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Dedicated To Fire Pro t e c t i o n

F i re AlarmP ro d u c t s

I n t ro d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

S i m p l ex Serv i c e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Common Fe at u re s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

S o f t wa re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

S i m p l ex Fi re Alarm Pro d u c t s . . . . . . .6

M o d e l :

4 0 0 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

4 0 0 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

4 0 0 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

4 0 0 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

4 0 0 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

4 1 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

4100 Miniplex® . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

4 0 2 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Tru e A l a rm® S y s t e m s . . . . . . . . . .8

4120 Netwo rk . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0

4100/4120 Netwo rk Vo i c e . . . .1 0

Phased-in Retro fi t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1

P.C. Products For Life Safe t y . . . . . .1 2

Pe ri p h e ra l s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 3

C o n t e n t s


Company PhilosophyS i m p l ex is a progre s s ive marke t - l e a d i n gc o m p a ny with deep ly rooted tra d i t i o n a lvalues. Consistency, re l i ab i l i t y, dep e n d-ability – these are the ch a ra c t e ri s t i c supon wh i ch we base our products ands e rvices, as well as our entire bu s i n e s sp h i l o s o p hy. From our fi rst mech a n i c a ldesign time re c o rder product (intro d u c e din 1894), to our most recent designsusing "stat e - o f - t h e - a rt" tech n o l ogy fo rfi re detection, securi t y, and commu n i c a-tions systems, Simplex has wo rked tod e l iver solid value to our customers .

After a century in business, we remainfamily-owned. We have also become aglobal enterprise, with sales over a half-billion dollars. Over 4,000 Simplexpeople serve more than a half millioncustomers in more than 90 countries.This rare combination of historical depthand operational scope enables us toserve our customers' needs with excep-tional success.

I n t ro d u c t i o n


P roduct PhilosophyD u ring the century we have been inbusiness, customer needs have grow ni n c re a s i n g ly complex. This is the age ofs o f t wa re-based products, micro p ro c e s s o r-based systems integration, and a maze ofs t ri n gent reg u l at o ry and stat u t o ry re q u i re-ments that va ry from city to city and stat eto stat e. It is impossible to prov i d ee ffe c t ive solutions simply by maintaininga cat a l og of standard products on a take - i t -o r- l e ave-it basis. Rat h e r, Simplex care-f u l ly eva l u ates the customer's situat i o nand needs, then offe rs an ap p ro p ri at e,s p e c i fic solution for each one.

S i m p l ex is, there fo re, far more than justa supplier of advanced products andsystems. We wo rk with customers asp a rt n e rs, offe ring life - cy cle serv i c e s ,i n cluding assistance in system design,m a nu fa c t u re of the component part s ,i n s t a l l ation, maintenance, and tra i n i n g.

F i re Detection and AlarmThis bro ch u re focuses on Simplex fi redetection and alarm products. It discussesthe complete fi re detection and alarmsystem ap p ro a ch from unders t a n d i n gcode re q u i rements to supplying highp e r fo rmance products that satisfy yo u rap p l i c ation. And, behind it all is the totalS i m p l ex commitment of providing thebest protection for both your people andyour bu i l d i n g s .

P roject CommitmentS i m p l ex has broad ex p e rience in re c o n-ciling daily project va ri ations. Wecombine fl ex i bl e, easy-to-installequipment with design assistance, instal-l ation, and project management teams thatact in your best interest. Rest assured thatwhen you choose Simplex, your pro j e c twill be considered as a commitment toexcellence from the leader in fi re alarmdetection and alarm systems.

S i m p l ex has established ex p e rtise in allmajor markets, including: hospitals,nu rsing homes, office buildings, sch o o l s ,u n ive rsity campuses, shopping malls,detention facilities, military installat i o n s ,and industrial facilities. With our ex p e-rience in all aspects of fi re detection anda l a rm system design, installation, ands e rv i c e, you can enjoy peace of mind thatyour people and pro p e rty are prov i d e dwith the care they deserve.

Total InvolvementWhen eva l u ating your fi re detection anda l a rm system re q u i rements, Simplex fullyc o n s i d e rs building codes, fi re safe t ycodes and established engi n e e ring pra c-tices. Coord i n ation is perfo rmed amongall affected trades including the spri n k l e rc o n t ra c t o r, the elevator contra c t o r, theH VAC contractor and the electri c a lc o n t ra c t o r. Wo rking with your arch i t e c tand engi n e e r, local building officials, andfi re service officials through the life of thep roject allows Simplex to re s o l ve issuesb e fo re they become pro blems. AtS i m p l ex, we know the most cost effe c t iveway to satisfy your ap p l i c ation.

