gurgaon gramya gk 2010


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  • 8/4/2019 gurgaon gramya gk 2010



    1. Which of the following is a programme to provide electric connections to those living

    below poverty line ?

    (A) MPLADS

    (B) Kutir Jyoti

    (C) Ganga Kalyan Yojana

    (D) Sangam Yojana

    (E) None of these

    Ans : (B)

    2. As per the guidelines issued by the SEBI the Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a

    must for which of the following ?

    (A) Demat Accounts

    (B) All Saving Banks Accounts

    (C) All Housing Loan Accounts

    (D) All Current Accounts

    (E) None of these

    Ans : (A)

    3. For getting National Old Age Pension the age of the person should not be less than

    (A) 50 years

    (B) 55 years

    (C) 58 years

    (D) 60 years

    (E) 65 years

    Ans : (E)

    4. Many a times we read about the priority sector in newspapers. Which of the following

    is/are considered segment(s) of Priority Sector in India ?

    1. Agriculture

    2. Small Scale Industry3. Textile Industry

    (A) Only 1

    (B) Only 2

    (C) Only 3

    (D) All 1, 2 and 3

    (E) None of these

    Ans : (A)

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    5. The average size of holdings in India is about 2 hectares or 5 acres. What problems

    do farmers normally face due to this ?

    1. Proper irrigation facilities are not possible for these farms.

    2. Scientific and advanced techniques are very expensive for these farms.

    3. It does not pose a problem for them. These farms are ideal in size. Hence all sorts of

    advanced methods can easily be used for them.(A) Only 1

    (B) Only 2 is correct

    (C) Only 3 is correct

    (D) Both 1 and 2 are correct

    (E) None is correct

    Ans : (B)

    6. Which of the following is considered a technological factor in the productivity of

    agricultural land ?(A) Inadequate irrigation facilities

    (B) Size of holding(C) Pattern of Land Tenure

    (D) Type of marketing facilities in the area(E) All the above

    Ans : (A)

    7. Many times we read a term Free Market in newspapers. What does it mean ?

    [Pick up the correct statement(s)]

    1. It is a market where pricing is driven by the laws of supply and demand.

    2. In free market things are available without restraints of the government

    3. In such markets goods are free from extraneous influences such as tariff or quotas.

    (A) Only 1

    (B) Only 2

    (C) Only 3

    (D) 1 and 2 both

    (E) 1, 2 and 3 all

    Ans : (E)

    8. Earlier it was thought safe to allow each financial institution to carry out only onetype of financial service. But now banks are selling shares, insurance companies can sell

    banking services.

    These new financial conglomerates are colloquially referred to as(A) Multinationals(B) Financial supermarkets

    (C) Market regulators

    (D) Brand Promoters

    (E) None of these

    Ans : (B)

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    9. Marketing of agro products and also of the cottage industry is most important for

    economic development. Which of the following should be the major consideration for

    the marketing of rural products ?

    (A) Proper storing facility only

    (B) Proper holding capacity only

    (C) Adequate and cheap transport facility only

    (D) Small number of intermediaries only(E) All the above are needed

    Ans : (E)

    10. Many people travel to different parts of India to work as agricultural labour as the

    wages given to them are different in different parts. Which of the following is/are

    determining factor(s) in deciding the structure of agricultural wages in India ?

    1. Land to Labour ratio i.e. The number of people employed on a land holding of a

    particular size.

    2. Nature of crop sown on the land. Food crops do not attract good wages whereascommercial crops do.

    3. Nature of the area as a high productivity area will have higher wages and vice-versa.(A) Both 1 and 2

    (B) Both 1 and 3(C) Only 2

    (D) All 1, 2 and 3(E) None of these

    Ans : (D)

    11. The structure of the financial system in India can be divided into many segments.

    Which of the following is not one of these segments ?

    (A) Industrial Finance

    (B) Agriculture Finance

    (C) Developmental Finance

    (D) Government Finance

    (E) Personal Finance

    Ans : (E)

    12. Which of the following statements about the changes in cropping patterns is/are

    correct ?1. The Govt. of India can influence crop pattern through legislative and administrative


    2. The Cropping pattern normally depends upon the climatic conditions of the area.3. As 80% of the agro products are being exported from India the cropping patterndepends upon the WTO stipulations in the field.

