Healthy Aging with Nutritional Immunology...with health and energy for a long future playing with...


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Nutritional Immunology Magazine: Volume 12

Healthy Aging with Nutritional Immunology

Is it All in the Genes?Have a Happy Menopause




Longevity is a blessing only if it is enjoyable. Quality of life is an issue for many elderly people who suffer greatly from

chronic diseases like arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and more. But we can improve the chances of living a quality life well into old age thanks to the science of Nutritional Immunology. Nutritional Immunology studies have indicated several plant foods that contain impressive antioxidants, polysaccharides and phytochemicals that can help. All we have to do is eat them!

By eating right, staying positive and exercising regularly, and cultivating these habits in our families, many issues of old age can be avoided. Such habits prepare the immune system for the challenges and changes that take place as we age.

Living a healthy lifestyle also allows us to live our lives to the fullest now, as well as later on in life. Instead of battling constant aches and pains from chronic diseases into old age, we can stop those aches and pains before they even get started through those foods that support the immune system. Imagine retiring with health and energy for a long future playing with your grandchildren and watching them learn and grow. What could be more rewarding than enjoying life with them, rather than your health care providers?

Please feel free to share this magazine with others who are interested in improving their health, so that they, too, can become familiar with the benefits of Nutritional Immunology.

只 有 歲 月 安 康 ﹐ 長 壽 才 是 讓 人 真 正 幸 福 的 事 。 但 現 實 中 有

許 多 老 年 人 的 生 活 品 質 卻 並 不 如 人 所 願 ﹐ 他 們 在 忍 受 著 諸

如 關 節 炎 ﹑ 糖 尿 病 ﹑ 心 臟 病 等 等 各 種 慢 性 疾 病 所 帶 來 的 巨

大 痛 苦 。 而 我 們 , 由 於 有 營 養 免 疫 學 作 指 導 ﹐ 即 使 年 齡 在

不 斷 地 增 長 ﹐ 我 們 卻 仍 然 能 讓 自 己 享 受 優 質 的 生 活 。 營 養

免 疫 學 的 研 究 發 現 ﹐ 許 多 植 物 食 品 中 抗 氧 化 劑 ﹑ 多 醣 體 和

植 物 性 營 養 素 的 含 量 都 十 分 可 觀 ﹐ 它 們 對 人 體 的 健 康 都 極

有 助 益 。 所 以 , 我 們 應 該 經 常 攝 取 這 些 植 物 食 品 ﹐ 幸 福 安

康 地 度 過 一 生 ﹗

只 要 我 們 能 夠 攝 取 恰 當 的 飲 食 ﹑ 保 持 樂 觀 的 心 態 並 堅 持 經

常 的 運 動 ﹐ 同 時 讓 我 們 的 家 人 也 養 成 這 樣 的 好 習 慣 ﹐ 我 們

就 能 夠 避 免 許 多 因 年 齡 老 化 而 出 現 的 健 康 問 題 。 這 些 良 好

的 習 慣 , 可 讓 我 們 在 進 入 老 年 之 後 , 免 疫 系 統 仍 然 可 以 從

容 地 面 對 挑 戰 , 適 時 應 變 。

健 康 的 生 活 方 式 ﹐ 不 僅 可 讓 我 們 目 前 生 活 得 幸 福 圓 滿 , 同

樣 也 可 使 我 們 今 後 的 人 生 安 康 美 滿 。 只 要 以 健 康 的 食 品 滋

養 我 們 的 免 疫 系 統 , 當 我 們 邁 入 人 生 的 暮 年 之 時 , 我 們 就

不 需 要 忍 受 慢 性 疾 病 帶 來 的 各 種 痛 苦 , 因 為 我 們 的 免 疫 系

統 可 以 在 各 種 病 痛 來 襲 之 前 就 將 它 們 拒 之 體 外 。 請 設 想 一

下 , 在 退 休 的 時 候 , 您 仍 然 身 強 體 壯 , 精 力 充 沛 , 還 有 很

長 的 日 子 能 與 自 己 的 子 孫 們 玩 樂 , 看 著 他 們 學 習 和 成 長 。

試 問 , 還 有 什 麼 比 這 可 以 共 享 天 倫 之 樂 , 而 不 必 成 天 去 看

醫 生 的 日 子 更 愜 意 呢 ﹖

請 與 所 有 有 意 改 善 健 康 的 朋 友 分 享 此 刊 物 ﹐ 以 使 他 們 也 可

以 對 營 養 免 疫 學 的 益 處 有 更 加 深 刻 的 認 知 和 了 解 。


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ts 目

Is it All in the Genes?基因決定壽命嗎﹖

Kumazasa: Cleansing Bamboo山白竹﹕具有清理功效的竹子

Ashitaba: Tomorrow’s Leaf明日葉﹕明天的葉子

Platycodon Root: Bellflower Root桔梗根﹕風鈴草根

Have a Happy Menopause快樂度過更年期

Chinese Yam山藥Sage鼠尾草




14 18 22





Why do some people live longer than others?

Three factors—lifestyle, environmental factors and genes—affect aging. Genes only influence about one-third of the aging process. The rest depends on lifestyle choices and healthy behavior.

