Fiche Veille « environnement » Chine Mai 2020


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Service de coopération et d’action culturelle

Secteur de coopération technique

Date de mise à jour : 7 juillet 2020

Fiche Veille « environnement » Chine Mai 2020

Présentation sous forme synthétique des informations à retenir. Contenu détaillé des articles au point 2. Articles complets en partie 3.


Le 5 juin, les Présidents Emmanuel Macron et Xi Jinping se sont entretenus au téléphone. Parmi les sujets

abordés, ils ont réitéré leur engagement à coopérer dans le domaine de l’environnement, de la lutte contre les

changements climatiques et pour la préservation de la biodiversité.

Evolutions politiques et réglementaires

Guan Zhi’Ou, docteur en écologie et ancien directeur de la propagande de la province du Shandong, est nommé

directeur de l’Administration Nationale des Forêts et des Prairies (p.4)

Réactions mitigées dans la presse à la suite des Lianghui : le gouvernement chinois ne semble pas souhaiter

effectuer de revirement complet de sa politique environnementale (Caixin, Bloomberg), mais le changement

climatique n’est pas mentionné parmi les priorités de cette année (Eurasia News) (p.4).

Le gouvernement a réaffirmé à plusieurs occasions son ambition environnementale : discours de Xi Jinping lors de

l’inauguration de la centrale hydroélectrique de Wudongde (China Daily) et lors de sa visite au Ningxia (21st

Century Business Herald), et tribune du Secrétaire Général du PCC au sein du MEE dans le Quotidien du Peuple



Un nouveau Plan de protection de l’environnement 2020-2035 publié conjointement par la NDRC et le MEE vise à

26% de couverture forestière, 200 millions d’hectares de forêt naturelle maintenus, 60% de zones humides

protégées et 18% du territoire considérés comme réserve naturelle (p.5)

Le Dr Dong Zhanfeng de l’Académie de planification environnementale de Chine (dépend du MEE) livre à China

Water Risks une analyse des défis auquel devra répondre le 14e Plan Quinquennal en matière d’environnement et

fait plusieurs suggestions de réformes en ce sens (p.5)

Publication d’une circulaire pour améliorer les pratiques en termes d’étude d’impact environnemental dans les

projets de développement de parcs industriels. Elle était soumise à consultation publique jusqu’au 20 juin (texte

définitif non publié) (p.6)


Lors de la conférence de presse mensuelle du Ministère de l’Environnement et de l’Ecologie, son porte-parole Liu

Youbin a annoncé que la Chine s’engageait à respecter ses objectifs fixés dans le cadre de l’Accord de Paris

(réduction de l’intensité carbone de 40 à 45% d’ici 2020 par rapport à 2005). Il n’a pas évoqué l’annonce du

rehaussement du niveau d’engagement pourtant attendu cette année (p.6)


Le MEE lance une campagne de cartographie des réseaux d’eau usées dans le bassin du Fleuve Jaune pour

mieux orienter sa politique de lutte contre la pollution des ressources en eau (p.6)

La Chine fait face à des inondations meurtrières (81 disparus/décès au 29 juin) depuis le début de la saison des

pluies (Caixin, China Daily). Plusieurs provinces restaient en alerte crue à la fin du mois (Guangxi, Hunan,

Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian et Zhejiang) (Xinhua) et le gouvernement a annoncé une série de mesure pour mieux

lutter contre le risque d’inondations à l’avenir (MWR, China Daily) (p.6)

Dans le cadre du Plan de protection de l’environnement 2020-2035, 19 projets de protection des écosystèmes du

Fleuve Jaune et du Yangtze ont été annoncés : restauration des zones humides, restauration des sols,

préservation de la biodiversité, etc. (p.7)


L’Administration Nationale des Forêts et des Prairies propose à consultation publique jusqu’au 19 juillet une

révision des deux listes d’espèces protégées : entrée de 347 espèces sur les listes, passage de la liste 2 à 1 de 55

espèces (dont le pangolin) et de la liste 1 à 2 de 2 espèces (p.8)

Nombreuses réactions dans la presse suite au classement du pangolin sur la liste de première catégorie des

espèces protégées (statut le plus protecteurs) (CGTN) et au retrait des écailles de pangolins de la liste des

ingrédients autorisés dans la médecine traditionnelle chinoise (The Guardian). Des décisions saluées dans

l’ensemble mais la société civile environnementale appelle à se montrer prudent (pas d’interdiction des formules

brevetées) (Environmental Investigation Agency, Oxpeckers) (p.8)

Le WWF-Hong-Kong a proposé au début du mois un plan d’urgence pour la préservation du dauphin à bosse du

Pacifique dans le Delta de la Rivière des Perles dont l’habitat est fortement menacé notamment par l’activité

humaine (p.8)

Contrôle de la pollution

Publication par le MEE de l’Etat des lieux 2019 de l’Ecologie et de l’Environnement, qui fait état de progrès sur la

plupart des dossiers (air, sol, eau) ; l’état des ressources en eau souterraines demeure préoccupant (p.9)


Publication par la ville de Jinan, « ville historique et culturelle » depuis 1982, d’un avis sur la mise en œuvre du

travail de recherches et d’exploration archéologiques préalablement à l’offre foncière des terrains constructibles

appartenant à l’Etat (mesure obligatoire mais encore trop souvent contournée) (p.10)


Milieux naturels

62 millions de yuans d’amende imposés dans l’affaire de falsification de l’étude d’impact environnemental du projet

de construction de canal dans la baie de Shenzhen (Gouvernement de Shenzhen, Quotidien du Peuple), une

affaire qui témoigne des faiblesses de la politique des « lignes rouges » adoptée par la Chine (Sixth Tone) (p.10)


Le MOHURD lance une campagne d’évaluation de la qualité de vie en ville (situation écologique, commodité,

sécurité, système de transport, spécificités architecturales et culturelles, bienveillance envers les populations

vulnérables, capacité d’innovation) ; 36 villes sont concernées dans un premier temps dont Shanghai, Tianjin,

Wuhan et Chongqing (p.11)

Energie et transports

Un collectif d’une vingtaine d’ONG turques adresse une lettre ouverte aux principaux financeurs (China

Development Bank, Bank of China and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) et au porteur de projet (Shanghai

electric power Co.) de la centrale à charbon d’Emba Hunutlu pour demander l’arrêt de sa construction (p.9)


Administration nationale des forêts et des prairies

Source : Xinhua

Guan Zhi’Ou est nommé Directeur de l’Administration Nationale des Forêts et des Prairies (NGFA) en

remplacement de Zhang Jianlong. Ancien directeur de la propagande de la Province du Shandong, ce docteur en

écologie est également le secrétaire général du PCC de la NGFA et membre du PCC du Ministère des Ressources


Réaction dans la presse à l’issue des Deux Sessions

Plusieurs revues chinoises et internationales ont livré leur analyse des de la place des questions

environnementales dans le programme politique chinois de l’année à l’issue des Deux Sessions

Source : Caixin

Pour le journal Caixin, il est évident que les questions environnementales n’ont pas été une priorité lors des Deux

Sessions, laissant place aux projets pour la relance économique du pays. Cependant, trois points lui font dire que

la politique chinoise en matière d’environnement n’est à priori pas en train de vivre une révolution complète :

- La lutte contre la pollution est toujours citée parmi les « trois grandes batailles à mener » ;

- L’abandon d’un objectif de PIB qui peut être perçue comme une volonté de se laisser la possibilité d’un

développement de meilleure qualité ;

- Le grand programme d’infrastructure annoncé qui, au-delà de certain secteur clefs (5G, intelligence

artificielle blockchain, etc.) pourrait bénéficier au développement des biotechnologies et des véhicules à

énergie nouvelle (bornes de recharge notamment).

Source : Bloomberg

Cette analyse est partagée par le Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air qui voit l’absence d’objectif de

croissance du PIB comme une opportunité de mener de front des programmes de redressement de l’économie et

de lutte contre la pollution. Cependant, plusieurs environnementalistes dont Li Shuo (Greenpeace) soulignent que

les projets de construction de centrales à charbon sont en train de se multiplier rapidement en Chine et que les

grands programmes d’infrastructures sont à surveiller de près pour analyser leur impact sur l’environnement.

Source : Eurasia Review

Moins optimiste, la revue souligne deux point d’inquiétude principaux : l’échec de la Chine à atteindre son objectif

annuel d’efficacité énergétique (consommation d’énergie par point de PIB), indicateur dont le suivi risque d’être

complexifié par l’absence d’objectif de PIB cette année ; par ailleurs, les changements climatiques n’ont que peu

voire pas été mentionné dans les déclarations officielles du gouvernement et les documents publiés.

Le gouvernement chinois réaffirme son ambition environnementale

Source : China Daily

Lors de l’inauguration de la centrale hydroélectrique Wudongde (Jinsha River, affluent du Yangtze), le Président Xi

Jinping a tenu à rappeler l’importance des questions environnementales. L’hydroélectricité tient ce titre une place

stratégique comme source d’énergie décarbonnée.

Source : Le Quotidien du Peuple

Le Secrétaire général du PCC au sein Ministère de l’Ecologie et de l’Environnement dédie une tribune dans le

Quotidien du Peuple à la « pensée de Xi Jinping » sur la question environnementale et en particulier sur le concept

de civilisation écologique. Il replace ainsi ce concept, qu’il décrit comme une nouvelle manière d’appréhender la

relation de l’homme à la nature, au cœur de la stratégie politique chinoise et d’en faire un de ses piliers (« la

prospérité écologie mène à la prospérité civilisée »).

Source : 21st Century Business Herald

Un éditorial paru le 11 juin sur le magazine 21st Century Business Herald présente la priorité accordée par le

président chinois à la protection de l’environnement et du développement vert.


Lors de sa visite dans le Ningxia du 8 au 10 juin, le président chinois a rappelé à plusieurs reprises l’importance de

la protection écologique. Il s’est rendu au tronçon du fleuve Jaune situé dans le Ningxia pour y inspecter le travail

de protection écologique et de construction des travaux hydrauliques. Il a souligné à cette occasion que le fleuve

Jaune est une ressource importante pour la population et la civilisation chinoises. Il importe de définir clairement la

ligne rouge et la ligne de fond concernant la protection de ce fleuve, de coordonner et de promouvoir les grands

projets liés à la construction de digues, à l’aménagement des cours d’eaux, à la gestion des rives plates et à la

restauration écologique.

En fait, le président Xi a effectué 4 visites aux différents tronçons du fleuve Jaune en à peine un an : à Lanzhou en

août 2018, à Zhengzhou en septembre 2019, dans le Shanxi en mai 2020 (affluent Fenhe) et dans le Ningxia en

juin 2020. Ceci montre l’importance accordée par lui à la protection écologique et au développement de haute

qualité du bassin du fleuve Jaune.

Par ailleurs, la protection de l’environnement a été soulignée par le président chinois lors chacune de ses visites

effectuées en Chine cette année. En outre, lors de sa rencontre avec les représentants de la Mongolie intérieure

dans le cadre des deux sessions parlementaires de cette année, il a de nouveau rappelé la nécessité de préserver

la stratégie de la civilisation écologique, afin de garder fermement le cap sur le développement vert.

Publication d’un nouveau Plan de protection de l’environnement 2020-2035

Source : CGTN

Ce plan publié conjointement par la Commission Nationale du Développement et de la Réforme et le Ministère des

Ressources Naturelles fixe une série d’objectifs à atteindre d’ici 2035 : 26% de couverture forestière, sauvegarde

d’au moins 35% des côtes naturelles, mise sous protection de 60% des zones humides, maintien de 200 millions

d’hectares de forêts naturelles. Il prévoit également qu’au moins 18% du territoire soient considérés comme

réserve naturelle. Malgré des progrès ces dernières années, la politique environnementale en Chine fait encore

face à des défis, notamment le poids toujours plus important donné au développement économique au détriment

de l’environnement et la difficulté à trouver des solutions à certains enjeux (protection des ressources en eau,

protection de l’environnement marin). Dans le cadre de ce plan, neuf projet majeurs sont prévus dans les espaces

stratégiques : le fleuve Yangtze, le Fleuve Jaune, les forêts du nord-est, le Plateau Qinghai-Tibet, la Greater Bay


Quelles perspectives pour l’environnement dans le 14e Plan Quinquennal 2021-2025 ?

Source : China Water Risks

DONG Zhanfeng de l’Académie de planification environnementale de Chine (dépend du Ministère de l’Ecologie et

de l’Environnement) analyse les enjeux environnementaux et comment ils pourraient être pris en compte dans le

prochain Plan Quinquennal. Il identifie 8 enjeux principaux qui devront être adressés par le Plan : 1. Le système actuel n’a pas atteint son plein potentiel en termes de réductions d’émissions

2. Le cadre réglementaire pour la gestion locale de l’environnement reste incomplet

3. Le système de protection de l’environnement nécessite d’être complété et renforcé

4. Malgré une attention portée à la surveillance et à la fixation d’objectifs, il reste des lacunes en termes de

collecte d’information, de transparence, de responsabilité et de moyens d’incitation

5. Le système d’exploitation des ressources par le marché n’est pas complet

6. L'approche multi-agences pour gérer l'environnement écologique et la condition sociale de la production et

de la consommation vertes sont encore incomplètes

7. Le cadre réglementaire et normatif est incomplet et il demeure des difficultés pour appliquer les normes


8. Des défis externes tels que la résistance au développement vert de la Ceinture et de la Route, l’objectif

d’atteindre le pic des émissions de carbone d’ici 2030, la montée du protectionnisme et l’écart entre les

politiques chinoises et les normes internationales persistent

Il propose également 6 réformes à inclure dans le plan pour répondre à ces enjeux : 1. Promotion d’un développement vert et réduction des émissions : subventions aux technologies à faibles

émissions, mise en place de mesures pour assurer une réduction effective des émissions, système de

tarification en escalier pour les usages d’eau et d’électricité (favoriser économie des usages)

2. Surveillance et protection de l’environnement : système d’évaluation d’impact environnemental, permis

pour l’exploitation des ressources naturelles, compensations écologiques


3. Evaluation et contrôle e la qualité de l’environnement écologique : système transparent et incitatif

4. Economie de marché et environnement : mieux faire le lien entre distribution des financements par le

gouvernement central et performance environnementale, mises en place de taxes environnementales/d’un

mécanisme pollueur-payeur, marchés de carbone

5. Les rôles de chacun dans la gouvernance environnementale doivent être bien définis : dirigée par le parti,

guidée par le gouvernement, mise en œuvre par les entreprises, participation de la société, fonctionnement

selon une approche multi-agences et transparence

6. Assumer un rôle de leader en matière d’environnement sur la scène internationale (par le biais de la BRI

notamment) et faire preuve de transparence vis-à-vis de ses engagements (rapports réguliers sur l’atteinte

des ODD par exemple).