E x t e n s ive ly trained Simplex fi e l ds e rvice people use port able computers top e r fo rm on-site programming ch a n ges, tos t o re and load programs, and to perfo rmsystem diagnostics. Simplex tra i n i n gs chools include compre h e n s ive hands-onex p e rience in system setup,p rogra m m i n g, and tro u ble-shooting ofour wide va riety of new products as we l las training on our older- ge n e rat i o np roducts. Simplex schools are als oava i l able for training your staff.

R e g u l a t o ry Expert i s eWhen Simplex designs a new product, all applicable agency requirements areconsidered: Underwriters’ Laboratories(UL), Factory Mutual ResearchCorporation (FM), Underwriters'Laboratories of Canada (ULC), andnumerous local authorities, such as theCalifornia State Fire Marshal (CSFM)listing service. Our productscomplement existing equipment andanticipate future system expansion.

S i m p l ex people are cl o s e ly invo l ve dwith the National Fi re Pro t e c t i o nA s s o c i ation (NFPA) as committeem e m b e rs and committee leaders.

Your Simplex fi re alarm system instal-l ation can be UL cert i fi e d.

Simplex Serv i c e s


T h ree Basic FunctionsWhether large or small, your fi re alarmsystem must provide three basic functions:M o n i t o ri n g means to be on guard for anyi n d i c ation that people or pro p e rty arebeing thre atened by smoke or fi re.M o n i t o ring also means that the equipmentand installation wiring is supervised andwill identify any condition that compro-mises pro t e c t i o n .N o t i fi c ation means to alert building occu-pants of the fi re emerge n cy and, wh e rere q u i re d, to summon emerge n cy fo rc e ss u ch as the local fi re dep a rtment or yo u rin-house fi re bri ga d e, and direct them tothe location of the smoke or fi re. C o n t ro l means to automat i c a l ly actuat efunctions to make the building safer duri n ga fi re. This includes providing logic to mapa l a rm inputs to activate outputs for suchfunctions as smoke door release and fa nand damper control for management ofs m o ke migrat i o n .

F e a t u re sAll Simplex systems, large or small,p rovide many outstanding fe at u res toaccomplish these three functions. • Optional alarm ve ri fi c ation re q u i re s

c o n fi rm ation of a smoke detector alarm .• The patented WALKTEST fe at u re

a l l ows one person to perfo rm easy anda c c u rate system testing.

• Power limited circuit designs let you useless ex p e n s ive wiring methods (wh e rep e rmitted by local code).

• Connections are ava i l able to interface toa wide va riety of simple or sophisticat e do ff-site monitoring serv i c e s .

• A b ove all, each control panel prov i d e sa level of fl exibility to cost-effe c t ive lymeet your most demanding ap p l i c a-tions needs. By using powerful, low -e n e rgy micro p ro c e s s o rs that maintaintheir programming in nonvo l at i l em e m o ry, Simplex designs will pro t e c tyour unique ap p l i c ation progra md u ring power outage s .

Additional Feature sSome of the many additional Simplexc o n t rol panel fe at u re s :• To u ch S c reen Color Graphics Display s• I n t ri n s i c a l ly Safe Circ u i t s• Remote LCD and LED Annu n c i at o rs• C RT / Key b o a rd Interfa c e s• P ri n t e rs• I n t e rnal Bat t e ry and Charger Options• Remote Bat t e ries and Bat t e ry Charge rs• B at t e ry Superv i s i o n• LCD Readout of Bat t e ry and Powe r

S u p p ly Outputs• A dditional Power Supplies• Multiple Cabinet Sizes – Gangable for

L a rger Systems

• A l a rm Silence Inhibit• Coding of Notifi c ation Circ u i t s• I n t e r face Pro d u c t s – I n t e r facing

N ew Te ch n o l ogy to Old• I n t egrated Digi t i zed Vo i c e• Fi re Fi g h t e rs’ Phones• S e c u rity Interfa c e s• D e d i c ated Superv i s o ry Service

R ep o rt i n g

(Some fe at u res are not ava i l able on all pro d u c t s )

Common Feature s


I m p o rt a n c eSelecting your fi re alarm system is a ve rys e rious re s p o n s i b i l i t y. Your facility will notbe pro p e rly served by equipment thatre q u i res the development of special exe c-u t ive softwa re to satisfy your needs. In lifes a fety ap p l i c ations, softwa re must be thor-o u g h ly tested and have an establ i s h e db a ck ground of evolution and development.

