GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES - SANALHAZiNEM Size ….. GGeerruunndd llaarrıınn NNeessnnee OOllaarraakk...


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GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES Fiilin isim olarak kullanılmasına isim fiil denir. Türkçede isim fiil ekleri: mek / mak me / ma iş / ış Onu ilk görüşümü hatırlıyorum. zamir Nesne yüklem (neyi, kimi sorusuna cevap verir) isim > özne veya nesne olur ÖZNE YÜKLEM NESNE İsim Tense > Zamir Modal > passive Isim fiil Infinitives > to V1 Gerund > V ing

GERUNDS Gerunds en genel anlamı ile fiili ing eki ile isimleştirme. V ing: 1.Continuous Tense ve Modal larda kullanılır. Be + Ving modal be + Ving Stative fiiller ing almaz. Cümlenin fiilindeki stative fiiller ing almaz 2. Gerunds özne veya nesnede kullanılır. Her türlü fiil ing alır. (isim fiiller) Knowing everything is impossible Özne yüklem Konular: 1. Gerund ların özne olarak kullanımı 2. Gerund ların nesne olarak kullanımı 3. Gerund alan bazı yapılar


111... GGGeeerrruuunnnddd lllaaarrrııınnn ÖÖÖzzznnneee OOOlllaaarrraaakkk KKKuuullllllaaannnııımmmııı Herhangi bir cümlenin öznesi gerund dan oluşuyorsa şu noktalara dikkat edilmesi gerekir 1.




Yüklem tekil olur. Am / is / are Was / were Have / has

İki adet gerund and bağlacı ile bağlanıyorsa yüklem çoğul; but veya or bağlacı ile bağlanıyorsa yüklem yine tekildir. Herhangi bir gerund’ı negatif yapmak istiyorsak önüme not eki getiririz (not V ing) Not Türkçesi > me / ma Herhangi bir gerund ı nitelemek istiyorsak yani o gerund ın kim tarafından yapıldığını söylemek istiyorsak iyelik sıfatı kullanırız (my, your)

*Growing flowers is fun. (çiçek yetiştirmek) *Growing flowers and vegetables is fun. *Running and swimming are my favourite sports *Living in the same house but not sharing the housel hold chores is unjust (adaletsiz) (aynı evde yaşamak ama evişlerini paylaşmamak adaletsizdir) *Listening to music or reading a book is relaxing after a hard day’s work İyelik sıfatları: İsmin kime ait olduğunu gösterirler. My Your His Her + Ving / isim’s (Ahmet’s) Türkçesi in / ın It’s Our Your Their His(Ahmet’s) not wanting to go abroad doesn’t concern us Özne yüklem nesne Onun yurt dışına gitmek istemeyeşi bizi ilgilendirmez. *Her being able to pass the exam astounded (şaşırtma) us Onun sınavı geçebilmesi bizi şaşırttı.


222... G GGeeerrruuunnnddd lllaaarrrııınnn NNNeeesssnnneee OOOlllaaarrraaakkk KKKuuullllllaaannnııımmmııı





Nesne olarak kullanılan bir gerund negatif yapmak için yine not ekini kullanırız ve o gerund a herhangi bir özne kazandırmak istiyorsak yine iyelik sıfatlarını ya da isim’s yapısını kullanırız Gerund nesne olarak kullanıldığında 2 tür yapının nesnesi olabilir: Nesne gerund A. Preposition + V ing B. Verb + V ing (edat=at,in,on)

Preposition + Ving : İngilizcede herhangi bir prep dan sonra herhang bir isim fiil istenmesi durumunda bu her zaman gerund olur. (infinitive değil) Prep 3 tür yapıdan sonra gelebilir:

V + prep + V ing : Kendinden önce fiil prep olabilir She accused me of stealing the money. V prep Last night we talked about selling 2. Adj + prep + V ing I’m afraid of flying in a plane Adj prep I’m interested in collecting stamps 3. Noun + prep + Ving : herhangi bir isim olabilir. What’s the technique for learning these preposition by heart (ezbere) Isim prep

Preposition görevi yapan to

to – V ing 1. be used to >

be accustomed to > V ing I am used to getting up early on weekdays She is accustomed to answering a lot of questions be yerine get gelebiliyor get used to > = get accustomed to > V ing = adjust to V ing (alışmak) Don’t worry ! You’ll adjust to living in Antalya soon


2. have an objection to V ing = ...itirazı olmak object to V ing = ...itiraz etmek Do you have an objection to spending our vacation in Bodrum this year?

3. be opposed to V ing = be against V ing = ...karşı olmak X

be in favour of V ing = be for V ing = ...den yana olmak I’m opposed to killing animals just for fun

4. In addition to V ing >

Besides V ing > As well as V ing > ilaveten, Yanısıra, ek olarak Apart from V ing > Aside from V ing > In addition to working part time at a restaurant at nights Sam goes to scholl full-time

5. Look forward to V ing = dört gözle beklemek We are looking forward to hearing from you soon

6. When it comes to V ing > As for V ing > ...e gelmek I’m not good at sports, but when it comes to playing cards, there is no one that I can’t beat.

