Gpgpu present 1



The first presentation of gpu project.

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698470025 薛健鑫

R98944017 蔡昆修

R98922041 何星翰

Super-resolution (SR) Super-resolution is a techniques that enhance the

resolution of an imaging system.

Two approach of SR

single-frame approach

multiple-frame approach

Super-resolution (SR)original low-resolution sequential frames of video

The same frames zoomed 4 times

Zoomed with super resolution

Super-resolution (SR)

Method (multiple-frame)

Step1. High Quality Spatial Upscaling(Lanczos3)

Step2. Motion CompensationAlgorithms

try to extract details from every image in a sequence to reconstruct other frames.

Upsize Upsize all frames 2 times using interpolation

Using Lanzcos filter to get high quality result

Motion compensation Motion compensation is a technique used by video


Suppose the only difference between one frame and another is the result of either the camera moving or an object in the frame moving.

Motion compensation takes advantage of this to provide a way to create frames of a movie from a reference frame.

Motion compensation In this case, we use motion compensation technique

for finding corresponding areas in neighbor frames

User Interface: Video Player

Interactive Video Player

Can zoom in and zoom out when watching video

High Quality SR image when zoom-in

Cuda acceleration

Video Encode and Decode

Upsize image , Lanczos3 interpolation

Motion compensation

Real time system(final goal) Using CUDA to get real-time SR video player

At least fast off-line system

Reference1. R. Y. Tsai and T. S. Huang, "Multiframe image restoration and registration," in Advances

in Computer Vision and Image Processing, vol. 1, chapter 7, pp. 317-339, JAI Press, Greenwich, Conn, USA, 1984.

2. M. Irani and S. Peleg. 1991, "Super Resolution From Image Sequences" ICPR, 2:115--120, June 1990.