FG Rose Croix


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  • 7/27/2019 FG Rose Croix


    Fabienne GUERRERO




    Editions Tqui


    Dear readers, before finding the Way, the Truth and the

    Life, I studied esoteric for years, whether in the Ancient

    Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, more commonly known as

    the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, or through the study of

    the founders of New Age and false gods, study which

    was particularly painful, especially with regard to the

    teachings of Alice Bailey, Rudolph Steiner, Helena

    Petrovna Blavatsky.

    The latter, by the complexity of her writings, confused

    me a lot, especially when I tried to study the Secret

    Doctrine, which I totally rejected later, first because

    these writings are very difficult to understand and

    secondly because they are totally irreconcilable with theCatholic faith.

    A little further, I will explain my poor experience in the

    Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, a very disappointing

    experience for it led me to a great despair and infinite

    inner emptiness.

    As the years passed, I realized the futility of all these

    studies, which led me to know the God of my heart and

    not the true Christ Jesus, the one true God and Savior of

    all men.

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    One day, as I was visiting my cousin, I met a friend

    who was part of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC.

    We got to know each other quickly and after getting

    along well, she told me about the teachings she had

    studied for years in that esoteric order which she

    had stop to continue because she was no longer

    interested in them. She has started to meditate and


    As I was in a deep search for knowledge, I asked

    her the address of this Order in order to get a firstcontact with them.

    Very quickly, I started to receive monographs at a

    rate of four per month, and I can attest for having

    studied the teachings for some time, that the Lord

    Jesus is never recognized as Saviour. And this is a

    perfect sign that the enemy has managed to ape a

    doctrine to drive away thousands of persons from

    the Holy Trinity.

    While on a pilgrimage in a Marian sanctuary, I

    received many graces from the Blessed Virgin Mary

    for me to quit the Order.

    Back home, I decided to write to the Imperator of

    the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC (which stands for

    The Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis).

    The imperator is the Grand Master and when

    someone wants to leave very freely, he must notifyit in writing.

    Then I received a letter from him, asking me the

    reason why I had decided to go and I answered I

    wanted to return to the Catholic church because I

    had received the Baptism shortly after my birth.

    For a long time, I kept on thanking God for

    releasing me from the chains that bound me to thisesoteric order.

    My brothers and sisters Rosicrucians respected my

    freedom to leave. With them, I was part of a group,

    called a lodge; This came in addition to the

    teachings I received at my home, in the form of

    small booklets, called "monographs".

    Some of my friends were disappointed, but with

    great charity, I told them that I believed that only

    Jesus Christ was the savior and everything I could

    have learned in that order as the years went by,

    was nothing but dust for me.

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    We continued to meet us for some time, but pretty

    soon I followed the path that Jesus Christ had

    drawn. I felt like I was resurrected by Jesus of

    Love and I firmly believed He was my Lord and my

    God, and my only Savior.

    I felt in my heart how much the Lord Jesus asked

    me to pray for their repentance and with the help of

    God and the Blessed Mother Mary, I managed to

    persuade a friend to leave the Rosicrucian Order.

    As a Catholic Christian, my duty was to help her find

    the one true God of Life, Jesus Christ, especially as

    she had forgotten Him a long time ago and had

    been affiliated to Rosicrucian Order for a very longtime.

    Since then, she started to go back to church,

    confess, pray the rosary and now she is happy

    because she believes in her salvation and believes in

    the infinite Lercy of the Lord Jesus as soon as we

    pour out. The both of us became prodigal


    During my various conferences throughout the

    world, I meet people who come to tell me that they

    too were part of this esoteric order, but after being

    enlightened by the Holy Spirit, they confessed they

    never had one single doubt that these teachings

    migh have been harmful and they give thanks to

    God for releasing them from Satan. What I noticed

    with these people is that they were not really aware

    of their sin of infidelity towards the Holy Trinity who

    must be loved and worshiped at the first place.

    As for my other brothers and sisters, called in theOrder, fratres and Sorores and I will continue to

    pray Merciful Jesus for them all my life, so that one

    day and maybe even at the hour of their death, they

    shout with all their heart to the Lord Jesus "My Lord

    and my God."

    If you knew how much the Lord Jesus loves them,

    and how much he suffers to see them far away from

    His divine heart. As soon as those souls of lovereturn to the unity of the church, then the good and

    gentle Jesus does not suffer anymore because the

    prodigal son is back on the road to paradise.

    In the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, I stopped at the

    seventh degree and I passed some esoteric

    initiations since I was part of a lodge.

    I can testify that these initiations filled me with

    anguish and spiritual pride. So to be delivered, I had

    to pray the rosary a lot. I also had masses

    celebrated for the salvation of my soul and find


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    Apart from initiations, we often met in the lodge to

    attend the rituals which gave me nothing; on the

    contrary, I remember that once I ran away and hid

    in another room as the experiments were too


    I knew a gentleman with whom I shared the roof

    like brother and sister and who was also part of that


    He said he had largely achieved the twelfth degree.

