Grimm, 1. évad, 22. rész (angol nyelvű feliratok)


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100:00:01,067 --> 00:00:02,932<i>Previously on</i> Grimm...

200:00:05,605 --> 00:00:06,731What have you done?

300:00:06,873 --> 00:00:08,670<i>I don't have any powers.</i>

400:00:10,276 --> 00:00:12,210You've taken everything.

500:00:12,612 --> 00:00:13,772Farley Kolt.

600:00:13,847 --> 00:00:15,474Put the coins on the bed.No.

700:00:19,753 --> 00:00:21,983You'll neverfind them again.

800:00:26,359 --> 00:00:27,849What the hell?

900:00:52,185 --> 00:00:53,584He's not himself.

1000:00:53,653 --> 00:00:55,143He's been acting weird.

1100:00:55,221 --> 00:00:59,783I'm just, you know,worried about himafter what he saw.

1200:01:00,160 --> 00:01:01,388

Has he said anything?

1300:01:01,461 --> 00:01:04,225No, but I can tellthere's somethingnot right.

1400:01:04,697 --> 00:01:07,689

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Hank's got to be shook upabout this in some way.

1500:01:08,168 --> 00:01:10,966You know, I meanwhether he's talkingabout it or not,

1600:01:11,504 --> 00:01:14,769when I saw himlooking up at me,he was freaked.

1700:01:18,078 --> 00:01:21,047And it's a lookI've seen before,let me tell you.

1800:01:21,114 --> 00:01:22,604I'm sure you're hoping

it will just go away

1900:01:22,682 --> 00:01:23,706and he won't say anything,but look.

2000:01:23,783 --> 00:01:26,343This is not, like,your ordinary nightmare,okay?

2100:01:26,419 --> 00:01:28,284He knows he was awake.

2200:01:28,588 --> 00:01:30,988And his brainis trying to processthe un-processable.

2300:01:31,057 --> 00:01:33,116I mean, what did you

think when youfirst saw one Woge?

2400:01:38,264 --> 00:01:40,357I thought I was going crazy.Right, well...

2500:01:40,433 --> 00:01:42,526

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Hank's probably goingthrough the same thing,you know?

2600:01:42,602 --> 00:01:44,502You know, with you,it was one thing.

2700:01:45,572 --> 00:01:47,506He was hit.He was knocked out.

2800:01:47,574 --> 00:01:49,439He was a little dazed.

2900:01:50,310 --> 00:01:53,074But, I mean,he saw Brinkerhoff change.


00:01:56,950 --> 00:01:59,942That is so not goingto make it any easier.

3100:02:00,453 --> 00:02:02,648Trust me,mental hospitalsare chock-full of people

3200:02:02,722 --> 00:02:04,713who have spent

their lives trying towrap their minds

3300:02:04,791 --> 00:02:06,816around thingsthey've seenand can't explain.

3400:02:07,127 --> 00:02:08,219Great.

3500:02:08,294 --> 00:02:10,125But hey, look, with Hank,maybe it'll be different,you know?

3600:02:10,196 --> 00:02:12,824He's a cop.He's already seen

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a bunch of crazy stuff.

3700:02:12,899 --> 00:02:16,494With any luck,it'll wear offin a couple, three years.

3800:02:51,337 --> 00:02:52,463<i>Hello.</i>

3900:02:52,539 --> 00:02:54,302I found your friend.

4000:02:54,474 --> 00:02:55,736<i>Marquesa.</i>

4100:02:55,808 --> 00:02:59,437It's time for you to geton a plane to Portland.

4200:03:06,519 --> 00:03:07,713Thanks.

4300:03:07,887 --> 00:03:09,445You don't look likeyou slept too well.

4400:03:09,522 --> 00:03:10,784I didn't.

4500:03:11,457 --> 00:03:12,549What's going on?

4600:03:12,625 --> 00:03:15,150The usual suspects,tossing and turning.

4700:03:15,461 --> 00:03:17,486Must have been

something I ate.

4800:03:17,764 --> 00:03:19,231What did you getfrom Interpol?

4900:03:19,499 --> 00:03:21,296File on Akira Kimura.

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5000:03:21,935 --> 00:03:23,197Oh, yeah.

5100:03:23,603 --> 00:03:25,764One of the guysresponsible forkilling your parents.

5200:03:25,838 --> 00:03:27,100It's a great wayto start your day.

5300:03:27,173 --> 00:03:30,336And get this,they tied himto the beating death

5400:03:30,443 --> 00:03:32,001

of a coin collectorin Hamburg.

5500:03:32,078 --> 00:03:33,875Turns out the victimwas the dealer who sold

5600:03:33,947 --> 00:03:35,938the three gold coinsto Sam Bertramhere in Portland.

5700:03:36,282 --> 00:03:38,307I'm not sadthose coins disappeared.

5800:03:39,919 --> 00:03:41,819You know,that's a nasty-looking guy.

5900:03:41,988 --> 00:03:43,956

What the hell isthat thing on his face?

6000:03:44,023 --> 00:03:45,820It's calledthe Aegishjalmur.

6100:03:45,892 --> 00:03:47,189

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And that means what?

6200:03:47,260 --> 00:03:48,420"Helm of Awe."

6300:03:48,494 --> 00:03:51,486It's a symbolthe Vikings worefor invincibility.

6400:03:51,564 --> 00:03:52,963You know what?

6500:03:53,032 --> 00:03:54,795I'm going to trustmy flak jacket.

6600:03:55,468 --> 00:03:58,403We got our last known

whereabouts onMr. Invincible?

6700:03:59,072 --> 00:04:01,040Lisbon.Fourteen months ago.

6800:04:08,615 --> 00:04:10,810Welcome tothe Portland Governor, sir.

6900:04:17,657 --> 00:04:19,284Where's Marquesa?

7000:04:19,559 --> 00:04:21,288I founda lot more than him.

7100:05:00,533 --> 00:05:03,525I've got somethingvery special for you.

7200:05:04,370 --> 00:05:07,168Why don't you come on outand see your new home?

7300:05:07,240 --> 00:05:09,606That's a good girl.

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7400:05:12,545 --> 00:05:14,376<i>Marquesa was tiedto a jewelry store robbery</i>

7500:05:14,447 --> 00:05:16,779here in Portlandtwo-and-a-half months ago.

