Haider Report


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  • 7/25/2019 Haider Report




    Name PageNo.

    Introduction to


    Transformation of ZTBL to R.F.I of the country and road to excellence--------------2



    Highlights of ZTBL








    %inancial $erforance of the


    Huan !esource


  • 7/25/2019 Haider Report



    Training and


    Operations ( Business




    Corporate Social






    Introduction to Organization

    Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited (ZTBL) ersthile !"ricultural #e$elo%ment Bank

    of &akistan (!#B&) is the %remier financial institution "eared toards the de$elo%ment

    of a"riculture sector throu"h %ro$ision of financial ser$ices and technical kno ho. The

    restructurin" of former !#B& is 'ein" carried out ith the aim to u%lift the a"riculture

    and rural sector 'y raisin" farm %roducti$ity streamlinin" the institutional credit and

    increasin" income "eneratin" ca%acity of the farmin" community. ZTBL as

    incor%orated as a &u'lic Limited om%any on *+th #ecem'er ,, throu"h re%eal of

  • 7/25/2019 Haider Report



    !#B rdinance of */0*. There'y transformin" the Bank as a co%orate entity to ser$e as


    The ne cor%orate structure redefines the Bank1s status as a %u'lic limited

    com%any re"istered under com%anies rdinance1*/2+ ith an inde%endent Board of

    #irectors hich aims at ensurin" "ood "o$ernance autonomy deli$erin" hi"h quality

    ZTBL is a key R.F.I of &akistan %ro$idin" afforda'le rural and a"riculture

    financial3non-financial ser$ices to the rural &akistan com%risin" 02 4 of the total

    %o%ulation. The Bank throu"h a country-ide netork of +*0 'ranches is ser$in" around

    half a million clients annually and o$er one million accumulated account holders ith the

    a$era"e loan si5e of around Rs.*0,66* ser$in" 024 ,/4 7 6 4 of su'sistence

    economic and lar"e "roers res%ecti$ely.

    The total assets of the Bank stand at Rs.*,6 'illion ith authori5ed ca%ital of

    Rs.,8 'illion as of 6*.*,.,** ith a nation-ide orkin" stren"th com%rises 892/

    em%loyees. The share of ZTBL in total national institutional a"ricultural credit

    outstandin" is +4 as on 6.0.,*6

    Transformation of ZTBL to R.F.I of the country and road to excellence.

    :ealthy and ell-functionin" rural finance markets are directly related to

    achie$in" the to key national %olicy o';ecti$es of acceleratin" rural3a"riculture "roth

    and reducin" %o$erty. The reali5ation of these o';ecti$es de%ends on the

    simultaneity of de$elo%ments in rural finance and non-financial markets to foster the

    creation of di$erse sources of rural finance to 'uild sustaina'le financial institutions and

    stimulate %roducts and ca%ital flos in the rural sector. For this rural finance must 'e

    seen as an inte"ral %art of equita'le de$elo%ment ithin a frameork of macroeconomic

    sta'ility. The on"oin" cor%orati5e restructurin" lays the 'asis for fundamental reforms for

    rural finance market de$elo%ment.

    The recurrin" financial drain %ursuin" the old rural finance %aradi"m and the narroin"

    fiscal s%ace ha$e also %romoted a shift in

  • 7/25/2019 Haider Report



    For the ma;ority access to afforda'le rural finance ser$ices is also im%ortant to ena'le

    them to com%ete in the %ost-=orld Trade r"ani5ation scenario. Ina'ility to com%ete

    'ecause of hi"h financial costs could reduce income of the ma;ority of farmers and rural

    clients %articularly the small and su'sistence clients. Lack of access to afforda'le rural

    finance ser$ices ill also %re$ent the clients from sitchin" to non-farm acti$ities.

