G.T. BlogG.T. Blog 優才網誌 (第一百四十六期) 2018/19 Blog 146 - 15/06/2019 The Eighth...


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優才網誌 (第一百四十六期) 2018/19G.T. BlogBlog 146 - 15/06/2019

The Eighth Graduation Ceremony


The 8th Graduation Ceremony was successfully held on 31 May 2019. We were delighted to have Professor Wei Shyy, president of HKUST, and Professor Lionel Ni, Provost of HKUST, to be our Guests of Honour and they delivered inspiring and encouraging speeches to our graduates.

This year, our graduates performed a touching song “You raise me up” to show their gratitude to their parents. The ending show was performed by a group of 30 teachers, accompanied by our school orchestra and choir. It was such a night of a lifetime.

Dr. Ken CHENG, Ms. Winnie AUHeads of School Function Group

“Changes are permanent, and we have learnt to undertake different changes at different learning stages. We have been made more flexible, creative, and tough. This permanency has also prepared us for the actual world.”

Vote of ThanksChristy LEE (12B)

▲Group Photo of all the teachers and students

▲Student representatives, Dickson Tong of 12B (first left) and Christy Lee of 12B (first right) presenting a souvenir to school

▲Passionate rendition by teachers ▲Our lovely graduates showing off their talents

▲(From left) Prof. Rex Li, Prof. Lionel Ni, and Dr. Raymond Tam


A Heart Warming Occasion




全港中小學產品設計大賽 - 再奪佳績

▲同學們向評委介紹「智能節水花灑」 ▲同學們向評委介紹「有機濾水器」▲同學們以角色扮演介紹「智能老人背心」 ▲同學們向評委介紹「老人醫療全方位裝置」

▲從左起;梅家傑老師、林樂童(6B)、李宛庭(6C)、周健 朗(5A)、吳紀彥(5A)、從頒獎嘉賓手上接過獎盃及禮物


▲羅子瑜 (5C) 跟渡邊綾子同學擊掌告別



林卓銳 (5C)




中史科吳家康 主任






















全港中小學產品設計大賽 - 再奪佳績 西貢區校際游泳比賽 - 破大會紀錄







▲同學及家長們完成探訪長者後,都感到上了 一堂寶貴的課堂

▲同學及家長們都拿着很多福袋準備 探訪長者





  一年一度的西貢區校際游泳比賽於5月24日舉行,我今年參加了50米和100米蛙式。比賽前我非常緊張,因為這一年來我狀態也不太好。在50米蛙泳初賽,我游出自己的最佳時間,終於再有突破,還破了西貢區的游泳紀錄。復活節我到了台灣集訓,加上每週訓練增至六天,終於見到成果,我非常高興。  接着的100米蛙式決賽,我拿到了冠軍。  到了下午的50米蛙式決賽,我起跳不佳,未能再做出最佳時間,雖然拿到了冠軍,但我不太滿意,一上水就大哭起來,幸得爸爸媽媽的安慰,我心情才好轉。  這天比賽非常緊張刺激,有開心也有失望,我自覺我做得不夠好,還有進步和改善的空間。在此多謝老師和教練的支持和鼓勵,還有同學們的打氣。

吳韋霆 (5D)


▲泳隊積極參與賽前熱身賽▲最傑出運動員吳韋霆(5D) 及劉釗教練


Address: 10, Ling Kwong Street, Tiu Keng Leng, Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong

Editorial BoardAdvisor:Professor Rex Li Chief Editor:Mr. David W.K. ChanEditors:Chinese - Ms. Cherry Wong, Ms. Sum Leung, Ms. Sabrina Chan, Mr. Leo Lee English - Ms. Sue Tam, Ms. Myra Mak, Mr. Leo Tsui, Dr. Clara Cheng, Mr. Shailendra Singh Bogati Talent Development - Ms. Meiling Yeung, Mr. David T.W. Chan STEM - Mr. David W.K. Chan, Mr. Sunny LuiArt and Design: Ms. Daisy Yung, Mr. Dennis Tsang

G.T. College Tel Web FaxSecondary Section 2535 6867 www.gtcollege.edu.hk 2623 6550

Primary Section 2535 6869 www.gtschool.edu.hk 2894 9828

Visit The Second Middle School Attached to Fudan University


Ten GT students visited the Second Middle School Attached to Fudan University from 12 to 18 May 2019. The one-week exchange program started with a warm welcome by buddies’ families on the school campus.

Our students enjoyed the lessons and extra curricular activities in the school during the week. They were excited to visit different places in Shanghai, including the Shanghai Bund, Shanghai History Museum, Shanghai Museum, and the World Expo Museum.

Students also experienced the local culture and delicacies while staying with their host families.

Our students were very thankful for such a great opportunity to learn beyond the classroom.

Albert HONGAssistant Principal

GT... the gospel according to Dewey and Professor Li!

The 3rd Staff Development Day of G.T. College was held on its Tiu Keng Leng campus on 18 May 2018. The whole program had been planned for more than five months as it involved more than 120 teaching staff members from both the primary and secondary sections. The presentations were a mix of creative and academic presentations, with eight collaborative teams working on eight chapters concerning John Dewey’s education theory in his classic, Schools of Tomorrow. Dewey’s education values and initiatives were not just pioneering in his time, but they have also proved to lie salvation for contemporary schools on the globe, and G.T. College is definitely one of them.

Guess what were the inspiring chapters that most colleagues had been hooked into for months and Googling for nights during the reading-and-research process? They were: (1) joyful learning, (2) teachers as facilitators, (3) collaborative learning, (4) catering for individual differences; (5) education of the gifted, (6) education for a happy life, (7) school as workplace, and (8) learning by doing. If you ask colleagues “what is their favourite presentation of the day?” I am sure there might be quite some NOs to the question as all the presentations were really something out of something. May we pay no small tribute to John Dewey for his school of thoughts, and Professor Rex Li for his wise transfer of Dewey’s thoughts into the ABCD personalized learning programs at GT: Grooming the Adorable, Creative Buffs with the Cross-Discipline learning.

Dr. Clara CHENGEnglish Language Teacher

▲Group 3 giving their thumbs-up after their“Collaborative Learning”

▲Group 8 “Learning Dewey by Doing”

▲Professor Li addressing questions raised by different groups in the post-presentation forum

▲Knowing more about Shanghai History at the Shanghai History Museum

▲Visiting the World Expo Musuem

▲Having dinner with the host family

▲Principal Tam elaborating Dewey's ideas in the G.T. curriculum