Results of a study involving 34,192 California Seventh-Day Adventists suggested that choices regarding diet, exercise, cigarette smoking, body weight and hormone replacement therapy, in combination, appeared to change life expectancy by as long as 10 years. So, how do we increase our chances of living a long, happy, healthy life? Here are some things we need to consider:

Is it All in the Genes?

■ Lay a Good Foundation Choose to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Exercise regularly. Manage stress properly. Limit exposure to health risks, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and toxic substances.

■ Build Your Immune System As your body ages, the immune system loses some of its functions and cannot respond as quickly or as efficiently, such as through thymic involution. This is the process by which the thymus, an important organ in the immune system, naturally decreases in size as the body ages. This slow and progressive degeneration of thymic tissue has a profound impact on the immunity of an aging body, through a sharp decrease in the number and types of T-cells, which play an important part in immunity.

■ Prevent Toxin Buildup The immune system and detoxification are interdependent. Immune cells play an important role in detoxifying the body by cleaning it of debris and aged blood cells, and killing and engulfing invading bacteria and viruses. A strong immune system boosts the body’s detoxification ability. The liver, colon, kidneys, lungs, lymphatic system and skin are all channels used to detoxify the body, and can easily become overloaded due to today’s busy lifestyles, processed foods, sugar, caffeine, chemical additives, preservatives and environmental toxins. Consequently, when the body is unable to remove toxins, it stores them in fatty tissues so they will not cause imbalance or trigger immune reactions. Symptoms of toxic overload include headaches, fatigue, joint aches, muscle pain, dizziness, nausea, rashes, edema, swollen glands, restlessness, irritability, low immunity, allergic reactions and mucus buildup.

So, credit your genes for a long life if you want, but pay attention to your immune system’s needs as well! Simply living longer is not enough. The quality of that life is what makes all the difference—freedom from pain and disability in our golden years! The science of Nutritional Immunology harnesses nature’s treasure trove of plant foods to add years to your life and life to your years!





一項針對34,192名加利福尼亞州基督復臨安息日會教友(Seventh-Day Advent is t s )所做的研究表明,日常飲食﹑運動健身﹑是否吸煙﹑體重高低以及是否接受激素替代療法等因素綜合作用,能夠影響人類壽命長達十年。那麼,怎樣才能讓自己更加長壽﹑快樂﹑健康呢﹖我們需要注意以下幾個方面﹕

■ 打造良好的基礎


■ 增強免疫力


■ 防止毒素的囤積




Kumazasa | Cleansing Bamboo | (Sasa veitchii)

This species of bamboo is native to Japan, and very versatile. It’s part of the grass family, spreads by rhizomes rather than from seed, and blooms only once in its lifetime, which may be somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 years! In addition, it’s a well-cultivated plant grown in temperate gardens around the world for its striking year-round foliage that develops a white ‘fringe’ around the leaves during the winter.

The name ‘kumazasa’ comes from the Japanese ‘kuma’ for bear, and ‘zasa’ or bamboo. It gets its name from the fact that when bears come out of hibernation, they seek out this bamboo plant and eat the leaves. It’s a matter of health for them—and people can take a lesson from them!

Before bears go into hibernation for the winter, they eat large amounts of food. During hibernation, the waste from digesting this food circulates through their bodies in their blood—for six to seven months. Eating kumazasa leaves purifies and detoxifies their blood after hibernation. In addition, the Japanese have long noted that horses and cows that graze on wild kumazasa are healthier than those that don’t.

In traditional medicine, kumazasa is used as a disinfectant, antiseptic and expectorant, and as a gargle for bad breath. But the biggest appeal for kumazasa today comes from its cleansing effects, just as the bears instinctively recognize.

■ Cardiovascular Cleansing Benefits Excess cholesterol can be trapped in the walls of blood vessels, causing them to lose elasticity, and can lead to high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. These and other conditions can lead to poor circulation and additional heart problems. Kumazasa’s cleansing effects on the blood can help alleviate these problems. Polysaccharides in kumazasa also reduce extra cholesterol in blood vessels to help them regain vitality and elasticity. Other nutrients in kumazasa enhance regeneration and strengthening of blood vessel cells to protect against atherosclerosis.

■ Digestive System Cleansing BenefitsThe liver removes toxins from the body, but it can be overburdened and overworked from too many toxins, leading to an increased risk of liver disease, such as hepatitis. Kumazasa can help enhance liver function. Lignan in kumazasa enables the liver to work more efficiently and also has a cleansing effect on the liver.

The gallbladder stores bile, a mixture of water, cholesterol, bile salts and bilirubin produced by the liver. Bile is used to digest fats. Excess cholesterol can cause too much cholesterol in the bile, which may harden into gallstones. Gallstones can block the flow of bile to the small intestines, which disrupts the body’s fat digestion. Polysaccharides in kumazasa help lower cholesterol, which helps to prevent gallstones from forming.