At the Simplex R&D Engi n e e ri n gfa c i l i t y, exe c u t ive softwa re designs aret h o ro u g h ly tested by softwa re designe n gi n e e rs, and then by a fully staffe dS o f t wa re Quality Assurance dep a rt m e n t .R&D Engi n e e ring perfo rms ex t e n s iveh a rdwa re and softwa re-based exe rc i s i n gof the design befo re releasing the pro d u c tto the Manu fa c t u ring Quality Assura n c eo rga n i z ation wh e re further testing occurswith manu fa c t u ring prototypes and infield test sites.

E x p e r i e n c eIn addition to our ex t e n s ive pro d u c tt e s t i n g, the thousands of installed Simplexsystems allow us to continu a l ly eva l u at ethe best way to implement site-specifi cre q u i rements and allow us to identify anyo p e rational area wh e re a softwa re designi m p rovement is in ord e r. If your facility isequipped with ex cl u s ive ly deve l o p e ds o f t wa re, you will not re c e ive the benefi t sof using standard product softwa re.

I n t e g r i t yS i m p l ex softwa re is part i t i o n e d, with theexe c u t ive softwa re sep a rated from the site-s p e c i fic custom programming locat i o n .E xe c u t ive softwa re is cre ated and installedat the Simplex fa c t o ry and can be ch a n ge do n ly by a trained technician replacing itwith a newer revision. The Simplexp e rsonal computer softwa re progra m m i n g

tools that are used for customp rogramming are "pro m p t - d riven" top rovide a high level of assurance thatch a n ges to one section of the customp rogram do not ge n e rate unwa n t e d, deriv-at ive ch a n ges elsewh e re in the progra m .

This custom program memory is used tod e fine re q u i rements such as contro l - by -event point map p i n g, and LCD annu n-c i ator nomencl at u re. It is nonvo l at i l e,meaning that loss of AC power and eve nb at t e ry backup will not compromise yo u rs p e c i fic ap p l i c ation re q u i re m e n t s .

A d a p t a b i l i t yThe fl exibility of our custom progra m m i n gdesign ap p ro a ch enables you to deal withi n ev i t able mid-job ch a n ges and avo i dd e l ay in obtaining your Cert i fi c ate ofO c c u p a n cy. This fl exibility will allow yo uto easily deal with ch a n ges long after thei n s t a l l ation is completed.

D i a g n o s t i c sUsing Simplex Tru e Wa re diag n o s t i cs o f t wa re allows technicians to comparerevisions and analy ze ch a n ges made to thec u s t o m i zed programming selections.D ev i ation rep o rts accurat e ly detail thech a n ges, wh e re-used rep o rts list the loca-tions of point re l at i o n s h i p s .

S o f t w a re


H a rd w i red Systems

4 0 0 4• 2 Initiating Device Circuits (IDCs),

E x p a n d able to 8, Ava i l able as Style B or D (Class B or Class A)

• 2 Notifi c ation Appliance Circ u i t s( NACs), Ava i l able as Style Y or Style Z(Class B or Class A)

• Single Chassis Design Provides Quickand Easy Installation and Setup

• Compact Cabinet Mounts on 16” Stud Centers

• E x t e n s ive Fe at u re Selection is EasilyP rogrammed On-Site

• Dual Multi-Function LED Display sP rovide Status, Progra m m i n gI n fo rm ation, and Diag n o s t i c s

4 0 0 5• 8 IDCs standard. Expandabl e, Ava i l abl e

as Style B or D (Class B or Class A)• 4 NACs Standard, Expandabl e,

Ava i l able as Style Y or Style Z (Class B or Class A)

• Modular Design Allows IDC and NACExpansion to 40 Circuits Combined

• Single Chassis Design and Pluggabl eTe rminal bl o cks Provides Quick andEasy Installation and Setup

• E x t e n s ive Fe at u re Selection isP rogra m m able On-Site

• 80 Character Alphanu m e ric LCDP rovides Custom Circuit Labels andS t atus, Progra m m i n g, and Diag n o s t i c sI n fo rm at i o n

• M e nu - D riven Operat i o n• Passcode Pro t e c t i o n

4 0 0 2• ESP (Expanded Simplex Progra m -

ming) is Ava i l able to Map Inputs toOutputs by Using Internal Dipsw i t ch e sor Po rt able Computers

• Modular and Expandable: Initiat i n gC i rcuits, from 8 to 32, Style B or StyleD (Class B or Class A); Notifi c at i o nAppliance Circuits, from 2 to 6, Style Yor Style Z (Class B or Class A)

• I n t e r face to Simplex 2120 or 4120 N e t wo rk Systems

• FM Ap p roved Au t o m atic ExtinguishingRelease

Expansion Panels

4003 Voice Control Panel• A dd Vo i c e, To n e, and Pre re c o rd e d

M e s s age Au d i ble Notifi c ation to Non-Voice Fi re Alarm Control Pa n e l s .