7600:05:16,849 --> 00:05:20,615The owner, Sam Bertram,was killed duringthe robbery.

7700:05:21,487 --> 00:05:24,888Now after that,Marquesa killeda police officer,

7800:05:24,991 --> 00:05:27,653

gained accessto the precinctusing his uniform

7900:05:27,727 --> 00:05:29,991in an attempt to getat a police captain.

8000:05:30,530 --> 00:05:32,589That's whereI became intrigued.

8100:05:32,665 --> 00:05:35,657I couldn't figure outwhy Marquesawent after a police captain

8200:05:35,735 --> 00:05:37,134after he pulled offa heist.


00:05:38,905 --> 00:05:41,533So I did a littlemore diggingon your behalf,

8400:05:42,175 --> 00:05:44,166and that'swhen I found out...

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8500:05:46,045 --> 00:05:47,910There werethree gold coins discovered

8600:05:47,980 --> 00:05:50,107in that jeweler's stomachthe night he was killed.

8700:05:50,183 --> 00:05:52,947Now I got all thisfrom the coroner's report.

8800:05:54,120 --> 00:05:56,247How did youget this report?

8900:05:56,856 --> 00:05:59,882'Cause ex New York City copsgenerally get what they want,

9000:06:00,259 --> 00:06:02,727which brings meto my next subject.

9100:06:04,630 --> 00:06:06,894These are the two detectivesthat handled the case

9200:06:06,966 --> 00:06:08,490

and killed Marquesa.

9300:06:09,402 --> 00:06:13,862This is Captain Renard,the guy Marquesa went after.

9400:06:14,006 --> 00:06:15,064This guy?

9500:06:15,141 --> 00:06:16,938

I don't know how hefigures into everything.

9600:06:17,009 --> 00:06:19,068He's a local guy.Repairs clocks.

9700:06:19,512 --> 00:06:21,742

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I believehe's a police informant.

9800:06:21,814 --> 00:06:24,009And I thinkone of these men

9900:06:24,083 --> 00:06:26,881either has the coinsor knows where they are.

10000:06:27,420 --> 00:06:29,820Our deal was for meto find Marquesa.

10100:06:29,889 --> 00:06:31,584Well, I did that.

10200:06:32,058 --> 00:06:35,653

These coins, however,present a whole newbusiness opportunity.

10300:06:36,662 --> 00:06:39,688So you want tobe my partner?

10400:06:41,434 --> 00:06:44,562This is the guyMarquesa went after.

10500:06:44,904 --> 00:06:47,304That's him coming outof his condo.

10600:06:47,373 --> 00:06:49,773I got names and addresseson all of them.

10700:06:50,743 --> 00:06:52,142

You need me.

10800:06:55,381 --> 00:06:56,780Not anymore.

10900:06:57,817 --> 00:06:59,079Hey, wait a minute!

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11000:07:31,651 --> 00:07:33,141So, Mr. Adams,

11100:07:33,753 --> 00:07:36,745you must have found somethingthat wasn't good for you.

11200:07:41,394 --> 00:07:42,520Adalind?

11300:07:42,595 --> 00:07:44,290Hi, Juliette.I'm glad you remember me.

11400:07:44,363 --> 00:07:45,887Of courseI remember you.


00:07:45,965 --> 00:07:48,058Well, I just wasn't sureif I should come by

11600:07:48,134 --> 00:07:50,193since things didn'twork out with Hank,you know.

11700:07:50,269 --> 00:07:51,566Oh, stop.

11800:07:51,637 --> 00:07:53,969I don't take my patientsbased on their owners'social lives.

11900:07:54,040 --> 00:07:56,235I'm glad you came in,and I'm gladyou brought your cat.

12000:07:56,309 --> 00:07:58,675Well, I am relievedto hear that

12100:07:58,744 --> 00:08:00,735because Majiqueseems to be pretty sick.

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12200:08:00,813 --> 00:08:04,180Oh, no. What seemsto be the problemwith Miss Majique?

12300:08:04,250 --> 00:08:05,717She's just not herself.

12400:08:05,785 --> 00:08:08,049She's sluggish.She won't eat.

12500:08:08,254 --> 00:08:09,983I'm pretty worried.

12600:08:10,556 --> 00:08:12,114Do you thinkit's serious?

12700:08:12,191 --> 00:08:13,715Well, I hope not,but I'm probablygoing to want

12800:08:13,793 --> 00:08:16,159to keep her overnightto run some tests.

12900:08:18,231 --> 00:08:20,199

Oh, you seem tohave the touch.

13000:08:21,501 --> 00:08:22,559Ow!Majique!

13100:08:22,635 --> 00:08:24,159I'm so sorry.Are you okay?

13200:08:24,237 --> 00:08:25,795Yeah, it's anoccupational hazard.

13300:08:25,872 --> 00:08:27,203I'm sureshe didn't mean it.

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13400:08:27,807 --> 00:08:30,537She's a good kitty,aren't you, Majique?

13500:08:35,948 --> 00:08:37,006Hey.

13600:08:38,918 --> 00:08:40,180Where's the body?

13700:08:40,253 --> 00:08:41,652First floor,room at the back.

13800:08:41,721 --> 00:08:42,779It's a little messy.

13900:08:42,855 --> 00:08:44,015

Well, what dowe know?

14000:08:44,123 --> 00:08:45,454Uh, male, mid-40s.

14100:08:45,525 --> 00:08:47,823Looks like somebodytook a weed whackerto this throat.

14200:08:47,894 --> 00:08:50,294Checked in three weeks agounder the nameNathaniel Adams.

14300:08:50,363 --> 00:08:51,557Clerk sayshe kept to himself,

14400:08:51,631 --> 00:08:54,293

paid his rent,listed his homeas New York City.

14500:08:55,668 --> 00:08:56,896There was no signof forced entry.


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00:08:56,969 --> 00:08:58,834Maid discovered the bodyabout an hour ago.

14700:08:58,905 --> 00:09:00,429You weren't kiddingabout the weed whacker.

14800:09:00,506 --> 00:09:02,064Looks morelike a hatchet.