山白竹 | 具有淨化功效的竹子 | (熊笹葉)


山白竹–kuma z a s a﹐又名熊笹葉﹐它的名字是來自日語的熊–kuma﹐和竹子–zasa。熊笹葉這個名字是從實際生活中產生的﹐當熊從冬眠中醒來﹐就會尋找這種竹子來食取﹐因為這關乎到它們的健康。而我們人類﹐也由此學到了一些養生的方法﹗



■ 淨化心血管系統


■ 淨化消化系統

肝臟可將毒素從人體中清除,但如果毒素沉積過量,會加重 肝 臟 的 負 荷 和 工 作 量 , 增 加 罹 患 肝 炎 等 肝 臟 疾 病 的 危險。山白竹有助於強化肝功能,它所含的木質素也有清理肝臟的作用,可促進肝臟更有效地運作。


■ 淨化細胞



■ Cell Cleansing Benefits Bamfolin, one of the polysaccharides in kumazasa helps strengthen cell membranes, which allows them to absorb nutrients and expel toxins better. Keeping cells healthy and free of defects contributes to a healthy body.

■ pH Balancing BenefitsThe body normally maintains an acid-base balance, but if it becomes disrupted, acidosis may occur. Acidosis symptoms range from mild and unnoticeable to dangerous and possibly fatal. Due to the vitamin K content of kumazasa, it can help counter acidosis problems that may develop before they are even noticeable.

■ Wound Healing Benefits Kumazasa’s chlorophyll content may have a hand in promoting wound healing. Chlorophyll has an antiseptic effect on areas surrounding wounds and triggers cells to activate tissue growth. It is purported to be particularly effective on burns, scars from burns and skin disorders.

■ Nutritional BenefitsKumazasa is 80% chlorophyll and 13% amino acids, giving it twice as much protein as milk, and several time the amount of amino acids in rice. Essential amino acids in kumazasa include tryptophan, lysine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine and valine.

Kumazasa also contains high levels of vitamin K, necessary for using calcium to build bones, phosphorus and vitamins B and C.

■ 平衡pH值

人 體 通 常 保 持 著 酸 鹼 的 平 衡 , 而 這 種 平 衡 一 旦 被 破壞,就會發生酸中毒。酸中毒的症狀程度不等,可以是幾乎無法察覺的輕微中毒,也可以是危及生命的嚴重中毒。由於山白竹中含有維生素K,所以它可在酸中毒尚未被察覺之前,就阻止中毒的發生。

■ 促進傷口愈合

山白竹所含葉綠素有助於促進傷口的愈合。葉綠素具有 在 傷 口 週 圍 殺 菌 的 作 用 ﹐ 可 激 發 細 胞 的 活 性 ﹐ 促進組織的生長。據說﹐山白竹對燒傷﹑燒傷留下的疤痕﹐還有皮膚異常都有著特別的療效。

■ 營養成份





Ashitaba chalcones inhibit the spread of damaged cells and prevent the decrease of immune cells, such as lymphocytes, CD4+, CD8+ and natural killer (NK)-T cells. They also exhibit potent cytotoxic activities against many types of tumors.

These chalcones have also been confirmed to have higher antioxidant capacity compared to epigallocatechin gallate (the main active component of green tea leaves) and grape seed extract. Ashitaba seeds contain ashitabaol A, and antioxidative sesquiterpenoid that also exhibits free radical scavenging ability.

Xanthoangelol B, xanthoangelol C and xanthoangelol E in ashitaba also inhibit histamine release, helping to stop allergic reactions.

Ashitaba | “Tomorrow’s Leaf” | (Angelica keiskei Koidzumi)

In Japanese, ‘ashita’ means tomorrow and ‘ba’ means leaf, so the inhabitants of Japan’s Hachijo Island called this plant ashitaba because if you pick a leaf off today, a new one will sprout tomorrow. Ashitaba has a long history as both a food and a medicine on Hachijo-jima.

Today, scientists have discovered many active components in ashitaba that make it an excellent food for rejuvenating and improving overall health.

■ FlavonoidsFlavonoids are plant pigments that have antioxidant effects. They have been linked to reduced risk of many chronic disease typical of aging. Luteolin-y-glucoside and isoquercitrin are just two of the flavonoids present in ashitaba.

■ CoumarinsCoumarins are potent antioxidants. They are particularly abundant in ashitaba. Laserpitin is one example of a coumarin found in ashitaba.

■ ChlorophyllChlorophyll is the green pigment present in plants that collects and stores energy from the sun. In humans, it stimulates the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. It is also excellent for cleansing the blood and liver and promotes the growth of ‘friendly’ intestinal bacteria. Chlorophyll has antioxidant properties and helps prevent DNA damage.

■ ChalconesAshitaba has a sticky yellow sap. When you cut it, only a few milligrams can be collected. This sap is made up of mostly chalcones, a yellow pigment. Many of ashitaba’s health-promoting benefits have been attributed to chalcones. The two main types of chalcones in ashitaba are xanthoangelol and 4-hydroxyderricin. These two chalcones are also polyphenols. Polyphenols act as powerful antioxidants and help fight free radical damage. Other chalcones in ashitaba include xanthoangelol B-J, xanthokeismins A-C, isobavachalcone and deoxydihydroxanthoangelol H.

Free radical damage is linked to aging, inflammation and disease. Chalcones in ashitaba have potent antioxidant effects to fight free radical damage.