    (A) Only 1

    (B) Only 2

    (C) Both 1 and 2 are correct

    (D) Only 2 and 3 are correct

    (E) All 1, 2 and 3 are correct

    Ans : (E)

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    13. The Head of the Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) is called

    (A) Swami

    (B) Karta

    (C) Bharta

    (D) Agraj(E) Jyeshthi

    Ans : (B)

    14. The Banking Industry and financial sector in India has come a long way in the past

    few years. Which of the following were the major drawbacks of the banks in India,

    inherited from the British Raj owing to which the Govt. of India decided to nationalize

    them in 1969 and put them through a series of reforms again ?

    1. Interlocking of directorship of big business houses.

    2. Paucity of credit to socially and economically important sectors of the economy.3. Shortage of trained manpower to handle the major task of economic development.

    (A) Only 1(B) Only 2

    (C) Only 3(D) Both 1 and 2

    (E) All 1, 2 and 3Ans : (D)

    15. A national policy to provide rural credit was launched by the Govt. of India in

    general and by RBI and NABARD in particular. Which of the following cannot be

    considered as one of the objectives of this National Policy ?

    1. To ensure timely and increased flow of credit to the rural sector.

    2. To make available credit facilities to every region of the country so that there are no

    regional imbalances.

    3. To establish a well organized network of informal/non institutional credit system in

    the country.

    (A) Only 1

    (B) Both 1 and 2

    (C) Only 3(D) Both 1 and 3

    (E) All 1, 2 and 3Ans : (C)

    16. Under Bharat Nirman Programme of the Govt. of India action is proposed invarious areas. Which of the following is not one of these are as ?

    (A) Irrigation

    (B) Rural Roads

    (C) Rural Housing

    (D) Rural Water Supply

    (E) Rural Employment

    Ans : (E)

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    17. Which of the following is the name of the legislation, which provides employment to

    the poors in remote areas of the country ?

    (A) NREGA

    (B) POTA


    (E) None of these

    Ans : (A)

    18. The Reserve Bank of India issues coins and notes of various denominations. At

    present RBI does not issue coins of which of the following denominations ?

    (A) 10 paise

    (B) 25 paise

    (C) 50 paise(D) 100 Rupee

    (E) 500 RupeeAns : (A)

    19. Many a times we come across a term Know Your Customer in area of bankingtransactions. Which of the following is the main purpose of issuing Know Your

    Customer guidelines by the RBI ?

    (A) To provide better customer service

    (B) To keep a check on money laundering

    (C) To bring more and more people in the Income Tax net

    (D) To make high value transactions faster

    (E) None of these

    Ans : (B)

    20. Which of the following is not correct about the various targets set for 11th Five Year

    Plan ?

    (Whole plan period 2007-12).

    (A) Farm sector growth to be increased to 8%(B) GDP growth rate to be increased to 10%

    (C) Create 7 Crore new jobs(D) Literacy rate is to be increased to 80%

    (E) Reduction in unemployment amongst the educated youth

    Ans : (A)

    21. Many a times we come across a term read as GM in reference to certain crops.

    What is the full form of the term GM ?

    (A) Geographically Moderated

    (B) Genetically Modified

    (C) Globally Marketed

    (D) Grown after Modifications

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    (E) None of these

    Ans : (B)

    22. Many a times we see a term in newspapers IPO. What is the full form of the same ?

    (A) Indian Public Offer

    (B) Institutional Purchase Offer(C) Industrial Purchase Order

    (D) Indian Purchase Offer

    (E) Initial Public Offer

    Ans : (E)

    23. Which of the following is not the part of the Charter of the National Rural Health

    Mission (NRHM) ?

    1. NRHM has to pay special attention to 18 States, which have weak Public Health

    Indicators.2. Mission provides for appointment of Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) in

    each one of four metros so that these metros become free from Polio, Malaria, and HIVinfections by 2010 ?

    3. It aims at effective integration of Private Sector in health sector so that governmentburden can be reduced to the level of mere policy maker.