Etudes d’impact environnemental (EIE) : une nouvelle réglementation soumise à consultation publique

Source : Ministère de l’Ecologie et de l’Environnement

Le Ministère a publié au début du mois une circulaire sur « l'amélioration de l'efficacité de la planification de

l'évaluation des incidences sur l'environnement et la promotion du développement écologique des parcs industriels

et l'amélioration de la qualité de l'environnement écologique ». Elle est ouverte à consultation publique jusqu’au 20

juin 2020. Partant du constat que les parcs industriels sont à la fois des zones essentielles pour le développement

mais font également peser de sérieux risques sur l’environnement, le gouvernement souhaite améliorer le système

d’EIE. Le mouvement de décentralisation de l’approbation des projets a en effet entrainé à plusieurs reprises un

non-respect de la réglementation en la matière. La circulaire vise ainsi à clarifier le processus d’élaboration d’une

EIE, sa place dans le projet et les responsabilités des acteurs impliqués.

Respect des ambitions climatiques chinoises

Source : Reuters

Lors de la conférence de presse mensuelle du Ministère de l’Environnement et de l’Ecologie, son porte-parole Liu

Youbin a annoncé que la Chine s’engageait à respecter ses objectifs fixés dans le cadre de l’Accord de Paris

(réduction de l’intensité carbone de 40 à 45% d’ici 2020 par rapport à 2005). S’il précise également que la crise du

Covid-19 et le ralentissement économique qui s’en est suivi n’entameront pas ces objectifs, contrairement à ce que

le gouvernement chinois avait soutenu lors du G20 d’Osaka, il n’a cette fois pas été mention de révision à la

hausse des ambitions.

Cartographie des réseaux d’évacuation des eaux usées dans le bassin du Fleuve Jaune

Source : Xinhua

Le Ministère de l’écologie et de l’environnement a annoncé le lancement d’une campagne de lutte contre la

pollution par les eaux usées dans le bassin du fleuve Jaune. La campagne comprend deux volets : en premier lieu

la cartographie des points de rejets des stations d’épuration, puis la surveillance des polluants et la remontée à la

source pour identifier des mesures adaptées. Cette campagne doit durer deux à trois ans, la cartographie des

points de rejet étant attendue pour la fin de cette année. Elle fait suite à eux campagnes similaires menées

respectivement dans le bassin du Yangtze et dans le Golfe de Bohai.

Fortes inondations dans le sud de la Chine

Source : Caixin1 – Caixin2

Depuis la fin du mois de mai qui marque le début de la saison des pluies, le sud de la Chine a fait face à des

précipitations supérieures à la moyenne, entrainant de très fortes inondations. A Chongqing, il s’agit de l’épisode

de crue le plus important enregistré en plus de 20 ans. La ville-province construite sur les bords du Yangtze a vu le

niveau de l’eau augmenter de 5,1m après de fortes précipitations enregistrées à l’aval. Les Provinces du Guizhou,

du Guangdong et du Guangxi ont été les plus affectées. Plus de 5 millions de personnes ont été affectées par les

crue depuis le début de la saison des pluies et plusieurs dizaines sont décédées ou portées disparues. Les


dommages étaient estimés à près de 40 milliards de yuans à la mi-juin d’après le Ministère de la gestion des


Source : Xinhua

Plusieurs provinces sont restées en alerte fortes pluies jusqu’à la fin du mois de juin (Guangxi, Hunan, Guangdong,

Jiangxi, Fujian et Zhejiang notamment).

Source : China Daily

De fortes inondations avaient déjà touchées la Chine à la même période en 2019, causant des dommages

importants à 99,600 ouvrages hydrauliques dans tout le pays. Et bien que la majorité ait été réparée depuis, une

petite minorité demeurait endommagée. Le Ministère a dépêché six équipes dans tout le pays pour guider les

autorités locales dans leur travail de contrôle des inondations. Le Ministère a également indiqué que plusieurs défis

se posent toujours pour la prévention des catastrophes liées aux inondations : la gestion des réservoirs en période

de crue et la protection des personnes contre les crues torrentielles en zone montagneuses (crues rapides,

souvent à fort charriage, qui peuvent causer des dommages considérables et faire peser de sérieux risques sur la

sécurité des personnes).

Source : Ministère des Ressources en Eau

En ce sens, le Ministère des Ressources en Eau a émis le 19 juin une série de lignes directrices à destination des

provinces de Shanghai,, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiagxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan,

Chongqing, Guizhou et Yunnan et des Commissions du fleuve Yangtze, Huaihe, de la rivière des Perles et de

l’Autorité du Lac Taihu. Ces lignes directrices visent à l’amélioration de la prévention des inondations et de la

gestion de crise. Elles sont divisées en 5 grandes catégories : - Renforcement de la surveillance, des prévisions et de l’alerte précoce,

- Améliorer la gestion des grands et moyens réservoirs pour leur permettre de jouer pleinement leur rôle

d’écrêtement des crues tout en garantissant qu’ils ne dépassent pas le niveau de sécurité de leur capacité

de stockage,

- Garantir la sécurité des petits réservoirs en identifiant les personnes responsables et en organisant à

l’avance la gestion de crise,

- Renforcer la défense contre les crues soudaines, notamment par l’amélioration du système de surveillance

et le transfert des informations aux autorités concernées par le risque pour leur permettre d’organiser la

gestion de crise,

- Renforcer la protection contre les inondations des petites et moyennes rivières où la réglementation et les

mesures de gestion de crise ne sont pas aussi élaborées,

- Renforcer la diffusion de l’information, notamment en mettant en place des services de permanences pour

assurer la surveillance et l’alerte aux crues.

Source : China Daily

D’après le Ministère de la Gestion des Urgences, au 29 juin, 81 personnes sont portées disparues ou décédées,

13,74 millions de personnes ont été impactées et 744,000 ont été évacuées de chez elles. Par ailleurs, les pertes

économiques directes s’élèvent à 27,8 milliards de yuans. Devant la gravité de la situation, le Président Xi Jinping

a appelé les autorités locales concernées à renforcer la surveillance des crues, à bien identifier les risques et à

bien organiser les opérations de secours. Il a également demandé à ce que la priorité soit donnée au relogement

des populations sinistrées et à la sécurité des personnes.

La Chine prépare 19 projets pour protéger le Yangtze et le fleuve Jaune

Source : Le quotidien du peuple

La Chine va mettre en place 19 projets majeurs dans des zones clés le long du Yangtze et du fleuve Jaune et des

zones côtières pour promouvoir l'écosystème local, a annoncé le 12 juin la Commission nationale du

développement et de la réforme (NDRC).

La commission, en collaboration avec le ministère des ressources naturelles, a publié un plan directeur, mettant en

avant les défis auxquels est confrontée la protection écologique des deux fleuves.

Les huit projets couvrant le Yangtze visent à promouvoir la gestion intégrée et la restauration des écosystèmes

dans les forêts subtropicales, les lacs et les zones humides, tandis que les cinq projets couvrant le fleuve Jaune

visent à améliorer la conservation de l'eau dans les cours supérieurs, la conservation de l'eau et des sols au milieu,

aux côtés des zones humides l'écosystème et la protection de la biodiversité dans les parties inférieures.


Les six projets dans les zones côtières couvriront la mer Jaune et la mer de Bohai, le delta du fleuve Yangtze, la

côte ouest du détroit de Taïwan, la région de Greater Bay Area Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao, le golfe de Beibu

et l'île de Hainan.

Révision des listes d’espèces protégées

Source : Administration Nationale des Forêts et des Prairies

Par rapport à la liste actuellement en vigueur, 347 nouvelles espèces sauvages sont ajoutées, le niveau de

protection de 55 espèces est élevé du niveau 2 à 1 tandis que celui de 5 espèces sont abaissé du

niveau 1 à 2. Aucune espèce de chauves-souris n’est incluse dans cette liste. Elle est soumise à consultation

publique jusqu’au 19 juillet 2020.

Rehausse du niveau de protection du pangolin en Chine

Source : CGTN

Le 5 juin, l’Administration nationale des forêts et des prairies a annoncé le classement du pangolin parmi les

espèces de premières catégories (bénéficiant du plus haut niveau de protection en Chine). Ce niveau de protection

concerne les 3 sous-espèces de pangolin présentes sur le territoire chinois : le pangolin de Chine, le pangolin

indien et le pangolin malais. La Chine avait interdit la chasse au pangolin en 2007 et l’importation de produits

dérivés de l’animal e 2018 sans pour autant parvenir endiguer le trafic illicite. La nouvelle mesure doit permettre la

mise en place de mesures plus strictes et l’imposition de peines plus lourdes aux contrevenants.

Source : The Guardian

Par ailleurs, les écailles du pangolin ont été retirées de la liste des ingrédients autorisés à l’usage dans la

médecine traditionnelle chinoise. D’après WildAid, près de 130 tonnes d’écailles auraient été saisies en 2019 lors

de contrôles douaniers. Cette mesure a été accueillie positivement par la société civile environnementale (WildAid,

CBCGDF), mais ces derniers notent la nécessité de rester vigilants puisque le statut du pangolin reste ambigu vis-

à-vis de la « faune sauvage élevée en captivité » (officiellement toujours autorisée sous certaines conditions) et la

recherche scientifique et médicale.

Source : Environmental Investigation Agency

Cependant, des organismes de défenses de la biodiversité, parmi lesquels l’EIA, notent que le pangolin n’a pas été

encore retiré de la liste des ingrédients entrant dans la composition des médicaments brevetés autorisés.

Autrement dit, cela laisserait toujours une porte ouverte à l’usage des écailles de pangolin à des fins médicinales.

L’Agence rapporte que c’est par exemple le cas de la bile d’ours et des os de léopards qui ne peuvent plus être

commercialisés pour usage dans la médecine traditionnelle chinoise, mais font toujours partie des ingrédients de

certains médicaments brevetés autorisés.

Source : Oxpeckers

Plusieurs ONG, dont le CBCGDF, ont à ce titre appelé les autorités chinoises à brûler publiquement les stocks

existant d’écailles de pangolins afin de d’attirer l’attention du public sur l’illégalité de leur usage dans la médecine

chinoise traditionnelle. Des actions similaires ont été menées au Kenya avec les stocks d’ivoire en 2016, pour

marquer le durcissement du gouvernement envers le braconnage des éléphants pour leurs défenses.

Préservation des dauphins à bosse du Pacifique

Source : RTHK – The standard

Le WWF-Hong-Kong a proposé au début du mois un plan d’urgence pour la préservation du dauphin à bosse du

Pacifique dans le Delta de la Rivière des Perles dont l’habitat est fortement menacé notamment par l’activité

humaine. L’organisme estime qu’il ne reste que quelques milliers d’individus dans le delta et que cette population

décline tous les ans de 3%. A Hong-Kong, leur nombre a diminué de 80% ces 15 dernières années. Cette espèce

est classée « vulnérable » par l’UICN et fait partie de la liste de type 1 des espèces protégées par le gouvernement

chinois (plus haut niveau de protection possible). Des aires protégées existent, dont la Lantau Dolphin

Conservation Management Area, mais ne sont pas suffisantes pour atténuer les impacts de l’activité humaine

(trafic maritime, surpêche, etc.) sur cette espèce.


Pour rappel, des inquiétudes vis-à-vis de la population de Dauphins à bosse du Pacifique avaient été émises lors

de l’inauguration du pont reliant le continent à Hong-Kong et Macao, construit dans le cadre du programme Greater

Bay Area. La société environnementale chinoise pointait en effet les effets néfastes de ce projet de très grande

envergure sur le milieu naturel du delta de la rivière des Perles (bulletin de veille d’octobre 2018).

Des ONG turques demandent aux banques chinoises d’arrêter le financement d’une centrale à charbon

Source : Bloomberg

Un collectif d’une vingtaine d’ONG turques ont interpelé les principaux financeurs (China Development Bank, Bank

of China and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) et le porteur de projet (Shanghai electric power Co.) de la

centrale à charbon d’Emba Hunutlu par le biais de lettres et d’une pétition en ligne. Ces organismes s’appuient sur

la réglementation turque, les Traités Internationaux ratifiés par la Turquie et les engagements environnementaux

de la Chine notamment vis-à-vis du développement de la finance verte pour dénoncer ce projet. D’après elles la

pollution de l’air est déjà responsable de plus de 52000 morts prématurées par an en Turquie et ce projet risque

d’aggraver la situation dans la région d’Adana où il se trouve. Elles mettent également en avant des zones

d’ombres dans l’étude d’impact environnementale du projet, qui pourrait porter atteinte au milieu naturel et à

l’habitat de plusieurs espèces protégées notamment de tortues. Les organismes chinois n’ont à ce jour pas

répondu aux interpellations du collectif.

Etat des lieux 2019 de l’Ecologie et de l’Environnement

Source : China Water Risks

Publié le 2 juin 2020, ce rapport fait le point sur les progrès et faiblesses de la lutte contre la pollution entre 2018 et

2019. Parmi les points notables dans le domaine de l’eau :

- 53,2 milliards de yuans dépensés pour la gestion intégrée de l’air, de l’eau, des sols et de l’environnement

rural ;

- Un taux élevé de rectification des problèmes identifiés (>99% pour les problèmes liés à la ressource ; 82%

pour l’identification d’eaux noires et malodorantes)

- Programme d’action ambitieux démarré dans le bassin du Fleuve Jaune

- Diminution des amendes (22%) et des affaires pour violation de la réglementation environnementale (12%)

que l’auteur attribue à un meilleur taux de mise en conformité

Bien que la qualité des eaux de surface continue de s’améliorer progressivement, ce n’est pas le cas des eaux

souterraines, qui ne sont pas encore prête d’atteindre les objectifs fixés dans le Ten Water Plan (objectifs fixés

pour les ressources en eau avant la fin de l’année 2020). Dans la plupart des bassins ces objectifs sont par ailleurs

quasiment atteints, à l’exception des bassins du Nord du fleuve Hai et du fleuve Liao qui, s’ils présentent une

amélioration notable, sont encore loin de leurs objectifs.