7. Devote one self to V ing > ...kendini ...e / a adamak Tim has devoted himself to improving his communication skills for the last six mounts.

8. Prefer V ing to V ing > (to var ise V ing) Prefer to V1 rather than (to) V 1 > (rather than var ise V 1) In my spare time, I prefer listening to music to watching TV I prefer to listen to music rather than (to) watch TV.

9. Refer to V ing = mention V ing > ...den bahsetmek e / a hakkımda konuşmak

At the last committee meeting, the president referred to selling our company to a rival firm.

B. Verb + Ving: (Tam liste için bakınız syf. 168) I enjoy watching TV in my spare time. ana fiil Ving


333... GGGeeerrruuunnnddd lllııı YYYaaapppııılllaaarrr 1.


Go + V ing Hobi, faaliyet Last weekend we went hunting to the mountains. If you are free, let’s go window shopping. Go swimming > go for a swim hunting > a hunt running > a run walking > a walk dancing > a dance go to > dan sonra YER go for > dan sonra FAALİYET go to + yer > go abroad Ankara home the cinema somewhere

By + V ing > How? (nasıl) ..erek / arak We show people we are happy by smiling We decided who would take the last piece of the cake by flipping a coin.



Without + V ing meden / madan meksizin / maksızın It’s no use V ing It’s no good V ing -nın faydası yok / yararı yok He is no use studying for the test at the last minute; you want succeed What good V ing > nın faydası ne? What good learning these prepositions by heart, if we don’t use them?








There is no point in V ing ... nın anlamı yok There is no point in insisting your father on taking you to the theatre; he won’t accept. Normalde; point of alır > ... nın gereği What is the point of buying a second car when you have one which is very new? be on the point of V ing > ... mek / mak üzere be on the verge of V ing > ... in / ın eşiğinde The company is on the point of going bankruptcy (banka iflası). A lot of workers will lose their livelihood (geçim kaynağı). Misdemeanour : hafif suç, kötü davranış embezzle : zimmetine geçirmek declaration : bildiri It’s worth V ing ... değer It’s not worth V ing ... değmez It was worth seeing the film “Matrix” especially its visual effects were excellent. It’s not worth repairng that watch. Throw it a way / out be busy V ing ... ile meşgul olmak Please don’t come at 8:00 to night. I will be busy watching my favourite documentary then. Have a good time > Have fun > V ing ... iyi zaman geçirmek, eğlenmek Last night we had fun watching TV and playing cards Have a hard time > Have a difficult time > Have trouble > V ing > zorlanmak, sıkıntı çekmek Have difficulty (in) > I sometimes have trouble understanding the people around me What about you? (peki ya sen) Do you sometimes have a hard time understanding the structures in English grammar? Spend > Waste > V ing > zamanı / parayı boşa harcamak Let’s not waste our time watching this ridiculous program? Last night we spent three hours doing our English homework.





sit / sat / sat > stand / stood / stood > yer ifadesi > V ing lie / lay / lain > (lie=yalan söylemek / lied / lied) I sat at my desk writing a letter to my girlfriend The man stood on the corner of the street waiting for a taxi I lay on my bed thinking about my future life. find (bulmak) / found / found > catch(yakalamak) / cought / cought > KİŞİ + Ving leave (bırakmak) left / left > sadece catch öfke içerir (annoyance=kızgınlık). When I entered my office, I found my brother using my phone. When I entered my office, I cought a man looking through my desk drowers I left my son watching TV this morning Since then I haven’t seen him After > + V ing, özne + yüklem (+ nesne) preposition olarak kullanılıyor Before > temel cümle Since > bağlaç (ise) özne + yüklem (+ nesne), özne + yüklem + nesne While > zaman cümlesi temel cümle After I finished my homework, I went out After finishing my homework, I went out prep Before she went to bed, Sally took a shower Before going to bed, Sally took a shower While I was walking down the street, I ran into an old friend. While walking down the street, I ran into an old friend. Buraya kadar olanlarda özne hep aynı. Özne farklı ise olmaz. Preposition lu yapıların kullanılabilmesi için her iki eyleminde öznesinin aynı kişiler olması gerekir. While I was watching TV, a mouse ran across the floor


INFINITIVES To V1 / not to V1 Temel cümle ile infinitive cümlenin negatifi farklıdır. I have decided not to go out I haven’t decided to go out get I promised not to see her I didn’t promise to see her 1) Özne olarak kullanımı 2) Nesne olarak kullanılması 3) Infinitive alan yapılar