    The ZTBL restructurin" %lan co$erin" the folloin"> (i) "o$ernance? esta'lish an

    en$ironment that facilitates "ood "o$ernance and accounta'ility> (ii) systems? moderni5e

    o%erations throu"h use of technolo"y netorkin" and communication tools> (iii)

    'usiness %rocesses? streamline %roducts and deli$ery systems so as to reduce transaction

    costs sim%lify o%erations and increase outreach> (i$) %roducts and ser$ices? introduce

    %roducts and ser$ices that are financially economically $ia'le> ($) human resource

    de$elo%ment? im%ro$e standards and skills of mana"ement 7 staff and stren"then

    trainin" ca%acity> and ($i) IT? esta'lish ne hardare and softare %latform to su%%ort

    @IA accountin" system includin" forensic accountin" and risk mana"ement functions.

    The reforms shall esta'lish ZTBL as a key R.F.I of the country aimin" to outreach annual

    rural clientele to 0. By ex%andin" its %ri$ate sector role the Bank aims to esta'lish

    netork of hi"h tech rural and a"ri. financial ser$ices throu"h intermediations under

    %u'lic %ri$ate %artici%ation and hole-sale -retail lendin" mechanism.

    Cororate !ision

    #edicated to ser$e the needs of the farmin" community 'y deli$erin" financial %roductsand technical ser$ices on a com%etiti$e and sustaina'le 'asis in a con$enient efficient

    and %rofessional manner leadin" to success of the Bank and the farmers.

    Cororate "ission

    To pla# e+ecti"e role in the prootion of econoic gro,th b#enhancing the a"ailabilit# of credit to the agriculture sector throughreliable access to sustainable .nancing special lending prograstechnical assistance and other products ( ser"ices and to prootecareer de"elopent opportunities for increasing professionalis andtechnical pro.ciencies of eplo#ees/

  • 7/25/2019 Haider Report



    Corporate Objet!"e

    #e$elo% and o%erate as a financially and o%erationally sustaina'le R.F.I of the country.

    !ssist rural community %articularly the small farmers in raisin" their %roducti$ity andincome le$els throu"h timely deli$ery of credit ad$isory and ancillary ser$ices.

    Build ZTBL1s ima"e as a %roacti$e client friendly financially 7 o%erationally

    sustaina'le ith indi"enous %roduct de%loyment. Csta'lish and %ro$ide 'ackard and forard linka"es to stren"then a"ri. $alue added

    commodity chains.

    Cn"a"e in %u'lic - %ri$ate and holesale - retail %artnershi% to dee%en outreach andreduce o%eratin" cost.

    To function as a rural commercial Bank to mo'ili5e rural ca%ital formation and to

    commerciali5e the a"ri. sector 'y deli$erin" the true $alue of credit to the client. &ro$ide

    a ide ran"e of risk insurance %roducts to its clients. %en u% it $enues of o%eration to #omestic 7 International Bankin" Industry to a$ail

    com%arati$e ad$anta"es.

    Core #alues$Loyality to ZTBL Dision and @issionInte"rity and @eritocracy

    Euality and Cfficiency

    =ell-Trained :uman Resource redit ith Technolo"y

    OR%&'IZ&TIO'&L (TR)CT)R*






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    a. um'er *80/

    '. !mount 02+. L!A T AHAIAT!C F!R@CRA 0*6,*

    8. A:!RC F A@!LL F!R@CRA 986(H#CR ,8 !RCA)

    0. H@BCR F BRR=CRA ACRDC# +*+682

    B. R*CO!*R/ O-*R&TIO'(

    TT!L !@HT RCDCRC# 929,*

    C. '*T0OR1 OF O-*R&TIO'(*. H@BCR F ZCA 6,

    ,. H@BCR F BR!:CA +*0

    6. H@BCR F @Es *,9*

    . CR*IT I(B)R(*"*'T

    #urin" ,*+ the Bank dis'ursed an amount of Rs.2*/6+ million as com%ared to

    Rs.9**9 million in the year ,*6 shoin" a "roth of *84. The Bank ser$ed .+*+million 'orroers durin" the year ,*+ the Bank dis'ursed loans for to %ur%oses i.e

    &roduction and #e$elo%ment.