Source : Ministère de l’Ecologie et de l’Environnement

En ce qui concerne la pollution des sols, le rapport note notamment une réduction de 40,4% des importations de

déchets solides et la mise en place de 261projets de réduction des émissions de métaux lourds.

Sur la préservation et la restauration de la nature et des écosystèmes, il relève que les inspections

environnementales ont permis d’identifier 5740 problèmes dans 342 réserves naturelles nationales, dont 3986 ont

été réglés (69%).


La ville de Jinan publie un avis exigeant que les travaux de recherches et d’exploration archéologiques soient effectués avant l’offre sur le marché des terrains constructibles appartenant à l’Etat

Source : Administration Nationale du Patrimoine de Chine

La ville de Jinan est classée « ville historique et culturelle » au niveau national en 1982. On y trouve 1348 sites du

patrimoine immobilier, dont 30 sites majeurs nationaux. En vue de l’urbanisation rapide de la ville, la protection du

patrimoine souterrain est confrontée à un défi sans précédent.

En Chine, d’après les lois et règlements sur le patrimoine, avant de lancer des grands projets de construction, les

entités de construction sont censés de procéder aux recherches et explorations archéologiques dans les terrains

de construction susceptibles d’enterrer des vestiges culturels. Or, certains constructeurs lancent des travaux sans

avoir rempli cette formalité, afin de gagner du temps pour leurs projets, qui risquent d’ailleurs d’être fortement

impactés si l’existence des vestiges est avérée.

Afin de parer à ce problème, la ville de Jinan a adopté en juin un avis sur la mise en œuvre du travail de

recherches et d’exploration archéologiques préalablement à l’offre foncière des terrains constructibles appartenant

à l’Etat. Ceci vise à garantir l’exécution de ce travail avant que les terrains ne soit mise sur le marché. Cette

mesure permet aussi d’éviter la situation injuste où les frais liés aux exhumations archéologiques doivent être

assumés par l’adjudicataire en cas de l’existence du patrimoine souterrain et de s’assurer que les terrains offerts

sur le marché sont ceux qui ne possèdent pas de vestiges souterrains.

6,2 millions de yuans d’amende infligés pour falsification d’étude d’impact environnementale

Source : Le Quotidien du Peuple – Gouvernement de Shenzhen

Deux mois après la révélation au grand jour de la falsification d’une étude d’impact environnementale pour la

construction d’un canal dans la baie de Shenzhen (cf. Veille du 1er trimestre 2020), les autorités de la villes de

Shenzhen ont imposé cette peine à trois acteurs impliqués : le South China Sea Institute of Oceanology of the

Chinese academy of Science (3,2 millions de yuans), le Centre des voies navigables de Shenzhen (2 millions de

yuans) et le Bureau des transports de Shenzhen (1 million de yuans). L’affaire avait provoqué un scandale dans

l’opinion publique chinoise puisque plusieurs paragraphes provenant d’une étude d’impact pour un autre projet sur

le territoire d’une autre municipalité (Zhanjiang) avaient été copiés-collés, parfois sans prendre la peine de changer

les noms de lieux cités.

Source : Sixth Tone

Cette affaire est le témoin des limites de la politique des « lignes-rouges » adoptée par la Chine ces dernières

années pour lutter contre la pollution et la dégradation des milieux naturels. Le projet incriminé traversait en effet

une zone de mangroves protégées du Guangdong, délimitée par ces lignes rouges interdisant normalement tout

projet de construction. D’après la CrossBorder Environement Concern Association (CECA), les projets

d’infrastructures linéaires, comme c’est le cas ici, constituaient en 2018 80% des cas de non-respect des « lignes

rouges ». Le manque de sensibilisation des entrepreneurs à la réglementation, la révision des études d’impacts

environnementales à des niveaux administratifs inadaptés et la difficulté d’obtenir la localisation exacte des

« zones lignes rouges » peuvent expliquer ces limites. Ce système pourrait permettre une vraie protection des

milieux naturels mais nécessite pour se faire quelques ajustements dans son application.

Le système d’évaluation des villes est établi dans le but de développer des villes sans « maladie urbaine » et de

favoriser l’amélioration de l’environnement d’habitat urbain. Le Mohurd a publié une lettre officielle sur l’évaluation

des villes en 2020. 36 villes dans tout le pays, à toutes les échelles, y compris Shanghai, Wuhan, Xi’an,

Guangzhou, Jingdezhen, font partie de l’échantillon qui passera l’évaluation. S’y engagent l’institut de villes

chinoises de l’Université Tsinghua, l’institut de géographie et de ressources de l’Académie des sciences de Chine,

l’institut de planification et d’urbanisme de Chine et l’association d’urbanisation de Chine. L’évaluation sera

effectuée d’un côté par l’analyse des données statistiques, des données de télédétection et des Big data, et de


l’autre par les questionnaires en ligne. Huit aspects sont à évaluer : la situation écologique, la commodité, la

sécurité, le système de transport, les spécificités architecturales et culturelles, la bienveillance envers les

populations vulnérables, la force d’innovation.


Reuters – 03/06/2020

PÉKIN (Reuters) - La Chine s'engage à mettre en œuvre son engagement de contributions prévues déterminées au niveau national (CPDN) dans le cadre des objectifs établis par l'Accord de Paris en 2015 dans la lutte contre le changement climatique en dépit de la pandémie de coronavirus, a déclaré mardi le ministère de l'Environnement.

La Chine, premier émetteur mondial de gaz à effet de serre, avait promis de réduire son "intensité carbone" - la quantité d'émissions de dioxyde de carbone par unité de PIB - de 40% à 45% d'ici 2020 par rapport à 2005. L'année dernière, à l'occasion du sommet du G20 à Osaka, le gouvernement chinois avait affirmé qu'il allait mettre à jour ses CPDN pour se fixer un objectif plus ambitieux en termes de lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, sans toutefois apporter de précisions chiffrées.

Néanmoins, les chercheurs et analystes ont averti que la Chine pourrait rencontrer des difficultés pour atteindre ses objectifs cette année, alors que le pays se tourne vers l'industrie lourde et des projets très gourmands en carbone dans l'espoir de soutenir une économie durement touchée par la pandémie de coronavirus.

"L'apparition de l'épidémie ne remet pas en cause les objectifs de réduction des émissions de CO2 que s'est fixés la Chine", a rapporté Liu Youbin, porte-parole du ministère de l'Écologie et de l'Environnement, au cours d'une conférence de presse mensuelle à Pékin. Elle a ajouté que le pays respecterait ses engagements à "100%".

En 2019, la Chine a réduit ses émissions de CO2 de 4,1% sur un an, d'après les données fournies par le ministère de l'Environnement.

Le gouvernement chinois devrait soumettre un rapport d'avancement sur ses CPDN comme prévu, ainsi que d'autres plans basés sur l'Accord de Paris, a ajouté Liu Youbin.


Xinhua – 31/05/2020

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment, China's top environmental watchdog, has launched a campaign to comb the banks of the Yellow River to map all sewage outlets to fight pollution.

The campaign aims to boost protection of the environment and promote high-quality development in the Yellow River basin, the ministry said.

The campaign will first map the sewage exits and then monitor the pollutants from the exits, trace pollution to its source and develop tailor-made remediation measures.

The campaign will last for two or three years and the mapping of the sewage exits will be finished this year.

It will draw on experience from similar actions launched along the Yangtze River and the Bohai Sea last year. The actions have pinpointed 60,292 sewage outlets entering the Yangtze River and 18,886 sewage outlets entering the Bohai Sea, the ministry said.

Compared with the Yangtze River and the Bohai Sea, the Yellow River basin has a complex and diverse topography, uneven distribution of water resources and fragile ecology, the ministry said.

The path of green development is vital for China and the country has stepped up rolling out measures to enhance environmental protection.


Caixin – 05/06/2020

The year 2020 has proven to be more turbulent than anyone could have expected, and it is only June.

While in February we asked if 2020 would be the year of China’s global green leadership, hoping that

the Covid-19 virus outbreak would be short-lived, by March we already we had to incorporate broader-

than-expected fallout in our possible green scenarios. As the “Two Sessions” — the meeting of the

National People’s Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference — just wrapped

up last week, we see another milestone for a stock-take of China’s green leadership ambitions.

Understanding the Two Sessions and their implications cannot be done in isolation and should not be a

snapshot analysis. For instance, in recent weeks China announced a massive plan for further development

of the West China, announced the a new infrastructure plan for technology development on April 28,

issued new reform guidelines for the socialist market economy on May 18, and the new Energy Law

has been on the table for many weeks. China has been doing a lot of thinking and planning for the long-

term future. And we eagerly await the next five-year plan that is currently in the making. What does it all

mean for the green push?

Our overall interpretation is that a green push and green recovery are not a top priority in the short term, especially when compared to the big push promised in 2019. Rather, we see the focus of economic policy on stability, employment, the role of state-owned enterprises and — quite explicitly — energy security for China. While the latter has been captured in the new energy law and clean power plays an important part, it is also clear that fossil fuel is here to stay for a while. This focus is in line with many of the world’s markets that hope to get the economy going again, but less ambitious than the EU, for example, which is explicitly pushing a green recovery, as well as several BRI countries, like Pakistan.

But China is also not making a full U-turn, and three things stood out at the Two Sessions. First, like last year, premier Li emphasized the three key battles for the government: poverty reduction, pollution prevention, and reduction of systemic financial risk. The second battle received visibly less attention in the speech by premier Li this year, and no specific deeper commitments were announced. Nevertheless, the fact that it was still mentioned suggests that while perhaps on hold for a while, it is still part of the long-term plan.

Second, the omission of a 2020 GDP target figure is historical. This is especially noteworthy given the fact that for decades, the Chinese government has continuously put a strong emphasis on GDP growth. On the one hand it could be just a rational choice, as clearly this year’s GDP growth figure may not look good, and even that is uncertain. On the other hand, it could be a turn towards — finally — no longer focusing exclusively on economic growth, but also on sustainable and high-quality growth.

Third, one of the major announcements was the new infrastructure plan. With an announced 1.4 trillion USD to be invested in technology infrastructure, the hopes for big tech to come to the rescue are high. Besides strategic areas such as 5G networks, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, blockchain and quantum computing, China will invest particularly in bio-technology and new energy vehicle charging stations. The consequences of this major tech push are manifold: increased global competitiveness, upgrading to smart manufacturing and design, and deployment of new technologies that could contribute to reducing the environmental footprint.

But why not a further green push? In our opinion it makes strategic sense in the long term, including for energy security reasons. The Chinese, as their wellbeing improves, are likely to


increasingly demand greening their lives in that their water and air is clean and that they have a safe and steady supply of food. China has been making big strides in the last 5 years by reducing its reliance on fossil fuels to greener (and more secure) energy such as wind, solar and water power. A further green push could be part of the next five-year plan — but is uncertain given reassurance for fossil fuels in the new energy law and a focus on SOEs in the new reform guidelines. China could fill an important gap in global green leadership, with positive impacts on its soft power in international politics. For instance, with the EU’s explicit desire for a green recovery, China could be wise to team up. With Germany taking over the EU presidency soon and Merkel’s explicit emphasis on making cooperation with China a key strategic interest, there is a real possibility.

And we believe that the Chinese leadership is aware of all the above dynamics. In his Two Sessions press conference, Minister of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu clearly laid out ambitions to address environmental sustainability gaps in the coming years. Moreover, the People’s Bank of China and National Development and Reform Commission recently published a draft of the new green bond catalogue that would not include clean coal. Therefore, looking at the Two Sessions in isolation might be disappointing from a green push angle, but we do not think it is a U-turn in China’s ambition to bring green to the forefront in the years to come.


Eurasia review – 06/06/2020

As China tries to restore its economy to pre-pandemic levels, signs are growing that the government has

assigned environmental concerns a lower priority.

One indication emerged last month from a report by China’s top planning agency, showing that the

government missed a key energy conservation target in 2019.

The report by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) acknowledged that the

government failed to reach its “obligatory” target of improving energy efficiency by 3 percent, achieving

a reduction in “energy intensity” of only 2.6 percent.

The intensity indicator measures energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product, tracking China’s

progress in promoting efficiency and reducing energy waste year by year.

The energy intensity targets are also linked to carbon emissions commitments, climate change goals and


The country has typically missed targets when the economy is under pressure or conservation takes a

back seat to production growth.

In 2011, for example, energy use climbed 7 percent as GDP soared 9.3 percent. Efficiency improved only

2 percent, missing the target by 1.2 percentage points in that expansionary year.

In its report for 2019, the NDRC blamed the missed target on “the rapid growth of steel, building

materials, nonferrous metals, chemicals, and the service sector,” as the government struggled to boost

sagging growth rates, even before the effects of the COVID-19 crisis were felt.

The agency argued that it had met 87.1 percent of the scheduled reductions in energy intensity for 2016-

2019 under the 13th Five-Year Plan, “and thus was in line” with the efficiency goals. The plan calls for a

15-percent improvement in the five-year period through 2020.

But the government’s policy this time appears to differ from its previous responses under the 12th Five-

Year plan, when the NDRC raised its annual targets in an attempt to recover lost ground from the poor

performance in 2011.

This time, the NDRC has not set a numerical target for 2020, casting doubt on the ability to meet the five-

year goal.

“Much hard work will be required in order to achieve the target,” the NDRC said without making a

specific commitment.

Turning to ‘dirty’ industries

The NDRC report to China’s annual legislative session was overshadowed by the government’s decision

to set no numerical target for GDP this year for the first time since the Asian currency crisis nearly two

decades ago.


In his work report to the National People’s Congress (NPC), Premier Li Keqiang cited uncertainty and

unpredictability following a record 6.8-percent drop in first-quarter GDP due to the COVID-19 impact.

Without a GDP forecast, an energy intensity target may have become impossible, since the index is a ratio

of energy consumption to GDP.

The NDRC said that another key target had been met last year, measuring carbon intensity, or the amount

of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced per unit of GDP. China achieved a 4.1-percent reduction against a

target of 3.6 percent, it said.

