f9c05fe1-783f-49e2-88ad-623acbfd4275-160118162250 (2)


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  On “ A Study to understand the market potential of Reliane Jio !" ser#ieEast Area of Mum%ai&' 

Presented (y) 

*ame) Sean Rodri+ues  Roll *o) ,- .ear) /012 

Under the guidance of   Prof& Jakson John&

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• Reliance Communications owns and operates the world's largegeneration IP ena!led connecti"it# in$rastructure which compr%&( )ilometres o$ *!re optic ca!le s#stems in India( +,A( EMiddle East and the Asia Paci*c region-

• Reliance .roup ran)s among India's top pri"ate sector !usinesterms o$ net worth-

•  /he Compan# has a good customer !ase-

• Reliance co"ers o"er %0( cities and towns and o"er 1(2india3

•  Reliance 5io is in process to set6up the 1. L/E in$rastructure -

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• R5IL is setting up relia!le 21th generation3 high speed internetconnecti"it#( rich communication ser"ices and "arious digital sepan India !asis in )e# domains such as education( healthcare( s

*nancial ser"ices( go"ernment citi7en inter$aces and entertainm

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  RE34A*CE J4O5S64S4O*

Reliance8s "ision $or India is that !road!and and digital ser"ices will !e a luur# item (Rather con"ert it into a !asic necessit# that can !ein a!undance !# consumers and small !usinesses -/he initiati"es araligned with the .o"ernment o$ India's 9:igital India8 "ision $or our n

• :igital ;ealthcare

A<orda!le :e"ices•  5io :ri"e

• :igital Education

• :igital Currenc#

• :igital Entertainment and social connecti"it#

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  $RA7(AC8 O9 E:4ST4*"S.STEM

• :eplo#ment o$ 1. networ) in India is certainl# not going to !e the telecom operators $ace the challenge to launch a new netwwith impro"ing the eisting %. and =. networ)s in the countr#

•  ,ince Airtel will !e the *rst to launch 1. ser"ices in India whereliance >io plans to enter the mar)et a$ter a month(Airtel will aac?uire a good customer !ase-

• @since Reliance 5io is in a pre6launch phase it is "er# earl# to spdraw!ac)s-@

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• ,truggled to deli"er ?ualit#-

• Airtel 1g is the onl# is the onl# ma>or competition that Reliance 5io $a

• 1. adoption is li)el# to get another !oost $rom the low6cost!udget

smartphones supporting the networ) -

• Operators need to !race up to deli"er hassle6$ree ser"ices to custom

• Being the second largest mo!ile mar)et in the world ( Reliance 5io n

to )eep this in mind that the# need to cater to a mass audience not

with a good networ) !ut also L/E ena!led handset options and "ario


• Reliance 5io can li)el# ha"e a triple approach o$ oice2calls3( / and

Boad!and :ata $ocusing on $ull wallet share o$ su!scri!ers-

Opportunity for de#elopment

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•  /o identi$# the ideal points $or Reliance tower installation in F w

•  /o *nd potential areas $or small cell concept-

•  /o stud# and anal#7e the customer8s pre$erence $or 1. ,er"ice

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  /he stud# is eplorator# in nature and structured ?uestionnaire

,ome closed ended ?uestions were also $ramed to "alidate the r

• ,ampling techni?ue 6 ,trati*ed Random sampling-

,ample si7e 6 = Respondents-

• Area O$ ,tud# 6 :ahisar East-

• Primar# sources 6 Retailers and distri!utors o$ dahisar east-

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03 /ower identi*cationD

• /o identi$# potential area8s with high densit# o$ networ) users-

•  /o identi$# alternate sites $or the designated ideal point-

•  /o approach the societ# $or permission and con"ince them to allow

reliance >io to set up a tower on top o$ their !uilding which will

ser"e as a networ) enhancer $or reliance8s upcoming 1g ser"ice-

%3 ,mall cell concept

•  /o identi$# high $oot$all "icinit#-

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•  /o capture a large customer !ase-

•  /o encourage the customer to !e a potential !u#er !# gi"ing a trial

the upcoming ser"ice-

=3 Retailers D

• Be in good terms with the retailer -

•  /o cater to the retailers needs ( which is indirectl# catering to the

need o$ the customer-

•  /o pro"ide special pri"ileges to retailers who ha"e a good customer

!ase in a area-

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 $ATA 94*$4*" A*4*TERPRETAT4O