    (A) Only 1(B) Only 2

    (C) Both 2 and 3

    (D) Only 3

    (E) Both 1 and 3

    Ans : (C)

    24. Who amongst the following had said small aim is crime ?

    (A) Jawaharlal Nehru

    (B) Lal Bahadur Shastri

    (C) Smt. Indira Gandhi

    (D) Dr. A. P. J. Kalam

    (E) Dr. Manmohan Singh

    Ans : (D)

    25. The rate on which banks lend to RBI is known as

    (A) CRR

    (B) PLR(C) Bank Rate(D) REPO Rate

    (E) SLR

    Ans : (A)

    26. Which of the following name is not associated with the insurance business in India ?

    (A) Bajaj Allianz

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    (B) LIC

    (C) GIC

    (D) Tata AIG

    (E) GE Money

    Ans : (E)

    27. Which of the following awards is given for excellence in the field of sports ?

    (A) Kalidas Samman

    (B) Dhyanchand Award

    (C) Shram Vir Award

    (D) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award

    (E) None of these

    Ans : (B)

    28. Which of the following does not represent the name of a bank working in India ?(A) YES

    (B) HDFC(C) TATA

    (D) Kotak Mahindra(E) Axis

    Ans : (C)

    29. Who amongst the following addresses the nation on the Independence Day from the

    ramparts of the Red Fort, Delhi ?

    (A) President of India

    (B) UPA Chair person

    (C) Speaker of the Lok Sabha

    (D) Prime Minister of India

    (E) None of these

    Ans : (D)

    30. Which of the following is considered an informal method of getting credit/finance ?

    (A) Internet Banking(B) Branch visits

    (C) Going to money lenders(D) Tele Banking

    (E) All of these

    Ans : (C)

    31. Which of the countries represent letter C in the category known as BRIC countries


    (A) Canada

    (B) Chile

    (C) Cuba

    (D) Croatia

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    (E) China

    Ans : (E)

    32. Nobel Prizes are not given for the performance in the area of

    (A) Literature

    (B) Physics(C) Chemistry

    (D) Music

    (E) Medical Science

    Ans : (D)

    33. Which of the following countries has not made any significant investment in India ?

    (A) Japan

    (B) USA

    (C) Nepal(D) Britain

    (E) FranceAns : (C)

    34. Twenty-20 matches are played in the game of(A) Hockey

    (B) Football

    (C) Badminton

    (D) Tennis

    (E) Cricket

    Ans : (E)

    35. Which of the following is known as Plastic money ?

    1. Demand Draft

    2. Credit Card

    3. Debit Card

    (A) Only 1

    (B) Only 2(C) Only 3

    (D) Both 2 and 3(E) All 1, 2 and 3

    Ans : (D)

    36. In which of the following Hindi films actor Shahrukh Khan has played the role of a

    Hockey Coach ?

    (A) Guru

    (B) Chak De India

    (C) Om Shanti Om

    (D) Jab We Met

    (E) None of these

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    Ans : (B)

    37. Which amongst the following nations is not a member of the SAARC ?

    (A) Bangladesh

    (B) Bhutan

    (C) Nepal(D) Maldives

    (E) South Africa

    Ans : (E)

    38. Which of the following organizations/bank has done a commendable work in the

    field of micro finance and was awarded Nobel Prize also in the past ?

    (A) Gramin Bank of Bangladesh

    (B) CRY


    (E) None of theseAns : (A)

    39. Which of the following is not a Public Sector Unit/Undertaking/ Agency ?(A) ECGC

    (B) SEBI

    (C) SIDBI

    (D) Axis Bank

    (E) BHEL

    Ans : (D)

    40. The European Union has adopted which of the following as a common currency ?

    (A) Dollar

    (B) Dinar

    (C) Yen

    (D) Peso

    (E) EuroAns : (E)

    41. Various Govt. agencies/organizations are given responsibilities for implementing

    various policies/decisions of the Govt. of India. Policies about credit flow to theagricultural/priority sector are framed/implemented through which of the followingapex bodies ?

    (A) ECGC

    (B) NABARD

    (C) UTI

    (D) IDBI Bank

    (E) None of these

    Ans : (B)

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    42. Which of the following is not a foodgrain ?

    (A) Wheat

    (B) Rice

    (C) Maize

    (D) Jowar(E) Cotton

    Ans : (E)

    43. Many a times we read in newspapers about Financial Inclusion. What does it

    really mean ?

    [Pick up correct statement(s)]

    1. Allow the merger and acquisition of banks so that only few big banks exist and

    continue to cater to the need of corporate sector.

    2. Expending the network of banks in such a way that people from lower strata ofsociety also get the benefit of services provided by banks.