This week, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment also reported an improvement in air pollution in

337 monitored cities with good air quality recorded on an average of 82 percent of days last year.

But other reports cited concerns about China’s greenhouse gas emissions this year as it strives to restore

economic growth.

Reuters pointed to signs that “China is turning to ‘dirty’ industries and investment to kick-start its

economy,” raising carbon intensity.

“The magnitude of the coronavirus risks turning things upside down,” said Li Shuo, senior adviser at the

environmental group Greenpeace, according to Reuters.

Despite the reductions in intensity measures, China’s total emissions will likely continue to rise with GDP

growth as the economy rebounds with help from energy-consuming construction and infrastructure


Recent reports by and other advocacy groups have criticized China’s plans to build new

coal-fired power plants at a time when the sector is already bloated with overcapacity.

Philip Andrews-Speed, a senior principal fellow at the National University of Singapore’s Energy Studies

Institute, said the pressures on China are similar to those affecting many countries.

“As in many countries today, the top priority is restoring economic growth and employment as much as

possible. One way to do this is through construction and other energy intensive

industries,” said Andrews-Speed.

“As a result, the environment, energy efficiency and climate change drop down the agenda, at least for a

while,” he said.

Passing references only

The environment received little attention in Premier Li’s work report to the NPC.

Environmental safeguards were not included in the government’s “six fronts” of stability, such as

employment and investment, or the “six areas” of security, such as job and energy security, listed in a

footnote to Li’s speech.

The challenge of climate change was not addressed in the work report.

Li said the fight against pollution would continue as one of the country’s “three critical battles,” originally

identified by President Xi Jinping, along with poverty and potential risk, according to another brief listing

in a footnote.


“Priority will be placed on curbing pollution in a law-based, scientific and targeted way,” Li promised

without going into specifics. “We will intensify efforts to control air pollution in key areas,” he said.

On Friday, the official Xinhua news agency published a series of Xi’s “quotable quotes” on

environmental protection on its website to mark World Environment Day, but it announced no new plans.

In an apparent attempt to defuse criticism of the downgrading, Huang Runqiu, the minister of ecology and

environment, told Xinhua that the government would not relax environmental protections under the next

five-year plan.

“In the 14th Five-Year Plan period, we will continue to improve ecological and environmental quality by

reducing pollutant emissions, and vigorously promote ecological protection and restoration,” said Huang.

Seven out of nine environmental targets under the 13th Five-Year Plan had been achieved, he said.

But Li’s report left little doubt about the government’s highest priorities for the recovery period, and the

environment was not among them.

“This year, we must give priority to stabilizing employment and ensuring living standards, win the battle

against poverty, and achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects,” he said.

Andrews-Speed noted that environmental issues also received only passing references in a high-level

Communist Party of China (CPC) document issued last month, laying out the party’s agenda.

“We will improve the functions of the government in economic regulation, market supervision, social

management, public services, and ecological environment protection, innovate and improve macro-

control, and further improve the ability of macroeconomic government,” the CPC said.

Climate change was not mentioned at all in the document released by CCTV News, entitled “Opinions of

the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Accelerating the Improvement of the Socialist

Market Economic System in the New Era.”


Bloomberg – 01/06/2020

In late May, the National People’s Congress (NPC) meeting was held after a two-month delay. China’s

annual parliament meeting is a chance for thousands of the country’s lawmakers and top government

officials to gather in Beijing to review the past year’s economic policies and achievements and make

plans for the current year.

To the surprise of many, China announced it will not set an annual GDP target this year for the first time

in decades. Instead, it will prioritize employment and poverty alleviation. Climate experts say the

change could help the nation abandon its traditional approach of recovering the economy at steep

environmental costs.

The decision to drop the GDP target is a “bold and important one,” said Lauri Myllyvirta, an analyst at

Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air.

“It gives the government space to respond to the crisis in ways that can better address the actual needs of

affected people—things like jobs, health care, spending power—and clean air and clean water,” he said.

Another significant move at the meeting came when Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said the country needs

to “strive for a further drop in energy consumption per unit of GDP” but gave no specific percentage

decrease to aim for. This worried many environmental advocates—with no new goal, the focus on saving

energy could slip.

Many other troubling trends remain. China is still adding coal power plants at a breakneck pace—and has

already approved more so far this year than in all of 2019—while the rest of the world is phasing out that

particular fossil fuel. April’s air quality is worse than the same time last year, even though not all business

is back to normal.

“Managed badly, the policy framework set up this year may hardly alleviate the country’s economic pain,

while at the same time exacerbating a crisis on the environment,” said Li Shuo, a policy adviser from

Greenpeace China. “The ‘infrastructure fever’ and the loosening up of environmental oversight should be

scrutinized closely.”


RTHK – 02/06/2020

WWF-Hong Kong and partners have put together an "emergency action plan" to save Chinese white dolphins in the Pearl River Delta, which they say are on the brink of disappearing entirely. They warn action needs to be taken now to preserve the species' core habitats and prevent the extinction of the marine creatures. The groups said there are only a couple of thousand dolphins in the Pearl River Delta – and their number is declining by around 3 percent every year. In Hong Kong alone, the number has dropped by more than 80 percent in the past 15 years. Dr Lindsay Porter, a senior research scientist at the University of St Andrews in Scotland, said it is critical to save the remaining dolphin habitats in the region, as their numbers are rapidly heading below the minimum number needed to sustain the population. "That’s why this is an emergency," Dr Porter said.."This is why we have to all work together to encourage the public to become more involved, and more engaged in the work WWF are doing, because I really think we are coming to the end of the ability of the dolphins to survive much longer in Hong Kong’s waters.” Human activity is blamed for the plight of the dolphins – with coastal developments eating into their feeding and breeding grounds, increased marine traffic striking them or disorientating them, and pollution poisoning them. WWF-Hong Kong's Emergency Action Plan proposes that 13 core protected areas be set up, stretching from the waters west of Lantau to Dongping Harbour at the western edge of the delta. They want these core habitats to be classed as "no-take" and "development-free". WWF-Hong Kong's head of oceans conservation, Dr Laurence McCook, said they're working closely with partners and authorities in Guangdong to see how the areas they've identified can be cleared of fishing and mooring.


Caixin – 08/06/2020

Flooding in the south China has affected more than 320,000 people and more than 34,000 acres of crops. A 10-day downpour in the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region caused the flooding, which has so far led to $42 million in damages


Caixin – 23/06/2020

What’s new: Parts of the Chinese megacity of Chongqing have recorded their worst floods in more than

two decades, after heavy rain lashed southern parts of the country.

The city, whose built-up area sprawls along the banks of the Yangtze river and is home to 18 million

people, saw water levels rise 5.1 meters (16.7 feet) above the flood line following intense upstream

rainfall. Photographs taken at the scene showed submerged homes and businesses.

Authorities in Chongqing issued a red flood warning for parts of the city on Monday morning and

encouraged residents to move away from affected areas. No deaths have so far been announced.

In some areas, the deluges are believed to be the most severe since at least 1998. That year, higher-than-

average rainfall triggered inundations that officially killed 3,700 people and left some 15 million

homeless across the country.

The background: Deadly floods have hit southern China this summer, with Guizhou and Guangdong

provinces and the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region particularly affected.

The country’s water resources ministry earlier this month attributed the deluges to unusual rainfall

patterns and said flooding was likely to persist through the coming weeks.

Dozens of people have died or gone missing and more than 5 million have been affected by flooding

since the start of the rainy season, according to online disclosures by the Ministry of Emergency



Caixin – 11/06/2020

China’s water resources ministry said Thursday the country must prepare for the risk of more flooding

this year after severe inundations killed at least six people and forced hundreds of thousands to flee their


Tian Yitang, head of the ministry’s flood and drought prevention office, said at a press conference that

southern regions will be especially vulnerable during the flood season, which typically lasts from June

through August.

Deluges across parts of China have ruined crops, burst dams, and brought down houses since the start of

the month. As of 2 p.m. Tuesday, flooding had affected 2.6 million people, forced 228,000 to evacuate,

and caused damage totaling more than 40 billion yuan ($5.6 billion), the Ministry of Emergency

Management said.

Tian said unusual rainfall patterns were to blame for the floods. China has seen 6% more rain so far this

year than average, including 19 heavy rainfall events, the most severe of which began June 2.

The most recent downpours have spread across 12 provinces and municipalities, Tian said. Longtan, a

town in southern China’s Guangdong province, has recorded a total of 1,140 millimeters of rain.

An area totaling about 24,000 square kilometers has had more than 400 millimeters (15.7 inches) of rain,

with a further 90,000 square kilometers experiencing 250 millimeters, Tian said.

In the worst-hit provincial-level region of Guangxi, flooding killed six people, according to the

emergency management ministry. Another person has been reported missing.

Cloudbursts in Guangxi also caused a dam to burst, Tian said. In that instance, government officials

issued a flood warning prior to the collapse and evacuated residents. No deaths were reported.

Additionally, two villages that are home to a combined 3,000 people were submerged when an

embankment broke in Guangdong, according to Tian. There were no fatalities.

Although the current wave of rainfall is coming to an end, China’s weather office has advised the country

to brace for a wetter-than-usual rainy season, Tian said.

Weather fronts popularly known as the “plum rains” lash East Asia every summer, typically hitting

southern and eastern China in June and July.


Xinhua – 25/06/2020

BEIJING, June 25 (Xinhua) -- China's national observatory on Thursday issued a blue alert for rainstorms

as heavy downpours continue to wreak havoc in vast stretches of the country.

From Thursday to Friday afternoon, heavy rain and rainstorms are expected in the regions of Guangxi,

Hunan, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian and Zhejiang, the National Meteorological Center said.

Some areas in Guangxi will see up to 150 mm of rain, the center said, warning that regions of Gansu,

Hebei, Shandong, Liaoning, Yunnan as well as the Tibet Autonomous Region will experience downpours

with up to 70 mm of hourly rainfall.

China has a four-tier color-coded weather warning system, with red representing the most severe,

followed by orange, yellow and blue.

Since June, continuous downpours have lashed large parts of southern China and the water levels of many

rivers in the affected areas exceeded the danger mark.

China's Ministry of Water Resources has called for all-out efforts to prevent floods and has dispatched

teams to affected areas to facilitate flood prevention and control.


China Daily – 18/06/2020

Officials predict torrential downpours, deluges in southern provincial regions

With higher precipitation than normal years, the country will confront a grim flood

control situation this rainy season as torrential downpours wreak havoc in southern parts

of the country, officials said on Thursday.

The accumulated precipitation so far this year has been 6 percent more than the same

period in recent years. Following 19 rounds of rainfall, 148 rivers have been stricken by

floods that raised water above their warning levels, according to the Ministry of Water


Rainfall since June 2, which has engulfed 12 provincial regions, stands out as the

strongest. The areas that have received over 40 centimeters of precipitation reach more

than 24,000 square kilometers, said Tian Yitang, head of the ministry's flood and drought

control and prevention department.

Longtan township in Huizhou, Guangdong province, even received precipitation of

over 114 centimeters, he said during a news conference organized by the State Council

Information Office.

According to a media release on Monday from the National Disaster Reduction Center,

floods caused by the downpours had left nine dead and another five missing in eight

provincial regions, including Hunan and Guizhou provinces. A total of 120,000 people

were evacuated.

"A forecast from the meteorological department shows that there will be more

precipitation in southern parts of the country this year," Tian said. "The flood control

situation will be grim. We have to be prepared for major floods."

Liu Zhiyu, head of the ministry's hydrological monitoring and forecast center, said

major floods are expected in five river basins, including the middle and lower reaches of

the Yangtze River and Xijiang River in the Pearl River Basin. Meanwhile, storm surges

may occur in Taihu Lake, the Huaihe River and middle and upper reaches of the Yellow


Ye Jianchun, vice-minister of water resources, said the ministry has managed to

repair over 99 percent of the roughly 99,600 water conservancy projects that were

damaged by floods last year.

Wuhan police officers hold a drill to improve flood rescue and relief measures as the

capital city in Central China's Hubei province faces flood season on June 12, 2020. [Ke

Hao for China Daily]


"Generally speaking, damaged projects in southern parts of the country have been

repaired. ... Due to various reasons, including effects from the COVID-19 pandemic, a few

damaged projects have yet to be repaired," he said. "We will ask local authorities to

strictly implement flood control measures and ensure safety during the flood season."

Ye said the ministry has dispatched six teams to five provincial regions to guide local

flood control work. It will also enhance monitoring and issue warnings in a timely manner

while intensifying the coordination of water conservancy projects to help store floodwaters

to cope with the grim situation.

However, he said the country still faces challenges in managing its large number of

reservoirs and protecting people from mountain torrents during the flood season, and that

the ministry has taken a series of measures to address those challenges.

Over 94,000 of the country's 98,000 reservoirs are small. Some of them have become

vulnerable and may fail to prevent floods as they are designed. Aside from clarifying

people in charge of flood control for all the reservoirs, the ministry has asked these

reservoirs to discharge water in advance so that they could help store floodwaters while

ensuring safety, he said.

While carrying out online monitoring for the over 4,000 medium and large-sized

reservoirs, the ministry has also been rolling out surprise inspections of all reservoirs to

ensure they implement flood control measures as required. So far, 11,251 smallsized

reservoirs have been visited, he noted.

"We are very worried about mountain torrents, as they usually happen all of a sudden

and cannot be effectively prevented with engineering projects," he explained, adding that

mountain torrents are to blame for over 70 percent of casualties caused by floods in recent


In cooperation with the China Meteorological Administration, the ministry now could

issue warnings for 2,076 counties that are prone to mountain torrents.

In addition to asking local authorities to ensure normal operation of the facilities

needed to publish and receive the warnings, the ministry has joined hands with the three

major telecom operators to send warnings via mobile phones to people in areas with high

risks of mountain torrents, he said.



Ministère des Ressources en Eau – 20/06/2020

本站讯 据气象水文预报,受冷暖空气共同影响,6 月 20 日至 25 日,西南东部、华南北部、江南

大部、江淮及湖北等地将出现一次强降雨过程,累积面降雨量一般有 40~100 毫米,其中贵州东


部等地将有 120~200 毫米,局部可达 250~300 毫米;预计,长江上游支流乌江、三峡区间,洞






强化工程调度,细化防御措施,全力保障群众生命财产安全。6 月 19 日晚,水利部副部长叶建春















水旱灾害防御责任人要加强值班值守,严格执行 24 小时领导带班和专业人员值班制度,及时掌握



CGTN – 05/06/2020

Pangolins are now under first-class state protection, upgrading from the previous second-class state protection, according to China's National Forestry and Grassland Administration on Friday.

