hñc TrÅi nghiåm hñc TÜp cûa Thanh Thi⁄u ni£n d¢n Tóc ThiÕu...


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TrÅi nghiåm hñc TÜp cûa Thanh Thi⁄u ni£n d¢n Tóc ThiÕu sˇ Trong g«n ba thÀp k˚ qua, Nhµ n≠Ìc vµ c∏c c¨ quan tÊ ch¯c ph∏t tri”n trong n≠Ìc cÚng nh≠ quËc t’ Æ∑ vµ Æang nÁ l˘c tri”n khai hµng loπt Æ“ ∏n, ch›nh s∏ch li™n quan tr˘c ti’p Æ’n gi∏o dÙc vµ Ƶo tπo nhªm tπo nguÂn x©y d˘ng ÆÈi ngÚ lao ÆÈng, tr› th¯c d©n tÈc thi”u sË. Th’ nh≠ng, theo Æ∏nh gi∏ g«n Æ©y nh†t cÒa ûy ban D©n tÈc th◊ nguÂn nh©n l˘c vÔng d©n tÈc vµ mi“n nÛi cfln thi’u v“ sË l≠Óng vµ y’u v“ ch†t l≠Óng (ß“ ∏n CEMA 2011). Xät d≠Ìi kh›a cπnh gi∏o dÙc, c∏c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh x©y d˘ng vµ ph∏t tri”n chÛ tr‰ng vµo "ph«n c¯ng" nh≠ tr≠Íng h‰c, h‰c ph›, t›n dÙng hÁ trÓ vµ dπy ngh“ v…n ch≠a th˘c s˘ gi∂i quy’t th†u Æ∏o c∏c rµo c∂n vµ kh„ kh®n d…n Æ’n t˚ l÷ h‰c sinh d©n tÈc thi”u sË cµng l™n bÀc h‰c cao cµng gi∂m d«n. Nhªm g„p ph«n t◊m lÍi gi∂i Æ∏p cho v†n Æ“ n™u tr™n, trong khu´n khÊ thÍi gian c„ hπn, nh„m nghi™n c¯u ti’n hµnh kh∂o s∏t k’t hÓp vÀn dÙng c∏c ph≠¨ng ph∏p nghi™n c¯u Æfinh t›nh nh©n h‰c tπi bËn cÈng ÆÂng d©n tÈc thi”u sË (ng≠Íi Th∏i, Dao, Pµ ThŒn vµ Hm´ng) thuÈc Æfia bµn c∏c tÿnh Hµ Giang, Y™n B∏i vµ ßi÷n Bi™n. ßËi t≠Óng tham gia ph·ng v†n s©u vµ th∂o luÀn nh„m cÈng ÆÂng bao gÂm h‰c sinh, phÙ huynh, gi∏o vi™n, hi÷u tr≠Îng tr≠Íng, Æi”m tr≠Îng, ng≠Íi lao ÆÈng, c∏n bÈ x∑ vµ nh˜ng ng≠Íi tıng lao ÆÈng, t◊m vi÷c tπi c∏c thµnh phË, trung t©m Æ´ thfi.

