon this our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving,

    Receive with the offering we bring before you,

    the offering of our lives and our very selves.Grant that, being joined together in Christ,

    we may grow up in all things into him

    and live in him and draw our life from him,

    that we might bear much fruit to your glory.

    Then he joins his hands.



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    102. A concelebrating priest, with his hands extended continues

    ATHER, in our baptism

    you have made us yours

    and have promised us life everlasting.In this faith, we commit

    our departed brothers and sisters

    into your hands asking you to lead them

    towards the joyful resurrection on the last day.

    Then he joins his hands.


    103. Then with hands extended, the main presider continues

    n Christ, who is the hope of the resurrection,

    we anticipate with joy the rich banquet

    you have prepared for all your saints.

    Following the good examples

    of Mary, the virgin Mother of God,

    the apostles, martyrs and saints of every age,

    grant to us the grace to serve you always with joy.

    Prepare us for the wedding feast

    where we will be united with you forever,

    through Jesus Christ our Lord,

    from whom every good gift

    flow without measure.

    104. He takes the chalice and the paten with the bread and, lifting them up, sings or says

    Through him, with him, and in him,

    in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

    all honor and glory be yours,almighty Father,

    in your holy Church

    now and forever and ever.

    The people respond:




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    105. Standing at the middle of the altar, the presider invites the people to proclaim the

    Profession of Faith, saying

    early beloved brothers and sisters,with hearts and minds united in faith,

    together with our Christian brothers and sisters

    of every time and place,

    let us profess with our lips,

    the faith that we believe in our hearts.

    106. All together say:

    E BELIEVE in one God,the Father, the Almighty,maker of heaven and earth,

    of all that is, seen and unseen.

    We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,

    the only Son of God,

    eternally begotten of the Father,God from God, Light from Light,

    true God from true God,

    begotten, not made,of one Being with the Father;

    through him all things were made.

    For us and for our salvation

    he came down from heaven:



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    All bow during these two lines

    was incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Maryand was made man.

    For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;he suffered death and was buried.

    On the third day he rose again

    in accordance with the Scriptures;he ascended into heaven

    and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

    He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,and his kingdom will have no end.

    We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

    who with the Father and the Son

    is worshipped and glorified,

    who has spoken through the prophets.

    We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.

    We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

    We look for the resurrection of the dead,and the life of the world to come.


    107. The presider then says:

    This is our faith.

    This is the faith of the Church.

    The people respond:

    We are proud to profess it,

    in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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    108. With hands joined, the presider alone continues

    S GRAIN, once scattered on the hillsides,

    was in this broken bread made one,

    so from all lands your Church be gathered

    into your kingdom by your Son;

    for yours is the glory and the power,

    through the same Christ our Lord for ever.

    The people respond:


    109. The presider then takes the bread and breaks it once over the paten saying

    We have believed, and we have offered,

    now we break this bread,

    to share in the body of the Word,

    the living and true God.

    The people respond:

    Though we are many, we are one body,because we all share in one bread.

    110. After breaking the consecrated bread, the presider breaks the consecrated bread into

    smaller pieces for the communion of the faithful saying:

    The bread of life, which we break,

    is a sharing of the body of Christ.

    111. The deacons and priests present may assist the presider in the breaking of the bread.

    112. Then the presider pours the wine from the flagon into the cups for the communion of the

    faithful saying

    The cup of blessing, which we bless,

    is a sharing of the blood of Christ.


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    113. Then he places a small piece of the consecrated bread in the chalice, saying

    May this mingling of the body and blood

    of our Lord Jesus Christ

    bring eternal life to us who receive it.

    114. The presider then continues

    ou have united, O Lord,

    your divinity with our humanity

    and our humanity with your divinity;

    your life with our mortality

    and our mortality with your life.

    You have assumed what is ours,

    and you have given us what is yours,

    for the life and salvation of our souls.

    The people respond:

    To you, O Lord, be glory for ever.


    115. The presider places the paten containing the bread over the cup and elevates them, saying:

    OU, O Lord, are the pleasing oblation,who was offered for us;

    you are the forgiving sacrifice,

    who offered yourself for us to the Father.

    You are the Lamb of sacrifice,

    and yet also the priest who offered himself for us.

    May our prayers be like incense in your sight

    as we present them through you

    and with you to your Father.

    The people respond:

    To you, O Lord, be glory for ever.

    116. Then the presider lifts the paten and chalice and blesses the people with the consecrated

    bread and wine.



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    117. With hands joined, the presider says the invitation to the Lords Prayer


    you accept prayers and answer petitions.

    Through your beloved Son,

    you taught us to stand before you

    and pray with purity and holiness.