    As he was leaving his monographs lying around at

    home, I was able to check easily at what stage he


    Unfortunately he stayed there and I continue to

    pray for Divine Mercy to come one day and justify

    his poor soul.

    I respect his inner freedom to serve God or serve


    Personally, I prefer to follow the advice of the

    apostles of the Lord Jesus who founded the Holy

    Catholic Church.

    I was particularly touched by the Word of God, in

    the first epistle of Saint John who asks us to protect

    oneself from antichrists.

    1 John 2:18-28 (King James Version)

    18Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard thatantichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists;whereby we know that it is the last time.


    They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if theyhad been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us:but they went out, that they might be made manifest thatthey were not all of us.

    20But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know allthings.

    21I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth,but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.

    22Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?

    He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

    23Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father:he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

    24Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard fromthe beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginningshall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and inthe Father.

    25And this is the promise that he hath promised us, eveneternal life.

    26These things have I written unto you concerning them thatseduce you.

    27But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth inyou, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the

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    same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and isno lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

    28And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shallappear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed beforehim at his coming.

    Dear readers, I had time to realize that everything I

    learned in monographs or in the lodge was useless

    for my inner development, or for own my salvation,

    since when we are Catholic we understand that the

    only true initiation is a personal encounter the Holy

    Trinity who dwell at the bottom of our heart and the

    Holy Tirnity alone can really make us grow and give

    us the true Life.

    In this Order esoteric, I learned many useless

    things, for example, teachings on karma and


    The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us


    1013 Death is the end of man's earthly pilgrimage, of the

    time of grace and mercy which God offers him so as to workout his earthly life in keeping with the divine plan, and todecide his ultimate destiny. When "the single course of ourearthly life" is completed,[584] we shall not return to otherearthly lives: "It is appointed for men to die once."[585]There is no "reincarnation" after death.

    I realized that if the church teaches that reincarnation does

    not exist, it was not necessary for me to remain in an order

    that taught me otherwise.

    In Luke, chapter 23 verses 42 and 43, we have the

    evidence that reincarnation does not exist:

    Luke 23:42-43 (King James Version)

    42And he (the good malefactor) said unto Jesus, Lord,remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

    43And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Todayshalt thou be with me in paradise.

    And this how, dear readers, we see all the mercy ofGod who forgives the sinner and opens up the sky

    for him simply because he recognizes Him as his

    Lord and God.

    We know that no sin will exhaust His infinite mercy,

    if only we would acknowledge our guilt to a priest,

    behind whom Jesus hides always ready to forgive us

    because Jesus is our only true friend, the only one

    to whom you can pen your heart; He is there at thedoor and knocks the door to enter.

    If God has opened the doors of paradise to the good

    malefactor, this means reincarnation does not exist

    at all.

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    Through Rosicrucian mongraphs, I studied the

    visualization, meditation and many things that I

    never used.

    On the contrary, these techniques destroyed me

    because fallen angels came to me through myopened chakras and tried to remove the faith in my

    heart. For a time they succeeded, but, by the grace

    of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary was watching over

    me, as she watches over all Her children who love


    Through these studies, I also chose freely to order

    many books written by Rosicrucians authors and

    after reading them, I felt a great call to get rid ofthem.

    After tearing them, I threw them away for during a

    pilgrimage to Medjugorje, we were asked to get rid

    of everything that was not Catholic.

    A few years later, while making a comparison with

    the doctrine of the Catholic faith, I have found

    heresies upon heresies.

    In the various books written by Rosicrucian authors

    which I read, I found that they boasted adored

    themselves. It's the perfect sign of a false prophet

    for a real doctor always glorify the Lord Jesus, and

    denies himself, places himself behind Christ and

    considers himself a useless servant, not a master.

    To be named Master is usurping the Lord Jesus

    Headship or place which is rightfully His. He alone is

    the Master of our souls. Whoever stands againstHim commits a sin of overweening pride.

    The Lord Jesus, while being God, did not glorify

    himself but he glorified God the Father.

    I thank Jesus Christ for delivering me from illusion

    and being a knowledge-seeker who always wants to

    know the Lord more and invited me to be humble

    for me to be saved, He invited me to smallness andreal service.

    This is not because we wear an apron when we go

    to a lodge, that we are true servants. We think we

    serve but as a matter of fact we are a victim of the

    enemy who is playing with us. Satan has lost

    because of his great pride, now in his infinite

    hatred, he wants to lead all souls to hell after him.

    Therefore, it leads many souls to betray Jesus Christ

    and leave the Catholic religion.

    You can not put together the holy cross of Christ

    and a Rose.

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    Satans Rose is a sign of fusion of all the adversaries

    of God, especially opponents of Jesus Christ, his

    cross, his precious blood; it is a sign of rebellion.

    I can assure you that in this order I have never

    heard of the deity of Christ, the Blessed Trinity, theBlessed Virgin Mary, purgatory and hell, papal

    infa l l ib i l i ty, Church author i ty and God s


    All this is hidden and therefore, it is easy to

    understand that it is signed.