MÈt trong nh˜ng ph∏t hi÷n nÊi bÀt cÒa nghi™n c¯u cho th†y v†n Æ“ kh´ng hoµn toµn Î b∂n th©n c∏c thanh thi’u ni™n vµ cÈng ÆÂng d©n tÈc thi”u sË Æ≠Óc ph·ng v†n kh´ng c„ ˝ th¯c h‰c tÀp cao vµ nguy÷n v‰ng mÎ rÈng c∏c l˘a ch‰n sinh k’, mµ rµo c∂n lÌn nh†t ch›nh lµ s˘ thi’u c´ng bªng Æ” ng≠Íi d©n ti’p cÀn c∏c c¨ hÈi Æ„. MËi quan ngπi chÒ y’u cÒa h‰c sinh l…n phÙ huynh tπi c∏c Æfia bµn nghi™n c¯u lµ Î kh∂ n®ng ti’p cÀn c∏c c¨ hÈi h‰c tÀp vµ vi÷c lµm (th≠Íng lµ sau khi tËt nghi÷p bÀc THPT). Nh˜ng v› dÙ tr˘c quan tπi c∏c cÈng ÆÂng thi”u sË v“ con em n´ng d©n b◊nh th≠Íng h‰c xong kh´ng xin Æ≠Óc vi÷c lµm Ên Æfinh ch›nh lµ rµo c∂n t©m l˝ v´ cÔng lÌn khi’n c∂ phÙ huynh vµ h‰c sinh ›t c„ ÆÈng l˘c v≠Ót qua r†t nhi“u kh„ kh®n, Æ∆c bi÷t v“ kinh t’ Æ” ti’p tÙc h‰c l™n cao. Quan tr‰ng h¨n, nghi™n c¯u chÿ ra rªng c∏c cÈng ÆÂng d©n tÈc ›t ng≠Íi hi’m c„ c¨ hÈi ti’p cÀn th´ng tin, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ c∏c c¨ hÈi hÁ trÓ h‰c tÀp vµ ≠u ti™n vi÷c lµm, so vÌi ng≠Íi Kinh hay c∏c nh„m d©n tÈc thi”u sË nh≠ng chi’m sË Æ´ng tr™n Æfia bµn. Y’u tË cËt l‚i d…n Æ’n t◊nh trπng thi’u c´ng bªng c¨ hÈi nµy xu†t ph∏t tı ch›nh nh˜ng Æfinh ki’n v“ kh∏c bi÷t tÈc ng≠Íi, gi˜a tÈc Æa sË vµ c∏c tÈc thi”u sË, gi˜a c∏c tÈc thi”u sË Æ´ng ng≠Íi vµ c∏c tÈc thi”u sË ›t ng≠Íi. Bªng ch¯ng cho th†y mÈt xu h≠Ìng lµ nh˜ng tÈc ng≠Íi thi”u sË c„ t˚ l÷ d©n c≠ Æ´ng h¨n, c„ lfich sˆ vµ tÀp qu∏n c≠ trÛ l©u dµi th≠Íng c„ kh∂ n®ng ti’p cÀn c∏c Æ∆c quy“n Æ∆c lÓi, trong khi Æ„ c∏c nh„m "thi”u sË ›t ng≠Íi" v…n lu´n bfi, hay thÀm ch› t˘ coi h‰ lµ nhÀn th¯c käm, lπc hÀu vµ ngπi va chπm n™n cµng g∆p b†t lÓi h¨n. Hi÷n t≠Óng nµy cho th†y v†n Æ“ Æfinh ki’n tÈc ng≠Íi bÈc lÈ Î nh˜ng dπng th¯c tinh t’, trong kh∂ n®ng vµ c¨ hÈi Æ” ti’p cÀn c∏c vfi tr› "chËt" quan tr‰ng vµ tËt h¨n kh´ng chÿ gi˜a tÈc Æa sË vÌi c∏c tÈc thi”u sË mµ cfln gi˜a c∏c tÈc ng≠Íi thi”u sË kh∏c nhau. ß©y lµ mÈt bi”u hi÷n vµ h÷ lÙy tı mËi quan h÷ li™n tÈc ng≠Íi c„ t›nh lfich sˆ v®n h„a h’t s¯c Æ∆c thÔ Î vÔng Æa d©n tÈc vµ mi“n nÛi ph›a Bæc Vi÷t Nam.



hñc ßÕLÄm gç



Tr∂i nghi÷m h‰c tÀp cÒa

thanh thi’u ni™n d©n tÈc thi”u sË

MÈt em h‰c sinh trong buÊi h‰c Æ∏nh v«n ch˜ Khmer cÒa lÌp 3, tr≠Íng ti”u h‰c ßπi T©m 2.T∏c gi∂: Danh De (D©n tÈc Khmer, X∑ ßπi T©m, Huy÷n M¸ Xuy™n, Tÿnh S„c Tr®ng)