14900:09:02,141 --> 00:09:03,665Except his head'sstill here.

15000:09:03,743 --> 00:09:05,370Who rolled the body?Nobody.

15100:09:05,444 --> 00:09:06,934That's the waythe maid saidshe found him.

15200:09:07,013 --> 00:09:08,344Well, this body'sbeen rolled.

15300:09:08,414 --> 00:09:10,109

The pattern on the carpetmatches the bloodon his shirt.

15400:09:10,182 --> 00:09:11,513That could have beenthe killer.

15500:09:11,584 --> 00:09:14,951There's no wallet,nothing in his pockets.

Maybe a robbery.

15600:09:15,021 --> 00:09:16,750There's nothing in the roomexcept for a coat

15700:09:16,822 --> 00:09:19,086Got it.

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Hanging behindthe bathroom door.

15800:09:23,696 --> 00:09:26,324There's a key here.Looks like a rental.

15900:09:32,572 --> 00:09:33,971There we go.

16000:09:36,008 --> 00:09:38,033Hey, we got someequipment back here.

16100:09:38,811 --> 00:09:41,803Cameras, lenses,monopod.

16200:09:42,014 --> 00:09:43,982

Let's see what he wastaking pictures of.

16300:10:03,836 --> 00:10:05,428Download's done.

16400:10:05,771 --> 00:10:07,500Let's see whatthis guy was shooting.


00:10:07,573 --> 00:10:09,200I hope it's notsomething too gross.

16600:10:12,511 --> 00:10:14,775What the hell?Why's this guy watching us?

16700:10:15,014 --> 00:10:17,073I don't know.Better find out.

16800:10:17,149 --> 00:10:19,777All right,we better tell the Captain.I'll call him.

16900:10:21,087 --> 00:10:23,419Might be a good idea

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to put some uniformsat our houses.

17000:10:23,489 --> 00:10:25,480Got it.I'll send oneto the Captain's.

17100:11:27,486 --> 00:11:29,351Oh, no.Patty.

17200:11:41,534 --> 00:11:43,297Where are the coins?

17300:11:50,676 --> 00:11:53,236Where are the coins?

17400:11:55,214 --> 00:11:56,977

Where are the coins?

17500:12:00,286 --> 00:12:01,810Where are they?

17600:12:09,061 --> 00:12:10,460Who are you?

17700:12:13,032 --> 00:12:14,499I'm the one

who asks the questions.

17800:12:14,567 --> 00:12:17,127Where are the coins?

17900:12:18,804 --> 00:12:20,465I don't have them.

18000:12:21,841 --> 00:12:23,934They were taken from me.

18100:12:24,210 --> 00:12:25,837Give me his name.

18200:12:28,013 --> 00:12:29,412Farley Kolt.


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00:12:32,251 --> 00:12:34,219Kolt does nothave them.

18400:12:34,887 --> 00:12:36,980I found himin Los Angeles.

18500:12:37,123 --> 00:12:40,149I wasted three daysfinding outhe didn't have them.

18600:12:40,226 --> 00:12:42,820I don't plan to wastethat much time with you.

18700:12:44,163 --> 00:12:45,926Look, I told you,

18800:12:45,998 --> 00:12:47,829I don't have the coins.

18900:12:58,344 --> 00:13:02,075Where are the coins?

19000:13:15,995 --> 00:13:18,555Captain?Sergeant Wu.

19100:13:19,431 --> 00:13:22,457Detective Griffinwanted me to come overand check on you.

19200:13:30,176 --> 00:13:32,235Captain?

19300:13:32,311 --> 00:13:34,836If you can hear me,

please open the door.

19400:13:36,615 --> 00:13:37,843Captain?

19500:13:39,118 --> 00:13:40,415Listen, I'm not surehe's home.

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19600:13:40,486 --> 00:13:41,612I'm going to get the keyfrom the super.

19700:13:41,687 --> 00:13:43,018Stay here.

19800:14:12,718 --> 00:14:13,707Hey.

19900:14:13,819 --> 00:14:14,877You locatethe Captain?

20000:14:14,954 --> 00:14:17,184No. Not yet.Knocked on his door,no answer.

20100:14:17,256 --> 00:14:19,417Checked his car.It was inhis parking space.

20200:14:19,959 --> 00:14:22,018Just got the keyto his condo fromthe building super.

20300:14:22,094 --> 00:14:23,584Let's do this.

20400:14:31,337 --> 00:14:32,668He's down!

20500:14:36,542 --> 00:14:38,169Radio for backup.


00:14:38,711 --> 00:14:40,201I'm going toneed backupand an ambulance

20700:14:40,279 --> 00:14:41,268at the Captain'sresidence.

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20800:14:54,059 --> 00:14:55,424He's alive.

20900:14:56,695 --> 00:14:58,560His housekeeper's not.

21000:15:31,263 --> 00:15:33,288<i>He wantedthe coins that werestolen from the jeweler.</i>

21100:15:33,799 --> 00:15:36,029I told himFarley Kolt had them.

21200:15:36,101 --> 00:15:38,228And he said he foundKolt in Los Angeles,

21300:15:38,304 --> 00:15:40,329spent three days with him,and was sure he didn't.

21400:15:41,173 --> 00:15:44,870You might want tocheck with LAPD ifKolt's body has been found.

21500:15:45,344 --> 00:15:47,244

I doubt heleft him alive.

21600:15:47,313 --> 00:15:50,407And if he didn'twind up with the coins,who did?

21700:15:50,916 --> 00:15:53,441Maybe he got rid of thembefore this guy

caught up with him.

21800:15:53,519 --> 00:15:54,543I don't thinkthis guy thought so.

21900:15:54,620 --> 00:15:55,951That's why

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he's here in Portland.

22000:15:56,121 --> 00:15:59,056He had photos of all of us.Me, Nick, and you, Captain.

22100:15:59,992 --> 00:16:02,153They were taken bya private investigatorfrom New York.

22200:16:02,227 --> 00:16:04,559His body was foundthis morning ata downtown hotel.

22300:16:04,730 --> 00:16:07,130And we found a camerain the trunk ofa rental car.

22400:16:07,199 --> 00:16:09,224Downloaded the photos.That's why we came after you.

22500:16:09,301 --> 00:16:10,632That's lucky for me.