The upgrade, which is expected to offer better protection to the animal and give harsher legal punishment to violators, will cover all three out of eight pangolin species that could be found in China: Chinese pangolin, Sunda pangolin, and Indian pangolin.

The scale-covered mammal has suffered a drastic population decline due to habitat loss and poaching and is believed to be the most trafficked animal around the world. Most of the eight species are endangered, and Chinese pangolins have been listed as "critically endangered" on the Red List by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. A Chinese environmental non-governmental organization once claimed in June 2019 that Chinese pangolins were "functionally extinct" on the Chinese mainland.

After banning the hunting of the mammal in 2007, China stopped importing pangolin products in 2018 and launched a series of operations to crack down on trafficking. According to the Administration, such efforts have failed to turn the situation around.

Despite its dire living conditions, the animal remained on the list of wildlife species under second-class state protection before Friday's announcement.

During the country's top political event, the Two Sessions that just concluded in Beijing, many legislators called for the update of the list.

The animal has been put under the spotlight this year especially after a study showed that it could be the potential intermediate host of the novel coronavirus.

This latest move is expected to strengthen the animals' protection and rehabilitation.


The Standard – 02/06/2020

WWF-Hong Kong has called on the government to designate a dolphin conservation area in the western

and southern Lantau waters by 2024, in an emergency action plan to save the Chinese white dolphin.

The conservation group said the plan is the last bid to save the species, as their numbers in the Pearl River

Delta have plunged 80 percent in the past 15 years, with only around 2,000 remaining.

"The government needs to fulfill Hong Kong's obligation under the Convention on Biological Diversity,

as well as its own commitments for dolphins under the city's Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan,"

Doris Woo Ka-yi, a WWF-Hong Kong conservation officer said.

The emergency action plan is designed to give the dolphins a chance to stabilize and recover.

"Dolphin populations grow slowly, making them vulnerable to minor environmental changes," Woo said.

"They only start breeding after nine years old [and only] carry a baby every three years or more."

Chinese white dolphins are listed as vulnerable on the Red List of Threatened Species and are a grade one

national key protected species in China.

Its decreasing numbers have been caused by major threats such as habitat loss and degradation,

underwater noise disturbance, marine traffic and vessel strikes, and overfishing.

However, existing marine parks and nature reserves are not effective enough to mitigate human

disturbances, as they only regulate destructive and unsustainable fishing, vessel mooring and anchoring,

and high-speed vessel operations.

The plan recommends measures to diminish threats in core and buffer areas covering key dolphin

habitats, including the Lantau Dolphin Conservation Management Area.

"The government should prioritize this area and implement an adaptive management plan with immediate

effect," Woo said, adding that the area should be managed to become a no-take and no-development zone.

"The Chinese white dolphin is a unique and shared heritage of Hong Kong, Macau and Guangdong. It

would be a global tragedy to lose this iconic creature from the future of the Greater Bay Area," WWF-

Hong Kong's head of oceans conservation Laurence McCook said. "Governments, businesses and people

of the delta region should seize this last chance to save our Chinese white dolphins."


The Guardian – 09/06/2020

Campaigners hope the move will help end global trade in the scaly anteater, identified as a possible

host for Covid-19

Pangolin scales have been removed from an official 2020 listing of ingredients approved for use in

traditional Chinese medicine in a move lauded by animal protection groups as a key step in stamping out

trade in the scaly anteater, the world’s most trafficked mammal.

As many as 200,000 pangolins are consumed each year in Asia for their scales and meat and more than

130 tonnes of scales, live and dead animals were seized in cross-border trafficking busts last year, a figure

estimated to represent up to 400,000 animals, according to conservation group WildAid.

Trade in all eight species of pangolin are protected under international law and three of the four native to

Asia are included on the red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature as critically

endangered species, including the functionally extinct Chinese pangolin.

The news of the delisting from the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) pharmacopoeia, reported by

China’s Health Times newspaper, comes after the country’s State Forestry and Grassland Administration

(SFGA) raised the protected status of pangolins to the highest level last week, with immediate effect.

“I am very encouraged,” said Zhou Jinfeng, secretary general of the China Biodiversity Conservation and

Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), who has long pushed for better protection of pangolins and

for stopping the use of their scales. “Our continuous efforts for several years have not been in vain.”

In February, China’s National People’s Congress pushed forward a ban on the consumption of meat from

wild animals, though there has been uncertainty as to what wildlife will still be allowed for use in TCM

and the fur and leather industries.

More clarity is expected once China finalises and approves revisions to its wildlife protection law,

possibly in the next year.

“We highly applaud this announcement, made in recognition of the need to protect critically endangered

pangolins,” Steve Blake, chief representative of WildAid in Beijing, told the Guardian.

“Along with upgrading pangolins to a national level 1 protected species, these two actions are crucial to

help curb illegal trade,” Blake said. “This shows China’s rapidly strengthened commitment to protecting


“But we still have a long way to go,” Zhou said. “We need to be vigilant about so-called ‘captive

breeding’ and medicinal research [related to pangolin] because some wrong findings could lead to the

wrong policy decisions,” Zhou said.

The SFGA currently provides permits to TCM pharmaceutical companies for using parts from previous

stockpiles or poorly regulated “farmed” wildlife, but the practice is widely shown to be a magnet for

poaching and the illegal trafficking of both parts and live animals.


Pangolins – which are notoriously difficult to breed in captivity – have been in the spotlight since the start

of the Covid-19 outbreak, due to studies suggesting they may have been the intermediate host that

transmitted the virus to humans.

Of the two animals known to naturally carry the Sars-CoV-2 virus – bats and pangolins – the latter is the

most problematic, both for its meat and for the scales that protect its body. Neither has been positively

identified as the intermediate source that transferred the virus to humans, though a 100% identification

may prove elusive, according to experts.

Since 1 January, when Chinese authorities shut down the Wuhan wet market where the virus was

suspected to have originated, no official details have been released about the specific wildlife found there.

What is known is that out of the 33 samples taken by investigators from the market that tested positive for

the Sars-CoV-2 virus, 31 were from the area where wildlife was sold.

Pangolin meat is eaten by China’s elite in the hope of health or sexual benefits, even though TCM texts

going back to ancient times warn against eating the animals.

In the past five years more than 14,000 whole pangolins have been seized by customs agents at border

crossings in Asia, with 95% of those in shipments of 21 animals or more. This suggests a coordinated

trafficking effort, according to data compiled for the Guardian by C4ADS, a Washington DC-based

thinktank that monitors illicit wildlife, drug and corruption networks.

Since 2015, 99% of all whole pangolin seizures – both live and dead – have occurred in Asia, with 24%

of those at China’s borders, followed by a large number of seizures in Vietnam and India, according to

C4ADS. Most of the whole pangolins are being trafficked from Laos, Thailand and India.

“Notably, there has been a significant drop in reporting on pangolin seizures since December 2019,”

Amanda Shaver, a wildlife crime analyst with C4ADS, told the Guardian. “This is most likely due to the

increased media focus and coverage on Covid-19, but our databases have not recorded a single seizure of

whole pangolin in Asia in 2020.”

As for scale seizures, in the past five years 32% of those have been at mainland China’s borders, although

Hong Kong seizures accounted for 17%, according to C4ADS.

Figuring out where they originated is a challenge, according to Shaver, but available data shows Nigeria

(25%), Malaysia (17%) and Indonesia (12%) as the top sources for scales.


CGTN – 12/06/2020

China released a comprehensive 15-year plan for ecological protection and recovery work, setting a target

to improve the country's environment and achieve the goal of building a "Beautiful China" by 2035.

In the next 15 years, China will expand its forest coverage to 26 percent and have 75 percent of

recoverable sandy land under control, according to the plan released by the National Development and

Reform Commission and the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Moreover, China will maintain the area of natural forest at 200 million hectares and guarantee that 60

percent of its wetlands will be under protection, according to the plan.

The plan also aims to safeguard at least 35 percent of the country's natural coastlines and prevent the

marine ecological condition from worsening.

In the past decades, China has built 2,750 natural reserves covering 1.47 million square kilometers,

accounting for 15 percent of the country's land area, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources.

In August, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration announced that China's forest coverage

had soared from 12 percent in the 1980s to 22.9 percent last year. In the area of the Three-North Shelter-

belt Program alone, forest coverage rose from five percent in 1977 to 13 percent in 2017, reclaiming

336,000 square kilometers of land suffered from desertification.

However, there are still some challenges as the quality of its ecological systems still needs to be

improved, and some regions are sacrificing the local environment to boost short-term economic growth,

said Wu Xiao, director of the NDRC's department in charge of agriculture and rural economy.

"We are also facing the great challenge of protecting the country's water resources as well as its marine

ecological system. A multiple solution system should be built with more involvement from new

technology support," he said at a news conference on June 11.

"Ecological protection and recovery is comprehensive long-term work. The plan will serve as a guide for

related departments at all levels to make detailed plans. And all those efforts will lay a solid foundation

for China to realize its goal of building a beautiful country," Wu said.

Under the plan, nine major projects on ecological protection will be promoted in the next 15 years,

covering many parts of the country, including the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the forest area in

northeast China, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

The Ministry of Natural Resources has specified efforts that need to be made in those core regions and

made detailed protection plans under the nine projects, said Zhou Yuanbo, a senior official with the


Along the Yellow River, for example, he said five protection plans will be conducted to tackle water loss

and soil erosion, further improve the environment along the Yellow River and protect endangered wildlife

in the region, such as the giant panda and crested ibis.


According to the plan, China will have at least 18 percent of the country's territorial land as natural

reserve by 2035 via the establishment of a natural reserve protection mechanism, with national parks as a

crucial part.

Since 2015, China has approved 10 pilot national parks covering more than 220,000 square kilometers

across the country, including the Qilian Mountains National Park in Gansu and Qinghai provinces, and

the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park in Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces.

The pilot national parks have successfully contributed to saving endangered wildlife, according to Yan

Zhen, an official from the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.

In Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park, for example, the Siberian tiger and Amur leopard-two species noted as critically endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red

List-have seen their numbers increase. The total population of the Siberian tiger now stands at 27, with

the Amur leopard at 42.

With the pilot program ending this year, Yan said the programs that will become China's first batch of

national parks will serve as a model for environmental protection work in other regions.

Le Plan complet est disponible sur le site du Ministère des Ressources Naturelles (CN)



Le Quotidien du peuple – 10/06/2020

本报深圳 6 月 9 日电 (记者吕绍刚)《深圳湾航道疏浚工程(一期)环境影响报告书》,因被指




海洋研究所编制的《报告书》,多处出现“湛江”等字样,部分抄袭了《湛江港 30 万吨级航道改扩



根据相关规定,中国科学院南海海洋研究所被记 15 分失信记分,并被处罚款 320 万元;《报

告书》编制主持人兼主要编制人员徐某,5 年内禁止从事环境影响报告书、环境影响报告表编制

工作,并被记 20 分失信记分;广东省深圳航道事务中心作为项目代理建设单位,未充分履行责


200 万元;深圳市交通运输局作为项目建设单位,未对《报告书》的内容进行审核,也未监督代


任,根据相关规定,被处罚款 100 万元。


Sixth tone – 06/06/2020

Officials are rushing to put the finishing touches on an expansive system of ecological redlines by the end

of the year. But will they be enforced?

On June 6, Chinese media reported environmental authorities in the southern megacity of Shenzhen had

handed out a total of 6.2 million yuan ($880,000) in fines to three organizations, including a research

institution affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the municipal transportation bureau, for

falsifying the state-mandated Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of a proposed dredging project in

Shenzhen Bay.

Although a minor endeavor by Chinese infrastructure project standards, the proposal became the subject

of an intense backlash in March after observers realized entire sections of its EIA had been copy-pasted

from another EIA produced in a different city. The drafters hadn’t even bothered to change the place

names. In mid-April, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) announced it would investigate

the case and called for the quality of EIAs to be improved across the board.

There’s a more crucial issue at stake in this case than just another instance of dubious EIA compliance,

however. The proposed channel cuts not just through a well-preserved part of the Pearl River estuary, but

also one of Guangdong’s established “eco-redlines” — areas that are supposed to be off-limits to human


The current eco-redline system was laid out in a joint document from the Central Committee of the

Communist Party and the State Council — China’s Cabinet — in 2017. Under the guidelines, province-

level regions are empowered to draw eco-redlines around both state-designated nature reserves and spots

that have yet to be designated for protection. In theory, these areas are off-limits to development without a

provincial review and central government approval.

The goal was to consolidate oversight of the country’s patchwork of nature reserves. Instead of the

previous hodgepodge of forestry, marine, and agricultural entities, all redlined territory is overseen by

environmental and ecology agencies.

Implementation has lagged, however, and about half the 31 province-level regions on the Chinese

mainland have not finished designating their eco-redlines, while lines elsewhere require further

adjustment. To speed things up, on June 2, the central government reminded officials they have until the

end of the year to finish.

Yet as the above-mentioned case suggests, even where eco-redlines do exist, they are not always


Local officials are frequently willing to ignore or overlook eco-redlines to approve so-called linear

projects, such as railways, highways, pipelines, or transmission lines that stretch over long distances.

Hundreds of these projects are proposed across the country each year, and officials often point to their

ostensible public benefits to justify giving builders whatever permits they need. Since 2018, linear

projects have accounted for 80% of redline breaches documented by the CrossBorder Environment

Concern Association (CECA).

And while any boundary adjustment or proposed development within a redlined area is supposed to be

assessed at the provincial level and submitted to the State Council for approval, our data suggests that

over 75% of potentially invasive projects were reviewed only at the provincial level or below. This trend


is likely to continue, if not worsen, as China streamlines the infrastructure permit process in an effort to

get its economy back on track.

This is already impacting perceptions of the system. At CECA, we’ve talked to investors and project

designers in both the public and private sectors, and the most common feedback we’ve gotten about eco-

redlines is: “I don’t know much about them, but why should I go around an area if the permit to cut

through is easy to get?”