Ki⁄n nghë giÅi phÉp- C«n g©y d˘ng vµ cÒng cË ni“m tin v“ c∏c c¨ hÈi h‰c tÀp vµ ngh“ nghi÷p cho ng≠Íi d©n tÈc thi”u sË, tı Æ„ tπo n™n ÆÈng c¨ thÛc Æ»y c∂ phÙ huynh vµ h‰c sinh nÁ l˘c ph†n Ɔu theo h‰c l™n bÀc cao. Th´ng tin phÊ bi’n c´ng khai, nhanh ch„ng vµ rÈng r∑i cho m‰i ÆËi t≠Óng Æ≠Óc bi’t. - V“ m∆t ch›nh s∏ch tuy”n dÙng, Æ∆c bi÷t tπi c∏c khu v˘c n´ng th´n mi“n nÛi, c«n x„a b· h◊nh th¯c "bi™n ch’" cÚng nh≠ gi∂m thi”u c∏c kh©u thÒ tÙc hµnh ch›nh khi xin nÈp vµ xät tuy”n ngh“ nghi÷p Æ” ng®n trı m«m mËng, tπo Æi“u ki÷n ph∏t sinh c∏c hi÷n t≠Óng ti™u c˘c. - PhÊ bi’n c∏c m´ h◊nh, c∏c t†m g≠¨ng "thµnh c´ng" (trong h‰c tÀp vµ ngh“ nghi÷p) Î Æfia ph≠¨ng.

- C«n hÁ trÓ c∏c y’u tË c„ t›nh "ph≠¨ng ti÷n" c®n c¯ tr™n nhu c«u th˘c t’ tıng vÔng, Æfia ph≠¨ng Æ” tπo Æi“u ki÷n cho trŒ em d©n tÈc thi”u sË Æ’n tr≠Íng h‰c tÀp (c∏c Æi”m tr≠Íng, gi∏o vi™n ti”u h‰c cÔng nh„m tÈc ng≠Íi, ∏p dÙng thÍi Æi”m thu h‰c ph› uy”n chuy”n h¨n). - LÀp qu¸ khuy’n h‰c trong c∏c cÈng ÆÂng, n™u cao tinh th«n t≠¨ng trÓ vµ Æ“ cao vai trfl cÒa giµ lµng, ng≠Íi c„ uy t›n trong th´n b∂n trong vi÷c khuy’n kh›ch h‰c tÀp nhªm h≠Ìng tÌi lÓi ›ch chung cÒa cÈng ÆÂng. - Th´ng qua c∏c ph≠¨ng ti÷n truy“n th´ng, hoπt ÆÈng tÊ ch¯c c∏c s˘ ki÷n v®n h„a mang t›nh Æπi chÛng t®ng c≠Íng c´ng t∏c tuy™n truy“n, gi∏o dÙc n©ng cao ˝ th¯c ng≠Íi d©n t´n tr‰ng s˘ Æa dπng v®n h„a tÈc ng≠Íi Æ” cÒng cË khËi Æπi Æoµn k’t d©n tÈc, ÆÂng thÍi g„p ph«n x„a mÍ t©m l˝ t˘ Æfinh ki’n vµ t˘ ti cÒa c∏c nh„m d©n tÈc thi”u sË, nh†t lµ c∏c cÈng ÆÂng "thi”u sË ›t ng≠Íi".

Th´ng tin chi ti’t v“ k’t qu∂ nghi™n c¯u vµ Æ“ xu†t ch›nh s∏ch Æ≠Óc tÀp hÓp trong b∏o c∏o "H‰c kh´ng Æ≠Óc hay h‰c Æ” lµm g◊?" Nghi™n c¯u do Vi÷n Nghi™n c¯u X∑ hÈi, Kinh t’ vµ M´i tr≠Íng (iSEE) vµ tÊ ch¯c CARE quËc t’ tπi Vi÷t Nam phËi hÓp th˘c hi÷n tπi ba Æfia bµn Æπi di÷n cho mi“n nÛi ph›a Bæc Vi÷t Nam lµ Y™n B∏i, Hµ Giang vµ ßi÷n Bi™n.