22600:16:10,703 --> 00:16:12,432He had no intention

of leaving me alive.

22700:16:12,504 --> 00:16:14,699You get a goodlook at him?Yeah.

22800:16:15,941 --> 00:16:17,568Asian, mid-40s,


00:16:18,844 --> 00:16:21,142he had a tattooon the side of his head.

23000:16:21,380 --> 00:16:23,177Sounds like the pictureof the guy out of New York.


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00:16:23,349 --> 00:16:25,180What picture?Akira Kimura.

23200:16:26,385 --> 00:16:27,716Who is he?

23300:16:27,786 --> 00:16:29,811Yeah.That's the same guy.

23400:16:30,556 --> 00:16:31,580Akira Kimura.

23500:16:31,657 --> 00:16:34,217He was somehowconnected to my caseon Roth and Flynn.


00:16:34,626 --> 00:16:36,890The guys whocame for the coins.Yeah.

23700:16:36,996 --> 00:16:38,623God knows those coinsaren't healthyto be around.

23800:16:38,697 --> 00:16:39,823

And we dida little more digging,

23900:16:39,898 --> 00:16:41,593found outKimura is tied to

24000:16:41,667 --> 00:16:44,101a secret organizationcalled the Dragon's Tongue.

24100:16:44,169 --> 00:16:46,967It was founded in 1901,connected to the JapaneseImperial Army.

24200:16:47,039 --> 00:16:49,269It went undergroundafter the Japanese defeat

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25400:17:18,737 --> 00:17:20,466We think Kimura killed him.

25500:17:20,539 --> 00:17:22,473Why would he killthe guy he hired?

25600:17:22,541 --> 00:17:24,441Remember those coinsI was telling you about?

25700:17:24,510 --> 00:17:26,740Oh, yeah.Everybody died?

25800:17:27,846 --> 00:17:29,473Why would this guycome after me, man?

25900:17:29,548 --> 00:17:31,106I've never evenseen the coins.

26000:17:31,183 --> 00:17:33,151He probably won't, but wedon't know that for sure.

26100:17:35,687 --> 00:17:38,588

Now all three guysinvolved in thejewelry store robbery

26200:17:38,657 --> 00:17:40,648were also involvedin the killingof my parents.

26300:17:41,160 --> 00:17:42,889I just found out

Kimura was tied to them.

26400:17:42,961 --> 00:17:45,521He might bethe last link I have tofind out why my parents

26500:17:45,597 --> 00:17:46,791

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were killed andwho killed them.

26600:17:46,865 --> 00:17:48,696Okay. I got it.

26700:17:50,002 --> 00:17:53,267He's super dangerous,and you want to catchthis piece of garbage alive.

26800:17:53,539 --> 00:17:56,508I want him alone, and notin an interrogation room.

26900:17:56,842 --> 00:17:58,332So you wanta little Grimm time?


00:17:58,410 --> 00:17:59,502Yeah.

27100:18:00,446 --> 00:18:02,141I could probablyhelp you with that.

27200:18:09,421 --> 00:18:10,911I think I foundjust what you need.

27300:18:12,157 --> 00:18:17,754Says here this Grimmcaptured this Siegbarstewith his trusty crossbow

27400:18:18,130 --> 00:18:20,462and an arrow filledwith Schlaftrunk,

27500:18:20,532 --> 00:18:23,023

which is basicallya sleeping toxin.

27600:18:23,869 --> 00:18:27,532He was able to subduethe big fella withone shot to the neck.


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00:18:30,209 --> 00:18:32,143And they were ableto keep him alive?

27800:18:32,578 --> 00:18:35,046Uh, yeah.Just long enoughto draw and quarter him,

27900:18:35,714 --> 00:18:37,272which is actuallynot as easyas it seems.

28000:18:37,349 --> 00:18:39,214You needa lot of ropesand chains

28100:18:39,284 --> 00:18:40,945

and, like,a minimum offour horses,

28200:18:41,019 --> 00:18:42,611but all you needis some Schlaftrunk.

28300:18:43,522 --> 00:18:46,082Let's hopeyour aunt has some.

28400:18:46,358 --> 00:18:47,552Got it.

28500:18:50,095 --> 00:18:52,256How much do we need?There's not much left.

28600:18:52,898 --> 00:18:56,299Um, they don't really

say in the book.

28700:18:56,535 --> 00:18:57,627Here.

28800:18:59,004 --> 00:19:00,198Well...

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28900:19:01,673 --> 00:19:03,072If you're supposedto use an eyedropper,

29000:19:03,142 --> 00:19:05,838I'd say a littleprobably goes a long way.

29100:19:06,645 --> 00:19:07,669It better.

29200:19:24,897 --> 00:19:26,797Thanks for looking out.

29300:19:30,903 --> 00:19:32,996Juliette?I'm upstairs.


00:19:33,272 --> 00:19:34,364Coming down.

29500:19:35,874 --> 00:19:37,205- Hey.- Hey.

29600:19:40,579 --> 00:19:41,671I don't reallyfeel like cooking.

29700:19:41,747 --> 00:19:43,578Do you?No.

29800:19:43,649 --> 00:19:46,209Where do you want to go?I was hopingthat you would ask.

29900:19:46,285 --> 00:19:48,150

I made a reservationat Laurelhurst Market.

30000:19:49,488 --> 00:19:50,750One at 9:00in your name

30100:19:50,822 --> 00:19:53,256

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31400:20:17,549 --> 00:20:19,016Guinea pig,sidewinder, what?

31500:20:19,117 --> 00:20:20,482Just a cat.

31600:20:20,619 --> 00:20:21,813Just a cat?

31700:20:21,887 --> 00:20:23,320You never talk aboutyour patients that way.

31800:20:23,388 --> 00:20:24,548What, did you have toput one down?

31900:20:24,790 --> 00:20:27,156No. I wasn'tgoing to tell you.

32000:20:27,426 --> 00:20:28,984Tell me what?You promiseyou won't get mad?


00:20:29,428 --> 00:20:31,225About a cat?Why would I get madabout a cat?

32200:20:32,364 --> 00:20:33,661It was Adalind's cat,

32300:20:33,732 --> 00:20:35,427and I know thatyou don't like her,

and she knows that, too.