• I n t e r faces to 4001, 4002, or 4020 Pa n e l sand Provides Stand-alone Manu a lO p e rat i o n .

• I n cludes: a 75W, 25VRMS Amplifi e r,Power Supply and Bat t e ry Charge r,M i c ro p h o n e, Digi t a l ly Record e dE va c u ation and All-Clear Messages, andU s e r- P rogra m m able Tone Selection.

• P rovides 4 or 8 NAC Speaker Circ u i t s ,Style Y or Style Z, Power Limited.

• Options Include a Remote Micro p h o n eand Custom Message s .

4009 NAC Power Extender• For Ap p l i c ations when ADA

N o t i fi c ation Requirements or otherBuilding Expansion Exceeds theO ri ginal Power Capacity of a Fi reA l a rm Control Pa n e l .

• Fe at u res Include: Internal 8A Powe rS u p p ly / B at t e ry Charge r, Maintaining ofPanel Earth Detection Circuit, andI n t e rnal LED Indicat o rs to MonitorPanel Stat u s .

• Outputs are 4 or 8 Circuits of Style Y or Style Z NAC, Power Limited.

• Input is from NAC of Existing Fi reA l a rm Control Pa n e l .

Simplex Fire Alarm Pro d u c t s


A d d ressable Systems

4 1 0 0• Up to 1,000 Add re s s abl e / C o nve n t i o n a l

Po i n t s• 8 0 - C h a ra c t e r, (40-Character by 2 Line)

B a ck-Lit LCD Annu n c i ates Panel Stat u sand Accesses Panel Histori c a lI n fo rm at i o n

• M e nu - D riven, User- Fri e n d ly Operat o rI n t e r face Key b o a rd

• Passcode Protection, with Histori c a lL og of Log - O n / L og - O ff

• Custom Pro m p t - D riven Progra m m i n gby Po rt able Computer

• MAPNET II® A dd re s s able Dev i c e s• Tru e A l a rm® A n a l og Detection• H a rdw i red Initiating Circ u i t s ,

N o t i fi c ation Appliance Circuits, and Control Circ u i t s

• S e c u rity Monitoring and Contro l• Optional CRT / Key b o a rds for

Easy Data Access• Optional AC or DC Pri n t e rs for

E vent Record i n g• I n t e l l i gent Power Supplies that

A c c u rat e ly Commu n i c ate their Curre n t sand Vo l t ages for Display at the Control Panel

• FM Ap p roved Extinguishing ReleaseO p e rat i o n .

• P rovisions for Modem Interfacing fo rRemote Progra m m i n g, Data Analy s i s ,and Service Diag n o s t i c s

• UL 1076 Listed for Security Operat i o n

4100 Miniplex®

• B ring the Economy and Flexibility ofM u l t i p l exing to Medium-Sized and Small Buildings.

• Place 4100 Product Modules at Sep a rat eMINIPLEX Transponder Locations

• Mount Multiple Modules, Incl u d i n gVoice Modules, in each RemoteTra n s p o n d e r

4 0 2 0• S t a n d a rd, with up to 127 M A P N E T I I

A dd re s s able Points, Optional up to 508• 4 Standard, up to 20 Optional Hard -

Wi red Circuits Field Confi g u rable asEither Initiation, Notifi c ation Ap p l i a n c e,or Au x i l i a ry Contro l

• D i s p l ay and User Interface is the Sameas the 4100

• P rovides Tru e A l a rm SystemF u n c t i o n a l i t y

• FM Ap p roved Au t o m atic ExtinguishingR e l e a s e

• UL 1076 Listed for Security Operat i o n


Miniplex Diagram

A d d ressable Systems (cont.)

Tru e A l a rm® Analog Detection• A n a l og Smoke Sensors, both

P h o t o e l e c t ric and Ionization • A n a l og Heat Sensors• A c c u rate Digital Transmission of

A n a l og Info rm at i o n• I n c reased Smoke Sensitivity Accura cy

Reduces False Alarm s• Au t o m at i c a l ly Meets the NFPA 72

S e n s i t ivity Test Requirements, MeaningReduced Maintenance Costs

• Ava i l able for Mounting in HVAC Air Ducts

D e s c ri p t i o nWith the Simplex Tru e A l a rm system,i n fo rm ation from each smoke level sensoror heat sensor is conve rted from itso ri ginal analog (nu m e rical) level to a highi n t egrity digital fo rm at and sent to thec o n t rol panel wh e re softwa re monitors theave rage and peak readings and compare sthem to the present re a d i n g. Smokes e n s o rs maintain their programmed sensi-t ivity even with the inev i t able accumu-l ation of dust and dirt, as well as compen-s ating for other va ri ables, such as temper-at u re and component agi n g.