MñI TH§NG TIN XIN LI£N HåChfi VÚ ph≠¨ng Th∂oEmail: vpthao@isee.org.vn - ßi÷n thoπi 04-62737933 / 0989756681

§ng ß∆ng Kim S≠¨ng, 48 tuÊi, th´n Sµi L≠¨ng, X∑ NÀm BÛng Æang vi’t ch˜ nho. T∏c gi∂: Tri÷u V®n Kim (D©n tÈc Dao, X∑ NÀm BÛng, Huy÷n V®n Ch†n, Tÿnh Y™n B∏i)

T◊nh trπng thi’u c´ng bªng trong vi÷c ti’p cÀn c∏c c¨ hÈi h‰c tÀp-vi÷c lµm n„i tr™n lπi ph∂n ∂nh nh˜ng tÂn tπi b†t cÀp trong c∏ch th¯c tri”n khai c∏c ch›nh s∏ch tπi Æfia ph≠¨ng. Theo nh˜ng th´ng tin thu thÀp Æ≠Óc th◊ vi÷c tri”n khai c∏c ch›nh s∏ch li™n quan Æ’n ph∏t tri”n nguÂn nh©n l˘c Î nhi“u Æfia ph≠¨ng vÔng d©n tÈc vµ mi“n nÛi cfln thi’u t›nh minh bπch, n∆ng v“ h◊nh th¯c n™n thi’u hi÷u qu∂. Ng≠Íi d©n kh´ng Æ≠Óc cÀp nhÀp vµ ti’p cÀn mÈt c∏ch ch›nh th¯c c∏c ch›nh s∏ch vµ ch’ ÆÈ ≠u Æ∑i nh≠ Æ®ng k˝ h‰c tr≠Íng d©n tÈc nÈi trÛ, cˆ tuy”n bÀc cao ƺng hay Æπi h‰c... C∏c ch≠¨ng tr◊nh dπy ngh“ v…n chÿ b„ hãp trong phπm vi tπo c´ng ®n vi÷c lµm tπi Æfia ph≠¨ng, nh≠ng lπi xa rÍi vÌi th˘c t’ cÒa thfi tr≠Íng lao ÆÈng vµ kh∂ n®ng Æ«u t≠ cÒa ng≠Íi d©n. Tr™n c¨ sÎ ph©n t›ch v†n Æ“ h‰c tÀp cÒa thanh thi’u ni™n d©n tÈc thi”u sË trong mËi t≠¨ng quan gi˜a ba c†p ÆÈ: tÈc ng≠Íi chÒ th”; li™n tÈc ng≠Íi (tπi Æfia ph≠¨ng) vµ trung ≠¨ng-Æfia ph≠¨ng, nghi™n c¯u b≠Ìc Æ«u cho th†y nh˜ng nguy™n nh©n s©u xa »n sau ÆÈng th∏i nghÿ h‰c vµ kh´ng h‰c ti’p l™n c∏c bÀc cao cÒa h‰c sinh vÔng Æa d©n tÈc vµ mi“n nÛi.

unabLe To Learn oRunmoTiVaTed?

Learning experience

of young ethnic minority people

In the last three decades, the Vietnamese Government and local and international development agencies have put great efforts in implementing several education and training policies to develop ethnic minorities' workforce and intellectuals. How-ever, the most recent assessment by Committee of Ethnic Minorities indicated that workforce in ethnic and mountainous area was still in "low quality and quantity" (Proposed Strategy - CEM 2011). From educational perspective, the programmes fo-cusing on "hardware" parts such as providing schools, credit, and vocational training have yet to resolve the problems that lead to dropouts at higher grades and poor quality of education of ethnic minority children. In order to find answers to the problem, the research team, within a limited time-frame, conducted a qualitative study using anthropological approach in four ethnic minority communities (Thai, Dao, Pa Then and H'Mong) in Ha Giang, Yen Bai and Dien Bien Provinces. Participants in focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were students, parents, teachers, headmasters, heads of school units, labourers, local authorities and labourers who had returned after working in cities or townships.