    3. Providing Insurance cover to each and every citizen so that he/she can live a healthyand long life.

    (A) Only 1(B) Only 2

    (C) Only 3(D) Both 1 and 2

    (E) All 1, 2 and 3

    Ans : (B)

    44. Which of the following is not a gallantry Award ?

    (A) Vir Chakra

    (B) Jeevan Raksha Padak

    (C) Ashok Chakra

    (D) Mahavir Chakra

    (E) Saraswati Samman

    Ans : (E)

    45. Heavy Water is normally used by which of the following industries ?

    (A) Nuclear Power generation plants(B) Pharma Industry

    (C) Paper Industry

    (D) Sugar plants(E) None of theseAns : (A)

    46. As per news items published in various newspapers, Italy has offered its help in

    developing SMEs in India. What is the full form of SME ?

    (A) Small and Monopolistic Economy

    (B) Small and Medium Enterprises

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    (C) Speedy and Mechanical

    (D) Small and Medium Level Economy

    (E) None of these

    Ans : (B)

    47. Which of the following indexes is developed to measure life expectancy, level ofliteracy, education and standard of living of people in a country ?

    (A) Inflation

    (B) Sensex

    (C) Human Development Index

    (D) SLR

    (E) None of these

    Ans : (C)

    48. Which of the following is a type of tax levied by the Govt. on goods and services ?(A) SAT

    (B) NET(C) PAN

    (D) VAT(E) None of these

    Ans : (D)

    49. Who amongst the following was made the Chairman of the National Land Reforms

    Council ?

    (A) Smt. Sonia Gandhi

    (B) Arjun Singh

    (C) Pranav Mukherjee

    (D) Kamal Nath

    (E) Manmohan Singh

    Ans : (E)

    50. Which of the following is not a foreign bank working in India ?

    (A) HSBC(B) Barclays

    (C) Standard Chartered(D) Yes Bank

    (E) All are foreign banks

    Ans : (E)

    ENGLISH:Directions(Q. 115) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions

    given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them wh ile

    answering some of the questions.

    According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), plastic bags

    are a better option than paper bags from the environments point of view. Many studies

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    comparing plastic versus paper show that plastic bags have less net environmental

    effect than paper bags, requiring less energy for transport, production and recycling

    and because of all these, plastic generates less greenhouse gases. They cause less air and

    water pollution and can get compressed to a small size in landfills. Plastic bags are

    sterile and thus are a better option for the transportation of eatables and medicines.

    However there is another side of using plastic. Plastics are manufactured frompetroleum. This brings a host of other issues e.g. destruction of habitat. Their

    manufacturing involves chemicals, many of which have not been sufficiently tested for

    their toxicological impact on humans and animals. Exacerbating the problem is that

    science has only advanced to detect plastic components in human bodies and then link it

    to human ailments and diseases. Where science has been unable to help is that it has

    largely failed to invent a solution to the hazards caused by it. Making the situation

    dismal is the fact that the hazard is closer than it appears. Teflon, PVC, Polyethylene,

    polystyrene in utensils and various silicones in hair and body care products accumulate

    in the body and lead to serious diseases. Plasticproducing companies are often chemical

    companies or subsidiaries of chemical companies, both with poor track records when itcomes to their adherence to regulatory compliance and their willingness to perform

    toxicological analysis on the products that they make.

    Plastics often drain component chemicals, including hazardous chemicals whentemperature changes beyond a certain point. It is for this reason that toxicologists do

    not recommend storing very cold food in plastics or heating food (microwavingespecially) in plastics. Also, plastics are durable materials. Thus, they are hard to

    eliminate once used and create tremendous waste. While some common plastics can be

    recycled the vast majority cannot be recycled.

    Scientists suggest the use of Biodegradable plastics as an alternative to this persisting

    problem. These are the plastics that can decompose in the natural environment.

    Biodegradation of plastics can be achieved by enabling microorganisms in the

    environment to metabolize the molecular structure of plastic films to produce an inert

    humus-like material that is less harmful to the environment. They may be composed of

    either bio-plastics, which are plastics whose components are derived from renewable

    raw materials, or petroleum-based plastics. The use of bio-active compounds

    compounded with swelling agents ensures that, when combined with heat and moisture,

    they expand the plastics molecular structure and allow the bio-active compounds to

    metabolise and neutralize the plastic.