    Grant that we may call upon you

    with pure souls and clear consciences,

    and to pray, saying:

    118. The presider and the people extend their hands and pray:

    ur Father in heaven,holy be your name,

    your kingdom come,

    your will be done,on earth as in heaven.

    Give us today our daily bread.

    Forgive us our sinsas we forgive those who sin against us.

    Lead us not into temptationbut deliver us from evil.For the kingdom, the power,

    and the glory are yours

    now and for ever.


    119. The presider alone continues

    Deliver us Lord from all evil,past, present and to come;

    and by the intercession of the glorious ever Virgin MarysaintsN andN and all the saints

    strengthen us always in your goodness

    that aided by the riches of your mercy

    may we always be found worthy to serve you.



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    The presider strikes his breast

    Forgive all our sins and failings;

    grant joy to all those afflicted,

    comfort to the sorrowful,

    health to the sick and rest to the departed.

    Grant us peace and safety in all our days

    and listen O God, to the prayers of your servants

    and all faithful Christians

    now and always.

    The people respond:


    120. With hands joined, the presider alone continues


    your love compels us to come in.

    Our hands were unclean,

    our hearts were unprepared;

    we were not fit even to eat

    the crumbs from under your table.

    But you, Lord, are the God of our salvation,

    and share your bread with sinners.

    So cleanse and feed us

    with the precious body and blood of your Son,

    that he may live in us and we in him;

    and that we, with the whole company of Christ,

    may sit and eat in your kingdom.

    The people respond:



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    121. When the prayer is concluded, the presider makes a profound bow. The presider invites all

    present to Holy Communion in these words

    Draw near with faith.Receive the body of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    which he gave for you,

    and his blood, which he shed for you.

    122. He takes the chalice and the paten with the bread and, lifting them up, says

    Gods holy gifts for Gods holy people.

    The people respond:

    Jesus Christ is holy,

    Jesus Christ is Lord,to the glory of God the Father.

    123. Then he takes the consecrated bread, and, holding it slightly raised above the paten or

    above the chalice, while facing the people, says

    (Alleluia.) Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.

    The people respond:

    Therefore let us keep the feast. (Alleluia.)

    124. After this, the presider reverently receives the Body of Christ. Then he takes the chalice,reverently receives the Blood of Christ. The concelebrating priests, deacons and the other

    minister receive communion. Finally, the people receive communion. During the distribution,

    the COMMUNION ANTIPHONproper to the day is sung.

    125. When receiving Holy Communion, the communicant bows his or her head before theSacrament as a gesture of reverence and receives the Body of the Lord from the minister. The

    consecrated bread may be received either on the tongue or in the hand, at the discretion of each

    communicant. When Holy Communion is received under both kinds, the sign of reverence isalso made before receiving the Precious Blood.

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    126. Communion is given under both kinds. First, the presider raises the bread slightly and

    shows it to each, saying,

    The body of Christ keep you in eternal life.

    The communicant responds:


    127. After receiving the Body of Christ, the communicant moves and stands facing the minister

    of the chalice. The minister hands over the chalice, which the communicant raises to his or hermouth, and says the words of distribution.

    The blood of Christ keep you in eternal life.

    The communicant responds:


    128. Each communicant drinks a little from the chalice, hands it back to the minister, and then

    withdraws; the minister wipes the rim of the chalice with the purificator.

    129. Other priests and deacons who happen to be present may assist the presider in thedistribution of Communion. If no other priests and deacons are present and there is a very large

    number of communicants, the president may call upon extraordinary ministers to assist him,

    e.g., duly instituted acolytes or even other faithful who have been deputed for this purpose. Incase of necessity, the presider may depute suitable faithful for this single occasion. These

    ministers should not approach the altar before the president has received Communion, and they

    are always to receive from the hands of the presider the vessel containing either species of the

    Eucharist for distribution to the faithful.

    130. When the distribution of Communion is finished, the presider himself immediately and

    completely consumes at the altar any consecrated wine that happens to remain; as for any

    consecrated bread that are left, he either consumes them at the altar or carries them to the placedesignated for the reservation of the Eucharist.

    131. Upon returning to the altar, the presider collects any fragments that may remain. Then,

    standing at the altar or at the credence table, he purifies the paten or ciborium over the chalice

    then purifies the chalice and dries the chalice with a purificator. If the vessels are purified at the

    altar, a minister carries them to the credence table. Nevertheless, it is also permitted, especially

    if there are several vessels to be purified, to leave them suitably covered on a corporal, either atthe altar or at the credence table, and to purify them immediately after the Eucharist following

    the dismissal of the people.

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    131. Afterwards, the presider may return to the chair. A sacred silence may now be observed

    for some period of time and then the THANKSGIVING ANTIPHON be sung.