    . -roduction Loans

    Bank dis'ursed a ma;or %ortion of its funds toards %roduction loans i.e Rs 06,20

    million constitutin" around 99.,4 of total dis'ursement.

    (Rs.in @illion)

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    %ertilizers4 )5)22

    $esticides4 1'5'*

    Seeds4 122'5

    Labour4 1

    6C $oultr#4 317 6C Diar#4 12'' 6C Li"e Stoc&4 ) Others4 15 6C %ishries4 11

    $roduction Loans

    %ertilizers $esticides Seeds Labour 6C $oultr#

    6C Diar# 6C Li"e Stoc& Others 6C %ishries

    .2 e#eloment Loans

    !n amount of Rs.*20+2 million constitutin" ,,.24 of the total a"ricultural credit as

    dis'ursed for de$elo%ment %ur%oses.

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    Tractor4 2*37

    Diar# %aring4 2'*1

    %ar89uipent4 *00

    Tube,ells4 53

    Li"estoc&4 17)2$oultr# %aring4 0

    Orchards4 1

    Land De"elopent4 3 %isheries4 5 :odo,n4 05'Others4 '35

    De"elopent Loans


    Diar# %aring




    $oultr# %aring


    Land De"elopent




    .3 -ro#ince45ise is6ursement of Loans

    The %attern of dis'ursement in different areas is almost %ro%ortionate to the a"riculture

    %otential of res%ecti$e %ro$ince3areas. !ccordin"ly durin" the year ,*+ the Bankdis'ursed Rs.00**/ million (2.94) in &un;a' Rs.**,/8 million (*6.24) in Aindh

    Rs.69,9 million (+.84) in hy'er &akhtunkha Rs ,*9 million (.64) in Balochistan

    Rs. ,99 million (.64) in !5ad ashmir and Rs.,// million (.+4) in

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    $un;ab4 117

    Sindh4 11'70

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    Short ter4 )'3

    ?ediu ter4 7*3*

    Long ter4 71*

    Ter-,ise Loan Disburseent

    Short ter

    ?ediu ter

    Long ter

    .8 (ecurity40ise is6ursement of Loans

    Aecurity-ise com%osition of total loans indicate that loans amountin" to Rs.2*,*/

    million constitutin" //.*4 ere secured a"ainst %led"e3 mort"a"e of tan"i'le securities.Loans amountin" to Rs.*6 million 'ein" .*4 ere dis'ursed a"ainst %ersonal surely

    hile loans amountin" to Rs. /+ million 'ein" .*4 ere ad$anced a"ainst

    hy%othecation and loans amountin" to Rs. 8*2 'ein" .94 for other securities.

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    .9 ,olding45ise is6ursement of Loans

    :oldin" ise dis'ursement of loans durin" ,*+ re$ealed that land-less farmers recei$ed

    Rs.9 million. Loans ad$anced to land oners3o%erators ha$in" less than *,.8 acres

    amounted to Rs.8/0** million re%resentin" 9,.24 share in the o$erall dis'ursement.

    Farmers onin"3o%eratin" land from *,.8 to less than *0 acres recei$ed Rs.0/*+ million

    constitutin" 2.+4 share. Farmers o%eratin" land from *0 acres to less than ,8 acres

    recei$ed Rs.2902 million constitutin" *.94 share. It as folloed 'y Rs.,+,* million

    constitutin" 6.4 dis'ursed to farmers ith land holdin" from ,8 to 6, acres. !n amount

    of Rs.,+9* million as ad$anced to farmers o%eratin" land from 6, to 8 acres

    re%resentin" 6.4 of o$erall dis'ursement. !n amount of Rs.098 million as ad$anced

    to land o%erators from 8 to 0+ acres constitutin" .24. Remainin" credit amountin"

    to Rs.*09 million as dis'ursed to land holders of 0+ acres and a'o$e hich

    constituted *.64 of total dis'ursement.