    Various countries have been adopting different methods to discourage the use of plastic.Growing awareness in the UK of the problems caused by indiscriminate use of plastic

    bags is encouraging retailers to reward customers who bring their own bags or who

    reuse or recycle existing bags. This is called the Green Bag Scheme. In other countriesretailers have stopped providing free plastic bags with purchases and have been sellingcloth bags for very minimalistic prices.

    1. What alternative do the scientists suggest for the problem associated with the use of

    plastics ?

    (A) Use of biodegradable plastics

    (B) Treatment of hazards caused by the use of plastics

    (C) Strict compliance of the chemical companies to toxicological tests of their products

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    (D) Banning the use of plastic throughout the world

    (E) None of these

    Ans : (A)

    2. Why dont toxicologists recommend the heating of food and storing of cold food in

    plastic ?

    (A) Food stuff spoils faster in plastic containers(B) The Teflon coating in such utensils is harmful

    (C) Plastic containers do not undergo recommended toxicology tests

    (D) Plastic releases harmful chemicals at very high and low temperature

    (E) None of these

    Ans : (D)

    3. According to the author, what is the problem with manufacturing plastic products ?

    (A) These products are not energy efficient

    (B) These products produce greenhouse gases which are harmful to environment

    (C) The chemicals involved in their production are not tested for impact on livingbeings

    (D) It swells as soon as it comes in contact with heat and moisture(E) None of these

    Ans : (C)

    4. What are the authors views about the companies producing plastic products ?(1) These companies are mainly responsible for the hazards caused to the environment

    due to plastics.

    (2) Such companies are chemical companies themselves or a subsidiary of such


    (3) Such companies do not perofrm toxicological tests on their products.

    (A) Only (1)

    (B) Both (2) and (3)

    (C) Both (1) and (3)

    (D) Only (2)

    (E) None of these

    Ans : (B)

    5. What does the author mean by another side of using plastic ?

    (A) These are disadvantages of using plastic(B) Using biodegradable plastic instead of non-biodegradable plastic

    (C) Paper bags are better option than plastic bags(D) Many retail stores sell cloth bags at lower price

    (E) None of these

    Ans : (A)

    6. Why does USEPA suggest that plastic bags are a better option than paper bags ?

    (A) The plastic bags are inexpensive

    (B) Plastic bags can be tested for toxic chemicals

    (C) Paper bags do not generate greenhouse gases

    (D) Plastic bags require less energy as compared to paper for transportation,

    production and recycling

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    (E) None of these

    Ans : (D)

    7. According to the passage, in which of the following fields has science failed ?

    (A) To produce biodegradable plastic

    (B) To popularize the use of cloth and paper bags instead of plastic

    (C) To strictly implement the compliance of the chemical companies to toxicologicaltests of their products

    (D) To make plastic free hair and body care products

    (E) None of these

    Ans : (D)

    8. Which steps have been taken in UK to encourage the use of alternatives to plastic

    bags ?

    (A) The UK government has banned the use of plastic throughout the country

    (B) The retailers in UK have been selling cloth bags at very low prices

    (C) The retailers reward the customers who bring their own bags or use the recycledbags

    (D) The government imposes heavy fine on those using plastic bags(E) None of these

    Ans : (C)

    9. Which of the following is not true in context of the passage ?(A) Some countries have stopped providing free plastic bags to customers to discourage

    the use of plastic

    (B) The bio-active compound alongwith swelling agents ensure that plastic is

    neutralized in the presence of heat and moisture

    (C) Many plastic products do not undergo toxicological test

    (D) Being durable, plastic creates a lot of waste

    (E) All are true

    Ans : (E)

    10. Although harmful at extreme temperature, why does USEPA recommend transport

    of eatables and medicines in plastic bags ?

    (A) Plastic bag generate less greenhouse gases which would react chemically with

    medicines, thus producing adverse effect in body

    (B) Plastic bags are more sterile than other available options(C) Plastic products pass through a number of toxicological testings

    (D) Plastic bags are easily degraded and thus cause less harm to environment(E) None of these

    Ans : (A)

    Directions(Q. 1113) Choose the word / group of words which is / are most similar inmeaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

    11. persisting

    (A) troubling

    (B) enduring

    (C) resisting

    (D) damaging

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    (E) harassing

    Ans : (B)

    12. exacerbating

    (A) executing

    (B) influencing

    (C) worsening(D) addressing

    (E) declining

    Ans : (C)

    13. drain

    (A) sewer

    (B) waste

    (C) deplete

    (D) give out

    (E) outletAns : (D)

    Directions(Q. 1415) Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the word

    printed in bold as used in the passage.