32400:20:35,500 --> 00:20:36,933She didn't even want meto tell you.

32500:20:37,202 --> 00:20:38,726Let me see that.

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32600:20:38,804 --> 00:20:40,203Nick,what's the matterwith you?

32700:20:40,272 --> 00:20:41,739Take it easy.

32800:20:42,407 --> 00:20:43,601How long agodid this happen?

32900:20:43,675 --> 00:20:45,302Today, just before lunch.

33000:20:45,377 --> 00:20:46,776Baby, I get scratchesall the time.

33100:20:46,845 --> 00:20:48,813Not like thisyou don't.

33200:20:50,616 --> 00:20:52,550You don't understand.Yeah, I don't understand.

33300:20:52,651 --> 00:20:54,346

You're gettingall worked upabout nothing.

33400:20:54,553 --> 00:20:56,987You don't know herlike I do. Okay?

33500:20:57,389 --> 00:20:59,380You know, you said thatonce before.

What does that mean?

33600:20:59,458 --> 00:21:01,392Okay, we need to get youto a doctor right now

33700:21:01,460 --> 00:21:02,449and get that thing

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checked out.

33800:21:02,527 --> 00:21:05,087I'm not going to a doctorfor a cat scratch.

33900:21:05,297 --> 00:21:06,525Listen,your life could bein danger.

34000:21:06,598 --> 00:21:08,259That's ridiculous.

34100:21:08,634 --> 00:21:09,828Juliette.I'm tired of this.

34200:21:09,901 --> 00:21:11,562

You don't understandwhat she is.

34300:21:11,637 --> 00:21:13,104What?What is she, Nick?

34400:21:13,171 --> 00:21:14,866She's an attractive,successful woman.

34500:21:14,940 --> 00:21:15,998You savedher life once.

34600:21:16,074 --> 00:21:18,133I don't know what it isyou have against her now.

34700:21:19,645 --> 00:21:20,737What is it that

you're not telling me?

34800:21:20,812 --> 00:21:22,245Do you have somekind of relationshipwith her?

34900:21:22,314 --> 00:21:23,542

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No.Then what is it?

35000:21:23,615 --> 00:21:25,412She's a witch, okay?

35100:21:25,751 --> 00:21:27,048You're going to need totry a little harder, Nick.

35200:21:27,119 --> 00:21:28,143What? Does sheride a broom?

35300:21:28,220 --> 00:21:30,586Because I distinctly rememberher getting into a BMW.

35400:21:30,689 --> 00:21:32,054

You don't know what'sgoing on here, Juliette.

35500:21:32,324 --> 00:21:34,485Then isn't it about timeyou tell me?

35600:21:34,559 --> 00:21:35,753You're goingto the doctor.

35700:21:35,827 --> 00:21:37,124I told you,I'm not goingto a doctor

35800:21:37,195 --> 00:21:39,425till you tell mewhy you're acting so crazy.

35900:21:56,682 --> 00:21:57,774


36000:21:59,951 --> 00:22:01,145You want the truth?

36100:22:01,353 --> 00:22:03,548Yeah, the truthwould be nice.

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36200:22:04,356 --> 00:22:05,846Get your coat.

36300:22:05,924 --> 00:22:07,858I told you,I'm not going to a doctor.

36400:22:09,361 --> 00:22:10,555I know.

36500:22:13,298 --> 00:22:15,528You want the truth,you're going to get it.

36600:22:33,552 --> 00:22:34,917All right, I guessI should have figured

36700:22:34,986 --> 00:22:36,613this would have somethingto do with Aunt Marie.

36800:22:36,688 --> 00:22:39,020Nick, I've been insideyour aunt's trailer.

36900:22:39,091 --> 00:22:41,491I've seen all the

crazy stuff in there.

37000:22:41,593 --> 00:22:42,924I don't knowwhat you expectto show me

37100:22:42,994 --> 00:22:45,019that I haven'talready seen.Juliette, please.

37200:22:46,665 --> 00:22:50,362Look, if you wantto understand why

37300:22:51,370 --> 00:22:52,860I was attackedin our house...

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37400:22:54,339 --> 00:22:55,397Run!

37500:22:56,575 --> 00:23:01,205If you want to understandwhy my aunt was attackedon the street...

37600:23:05,550 --> 00:23:08,713And if you want to knowwhy you were kidnappedby that crazy woman.

37700:23:09,287 --> 00:23:10,447Time for you to scream.

37800:23:11,556 --> 00:23:12,853Time for you to scream.

37900:23:15,260 --> 00:23:16,693You're just going to haveto trust me on this one.

38000:23:22,033 --> 00:23:23,125Okay.

38100:23:31,576 --> 00:23:33,737How often do you

come here?

38200:23:35,814 --> 00:23:38,942Whenever I have a problemI can't figure out.

38300:23:41,086 --> 00:23:43,486What kinds of problemswould lead you here?


00:23:45,457 --> 00:23:47,084Something startedhappening to me

38500:23:48,360 --> 00:23:50,555around the timemy aunt died.


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00:23:51,163 --> 00:23:53,028I guess it was destinedto happen.

38700:23:53,098 --> 00:23:54,360I just didn't knowabout it yet.

38800:23:55,033 --> 00:23:56,933I started seeing thingsI couldn't explain,

38900:23:57,235 --> 00:23:59,465and I thoughtI was going crazy.

39000:24:00,705 --> 00:24:02,696But before she died,she told me

39100:24:02,774 --> 00:24:04,071that some ofmy other relatives

39200:24:04,142 --> 00:24:08,203have this sameproblem, ability...

39300:24:08,480 --> 00:24:09,606Whatever

you want to call it.

39400:24:10,982 --> 00:24:14,474This trailer isfilled with thingsyou can't believe.

39500:24:16,855 --> 00:24:18,823It's the historyof my ancestorswho were,

39600:24:18,890 --> 00:24:22,223now stay with me,sort of like hunters.

39700:24:24,329 --> 00:24:25,591What did they hunt?

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39800:24:26,932 --> 00:24:29,025See, this is whereit gets a little difficultto explain.

39900:24:29,334 --> 00:24:30,733Yeah, you're goingto have to try.