    .: (cheme45ise is6ursement of Loans

    a; Zar

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    settled3:illy areas). =ith the o';ecti$e to facilitate farmin" community the Board of

    #irectors of the Bank has a%%ro$ed that the %roduction finance extended 'y the Bank for

    %urchase of in%uts may not 'e conditioned and farmers3'orroers may ha$e the choice to

    a$ail %roduction loans in cash under !ami Zarai Acheme (!ZA) throu"h their de%osit


    6; (ada Bahar (cheme >(B(;

    To ensure timely a$aila'ility of in%uts and fulfillment of the financin" needs of farmin"

    community Aada Bahar st Acheme as launched on * July ,8. ABA caters to the

    orkin" ca%ital requirements for dairy %oultry and fisheries as ell. !ssessment for

    in%uts1 requirement for the hole year is made at the time of first a%%lication. The

    assessed amount is treated as Re$ol$in" Finance Limit (%ro$ided it is ithin the security

    limits). In order to re$ol$e loans thorou"h scrutiny is undertaken after e$ery three

    years alon" ith fresh enquiries determinin" credit orthiness ith all requisite

    documentation. The @ana"ers are authori5ed to sanction such loan limits ithin their

    loan sanctionin" %oers and rene the same e$en if it as %re$iously sanctioned 'y the

    hi"her authority. !n amount of Rs.,,+0/ million as dis'ursed durin" the year under

    Aada Bahar Acheme.

    c; 1issan ost (cheme

    issan #ost Acheme as launched in January ,*, for %ro$ision of credit onconcessional rates of mark-u% i.e. *6.84 for financin" of cro% %roduction loans

    (financin" for in%uts i.e. seed fertili5er %esticides 7 others etc.). The financin" is

    a$aila'le for one season cro% either Ra'i or harif. The security once mort"a"ed and

    char"e created in fa$our of the Bank ill continue to ser$e the %ur%ose u% to a$aila'le

    credit limit. In case the amount of fresh financin" under this scheme and outstandin"

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    'alance of existin" financin" exceeds the amount of o$erall credit limit allocated 'y the

    Bank additional security in fa$our of the Bank ould 'e arran"ed as %er standin"

    instructions. !n amount of Rs.*6*9 million as dis'ursed durin" the year under re$ie.

    2. LO&' R*CO!*RI*(

    2. Reco#ery Oerations

    #urin" the %eriod from January to #ecem'er ,*+ a"ricultural loans amountin" toRs.929,* million ha$e 'een reco$ered a"ainst total reco$era'le amount of Rs. 2826/

    million shoin" reco$ery rate of /*.94 hereas the Bank had reco$ered Rs. 9,060

    million ith reco$ery rate of /*./4 durin" last year. &ro$ince ise detail is as under?

    &ro$ince ,*+ ,*6 !'solute



    &un;a' 068/* 8220* +96 2

    Aindh *62/ /62* *2 **

    & +68 62*6 ,,, 0Baluchistan *26 *82 ,8 *0

    !J7 ,26 ,82 ,8 *

  • 7/25/2019 Haider Report



    Reco$ery schedule in each loan case as %er terms of sanction of loan is fixed and

    communicated to the 'orros after dis'ursement of loan. In case of default or failure in

    %ayment of any installment on due date the mark-u% shall continue to 'e char"ed and last

    installment due to this may differ from the amount of installments fixed at the time of


    B; I(()&'C* OF 'OTIC*(

    emand 'otice

    It is issued 'efore the due date of e$ery installment

    & Legal 'otice

    It is issued one month after the due date informin" the 'orroer that if the amount is not

    re%aid ithin next on month further le"al action ill 'e taken to reco$er the dues.

    C; L*%&L &CTIO'

    Le"al action can 'e initiated a"ainst the defaulter if loan is not re%aid e$en after ex%iry of

    le"al otice %eriod.