    14. dismal(A) Encouraging

    (B) Prosperous

    (C) Glad

    (D) Generous

    (E) Respectful

    Ans : (A)

    15. compressed(A) Extended

    (B) Amplified

    (C) Diffused

    (D) Intensified

    (E) Expanded

    Ans : (E)

    Directions(Q. 1625) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any

    grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence, the letter ofthat part will be the answer. If there is no error, mark (E) as the answer. (Ignore errors

    of punctuation, if any.)

    16. He had already prepare (A) / the acceptance speech (B) / but the student of the yearaward (C) / was given to Ravi. (D) No error (E)

    Ans : (A)

    17. He placed the trophy (A) / which he had won (B) / at the most prominent (C) / place

    on the house. (D) No error (E)

    Ans : (D)

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    18. Fashion is very important (A) / to her and thus (B) / she selects the (C) / most

    popular clothes. (D) No error (E)

    Ans : (B)

    19. After finding traces of poison (A) / in his dinner yesterday, (B) / Mohit accused his

    wife (C) / of trying to cause harm. (D) No error (E)

    Ans : (E)

    20. Sheetal bought a (A) / new car and (B) / bragged about them (C) / for weeks to come.

    No error (E)

    Ans : (C)

    21. Being more dangerous (A) / than all the criminal, (B) / he was imprisoned (C) / in a

    special jail. (D) No error (E)

    Ans : (B)

    22. The mayor says that (A) / I will consider running (B) / for commissioners post (C) /but I am not sure yet. (D) No error (E)

    Ans : (A)

    23. In an effort (A) / to make peace (B) / Priya spoke separately (C) / to both the person.(D) No error (E)

    Ans : (D)

    24. They had a narrow escape (A) / when skating as (B) / roaring avalanche (C) / just

    missed them. (D) No error (E)

    Ans : (B)

    25. The movie star should not have (A) / allowed the press (B) / at the scene had he (C) /

    known about the fuss. (D) No error (E)

    Ans : (A)

    Directions(Q. 2630) Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below each

    statement should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it

    grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is given and No correction is

    required, mark (E) as the answer.

    26. Ayesha spent the entire morning polishing hers new audio system.

    (A) Polishing her new(B) Polishing shes new

    (C) Polishing hers new

    (D) Polishing Ayeshas new(E) No correction requiredAns : (A)

    27. As she grows up, she became doubtful of the existence of fairies.

    (A) She grown up

    (B) She grews up

    (C) She grew up

    (D) She growned up

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    (E) No correction required

    Ans : (C)

    28. Sneha and Shraddha need to buy watches because they are always late.

    (A) Those are always

    (B) These are always

    (C) They keep always(D) There are always

    (E) No correction required

    Ans : (E)

    29. Neither the local administration nor the police authorities was aware of the

    tournament being held.

    (A) Were aware for

    (B) Was aware for of

    (C) Was aware for

    (D) Were aware of(E) No correction required

    Ans : (D)

    30. Everyone have invested a substantial amount in the on going project but no oneexpects a profit.

    (A) did invested a(B) has invested a

    (C) did investing in a

    (D) had invested an

    (E) No correction required

    Ans : (B)

    Directions(Q. 3135) Rearrange the following sentences (1), (2), (3) (4), (5) and (6) to

    make a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions which follow :

    (1) Today these have become an indispensable part of the lives of children and adults


    (2) One of such effects is the radiations that are emitted as signals.

    (3) Ever since the advent of technology, undoubtedly, mobile phones are the greatest of

    all inventions.

    (4) In order to prevent such ailments, Govt. should strictly regulate the serviceproviders.

    (5) But, no matter how indispensable, its negative effects cannot be overlooked.(6) These signals cause a variety of ailments starting from hearing loss to cancer.

