Espada Tai Chi Estilo Yang - Segundo Chen Yanlin


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YANG STYLE TAIJI SWORD ACCORDING TO CHEN   YANLIN Posted on July 31, 2013by Paul Brennan



太極拳刀劍桿散手合編Taiji Compiled: The Boxing, Saber, Sword, Pole, and Sparring

陳炎林by Chen Yanlin

[published June, 1943][translation by Paul Brennan, July, 2013]

-太極劍TAIJI SWORD太極劍。亦稱十三勢劍。有十三字訣。抽、帶、提、格、擊、刺、點、崩、攪、壓、劈、截、洗。為楊家晚年著名武器之一。劍式姿勢美觀。用法奧妙。動作全以腰腿為主。不離乎太極拳之原則。動作時務宜虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。沉肩垂肘。鬆腰活腕。氣沉丹田。勁由脊發。惟此劍易學難精。凡初學之人。於未有深功時。貿然練習。泰半有強拗斷離。姿勢欠美等現象。斯皆因腰腿無功。不明用法所致。本編為使學者確實了解起見。特在敘述太極劍動作與用法前。略將劍之正義。稍加闡明。俾愛好此道者。有徑可踵。而免誤入歧途之虞。夫劍(除尖刃外)為兩面有口利器。不分正反面。兩面均可使用。銳利異常。用者萬不可以手抽拉。或貼靠身體。或盤頭攔腰。否則人未受損。而己已受傷矣。是以用劍必須週身輕靈。動作敏捷。精神提起。上貫於頂。呼吸自然。眼視劍尖。使精氣神與劍合而為一。手之執劍。須輕鬆靈活。不可以五指握之太緊。有礙活用。祇須以大指中指及無名指。三指執之。其食指與小指。宜時常鬆開。而掌中亦當空虛。如執筆狀。其出劍內勁。起於丹田。發自脊背。由臂達於劍尖。發時如矢之赴的。勇往直前。人劍微動。而己劍已到。夫如是。然後可以出神入化。語用劍之妙。盡劍法之長。至劍之效用。最著者乃在攻人之腕。(手腕)在與人武器交手時。設能首創其腕。則對方所持武器。卽失其效用。古代藝高者之名劍。在劍首二三寸處。鋒口必非常銳利。蓋卽以之能攻人之腕。刺人之心。刺人之膝也。此外對於劍鐔。(卽劍柄尾部)亦當注意。務使另一手常置鐔後。勿越過鐔前。俗云。「單刀看手。寶劍看鐔。」學者能明乎此。則大疵可免焉。Taiji Sword is also called Thirteen Dynamics Sword [Shisan Shi Jian], having thirteen techniques: drawing, dragging, lifting, blocking, striking, stabbing, tapping, flicking, stirring, pressing, chopping,

checking, and clearing. It is one of the later weapon sets to become a famous part of the Yang family curriculum. The sword postures are elegant to behold and their applications are subtle.     The movements are entirely led by your waist and thighs. Never depart from the boxing principles: during the movements, you should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, sink your shoulders and drop your elbows, loosen your waist and liven your wrist, sink energy to your elixir field, and send power from your spine. This sword method is easy to learn but difficult to master. Generally when beginners do not yet have depth of skill, they practice it too hurriedly, most of the time using too much strength and not completing the movements, the postures lacking in beauty as a consequence. This is all because they have no skill in their waist and thighs, and this is the result of not understanding the applications. This book will enable you to reliably know the purpose of the movements.     It is important to preface the explanations for the Taiji Sword movements and applications with a brief presentation of sword principles, adding some clarification so that those who adore this art will have a path to follow and may avoid worries of going astray. The sword, if we think about more than just its tip, is a double-edged weapon and so the edges do not divide into a right edge and a wrong edge. Both edges can be used and are unusually sharp. When using it, you must therefore never draw it in so much that it touches your body, nor coil it around your head, nor hold it across your waist, otherwise the opponent will not have to do anything, for you will be wounding yourself.     [While the character for “saber” (刀) is a picture of a knife with a single blade, the character for “sword” (劍) breaks down into “all (僉) bladed (刂)”. Therefore the most accurate way to translate these two terms would actually be “single-edged sword” and “double-edge sword”. (However, these names are rendered impossible when considering some sets use two weapons at the same time. To talk of a “double double-edged sword” set or a “single single-edged sword” set, or even worse, of a “double single-edged sword” set or a “single double-edged sword” set would be rather messy. Far less confusing to be able to refer to them as “double sword”, “single sword”, “double saber”, “single saber”, and so it is preferable to have shorter though less explicit names like “saber” and “sword”, the brightest side perhaps being that they so deliciously alliterate alongside “staff”

and “spear”.)]      When using the sword, your whole body must be nimble, the movements must be agile, your spirit must lift up, passing through to your headtop, your breathing must be natural, and your eyes are to look toward the sword tip. This will cause your essence, energy, and spirit to merge with the sword and become as one.     The hand that holds the sword must be relaxed and flexible. You must not grasp with all five fingers too tightly, for that would be a hindrance to using the sword in a lively way. You need only grip it with your thumb, middle finger, and ring finger. Your forefinger and little finger should be constantly loose. There should be an emptiness in the palm so that it is like holding a writing brush. When internal power leaves your sword, it initiates in your elixir field, issues from your spine, and goes through your arm to the sword tip. When issuing, it is like an arrow going to a target. Advance bravely. When the opponent’s sword slightly moves, your own sword has already arrived. If done in this way, you will then be able to attain perfection in it.     It is said the key to using the sword is to work hard at the best aspects of the sword method to thereby achieve the sword’s effectiveness. The best technique of all is to attack the opponent’s wrist. When engaging an opponent with weapons, if you can establish yourself at his wrist, being the area where he is controlling his weapon, his weapon will immediately lose its effectiveness. Ancient masters used just the last two or three inches of the sword, and so the tip needed to be extremely sharp to be able to attack an opponent’s wrist or stab to his solar plexus or knee. Beyond this, the sword ring (the sword’s pommel section) should be given attention. The other hand is to be often placed behind it, but should not go ahead of it. A common saying goes: “With a saber, mind the hand. With a sword, mind the ring.” Once you can understand this, you will be able to avoid great mistakes.-太極劍名稱TAIJI SWORD POSTURE NAMES(一)起勢1. BEGINNING POSTURE(二)上步合劍式2. STEP FORWARD HOLDING THE SWORD(三)仙人指路



(四三)左右跨攔43. LEFT & RIGHT STRIDING BLOCKS(四四)射雁式44. SHOOT THE GOOSE(四五)白猿獻菓45. WHITE APE OFFERS FRUIT(四六)落花式46. FALLING PETALS POSTURE(四七)玉女穿梭47. MAIDEN WORKS THE SHUTTLE(四八)白虎攪尾48. WHITE TIGER TWITCHES ITS TAIL(四九)魚跳龍門49. FISH LEAPS THE DRAGON GATE(五十)烏龍絞柱50. BLACK DRAGON COILS AROUND THE PILLAR(五一)仙人指路51. IMMORTAL POINTS THE WAY(五二)風掃梅花52. WIND SWEEPS THE PLUM FLOWERS(五三)手捧牙笏53. HANDS CARRYING THE IVORY TABLET(五四)抱劍歸原54. EMBRACE THE SWORD AND RETURN TO THE ORIGINAL POSITION-(一)起勢1. BEGINNING POSTURE兩足平行分開立定。與太極拳起勢相同。右手掌心向下。手指前伸。左手執劍。(姆指中指無名指執握劍莖。食指垂直貼於劍莖。指尖近劍鐔。小指略鬆開。)劍脊與左臂垂直相齊。但不可貼於臂部。(見圖 1)Your feet are spread apart, standing parallel at about shoulder width. It is the same as the BEGINNING POSTURE in the boxing set. Your right palm is downward, fingers extended forward. Your left hand holds the sword. (The thumb, middle finger, and ring finger grasp around the handle. The forefinger hangs straight, sticking to the sword handle, fingertip toward the sword ring. The little finger is slightly loose.) The sword spine is aligned with your left arm, which is hanging straight, but should not be touching your arm. See drawing 1:

鬆腰鬆胯。體靜神舒。胸腹中之氣。徐徐沉於丹田。精神提起。貫至頭頂。眼神前視。Loosen your waist and hips. Your body is calm and relaxed. The energy in your diaphragm slowly sinks to your elixir field. Your spirit lifts, passing through to your headtop. Your gaze is forward.(註)手握之劍。切勿置於臂部後面。貼緊背部。蓋因劍為兩面起有刃口之武器。鋒利異常。稍有忽略。即自損己身。Note:The hand that is grasping the sword should be sure not to put it right behind you and touch it to your back. This is because the sword is a double-edged weapon and is unusually sharp. If you even slightly ignore this, you will end up hurting yourself.(二)上步合劍式2. STEP FORWARD HOLDING THE SWORD(向前)提起左腿。屈膝。腿平。兩手同時往後平行分開。左足踏上一步。右足隨上。全身隨上步勢。屈腿。坐腰。下蹲。兩臂同時向前抱合。右手食中二指。橫置於左手腕背。(見圖 2)(facing to the Front)Lifting your left leg [so the heel is off the ground], bend your knees until your thighs are flattened out, both hands at the same time spreading away to the rear. Your left foot steps forward, your right foot follows forward, and your whole body goes along with the momentum of the forward steps. Bending your knees again, settle your waist and squat down, both arms at the same time joining together in front, your right hand’s “double finger” (index and middle) coming across to the back of your left wrist. See drawing 2:

當頂懸身正。含胸拔背。尾閭收住。身雖下蹲。而內勁勿使稍斷。眼神前視。You should suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, contain your chest and pluck up your back, and keep your tailbone tucked in. Although your torso squats down, do not let your internal power be even slightly interrupted. Your gaze is forward.(用法)如起勢行禮式。Function:Like the BEGINNING POSTURE, this is a ceremonial action.(註)各式起首。註有向前、向後、向左、向右。乃以(一)起勢時身之前、後、左、右、為依據。至於各式中所述之向前、向後、向左、向右、乃接聯上式之動作方向而言。Note:At the beginning of each posture’s description, take note of the orientations of Front, Back, Left, and Right, and move in accordance with the front, back, left, and right of the BEGINNING POSTURE, so that as you go through each posture, the directions of Front, Back, Left, and Right will conform to the beginning.(三)仙人指路3. IMMORTAL POINTS THE WAY(向左)兩手隨腰腿向右轉。右手隨轉隨升至右耳旁。左手轉至右脅旁。身略向上升。往左轉腰。左足向左側踏前一步。屈膝坐實。同時左手轉至左胯旁。右手伸直食中二指。隨轉腰勢。向左側往前指出。(虎口朝上)右腿漸漸伸直。兩腿成為弓步式。(見圖 3)(facing to the Left)Both hands go along with your waist and thighs as they turn to the right, your right hand going along with the turn by going upward to

arrive beside your right ear, your left hand arcing until beside your right ribs. Your torso slightly rising and turning to the left, your left foot takes a step forward to the left side, and the knee bends and the leg fills. At the same time, your left hand arcs until beside your left hip and your right hand extends its double finger, going along with the momentum of your turning waist by pointing out forward to the Left (tiger’s mouth facing upward). Your right leg gradually straightening, both legs make a bow stance. See drawing 3:

身勿前仆。當頂懸尾正。右臂肘處略垂。勿太伸直。兩肩宜沉。眼神前視。Your torso must not lean forward. You should suspend your headtop and center your tailbone. Your right arm slightly hangs at the elbow and must not be too straight. Both shoulders should be sinking. Your gaze is forward.(用法)右手二指。乃用以引人。或點人穴道之需。Application:Your right hand’s double finger is used to draw in the opponent or to poke to one of his acupoints if necessary.(四)三環套月(一)4. THREE LOOPS AROUND THE MOON – Part 1(向左)右足提起。向前橫步落地。(足尖向右足跟向左)左手執劍。平橫上升至胸前。(屈左肘)左手臂成半圓形。手背朝上。掌緣向外。右手掌心翻上。先在劍柄之前。復隨腰腿下坐勢。於劍柄下往後收囘。左手之劍。同時向前平橫推出。遂成為左手在前。右手在後式。(見圖 4)(facing to the Left)Your right foot lifts and makes a crosswise step to the Left (the toes to your right, heel to your left), your left hand guiding the sword

horizontally upward until in front of your chest (bending your left elbow). Your left arm is in a semicircle shape, the back of the hand facing upward, the palm edge outward. Your right palm is turned upward, and before the sword handle is in front of you, it has gone along with the momentum of your waist and thighs as they settle downward by withdrawing below to the rear as your left hand pushes the sword out forward horizontally, so that when the posture is completed, your left hand is front, your right hand behind it. See drawing 4:

當虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。沉肩垂肘。尾閭收住。身勿太下蹲。或前仆。眼神前視。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, sink your shoulders and drop your elbows, keep your tailbone tucked in. Your torso must not squat too low or lean forward. Your gaze is forward.(用法)左手執劍。推格人腕或身。Application:Your left hand guides the sword, pushing it out to obstruct the opponent’s wrist or torso.三環套月(二)THREE LOOPS AROUND THE MOON – Part 2(向前)右手隨腰腿下蹲勢。(坐左腿。左足跟提起。)往下向右指出。同時左手亦平肩分開。劍置於左臂後。(不可靠緊左臂)身向右轉。眼神右手指之前方。(見圖 5)(facing to the Front)Your right hand goes along with the momentum of your waist and

thighs as they squat down (sitting on your left leg, heel lifted) by going downward and pointing out to the Right. At the same time, your left hand spreads away at shoulder level, the sword placed behind your left arm (but must not be pressed against the arm). Your torso is turned to the right, and your gaze is forward in the direction your right hand is pointing. See drawing 5:

當頂懸尾正。身勿前仆。兩肩平沉。You should suspend your headtop and center your tailbone. Your torso must not lean forward. Your shoulders should sink evenly.(用法)右手指乃引人。或點人穴道。Application:Your right hand’s double finger draws in the opponent or pokes to one of his acupoints.三環套月(三)THREE LOOPS AROUND THE MOON – Part 3(向左)身隨腰腿上升。左足向左踏出一步。屈左腿。坐實。伸直右腿。成弓步式。兩手同時向內平行(右手往左。左手往右。)併合。右手握劍莖。(見圖6)(facing to the Left)Your torso rises, going along with your waist and thighs. Your left foot steps out to the Left, the leg bending and filling as your right leg straightens, making a bow stance. Both hands at the same time travel horizontally inward (right hand to the left, left hand to the right), joining together for your right hand to grasp the sword handle. See drawing 6:

手臂略彎。勿太伸直。頂懸身正。尾閭收住。眼神前視。Your arms should be slightly bent and must not be overly straightened. Suspend your headtop and straighten your torso. Keep your tailbone tucked in. Your gaze is forward.(用法)右手接劍。Function:Your right hand takes the sword.(五)大魁星5. LARGE KUIXING POSTURE(向左)右手接劍。隨腰腿右轉勢向下往右後撩。屈右腿。變為右實左虛。撩至將盡時。劍隨腰繞轉勢翻腕。右手虎口朝上。身往左轉。提起左腿。(腿平。足尖墜下。)劍尖上升至頭部時。向左平刺。屈右臂。同時左手食中二指向前指出。右膝略屈。身往下稍蹲。(見圖 7)(facing to the Left)Your right hand takes the sword and goes along with the momentum of your waist and thighs as they turn to the right by going downward and raising to the right and behind, your right leg bending so your legs switch to right full, left empty. When the raising reaches its limit, the sword goes along with your waist, and the momentum of the sword’s coiling turns the wrist over so your right hand’s tiger’s mouth is facing upward. Your torso turns to the left, your left leg lifts (so the thigh is level, toes hanging down), and once the sword tip is as high as your head, it does a level stab to the Left, your right arm bent. At the same time, your left hand’s double finger points out forward. Your right knee is slightly bent, your torso slightly squatting down. See drawing 7:

當虛實分清。頂懸尾收。身勿前俯後仰。宜中正。眼神前視。You should clearly distinguish between empty and full, suspend your headtop and center your tailbone. Your torso must neither lean forward nor yawn backward, but should instead be centered and upright. Your gaze is forward.(用法)先轉身後撩人膝。復正身平刺人喉。或格人腕。左手二指點人穴道。Application:First turn your torso to do a raising cut to the knee of an opponent behind you. Then straighten your torso and do a level stab to the throat of the opponent in front of you, or obstruct his wrist while your left hand’s double finger pokes to one of his acupoints.(六)燕子抄水6. SWALLOWS TAKES UP WATER(向左)劍向右往後。由上劈下。至肩齊。左手同時平肩向前分開。左足向左落地。屈膝坐實。右腿伸直。成弓步式。劍隨腰腿往左斜偏勢。向左往上平帶。左手二指同時置於右脈門上。(見圖 8)(facing to the Left)The sword goes to the right and behind, chopping down from above, until it is level with your shoulders, your left hand at the same time spreading away forward at shoulder level. Your left foot comes down to the left, the knee bends and the leg fills, your right leg straightening, making a bow stance. The sword goes along with your waist and thighs as they incline to the left corner by doing a dragging cut to the left and upward, the blade horizontal, your left hand’s double finger placed at your right pulse area. See drawing 8:

劍尖朝上。頂懸身正。尾閭收住。眼視劍尖。The sword tip points upward. Suspend your headtop and straighten your torso. Keep your tailbone tucked in. Your gaze is to the sword tip.(用法)先劈身後來人。復轉身帶人腕。或隨帶隨刺。或帶後翻腕。橫擊人首級。Application:First chop at the opponent coming to attack you from behind, then return and do a dragging cut to the wrist of the opponent in front of you. You can follow up the dragging cut by turning it into a stab or you can turn your wrist over and strike across at his head.(七)左右攔掃7. LEFT & RIGHT BLOCKING SWEEPS(1)右攔掃Part 1 – RIGHT BLOCKING SWEEP(向左)右足向右側斜上一步。右腿屈膝坐實。左腿漸漸伸直。同時右手向下往右翻腕。隨腰腿向右側下蹲勢。將劍向右往下平截。至右膝齊。左手同時往後分開。上身略向右側前俯。(見圖 9)(facing to the Left)Your right foot steps forward to the right corner, the knee bends and the leg fills, your left leg gradually straightening. At the same time, your right hand goes downward and to the right, turning over the wrist, going along with the movement of your waist and thighs as they go to the right side and squat down, sending the sword to the right and downward with a checking cut, the blade horizontal, until level with your right knee. Your left hand at the same time spreads

away behind, your upper body slightly leaning forward to the right corner. See drawing 9:

當頂懸尾正。鬆腰鬆胯。身勿太向前仆。勿使內勁稍斷。劍勿太低。眼視劍刃。You should suspend your headtop and center your tailbone, and loosen your waist and hips. Your torso must not lean too far forward. Do not let the internal energy be even slightly interrupted. The sword must not go too low. Your gaze is to the sword edge.(用法)接前燕子抄水式用法。人腕被帶將手後抽。己隨勢上右步。平截其膝部。Application:Connecting to the previous posture’s application, after you have done the dragging cut to the opponent’s wrist, bring it back with a drawing cut, go along with your own momentum to step forward, and do a checking cut to his knee with the blade horizontal.(2)左攔掃Part 2 – LEFT BLOCKING SWEEP(向左)左足向左側斜上一步。左腿屈膝。坐實。右腿漸漸伸直。同時右手向左往上翻腕。(劍尖朝上。由內往外繞圈。)隨腰腿向左側下蹲勢。將劍向左平截。(與腰部齊)左手同時升至額前。上身略向左側前俯。(見圖 10)(facing to the Left)Your left foot steps forward to the left corner, the knee bends and the leg fills, your right leg gradually straightening. At the same time, your right hand goes to the left and upward, turning over the wrist (the sword going upward, coiling from inward to outward), going along with the movement of your waist and thighs as they go to the left side and squat down, sending the sword to the left with a

checking cut, the blade horizontal (level with your waist). Your left hand at the same time reaches in front of your forehead, your upper body slightly leaning forward to the left corner. See drawing 10:

劍出宜平。勿太高。或太低。眼神平視。餘如右攔掃。The sword should come out at the proper height and must not be too high or too low. Your gaze is level. Other pointers are the same as above for the right side.(用法)接前右攔掃式用法。人被截膝往右讓化。己乘勢上左步。向正面平截彼腰部。Application:Connecting to the previous posture’s application, if the opponent has yielded to and neutralized the attack to his knee, go along with your own momentum by stepping forward with your left foot, and go directly forward with a checking cut to his waist with the blade horizontal.(八)小魁星8. SMALL KUIXING POSTURE(向左斜角)右手劍刃翻上。向上往左後劈。至左脅齊。(左手屈貼於腰後)右足向右側角移上半步。左足提起。亦向右側角斜上一步。落於右足前。足尖着地。足跟提起。(為虛步)劍隨左足上步勢。由後往前。向右側角翻腕上崩。左手置於右腕背上。坐腰鬆胯。身略向後往下蹲。(見圖 11)(facing to the Left corner [Left Front])Your right hand turns the sword edge upward then chops to the left and behind until level with your left ribs (left hand bending in and sticking close behind your waist). Your right foot shifts a half step forward to the right corner, and your left foot lifts and also takes a

step forward to the right corner, coming down in front of your right foot, toes touching down, heel lifted (making an empty stance). The sword goes along with the momentum of your left foot’s forward step, going forward from behind to the right corner and turning over the wrist to do a flick upward, your left hand placed at the back of your right wrist. Settle your waist and loosen your hips, your torso slightly squatting down to the rear. See drawing 11:

當虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。身體中正。尾閭收住。眼神前視。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, your body should be centered, and keep your tailbone tucked in. Your gaze is forward.(用法)先向後劈。復往右側翻崩人腕部。Application:First chop behind, then turn over to the right side with a flick to the opponent’s wrist.(九)黃蜂入洞9. WASP ENTERS THE HIVE(向右斜角)左足向身後撤一步。身向左轉。(面對斜角)同時劍尖向下往右。由外朝內繞圈。復翻腕。劍脊朝上。隨腰腿前進勢。與左手同時向前平刺。(劍尖向下)屈左膝。右腿漸漸伸直。(見圖 12)(facing to the Right corner [Right Rear])Your left foot withdraws a step toward your body, which turns around to the left (to face to the corner). At the same time, the sword tip goes downward to the right, coiling from outward to inward, the wrist turning over so the sword spine is upward. Going along with the advancing momentum of your waist and thighs, your left hand

stabs forward with the blade horizontal (the tip pointing downward), while your left knee bends and your right leg gradually straightens. See drawing 12:

頂懸身正。尾閭收住。鬆腰鬆胯。兩臂平而略屈。眼神前視。Suspend your headtop and straighten your torso. Keep your tailbone tucked in. Loosen your waist and hips. Both arms are parallel and slightly bent. Your gaze is forward.(用法)先攪人劍或腕。復轉身平刺人膝。Application:First do a stirring action to the opponent’s sword or wrist, then turn around to do a stab to another opponent’s knee with the blade horizontal.(十)靈貓捕鼠(一)10. QUICK CAT CATCHES THE MOUSE – Part 1(向右斜角)右腿向前提起。(腿平。膝屈。足垂。)身往後略坐。兩手抱劍。向上往後收至胸齊。劍尖略朝上。(見圖 13)(facing to the Right corner [Right Rear])Your right leg lifts forward (thigh flat, knee bent, foot hanging), your torso slightly sitting to the rear. With both hands holding the sword, it withdraws upward and backward to chest level, the tip slightly upward. See drawing 13:

當虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。尾閭收住。兩肘鬆開下垂。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, keep your tailbone tucked in, and both elbows should loosen and hang downward.(用法)劍尖上崩人腕之下部。Application:The sword tip flicks upward under the opponent’s wrist.靈貓捕鼠(二)QUICK CAT CATCHES THE MOUSE – Part 2(方向不變)右足落地。左足提起向前跳落一步。右足復向前跳出一步。成弓步式。同時兩手所抱之劍。隨兩足前跳勢。向上往後繞圈。復隨右足進步勢。向前往下平刺。(見圖 14)(direction does not change)Your right foot comes down, your left foot lifts and does a jumping step coming down in front, and your right foot also does a jumping step forward, making a bow stance. At the same time, with both hands holding the sword, it goes along with the momentum of both feet jumping forward by coiling a circle upward and behind, then going along with your right foot stepping forward by stabbing forward and downward with the blade horizontal. See drawing 14:

頂懸身正。尾閭收住。沉肩垂肘。含胸拔背。鬆腰鬆胯。兩足落地。先虛後實。兩臂略屈。如抱球狀。眼神前視。Suspend your headtop and straighten your torso. Keep your tailbone tucked in. Sink your shoulders and drop your elbows. Contain your chest and pluck up your back. Loosen your waist and hips. Both feet come down empty and then fill. Both arms are slightly bent as if embracing a ball. Your gaze is forward.(用法)倘人後退。遂跳步向前刺人腹部。Application:If the opponent retreats, then jump forward to stab to his belly.(十一)蜻蜓點水11. DRAGONFLY SKIMS THE WATER(方向不變)兩手所抱之劍。隨腰腿後坐勢。往上向後繞圈。復隨腰腿向前往下平刺。餘如靈貓捕鼠(二)內載。(direction does not change)With both hands holding the sword, it goes along with the momentum of your waist and thighs as they sit back by coiling upward and behind, then stabs forward and downward with the blade horizontal. The rest is as in Part 2 of SMART CAT CATCHES THE MOUSE.(用法)先往後化。復刺人膝。Application:First go to the rear to neutralize, then follow with a stab to the opponent’s knee.(十二)燕子入巢(一)12. SWALLOW ENTERS ITS NEST – Part 1

(向前)身向左偏。屈左膝。重心寄於左腿。右腿略伸直。同時劍向左後帶。左手食中二指靠近右脈門。身略下蹲。(見圖 15)(facing to the Front)Your torso inclines to the left, your left knee bending, sending the weight to your left leg, your right leg slightly straightening. At the same time, the sword does a dragging cut toward the left rear, your left hand’s double finger close to your right pulse area, your torso slightly squatting down. See drawing 15:

虛領頂勁。沉肩,鬆腰,鬆胯。兩肘勿靠緊身體。眼視劍尖。Forcelessly press up your headtop. Sink your shoulders. Loosen your waist and hips. Do not press your elbows against your torso. Your gaze is to the sword tip.(用法)向左帶人手腕。Application:Do a leftward dragging cut to the opponent’s wrist.燕子入巢(二)SWALLOW ENTERS ITS NEST – Part 2(向右斜角)身向右偏。屈右膝。重心寄於右腿。左腿略伸直。同時翻腕。劍尖朝上翻轉。掌心向外。往右平拉。左手二指置於右手腕背上。身略下蹲。(見圖16)(facing to the Right corner [Right Rear])Your torso inclines to the right, your right knee bending, sending the weight to your right leg, your left leg slightly straightening. At the same time, the wrist turns over so the sword tip points up and turns over, palm outward, and pulls across to the right, your left hand’s

double finger placed at the back of your right wrist, your torso slightly squatting down. See drawing 16:

餘同燕子入巢(一)。The rest is the same as in Part 1.(用法)平拉人腕或身。及等候式。Application:Do a pulling cut to the opponent’s wrist or torso with the blade horizontal, then await his response.燕子入巢(三)SWALLOW ENTERS ITS NEST – Part 3(轉圈方向不變)左足跟提起。(足掌沾地)右腿上提。全身以左足掌向左旋轉一圓圈。轉至原有方向。右足落地。左足向前踏出一步。成弓步式。同時劍亦隨勢向左平轉。至左足上步時。向前平刺。左手同時向上分開。置於額前。(見圖17)(spinning without changing direction)Your left heel lifts (so just the sole is touching down), your right leg rises up and your whole body does a leftward spin on the ball of your left foot, turning all the way around to be facing in the original direction, then your right foot comes down and your left foot steps out forward to make a bow stance. At the same time, the sword goes along with the momentum and turns horizontally to the left, and when your left foot steps forward, does a stab forward with the blade horizontal, your left hand spreading away upward to be placed in front of your forehead. See drawing 17:

轉圈時兩足當虛實分清。重心寄於左腿。劍前刺時。當含胸拔背。坐腰鬆胯。提頂身正。尾閭收住。眼神前視。左手掌心朝外。左臂略屈。When you spin, both feet must be distinct in their emptiness and fullness, the weight on your left leg. When the sword stabs forward, contain your chest and pluck up your back, settle your waist and loosen your hips, lift your headtop and straighten your torso, and keep your tailbone tucked in. Your gaze is forward. Your left palm is facing outward, arm slightly bent.(用法)轉身刺人膝。或腹部。Application:Spin around and stab to the opponent’s knee or belly.(十三)鳳凰雙展翅13. PHOENIX UNFURLS ITS WINGS(轉身向左斜角)左足掌向右往內移轉。(足跟着地)身隨腰腿向右斜角旋轉。右足踏前半步。屈膝坐實。兩腿成弓步式。劍隨腰腿旋轉勢。向上往右平擊。左手同時往後向下分開。(見圖 18)(turning around to face to the Left corner [Left Front])Your left foot’s sole shifts inward to the right (heel touching down), and your torso goes along with your waist and thighs to turn around to the right corner. Your right foot takes a half step forward, the knee bends and the leg fills, both legs making a bow stance. The sword goes along with the turning momentum of your waist and thighs to strike upward to the right with the blade horizontal, your left hand at the same time spreading away downward to the left. See drawing 18:

當虛領頂勁。身正尾收。眼視劍尖。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, and straighten your torso and tuck in your tailbone. Your gaze is to the sword tip.(用法)向右轉身擊人耳部。Application:Turn around to the right to strike at an opponent’s ear.(十四)右旋風14. RIGHT WHIRLWIND(向左斜角)左足提上半步。(成實步)右足改為虛步。劍往後朝下收至胸前。右肘屈而下垂。右手執劍隨腰腿前進轉繞勢。向右往上。復向下往左。繞成圓圈。(劍尖略朝下。圈數不論。)同時右足向前斜角先虛後實前進。左足隨勢先實後虛跟上。(步數不論)左手往後平伸。食中二指伸直。劍之繞圈。乃腰腿轉動。非手腕。或膀肩。進步當虛實分清。頂宜懸。身宜正。週身當鬆開。含胸拔背。眼視劍尖。(facing to the Left corner [Left Front])Your left foot lifts and does a half step forward (the leg filling) and your right foot switches to an empty stance, while the sword goes to the rear and downward until in front of your chest, your right elbow bent and hanging down. Then your right hand guides the sword, going along with the momentum of your waist and thighs, coiling it forward to the right and up, then down and to the left, making a circle. (The sword tip is slightly pointing downward. The size of the circle does not matter.) At the same time, your right foot advances to the forward corner, going from empty to full, and your left foot follows it forward, going from full to empty. (The size of the step does not matter.) Your left hand extends level to the rear with its

double finger extended.     The coiling of the sword comes from the turning of your waist and thighs, not from the wrist or arm or shoulder. When advancing, you should clearly distinguish between empty and full, your headtop should be suspended, torso upright, your whole body should loosen, and you should contain your chest and pluck up your back. Your gaze is to the sword tip.(用法)前進攪人手腕。Application:Advance with a stirring cut to the opponent’s wrist.(十五)小魁星15. SMALL KUIXING POSTURE(向左斜角)接前式繞圈勢。翻腕。劍隨腰腿往上向左側身後下劈。至左脅齊。隨左足踏前一步勢。(為虛步)向前往上翻腕崩出。左手指置於右腕背上。重心寄於右腿。身向下略蹲。坐腰。鬆胯。坐腿。(見圖 19)(facing to the Left corner [Left Front])Continuing from the momentum of the previous posture, your wrist is turning over so the sword is going along with your waist and thighs upward and to the left side and then chopping down to the rear until level with your left ribs. Then it goes along with the momentum of your left foot stepping forward (making an empty stance), by going forward and upward, turning the wrist over and flicking outward, your left hand’s double finger placed at the back of your right wrist. The weight is on your right leg, your torso slightly squatting down. Settle your waist, loosen your hips, and settle your thighs. See drawing 19:

當虛領頂勁。氣貼脊背。身體中正。尾閭收住。眼神前視。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, energy should stick to your spine, your body should be centered, and your tailbone should be tucked in. Your gaze is forward.(用法)先往後劈。復向前崩人腕。Application:First chop at an opponent behind, then flick to the forward opponent’s wrist.   (十六)左旋風16. LEFT WHIRLWIND(後退方向不變)左足退至右足後。坐實。右足收進半步。(為虛步)劍復往後朝下收至胸前。右肘屈而下垂。隨腰腿後退轉繞勢。向左往上。復向下往左。繞成圓圈。(劍尖略朝下。圈數不論。)同時左足向後退。先虛後實。右足隨勢先實後虛。往後收囘。(步數不論)左手仍往後平伸。食中二指伸直。餘如(十四)節右旋風內載。(retreating without changing the direction)Your left foot steps back behind your right foot, the leg fills, and your right foot withdraws then advances a half step (making an empty stance), while the sword goes behind and downward, withdrawing until in front of your chest, your right elbow bent and hanging down. Then going along with the momentum of your waist and thighs as they retreat, the sword coils to the left and upward, then downward and to the left [right], making a circle. (The sword tip is slightly pointing downward. The size of the circle does not matter.) At the same time, your left foot retreats, going from empty to full, and your right foot follows it, going from full to empty, withdrawing to the rear. (The size of the step does not matter.) Your left hand again extends level behind you, double finger extended. The rest is as in Posture 14.(用法)後退攪人手腕。Application:Retreat with a stirring cut to the opponent’s wrist.(十七)等魚式17. WAITING FOR A FISH(向左斜角)接前左旋風式後退繞圈勢。左足向後退一步。坐實。劍尖向左往下。朝後提至腰齊。復上升往上向前點出。(劍尖向下)同時右足移後半步。足尖着地。足跟提起。(為虛步)左手往後平肩分開。身往下蹲。(見圖 20)(facing to the Left corner [Left Front])Continuing from the retreating and coiling momentum of the previous posture, your left foot retreats a step and the leg fills. The

sword tip goes to the left, downward, behind, and lifts until level with your waist, then rises upward and taps forward (the tip pointing downward). At the same time, your right foot shifts back a half step, toes touching down, heel lifted (making an empty stance), your left hand spreading away behind you at shoulder level, your torso squatting down. See drawing 20:

當虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。沉肩垂肘。身正尾收。鬆腰鬆胯。氣沉丹田。眼視劍尖。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, sink your shoulders and drop your elbows, straighten your torso and tuck in your tailbone, loosen your waist and hips, and sink energy to your elixir field. Your gaze is to the sword tip.(用法)點人手腕。Application:Tap to the opponent’s wrist.(十八)撥草尋蛇(一)18. SPREAD THE GRASS TO FIND THE SNAKE – Part 1(向左)右足往右向前踏上半步。屈膝坐實。左腿漸漸伸直。兩腿成為斜弓步式。同時右手翻腕。手背朝上。劍脊向上。隨腰腿向前往下勢。向右往下平截。同時左手食中二指。置於右腕背上。(見圖 21)(facing to the Left)Your right foot takes a half step forward to the right, the knee bends and the leg fills, your left leg gradually straightening, both legs making a diagonal bow stance. At the same time, your right wrist turns over so the back of the hand is facing upward, the sword spine

upward, and goes along with your waist and thighs as they go forward and downward by going to the right and downward with a checking cut, the blade horizontal, your left hand’s double finger placed at the back of your right wrist. See drawing 21:

當頂懸身正。尾閭收住。身勿前仆。執劍宜平。眼視右側。You should suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, and keep your tailbone tucked in. Your torso must not lean forward. The sword should be held level. Your gaze is to the right side.(用法)截拉人腿。或刺人膝。或壓人劍。Application:Pull in with a checking cut to the opponent’s thigh, then stab to his knee or press his sword down.撥草尋蛇(二)SPREAD THE GRASS TO FIND THE SNAKE – Part 2(向左)左足向左往前踏上半步。屈膝坐實。同時右手翻腕。掌心朝上。劍脊向上。隨腰腿向前往下俯蹲勢。向左往下平截。右腿漸漸伸直。兩腿成為斜弓步式。同時左手向後往上平伸。(見圖 22)(facing to the Left)Your left foot takes a half step forward and to the left, the knee bends and the leg fills. At the same time, your right wrist turns over so the palm is facing upward, the sword spine upward, and goes along with your waist and thighs as they lean forward and squat downward by going to the left and downward with a checking cut, the blade horizontal. Your right leg is gradually straightening, both legs making a diagonal bow stance, your left hand extending upward behind you. See drawing 22:

餘如前式。The rest is the same as in Part 1.(用法)如撥草尋蛇(一)。惟右式改為左式可也。Application:This is like Part 1, except the posture is changed from the right side to the left side.(註)練習時。撥草尋蛇(一)(二)兩式。可繼續進行。次數不論。惟第一式較第二式多一次。Note:When practicing both sides of SPREAD THE GRASS TO FIND THE SNAKE, you can continue to advance with it. It does not matter how many times it is done, just that the Part 1 and Part 2 postures each happen more than once.(十九)懷中抱月19. EMBRACE THE MOON(向後)接前撥草尋蛇(一)。左足向後退半步。右足隨勢後移半步。足尖着地。足跟提起。翻右腕。掌心朝上。劍隨右足後移勢。向後收抱至胸前。身往下略蹲。左手食中二指置於右脈門上。(見圖 23)(facing to the Rear)Continuing from the previous posture [Part 2 of SPREAD THE GRASS], your left foot retreats a half step and your right foot follows it, shifting back a half step, toes touching down, heel lifted. Turning over your right wrist so the palm is facing upward, the sword goes along with your right foot’s retreat and withdraws to be embraced in front of your chest, your torso slightly squatting downward, your left hand’s double finger placed at your right pulse area. See drawing 23:

當頂懸身正。尾閭收住。含胸拔背。氣沉丹田。眼神前視。You should suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, keep your tailbone tucked in, contain your chest and pluck up your back, and sink energy to your elixir field. Your gaze is forward.(用法)帶人手腕。Application:Do a dragging cut to the opponent’s wrist.(二十)送鳥上林20. SENDING A BIRD INTO THE FOREST(向左)劍隨腰腿下蹲勢。向下往前。復隨全身上升勢。向前往上刺出。劍尖超過頭部。(右手掌心朝上)同時左手向後往上分開。左腿提起。屈膝。足尖下垂。重心寄於右腿。上身略往右偏。(見圖 24)(facing to the Left)The sword goes along with the squatting momentum of your waist and thighs, going downward and forward, and then goes along with your whole body’s upward climb, stabbing out forward and upward, the tip going higher than your headtop (right palm facing upward). At the same time, your left hand spreads away behind and upward, and your left leg lifts, knee bent, toes hanging down, the weight on your right leg. Your upper body leans slightly to the right. See drawing 24:

當虛領頂勁。虛實分清。眼神上視。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, and clearly distinguish between empty and full. Your gaze is upward.(用法)由下往上。刺膝、刺腹、刺喉。Application:Going upward from below, stab to the opponent’s knee, belly, or throat.(二一)烏龍擺尾21. BLACK DRAGON SWINGS ITS TAIL(向左)左足落地。坐實。右足跟提起。足尖着地。改為虛步。劍隨腰腿下蹲勢。向左往下斫截。與右膝略齊。左手同時往後向上分開。(見圖 25)(facing to the Left)Your left foot comes down and the leg fills, your right heel lifting, toes touching down, changing to an empty stance. The sword goes along with the squatting momentum of your waist and thighs by going to the left and downward with a cleaving checking cut until almost level with your right knee, your left hand spreading away behind and upward. See drawing 25:

當虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。尾閭收住。眼視劍刃。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, and keep your tailbone tucked in. Your gaze is to the sword edge.(用法)截腕、或身、或膝。Application:Do a checking cut to the opponent’s wrist, torso, or knee.(二二)風捲荷葉22. WIND ROLLS UP THE LOTUS LEAVES(向左)右足提起。橫步落地。同時劍隨勢。向上往右。復朝下繞圈。左足踏上一步。屈膝坐實。兩腿成為弓步式。劍隨勢由右脅旁向前平刺。(掌心朝上)左手同時提起升至額前。(見圖 26)(facing to the Left)Your right foot lifts and comes down in a crosswise step. At the same time, the sword goes along with the momentum by going upward and to the right, then goes downward and coils in. Your left foot takes a step forward, the knee bends and the leg fills, both legs making a bow stance. The sword goes along with the momentum, doing a stab forward from beside your right ribs with the blade horizontal (palm facing upward), your left hand at the same time lifting upward to arrive in front of your forehead. See drawing 26:

翻右腕。劍向上往左。復朝下繞圈。再向右朝上擊出。(劍尖朝上。手背向上。)左手食中二指置於右腕背上。上身向右略偏。(見圖 27)Turning over your right wrist, the sword goes upward and to the left, then goes downward and coils in, then again goes to the right and upward, striking out (the tip facing upward, back of the hand facing upward). Your left hand’s double finger is placed at the back of your right wrist and your upper body slightly leans to the right. See drawing 27:

當虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。尾閭收住。眼神前視。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, and keep your tailbone tucked in. Your gaze is forward.(用法)攪腕、刺心、刺腹。翻腕擊人頭部。

Application:Do a stirring cut to the opponent’s wrist then a stab to his solar plexus or belly, then turn over your wrist to strike at his head.(二三)獅子搖頭(一)23. LION SHAKES ITS HEAD – Part 1(轉身向右)左足跟向左略移。右足隨全身向右往後轉身勢。落於右側。坐實。左足跟再向左轉移。兩腿成為斜弓步式。同時劍隨轉身勢。向右平抽。(卽拉)手背朝上。左手食中二指置於右腕背上。(見圖 28)(turning around to the Right)Your left heel shifts slightly to the left, your right foot goes along with your whole body as it turns around to the right by coming down to the right side and then the leg fills, your left heel again shifts, turning to the left, and both legs make a diagonal bow stance. At the same time, the sword goes along with the turning of your torso by doing a drawing cut to the right with the blade horizontal (also called a pulling cut), the back of the hand facing upward, your left hand’s double finger placed at the back of your right wrist. See drawing 28:

兩腿當虛實分清。虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。沉肩垂肘。身勿前仆。眼神前視。Both legs should clearly distinguish between empty and full. Forcelessly press up your headtop. Contain your chest and pluck up your back. Sink your shoulders and drop your elbows. Your torso must not lean forward. Your gaze is forward.(用法)轉身抽人手腕。或身部。Application:Turn and do a drawing cut to the opponent’s wrist or torso.