    132. Standing at the chair or at the altar and facing the people the presider, with hands joined


    Let us pray.

    With hands extended, he recites the PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION. A brief periodof silence may precede the prayer, unless this has been already observed immediately

    after Communion.

    At the end of the prayer the people say the acclamation



    133. The deacon (or the presider, if the deacon is not present) says or sings the following

    acclamations and the people make the response:

    Let the people of God glorify the Lord,

    Here and after every acclamation, the people respond:

    Praise him and highly exalt him for ever.

    Glorify the Lord, O priests and servants of the Lord. R/

    Glorify the Lord, O spirits and souls of the righteous. R/

    You that are holy and humble of heart, glorify the Lord.R/

    Let us glorify the Lord: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.R/

    In the firmament of his power, glorify the Lord.R/

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    134. Standing at the chair or at the altar and facing the people, the presider, with hands joined


    Let us pray.

    With hands extended, he recites the PRAYER OF COMPLETION. A brief period of silence

    may precede the prayer. At the end of the prayer the people say the acclamation


    135. The presider continues with the following acclamation

    What shall we return to the Lord

    for all the good things God has done for us?

    The people respond:

    We will lift up the cup of salvation

    and call on the name of the Lord.

    136. The presider continues with the following acclamation

    Our God and our Lord has appeared to us.

    The people respond:

    Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

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    137. The presider continues with the following acclamation

    Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance.

    The people respond:

    Shepherd them and lift them up now until eternity.

    138. The presider continues with the following acclamation

    O Lord, you bless those who bless you

    and sanctify those who put their trust in you.

    The people respond:

    Guard the fullness of your Church.

    139. The presider continues with the following acclamation

    Sanctify those who have greeted in love

    the beauty of your house.

    The people respond:

    Fill us with your divine power

    and forsake not those who put their trust in you.

    140. The priest turns to the altar and says

    ay the sacrifice of thanksgiving

    which I, unworthy as I am,

    have offered in the presence of your majesty

    be pleasing to you, heavenly Father.

    Grant that through your infinite mercy and goodness

    and with the prayers ofthe blessed Virgin Mary,Mother of Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God

    Saints Peter and Paul,

    Saint John the Baptist,

    Saint John the apostle, whose liturgy we celebrate


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    [and SaintN(patron of the church),]

    [and SaintN(saint whose feast day it is)].

    whom we remember this day,

    and of all the saints,

    may this humble ministry bring salvation to me

    and to all for whom I have offered it.

    141. The presider continues with the following acclamation

    The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in

    The people respond:

    From this time on and forevermore.

    142. The presider and the people together says or sings the Canticle of Simeon

    ORD, now let your servant go in peace:your word has been fulfilled.

    My own eyes have seen the salvation

    which you have preparedin the sight of every people;

    A light to reveal you to the nations

    and the glory of your people Israel.

    143. Bowing low before the altar, the presider says

    Grant, O Lord,

    that as we leave your house

    we may not leave your presence:

    Be ever near us and keep us close to you

    now and for ever.

    The people respond:



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    144. Then the presider, extending his hands, greets the people, saying

    The Lord be always with you.

    The people respond:

    And also with you.

    The deacon (or the presider if a deacon is not present) adds:

    Bow your heads and pray for Gods blessing.

    145. The presider, joining his hands again and then immediately extends his hands over the

    people. On certain days and occasions this blessing is expanded and expressed by a PRAYER

    OVER THE PEOPLE or another more solemn formula.

    146. Then placing his left hand on his breast, raises his right hand and, as he makes the Sign of

    the Cross over the people, continues

    The blessing of God almighty,

    the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

    descend among you and remain with you always.

    The people respond:


    147. If a bishop presides the following form is used instead. With hands joined, the bishop says

    or sings:

    Blessed be the name of the Lord.

    The people respond:

    Now and forever.Then he continues

    Our help is in the name of the Lord.

    The people respond:

    Who made heaven and earth.

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    148. Then the bishop, joining his hands again and then immediately extends his hands over the

    people. Then placing his left hand on his breast or holding the pastoral staff, raises his righthand and, as he makes the Sign of the Cross over the people, continues

    The blessing of God almighty,

    the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,be among you and remain with you always.

    The people respond:



    149. Immediately after the blessing, with hands joined, the president or a deacon adds using

    one of the following formulas

    The celebration is ended. Go in the peace of Christ.

    The people respond:

    Thanks be to God.

    150. A hymn may be sung as the president and the deacon venerate the altar with a kiss and,after making a profound bow with the ministers, depart with them.

    151. If, however, another liturgical celebration follows the Holy Eucharist, the concluding rites,that is, the greeting, the blessing, and the dismissal, are omitted.