111... IIInnnfffiiinnniiitttiiivvveee nnniiinnn ööözzznnneee ooolllaaarrraaakkk kkkuuullllllaaannnııımmmııı::: Gerund gibi infinitive de herhangi bir cümlenin öznesini oluşturabilir. Cümlede genel bir anlam varsa özne hem gerund dan hemde infinitive den oluşabilir. Ancak gerund tercih edilir. Cümlede özel bir anlam (bir kere olan eylem) varsa infinitive kullanılır. Gerund kullanılmaz. *Riding with a drunk driver is dangerous. To ride with a drunk driver is dangerous.(genelleme yapılıyor) *To ride with that drunk driver is dangerous (özel bir durum, bu sarhoşun arabasına binmek tehlikelidir) *Going to the circus is exciting To go to the circus is exciting (genel) *To go to the circus tonight is a good idea Cümleye infinitive ile başlamak (formal) resmidir. Bunun yerine cümleye “ it ” boş öznesi ile başlayıp yüklemi vermek arkasından infinitive kullanmak informaldir, daha yaygındır. It + yüklem + infinitive > Informal *It is dangerous to ride with a drunk driver özne *To chat with friends is fun It is fun to chat with friends Özne (çeviri burdan başlar) *It is a good idea to go to circus tonight *To learn a foreign language is essential for me It is essential for me to learn a foreign language özne


If be sıfat for sb to V1 of sb to V1 *------ özne somebody > isim > Tom, Ayşe > nesne zamirleri > me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them • Söz konusu sıfat kişi karakterini anlatan sıfat ise infinitive öznesi olarak of sb

kullanılır brave cesur = bold > cowardly korkak > careless dikkatsiz > clever zeki = inteligent > considered düşünceli > in considered > foolish aptal > generous cömert > mear cimri > good iyi > kind yardımsever = friendly, kindful > of somebody + to V1 unkind > polite kibar > impolite kaba = rude > right doğru > wrong > selfish bencil > silly aptal > thoughtful düşünceli > wicked kötü (JR dallas) > It is kind of you to help me carry that boxes It was brave of Jim to save that girl from drowning. • Söz konusu sıfat durum anlatan sıfat ise infinitive öznesi olarak for sb kullanılır important = significant : önemli > mandatory = obligatory : zorunlu > essential = necessary : gerekli > vital = crucial : hayati derecede önemli > easy : kolay > difficult = hard : zor > for somebody + to V1 exciting : heyecan verici > interesting : ilginç > usual : sıradan > unusual : sıradışı > dangerous : tehlikeli > It is mandatory for every child to attend school until 16 It is difficult for me to understand this subject without your help


222... IIInnnfffiiinnniiitttiiivvveee nnniiinnn NNNeeesssnnneee OOOlllaaarrraaakkk KKKuuullllllaaannnııımmmııı::: *------------ Özne yüklem nesne (inf) 1 2 Nesne olarak 3 tür yapıyı takip eder: A) Fiil + inf B) Sıfat + inf C) İsim + inf A. Fiil + Infinitive Infinitive bazı fiillerden sonra nesne olarak kullanılabilir: 1) Özne + yüklem + infinitive:

Özne hem yüklemin hem infinitivenin öznesi dir. İki eylemide yerine getiriyor. *---- She agreed to marry him *-------------- I couldn’t afford to buy that ring *--------- *----------------------

2) Özne + yüklem + nesne + infinitive: Özne yüklemi yapıyor, nesne infinitive nin öznesidir. Nesne > 1. Kişi ismi 2. Nesne zamirleri: me, you, him, her, it, us, your, them He forced us to leave the room *--- *--- She advised me to buy that car *----- *---- Bazı fiiller her ikisinide alır. Hangi yapıya girdiğine göre cümlenin anlamı değişir???**** He wanted to go He wanted us to go


Hem Gerund Hemde Infinitive Alabilen Fiiller: A) Anlam Değişikliğine Uğramıyanlar: like intend (niyet etmek) love can’t stand (katlanamamak) hate can’t bear (katlanamamak) continue attempt (teşebbüs etmek) believe start prefer 1)


begin start > başlamak *I began to rain raining Sadece bu fiillerde continuous tense ile kullanılırsa to V1 ile kullanılır (gerund olmaz). *Please turn the TV down. I am beginning to study like > V ing (daha tercih edilendir) love > to V1 hate > anlam farkı yok *To love watching TV at nights To watch TV Ancak başına would gelirse would like istemek > would love seve seve istemek > hep to V1 gelecek would hate istememek > A: I am going out for a walk. Would you like to come along? B: Yes I’d love to come *I’d hate to go out as it is raining heavily Outside