明日葉 |“明天的葉子”| (拉丁學名Angelica keiskei Koidzumi)

在日語中,“ashi ta”意為明天,而“ba”意為葉子,日本八丈島的居民之所以給明日葉起了個這樣的名字,是因為您如果今天採了它的葉子,明天它就又會發出新芽。在八丈島,明日葉被當作食品和藥材使用的歷史十分久遠。


■ 類黃酮


■ 香豆素


■ 葉綠素


■ 查爾酮


明日葉所含查爾酮能夠抑制受損細胞的擴散,防止淋巴細胞﹑CD4+﹑CD8+ 和天然殺手細胞(NK)–即T細胞–這些免疫細胞的減少﹔查爾酮還表現出強大的對抗多種腫瘤細胞毒素的活性。

經證實,與兒茶素(綠茶中的主要成份)和葡萄籽萃取物相比,查爾酮抗氧化劑的含量更高。明日葉種子中含有的ashi tabaol A和具有抗氧化性的倍半萜,也都表現出清除自由基的作用。


人 體 的 老 化 、 炎 症 和 疾 病 , 都 與 自 由 基 的損 傷 有 關 。 明 日 葉 所 含 查 爾 酮 具 有 強 大 的抗 氧 化 作 用 , 能 夠 對 抗 自 由 基 的 傷 害 。


Blood Glucose RegulationAshitaba is a promising functional food for regulating blood glucose levels because of its abundance of 4-andryxyderricin and xanthoangelol.

Diabetes is characterized by hyperglycemia (excessive glucose in the bloodstream) caused by insufficient insulin action. 4-Hydroxyderricin and xanthoangelol show strong insulin-like activity. In particular, 4-hydroxyderricin shows a reduction of diabetes progression in genetically diabetic KK-Ay mice.

Results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study show that chronic intake of ashitaba powder containing 4-hydroxyderricin is safe, moderately reduces blood glucose, and improves blood glucose control in subjects with mild hyperglycemia.

Cardiovascular HealthAshitaba may also help to alleviate hyperlipidemia, or high blood cholesterol levels. Studies in animal models show lower total cholesterol as well as low-denisity lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol—the so-called ‘bad’ cholesterol—and tryglycerides, both of which contribute to hardening and narrowing of arteries. Laserpitin, a coumarin in ashitaba, raises high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the ‘good’ cholesterol, levels.

4-Hydroxyderricin, one of ashitaba’s chalcones, suppresses the elevation of systolic blood pressure and reduces serum very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) levels. Both it, and laserpitin have been shown to lower liver fat content in animal models. Flexible and relaxed heart arteries are better able to withstand the constant changes in blood pressure, and chalcones in ashitaba have been shown to relax arteries.

As a natural diuretic, ashitaba helps remove toxins from the body.

Gastrointestinal HealthAshitaba restores balance to the digestive tract and generally acts as a digestive tonic. It improves digestion and speeds up waste elimination. It is seen as superb for those with weak digestion, or gastric or duodenal ulcers.

Xanthoangelol and 4-hydroxyderricin significantly inhibit gastric acid secretion and the formation of stress-induced gastric lesions.

As a natural diuretic, ashitaba helps remove toxins from the body.

Immune HealthBefore vaccines were introduced to Japan, ashitaba was used to treat and prevent smallpox. Modern research confirms ashitaba’s powerful infection-fighting ability. Again, xanthoangelol and 4-hydroxyderricin chalcones in ashitaba, seem to be the powerhouses. They show anti-bacterial activity against gram-positive pathogenic bacteria.

Research in Japan shows antiviral properties in ashitaba’s chalcones as well—xanthoangelol I and xanthoangelol J—and in aromatic compounds that show potent inhibitory effects on Epstein-Barr virus early antigen (EBV-EA) induction.







明日葉還能幫助降低血液中的高膽固醇,減輕高血脂症。對動物模型的研究顯示,明日葉能夠降低其總膽固醇含量,以及降低其低密度脂蛋白(LDL,即 “壞”膽固醇)和三酸甘油脂的含量,而低密度脂蛋白和三酸甘油脂都是造成動脈硬化和狹窄的元凶。雷塞匹亭,是明日葉中含有的一種香豆素,它能夠提高高密度脂蛋白(HDL,即“好”膽固醇)的含量。












Nervous System HealthChalcones have also been found to stimulate production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), which is essential in the development and survival of certain nerve cells in the peripheral and central nervous system. NGF is believed to have the potential to alleviate Alzheimer’s disease and peripheral neuropathy (a common neurological disorder resulting from damage to the peripheral nerves, which originates from the brain and spinal cord). An animal study conducted in Japan showed a 20% increase in NGF concentration after taking ashitaba for just four days.

Weight ManagementVisceral fat (also known as abdominal fat) has been linked to metabolic disturbances and increased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and breast cancer. Evidence from a human clincal study and from animal studies indicates that ashitaba chalcones may help reduce visceral fat.

Animal studies also indicate that ashitaba chalcones may have a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism. Proper lipid metabolism prevents unnecessary storage of fats such as triglycerides. Excessive triglycerides can contribet to the hardening and narrowing of arteries, increasing risk of heart attach and stroke. A chalcone extract increases serum HDL cholesterol (‘good’ cholesterol) and decreases triglyceride levels in the livers of spontaneously hypertensive rats.

Xanthoganelol and 4-hydroxyderricin help to enhance fat metabolism and inhibit fat accumulation respectively.

Wound HealingAshitaba sap from stems and roots is used externally to prevent wound infection, promote healing and treat various skin conditions such as athlete’s foot fungal infections. It also helps to repel insects and prevent insect bites from becoming infected.

