Finlande Finland. Ecole et sports school and sports School German teacher (in the snow)


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Finlande Finland Slide 2 Ecole et sports school and sports School German teacher (in the snow) Slide 3 1 er jour visite de lcole primaire 1st day visit of the primary school Slide 4 Le self school restaurant La nourriture tait disons trs spciale The food was really surprisingbut good Slide 5 La cuisine the kitchen Tous les plats taient prpars dans la cuisine de lcole All the dishes were made in the scool kitchen Slide 6 Salle de musique music room Lcole est vraiment bien quipe! The school is very well equipped Slide 7 cour de rcration leur jeu favori playground and favorite game Slide 8 Le collge The school buildings Slide 9 Self school restaurant Ils mangent beaucoup de patates They eat lots of potatoes! Slide 10 Cour de cuisine Cooking classes Cela nous a impressionn dans un collge, parce que nous nen avons pas chez nous. That impressed us because we havent got any in France. Slide 11 Entre midi et deux choix de leurs activs: couture They have clubs during midday break. They can choose their activity: here its sewing Slide 12 Ou musique/ or music its funny! Ils jouent comme un vrai groupe de rock. They play like a rockband. Slide 13 Ou dessin some art too Slide 14 Crmonie douverture Opening ceremony Slide 15 Avant le spectacle Before the show Avec nos tenues de danse With our scene costumes Slide 16 Slide 17 Slide 18 2 me jour Atelier hockey 2 nd day hockey workshop Slide 19 Atelier dgustation tasting workshop La plupart des mets nous ont surpris. Most of the dishes were new to us. Slide 20 Devenir finlandais en quinze minutes How to become Finnish in fifteen minutes Slide 21 Floorball Ce sport ressemble fortement au hockey. This sport looks like hockey. Slide 22 3 me jour le ski de fond 3rd day cross country skiing Slide 23 Les professeurs (car ils sont tomb bon nombres de fois) doivent aimer la neige. Because they fell lots of times, we think that teachers love snow. Slide 24 La patinoire the icehall Slide 25 Slide 26 Raquettes Snow shoes During this week in Finland you can see we spent lots of time at school or at sport. We did and saw lots of things as you could imagine (cross country skiing, snow shoes walking, music practise, floorball, art ) We will remember it all our whole life. That was a very enriching experience from a cultural as well as an emotional point of view. Thank you everybody.