3) prefer > V ing >neyi neye tercih ettiğimiz söylenmiyorsa fark etmez. to V1 I am my separetime, I prefer chatting on the internet to chat. Neyi neye tercih varsa ortadaki bağlac “to” olmak zorunda. Prefer V ing V ing > Prefer to V1 .....rather than (to V1) > anlam aynı I always prefer reading to watching TV to read rather than (to) watch Would prefer to V1 would varsa to gelmek zorunda = would rather V1 = would sooner V1 would prefer to V1 > prefer V ing > arada 2 fark var to V1 1. Prefer > fiili ile genel tercih söylüyoruz

would prefer > anlık tercih I always prefer reading something in my free time to ready I would prefer to read something to night. 2. Past *** Prefer fiili geçmişe yönelik kullanılıyorsa tercih ettiğimiz > yaptığımız Would prefer geçmişe yönelik kullanılıyorsa tercih edileni > yapmadığımız Last night I preferred to go to the cinema (sinemaya gitmeyi tercih ettim) Last night I would prefer to have gone to the cinema (sinemaya gitmeyi tercih ederdim)

4) Advise = recommend (tavsiye etmek, önermek) > V ing Allow = permit (izin vermek) > KİŞİ + to V1 Forbid (yasaklamak) > (özel isim Nesne zamirleri) Eğer bunlardan sonra direk isim fiil kullanılmak gerekiyorsa V ing Eğer araya kişi giriyorsa to V1 She advised buying that house She advised us to buy that house I was forbidden to see her

(passive olduğundan) (someone forbade me to see her) Kişi + passive + to V1 Jack advised me to talk a plane I was advised to take a plane


B) Anlam Farkı Olanlar: 1. Remember Ving ...işin/ışını hatırlamak

II I(olmuş) Geçmişte yapmış olduğumuz bir işi hatırlıyoruz derken remember V ing kullanırız. Recall > anımsamak, hatırlamak > remember yerine bunlarda Recollect > anımsamak, hatırlamak > kullanılır ------* I sometimes remember scoring the winning goal at the last second of the championship game Last night I remembered carrying my wife over the threshold when we got married. Remember to V1 ...meyi hatırlamak I II Herhangi bir ödevi, görevi, sorumluluğu yerine getirmeyi hatırlamak (recall ve recollect anlamında değil) Please remember to phone us when you reach there I am sorry I didn’t remember to book seats for play but I’ll do it now.

2. Forget V ing ... Yapılmış olan bir işi unutmak II I I’ll never forget > I can’t forget > V ing How can I forget > I’ll never forget your shouting at me as if I were a child How can I forget your lending me TL 100.000.000 when I was desperately (çaresiz) in need(muhtaç)? Forget to V1 yapılacak olan bir ödevi, görevi, sorumluluğu yerine getirmeyi I II unutmak I forget to bring my books to the class this morning, so the teacher got exasperated (öfkeden kudurmak, çileden çıkmak) Please don’t forget to phone us when you reach there.

3. Regret + V ing yapılmış olan işten pişman olmak II I

I regret confiding in him I’m sure he’ll give my secrets away Confide (güvenerek sırrını vermek)= entrust a secret Entrust = given confidence Give a secret a way = başkasına sırrını sırrını açıklamak Promise = söz vermek Keep a promise = sözünü tutmak Break a promise = sözünde durmamak I regret no taking my father advice, he was absolutely right


Regret + to V1 üzgün olmak Say > Tell > aktarım fiilleri Inform > ... > Birazdan vereceğimiz kötü haberdeb dolayı üzgün olmak. We regret to inform you that your loan application has been denied I regret to say that you failed the test



Try V ing ...denemek Herhangi bir problem için herhangi bir yöntemi deneyip sonucunu görmek anlamı vardır. Mutlaka problem olmalı. A: I can’t get thin wine stain out of my new dress. What do suggest I do? B: Try washing it with ACE. Try to V1 = endavour to V1 çabalamak, gayret etmek, çalışmak = struggle to V1 = strive to V1 = make an affect to V1 For the past four months, we have been trying to learn and understand English grammar I’ve been trying to get in touch with Jim for the last three hours but I can’t. stop V ing ...meyi / mayı durdurmak, ara vermek when the professor walked into the room, all the students stopped talking. After working incessantly for six hours, the secretary got tired and stopped working. Stop to V1 > ...mek / mak için durmak ara vermek In order to V1 > So as to V1 > amaç yapılar > mek / mak için While walking down the street, I saw an old friend and stopped to talk to him After working incessantly for six hours, the secretary got tired and stopped to have a break. mean V ing ...anlamına gelmek Özne hiçbir zaman kişi olmaz My accepting their job after means my having to get up early every day Mean to V1 = intent + V1 (V ing) > niyet etmek, istemek Özne her zaman kişidir. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings While I was on holiday in Paris, I meant to send you a postcard but I didn’t have your address with me





need V ing > ihtiyaç duymak to V1 > ihtiyaç duymak

Özne ihtiyaç duyduğu eylemi kendisi yapabiliyorsa need to V1 Yapamıyorsa need V ing. Dolayısı ile need V ing ler passive anlam taşır ve = need to be V3 ile aynı anlamdadır. You smell terrible. You need to take a shower Your car looks filthy. It needs washing to be washed. Your shirt is wrinkled. It needs ironing / to be ironed) The diaper is wet. It needs changing / to be changed

It needs V ing / to be V3 want > de kullanılabilir. Tek V ing aldığı durumdur. Hep to requre > V1 alırdı. It wants changing / to be changed It requres changing / to be changed dread V ing = be afraid of V ing > korkmak her zaman V ing alır I dread flying in a plane I dread walking home alone at nights Dread to think : düşüncesi bile korkutması (tek bu V ing almaz) I dread to think how furious he will become. What he has learnt what happened.