There is also no effective mechanism for carrying out inspections or punishing those who breach redlines.

The current eco-redline system was promulgated by decree, and has yet to be codified into law, meaning

no criminal charges can be brought against those who break the rules.

In an attempt to address this issue, some regions, including the northwestern Ningxia Hui Autonomous

Region, have set a maximum penalty for each redline violation at 500,000 yuan. In my experience,

however, these punishments are not an effective deterrent.

Nor are all violations intentional. Many investors and developers are unaware their projects may be

crossing eco-redlines, in part because detailed information about local eco-redlines is not always open to

the public. Some provincial governments only outline their redlines without providing geographic

coordinates, as though they were state secrets. Even lawyers can find it difficult to tell whether a

construction site is in compliance.

The MEE is trying to address these issues and get the system in place by the end of the year. But public

declarations saying the number of redlines cannot be reduced once the system is in place — combined

with the absence of clear guidelines on identifying potential eco-redline zones or re-zoning areas once

they are established — may induce local governments to redline as few areas as possible.

There is no doubt that the eco-redline system is an improvement over past GDP-centric models of

development, or that it could help strengthen environmental protections. But it needs to be enforced to

work. If we loosen our standards and tolerate development within eco-redlines, then the system will wind

up no different than the countless failed environmental initiatives that came before it.

In the meantime, a cautious attitude and clear benchmarks for development permits are a must. For

example, provinces could designate which types of projects can be carried out within eco-redlined zones.

Breaches should only be approved when an expert panel and public committee have determined there is

no other option.

At the national level, the country should designate a maximum quota of eco-redline invasions for each

province-level region. And that quota should decrease annually until it reaches zero. This will force local

authorities to weigh the merits of one project against another. Ideally, limiting eco-redline breaches would

also be linked to bureaucrats’ performance evaluations.

The Shenzhen case is not the first of its kind, nor is it likely to be the last. I understand that it is

impossible to preserve wholly wild or pure nature, but we need to protect our natural capital before it’s

wiped out. Right now, the country’s focus may be on development, but sooner rather than later China will

miss what’s being lost.



Gouvernement de Shenzhen – 08/06/2020



研究所被记 15 分失信记分,并处罚款 320 万元;深圳市交通运输局被处以罚款 100 万元;广东省

深圳航道事务中心被处以罚款 200 万元;编制人员徐某被记 20 分失信记分,并禁业 5 年。


今年 3 月 27 日《深圳湾航道疏浚工程(一期)环境影响报告书》(以下简称报告书)因被人


4 月 16 日,深圳市生态环境局发布对深圳湾航道疏浚工程的调查进展情况,针对深圳湾航道





中科院南海所被记 15 分失信记分并罚款 320 万元


单位。《报告书》多处出现“湛江”等字样,部分抄袭了《湛江港 30 万吨级航道改扩建工程环境影



立《报告书》编制工作完整档案。根据相关规定,该所被记 15 分失信记分。


等严重质量问题,深圳市生态环境局还作出了行政处罚决定,对该所处以 320 万元罚款。

深圳市交通运输局被处罚款 100 万元

经查,今年 1 月 7 日,深圳市交通运输局作为深圳湾航道疏浚工程(一期)建设单位,与广


圳航道事务中心负责该项目的全部建设管理工作。3 月 19 日,深圳市交通运输局在其官网公示





有责任。根据相关规定,深圳市交通运输局最终被处以罚款 100 万元。

广东省深圳航道事务中心被处以罚款 200 万元










任。依据相关规定,深圳市生态环境局对广东省深圳航道事务中心处以罚款 200 万元。

编制人员徐某被记 20 分失信记分并禁业 5 年



字样,部分抄袭了《湛江港 30 万吨级航道改扩建工程环境影响报告书》内容,不符合环境影响评


定,深圳市生态环境局决定对其失信记分 20 分。


圳市生态环境局还对其作出如下行政处罚:禁止 5 年内从事环境影响报告书、环境影响报告表编



Xinhua – 08/06/2020

BEIJING, June 8 (Xinhua) -- The State Council, China's cabinet, announced the appointment and removal

of officials Monday.

Guan Zhiou was appointed director of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration (National Park

Administration), replacing Zhang Jianlong.

Lu Guoqiang was named director of the National Archives Administration, replacing Li Minghua.

Chen Zhaoxiong was removed from the post of vice minister of industry and information technology.

Kuresh Mahsut no longer holds the positions of vice minister of natural resources and vice general

supervisor of national natural resources.

Ding Zhongli no longer concurrently assumes the post of vice president of the Chinese Academy of


Zhang Enxi was removed from the post of deputy head of the National Coal Mine Safety Administration.


Bloomberg – 10/06/2020

More than 20 non-governmental organizations have called on Chinese banks to withdraw financial

support for a coal-fired power plant under construction in Turkey, citing environmental damage and a

disregard for the “green” pledge of China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

The groups sent letters to China Development Bank, Bank of China Ltd., and Industrial & Commercial

Bank of China Ltd., asking them to halt financing for the Emba Hunutlu project, they said in a press

release Tuesday. A related online petition garnered more than 19,000 signatures.

“In light of community opposition to the project, as well as the lack of legal compliance, we respectfully

ask that the financiers of the Emba Hunutlu coal plant to withdraw all financial support from the project,”

the group said in the letter. “We believe that the cumulative biodiversity, environmental, air pollution,

climate, and policy alignment issues raise serious red flags about your institution’s involvement in this


Activists are increasingly targeting international financing for coal projects as a way halt the construction

of new plants, which are a major contributor to greenhouse gases. Institutions in China, as well as Japan

and Korea, are under sustained pressure for their support of projects, particularly in Southeast and South


Bank of China declined to comment. The other two banks, as well the project’s developer, Shanghai

Electric Power Co., didn’t respond to requests for comment.

The Hunutlu plant, one of China’s largest investments in Turkey, received a 15-year, $1.38 billion loan

from the three Chinese banks. Construction on the 1,320-megawatt station started in September and is

scheduled to end next year.

The group, which includes Turkish and international NGOs, cited ongoing air pollution issues in Adana

province, where the plant will be built, and that the project could result in 2,000 premature deaths. The

facility would also be a threat to the nesting area of a protected species of turtle.

All the three banks in April 2019 signed the Belt and Road Green Investment Principles, a set of

voluntary guidelines incorporating low-carbon and sustainable development practices for projects along

China’s major overseas investment initiative.

A report last year by the Institute of Energy Economics and Financial Analysis, which advocates for the

adoption of green power, concluded that Chinese banks are investing in more than one-quarter of coal

plants under development outside China, totaling $35.9 billion for 102 gigawatts of capacity in 27



Oxpeckers –

Environmental groups say a symbolic gesture would send a clear signal to the public that use of pangolin

scales is no longer permitted. Alexis Kriel reports

A call on the Chinese government to burn its stockpile of pangolin scales is gathering momentum among

international environmental groups which say it would be a symbolic gesture of intent in support of the

recent removal of pangolins from Chinese pharmacopoeia.

On June 6 there was an official declaration by China’s State Forestry and Grassland Administration that it

had elevated pangolins from a Class 2 animal to the level of a Class 1 animal, affording pangolins the

highest protection nationally. This provides for a penalty of 10 years’ imprisonment for those caught

hunting, killing, smuggling or trading pangolins – giving them the same protected status in China as giant


Three days later the 2020 edition of Chinese pharmacopoeia was officially published without pangolins or

their derivatives listed as approved ingredients.

Pangolin meat is consumed as a delicacy throughout Asia, but it is the scales that account for 90% of the

illegal trade. They are used in Chinese traditional medicine as cures for a variety of ailments that purport

to clear blockages, disperse swelling, expel pus, alleviate difficulty with lactation and poor circulation.

“This announcement, effectively closing the legal sale of pangolin scales, shuts the last major loophole in

pangolin protection efforts,” said Peter Knights, chief executive of WildAid, a United States-based

environmental organisation.

Knights said he hoped the Chinese government would do something to raise awareness of the important

change. Burning or crushing the scales – as has been done with ivory by other governments – would send

a clear signal to the public that use of pangolin scales is no longer permitted, he said.

The African Pangolin Working Group initiated the call this week for a public burning of officially

approved government stockpiles of pangolin scales that have been used legally for Chinese medicine and

dispensed to some 700 state-certified hospitals.

Professor Ray Jansen, head of the group, said he has counted 60 commercially produced remedies in

Chinese pharmacopoeia that use pangolin scales and are distributed through more than 200

pharmaceutical companies.

Investigations by Oxpeckers in 2019 showed there has been a dramatic increase in the quantity of

pangolin scales trafficked from Africa to Asia over the past decade to feed this demand. Last year alone, a

total of 97 tons of scales were confiscated en route from Africa to Asia – the equivalent of 150,000

illegally poached African pangolins, with a wholesale value of around $500-million before being

processed for use and marked up for retail sale, Jansen said.

Jansen appealed for a worldwide burning of all stockpiles of pangolin scales held in official custody,

mentioning at least five tons of scales in Nigeria that are currently under the guardianship of customs

police. Nigeria is Africa’s key pangolin export country, according to this Oxpeckers exposé.

Secretary general of the China Biodiversity and Green Development Foundation, Jinfeng Zhou, said all

officially approved government stockpiles of pangolin scales “must be burnt” to give China credibility.


The NGO has been instrumental in persuading the government to upgrade pangolins and to remove them

from traditional Chinese medicine.

Zhou said the general public had welcomed the changes but the business owners behind the lucrative

trade are a hostile adversary and are in strong opposition to the new status quo. The foundation’s

leadership has had to make use of security for protection after a recent arson attack on their offices.

The burning of stockpiles of ivory by the Kenyan government in 2016 was contentious. It followed a

poaching surge in 2012 and 2013 that resulted in the loss of more elephants and rhinos than at any time in

the previous two decades. More than 100 tonnes of ivory was stacked up in pyres in Nairobi National

Park, representing the tusks of about 6,700 elephants.

Before setting the pyres alight in a ceremonial gesture of support, President Kenyatta sent a message to

the world: “No one, and I repeat no one, has any business in trading in ivory, for this trade means death of

our elephants and death of our natural heritage.”

This followed a new wildlife law that introduced a maximum penalty of life imprisonment for poaching.

While critics disagreed with Kenya’s approach to destroying valuable ivory that could be sold to raise

funds for conservation, supporters argued that if ivory has a monetary value it is a tradeable commodity

open to abuse by traffickers.

For organisations like WildAid, the challenge going forward is to make consuming pangolins socially

unacceptable, not just in China, but also across SouthEast Asia and in parts of Africa, where bushmeat

consumption also poses the risk of zoonotic diseases as well as threatening wildlife populations.

“We believe that both the elevated protection of China’s pangolins and their removal from medicine will

help to give the public a clear message that pangolin consumption is completely banned and those

involved will face stiff penalties,” said Knights. “We hope this will lead to increased collaboration

between Chinese customs and African authorities to crackdown on pangolin smuggling.

“The public burning of wildlife contraband has become a definitive declaration of intent on behalf of

governments, and burning Chinese pangolin scale stockpiles will be the first of its kind.”


Environmental Investigation Agency – 10/06/2020

International media such as the BBC, The Guardian, CNN and many others have this

week reported that the Chinese Government has removed pangolin scales as an

ingredient from the latest edition of its traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)


However, the story is not as straightforward as that and, while the Government’s action appears to be a step in the right direction, questions remain.

The country’s TCM pharmacopoeia is a compendium of traditional and Western medicines.

While the Government appears to have removed endangered pangolins from a list of key raw TCM ingredients, it is not yet clear whether pangolins have also been removed from a separate section of the pharmacopoeia as an ingredient in approved patent medicines. Pangolins are the most trafficked mammal in the world and their scales are in high demand for use in TCM.

Despite consumption of pangolin meat being officially banned in China, licensed hospitals and pharmaceutical companies have been permitted to use pangolin scales in traditional medicines – a practice regarded as a major driver in the transnational trafficking of pangolins from across Africa and Asia into China.

If approved patent medicine formulae in the pharmacopoeia containing pangolin have not been removed or amended, it would mean the pharmacopoeia would continue to promote and legitimise medicinal use of pangolins.

This has happened before – neither leopard bone nor bear bile are now included in the ‘key ingredients’ section of the pharmacopoeia, yet are still listed among ingredients for patent medicines and so their legal commercial use continues.

In China, legal trade in medicinal products is not always restricted to ingredients and patent medicines listed in the pharmacopoeia; EIA has documented products in legal trade which list leopard bone as an ingredient and which are not included in the official directory.

These questions need to be clarified and backed up by official policy announcements before we can celebrate a total ban on China’s domestic trade in pangolins.

However, the move is being interpreted as an acknowledgement from China of the need to address the use of pangolin scales in TCM to protect pangolins in the wild.

The Government has also recently increased the formal domestic protection of its three native pangolin species – Chinese, Sunda and Indian pangolins – from second


class to first class special state protection, the highest form of protection under national legislation.

This uplisting does not automatically mean that domestic trade in these species is completely prohibited since exemptions allowing their use in TCM could still apply. As per existing Chinese Government notices, the other five non-native Asian and African species should already be treated as first class special state protection since they are on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

The uplisting does mean that penalties for wildlife crime involving China’s native pangolins could increase. Obtaining a legal license to collect wild pangolins could also become more difficult since it would require the approval of the central wildlife conservation department (i.e. the National Forestry and Grasslands Administration) instead of provincial forestry departments.

Chris Hamley, EIA Senior Pangolin Campaigner, said: “The latest news from China on the strengthening of domestic pangolin protections is a positive result in the ongoing global effort to end the trafficking of pangolin scales.

“However, EIA would like to see these latest moves backed up by further action and official announcements to ensure that Government permits will no longer be issued for the production and sale of medicines containing pangolin scales and that existing pangolin scale stockpiles will be destroyed.”

EIA remains concerned that other threatened species are still being legally used by companies to make TCM products, such as leopards whose bones are used to make pills and wine. Aron White, Wildlife Campaigner & China Specialist, added: “It is disappointing that authorities have not taken this opportunity to also unequivocally end official promotion of the use of leopard bone in TCM – the reasons for removing pangolins from the state pharmacopoeia apply to leopards as well.”


