Formas - Colegio Maravillas-Benalmádena - En acciones o rutinas habituales: She studies at home -...


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�  Usos: -  En acciones o rutinas habituales: She studies at home -  Con verbos de estado (Stative Verbs): She loves hockey *Stative verbs: like, dislike, love, hate, prefer, want,

believe, know, guess, understand, think (creer), weigh / taste (cuando se refieren al estado y no a la acción).

-  Con adverbios de frecuencia. (ADV+VERB / TO BE + ADV).

-  Mum sometimes arrives late -  Mum is sometimes late

�  Formas: -  Afirmativas: SUJ + Vsin to. Se añade –s/es

en la 3ª pers sing. She enjoys her meal. * Terminaciones –o , ss, sh, ch, x añaden

-es. Does, misses, wishes, catches, fixes.

�  Negativas: Suj + don´t / doesn´t + Vsin to *verbos to be, have got y modales (can,

must…) no se forman con auxiliar. My parents don´t come to school She doesn´t eat at school. �  Interrogativas: (wh) + do/ does + suj +Vsin

to. What do you think about the film? Where does she buy medicine?

� Usos: - Acciones que están ocurriendo en el

mismo momento. My teacher is talking now, at the

moment, right now… *Una acción planificada para un futuro

cercano. I´m meeting my friend tonight

�  Formas: - Afirmativas: Suj+ to be + V-ing She is eating meat - Negativas: Suj + to be (not) + V-ing She isn´t eating meat - Interrogativas: (Wh) + to be + V-ing What is she eating?

�  Reglas Ortográficas: - verbos acabados en –e: dance- dancing - verbos acabados en 1 vocal + 1 cons: (excepto con W y X): run – running fix- fixing -  Verbos acabados en –ie: die - dying

Uso: �  Para expresar acciones acabadas que

ocurrieron en el pasado. Formas: �  Afirmativa: Si el verbo es regular añade la

terminación –ed, (irregulares estudiar lista). No se añade –s/-es en la 3ª persona.

We travelled to Italy We went to Italy.

�  Negativa: Se forma con el auxiliar didn´t + el verbo en infinitivo.

The train didn´t stop �  Interrogativa: (Wh) + did (n´t) + sujeto + V

inf What did she buy at the shop? Did your parents go with you?

Usos: �  Expresar una acción que estaba ocurriendo en un

determinado momento del pasado. I was cooking dinner last night.(at ten ) �  Expresar que algo estaba ocurriendo cuando pasó otra

cosa. En este caso se usa when , while y as. I was eating when he called me While she was studying I arrived �  Expresar dos acciones simultáneas que ocurrieron en el

pasado. I was playing paddle while he was doing his


Formas: �  Afirmativa: Pasado del to be was /were

+ verbo acabado en –ing. She was cooking last night �  Negativa: wasn´t / weren´t + verbo en –

ing. He wasn´t sleeping in his room.

�  Interrogativa: (Wh) + was / were + suj + V ing.

was your cousin working yesterday? Where were your friends living last