B. Sıfat + Infinitive

İngilizce de sıfatlardan sonra özelliklede duygu ve tavır anlatan sıfatlardan sonra herhangi bir preposition geliyorsa gerund, gelmiyorsa infinitive kullanılır. I am afraid of playing in a plane = I am arfaid to fly in a plane I was surprised at seeing in him at the labour union meeting (emekli sandığı) I was surprised to see him at the labour union meeting Be anxious about > Be worried about > kaygılı olmak Be concerned about > Be anxious to V1 > hevesli, gönüllü olmak, can atmak. I am anxious about leaving my family for a long while The children are anxious to go to the park.


C. İsim + Infinitive Bazı isimlerden sonra nesne olarak infinitive kullanırız. Burada kullanılan infinitive o ismi açıklayan o isim hakkında bilgi veren sıfat görevindedir. Bunlar şunlardır: Ability : yetenek, yeterlilik Ambition : hırs, azim Anxiety : endişe Attempt : girişim, teşebbüs Decision : karar Demand : talep, istek Desire : arzu Determination : kararlılık Eagerness : heves Effort : çaba, gayret Failure : başarısızlık Offer : teklif Plan : plan Promise : söz, vaat Refusal : red Request : rica, istek Right : hak Scheme : şema, plan Time : zaman Willingness : isteklilik, gönüllülük Wish : dilek Her ambition to be top student in class made her ill. My determination to pass the KPDS surprises everyone. It’s time to be : Tam zamanı It’s time somebody simple past (V2) > unreal past (gecikmişliği vurgulamak) 12:00 It’s time to have lunch > öğle yemeği vakti

It’s time for us to have lunch > öğle yemeği vaktimiz 12:45 It’s time we had lunch > öğle yemeği vakti gelmiş geçiyor 22:00 It’s time to go to bed 24:00 It’s time you went to bed > yatağa gitme vakti gelmiş geçiyor.

It’s time we took a break


333... IIInnnfffiiinnniiitttiiivvveee’’’ llliii YYYaaapppııılllaaarrr A. Amaç Gösteren Infinitive

In order to V1 > informal >...mek / mak için Özne her iki fiilin de öznesi So as to V1 > formal >

to V1 > amaç gösteren infinitive Kişi aynı I am attending a course in order to learn English *----- So as to learn English Sall went to the market in order to buy some bread *--- so as to *--------------------------------------- Negatif amaç: In order not to V1 > mek / mak için So as not to V1 > I turned the TV down in order not to disturb my roommate Özne yüklem for sb to V1 In order for somebody to V1 So as for somebody to V1 1. İsim 2. Nesne zamirleri (me, you, him, her....) I turned the TV down in order for my roommate to be able to study for his exam My father gave me 20 million Turkish Liras so as for me buy my text books Prep > for >için Amaç gösteren “for” , proposition dan sonra isim gelir. “V ing, to V1, V1” gelmez I went to the market for buying some bread > yanlış olur For some bread > doğru Forgive sb for > affetmek Used toV1 > eskiden erdi, ardı Be used to V ing > alışkın olmak Use > kullanmak Be + V3 > passive Be used > kullanılmak Be used to V1 > mek için kullanılmak Be used for V ing > Herhangi bir şeyin genel kullanım amacını söylüyorsak to V1 veya for V ing; Özel (bir kere) kullanım amacını söylüyorsak sadece to V1 kullanılır. Genel : A saw is used to cut wood is used for cutting wood Özel : A chain-saw was used to cut the old oak (meşe) tree in the backyard