    =here the court the 'ankKs fa$or has decreed a case account is to 'e settled 'y reco$eryof amount from the auction of the mort"a"ed %ro%erty.

    The 'ank may %urchase the mort"a"ed %ro%erly if considered feasi'le to dis%ose it off

    later on throu"h auction or in any manner deemed fit for "ettin" the 'est %rice.

    The 'ank may dis%ose of the mort"a"ed %ro%erties of defaulters for satisfaction of itsdues ithout inter$ention of courts under financial institutions (Reco$ery of Finances)

    rdinance ,*.Reshedulin" of Loan Re%ayment Facility.

    ; R*(C,*)LI'% OF LO&' R*-&/"*'T F&CILIT/

    ZTBL allos reschedulin" of re%ayment of re%ayment of installments to its 'orros inorder to maintain credit disci%line and to miti"ate their "enuine %ro'lems in real hardshi%

    cases and in areas declared as calamity hit 'y the res%ecti$e &ro$incial

  • 7/25/2019 Haider Report



    3. FI'&'CI&L -*RFOR"&'C* OF T,* B&'1

    #es%ite all constraints there has 'een a "roin" trend in the total assets and equity of theBank due to consistent %rofita'ility of the 'ank in last 6 years. The assets of the 'ank

    remained at Rs.*06806 million hereas the assets of the

  • 7/25/2019 Haider Report



    resulted in enhanced %rofit and earnin"s %er share. Its com%utation has 'een re%orted in

    the financial statements.

    (trengthening of treasury Oerations

    #ue to sta'le interest rate en$ironment in money market here discount rate of *.4as maintained 'y AB& throu"h January ,*+ to o$em'er ,*+ ZTBL treasury

    mana"ed to o%timi5e the rate of return on em%loyed assets in the said year as com%ared to

    %re$ious to years.The &akistan Re$aluation Rates (&RD) remained sta'le durin" the year ,*+ hereas

    three months &RD a$era"e around /./,4. AB& in its monetary %olicy statement

    announced on o$em'er *8th ,*+ decreased discount rate of 8 '%s from *.4 to

    /.84. #urin" the year ,*+ Treasury %erations not only increased the in$estment inlon"er term-"o$ernment securities from 84 to 64 'ut also hed"ed and reali5ed

    handsome "ains on its treasure %ortfolio 'enefitin" from decrease in &RD rates and

    su'sequent reduction in discount rate to /.84. ZTBL Treasury utili5ed all a$enues inmana"in" treasury 'ook ith %roacti$e tradin" of "o$ernment securities and acti$e

    %artici%ation in AB& auction of "o$ernment securities. ZTBL treasury reali5ed ca%ital

    "ains of Rs.**2.** million hereas un-reali5ed ca%ital "ain stood at Rs.*/,.,+0 million'y year end. The reali5ed end un-reali5ed "ains on %ortfolio of "o$ernment securities

    stood at Rs. 6*.6+9 million. &roacti$e strate"y and smooth o%erations of treasury %aid

    off in year ,*+ in terms of increased in return 'y ,.,,4 this increasin" it to *,.*+4from a$era"e &RD of /./,4. The treasury income of the year ,*+ remained at

    Rs.,.00 'illion includin" un-reali5ed "ains as com%aired to Rs.,.,6/ 'illion last year as

    %er unconsolidated financial statements.

    8. ,)"&' R*(O)RC* *!*LO-"*'T

    The Bank has made strenuous efforts for enhancin" the ca%a'ilities andcom%etencies of the existin" human resource 'y %ersuadin" trainin" %ro"rams and

    moti$ation throu"h %romotions. The Bank has stren"thened its man %oer ith the %ace

    of its o%erations 'y %romotin" *+00 officers3staff durin" ,*+ ha$in" committed3cleanser$ice record. @oreo$er the Bank did not for"et is retirin" em%loyees 'y increasin"

    ,4 of their net %ension. #urin" the %eriod under re$ie the Bank has successfully

    %layed its role in the field of a"riculture finance ith the stren"th of 8999 ZTBL

    em%loyees and ,+9+ em%loyees hired from the AAL(a su'sidiary of the Bank)The im%ro$ement of :R %olicies and systems ia a continuous %rocess. #urin" the year

    ,*+ $arious :R %olicies ere u%dated. To enhance the com%etence of man %oer

    a'out *6 courses ere conducted and 662, officers3staff ere trained in different areasincludin" 86 officers trained in CR& modules and ,/ officers ere im%arted trainin" in

    other institutes.