A dvance Wa rn i n gTru e A l a rm systems identify smoke

s e n s o rs that need cleaning befo re theirselected sensitivity ch a n ges. If the smokesensor gets so dirty that it becomes mores e n s i t ive than selected, it info rms the panelt h at it is ex c e s s ive ly dirt y.

Sensor Identifi c at i o nA dd ress selection is contained in the

p e rm a n e n t ly mounted Tru e A l a rm base.This ensures that when a sensor isre m oved for inspection, cl e a n i n g, or fo rc o nve rsion to another type, the base willmaintain the proper add re s s - t o - l o c at i o nre l ationship. (If the add ress selection isl o c ated in the sensor head, there is nog u a rantee that the re m oved head will bere t u rned to its proper location, potentiallyresulting in serious delays during a fi rea l a rm re s p o n s e. )

F l ex i ble DesignThe Tru e A l a rm system will indicate a

t ro u ble if the wrong sensor type is insert e d( for example: a heat sensor instead of as m o ke sensor). Howeve r, the system alsoo p e rates the "wrong" device at its defa u l ts e n s i t ivity until the proper substitution orrep rogramming can be perfo rm e d. Fo rex a m p l e, during ex t e n s ive re n ovat i o n ,substituting heat sensors for smoke

s e n s o rs, eliminates the need to "bag" thes e n s o rs wh i ch defe ats their operation. Bysubstituting the heat sensor, you not onlydo not have to bag the device and wo rryabout re m oving all of the bags, but theh e at sensor maintains fi re protection wh i l ethe re n ovation is in pro c e s s .









P rogra m m able Sensitiv i t yP h o t o e l e c t ric sensor sensitivity can be

selected at the control panel to be from 0.2%to 3.7% (ex p ressed dire c t ly in perc e n t age ofs m o ke obscuration). Ionization sensor sensi-t ivity can be selected to be from 0.5% to1.7%. Inve s t i gation of control panel info r-m ation will identify wh i ch sensors shouldbe made more or less sensitive. For instance,s e n s o rs in smoke - f ree areas can bep rogrammed more sensitive ly, while sensorsin areas wh e re ambient smoke can be antici-p ated under normal conditions (such ase l evator lobbies), can be set for a lowe rs e n s i t iv i t y. Sensitivity selection can be madeon the basis of actual historical fact, nots p e c u l at i o n .

Two sensitivities may be selected for a" d u a l - s t age" operation. As an ex a m p l e, in ah o t e l - room env i ronment, a sensor locat i o nselected for alarm at 2.5% smoke obscu-ration can be programmed to provide awa rning at 1%. At 1% smoke density, onlythe local sounder in the room wo u l do p e rat e, but if smoke density increased to2.5%, the building's fi re alarm systemwould be actuat e d, with the municipal fi red ep a rtment being notified and all otherresponses activat e d.

The Tru e A l a rm system also prov i d e sa u t o m atic va ri able sensitivity by time ofd ay. By inve s t i gating sensor data history,local conditions can be defined tod e t e rmine when ch a n ging the sensors e n s i t ivity is ap p ro p ri at e. For ex a m p l e,a reas wh e re smoking is permitted duri n goccupied times may re q u i re the sensi-t ivity to be 3.7% during the day, but in theunoccupied hours, the sensitivity mightbe increased to 1%. The Tru e A l a rmsystem provides the right pro t e c t i o nunder both conditions.

Sensor GuardP h o t o e l e c t ric Tru e A l a rm sensors may be

equipped with a UL listed, doubl e - wa l lp ro t e c t ive sensor guard. The drift compen-s at e d, maintained high sensitivity ofTru e A l a rm sensors allows for the use of af u l ly pro t e c t ive guard when installings e n s o rs in areas of potential abu s e.Although such a guard would typically beapplied wh e re vandalism is anticipat e d, italso lends itself to ap p l i c ations wh e re acci-dental damage may result from objectss u ch as ladd e rs, boxes, or baske t b a l l s .