Confirmed Astounding Array of Health BenefitsModern science has confirmed ashitaba’s astounding array of health benefits, further enhancing ashitaba’s well-deserved reputation as a longevity herb. Add ashitaba to your diet today to maintain good overall health.



研究發現,查爾酮還能刺激機體產生神經生長因子(NGF ),而神經生長因子對週圍神經系統和中樞神經系統的某些神經細胞的生存和發育起著關鍵的作用。有研究認為,神經生長因子具有緩解阿茲海默症(也被稱作老年痴呆症)和週圍神經病變(大腦和骨髓的週圍神經受損而引發的一種常見神經系統疾病)。日本的一項動物研究顯示,服用明日葉僅四天之後,受試驗者的神經生長因子濃度就增加了20%。



動物實驗還顯示,明日葉所含的查爾酮對脂質代謝有著積極的作用。正常的脂質代謝能防止三酸甘油酯等不必要脂肪的囤積。三酸甘油酯過 量 會 導 致 血 管 硬 化 變 窄 , 增 加 患 上 心 臟 病和中風的危險。查爾酮萃取物能增加患有高血壓的老鼠肝臟的高密度脂蛋白(好膽固醇)的水平,同時降低其三酸甘油酯的水平。



明 日 葉 莖 和 根 的 汁 液 都 可 以 外 敷 , 既 能 防 止傷 口 感 染 , 也 能 促 進 傷 口 的 愈 合 ﹔ 明 日 葉 還能 夠 治 療 各 種 皮 膚 病 – 比 如 受 到 真 菌 感 染 的腳 氣 病 ﹔ 它 也 可 以 驅 蚊 蟲 , 防 止 蚊 蟲 叮 咬 引起的感染。



Modern science has confirmed ashitaba’s astounding array of health benefits, further enhancing ashitaba’s well-deserved reputation as a

longevity herb. Add ashitaba to your diet today to maintain

good overall health.

現 代 科 學 已 充 份 證 實 了 明 日 葉一 系 列 有 助 健 康 的 驚 人 效 益 ,讓 明 日 葉 這 種 “ 長 壽 植 物 ” 的美 譽 真 正 地 實 至 名 歸 。 為 全 面維 護 您 的 健 康 , 請 今 天 就 把 明日葉加入到您的日常飲食中。

Platycodon Root Bellflower Root | (Platycodon grandiflorus)

Platycodon grandiflorus is a member of the bellflower family, with lovely purple bell-shaped flowers, a garden favorite! But in China, the dried roots of this bellflower have been used for over 2,000 years for such diverse things as excessive gas, stomach ulcers, intestinal worms, dysentery, respiratory problems, urinary retention and other conditions. Koreans use it for hypertension and diabetes as well.

Platycodon root contains vitamins B1, B2 and B3, and the minerals calcium, phosphorus and iron. It is also rich in saponin glycosides, including platycodins A, C, D1, D2 and D3, polygalacic acid,

platycogenic acids A, B and C, platycodonin, betulin and alpha-Spinasterol glucoside.

With unique phytochemicals, especially saponin slycosides, platycodon root is excellent for addressing the health risks of today’s high-sugar, high-cholesterol diet.

■ Lowers Blood SugarStudies indicate that platycodon root extract has blood sugar lowering effects. In one study, blood glucose levels decreased significantly with just one dose of platycodon extract.

■ Increases Glucose UptakeThe hormone insulin enables the body to use or store blood glucose. People with type 2 diabetes make insulin but their bodies do not respond to it, resulting in excess sugar in the blood. Platycodon root extract increases insulin-stimulated glucose uptake of muscle cells, thereby having an anti-diabetic effect.

Scientists found that, among six saponins, platyconic acid most effectively increased glucose uptake in adipocytes (fat cells). It improved insulin sensitivity of the liver and adipocytes.

■ Weight ManagementPickled platycodon root is eaten in China and Korea to counter obesity. Its aqueous extract was found to prevent increases in weight and fat caused by a high-fat diet. Researchers have discovered that platycodon root has several anti-obesity effects.

• Inhibits Fat AbsorptionThe body absorbs fats in the intestines by breaking them down using glipase produced by the pancreas. Platycodon root can inhibit glipase activity, obstructing absorption of dietary fat. This effect may be due to platycodin D.


桔 梗 根風鈴草根|(拉丁學名Platycodon grandiflorus)

桔梗,是風鈴草家族中的一位成員,因其紫色的花朵形似鈴鐺,可愛而美麗,所以常被人們種植在花園中。但是在中國,人們將桔梗根晾乾用於多種用途,其歷史已有兩千多年,人們用 它 來 治 療 胸 滿 氣 脹 ﹑ 胃 部 潰 瘍 ﹑ 腸 道 寄 生蟲﹑痢疾﹑呼吸道問題﹑尿瀦留等等病症。韓國人也用它來治療高血壓和糖尿病。

桔 梗 根 含 有 維 生 素 B 1 ﹑ B 2 和 B 3 , 還 含 有 鈣 ﹑磷和鐵這些礦物質。此外,它還富含桔梗皂苷A﹑C﹑D1﹑D2和D3﹑遠志酸﹑桔梗酸A﹑B和C﹑桔梗糖﹑白樺脂醇和a–菠甾醇苷這些植物皂苷。


■ 降低血糖


■ 加大對葡萄糖的攝取利用



■ 控制體重


• 抑制脂肪吸收



• Effects on Cholesterol and Calorie IntakePlatycodins from platycodon root have also been found to reduce total cholesterol concentrations in the blood and liver, while increasing cholesterol concentration in feces. They also have effects that reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol and greatly reduce calorie intake, helping to inhibit weight gain.