B. Yeterlilik ve Yetmezlilik yapıları: Yetersizlik > too sıfat / zarf (for sb) to V1 > meyecek/ mayacak kadar Yeterlilik > sıfat / zarf enough (for sb) to V1 > ebilecek kadar Sıfat > ismi niteler, isim hakkında bilgi verir (a beatiful girl, an old man, a red car,

my father, two people) Zarf > 1. fiili niteler, fiil hakkında bilgi verir (durum / yer / zaman / sıklığı >nasıl, nerede, ne zaman, ne sıklıkla) My mother is a good cook My mother cooks well (nasıl?) Ali come here, yesterday 2. sıfat ve zarfları niteler. She is beatiful She is very beatiful Zarf sıfat Adverbs of Degree > sıfat veya zarfın derecesini azaltır veya artırır I am tired I am a little tired I am very tired Too / enough > derece zarfıdır. Çünkü kendileriyle birlikte kullanılan sıfat ve zarflara yeterlilik ve yetersizlik katar. Proceeded > devam etmek ilerlemek To V1 inf Employ (v) : hire > ise almak (unemployed –adj : işsiz) Employer > iş veren (unemployment-n : işsizlik) Employer > işçi On sale : indirimde For sale : satılık Order : sipariş Neglect : ihmal etmek Sıfat > prep + V ing > to + V1 (prep yoksa) busy V ing > önemli it’s difficult to V1 keep confidential > gizli tutmak


happen to see tesadüfen heard from haber almak rewarding : kazançlı reward : ödül peace : huzur prove : ispatlamak, kanıtlamak Her proved his innocence Prove to V1 = turn out to V1 > olduğu ortaya çıkmak The man above us proved to be a spy (ajan olduğu ortaya çıktı) Lose his temper : sinirlenip kendinden geçmek Have to do without > ...sız idare etmek Please have breakfast. You can’t do without it Be entitled to V1 > ... meye / maya hakkı olmak Entitle sb to V1 > ... hak vermek An account of > Because of > noun (isim) ...dığı için / ...dığından dolayı Due to > Owing to > I am tired I can’t lift this box I’m too tired to lift this box. (bu kutuyu kaldıramıyacak kadar yorgunum) You are too young. You can’t go out alone at nights You are too young to go out alone at nights I am strong enough. I can beat him I am strong enough to beat him You are old enough. You can cope with (başa çıkmak) your problems You are old enough to cope with your problems This box is too heavy. I can’t lift it This box is too heavy for me to lift it The weather is worn enough. You can take a bath. The weather is worn enough for you take a bath. Enough + çoğul (sayılamayan) isim (to V1) ????????????? Sıfat(yeterince) There is enough bread. We can have breakfast There enough bread for us to have breakfast There are enough students. We can start the lesson There are enough students for us to start the lesson


Exercise: The situation is complicated. No one can understand it. The situation is complicated for everybady to understand it. She is rehearsing regularly. She can give a good performance ??? The Sahra Desert is dry. The people there can’t grow any crops. He isn’t well. He can’t travel to Ankara She is unreliable. I can’t trust her with my lecture notes The pitch is wet. They can’t play football Are you sure he knows English well. Can he translate these documents? Those plumps don’t look rise. We shouldn’t eat them The doctors writing is illegiable. The pharmacist can’t read his prescription The sea is polluted. You shouldn’t swim in it.

C. It take somebody SÜREÇ to V1 ...nın zamanı olmak It took me 10 days to finish that report How long will it take you to understand that I don’t like soup?

D. be about to V1 .. mek / mak üzere

be on the point of V ing be on the werge of V ing The patient being treated at the hospital now is about to die. Be patient (sabırlı olun), we are about to finish the lesson.

E. Wh---- question to V1 I don’t know how.. Where to play piano When let’s decide where to What spend our vacatione How this summer Who

F. find it hard to V1 (zor gelmek / kolay gelmek) easy difficult I sometimes find it hard to understand the structures in English grammer Today coffee prices are far below the required rate; hence growers are unable to play their debts and cooperatives find it hard to survive.

G. Reduction In Relative Clause H. Have an Opinion Fiilleri


Think, feel, consider, assume, suppose, find, see, know, believe gibi fiileri that’li cümle takip eder. Şayet that’li cümlenin içindeki fiil BE veya HAVE ise, that’li cümleyi to be ve to have yapısına dönüştürebiliriz. I find that he is a fraud. = I find him to be fraud. I see that he has a lot of money = I see him to have a lot of money.

TTTyyypppeeesss ooofff GGGeeerrruuunnndddsss 2 Tip Gerunds var Aktif Passive Simple V ing being V3 Perfect having V3 having been V3 (have V3) **Time Reference Ana fiil + V ing -----------------* kıyasla 1.



Anafiil + Gerund eş zamanlı ise Simple Gerund I I I sat (stand / lie) at my desk reading a book I spent rhe night watching TV Anafiil + Gerund ise Simple Gerund I II I’m considering quitting my job next month Last night we discussed selling our car next week Anafiil + Gerund ise Simple Gerund (Alternatif olarak Perfect Gerund) II I Remember V ing > having V3 yerine konulabilir. I remember seeing you for the first time having seen Forget V ing > having V3 kullanılır Perfect (önce) Perfect + gerund I’ll never forget your shouting at me having shouted regret V ing > having V3 2 1 I regret not studying for the test having studied admit V ing > having V3 : itiraf etmek doğruluğunu kabul etmek