H e at SensorsTru e A l a rm heat sensors provide a

c o m b i n ation rat e - o f - ri s e / fi xed temper-at u re operation wh i ch is self-re s t o ri n g.With small thermal mass, these sensorsm i n i m i ze thermal lag and are UL listed asrate compensated heat detectors. Rat e - o f -rise is selectable in either 15°F or 20°Fper minute (8.33°C or 11.11°C perm i nute) with an independent fi xe dt e m p e rat u re level of 135°F (57.22°C). Byselection at the control panel, all tempera-t u res can be displayed and status rep o rt sp rinted in either Fa h renheit or Celsius.A dd i t i o n a l ly, the heat sensor can bec o n fi g u red as a utility device to monitorfor temperat u re ex t remes in the ra n gef rom 32°F to 158°F (0°C to 70°C).


By analyzing TrueAlarm historical data, sensitivity selection can be cus-tomized for each sensor location.

Alarm Thresholds2.5%



1%Highest Peak Value 0.5%

Time (Days)

0.2%Average Value

1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

4120 Network• Pe e r- t o - Peer To ken Ring Netwo rk

I n t e r face of Fi re Alarm Control Pa n e l s• E s s e n t i a l ly Unlimited Arch i t e c t u re

A c c o m m o d ates Future Expansion • Fi re Alarm Control Panel Nodes Can

I n clude: 4120 Control Panels, Stat u sCommand Centers, Status CommandC e n t e rs with Vo i c e, and 4020, 2120, and4002 Systems

• N e t wo rk Annu n c i at o rs Incl u d e :- 4120 Series Netwo rk Processing

Units (NPU)- 4190 Series Graphic Command

C e n t e rs (GCC)- 4120 Series Netwo rk Display Units

( N D U )

• N e t wo rk Interface Module can beR e t ro fitted to Existing 4100, 4020,4002, and 2120 Systems

• Fi re Alarm Control Panel Nodes are UL1076 Listed for Security Operat i o n(4120, 4020, and 4190 Seri e s )

• System Programming is Distri bu t e damong the Node Members fo rM a x i mum System Integri t y

• Nodes Reconfi g u re into Sub-Groups ifS ep a rated from the Netwo rk

• Style 7 Operation With a Va riety of Mediafor Both Short and Long DistanceC o m mu n i c at i o n s

• Can Provide Multiplex Operation of Tra n s p o n d e rs from Node C o n t rol Pa n e l s

• Set-Host Fe at u re Provides Access to allN e t wo rk Status and History Info rm at i o n

• Dial-Up Service Modems Provide Off -Site Access to Netwo rk Status andH i s t o ry Info rm at i o n

4100/4120 Network Vo i c e• R e c o rded Voice Messages use Highly

R e l i abl e, Digi t i ze d, Solid-State Circ u i t ry• Tone Generation Employ s

S o p h i s t i c ated Digi t i zed Te ch n i q u e sP roviding Accurate Rep roduction of aWide Range of Tones with Pre c i s eC o n t rol of Amplitude and Fre q u e n cy Content

• A m p l i fi e rs of 25 or 100 Watts at 25 or70 VRMS are Ava i l able to Prov i d eC o s t - E ffe c t ive Flexibility for allAp p l i c ations

• S i m p l ex Amplifi e rs Prov i d e :Full Power even Under Bat t e ryO p e rat i o nC l e a r, Low Distortion Output Allow i n gA c c u rate and Specific Directions to beB roadcast to Selected Areas orTh roughout the Fa c i l i t y

• S p e a ker Zone Control and Annu n c i at i o na re Provided by Easy-to-Use Switch e sand LEDs Located at the Control Pa n e l

• A Readily Accessible Micro p h o n eI n t e r face Allows Clear Vo i c eI n s t ructions to be Manu a l ly Broadcast toBuilding Occupants

• M e s s ages can be electro n i c a l ly splicedf rom a message menu to automat i c a l lyb roadcast to your facility's fi re bri ga d e( wh e rever they are in the fa c i l i t y ) .I n fo rm ation can specify the exact emer-ge n cy location such as, "Code Red,Fo u rth Floor, East Wi n g, Dat aP rocessing Are a "

• Fi re fi g h t e r ’s telephones establish dire c tt wo - way commu n i c ations between themaster control panel and the re m o t efi re fi g h t e rs ’s locat i o n


A d d ressable Systems (cont.)

Phased-In Retro f i t


S i m p l ex fi re alarm control panels arefl ex i ble and modular. Th ey can be ap p l i e dto your re t ro fit needs in a phased-ins chedule that fits your bu d get as well asyour facility protection re q u i re m e n t s .• Phase 1 R eplace your old fi re alarm

c o n t rol panel with a new Simplex panels u ch as the model 4100. Use yo u rexisting initiating devices and ex i s t i n ga l a rm notifi c ation appliances. With the4100 decoder module, you can eve nke ep your electro - m e chanical codedd evices and have them mapped into thefi re alarm control panel progra m .