    31. Which of the following sentence should be the FIRST after rearrangement ?(A) 1(B) 2

    (C) 3

    (D) 4

    (E) 5

    Ans : (C)

    32. Which of the following sentence should be the FIFTH after rearrangement ?

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    (A) 1

    (B) 2

    (C) 3

    (D) 5

    (E) 6

    Ans : (E)

    33. Which of the following sentence should be the SIXTH (L AST) after rearrangement


    (A) 3

    (B) 2

    (C) 4

    (D) 5

    (E) 6

    Ans : (C)

    34. Which of the following sentence should be the THIRD after rearrangement ?(A) 1

    (B) 5(C) 4

    (D) 6(E) 3

    Ans : (B)

    35. Which of the following sentence should be the SECOND after rearrangement ?

    (A) 1

    (B) 2

    (C) 4

    (D) 5

    (E) 6

    Ans : (A)

    Directions(Q. 3640) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has

    been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five

    words are suggested, one of which best fits the blank appropriately. Find out the

    appropriate word in each case.

    Many farmers who traditionally (36) pulses, millets and paddy have been lured by

    seed companies to buy hybrid cotton seeds and other GM crops, which were (37) tomake their lives easier and wealthier. Instead they (38) bankruptcy and ruin. Their

    native seeds have been (39) with new hybrids which cannot be saved and need to be

    purchased every year at a high cost. Hybrids are also very (40) to pest attacks. Allpesticides have to be (41) from the company that sold them the seeds; there havebeen reports of blatant profiteering from these companies.

    We are (42) told that without genetic engineering and globalization of agriculture

    the world will starve, it is constantly promoted as the only (43) available for feeding

    the hungry.

    Everywhere, food production is becoming a negative economy, with farmers (44)

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    more on buying costly inputs for industrial production than the price they receive for

    their produce. The consequence is rising debts in both rich and poor countries. In some

    African countries it is cheaper to buy foreign sugar and coffee than it is to buy locally

    produced goods. This is because of over production and subsidies in the West which

    means that they then dump these goods on Africa (45) local markets.

    36. (A) developed(B) cultivated

    (C) germinated

    (D) made

    (E) yielded

    Ans : (B)

    37. (A) probably

    (B) specified

    (C) designated

    (D) supposed(E) thought

    Ans : (D)

    38. (A) undergo(B) disclosed

    (C) approached(D) tackling

    (E) faced

    Ans : (E)

    39. (A) supplied

    (B) converted

    (C) replaced

    (D) reduced

    (E) damaged

    Ans : (C)

    40. (A) vulnerable

    (B) tender

    (C) dangerous(D) tempted

    (E) likelyAns : (A)

    41. (A) purchased(B) bribed(C) adopted

    (D) buy

    (E) sprinkled

    Ans : (A)

    42. (A) reiterated

    (B) repeatedly

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    (C) continuous

    (D) numerously

    (E) much

    Ans : (B)

    43. (A) thing

    (B) food(C) progression

    (D) tendency

    (E) alternative

    Ans : (E)

    44. (A) generating

    (B) expanding

    (C) spending

    (D) consuming

    (E) earningAns : (C)

    45. (A) ruining

    (B) eradicating(C) helping

    (D) facilitating(E) washing

    Ans : (A)

    Directions(Q. 4650) Each question below has two blanks, each blank indicating that

    something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the

    meaning of the sentence as a whole.

    46. The statement said that the conference would be a considerable time

    the global economic crisis.

    (A) having, thinking

    (B) passing, debating

    (C) spending, discussing

    (D) expending, arguing

    (E) exhausting, analyzingAns : (C)

    47. After being taken away from his parents at a age, the boy had a very


    (A) young, difficult(B) early, leisurely(C) small, distinction

    (D) tender, deterrent

    (E) advanced, restrict

    Ans : (A)

    48. Even the period of recession, he got a good job not having

    much experience.

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    (A) on, even though

    (B) in, instead

    (C) while, inspite

    (D) during, despite

    (E) although, almost

    Ans : (D)

    49. After having the news of their sons excellent result in exams, they came over

    as as possible.

    (A) enjoyed, earlier

    (B) heard, quickly

    (C) surprised, running

    (D) shocked, fast

    (E) realized hurriedly

    Ans : (B)

    50. Although unrecognised his life, his talent was much after his death.(A) entire, adored

    (B) all, realized(C) whole, worth

    (D) almost, valued(E) throughout, appreciated

    Ans : (E)