I admit stealing the money having stolen deny V ing > having V3 : inkar etmek accuse somebody of V ing suçlamak charge somebody with V ing blame somebody of V ing having V3 He was accused of stealing the money having stolen suspect somebody of V ing forgive somebody for V ing şüphelenmek punish somebody for V ing having V3 resent V ing > küsmek be angry at / with somebody for V ing > kızgın olmak remember = recollect V ing > having V3 having > varsa ana fiilden önce olmuştur. The doctor having done his duty relieved him doing GERUND AKTİF PASİVE AYRIMI Özne + yüklem ...................fiil ----------- -------------------------------- ortak özne Özneye sor > yapabilirmi evet ise aktif Hayıt ise passive I hate being called “sissy”, so if you call me again like that I’ll beat you Avoid giving your house plants too much water, or they will die I am afraid of being bitten by a dog. 1. by tamlaması varsa > passive 2. fiilden sonra KİŞİ geliyorsa > aktif Sally went to the party without being invited (having been invited) Mr Smith has a good chance of being elected at least I know I’ll vote for him. *----------- Özne yüklem + nesne fiil *----------- Nesneye sorulur > yapabilirmi evet ise aktif Hayır ise passive Jane went to the party without people inviting (having invite) her The workers shouldn’t have used the machinery without someone training them


I admit my son being involve in the robbery yesterday Involve: active anlamı > dahil etmek Passive anlamı> dahil olmak After some thought = on reflection > biraz düşününce For fear of = korkusuyla Popped out= habersizce hızlı gitmek

TTTyyypppeeesss ooofff IIInnnfffiiinnniiitttiiivvveee Aktif Passive Simple to V1 to be V3 Progressive to be V ing (-) Perfect to have V3 to have been V3 Perf-Cont to have been V ing (-) Anafiil + infinitive kıyaslanır: 1. Anafiil inf simple aktif I I passive

progressive 2. Anafiil inf simple aktif I II passive

progressive 3. Anafiil inf perfect aktif simple II I passive kesin perf-cont kullanılmaz • put into practice : uygulamaya koymak • think of doing sth : bir şey yapmayı düşünmek • scholarly : ayrıntılı • look back nervously over his shoulder : sinirli bir şekilde omuzunun üzerinden arkaya

bakmak • short of sth : ...sız kalmak • at the expense of other : diğerleri ile aynı pahalılıkta • focus on sth : bir şey üzerinde odaklanma • based on sth : bir temelin üzerine kurmak • talent : kabiliyet • talented : kabiliyetli • I would / much rather : daha çok tercih ederim • Qualifical anough to tackle of crisis : krizle başa çıkabilecek kadar yetenekli • By far the most capable of them all : büyük farkla hepsinin en yeteneklisi • Quite impossible(adj) : oldukça imkansız > sıfat pekiştirici

Recruit : toplamak


Efficient : etkili, verimli • Quite (adv) : tümüyle • Far too expensive : oldukça pahalı > sıfat pekiştirici

Depict : sözle betimlemek • Final hard to V1 • On no account : asla hiçbir şekilde.

Burden : yük, ağır iş • However + adj/adv :ne ölçüde, ne kadar

However well • In view of :gözönüne alınarak, hesaba katılınca (noun phrase) • However hard ho works : her ne kadar çalışırsa çalışsın • As a matter of fact :aslında, işin doğrusu

Nevertheless : her şeye rağmen Conversely : tam tersine Consequently : bu sebeple, netice olarak

• Whatever decision he makes : her ne kadar alırsa alsın • So that : .. ması amacıyla

The doctor advised him to have monthly check ups so that any return of symptoms might be detected immediate

• So : bunun için • Whoever : herkim olursa Infinitive Çeşitlerinin En Sık Kullanıldığı Yerler 1. Nesnesi İsim Cümlesi (Noun Clause) Olan Fiillerin Passive Yapılmasında:

Say, believe, think, claim, allege, understand, suppose, assume, acknowledge, report, estimate, consider 1 Newspapers report that three demonstrations were kept in custody 2 People say that she worked hard when she was a student at the high school 3 Everyone alleges that the new government is cheating everybody 4 People expect that the new president will be elected soon 5 People understood that the two men had been helped by the guard to rob the bank 1 Three demonstrators are reported to have been kept in custody (gözaltına almak) 2 She is said to have worked hard when she was a student at the highschool. 3 The new government is alleged to being cheated everybody 4 The new president is expected to be elected soon. 5 The two men were understood to have been helped

2. appear / seem > gibi görünmek Intransive > İkiside asla passive olmaz. Ama it boş öznesi ile başlayıp kullanıyorsak arkasından that cümle geliyorsa: It appear / seem that ---- cümle Boş özne özne Özne appear / seem + infinitive tamlaması (to go home) *It seems that Tim is working hard these days Görünen oki Öyle görünüyorki