China Water Risks – 18/06/2020

The 14FYP will see unprecedented environmental challenges. Dr Dong from Chinese Academy for

Environmental Planning shares how to overcome these

To continue pursuing a Beautiful China & overcome unprecedented challenges during the 14FYP,

the Chinese govt must continue to promote policy reform & innovation in environmental


Need to set up a long-term protection mechanism, which will help China achieve the 'five

connections'; meanwhile, more market efforts to promote green ways should be used

6 key policy reforms are essential in 14FYP from green dev to quality control and dual

responsibility to international participation; overall, science needs a more prominent role in policy


Since the 18th National Congress, China has made big strides in reforming and innovating ecological and

environmental protection policies which provided an important driving force for the pursuit of a beautiful


Yet, the work in ecological and environmental protection will face unprecedented challenges in 14 Five-

Year Plan (14FYP) period. To provide more high-quality ecological products to satisfy people’s growing

demand for a better living quality, China must continue to promote policy reform and innovation as well

as enhancing the capability and modernity of the system by following President XI’s doctrine of

ecological civilisation.

Challenges in 14FYP

There are still multiple domestic and international obstacles to overcome in 14FYP and they can be

summarised into the following eight points:

1. The consistency and capability of the environmental protection system are still insufficient. In

particular, the operations of the system in 4 areas – namely standards formulation, monitoring and

evaluation, supervision and enforcement, and officials’ accountability, are still not sufficiently


2. The system still requires further modification and its potential has not yet been fully tapped to achieve

emission reduction.

3. The policy framework for regional environmental management – from watershed control unit

compliance, regional air quality, the “3-lines-1-list” initiative (3 lines: ecological protection redline,

environmental quality baseline, natural resources appreciation line; 1 list: the permission list for

ecological resources exploitation) to national parks’ protection are still far from comprehensive.

4. The current system mostly focuses on monitoring and target assessment while lack of progress can still

be found in data collection, transparency, emphasis of responsibility and the use of incentives.

5. Although the market economy of ecological resources exploitation and protection is steadily

improving, it still has not fully achieved the aims of structural alignment, quality improvement and multi-

agency governance.


6. Both the multi-agency approach to manage the ecological environment and the social condition of

green production and consumption are still incomprehensive.

7. The legal framework and standardisation mechanism are still far from perfect. Also, incompetence in

enforcing these laws can still be observed.

8. External challenges such as the resistance towards Belt and Road green development, the aim of

reaching peak carbon emission by 2030, the rise of protectionism and the gap between China’s policies

and the international standards still persist.

A long-term protection mechanism to pursue a beautiful China

To weather through the unprecedented political environment, the reform of ecological environment

protection policies must adhere to President Xi’s doctrine and promote high quality developments in both

the economy and the environment.

Through strengthening the system coordination, regulation, governance, regional management, and

standardisation, China can achieve the “five connections” in environmental protection (connecting

surface-underground, ashore-underwater, land-ocean, city-villages, carbon monoxide-carbon dioxide) and

marry pollution control with ecological protection.

Aside from system improvement, the effectiveness of management must be more transparent and

accountable. As such, the on-going system which is government-led, market-based, and monitored by the

judicial system and the NPC (National People Congress) must be solidified.

More efforts should also be paid on utilising the market economy to encourage green production,

lifestyle, and consumption. Above all, science should be an indispensable element in policy making and


In addition to achieving the above to enhance domestic ecological environment protection, China should

treat it as a global issue and strive to participate in international standard setting to help achieve a clean

and beautiful planet.

The 6 key policy reforms in 14FYP

1. Green development promotion & emission reduction

To promote structural green adjustment in key non-electricity industries such as cement and chemical

industry, the government should provide subsidies for ultra-low emission and establish ladder-level

incentives for water and electricity usage.

The government should also use multiple approaches to achieve emission reduction in China.

Reduces and substitutes coal in focused area and promote nation-wide energy saving and structural readjustment to reduce carbon emission and pollution;

Subsidies for shore power supply;

Phases out diesel truck;

Optimises the transportation infrastructure, and

Provides extra subsidies for beneficial activities in the rural area such as waste recycling, usage of organic fertiliser and operation of sewage treatment plants. Specifically, the electricity price for the sewage treatment plant should be following the civilians or rural production standard (i.e. lower tier).


2. Ecological environment monitoring and management

China needs to continue to improve its regional management and coverage of ecology, atmosphere, water,

soil and ocean. In addition to the focus on regions, the aforementioned “3-lines-1-list” requires further

emphasis with particular focus on strategic environmental impact assessment, the permission list for

ecological resources exploitation, ecological compensation and performance management.

3. Ecological environment quality control and assessment

A consolidated assessment mechanism that encapsulates the elements of water, atmosphere, soil and

ecology has to be constructed to achieve comprehensive assessment of the environment.

This mechanism also needs to be transparent and incentive-based, meaning good performances should be

rewarded with official promotion or increased funding from the central government. The mechanism

should also strive to achieve full coverage of China.

4. The market economy of ecological environment

The performance of environmental quality should be fully integrated with the central government funding

distribution mechanism.

To provide further impetus, volatile organic compounds, carbon emission and polluting products should

be incorporated into the scope of environmental protection tax reform. The negative ecological and

environmental externalities should ultimately be included in resource and consumption tax. Regarding

waste reduction, full-cost coverage sewage treatment policy and solid waste handling fee mechanisms

should be established.

Aside from taxes and government funding, China should continue to improve its transfer payment

mechanism (based on ecological contribution and environment) in key areas. More works could be done

on ecological compensation such as managing water holistically (resources, quality and ecology),

prioritising cross-provincial ecological compensation, and marketising a diversified ecological

compensation mechanism.

Also, trading mechanisms of carbon, pollution discharge and natural resources should be established and

enhanced to utilise natural resources efficiently. The possibility of establishing green development funds

in key areas such as Yangtze River basin and the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area

should also be studied.

5. Dual-responsibility-for-one-post of the party and government

The responsibility of governance of ecological environment has to be clearly defined – lead by the party,

guide by the government, implement by enterprises, participate by the society, operate by multi-agency

approach, and be transparent.

The party and government play a particular important role here, hence the capability of the Congress’s

legal monitoring, CPPCC’s ecological governance and public interest litigation system should be further

enhanced. Through this chain of command, the governing regime should guide the development of green

consumption and mobilise the entire society to participate in pursuing a beautiful China.

6. International participation


China needs to elevate its involvement in international environmental regulations setting, monitor the

2030 SDG Agenda closely, and regularly publish the progress report of China’s Implementation of the

2030 SDG.

It should promote joint constructions of a green Belt and Road and establish mutual recognition of

environmental standards with other countries, as well as leading the standardisation of green

infrastructure development along the Belt and Road.

More broadly, China needs to promote green trade and responsible investment, plus encouraging

structural changes in the global supply chains and strengthening the implementation of international

environmental treaties.

Supporting elements for ecological environmental management

To achieve the visions above, support from a solid legal framework is vital and the government needs to

refine regulations in areas of discharge permit, ecological redlines, biodiversity protection and key

ecological area protection.

Also, it needs to promptly legalise or enhance the following laws and regulations:

Yangtze River Protection Law

Yellow River Protection Law

Climate Change Response Law

Planning Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations

Natural Protection Area Regulations

Operational Permit of Dangerous Waste

However, a well-established legal framework will not be useful unless an effective implementation

mechanism is in place. Therefore, the government must implement the most stringent ecological

environment supervision by promoting institutionalisation, standardisation, and simplification in central

and provincial governments as well as various departments.

Law enforcement in river basin, ocean, and pollution discharge should also be strengthened. In addition, a

unified basin law enforcement mechanism, a regular monitoring mechanism for natural protection areas,

and the environmental monitoring agent mechanism need to be enhanced.

Finally, science needs to play a more prominent role in policy formulation and adjustment. It should be

utilised to evaluate the efficiency of various policies in order to assist the government to refine existing

regulations into more economic efficient and scientific ones.

Cutting-edge technologies such as Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence

and satellite remote sensing should also be deployed to maximise the efficiency and innovation of

environmental policies. It should be heavily utilised to design the 14FYP ecological environmental

protection policy reform and eventually contribute to achieving the ultimate goal of 2035 ecological

environmental protection policy reform.

Only by achieving these can the pursue of a beautiful China in 14FYP be successful.


China Water Risks – 18/06/2020

2019 was a crucial year for the war on pollution. How did water do? Find out in our review of the report

RMB53.2bn spent on air, water & soil management; meanwhile rectification rates are up, YREB

sees improvements & violation case numbers down, likely due to increased compliance

Despite improvements, still a long way to go for groundwater with 85.7% & 76.2% of shallow

groundwater unfit for human touch; meanwhile, surface water improved across all categories

Significant improvement across the 7 major rivers; Northern rivers lagging Southern rivers of

which the Yangtze & Pearl have met both Water Ten targets; Liao and Hai rivers need most work

On 2 June 2020, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) released the 2019 State of Ecology and

Environment Report (SOEE), reporting the “continuous improvement of water and ocean quality” as well

as the “overall improvement of national ecological environment”. The report also noted that 2019 was a

crucial year for the war on pollution and improving ecological environment, as it marked the 70th

anniversary of the founding of New China.

Here are some key highlights from the 2019 report:

RMB53.2bn spent on integrated management: Central government allocated RMB53.2bn to promote

integrated management of air, water, soil and rural environment. It also promoted the establishment of a

national green development fund.

High rectification rates achieved:

>99% or 3,624 of 3,626 problems in 899 provincial water sources were rectified;

82% or 2,513 of 2,899 black and odorous water bodies were rectified.

Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) actions:

82% or 134 of 163 ecological problems in YREB were rectified;

95% of provincial-level (or larger) industrial parks along the YREB have built wastewater treatment facilities with automatic monitoring facilities; and

Grade V water in the basin cross-section has been reduced from 12 to 3.

Violation fines & cases have fallen: Both total environmental violation fines and cases have decreased

by 22% and 12% respectively.

Although violations fines and cases have fallen, we are of the view that these trends likely point to

increasing compliance of the private sector rather than a slowdown in enforcement. This is indicated as

the overall level of surface water resources have improved significantly with Grade V+ water falling by

50% to 3.4%.

That said, groundwater quality improvement still remains very stubborn and some major rivers have yet

to meet the Water Ten quality targets, while the water quality in key lakes and reservoirs have continued

to improve.

We deep dive into the performance of various water bodies below…


Groundwater & shallow groundwater still very far from targets

Overall groundwater quality has a long way to go with 85.7% of groundwater stations falling in Grade IV

and Grade V categories; leaving only 14.4% as Grade I-III, or fit for human touch. Shallow groundwater

quality is even worse off with 46.2% falling in the Grade V category. However, it fares better with 23.7%

in Grade I-III categories water.

Actually both Grade I-III and Grade IV categories for overall groundwater quality saw some gains in

2019. As shown in the chart below left – Grade I-III has improved slightly from 13.8% to 14.4%, and

Grade IV has improved from 70.7% to 66.9%. However, these gains were offset by the deterioration in

Grade V groundwater from 15.5% to 18.8% – this is still far from the Water Ten Plan of 15% by 2020.

As for shallow groundwater, the status remains largely the same as 2018 across all three categories as

shown in the chart below right.

Although no reasons were given for the drastic plunge in overall groundwater quality in 2018, we said last year that the fall was likely attributed to the unprecedented rise in the number of groundwater monitoring stations, therefore reflecting a truer state of groundwater. As there has been no further increase in monitoring stations in 2019, the overall groundwater quality between 2018 and 2019 are comparable – the mixed results for 2019 show just how difficult it is to clean up groundwater pollution.

o tackle this, a detailed plan is expected to be released by the Ministry of Ecology & Environment before

the end of 2020 to outline key tasks and steps for groundwater pollution protection and treatment for

2021-2025. Ahead of this, the Chinese government has started groundwater pollution control pilots in

various locations in 2019.

National surface water quality continues to improve

While groundwater challenges pervade, national surface water quality continues to improve across all

categories since 2015 as shown in the graph below:

Grade I-III national surface water quality has steadily improved from 64.5% to 74.9% in 2019;

Grade IV-V has improved from 26.7% to 21.7%; and

Grade V+ has continuously improved from 8.8% to 3.4%.

Now, we take a close look into the performance of two key components 1) key lakes and reservoirs and 2) each of 7 major rivers to see where improvements were made and what needs to be done to further improve the water quality…

Key Lakes & Reservoirs – overall quality continues to improve

Y-O-Y improvements of water quality of key lakes and reservoirs can be seen for both Grade I-III water

(66.6% in 2018 to 69.1% in 2019) and Grade V+ water (8.1% in 2018 to 7.3% in 2019).

We expect the quality of these 110 key lakes and reservoirs monitored to steadily improve.

Significant improvement of the 7 major rivers quality

The overall surface water quality of the main river basins has seen gradual improvement with Grade I-III

water improved from 74.3% in 2018 to 79.1% in 2019; Grade IV-V slightly improved from 18.9% to

17.9%; and Grade V+ drastically improved from 6.9% to 3%, as seen in the chart below left. The water

quality has been steadily improved since 2015 in the chart below right.


However, a closer examination revealed that all Northern rivers still fall short of either one of the Water Ten targets (Grade I-III >70% & Grade V+ <5%). The Hai and Liao Rivers warrant most attention as they fail to meet North Water Targets by significant margins.

Breakdown of 7 major river basins

We are right! Yellow River becomes the 1st Northern river to meet the target

Last year, we said the Yellow River will become the first northern river to meet the Water Ten target of

70% in Grade I-III water – and we are please to say we are right!

Its Grade I-III water quality has improved from 66.4% in 2018 to 73% in 2019. However, pollution is still

rampant – despite improvement of Grade V+ water quality from 12.4% to 8.8%; it still falls short of the

Grade V+ target of <5%.

Home to 150 million people and key to sustaining China’s food, energy and ecological security, President Xi has reiterated the Yellow River’s importance in this year’s New Year speech. As we said in March, China has grand plans to become beautiful and the government is already working on a draft, “Water Resource Special Plan for Ecological Protection and High Quality Development of the Yellow River”. In the last few weeks, China announced it would map and monitor all sewage outlets in the Yellow River to fight pollution, as well as its Supreme People’s Court vow to punish criminal acts damaging the ecological environment in the Yellow River Basin.