獅子搖頭(二)LION SHAKES ITS HEAD – Part 2(向右)左足提起。向左側往後落地。屈膝坐實。右腿漸漸伸直。右足跟向右略移。兩腿成為斜弓步式。翻右腕。(掌心朝上)劍向左直帶。左手食中二指置於右脈門上。(見圖 29)(facing to the Right)Your left foot lifts and comes down to the left side, the knee bends and the leg fills, your right leg gradually straightening, your right heel shifting slightly to the right, both legs making a diagonal bow stance. Turning over your right wrist (so the palm is facing upward), the sword does a dragging cut to the left with the blade vertical, your left hand’s double finger placed at your right pulse area. See drawing 29:

此式完畢後。右足向右往後退移半步。成為實步。左足變為虛步。兩腿成為斜弓步式。翻右腕。劍隨腰腿向右直抽。復為第一式。餘如獅子搖頭第一式。After this posture is finished, your right foot shifts a half step back to the right, the leg filling as your left leg empties, both legs making a diagonal bow stance. Turning over your right wrist, the sword goes along with your waist and thighs to the right with a drawing cut, the blade vertical, repeating the posture of Part 1. The rest is the same as in Part 1.(用法)向左帶人手腕。Application:Do a leftward dragging cut [then a rightward drawing cut] to the opponent’s wrist.(註)練時獅子搖頭(一)(二)兩式。可繼續退步練習。次數不論。惟至第一

式止。Note:When practicing both sides of LION SHAKES ITS HEAD, you can continue to retreat. It does not matter how many times it is done, only that the last time is in the posture of Part 1.(二四)虎抱頭24. TIGER HIDES ITS HEAD(向右)接前獅子搖頭第一式。左足後退半步。膝略屈。成為實步。右足隨勢後移。足尖落地。足跟提起。成為虛步。翻右腕。(掌心朝上)劍向左平帶至胸前。隨含胸拔背。鬆腰鬆胯。身往下蹲勢。往後收囘。左手(掌心朝上)托於右手背下。兩手如抱物狀。劍平直。劍尖略翹。(見圖 30)(facing to the Right)Continuing from the Part 1 posture of LION SHAKES ITS HEAD, your left foot retreats a half step, the knee slightly bends and the legs fills, and your right foot goes along with the momentum, shifting back, toes touching down, heel lifted, making an empty stance. Turning over your right wrist (palm facing upward), the sword does a dragging cut to the left with the blade horizontal, arriving in front of your chest, while you are containing your chest and plucking up your back, loosening your waist and hips, and squatting your torso down, withdrawing to the rear. Your left hand (palm facing upward) is propping up underneath the back of your right hand, both hands as if embracing an object. The sword is level and directly in front of you, the tip slightly raised. See drawing 30:

當虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。沉肩垂肘。尾閭收住。眼神前視。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and

pluck up your back, sink your shoulders and drop your elbows, and keep your tailbone tucked in. Your gaze is forward.(用法)攪人腕。避人刺膝。並擊人腕。或刺人喉。Application:Do a stirring cut to the opponent’s wrist to prevent a stab to your knee, and then you may strike at his wrist or stab to his throat.(二五)野馬跳澗25. WILD HORSE JUMPS THE STREAM(向右)右足提起。向前踏進半步。左足趁勢提起。向前跳上一步。(重心寄於左腿)右足復跳上一步。向前屈膝。(重心移於右腿)同時兩手所抱之劍。先向後往上繞圈至胸前。復隨右腿前進勢。向前平刺。(見圖 31)(facing to the Left)Your right foot lifts and takes a half step forward. Your left foot takes advantage of the momentum, lifting and jumping a step forward (sending the weight to your left leg), then your right foot jumps a step forward, and the knee bends forward (shifting the weight to your right leg). At the same time, with both hands holding the sword, first coil it to the rear and upward to arrive in front of your chest, then going along with the momentum of your right leg’s advance, stab forward with the blade horizontal. See drawing 31:

當虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。身正尾收。身勿前仆。膝勿伸出足尖。眼神前視。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, straighten your torso and tuck in your tailbone. Your torso must not lean forward, and your knees must not extend beyond your toes. Your gaze is forward.(用法)跳步向前。刺人心窩。

Application:Jump forward and stab to the opponent’s solar plexus.(二六)翻身勒馬26. TURN AROUND, REIN IN THE HORSE(轉身向左)左足跟提起。向內轉移。右足提起。往左側略移半步。劍隨全身向左翻身勢。往左平拉。全身轉至左正面時。左足向後略收。足尖着地。足跟提起。兩手所抱之劍。隨左足收進及含胸拔背勢。向後略收。劍尖朝上。(見圖32)(turning around to the Left)Your left heel lifts and shifts inward. Your right foot lifts and slightly shifts a half step to the left. The sword goes along with the momentum of your whole body as it turns around to the left by doing a dragging cut to the left. Once your body has turned to face squarely to the Left, your left foot slightly withdraws, toes touching down, heel lifted. Both hands hold the sword, and while your left foot withdraws, contain your chest and pluck up your back, slightly withdrawing the sword, the tip pointing upward. See drawing 32:

當虛實分清。虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。尾閭中正。眼神前視。You should clearly distinguish between empty and full, forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, and center your tailbone. Your gaze is forward.(用法)轉身帶拉人腕。及靜候對方行動。Application:Turn around with a dragging cut to the opponent’s wrist and calmly await his response.

(二七)指南針27. COMPASS NEEDLE(向左)左足向前踏出半步。右足隨勢向前併合。兩膝往前略屈。兩手所抱之劍。隨進步勢。向前平刺。身往下略蹲。(見圖 33)(facing to the Left)Your left foot takes a half step forward and your right foot follows forward to stand next to it, both knees going forward, slightly bending. Both hands are holding the sword and go along with the momentum to stab forward with the blade horizontal, your torso slightly squatting down. See drawing 33:

當頂懸身正。含胸拔背。沉肩垂肘。尾閭中正。眼神前視。You should suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, contain your chest and pluck up your back, sink your shoulders and drop your elbows, and center your tailbone. Your gaze is forward.(用法)上步刺人心窩。或攪人手腕。Application:Step forward and stab to the opponent’s solar plexus, and then you may do a stirring cut to his wrist.(二八)迎風撣塵(一)28. BRUSHING OFF DUST AGAINST THE WIND – Part 1(向左)右足向右往前踏出一步。屈膝坐實。左腿漸漸伸直。(變為虛步)兩腿成為斜弓步式。翻右腕。(手背朝上)劍隨腰腿向右往上平截。(劍尖朝上)左手食中二指置於右腕背上。(見圖 34)(facing to the Left)Your right foot takes a step forward to the right, the knee bends and the leg fills, your left leg gradually straightening (becoming empty),

both legs making a diagonal bow stance. Turning over your right wrist (so the back of the hand faces upward), the sword goes along with your waist and thighs, going to the right and upward with a checking cut, the blade horizontal (the tip pointing upward), your left hand’s double finger placed at the back of your right wrist. See drawing 34:

身勿太偏。或太仆。當頂懸身正。尾閭收住。眼視劍尖。Your torso must not overly lean away or toward. You should suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, and keep your tailbone tucked in. Your gaze is to the sword tip.(用法)向右往上平截。或抽拉人腕。Application:Go to the right and upward with a checking cut (blade horizontal) or a drawing cut to the opponent’s wrist.迎風撣塵(二)BRUSHING OFF DUST AGAINST THE WIND – Part 2(向左)左足向左往前踏出半步。屈膝坐實。右腿漸漸伸直。(變為虛步)兩腿成為斜弓步式。翻右腕。(掌心朝上)劍隨腰腿向左往上平截。(劍尖朝上)左手食中二指置於右脈門上。(見圖 35)(facing to the Left)Your left foot takes a half step forward to the left, the knee bends and the leg fills, your right leg gradually straightening (becoming empty), both legs making a diagonal bow stance. Turning over your right wrist (so the palm faces upward), the sword goes along with your waist and thighs, going to the left and upward with a checking

cut, the blade horizontal (the tip pointing upward), your left hand’s double finger placed at your right pulse area. See drawing 35:

餘如上式。The rest is as in the preceding posture.(用法)向左洗人手腕。或胸部。Application:Do a leftward clearing cut to the opponent’s wrist or chest.(註)練時迎風撣塵(二)完畢後。復為迎風撣塵(一)Note:When practicing, after you finish the Part 2 posture, repeat Part 1.(二九)順水推舟29. GOING WITH THE CURRENT TO PUSH THE BOAT(向左)接前迎風撣塵第一式。劍向下往後上撩。至右脅旁。翻右腕。同時提起右足。向前橫落半步。左足隨勢向前踏出一步。劍上升與右耳齊。隨腰腿勢。向前平刺。(虎口朝外)左手食中二指同時置於右腕背上。兩腿成為弓步式。(見圖 36)(facing to the Left)Continuing from the Part 1 posture of BRUSHING OFF DUST, the sword goes downward and behind to raise upward until beside your right ribs, your right wrist turned over. At the same time, your right foot lifts and takes a crosswise half step forward, your left foot goes along with the momentum by stepping out forward, and the sword rises up until level with your right ear and goes along with the momentum of your waist and thighs by stabbing forward with the blade horizontal [vertical] (tiger’s mouth facing outward [inward]). Your left hand’s double finger at the same time is placed at the back

of your right wrist and both legs are making a bow stance. See drawing 36:

當頂懸身正。尾閭收住。身勿前仆。眼神前視。You must suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, and keep your tailbone tucked in. Your torso must not lean forward. Your gaze is forward.(用法)向後撩人膝或腕。往前刺人喉部。Application:Do a raising cut to the knee or wrist of an opponent behind you, then do a stab to the throat of the opponent in front.(三十)流星趕月30. METEOR CHASES THE MOON(向前)劍隨腰腿右轉勢。向上往右。復向下斫劈。至右脅齊。左手同時往下平肩分開。兩腿成為馬步式。身往下蹲。眼視右側。(見圖 37)(facing to the Front)The sword goes along with the momentum of your waist and thighs as they turn to the rightby going upward and to the right and then chopping down until level with your right ribs. Your left hand at the same time goes downward to spread away at shoulder level. Both legs are making a horse-riding stance, your torso squatting down. Your gaze is to the right side. See drawing 37:

當虛領頂勁。沉肩垂肘。尾閭中正。氣沉丹田。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, sink your shoulders and drop your elbows, center your tailbone, and sink energy to your elixir field.(用法)向右側斫劈身後來人。Application:Do a cleaving chop to the right side at the incoming opponent behind you.(三一)天鳥飛瀑31. SPIRIT BIRD FLIES OVER THE WATERFALL(向前)劍往內略收。向下往後撩。同時左足向前踏出一步。右足隨上一步。兩足併齊。劍上升至右耳齊。翻右腕。隨進步勢。向前往下壓劈。至膝蓋齊。左手食中二指。置於右腕背上。同時屈膝蹲身。(見圖 38)(facing to the Front)The sword slightly withdraws inward and goes downward to do a raising cut behind. At the same time, your left foot steps out to the Front and your right foot follows it forward so both feet are standing next to each other. The sword rises to be level with your right ear, your right wrist turning over, and goes along with the advancing momentum by going forward and downward with a pressing chop until at knee level, your left hand’s double finger placed at the back of your right wrist. At the same time, bend both knees and squat your torso. See drawing 38:

當頂懸身正。含胸拔背。沉肩垂肘。坐腰鬆胯。眼神前視。You should suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, contain your chest and pluck up your back, sink your shoulders and drop your elbows, and settle your waist and loosen your hips. Your gaze is forward.(用法)先往後撩。復向前壓劈。Application:First do a raising cut behind, then a pressing chop forward.(三二)挑簾式32. RAISING A CURTAIN(向右)翻右腕。(掌心朝上)劍向右往上。復向左斫劈。同時右足往後向右側退踏半步。劍隨左足向右提起勢。由下往上。向右直提。右手提過頭部。劍尖向下。左手食中二指。置於右腕背上。(見圖 39)(facing to the Right)Turning over your right wrist (so the palm faces upward), the sword goes to the right and upward, then to the left with a cleaving chop, while your right foot retreats a half step to the right side. The sword then goes along with your left foot lifting up to the right by going upward from below with a lifting cut, the blade vertical, your right hand lifting past your head, the sword tip pointed down, your left hand’s double finger placed at the back of your right wrist. See drawing 39:

當頂懸身正。含胸拔背。尾閭中正。眼神前視。You should suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, contain your chest and pluck up your back, and center your tailbone. Your gaze is forward.(用法)先向後劈人。復向右提人手腕。Application:First chop to an opponent behind, then do a lifting cut under the wrist of the opponent in front.(三三)左右車輪劍33. LEFT & RIGHT WHEELING SWORD(向右)左足橫步落地。劍尖下垂。至左膝齊。向後平刺。同時屈雙膝。身下蹲。腰腿往左旋轉。眼神隨劍尖往後注視。左手食中二指仍置於右腕背上。(見圖 40)(facing to the Right)Your left foot comes down in a crosswise step. The sword tip hangs down until level with your left knee and stabs to the rear with the blade horizontal. At the same time, bend both knees and squat your torso down, your waist and thighs twisting to the left. Your gaze intently follows the sword tip to the rear, your left hand’s double finger remaining at the back of your right wrist. See drawing 40:

右足向前踏上一步。屈膝坐實。兩腿成為弓步式。同時劍向上往前下劈。(掌心朝上)至胸齊。左手同時向後平肩分開。(見圖 41)Your right foot takes a step forward, the knee bends and the leg fills, both legs making a bow stance. At the same time, the sword goes upward and chops down forward (palm facing upward) until at chest level. Your left hand at the same time spreads away behind at shoulder level. See drawing 41:

劍隨腰腿向右往後旋轉勢。朝後直撩。眼神往後注視劍尖。同時左手向前平肩分開。(見圖 42)The sword goes along with your waist and thighs as they twist to the right and behind by going behind with a raising cut, the blade vertical. Your gaze is to the rear, intently upon the sword tip, and

your left hand is spreading away forward at shoulder level. See drawing 42:

當虛實分清。虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。尾閭中正。眼視劍尖。You should clearly distinguish between empty and full, forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, and center your tailbone. Your gaze is to the sword tip.(用法)先往後刺人膝。復向前點人腕。再轉身向後撩人手腕。Application:First stab to the knee of the opponent behind you, then tap to the wrist of the opponent in front, and again turn around to do a raising cut to the wrist of the opponent behind.(三四)燕子啣泥34. SWALLOW PECKING AT MUD(向右側)左足向右側往前踏出一步。右足隨勢向前與左足併齊。同時翻右腕。(虎口朝上)隨勢向上往前劈下。至膝齊。屈雙膝。身下蹲。左手食中二指。置於右腕背上。如前第(三一)節天馬飛瀑式。餘見第(三一)節內載。(facing to the Right corner [Right Rear])Your left foot steps out to the left and your right foot follows forward to stand next to it. At the same time, turn over your right wrist (so the tiger’s mouth faces upward) and go along with the momentum upward, forward, and chop down until at knee level, bending both knees and squatting your torso down, your left hand’s double finger placed at the back of your right wrist. This is like Posture 31. For the rest, see the content of that section.(用法)向前壓劈。

Application:Do a pressing chop forward.(三五)大鵬展翅35. RUKH UNFURLS A WING(向左側)身上升。右足隨全身右轉勢。往後向右側踏出一步。屈膝。左腿漸漸伸直。兩腿成為弓步式。同時劍隨右轉勢。向右側由下往上平擊。(掌心朝上)左手食中二指。置於右肘內部。(見圖 43)(facing to the Left corner [Left Rear])Your torso rising, your right foot goes along with the momentum of your whole body turning to the right and takes a step back to the right side, and the knee bends, your left leg gradually straightening, both legs making a bow stance. At the same time, the sword goes along with the momentum of the right turn by going to the right and upward from below, striking with the blade horizontal (palm facing upward), your left hand’s double finger placed to the inside of your right elbow. See drawing 43:

當頂懸身正。含胸拔背。尾閭收住。身勿前仆。臂勿太直。眼視劍尖。You should suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, contain your chest and pluck up your back, and keep your tailbone tucked in. Your torso must not lean forward, and your arms must not be too straight. Your gaze is to the sword tip.(用法)轉身擊人耳門。Application:Turn around to strike at an opponent’s ear.(三六)海底撈月36. TRYING TO SCOOP THE MOON’S REFLECTION FROM THE WATER

(向右)左足尖往左略移。重心寄於左腿。右足向前踏出一步。屈膝坐實。兩腿成為弓步式。同時劍隨勢往下向前直撩。至胸齊。(掌心朝上)左手同時提起。往後平肩分開。(見圖 44)(facing to the Right)Your left toes slightly shift to the left, the weight shifting to your left leg. Your right foot steps out forward, the knee bends and the leg fills, both legs making a bow stance. At the same time, the sword goes along with the momentum by going downward and doing a raising cut forward with the blade vertical, arriving at chest level (palm facing upward). Your left hand at the same time lifts to spread away behind at shoulder level. See drawing 44:

身勿太前仆。右膝勿過足尖。當虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。尾閭收住。眼神前視。Your torso must not lean too far forward, and your right knee must not pass beyond the toes. You should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, and keep your tailbone tucked in. Your gaze is forward.(用法)轉身帶人膝。或腕。或洗人頭部。Application:Turn around to do a dragging cut to the opponent’s knee or wrist, or do a clearing cut to the opponent’s head.(三七)懷中抱月37. EMBRACE THE MOON(向前)右足向後收進半步。足尖着地。足跟提起。同時屈膝蹲身。劍隨勢往後抽拉至胸齊。左手食中二指。置於右脈門上。(見圖 45)(facing to the Front)Your right foot withdraws then advances a half step, toes touching

down, heel lifted. At the same time, bend your knees and squat your torso. The sword goes along with the momentum by pulling back with a drawing cut until level with your chest, your left hand’s double finger placed at your right pulse area. See drawing 45:

當頂懸身正。含胸拔背。沉肩垂肘。尾閭收住。虛實分清。眼視劍尖。You should suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, contain your chest and pluck up your back, sink your shoulders and drop your elbows, keep your tailbone tucked in, and clearly distinguish between empty and full. Your gaze is to the sword tip.(用法)往後抽拉人手腕。Application:Pull back with a drawing cut to the opponent’s wrist.(三八)夜叉探海38. NIGHT DEMON SEARCHES THE SEA(向前)右足向前落地。重心寄於右腿。左足隨勢提起。同時劍向前往下直刺。(虎口朝上)劍尖往下。左手同時向後往上平肩分開。上身往右略傾。(見圖46)(facing to the Front)Your right foot comes down in front and the weight shifts to your right leg. Your left foot goes along with the momentum and lifts. At the same time, the sword stabs forward and downward with the blade vertical (tiger’s mouth facing upward), the tip pointing downward. Your left hand at the same time spreads away behind and upward at shoulder level, your upper body slightly leaning to the right. See drawing 46:

當頂懸身正。尾閭收住。虛實分清。眼視劍尖。You should suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, keep your tailbone tucked in, and clearly distinguish between empty and full. Your gaze is to the sword tip.(用法)刺人膝部。Application:Stab to the opponent’s knee area.(三九)犀牛望月39. RHINO GAZES AT THE MOON(向前)左足向左側落地。屈膝坐實。右腿漸漸伸直。兩腿成為弓步式。劍隨腰腿左轉勢。向左往後直帶。劍刃朝上。左手食中二指。置於右脈門上。身向左略偏。(見圖 47)(facing to the Front)Your left foot comes down to the left side, the knee bends and the leg fills, your right leg gradually straightening, both legs making a bow stance. The sword goes along with the momentum of your waist and thighs as they turn to the left by doing a dragging cut to the left rear with the blade vertical, the sword edge facing upward. Your left hand’s double finger is placed at your right pulse area and your torso is slightly leaning to the left. See drawing 47:

當虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。身正尾收。眼視劍尖。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, straighten your torso and tuck in your tailbone. Your gaze is to the sword tip.(用法)向左往後直帶人手腕。Application:To your left rear, do a dragging cut to the opponent’s wrist with the blade vertical.(四十)射雁式40. SHOOT THE GOOSE(向左側)右足向左側踏前半步。劍往上向左側。復朝下斫劈。再收至右腿齊。左手食中二指隨身下蹲勢。向前指出。同時左足往前略移。足尖着地。足跟提起。成為虛步。(見圖 48)(facing to the Left corner [Left Front])Your right foot takes a half step forward to the left. The sword goes upward to the left side, then chops downward, and then withdraws to be beside your right thigh. Your left hand’s double finger goes along with the momentum of your torso squatting down by pointing out forward. At the same time, your left foot shifts slightly forward, toes touching down, heel lifted, making an empty stance. See drawing 48:

當頂懸身正。含胸拔背。沉肩垂肘。尾閭收住。眼神前視。You should suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, contain your chest and pluck up your back, sink your shoulders and drop your elbows, and keep your tailbone tucked in. Your gaze is forward.(用法)劈人劍。且拉人腕。左手二指乃點穴。或引人之用。Application:Chop to an opponent’s sword, then do a drawing cut to his wrist. Your left hand’s double finger then pokes to one of his acupoints or is used to draw him in.(四一)青龍探爪41. BLUE DRAGON EXTENDS A CLAW(向左側)左足向前踏出半步。右足隨勢跟上。兩足併齊。屈雙膝。身往下略蹲。同時劍隨進步蹲身勢。向上往前平刺。(掌心朝上)左手食中二指。置於右肘內部。(見圖 49)(facing to the Left corner [Left Front])Your left foot takes a half step forward and your right foot follows forward so both feet are standing next to each other, both knees bending, your torso slightly squatting downward. At the same time, the sword goes along with the advancing footwork and your torso’s crouching to stab upward and forward with the blade horizontal (palm facing upward), your left hand’s double finger placed to the inside of your right elbow. See drawing 49:

當頂懸身正。含胸拔背。尾閭收住。右臂勿太伸直。宜沉肩、垂肘、坐腕。眼神前視。You should suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, contain your chest and pluck up your back, and keep your tailbone tucked in. Your right arm must not overly straighten. You should sink your shoulders, drop your elbows, and settle your wrists. Your gaze is forward.(用法)刺人喉部。Application:Stab to the opponent’s throat.(四二)鳳凰雙展翅42. PHOENIX UNFURLS ITS WINGS(向右側)右足提起。向後往右側踏出一步。屈膝坐實。左腿漸漸伸直。兩腿成為弓步式。同時劍隨腰腿右轉勢。向右往上前擊。(掌心朝上)左手同時向後分開。(見圖 50)(facing to the Right corner [Right Rear])Your right foot lifts and steps out behind to the right side, the knee bends and the leg fills, your left leg gradually straightening, both legs making a bow stance. At the same time, the sword goes along with your waist and thighs as they turn to the right by going to the right to strike upward and forward (palm facing upward), your left hand spreading away behind. See drawing 50:

身勿太前仆。右臂勿太直。或過高。當頂懸身正。含胸拔背。尾閭收住。眼視劍尖。Your torso must not lean too far forward. Your right arm must not overly straighten or go too high. You should suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, contain your chest and pluck up your back, and keep your tailbone tucked in. Your gaze is to the sword tip.(用法)轉身擊人耳。或崩人腕。並含刺意。Application:Turn around to strike at the opponent’s ear or do a flick to his wrist, but maintaining a stabbing intent.(四三)左右跨攔43. LEFT & RIGHT STRIDING BLOCKS(向右)左足提起。向前往左側踏出一步。屈膝坐實。右足隨勢拖上。成為虛步。兩腿仍為弓步式。劍隨腰腿左偏勢。向左橫式直帶。劍刃朝上。掌心朝裏。左手食中二指。置於右脈門上。此謂左跨攔式。(見圖 51)(facing to the Right)Your left foot lifts and goes forward to step out to the left side, the knee bends and the leg fills, your right foot following along by dragging forward as it empties, both legs again making a bow stance. The sword goes along with your waist and thighs as they incline to the left by going across to the left with a dragging cut, the blade vertical, the sword edge facing upward, palm facing inward, your left hand’s double finger placed at your right pulse area. This is called LEFT STRIDING BLOCK. See drawing 51:

右足提起。向前往右側踏出一步。屈膝坐實。左足隨勢拖上。成為虛步。兩腿仍為弓步式。劍隨腰腿右偏勢。翻右腕。掌心轉於外。向右橫式直抽。左手食中二指。置於右腕背上。此謂右跨攔式。(見圖 52)Your right foot lifts and goes forward to step out to the right side, the knee bends and the leg fills, your left foot following along by dragging forward as it empties, both legs again making a bow stance. The sword goes along with your waist and thighs as they incline to the right, turning over your right wrist, the palm turning to face outward, and going across to the right with a drawing cut, the blade vertical, your left hand’s double finger placed at the back of your right wrist. This is called RIGHT STRIDING BLOCK. See drawing 52:

當虛實分清。頂懸身正。含胸拔背。鬆腰鬆胯。尾閭收住。眼視劍刃。You should clearly distinguish between empty and full, suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, contain your chest and pluck up your back, loosen your waist and hips, and keep your tailbone tucked in. Your gaze is to the sword edge.(用法)左帶人腕。右抽人腕。Application:Go to the left with a dragging cut to the opponent’s wrist, then to the right with a drawing cut to his wrist.(四四)射雁式44. SHOOT THE GOOSE(向右側)劍向上往右側斫劈。復收至右腿齊。左足同時提起。向前落於右足前。足尖着地。足跟提起。成為虛步。餘見第(四十)節內載。(facing to the Right corner [Right Rear])The sword goes upward and to the right with a cleaving chop, then withdraws until level with your right thigh. Your left foot at the same time lifts forward to come down in front of your right foot, toes touching down, heel lifted, making an empty stance. The rest is the same as in Posture 40.(四五)白猿獻菓45. WHITE APE OFFERS FRUIT(向右)左足往左向前踏出半步。右足隨勢跟上。兩足併齊。同時左手向左往後。復向前繞成平面圓圈。劍隨勢向左(掌心朝上)往後。復向右往前。繞成平面圓圈。同時屈膝蹲身。左右兩手抱合。(左手在外)(見圖 53)(facing to the Right)Your left foot takes a half step forward to the left and your right foot follows it forward so both feet are standing next to each other. At the same time, your left hand goes to the left rear, then coils forward in a horizontal circle, the sword going along with the momentum to the left (palm facing upward), then rear, right, forward, also coiling in a horizontal circle. At the same time, bend your knees and squat your torso. Both hands come together to hold the sword (left hand on the outside). See drawing 53:

當虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。沉肩垂肘。尾閭中正。眼神前視。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, sink your shoulders and drop your elbows, and center your tailbone. Your gaze is forward.(用法)攪人腕。刺人喉。Application:Do a stirring cut to the opponent’s wrist, then stab to his throat.(四六)落花式46. FALLING PETALS POSTURE(面向右身後退)右足向後往右側斜退一步。劍隨腰腿向右後退勢。翻右腕。(掌心朝下)向左繞圈。復向右往上提格。(掌心向右。劍刃朝上。)左手食中二指置於右腕背上。如獅子搖頭第一式。(見圖 28)惟提格之劍較高。右足在左足後。(此謂右式)左足向後往左側斜退一步。劍隨腰腿向左後退勢。翻右腕。(掌心朝上)向左往下帶格。左手隨勢向後分開。兩腿(左足在右足後)成為斜弓步式。(此謂左式)復退右步。劍向右往上提格。再成為右式。右式畢後。復為左式。練時左右二式。後退次數不論。(至左式止)惟劍之動作。須隨腰腿後退升降勢。或高。或中。或低。如雪花降落之狀。當虛實分清。頂懸身正。含胸拔背。尾閭中正。眼視劍尖之上下左右。(facing to the Right while retreating)Your right foot steps back diagonally to the right. The sword goes along with your waist and thighs retreating to the right, turning over your right wrist (so the palm faces upward), coiling to the left, then to the right and upward in a lifting-cut block (palm to the right, sword edge facing  upward), your left hand’s double finger placed at the back of your right wrist. This is like Part 1 of LION SHAKES ITS HEAD (see drawing 28), except that the sword’s lifting-cut blocks are

higher and your right foot is behind your left foot. (This is the posture on the right side.)     Your left foot steps back diagonally to the left side. The sword goes along with your waist and thighs as they retreat to the left, turning over your right wrist (so the palm faces upward), doing a dragging-cut block to the left. Your left hand goes along with the momentum, spreading away behind. Both legs (left foot behind the right foot) are making a diagonal bow stance. (This is the posture on the left side.)     Again retreat your right foot. The sword goes to the right and upward with a lifting-cut block, again making the right-sided version of the posture. After the right side, repeat the left-sided version of the posture. When practicing both sides, how many times you retreat does not matter, only that the sword’s movement (finishing on the left side) must go along with the momentum of your waist and thighs as they retreat by ascending and descending, however high or low, like snowflakes [the characters meaning “snow flowers”] falling.     You should clearly distinguish between empty and full, suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, contain your chest and pluck up your back, and center your tailbone. Your gaze is upon the sword’s movements up and down, left and right.(用法)上下。左右。提、格、帶、抽、人之胸、腹、腕、膝、腿、各部。Application:Going up and down, left and right, do a lifting, blocking, dragging, or drawing cut to the opponent’s chest, belly, wrist, knee, or leg.(四七)玉女穿梭47. MAIDEN WORKS THE SHUTTLE(向前)接前落花式之左式。翻右腕。(掌心朝下)劍尖向左繞圈。復向右往下轉至右側。劍尖垂下。向後往左。復朝前下刺。(掌心朝上劍尖向下)同時身向左轉。左足向前踏出半步。屈膝坐實。兩腿成為弓步式。兩手抱合。(左手在右手外)(見圖 54)(facing to the Front)Continuing from the left side of FALLING PETALS, your right wrist turns over (so the palm faces downward), the sword tip coiling to the left, turning to the right and downward to arrive at the right side, the tip hanging down. It goes to the rear, to the left, then stabs forward and downward (palm facing upward, sword tip pointing downward). At the same time, your torso turns to the left, your left foot takes a half step forward, the knee bends and the leg fills, both legs making

a bow stance, both hands coming together to hold the sword (left hand on the outside). See drawing 54:

當虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。尾閭中正。眼神前視。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, and center your tailbone. Your gaze is forward.(用法)先攪人腕。後刺人腹或膝。Application:First do a stirring cut to the opponent’s wrist, then stab to his belly or knee.(四八)白虎攪尾48. WHITE TIGER TWITCHES ITS TAIL(向右)劍隨腰腿右轉勢。向右往上崩起。兩腿先為弓步式。後為馬步式。劍尖朝上。左手同時往左側分開。眼視右側。(見圖 55)(facing to the Right)The sword goes along with your waist and thighs as they turn to the right by going to the right and flicking upward. Both legs are first in bow stance [as the sword goes to the right], then make a horse-riding stance as the sword tip points upward. Your left hand at the same time spreads away to the left side. Your gaze is to the right side. See drawing 55:

當虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。尾閭中正。鬆腰鬆胯。眼視劍尖。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, center your tailbone, and loosen your waist and hips. Your gaze is to the sword tip.(用法)崩擊人腕。Application:Do a flicking strike to an opponent’s wrist.(四九)魚跳龍門49. FISH LEAPS THE DRAGON GATE(向右)劍向左收帶至胸前。兩手抱合。右足隨勢向左朝前橫移。至左足前。足尖落地。足跟提起。成為虛步。左腿略屈。成為實步。如第(二四)節虎抱頭式。以下動作如第(二五)節野馬跳澗式同。(facing to the Right)The sword withdraws with a dragging cut to the left to arrive in front of your chest, both hands coming together to hold the sword. Your right foot goes along with the momentum and shifts in a crosswise step forward to the left to arrive in front of your left foot, toes touching down, heel lifted, making an empty stance, your left leg slightly bending and becoming the full leg. This is the same as Posture 24, and is again followed by Posture 25.(用法)見前第(二四)節虎抱頭。及第(二五)節野馬跳澗內載。Application:See Postures 24 & 25.(五十)烏龍絞柱50. BLACK DRAGON COILS AROUND THE PILLAR

(向右)劍隨腰腿向左往後轉勢。向上往左朝後斫劈。至右脅齊。左手隨勢向後分開。左足向前踏出半步。足尖落地。足跟提起。成為虛步。同時劍隨腰腿向前往右轉勢。往下朝前翻崩。並上提。左手食中二指。置於右腕背上。(見圖56)(facing to the Right)The sword goes along with your waist and thighs as they turn to the left rear by going upward, to the left, and behind with a cleaving chop, until level with your right ribs, your left hand going along with the momentum to the rear. Your left foot then takes a half step forward, toes touching down, heel lifted, making an empty stance. At the same time, the sword goes along with the momentum of your waist and thighs as they turn forward and to the right by go downward and forward with a reverse flick [i.e. using the outer edge] or an upward lifting cut, your left hand’s double finger placed at the back of your right wrist. See drawing 56:

身向右往後轉。左足向前略伸。成為虛步。屈右膝。重心寄於右腿。(兩腿成為弓步式)劍隨勢往上向右後劈。左手同時平肩向前分開。(見圖 57)Your torso twists to the right rear, your left foot slightly extending forward in its empty stance, your right knee bending, the weight shifting onto your right leg (the legs making a bow stance). The sword is going along with the momentum by going upward and to the right rear with a chop, your left hand spreading away forward at shoulder level. See drawing 57:

左足尖向左略移。右足向前踏出一步。屈膝坐實。左腿漸漸伸直。(兩腿成為弓步式)同時劍隨腰腿前進勢。往下朝前直刺。(掌心朝上)如前第(三六)節海底撈月式。惟劍之前刺。須與腋齊。左手上提至額前。掌心向外。食中二指伸直。(見圖 58)Your left toes slightly shift to the left. Your right foot steps forward, the knee bends and the leg fills, your left leg gradually straightening (both legs making a bow stance). At the same time, the sword goes along with the advancing momentum of your waist and thighs, stabbing downward and forward with the blade vertical [horizontal] (palm facing upward). This is like Posture 36, except the sword’s forward stab must this time be at armpit level. Your left hand lifts up to arrive in front of your forehead, palm outward, double finger extended. See drawing 58:

當虛實分清。劍與腰腿動作一致。頂懸身正。含胸拔背。尾閭中正。眼視劍尖。You should clearly distinguish between empty and full, make the sword move as a single unit with your waist and thighs, suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, contain your chest and pluck up your back, and center your tailbone. Your gaze is to the sword tip.(用法)後劈。前崩。(並提) 復後劈。再向前帶及刺人心窩。Application:Chop behind, flick (or lift) in front, then again chop behind, then continue again forward with a stab to the opponent’s solar plexus.(五一)仙人指路51. IMMORTAL POINTS THE WAY(向前)左足往後略退半步。屈膝坐實。右腿漸漸伸直。兩腿成為弓步式。劍隨腰腿向左往後轉勢。往後抱收。掌心朝裏。劍與鼻齊。劍刃朝上。左手食中二指。置於右脈門上。眼視劍尖。(見圖 59)(facing to the Front)Your left foot slightly retreats a half step, the knee bends and the leg fills, your right leg gradually straightening, both legs making a bow stance. The sword goes along with the momentum of your waist and thighs as they turn to the left rear by being pulled into a withdraw to the right rear, the palm facing inward, the sword at nose level, edge facing upward, your left hand’s double finger placed at your right pulse area. Your gaze is to the sword tip. See drawing 59:

復向右轉。屈右腿。坐實。左腿漸漸伸直。兩腿仍為弓步式。同時翻右腕。掌心朝外。劍往右收帶。左手食中二指。置於右腕背上。眼視劍尖。(見圖 60)Then turn back to the right, your right leg bending and filling, your left leg gradually straightening, both legs making a bow stance. At

the same time, turn over your right wrist so the palm is facing outward, the sword withdrawing with a dragging cut to the right, your left hand’s double finger placed at the back of your right wrist. Your gaze is to the sword tip. See drawing 60:

當虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。身正尾收。鬆腰鬆胯。眼神前視。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, straighten your torso and tuck in your tailbone, and loosen your waist and hips. Your gaze is forward [toward the sword tip].(用法)左右帶格人腕。Application:Do leftward and rightward dragging-cut blocks to the opponent’s wrist.(五二)風掃梅花52. WIND SWEEPS THE PLUM FLOWERS(圓轉向前)右足跟提起。劍刃朝外。掌心朝下。左足提起。全身以右足掌向右旋轉一大圓圈。同時劍隨左足旋轉勢。向右平掃一大圓圈。至原有方向止。落左足。劍式不變。轉時當虛實分清。眼視劍尖。勿太速。或過慢。務使劍與腰腿動作一致。(spinning around to be facing to the Front)Your right heel lifting, the sword edge is facing outward, palm facing downward, then your left foot lifts and your whole body turns on the ball of your right foot to spin a complete circle to the right. At the same time, the sword goes along with the spinning of your left foot to do a horizontal sweeping cut in a large circle to the right, arriving again in the original direction and coming to a halt, your left foot

coming down.     The sword’s position does not change. When you spin, you should clearly distinguish between empty and full. Your gaze is to the sword tip. You must not go too fast nor too slow. Make sure the sword is moving as a single unit with your waist and thighs.(用法)以劍掃帶四週來人。Application:Use the sword to do a sweeping dragging cut to incoming opponents all around you.(五三)手捧牙笏53. HANDS CARRYING THE IVORY TABLET(向前)劍尖垂下。向右往後。復朝前繞成一圓圈。左足向前踏出一步。右足隨勢跟上。兩足尖相齊。與起勢同。(卽與兩肩平齊)屈雙膝。身往下蹲。兩手抱劍向前往上平刺。劍尖朝上。(見圖 61)(facing to the Front)The sword tip hangs down and goes to the right rear, then coils a circle to point forward. Your left foot steps out forward and your right foot follows it forward so the toes of both feet are level with each other, just as in the BEGINNING POSTURE (and are equal with both shoulders). With both knees bending, your torso is squatted down, both hands holding the sword and sending it forward and upward in a stab with the blade horizontal, the tip pointing upward. See drawing 61:

當虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。沉肩垂肘。尾閭收住。鬆腰鬆胯。眼神前視。You should forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, sink your shoulders and drop your elbows, keep

your tailbone tucked in, and loosen your waist and hips. Your gaze is forward.(用法)先攪人劍。後上步刺人心。或喉。Application:First do a stirring action to the opponent’s sword, then step forward and stab to his solar plexus or throat.(五四)抱劍歸原54. EMBRACE THE SWORD AND RETURN TO THE ORIGINAL POSITION身向上略升。右手將所執之劍。合於左手掌中。(見圖 62)Your torso slightly rising, your right hand guides the sword, putting it into your left palm. See drawing 62:

身上升。翻右腕。劍尖向前往下垂沉。劍鐔朝上。左手執劍向下往後翻置左臂外。同時右手提起至胸前。往下按沉。如起勢同。(見圖 63)Your torso rising still, turn over your right [left] wrist so the sword tip goes forward and droops downward, the sword ring pointing upward. Your left hand then guides the sword to the rear, turning it over and placing it to the outside of your left arm. At the same time, your right hand lifts until in front of your chest, then presses downward to be as in the BEGINNING POSTURE. See drawing 63:

(歸原收勢步位。須與起勢同一地點。不可兩相分離。學者欲求此種同一步位。祇須在落花式後退時。配凑距離可也。)當頂懸身正。含胸拔背。週身鬆開。氣歸丹田。斂氣凝神。停立片刻。使週身氣血行走歸囘原狀而止。(Stepping into place for RETURN TO THE ORIGINAL POSITION, you should be in the same spot as the BEGINNING POSTURE. They cannot be separate places from each other. If you want to get to the same spot, you only have to match up the distance when retreating in the FALLING PETALS POSTURE, and then it can be done.)     You should suspend your headtop and straighten your torso, contain your chest and pluck up your back, loosen your whole body, sink energy to your elixir field, and gather energy and concentrate spirit. Pause and stand for a while. Make your whole body in its circulation and movement return to its original state and then finish.-太極劍歌TAIJI SWORD SONG劍法從來不易傳。如龍似虹最幽玄。倘若砍伐如刀式。笑死三丰老劍仙。The sword art is hard to teach:“It’s like a dragon… It’s like a rainbow…” – Huh?Basically, if you hack and hew like it’s a saber,Zhang Sanfeng will laugh at you.-