one of the main findings of the research was: not the lack of awareness and desire to expand livelihood options among ethnic minority youths and communities are causes of the problem. The key issue was inequality in accessing opportunities. The major concern of students and parents at research areas was accessibility to learning and working opportunities (usually upon high school graduation). At eth-nic minority communities, examples of ordinary farmers' children unable to find a stable job after graduation has been a huge mental barrier for both students and parents who would have little motivation to overcome several difficulties, especially economic one, to pursuit higher education. More importantly, the research also indicated that ethnic minority groups with very small population had less access to information on educational support oppor-tunities and job incentives than the Kinh and the ethnic minority groups that have bigger population (the majority of minority groups) living in the same geographi-cal area. The main cause for the above mentioned inequality was ethnical stigma between ethnic groups. More importantly, the research also indicated that ethnic minority groups with very small population had less access to educational support opportunities and job incentives than the Kinh and the minority groups that have bigger population in the same geographical area. The main cause for this unequal access to opportunities was ethnical stigma between the majority and the minorities, and also between minorities with bigger population and minorities with smaller population. There is evidence that minorities with bigger population and longer history of inhabitance usually have better access to privileges than minorities with smaller population, who are believed, by other groups or by themselves, to be backward and slow in learning.

A third grade pupil of Dai Tam 2 Primary School in Khmer learning hour.Photo author: Danh De (Khmer Ethnic Group, Dai Tam Commune, My Xuyen District, Soc Trang Province)

recommendaTions Build up and reinforce trust on learning and working opportu-nities for ethnic minorities, and consequently create motivation for parents and students to pursuit higher education. The infor-mation should be made public, timely and to everyone. on recruitment process, especially in mountainous rural areas, it is recommended to remove "life time staffing form" (bien che) and simplify administrative procedures in applying and assess-ment to reduce bribe/corruption chances. Highlight and amplify successful examples in learning and working from real life.

Provide "utility" supports based on actual needs to create favourable conditions for ethnic minority children to go to school (such as school units, primary school teachers from the same ethnic groups, flexible tuition scheme). Create education fund in communities and promote mutual support as well as promote head of villages' roles in encouraging education for benefits of the whole community. Through media and public culture events, raise public aware-ness of respecting culture diversity with an aim to strengthen solidarity and remove stigma against and self-stigma of ethnic minorities, especially groups with smaller population

The phenomenon suggested that ethnical stigma is demonstrated in a very subtle manner, not only between majority and minority ethnic groups but also between different ethnic minority groups. In this case, it is demonstrated in capability and opportunity to get access to key and better positions. The situation was the expression and consequence of typical historical and cultural inter-ethnic group relation in the northern mountains of Vietnam. on the other hand, the mentioned inequality in accessing education and employment opportunities reflected existing irrelevancy in policy implementation at local levels. According to collected information, the implementation of human resource policies in many ethnic and mountainous localities still lack transparency, and was supericial and ineficient. ordinary people were not updated or informed formally about many policies such as boarding schools and boarding schools and nomination for tertiary education. Voca-tional training programs are limited to creating jobs locally, but fall far short of the real needs of the labour market and do not take into account people's investment capability. When analyzing education situation of young ethnic minority people in the relationship among three levels: majority ethnic group, inter-ethnic groups (at locality) and central-local level, the research revealed more important underlined reasons for dropouts or discontinuation to higher education of ethnic young people in mountainous areas.

Mr. Dang Kim Suong, 48 years old at Sai Luong Village, Nam Bung Commune; was writing Chu Nho (a type of script used to write Yao language). Photo author: Trieu Van Kim (Yao ethnic group, Nam Bung Commune, Van Chan District, Yen Bai Province)

Details about the research findings and policy recommendations are available in the report "Unable to learn or unmotivated." The research was done by the Institute for Studies of Society, Economic and Environment (iSEE) and CARE International. For further information please contact:Ms. Vu Phuong ThaoEmail: vpthao@isee.org.vn Phone: 04-62737933 / 0989756681 www.isee.org.vn