40000:24:30,802 --> 00:24:32,963I know. I know.

40100:24:34,005 --> 00:24:35,370Okay, this is goingto sound a little weird,

40200:24:35,440 --> 00:24:37,670and I know it's going tosound a little weird, okay?

40300:24:42,848 --> 00:24:44,179Here goes.

40400:24:46,418 --> 00:24:48,318I can see things that...

40500:24:49,921 --> 00:24:50,979That what?

40600:24:52,090 --> 00:24:53,148That most people can't.

40700:24:54,759 --> 00:24:56,317You mean, like,ghosts?

40800:24:56,461 --> 00:24:58,190No. No.Not the dead.

40900:24:59,164 --> 00:25:00,358Well, that's good.

41000:25:00,765 --> 00:25:03,233Look, apparentlymy ancestors from Germany,

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41100:25:03,301 --> 00:25:04,893the Grimms, who I guessI'm related to on

41200:25:04,970 --> 00:25:07,905my mother's sideof the family,had the same ability.

41300:25:08,139 --> 00:25:09,902What kind of abilityare we talking about?

41400:25:10,008 --> 00:25:11,032See these books?

41500:25:12,410 --> 00:25:16,039They're filledwith drawings made

by my ancestors

41600:25:16,114 --> 00:25:18,514and some other peoplewho had the same ability.

41700:25:19,417 --> 00:25:23,251And the drawingsare of Wesen,


00:25:24,589 --> 00:25:26,056which is how they liketo refer to themselves.

41900:25:26,525 --> 00:25:27,685Who, the Grimms?

42000:25:27,759 --> 00:25:28,817No, the Wesen.


00:25:29,227 --> 00:25:30,216And that'swhat I can see.

42200:25:32,597 --> 00:25:34,622What the Grimmscould see.


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were runningan illegal fight ring

43600:26:09,734 --> 00:26:11,929that dates back to the timeof the gladiators.

43700:26:12,437 --> 00:26:15,998They were fightingwith these.Ancient weapons.

43800:26:18,243 --> 00:26:19,710This is a morning star.

43900:26:23,248 --> 00:26:27,184There's a rifle in herethat shoots


00:26:27,252 --> 00:26:29,720special bulletsto kill Siegbarstes.

44100:26:29,788 --> 00:26:32,279But first, you haveto dip them inthis stuff here.

44200:26:32,991 --> 00:26:35,323This stuff right here.

Siegbarste Gift.

44300:26:35,794 --> 00:26:38,262"Gift" means"poison" in German.

44400:26:38,496 --> 00:26:40,964The point is,I can see these Wesen


00:26:41,032 --> 00:26:43,000in what you would see asa perfectly normal person.

44600:26:43,301 --> 00:26:45,462When they go throughsomething called the Woge,


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00:26:45,537 --> 00:26:47,004which is kind of likethis emotional surge,

44800:26:47,072 --> 00:26:48,232that's whenI can see them.

44900:26:49,874 --> 00:26:51,398I know how thismust sound,

45000:26:51,476 --> 00:26:53,341but I swear to God,it's all true.

45100:26:55,714 --> 00:26:58,376Look, you want to seewho Adalind really is?

45200:27:01,019 --> 00:27:03,852This is whatAdalind really is,a Hexenbiest.

45300:27:05,724 --> 00:27:08,284Juliette, you got to readsome of this stuff.

45400:27:09,094 --> 00:27:10,186

I mean, the stuff'sthat's in English,

45500:27:10,261 --> 00:27:11,285because most of it'sin German.

45600:27:11,663 --> 00:27:15,292And there's actuallysome of it in French,Spanish, and even Latin.

45700:27:15,934 --> 00:27:17,902Oh, there's some of itin Japanese.

45800:27:19,004 --> 00:27:21,666They all look like storiesyou'd read in a book,

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45900:27:21,740 --> 00:27:24,300but they're not.They're real.

46000:27:24,743 --> 00:27:28,736There are thingsin this trailerthat you can't believe.

46100:27:28,847 --> 00:27:29,939Uh...

46200:27:31,983 --> 00:27:33,382Cameras

46300:27:33,451 --> 00:27:35,646and film of Hitler

46400:27:35,720 --> 00:27:38,655and the Verratshooting people in 1936.

46500:27:38,723 --> 00:27:40,816The Verrat workedwith theseven royal families,

46600:27:40,892 --> 00:27:42,860

which I'm just beginningto learn about.

46700:27:44,129 --> 00:27:46,723Juliette, I can't tell youhow it all fits together.

46800:27:47,732 --> 00:27:49,597Even my parentswere killedbecause of this.

46900:27:51,770 --> 00:27:53,203My aunt was a Grimmall these years.

47000:27:53,271 --> 00:27:54,363I didn't even know it.Look.

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47100:27:54,439 --> 00:27:57,897I can show youfilm right herethat will blow your mind.

47200:28:01,946 --> 00:28:03,277Juliette!

47300:28:04,616 --> 00:28:07,176I know how this sounds.This is why I didn'twant to tell you.

47400:28:07,452 --> 00:28:09,613This is why my aunttold me I shouldn'tbe with you.


00:28:09,988 --> 00:28:12,422You need to talk to somebody,Nick, but it's not me.

47600:28:12,490 --> 00:28:14,185Juliette,I'm trying to explain.

47700:28:14,559 --> 00:28:15,719Okay.

47800:28:15,794 --> 00:28:18,490Okay, remember that hairyou found on the horsewhen it was attacked?

47900:28:18,563 --> 00:28:20,155You couldn't figure outwhat it was.

48000:28:20,231 --> 00:28:21,391

That is whatI'm talking about.

48100:28:21,466 --> 00:28:23,900You need professional help!No, Juliette.

48200:28:25,203 --> 00:28:27,364

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Look, yes, I understandwhy you're saying that.

48300:28:31,443 --> 00:28:33,707There's one more thingI can do to prove to you...

48400:28:33,778 --> 00:28:36,872Nick, please.Stop, okay! You'rereally scaring me!

48500:28:36,948 --> 00:28:39,644I don't want to scare you.I just want youto know the truth.

48600:28:42,854 --> 00:28:44,947Come with me.Just give me

this one last chance.