• Phase 2 The next step would be toreplace your old detection devices withTru e A l a rm® s m o ke and heat sensorsand replace your old "zoned" manu a ls t ations and notifi c ation alarm circ u i t swith add re s s able MAPNET II® d ev i c e s .In most cases, your existing wiring canbe re t a i n e d, and yet each area of yo u rfacility can be upgraded with indiv i d-u a l ly supervised and indiv i d u a l lyc o n t ro l l able devices that will accurat e lyand quick ly info rm you of fa c i l i t yp ro blems, allowing the fi re alarmc o n t rol panel to provide locat i o ns p e c i fic re s p o n s e s .

• Phase 3 As your facility expands, itcan be connected into a 4120N e t wo rk to allow peer- t o - p e e rc o m mu n i c ations among all of the fi rea l a rm panels with info rm at i o nava i l able as needed at each locat i o n .This will provide not only localize dm o n i t o ring and control, but stat u si n fo rm ation can be used to respond asre q u i red throughout your fa c i l i t y.


P.C. Products For Life Safety• G raphic Command Center. Wi t h

color graphics screens, your fa c i l i t yl ayout is presented at the detail leve lre q u i red to quick ly and accurat e lyeva l u ate fi re alarm system status. Inputcan be touch s c reen or mouse, eitherone or both. C u s t o m i zed screens and travel key sp resent the detail you need and allowp rogression to more or less detail in ad i rect manner with minimal key selec-tions. Operat o rs are assisted by thef ri e n d ly pre s e n t ation of familiar fl o o rplans and building pro files. C u s t o m i zed color coded messages willa u t o m at i c a l ly or selective ly bed i s p l ayed to guide the operator to theexact response re q u i re d.E x t e n s ive historical logging stores up to50,000 events. Fe at u res include operat o rn o t ations and compatibility with spre a dsheet and data base progra m s .

• Dot Mat rix Pri n t e rs p rovide letterquality copies of fi re alarm systema c t ivity such as the occurrence of tro u bl e sand alarm s – p rinted as they occur. In addition, printed rep o rts can bege n e rated for system history logs thati n clude Tru e A l a rm sensor info rm at i o n ,a l a rm and tro u ble occurre n c e, printouts ofi n d ividual point info rm ation, and othersystem dat a .

• Remote Te rm i n a l s a l l ow on-linecommands via CRT / Key b o a rds fo rsystem ack n ow l e d ge, reset, and info r-m ation inquiry. Pa s swo rd pro t e c t e dcommand line inputs can be used top rovide point contro l .

S i m p l ex peri p h e ral products are prove nc o m p at i ble with the ap p l i c able fi re alarmc o n t rol panels. Each is age n cy listed for itsap p ro p ri ate ap p l i c ation. The peri p h e ra lp roduct line is broad and complete; thefo l l owing examples part i c u l a rly demon-s t rate the Simplex dedication to prov i d i n gfor your needs.• S i m p l ex LCD annu n c i at o rs provide an

a l p h a nu m e ri c, 80-ch a ra c t e r, (40-ch a r-acter by 2 line) backlit LCD displayt h at annu n c i ates panel status and( wh e re ap p ro p ri ate) can duplicat em a ny of the control panel operat o rsw i t ch e s .

• P roper ap p l i c ation of Simplex audibl e,v i s i bl e, and combination audibl e / v i s i bl e(A/V) notifi c ation appliances (incl u d i n gi n n ovations such as 2-wire synch ro-n i zed strobes) provides the perfo r-mance re q u i red for ADAc o m p l i a n c e. Simplex ex p e rtise inA DA, OSHA, and other reg u l at i o n swill guide you to ach i eving thatcompliance with the product combi-

n ation that is right for your fa c i l i t y.• Successful fi re detection re q u i res the

p roper ap p l i c ation of a high perfo r-mance product. Simplex offe rs acomplete line of detection devices thatrep resents the culmination of manyye a rs of product evolution thro u g h

t e s t i n g, re s e a rch, and deve l o p m e n t .Whether for projected beam smokedetection, area or duct smokedetection, or flame detection, Simplexhas the product that meets your ap p l i-

c ations needs.