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    The ali"nment of the Bank has 'een started 'y the :R #i$ision ith o$erall 'usiness in

    order to face future challen"es 7 "oals of the Bank. Oearly succession %lannin" of retired

    em%loyees kee%in" in $ie the required skill ex%erience and education as done. #urin"

    the year around + fresh a"riculture 3@B! "raduates ha$e 'een inducted to fill the

    existin" "a% of human resource. e %acka"e for %ays alloances and frin"e 'enefits

    for Bank em%loyees as introduced. ! hand 'ook of financial3administrati$e 7disci%linary %oers dele"ated to $arious functionaries of the Bank has 'een %olished and

    u%dated. !n amount of Rs.6,,.*,+ million as dis'ursed to 29+ em%loyees of the Bank

    as %er entitlement in res%ect of staff ad$ances i.e :B! on$eyance !d$ance &ersonalLoans etc.

    7. Training ? e#eloment#urin" the calendar year ,0 tenty fi$e courses ere conducted and 006 officers ere

    trained in to staff colle"es of the 'ank at Islama'ad and arachi. f this ** courses (0on !"ricultural Technolo"y , on Rural Finance 7 Basic ommercial Bankin" and 6 on

    Cffecti$e ommunication for Team 'uildin") ha$e 'een conducted ith the assistance of

    !sian #e$elo%ment Bank. **2 officials ere trained in other trainin" institutions of the

    country namely IB& I&! &I@ etc.

    3. O-*R&TIO'( ? B)(I'*(( O)TR*&C,

    The Bank has successfully achie$ed the tar"et of o%enin" and functionali5in" of 69 ne

    'ranches under !nnual Branch Cx%ansion &lan - ,*+. Hnder !BC& P ,*8 AB& has

    a%%ro$ed o%enin" of *2 ne 'ranches. &resently the 'ranch netork com%rises of 6,

    Zonal ffices and +*0 'ranches. !"ainst the de%osit tar"et of Rs.*2 million theBank has achie$ed a record de%osit of Rs.,09, million re%resentin" an achie$ement of

    *+24. ! tar"et of Rs.,2 million has 'een assi"ned to field offices for the year ,*8.!"ainst the tar"et of * :a;; a%%lications the Bank recei$ed ***66 a%%lications.ZTBL has collected ***0+9 utility 'ills a"ainst tar"et of ** utility 'ills in year

    ,*+. The Bank has allocated a tar"et of *, utility 'ills collection for ,*8.

    Inard remittances throu"h =estern Hnion are o%erati$e in ,,+ 'ranches of the Bank.#urin" the year 09+2 transactions ere made hoe$er to 'oost u% this acti$ity a tar"et

    of *8 transactions has 'een %lanned for the year ,*8.ut of total o. of *0,

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    lockers 260 ere occu%ied3rented out 'y the end of ,*+. !ll +*0 ZTBL Branches ha$e

    'een mi"rated to entrali5ed #e%osit @ana"ement Aystem (c#@A).