This simple garden blossom carries powerful health effects in it’s roots—effects that can help us maintain our health well into old age!

■ Boosts ImmunityPlatycodon roots have been scientifically proven to enhance immunity, such as the following.

• Antioxidant activity: Oxidative stress in the body leads to disease. Antioxidants help counter oxidative stress. Experimental studies show that platycodon root extract protected the liver from oxidative stress, while enhancing activity of two antioxidant enzymes produced by the body—superoxidedismutase and catalase. Platycodon root’s antioxidant activity has been shown to be closely related to its phenolic compounds.

• Immune cell activity: Scientist in Korea studied an aqueous extract of platycodon root and found that it stimulated macrophage production, and inhibition of enemy cell growth and production. The extract also increased cytokine production. A polysaccharide in platycodon root was found to specifically activate B cells, which researchers considered of particular interest because other immunostimulating polysaccharides, such as lentinan and schizophyllan mainly act on macrophages and T cells.

• Anti-inflammatory: In vivo studies demonstrated platycodon root’s anti-inflammatory properties, such as inhibiting arthritis and countering swelling.

This simple garden blossom carries powerful health effects in its roots—effects that can help us maintain our health well into old age!


■ 對膽固醇和卡路里攝取量的影響


■ 增強免疫力


• 抗氧化活性﹕人體內的氧化壓力會導致疾病,而抗氧化劑可幫助人體對抗氧化壓力。實驗研究表明,桔梗根萃取物能夠保護肝臟免受氧化壓力的損害,同時提高人體產生的兩種抗氧化脢–超氧化物歧化脢和過氧化氫脢–的活性。有研究證實,桔梗根的抗氧化活性與它所含的酚類化合物密切相關。

• 免疫細胞活性﹕韓國科研人員對桔梗根水萃取物的研究發現,桔梗根能夠刺激人體產生巨噬細胞,進而吞噬和抑制致病細胞的繁殖和生長。桔梗根水萃取物也 能 夠 促 進 細 胞 因 子 的 產 生 。 研 究 發現,桔梗根所含的一種多醣體有活化B細胞的特別功效,研究人員之所以對此特別感興趣,是因為多數具有免疫活化能力的多醣體–如香菇多醣和裂襉菌多糖,主要是活化巨噬細胞和T細胞。

• 抗炎症﹕活體試驗的結果表明,桔梗根具有抗炎症的特性,比如它能抑制關節炎,消除腫脹。


桔 梗 這 種 生 長 在 花 園 中 的 普 通 植 物 , 它 的 根 卻 有 著 如 此強 大 的 健 康 效 益 , 可 協 助 我 們 以 健 康 的 體 魄 步 入 晚 年 ﹗


Let Nature Smooth Your Transition into Menopause

Women in their forties or fifties often start experiencing irregular periods, sudden hot flashes and mood swings—all signs that your body may be undergoing the natural biological process known as menopausal transition or perimenopause.

Stages of MenopausePerimenopause: When a woman begins experiencing

menopausal symptoms, even though still menstruating. During this time, the ovaries production of estrogen and progesterone begins to fluctuate and decline, which brings about hot flashes and other symptoms. Perimenopause may last four to five years.

Menopause: The permanent end of menstruation and fertility, which is defined as occurring 12 months after the last menstrual period. The ovaries produce much less estrogen and no progesterone. This normally occurs between the ages of 45 and 55.

Postmenopause: The years following menopause.

Perimenopause SymptomsThe natural changes in estrogen and progesterone levels cause the symptoms of menopause. In addition, some medical treatments may cause estrogen levels to drop suddenly, such as chemotherapy, anti-estrogen treatment for breast cancer, or when the ovaries are removed surgically. Symptoms can be more severe and start more suddenly in these circumstances.

Symptoms include irregular menstrual periods, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, sleep disturbances, mood swings, irritability, depression, anxiety, palpitations, night sweats, forgetfulness, headaches, urine leakage, vaginal infections, and/or joint aches and pains.

Importance of Adrenal GlandsOvaries, adrenal glands and fat cells all supply women with estorgen. However, after menopause, adrenal glands and fat cells become the main sources of estrogen.

Estrogen appears to naturally protect women from heart disease, presumably by promoting a favorable plasma lipid profile and healthy circulation; therefore, declining estrogen levels bring a greater risk of cardiovascular disease.

Estrogen also plays an important role in bone health by decreasing the rate of bone breakdown by osteoclasts. When estrogen levels decline, bones are broken down faster than they can be renewed. They become weak and brittle, leading to osteoporosis and an increased risk of fractures, especially of the hip, wrist and spine.

Therefore, keeping the adrenal glands healthy is important to women during and after menopause.