48700:28:53,431 --> 00:28:54,898Hey, Nick, Juliette.

48800:28:54,966 --> 00:28:56,399What a pleasant surprise!

48900:28:58,470 --> 00:28:59,835I think.

49000:29:01,339 --> 00:29:02,704Come on in.

49100:29:07,712 --> 00:29:12,308So, um, can I getanybody a drink or...

49200:29:12,817 --> 00:29:14,307Okay, you need to tell her.

49300:29:15,019 --> 00:29:17,214Um, tell her...

49400:29:17,522 --> 00:29:19,422About you, about me,about everything.

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49500:29:19,624 --> 00:29:22,650You know, I'm really sorry.I have no idea whathe expects you to do.

49600:29:22,727 --> 00:29:24,388Monroe, you need to show herwhat a Blutbad is.

49700:29:24,462 --> 00:29:26,327Okay, I...You want to explain to me

49800:29:26,397 --> 00:29:29,298how we suddenly arrivedat this crucial crux

49900:29:29,367 --> 00:29:31,699kind of a zenith

pinnacle moment?

50000:29:31,803 --> 00:29:33,464Juliette gotscratched by a cat.

50100:29:33,605 --> 00:29:35,596Um, well, that's too bad,

50200:29:35,673 --> 00:29:37,300

but I'm not surehow that qualifies...

50300:29:37,375 --> 00:29:40,003The cat belongsto Adalind.Oh.

50400:29:41,246 --> 00:29:42,679That's actually not so good.

50500:29:42,747 --> 00:29:44,044And I took herto the trailer.

50600:29:44,115 --> 00:29:46,379Adalind?No, Juliette.I showed her everything,

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50700:29:46,484 --> 00:29:48,042I told her everything.

50800:29:51,689 --> 00:29:53,486She thinks I'm crazy.

50900:29:54,459 --> 00:29:55,926Okay.

51000:29:56,327 --> 00:29:59,421So we're just kind of

51100:29:59,497 --> 00:30:02,625jumping out ofthe old airplane withouta parachute here, huh?


00:30:02,700 --> 00:30:04,725Monroe, you'remy last chance.You have to do this.

51300:30:04,803 --> 00:30:06,634Nick. Enough.

51400:30:07,005 --> 00:30:08,996Juliette, I don't careif you believe me anymore.

51500:30:09,073 --> 00:30:11,803I'm just worried about you.You're worried about me?

51600:30:11,876 --> 00:30:14,344You don't understand whatAdalind is capable of.

51700:30:14,979 --> 00:30:17,379

I'm going home.This is ridiculous.

51800:30:18,750 --> 00:30:20,945Okay, okay.Just give me a secondto get into it.


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00:30:21,152 --> 00:30:22,676Juliette, wait, wait.

52000:30:23,955 --> 00:30:25,183Okay, Juliette,

52100:30:25,256 --> 00:30:27,190Monroe is goingto show yousomething right now.

52200:30:27,859 --> 00:30:29,884Nick.Just wait.

52300:30:30,361 --> 00:30:32,454Now, Juliette,remember, whatyou're about to see

52400:30:34,666 --> 00:30:36,031is just me.

52500:30:39,103 --> 00:30:40,536Juliette?

52600:30:41,139 --> 00:30:44,597Oh, God.What happened?

52700:30:44,976 --> 00:30:47,240What did I do?I warned her.

52800:30:47,312 --> 00:30:48,711I told youwhat would happen if...

52900:30:48,847 --> 00:30:50,508Look, this doesn't have

anything to do with you.

53000:30:53,284 --> 00:30:54,842We have to get herto a hospital.

53100:30:57,856 --> 00:30:59,255Oh, dude.

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53200:31:30,622 --> 00:31:34,114We're canvassing the areahoping to find someonewho's seen the suspect.

53300:31:35,526 --> 00:31:37,391Yeah, I've seen him.When?

53400:31:38,029 --> 00:31:40,759Checked in this morning.Paid for three days, cash.

53500:31:40,899 --> 00:31:41,991What room is he in?

53600:32:01,519 --> 00:32:03,180Ma'am? Hey.

53700:32:03,254 --> 00:32:05,017Hey, stay where you are.

53800:32:05,924 --> 00:32:07,551Robinson, stop her!

53900:32:10,461 --> 00:32:12,224Ma'am, stop now.

54000:32:12,463 --> 00:32:14,021Hold up.

54100:32:54,906 --> 00:32:57,033What else didshe tell you aboutthis cat? Anything?

54200:32:57,108 --> 00:32:59,576Just that Adalind

brought it in,and it scratched her.

54300:33:01,245 --> 00:33:03,042And she wouldn't believeanything I saidabout Adalind.


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00:33:03,114 --> 00:33:04,274That's why I brought herto the trailer.

54500:33:04,349 --> 00:33:05,680That's why I brought herto you.

54600:33:05,750 --> 00:33:07,047Okay, I get it.

54700:33:07,118 --> 00:33:10,212But I got to tell you,it was a little onthe short side for a warning.

54800:33:11,489 --> 00:33:13,423When did sheget scratched?Today.

54900:33:13,791 --> 00:33:15,258Look, Nick,I know you're hoping

55000:33:15,326 --> 00:33:17,385the doctors are goingto be able to dosomething for her, but


00:33:18,262 --> 00:33:19,854you sawwhat happened to Hank,

55200:33:19,931 --> 00:33:21,523you saw what happenedto your sergeant.

55300:33:22,500 --> 00:33:24,331We got to get our handson that cat, man.

55400:33:25,069 --> 00:33:26,502Detective Burkhardt?Yeah?

55500:33:26,571 --> 00:33:27,629We have her stabilized.

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55600:33:27,705 --> 00:33:29,366If this isan infectious disease,

55700:33:29,440 --> 00:33:30,998she'll needto stay quarantined.

55800:33:31,275 --> 00:33:33,072Normally, cat scratchesare not that dangerous,

55900:33:33,144 --> 00:33:34,907so there may besomething else going on here.

56000:33:35,013 --> 00:33:37,106The tests are going totake quite a while to run.

56100:33:37,181 --> 00:33:38,876There's nothing moreyou can do right now.

56200:33:38,950 --> 00:33:40,645I suggest you go home.