    T*C,'OLO%/ I((*"I'&TIO'

    To enhance farmers aareness and to %ro$ide "uidelines to 'ankKs field functionariesre"ardin" modern a"ricultural technolo"ies 8 @odel Dilla"es ere esta'lished in each

    5one and Rs.*. million s%ecial funds endoment are ke%t to introduce and

    demonstrate latest a"ricultural technolo"ies like solar ener"y tu'e ell solar fruit and$e"eta'les dryer Bio-"as for runnin" tu'e ell tunnel farmin" small a"ricultural

    machinery for sa$in" time and la'our s%rinkler and dri% irri"ation system 'ee kee%in"

    animal fattenin" artificial insemination for 'reed im%ro$ements soil ater testin" etc. In

    order to carry out all these a"riculture acti$ities an exclusi$e a"riculture "raduate as!"riculture Technolo"y #issemination fficer (!T#) is %osted in each selected @odel

    $illa"e ho is res%onsi'le for %ro$ision of ser$ices to the farmin" community.

    COR-OR&T* (OCI&L R*(-O'(IBILT/

    ZTBL remains committed and dedicated to ser$e the needs of farmin" community andaims to contri'ute for their 'etterment in e$ery %ossi'le ay. To miti"ate the emer"in"

    ener"y crises ste%s are 'ein" taken to encoura"e the use of alternati$e source of ener"y

    like solar 'io "as and ind mills to "i$e relief to farmers. &romotion of strich farmin"and quail 'reedin" has led to o$ercome the meet shorta"e contri'utin" in u% liftin" the

    economic health of %oor farmers. #emonstration3exhi'itions and trainin" %ro"rams

    conducted in different a"ro-ecolo"ical 5ones of the country "i$e a "ood 'oost in ca%acity

    'uildin"s of farmers resultin" in increased %er acre yield. Besides the a"riculturetechnolo"y disseminatin" acti$ities the Bank also acti$ely in$ol$e in s%orts scholarshi%s.

    The Bank also su%%orted the reha'ilitation of flood effected the I#&s. It also offers

    internshi%s to uni$ersity "raduates. Bank also circulates 'rochures and su%%lementsincludin" $arious to%ics of interest of framers and a"riculture entre%reneurs. The Banks

    'elie$es that the "roth of its 'usiness defends on the "roth of farmin" community

    around it.

    ()B(II&R/ CO"-&'/

    issan su%%ort ser$ice (&$t) Limited as in incor%orated as a su'sidiary of ZaraiTaraqiati Bank Limited in ,0 ith in !uthori5ed ca%ital of Rs.* million fully

    su'scri'ed 'y the Bank. Hnder its memorandum and !rticle of !ssociation AAL ill

    undertake non-core acti$ities of the Bank so that Bank may focus on core 'ankin"'usiness more efficiently. The AAL has 'een %ro$idin" folloin" ser$ices to ZTBL in

    year ,*+?

    a. Recruitment 3 %ro$ision of clerical 3 non clerical staff.'. Aecurity Aer$ices.

  • 7/25/2019 Haider Report



    c. @ana"ement of A%orts !cti$ities.

    d. &hotoco%yin" ser$ices.

    e. Janitorial Aer$ices.f. Re%air 7 @aintenance Aer$ices.


    #urin" my internshi% here in ZTBL I found that ZTBL has hi"h le$el of %rofessionalism

    and challen"in" en$ironment and its culture friendly. ZTBL seems To% !"riculture

    Financin" in the future as indicated 'y the financial indicators. It kee%s ener"y and

    %otential to ser$e the deser$in" clients in all o$er the orld. The 'ank has set itself a$ision to 'e a orld-class 'ank. This can only 'e achie$ed ith dedication and a %assion

    to excel in e$ery acti$ity. I really admire ZTBLKs %olicy makers for desi"nin" in$estor

    friendly and customer oriented %roducts. The 'ank is really orkin" ell andcontri'utin" a $alua'le %art in the economy of &akistan throu"h tax "i$in" loan to

    "o$ernment "i$in" loan to the 'usinesses for their sur$i$al and ex%ansion "eneratin" a

    ell skilled human resource and em%loyment etc. #urin" this internshi% I really learned&rofessionalism leadershi% skills communication skills %ro'lem sol$in" skills situation

    analysis skills and ho to 'ecome a "ood mentor etc.