*Tim seems to be working hard these days *It appears that Tim works hard all the time Tim appear to work hard all the time *It seems that Tim worked hard last night Tim seems to have worked hard last night *It appears that Tim has been working hard lately Tim appears to have been working hard lately *It seems that we were cheated We seem to have been cheated *Tim seems to have worked hard last night

3. Duygu ve Tavır Sıfatları (Syf 175) Özne be sıfat – that – cümle (sıklıkla) Özne be sıfat – when – cümle (bazen) I’m pleased that you passed the exam I was surprised when I saw my boss at the meeting I was astonished when I hard that he was fired Özneler aynı ise: Ana özne > that / when özne * ----------------- * Özne be sıfat infinitive phrase I’m pleased that. I passed the exam. s.pres s.past II I *I’m pleased to have passed the exam *I was surprised to see when my boss the meeting I was astonished to heard NOT: Özneler aynı, zaman eş olmalı *You are lucky that you weren’t injured in the accident You are lucky not to have been injured *I’m fortunate to be send abroad (that I will be sent) Yurt dışına gönderileceğim için şanslıyım *I’m fortunate to have been sent abroad (that I was sent) Yurt dışına gönderildiğim için şanslıyım.

4. be likely > büyük bir olasılıkla, muhtemelen

It be likely that cümlesi Özne be likely + infinitive To V1 It likely that GS will capture the championship in the tournament GS is likely to capture the championship in the tournament GS should capture the championship in the tournament Ought to Probably: GS will probably capture the championship in the tournament


Resing : den vazgeçmek Point out : belirtmek Impose : yüklemek Troop :takım, sürü, asker Frantic :çılgınca Have a narrow escape :kılpayı katılmak Find out :discover Abstain from :sakınmak A cheek for Cover : karşılamak Be worried about Be concerned about Be anxious about Burn up : burn down : yanıp bitip kül olmak Sooner : daha önceden Soon : yakında (future tense ile kullanılır)

Infinitive Aktif Pasive Ayrımı Özne yüklem.......................fiil ------------------------------* Özne Evet active Hayır passive Özne yüklem nesne.................fiil -----------------* Nesne Evet active I would like the book to be reed immediately. (kitabın derhal okunmasını istiyorum) Iwould like to read the book immediately (kitabı derhal okumak istiyorum) There is no point in V ing > ...anlamı yok The point of > ...nın gereği Be on the point of > ...mek / mak üzere Be on the verge of V ing > ...eşiğinde Be about to V1 > ...mek / mak üzere Have fun = have a good fine = enjoy Isolation ward : izole edilmiş yer Surprise = şaşırtmak Be surprised = şaşırmak Excide = heyecanlandırmak Be excited = heyecanlanmak


Concern = endişelendirmek Be concerned = endişelenmek

BBBiiirrr GGGeeerrruuunnnddd’’’ııı NNNiiittteeellleeemmmeeekkk Özne yüklem Nesne 1. iyelik sıfatları 1. iyelik sıfatları > formal (my, your, his, her, (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their) its, our, your, their) 2. isim’ s 2. isim’ s > formal

3. nesne zamirleri > informal (me, you, him, her, it us, you, them) 4. isim > informal

We (Tom) came to class late. Prof Smith complained about that fact Prof Smith complained about our coming to class late Prof Smith complained about us coming to class late Tom’s coming ..... Tom coming ... We (Tom) came to class late. That fact surprised us. Tom’s coming to class late surprised us. His coming to class late.

SSSeeennnssseee PPPeeerrrccceeeppptttiiiooonnnsss (Algı Fiilleri)

Algı fiilerinden sonra hem gerund (V ing) hemde to suz infinitive (V1) gelebilir. Gerund olayın bir kısmını algıladığımız, infinitive (V1) ise olayın tamamını algıladığımız anlamına gelir. Algı fiilleri: see hear feel smell Notice (farketmek) listen to Watch Look at Observe (gözlemlemek) Yesteday I took my son to the park and there I sat on park bench and watched my son play with the other children When I looked out of the window, I saw some children playing football in the street My father unlocked the safe and took out some money.


I saw thih I saw my father unlock the safe and takeout some money When I entered the room, my father had unlocked the safe and was taking out some money I saw my father taking out some money I saw my friend -------------- down the street a) run b) running (her ikiside olur) When I walked into the apartment, I heard my roommate singing in the shower * let > izin vermek > let den sonra to V1 gelmez let somebody V1 = allow somebody to V1 =permit somebody to V1 Please let me go I let my son use my car * help > yardım etmek help somebody V1 / to V1 (V1 daha sık) I helped my son do / to do his homework Can’t / couldn’t help V ing > dayanamamak I can’t help laughing I couldn’t help my son to do / do his homework because I had o lot of work to do. Herhangi bir algı fiilini passive yaparsak algı fiilinden sonra V1 geliyorsa > Algı fiili + V1 > be (algı fiili)3 + to V1 Someone saw him run He was seen to run Gerund değişmiyor: Someone saw him running He was seen running