Have a Happy Menopause




更年前期﹕ 這一時期的女性即使仍有月經,各種更年期的症狀也會開始出現。在此期間,卵巢的雌激素和孕激素產量開始變得不穩定,並且逐漸減少,這就帶來了潮熱和其它各種不適的症狀。更年前期可能會持續四至五年。

更年期﹕ 更年期是指女性最後一次月經結束之後的12個月這段時期,它意味著月經和生育能力將永遠地終止。此時卵巢產生的雌激素會更少,而且不再產生孕激素。更年期通常出現在45到55歲之間。


Let Nature Smooth Your Transition into Menopause

Women in their forties or fifties often start experiencing irregular periods, sudden hot flashes and mood swings—all signs that your body may be undergoing the natural biological process known as menopausal transition or perimenopause.

Stages of MenopausePerimenopause: When a woman begins experiencing

menopausal symptoms, even though still menstruating. During this time, the ovaries production of estrogen and progesterone begins to fluctuate and decline, which brings about hot flashes and other symptoms. Perimenopause may last four to five years.

Menopause: The permanent end of menstruation and fertility, which is defined as occurring 12 months after the last menstrual period. The ovaries produce much less estrogen and no progesterone. This normally occurs between the ages of 45 and 55.

Postmenopause: The years following menopause.









Located on top of each kidney, the adrenal glands are small and triangular. One of their functions is to produce hormones, such as estrogen and adrenaline. Maintaining the health of adrenal glands supports both hormonal activity and the body’s ability to cope with stress.

Today’s poor eating habits and stressful lifestyles, however, mean that many women reach their menopausal years with worn-out adrenal glands. Symptoms of adrenal stress are similar to menpausal stymptoms—nervous tension, depression, irritability, fatigue and unpredictable mood swings. Adaptogenic herbs, such as licorice, improve the body’s response to stress and help to extend the activity of adrenal hormones in the body.

1. Include phytoestrogen-rich plant foods in your diet. Phytoestrogens from plant foods can lower the risk of estrogen-dependent cancers, such as breast cancer. The phytoestrogens fill estrogen receptor sites on cells, keeping cancer-causing estrogen from promoting growth of malignant cells.

2. Vitamin C is important for tissue repair and iron absorption, especially for women approaching menopause. Stress triggers secretion of adrenaline, which can deplete tissues of vitamin C. This, in turn, suppresses immune response. Eat more plant foods rich in vitamin C, such as raspberry and sage.

3. Reduce fat intake to stabilize and maximize hormone activity. Fats store extra estrogen that can lead to many hormone-driven diseases. Avoid red meat, fatty dairy products and fried foods.

4. Eat a healthy diet to support adrenal glands and other glands and to keep active and attractive. Eat vegetable proteins, especially soy foods, instead of meat proteins.

5. Increase fiber intake from whole grains and fresh vegetables. Fiber aids the body in regulating estrogen levels.

6. Eat calcium-rich plant foods like corn, seeds, soy, borccoli and greens. Dairy products are not very good sources of absorbably calcium, and can actually interfere with mineral uptake. They are high in sulfur, which the human body converts into sulfuric acid, raising the blood’s acidic level, which causes calcium to be excreted in urine. Also avoid carbonated drinks, which are loaded with phosphates that also deplete the body of calcium and other minerals.

7. Avoid caffeine, which taxes the adrenal glands and upsets hormonal balance.

8. Avoid refined foods, which have low nutritional value, little or no fiber, and are usually high in fat, sugar and calories.

9. Reduce sugary foods and alcohol to stabilize blood sugar levels and normalize erratic energy levels.

10. Some evidence indicates that women who exercise regularly have fewer hot flashes than those who are more sedentary.

10 Ways to Take Control of Menopausal Problems




十 種 方 法 , 幫 您 控


1. 在您的飲食中加入富含植物性雌激素的植物食品。植物食品所含的植物性雌激素能夠降低罹患乳腺癌這類雌激素依賴型癌症的風險。植物性雌激素能佔據細胞雌激素受體的結合位,阻止會引發癌症的雌激素與受體的結合,使惡性細胞的生長受到扼制。

2. 維生素C,是促進組織修復和鐵質吸收的重要物質,而對接近更年期的女性而言,維生素C尤為重要。壓力能觸發腎上腺素的分泌,此反應會消耗體內的維生素C,進而抑制機體的免疫反應。因此應該多攝取如紅莓和鼠尾草這類富含維生素C的食品。

3. 減少脂肪攝入量,以穩定體內荷爾蒙的活性,使其發揮出最大的能量。脂肪會儲存多餘的雌激素,進而導致許多由荷爾蒙引起的疾病。所以應該避免攝入紅肉、高脂乳製品和油炸食品。

4. 通過攝取健康的飲食滋養腎上腺和其它腺體,保持自己的活力和魅力。多吃植物蛋白,特別是大豆製品,以植物蛋白代替動物蛋白。

5. 膳食纖維有助於調節體內雌激素水平,所以應更多地從全穀物和新鮮蔬菜中攝取膳食纖維。

6. 多吃富含鈣質的植物性食品,如玉米、種子、大豆、西蘭花和綠色蔬菜。其實,乳製品不僅不是鈣質的良好來源,還會干擾身體對礦物質的吸收。這是因為乳製品中硫的含量很高,被人體攝入後會轉化為硫酸,進而提高血液的酸度,使鈣質更容易隨著尿液排出體外。此外,還應避免飲用碳酸飲料,因為它們含有大量的磷酸鹽,會消耗體內的鈣質和其它礦物質。