Going forward, we expect China to apply its successful YREB pilots to the Yellow River – more on this

in 5 Trends For The Year Of Rat. Also, click here to get up to speed on the various policies in the Yellow

River introduced by Dr Dong from the Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning.

Yangtze & Pearl achieve both Water Ten targets

Similar to previous years, Southern rivers (Yangtze and Pearl) have continued to outperform the Northern

ones and show improvement in both Grade I-III and V+ water. In particular, Pearl has joined Yangtze to

become the only 2 rivers that met their Water Ten targets.

Yangtze – The Yangtze River is China’s socio-economic powerhouse. As such, China has set a much

higher water quality standard for the river back in 2018 when it legislated the “Yangtze Action Plan”

which requires Grade I-III water to attain 85% and Grade V+ to be less than 2% by 2020.

Policies taken by the government are clearly effective as the river’s Grade I-III water quality improved

from 87.5% in 2018 to 91.7% in 2019 and Grade V+ water improved from 1.8% to 0.6% – meeting both


Going forward, we expect China to continue to improve the Yangtze’s water quality. The “Yangtze River

Protection Act“ has already been submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People Congress

for review and legislation. More on Yangtze’s development in our report Yangtze Water Risks, Hotspots

& Growth.

Pearl – Grade I-III water quality reversed the deteriorating trend in 2017-18 and improved from 84.8% in

2018 to 86.1% in 2019; Grade V+ water quality improved from 5.5% to 3%. Going forward, all eyes are

on the Pearl River to deliver growth in the GBA. More on this here.

Songhua & Huai – almost there on meeting both targets

Both Songhua and Huai have met their Grade V+ Water Ten target (<5%) by achieving 2.8% and 0.6%

respectively. However, they still fail to elevate their Grade I-III water to 70%.


Songhua River – Grade I-III water quality reversed the deteriorating trend in 2017-18 and improved

from 57.9% in 2018 to 66.4% in 2019. Meanwhile, Grade V+ water quality drastically improved from

12.1% to 2.8%, propelling Songhua to meet the Water Ten target of Grade V+ water quality.

Huai River – Grade I-III water quality continue to improve from 57.2% in 2018 to 63.7% in 2019 as did

Grade V+ water quality from 2.8% to 0.6%. Note that the Huai and Yangtze rivers now have the lowest

Grade V+ category performance at 0.6%.

Liao & Hai – significant progress in curbing pollutions but still a long way to go

Liao River – Grade I-III water quality continued to improve from 48.9% in 2018 to 56.3% in 2019, while

Grade V+ water quality managed to reverse the deteriorating trend to drastically improve from 22.1% to


Hai River – Grade I-III water quality continued to improve from 46.3% in 2018 to 51.9% in 2019 as did

Grade V+ water quality from 20% to 7.5%. Note that the Hai is the worst performer in categories of

Grade I-III. However with the focus on Beijing waternomics, we can expect to see the river to make

marked improvement. More on this here.

Rapport complet disponible sur le site du Ministère de l’Ecologie et de l’Environnement (CN)


3.24.关于公开征求《关于进一步提高规划环评效力 推动产业园区绿色发展 改善生态环境质量的通知(征求意见稿)》


Ministère de l’Ecologie et de l’Environnement – 05/06/2020



《关于进一步提高规划环评效力 推动产业园区绿色发展 改善生态环境质量的通知(征求意见稿)》和编制说明,现



箱)。征求意见截止时间为 2020 年 6 月 20 日。

联系人:环境影响评价与排放管理司 张明博 谢慧

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联系人:生态环境部环境工程评估中心 刘磊

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2.关于进一步提高规划环评效力 推动产业园区绿色发展 改善生态环境质量的通知(征求意见稿)

3.《关于进一步提高规划环评效力 推动产业园区绿色发展 改善生态环境质量的通知(征求意见稿)》编



2020 年 6 月 2 日


China Daily – 29/06/2020

Top priority should be given to people's lives, safety, he says in instruction

President Xi Jinping has underlined the importance of putting people and life first in an instruction given

on the country's flood control and disaster relief work.

The National Meteorological Center issued an alert for rainstorms for the 27th straight day on Sunday as

floods caused by continuous downpours have left at least 81 people missing or dead.

With downpours increasing in southern and southwestern China, many areas have been hit by flooding

and geological disasters, Xi said. He required local governments at all levels and all related departments

to make all-out efforts to prevent disasters and carry out emergency rescue work.

Noting that some areas hit severely by floods will enter the typhoon season, Xi, who is also general

secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military

Commission, asked departments including the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters to

strengthen coordination and guide the flood and typhoon prevention and relief work in relevant regions.

In the instruction released on Sunday, Xi said that governments and departments should make overall

arrangements concerning the current COVID-19 pandemic prevention measures as well as flood control,

clearly identify responsibilities and combine prevention work with emergency responses.

He also required efforts to strengthen monitoring over the flood situation, to identify potential risks in a

timely manner, and to well organize rescue and relief work.

Xi noted that people affected by the disasters should receive appropriate resettlement and that top priority

should be given to guaranteeing people's lives and safety.

The National Meteorological Center issued on Sunday a yellow alert, the second-lowest in the country's

four-tier color-coded weather warning system, for rainstorms for the 24 hours starting from 2 pm on


During that time, some areas in nine provincial regions, mostly located in southern parts of the country,

will be engulfed by torrential rains. Among them, central and southern parts of Jiangsu province and

northern parts of Shanghai will be the worst hit and receive precipitation of 10 to 20 centimeters,

according to the center.

The center also issued a blue alert, the lowest in the warning system, for severe convective weather,

which is characterized by strong winds, hail, thunderstorms and brief but heavy rainfall, for the same

period. The greatest hourly precipitation in the affected areas will generally be between 3 and 5

centimeters but may exceed 7 centimeters in the most extreme circumstances, it said.

Some areas in Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces will be hit by thunderstorms and gales, it


Continuous rainfall has wreaked havoc in many regions across the country, especially southern parts of

the country.


According to the Ministry of Emergency Management, 13.74 million people in 26 provincial regions had

suffered from floods caused by continuous downpours and over 744,000 people had been evacuated as of


The direct economic losses from the floods have reached 27.8 billion yuan ($3.93 billion), it added.

A rainstorm that lashed Mianning county in Sichuan province, for example, caused the deaths of 12

people, and another 10 are reported missing as of 16:00 Sunday.

The rainstorm started at 6 pm on Friday and ended at 1 am on Saturday, causing two deaths after part of a

national highway collapsed and one car and one minivan fell into a river. The other 10 deaths were

reported in the town of Yihai, according to the county's information office.

Sheltered in one of the four resettlement areas accommodating more than 2,100 people affected by the

rainstorm, Ah Limo, 13, from the village of Caogu, said that it was "terrifying".

Two hours after the rainstorm struck the county together with hail, the power supply was cut. At 11 pm, a

village official asked his family to go to a resettlement area to escape the flood.

He Jianmei, deputy Party secretary of Mianning, said each resident in the four resettlement areas received

two loaves of bread, a bag of milk and mineral water for supper on Saturday and lunch boxes on Sunday.

The Ministry of Water Resources warned of the risk of major floods of small and medium-sized rivers in

areas affected by the coming rainfall.

Due to downpours from 8 am on Friday to 8 am on Saturday, 13 rivers in southern parts of the country

rose above their warning levels. As the rainfall continues, watercourses in the basins of the Yangtze,

Huaihe and Pearl rivers and Taihu Lake are expected to see a marked increase in their water levels, it


The ministry has demanded intensified monitoring and patrolling to cope with the situation.



Administration Nationale des Forêts et des Prairies – 19/06/2020





二、通信地址:北京市东城区和平里东街 18 号国家林业和草原局动植物司资规处(邮编:

100714);北京市朝阳区农展馆南里 11 号农业农村部渔业渔政管理局资源环保处(邮编:



有关意见反馈截止时间为 2020 年 7 月 19 日。





2020 年 6 月 19 日


China Daily – 30/06/2020

President Xi Jinping underlined on Monday the importance of giving priority to environmental protection

and green development in exploring the hydropower potential of the Jinsha River in a coordinated and

scientific manner.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of

the Central Military Commission, made the remark as he sent his congratulations on the beginning of

operations on Monday at the first set of power generators at the Wudongde Hydropower Station.

The station spans the Jinsha River in the upper stretches of the Yangtze River and is on the border of

Huidong county in Sichuan province and Luquan county in Yunnan province.

Xi extended his regards to all workers, officials and individuals who contributed to construction of the

hydropower station, a key part of the national project to transfer electricity from the country's western

regions to the more developed eastern areas.

He called on workers to continue to follow a new development philosophy, work toward new heights in

science and technology and complete the rest of the project with high standards and high quality to build

the station into a topnotch project.

It is also important to protect the Jinsha River Basin during its development so as to bring about more

benefits to the people, he said.

A ceremony for the start of operations at the first set of power generators of the hydropower station was

held via video link in Beijing and Sichuan and Yunnan provinces on Monday.

China Three Gorges Corp started construction on the hydropower station in December 2015. It is

expected to produce 38.91 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity a year after reaching its full capacity in

July 2021.



Le Quotidien du Peuple – 30/06/2020


















































































定。推动生态环境保护产业与 5G、人工智能、区块链等产业融合,加快形成新业态、新动能,拉



























21st Century Business Herald – 11/06/2020







去年 9 月 18 日,习近平总书记在郑州主持召开黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展座谈会时,提出了



大计。从去年 8 月习近平总书记在兰州考察黄河到当年 9 月在郑州主持召开黄河流域生态保护和

高质量发展座谈会,今年 5 月又在山西考察了重要的黄河支流汾河,不到一年的时间,他 4 次实

































3.30. 做好城市建设中的文物保护 济南实施建设用地考古前置

Administration Nationale du Patrimoine de Chine – 28/06/2020





见》(以下简称《实施意见》)。”济南市文化和旅游局党组书记、局长郅良在 6 月 24 日济南市


先考古后土地供应 源头保证文物安全

济南是 1982 年国务院公布的历史文化名城,文物资源丰富。目前,全市共有不可移动文物

1348 处,其中全国重点文物保护单位 30 处、省级文物保护单位 161 处、市级文物保护单位 244










效保证了文物安全。” 郅良进一步解释道,土地供应前完成考古工作,改变了以往哪个地块发现




总体设计 分步实施 确保政策落细落地


















明确责任 加强监管 有序推进实施



探。” 郅良解释道,一是市政府公布的无影山区、刘家庄区、魏家庄区、古城区、二环东路区、

牛旺庄区 6 个地下文物保护区;二是《济南市历史文化名城保护规划》划定的历史城区。三是除

上述区域外,凡是占地 2 万平方米以上的土地供应,均需进行考古调查勘探。2 万平方米以下的





















多措并举 全方位保护文物安全




介绍,2017 年以来,济南市共争取国家、省级文物修缮保护资金 1 亿 1576 万元;2018 年市政府

投入 4500 万元,分三年实施文物拯救保护行动;每年的文物修缮保护专项资金也增至 1000 万

元;近三年组织开展了 100 余项文物修缮保护工程,全市文物保护状况得到极大改善;配合城市

基本建设调查勘探近 1000 万余平方米,考古发掘近 1 万平方米,发掘出土大量地下文物,既保护


200 个,开展送展和系列活动 300 余次,受益观众 500 余万人次;积极探索各类文物监管措施,





环境、经济社会发展、民生改善的融合发展。” 郅良表示,文物安全方面,将严格落实安全属地




防设施,实现 24 小时远程监管;推动实现与公安机关联网联动,运用无人机等科技手段开展大型




Le Quotidien du Peuple – 15/06/2020

La Chine va mettre en place 19 projets majeurs dans des zones clés le long du Yangtsé et du fleuve Jaune

et des zones côtières pour promouvoir l'écosystème local, a annoncé le 12 juin la Commission nationale

du développement et de la réforme (NDRC).

La commission, en collaboration avec le ministère des Richesses naturelles, a publié un plan directeur,

mettant en avant les défis auxquels est confrontée la protection écologique des deux fleuves.

Les 19 grands projets comprennent huit le long du Yangtsé, cinq le long du fleuve Jaune et six dans les

zones côtières.

Le Yangtsé et le fleuve Jaune servent de rivières mères de la nation chinoise, a déclaré Zhou Yuanbo, du

ministère des Richesses naturelles. Ils sont le fondement du développement durable en Chine, a-t-il


Les huit projets couvrant le Yangtsé visent à promouvoir la gestion intégrée et la restauration des

écosystèmes dans les forêts subtropicales, les lacs et les zones humides, tandis que les cinq projets

couvrant le fleuve Jaune visent à améliorer la conservation de l'eau dans les cours supérieurs, la

conservation de l'eau et des sols au milieu, aux côtés des zones humides l'écosystème et la protection de la

biodiversité dans les parties inférieures.

Les six projets dans les zones côtières couvriront la mer Jaune et la mer de Bohai, le delta du fleuve

Yangtsé, la côte ouest du détroit de Taïwan, la région de Greater Bay Area Guangdong-Hong Kong-

Macao, le golfe de Beibu et l'île de Hainan.


3.32.文明因交流而精彩 首届“丝绸之路周”在浙开幕

Xinhua – 20/06/2020

对话丝绸,感悟历史与未来。6 月 19 日下午,2020 年首届“丝绸之路周”在杭州西湖畔的中国


















住房和城乡建设部关于支持开展 年城市体检工作的函

MOHURD – 16/06/2020







队制定了《2020 年城市体检工作方案》(以下简称《工作方案》),对部分城市开展城市体检工作,你

市被选定为 2020年城市体检样本城市,请予支持做好有关工作。








请你市于 2020 年 6 月 30 日前,将负责对接城市体检工作的联系人及联系方式反馈我部建筑





2020 年 6

月 16 日






2020 年城市体检工作方案


险、打基础、惠民生、利长远的改革有机统一起来的要求,2020 年城市


理存在的问题和短板,制定 2020 年城市体检工作方案如下。





鲁木齐、洛阳、衢州、赣州、景德镇、黄石、遂宁市(共 36 个)。


采用 2019 年统计数据、遥感数据、社会大数据等,结合 2020 年城







貌特色、整洁有序、多元包容、创新活力等 8个方面。按照突出重点、群