56300:33:40,718 --> 00:33:42,709As soon as we know

something, we'll call you.

56400:33:45,790 --> 00:33:46,950Look, Nick,

56500:33:47,025 --> 00:33:49,220I know you want to stay hereand be with Juliette.

56600:33:49,293 --> 00:33:50,385

I do.

56700:33:51,829 --> 00:33:55,162But that's notgoing to help her.Let's find that cat.

56800:33:55,233 --> 00:33:56,564

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All right.

56900:33:58,169 --> 00:33:59,397Yeah.Nick.

57000:33:59,737 --> 00:34:02,137Sergeant Wu got a hiton Kimura at the Palms Motel.

57100:34:02,206 --> 00:34:04,538<i>But when they wentto check on the room,they were attacked.</i>

57200:34:04,876 --> 00:34:06,810Are they okay?<i>For the most part.</i>


00:34:06,878 --> 00:34:09,073But it wasn't Kimura.It was a woman.

57400:34:09,514 --> 00:34:12,176And we're thinkinghe's working with a womanwho's not to be messed with.

57500:34:13,584 --> 00:34:15,552So watch yourself.

You, too, Hank.

57600:34:19,724 --> 00:34:21,954We keep the catson this side.

57700:34:22,126 --> 00:34:23,684If we kept themwith the dogsand the birds,

57800:34:23,761 --> 00:34:25,695they'd be screechingand hollering all night.

57900:34:25,897 --> 00:34:28,161Okay, how do we knowwhich is the catwe're looking for?

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58000:34:28,332 --> 00:34:30,459Well, the nameof the owneris on every cage.

58100:34:30,535 --> 00:34:31,729Do you know the nameof the owner?

58200:34:31,803 --> 00:34:33,862Yeah, Schade.Adalind Schade.

58300:34:33,938 --> 00:34:35,200Okay.

58400:34:43,181 --> 00:34:46,082Oh, hello, Majique.

58500:34:46,684 --> 00:34:48,618You don't lookvery sick to me.

58600:34:51,289 --> 00:34:53,120Yep, that'sprobably the one.

58700:35:02,166 --> 00:35:03,428

How's it going?Everything all right?

58800:35:03,501 --> 00:35:05,025Yeah, there's nothinghappening out here.

58900:35:05,103 --> 00:35:06,570All right.See you in the morning.

59000:35:09,073 --> 00:35:11,564All right, stand back.Stand back.

59100:35:11,742 --> 00:35:14,040Don't get too close.We got to knockthis thing out.

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59200:35:14,445 --> 00:35:15,912If you don'thave any drugsthat'll do it,

59300:35:15,980 --> 00:35:17,845a 2x4 would be fine by me.

59400:35:17,949 --> 00:35:19,610How's Juliette?We don't know yet.

59500:35:19,750 --> 00:35:21,479I'm so sorry, Nick.

59600:35:22,453 --> 00:35:24,080You thinkyou can figure out

what this is?

59700:35:24,856 --> 00:35:25,948I'm going to do my best.

59800:35:26,023 --> 00:35:27,320First, I have to testthe cat's claws,

59900:35:27,391 --> 00:35:29,825

but if I can't get itfrom the cat, I'm going tohave to see Juliette.

60000:35:29,927 --> 00:35:31,121Okay.Are you goodhere for now?

60100:35:31,195 --> 00:35:32,787Not really.


60200:35:32,864 --> 00:35:35,298Hey, where you going?I'm going to find Adalind.

60300:35:48,179 --> 00:35:50,147Maybe it just

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doesn't like me.

60400:35:51,649 --> 00:35:53,708Blutbaden and house petsdon't really mix.

60500:35:53,784 --> 00:35:56,514Except, you know,as the occasionalbetween-meal treat.

60600:35:56,854 --> 00:35:59,618I'm going to start withsome <i>Valeriana officinalis.</i>

60700:36:06,097 --> 00:36:07,530All right.

60800:37:55,072 --> 00:37:56,437

No, no, no.Don't shoot.

60900:37:59,343 --> 00:38:00,674Hey, come on.Put it down.

61000:38:04,715 --> 00:38:06,239Who were you shooting at?


00:38:10,454 --> 00:38:11,751Adalind!

61200:38:26,737 --> 00:38:27,829Adalind!

61300:38:33,044 --> 00:38:35,376Yeah?He was hereat my house, Nick.

61400:38:35,513 --> 00:38:37,640Tore it apart.All right, I'm onmy way home.

61500:38:38,549 --> 00:38:40,346If he hit your place,he's probably

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going to hit mine.

61600:38:40,418 --> 00:38:41,476Is Juliette home?

61700:38:41,552 --> 00:38:43,816<i>No.</i>Well, don't lether go home.

61800:38:43,921 --> 00:38:45,752She's in the hospital.What? What happened?

61900:38:45,823 --> 00:38:47,552Is she okay?<i>I don't know yet.</i>

62000:38:48,159 --> 00:38:49,683

But I can meet youat your place.

62100:38:49,760 --> 00:38:52,160No, you stay.You take care of yours.

62200:38:52,330 --> 00:38:54,628<i>All right.Then call for backup.</i>

62300:38:55,633 --> 00:38:57,863Don't worry.I will.

62400:39:09,747 --> 00:39:11,772You sure this is goingto knock that feline out?

62500:39:12,183 --> 00:39:15,118It won't knock it out,

it will paralyze itfor about 30 minutes.

62600:39:15,519 --> 00:39:18,545That should give usenough to checkits claws and saliva.


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00:39:20,024 --> 00:39:21,252Okay, lift the cover.

62800:41:00,491 --> 00:41:03,289You are the Grimm.You have the coins.

62900:41:03,994 --> 00:41:05,962Give them to me.

63000:41:06,497 --> 00:41:08,124I'll give you this!

63100:41:11,769 --> 00:41:13,566You killed my parents!

63200:41:17,975 --> 00:41:19,567Why did you kill them?

63300:41:50,508 --> 00:41:52,533Find what youwere looking for?

63400:42:26,544 --> 00:42:27,636Nick.

63500:42:28,479 --> 00:42:30,970Nicky, it's me.

63600:42:33,317 --> 00:42:34,511Mom?