• For hazardous env i ronments, ex p l o s i o n -p roof and intri n s i c a l ly safe products areava i l able to ach i eve needed pro t e c t i o n .S i m p l ex offe rs a line of ex p l o s i o n - p ro o fn o t i fi c ation appliances and initiat i n gd evices and also offe rs an intri n s i c a l lys a fe product line including: barri e rmodules, manual stations, heatd e t e c t o rs, and both ionization and

p h o t o e l e c t ric smoke detectors. Ouri n t ri n s i c a l ly safe devices are FMap p roved and designed to ensure thate n e rgy can never re a ch dange ro u sl evels in potentially ex p l o s ive at m o s-p h e res. (This minimizes the need fo rex p e n s ive, heavy and bu l ky ex p l o s i o n -p roof encl o s u res).

• The Simplex models 4002, 4020 and4100 are FM ap p roved for age n td i s ch a rge operation. This connectionp rovides the supervision and solenoidva l ve control signals re q u i red fo rAu t o m atic Extinguishing ReleaseSystems and Deluge and Pre a c t i o nS p rinkler Systems.

Pe ri p h e ral ListAddressable manual pull stations. Addressable detectors (photoelectric, ionization, and heat). Air aspiration

detectors, and Air duct detectors. Annunciators (LCD, LED Graphic, and incandescent). Audible/visible and visibleappliances including ADA compatibility. Bells, horns, chimes, piezoelectric horns. Coded master boxes. Consolemounting options. Control relays. Digital Alarm Communicating Transmitters (DACT). Door holders and closers.End-of-line monitoring devices (relays and resistors). Explosion-proof devices. Fan shutdown controls. Flame detec-tors. Heat detectors. Interface products to connect new systems to old designs. Intrinsically safe modules foradapting conventional zone circuitry. Intrinsically safe products. Photoelectric beam detection. Pull stations(manual and coded). Remote station communications. Remote batteries and chargers. Single station detectorswith horns and strobes. Sirens and speakers. Suppression (including isolated loop circuit protection) designedspecifically for Simplex circuits. TrueAlarm® products. Two and four wire: photoelectric, ionization, fixed and rateof rise heat detection. Waterflow switches. And more.

P e r i p h e r a l s


new sep




CALIFORNIAFresnoLos AngelesOaklandSacramentoSan BernardinoSan DiegoSan FranciscoSan JoseSanta AnaVentura


CONNECTICUTHartfordNew Haven


FLORIDAFort MyersJacksonvilleMiamiOrlandoTallahasseeTampaWest Palm Beach




ILLINOISChicagoEast PeoriaRockford

INDIANAEvansvilleFt. WayneIndianapolisSouth Bend

IOWADes Moines



LOUISIANABaton RougeMonroeNew OrleansShreveport



MASSACHUSETTSAuburnBostonWest Springfield

MICHIGANAutomotiveDearbornDetroitGrand RapidsLansing



MISSOURIKansas CitySt. LouisSpringfield



NEVADALas VegasSparks


NEW JERSEYMount LaurelRockaway

NEW MEXICOAlbuquerque

NEW YORKAlbanyBuffaloElmiraEndicottJamestownLong IslandManhattanRochesterSyracuseUticaWhite Plains

NORTH CAROLINAAshevilleCharlotteGreensboroHickoryRaleigh



OKLAHOMAOklahoma CityTulsa




SOUTH CAROLINACharlestonColumbiaGreenvilleMyrtle Beach



TEXASAustinCorpus ChristiDallasEl PasoHoustonLubbockSan Antonio

UTAHSalt Lake City






WISCONSINGreen BayMadisonMilwaukee

C a n a d aALBERTA








QUEBECMontrealQuebec City


United States

The Simplex Commitment To Fire SafetyTh at ’s why Simplex has a team of ex p e rienced personnel tohelp you with a full ra n ge of fi re alarm services, incl u d i n g :designing and providing quality equipment, advising on theap p l i c ation of this equipment to each bu i l d i n g, prov i d i n gfield assistance for proper installation, and perfo rming on-site training of your building personnel.

S i m p l ex also maintains 130 offices with trained tech n i-cians to test and maintain fi re alarm systems.

Simplex Fire Alarm Products, Simply Better.• 100 Ye a rs of Tra d i t i o n .• L a rge Established Company. • E x t e n s ive Research Fa c i l i t i e s .• C o m p l e m e n t a ry Product Lines Providing Integrat e d

S o l u t i o n s .• Sales and Service Offices in 130 Locations in the United

S t ates and Canada.• O ver 4,000 Employees Intern at i o n a l ly.• D i s t ri bu t o rs Wo rl dw i d e.• For further Info rm ation Refer to the Ye l l ow Pages for the

S i m p l ex Bra n ch Office Nearest Yo u .

© 1996 Simplex Time Recorder Co.Because Simplex is constantly improving its products, specifications are subject to change without notice. B110-602/EXC-40M/2-96