    On Judgement Day, before the Most Holy Trinity, I

    should produce many acts of mercy, charity for Godto accept me in His Paradise.

    What is certain is that I will account for the time I

    spent in the study of these false doctrines and the

    money I spent in there which I could have sharedt

    simply with those who were hungry.

    As I said earlier, Satan, who is the father of lies,

    wants to lose all the souls that God has created out

    of pure love to give His life in its fullness.

    Yet how can we have this life in us if we are

    dominated inwardly by the Beast by adhering to

    false doctrine?.

    Let us be wary (careful) about of all these teachings

    which are not from God and let us run away from

    them in horror as long as we are in the time of the

    great divine mercy because it comes a time for

    justice where no apostate will be able to convert.

    God calls us continually to repent and when He

    called me, He delivered me totally from teachings

    and initiations; Then He showed me how much

    Satan was the leader of these esoteric initiations

    and how much it was him who gave them.

    By way of contrast, Jesus, in His extreme simplicity,

    suggests, through His church, which is His heart, to

    take the sacraments to help us walk the road toparadise.

    In the Rosicrucian Order, I had no hope to meet

    again those who had departed and I never heard of

    the Rosary, the Stations of the Cross, Mass that

    could have helped them to be released from the

    pains of purgatory.

    Yet after this one earthly life, we shall all appear,

    without exception, before the Blessed Trinity for thetrial of our own soul.

    The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us


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    1021 Death puts an end to human life as the time open toeither accepting or rejecting the divine grace manifested inChrist.592 The New Testament speaks of judgment primarily inits aspect of the final encounter with Christ in his secondcoming, but also repeatedly affirms that each will berewarded immediately after death in accordance with hisworks and faith. The parable of the poor man Lazarus and thewords of Christ on the cross to the good thief, as well asother New Testament texts speak of a final destiny of thesoul--a destiny which can be different for some and forothers.593

    1022 Each man receives his eternal retribution in hisimmortal soul at the very moment of his death, in a particular

    judgment that refers his life to Christ: either entrance into theblessedness of heaven-through a purification594 orimmediately,595 -- or immediate and everlasting damnation.596

    At the evening of life, we shall be judged on our love.597


    When I was a member of the Rosicrucian Order,

    AMORC, I could have attended to Mass if I had

    wanted to, but I could have never received



    Quite simply because you can not be a Catholic and

    adhere to a doctrine which is incompatible with the

    teachings of the church.

    If we receive communion while being a member of

    this order, the same if you are Freemason, then you

    must know that the word of St. Paul applies;

    Regarding Holy Communion, St. Paul, in I

    Corinthians chapter 11 verses 27-30, says the


    1 Corinthians 11:27-30 (King James Version)

    27Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this

    cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body andblood of the Lord.

    28But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of thatbread, and drink of that cup.

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    29For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth anddrinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord'sbody.

    30For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, andmany sleep.

    So if we know we are in a state of grave sin and

    that we did not confessed, we should stay at our

    place and be content with a spiritual communion

    until the next confession.

    Dear readers, when the Lord Jesus came to save us,

    he never condemned someone when he preached

    on earth. Jesus desires the salvation of all souls and

    that is why He wants us to confess and bereconciled with Him before receiving the communion

    for us not to receive damnation.

    I thank from the bottom my heart Jesus and Mary

    who delivered me from eternal damnation by

    removing me from that order.

    One day during a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, theBlessed Virgin Mary informed me that the

    Rosicrucian Order, AMORC was a sect, and after

    following these advice to get out of it, I went to

    meet a priest of the Catholic Church who confirmed

    that it was all true.

    This order is mentioned in the report on sects No.

    1687 of June 10, 1999 (report ordered by the

    French government).

    Now that Jesus of Love has erased my sin after I

    had admitted my sin to a priest, I often invokeMaria, Rosa Mystica who comes to crush the three

    roses of Satan.

    The White Rose, which is the expression of a true

    science without the true triune God, the Holy

    Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    The Red Rose which is sign of a fusion of all the

    adversaries of God, especially opponents of Christ,

    His passion, His cross, His very pure blood; they are

    apostates of the latter days.

    The Golden Rose of Satan represents the idolatry of

    the ego, "be like God."

    Dear readers, in these difficult times, I urge you to

    avoid all the wolves ...

    Praised be Jesus Christ and the immaculate heart ofMary.

    Fabienne GUERRERO


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    Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

    My experience in the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC .

    Conclusion ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


    Fabian Guerrero, a former Rosicrucian follower was

    delivered in 1996 by Jesus Divine Mercy from this

    esoteric order.

    In this book, she talks about her experience in the

    rosicrucian order, AMORC and shows how God and

    the Blessed Virgin Mary removed her out of it.

    Fabienne now gives many lectures around the world

    and reflects the infinite mercy of God for her soul

    and for all those who quit the esoteric to regain faith

    in the Roman Catholic Church.