<& 9rom ho= lon+ are you in the %usiness of sellin+ mo%ile handsets> reha

Less then 3 years 1-3 years More then 3 years

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• :ahisar and Bori"ali is an esta!lished mar)et- :ahisar east car

most o$ the !usiness in Mum!ai in terms o$ sales o$ handsets-

•  /he .raph eplains a!out the esta!lished mar)et with 1 !u

are in the categor# o$ a!o"e = #ears $ollowed !# == in !etwe

range o$ 0 to = #ears-

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<& 7hat does the ustomer look for =hile seletin+ a net=ork@

Good Connectivity Fast Speed internet After sales Service Prices

4nterpretation)• According to the retailers( a!out G o$ the customers pre$er networ)

!etter connecti"it#-• Networ) is the essential part as through it internet speed is dependen• % o$ the retailers !elie"e that the price a<ects the Consumers !u#i

process-•  And the remaining 0 and H opted $or $ast speed internet and a$te

sales ser"ices respecti"el#-

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<& $o you sell Airtel !" internet ser#iesplans

 Yes No

4nterpretation)• As 1g has recentl# entered the mar)et( the retailers are reluctant to

purchase the plans-

• And 1g ena!led phones are on the higher cost range( consumers and

retailers pre$er purchasing =g plans-

• According to the graphs( Nearl# H= retailers don8t sell 1g plans and th

remaining = pre$er selling them

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<& Are you A=are a%out Reliane JioBs Jio hat app@

 Yes No


• As the 5io app was recentl# launched( the retailer wasn8t aware a!out

• = weren8t aware a!out the app where as the remaining % alread

a!out the app-

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<& 4f Reliane Jio 3aunhes !+ internet plansA Ser#ies ho= likely are you to onsider

;ighl# unli)el# +nli)el# Li)el# ;ighl# li)el# :ont Inow

4nterpretation)• As reliance and other companies are coming out with cheaper

phones with 1g ena!led( G retailers are li)el# o$ selling the 1g

ser"ices to the customers-

• % highl# accepted to sell the reliance 1g plans-

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7hih net=ork do you prefer@

Airtel oda $one others


• oda$one has a "er# strong customer !ase in the mar)et-

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<& 7;AT $O .OU T;4*8 S;OU3$ RE34A*CE !"CUSTOMER 7;4C; OT;ER SER64CE PRO64$ER










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03 /ower identi*cation D

•:iKcult to contact the concerned person o$ the societ#2chairmansecretar#3-

•  /ime constraint-

• Identit# proo$ re?uired 2people had trust issues3-

• :ue to "arious news the customer were under a perception

that a tower emits harm$ul radiations that causes healthissues-so the customer was alread# in a negati"e mind6set

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%3 ,mall cell concept D

•  /ime constraint with relation to setting up a meeting with theowner o$ the concerned place-

• Important to approach the owner with the technician to gainmore !rightness o$ how pro*ta!le setting up the small cell w!e to him-

=3 RetailersD

• er# crucial to ma)e the retailer $eel that he is important (soconstant communication should !e done on dail# !asis with thelp o$ the distri!utor-

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03 /ower identi*cationD

• Be$ore approaching the societ# mem!ers while con"incing the!e recommended to eplain the mem!ers or the head o$ the sinteracti"e techni?ues li)e "ideos and $acts stating that the cutowers do not emit harm$ul radiations which is monitored !# /R

%3 ,mall cell conceptD

• Eplain in detail a!out how pro*ta!le installing a small cell in twill !e

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=3 RetailersD

• ;a"e a good relationship with the distri!utors-

• Increase their pro*t margin !# a !it-

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• One o$ the ma>or reason ?uite a lot retailers do not sell reliancits !ecause the# get less margin when compares to other netwpro"iders-


• Reliance needs to put a lot o$ e<ort into impro"ing the connect

that most o$ the customers $ace-

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Customers do not pre$er reliance networ) there$ore it will !e a hget a good customer !ase $or the 1. networ) ( so it is "er# crucimpro"e the image o$ the %g and =g ser"ices a"aila!le-

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 • httpsDwww-dn!-co-inIndian/elecomIndustr#O"er"iew/I-asp


•  httpDwww-!th-se$oucuppsats-ns$allG!<d%&0&11c0%G


• httpDwww-digit-inmo!ile6phones1g6re"olution6in6india6a6!oomu!!le60G%%H-htmlsthash-CH,+h>g-dpu$ 


• httpDwww-digit-inmo!ile6phones61.1g6re"olution6in6india6a6!a6!u!!le60G%%H-htmlsthash-,;5&:h>g-dpu$ 

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