7. 避 免 咖 啡 因 , 它 會 加 重 腎 上 腺 的 負 荷 並 擾 亂 荷 爾 蒙 的 平衡。

8. 避免吃精加工的食品,這些食品的營養價值都很低,很少含纖維甚至就不含纖維,而脂肪、糖份和卡路里的含量通常卻很高。

9. 減 少 甜 食 和 酒 精 飲 品 的 攝 入 量 , 從 而 保 持 血 糖 水 平 的 穩定,保持能量水平的平穩。

10. 有證據表明,經常運動的女性比那些久坐少動的女性更少出現潮熱症狀。


Chinese Yam: Natural Herbal Support for Women’s Health

Chinese yam (Dioscorea opposita Thunb.), also known as huai shan, is native to China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is used to nourish and strengthen the spleen, lungs and kidneys, and is often included in ancient Chinese herbal formulas that address the discomforting symptoms of menopause. Herbalists recommend consuming Chinese yam as a remedy for fatigue decreased appetite, diarrhea, shortness of breath, frequent urination, thirst and perimenopausal symptoms such as night sweats and mood swings.

Neuroprotective: Research results suggest that Chinese yam may help protect against memory-impairment-related neurodegenerative diseases.

Heart Health: Chinese yam appears to have a strong ability to lower high blood pressure, a serious risk factor for heart disease.

Boost Immunity: The polysaccharide YP-1 in Chinese yam can boost immunity by stimulating T-cell proliferation. T-cells are immune cells that seek out and destroy bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing organisms.

Antioxidant Effects: Dioscorin, a soluble viscous protein in Chinese yam, may help delay visible signs of aging with its strong antioxidant effects.

Anti-diabetic: Chinese yam appears to have the potential to reverse insulin resistance caused by taking dexamethoasone, a steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Anti-diarrhea: Chinese yam contains large amounts of mucilage, which has a binding and anti-irritation effect that may fight diarrhea.

Anti-cellulite: Potential anti-cellulite properties help the body release glycerol and may thus reduce the amount of fat in the body.Fit Chinese yam into your diet to reap these amazing health benefits!

Sage: A Wise Choice

Drive away bothersome menopausal symptoms with this culinary herb. Sage helps to reduce hot flashes and night sweats. In a first-ever human study of the effects of sage on menopause, women who had at least five hot flashes per day took fresh sage leaves daily for eight weeks. Their hot flashes decreased dramatically!

Phytoestrogens for BalancePhytoestrogens in sage include genistein, daidzen and formononetin, which are helpful for menopausal symptoms caused by low estrogen levels. Apigenin, a flavonoid in sage, has anti-anxiety and estrogenic effects. Sage also includes rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid, which make sage ideal for menopausal women.

NutritiousA 100g serving of sage fulfills 2,143% and 165% of daily vitamin K and calcium requirements, respectively. Menopausal women are 50% less efficient than adolescents in absorbing calcium, which may lead to bone loss. Calcium and vitamin K help build bones. Sage also includes vitamins A and C, and iron.

Boosts Immunity and WellbeingTannins in sage help to improve resistance against infection. Sage has been used to fight fever, flu, indigestion, rheumatic pain and other conditions.

Sage is great nutrition for your health during menopause. Keep a jar with your herbs and spices, and use it often!



山藥(D i o s c o r e a o p p o s i t a T h u n b ),也被稱作淮山,原產於中國﹑日本﹑韓國和台灣。在傳統中醫中﹐山藥主要是用來滋養和強健脾臟﹑肺臟和腎臟﹔而在古代中醫配方中,山藥被用於緩解女性更年期的不適。本草醫師建議人們將山藥當作補品食用,以緩解疲勞﹑食慾不振﹑腹瀉﹑氣短﹑尿頻﹑口渴這些症狀,也可舒解夜間盜汗和情緒波動這些更年期症狀。














每 100克 的 鼠 尾 草 可 以 為 人 體 提 供 每 天 規 定 攝 取 量 2,143% 的 維 生 素K , 165% 的 鈣 質 。 更 年 期 女 性 對 鈣 質 的 吸 收 能 力 比 青 少 年 低50%,這可能會導致骨質的流失。而鼠尾草所含的鈣質和維生素K都有助於強健骨骼。鼠尾草還含有維生素A﹑維生素C和鐵質。





Raspberries: Glow with Good Health During Menopause!

Grab a handful of raspberries for a nutritous healthy snack! They’re not just flavorful, they’re good for you as well.

Hormonal BalanceRich in phytoestrogens, raspberries help maintain hormonal balance and relieve hot flashes and other effects of hormonal imbalance. Raspberry also relaxes and lubricates the uterus, and relieves dryness of the vainal tract during menopause.

High Antioxidant ContentRaspeberries are 50% higher in antioxidant activity than strawberries, and have 10 times the antioxidant activity of tomatoes. Ellagitannins, anthocyanins and vitamin C contribute to antioxidant activity in raspberries.

NutritiousA 100g serving of raspberries fulfills 44% of your daily vitamin C requirement; 34% of the daily requirement for manganese, 26% of your daily fiber requirement; and 10% of your daily vitamin K requirement. Vitamin K aids healthy bone development, and helps fight osteoporosis.

Anthocyanins in raspberries have anti-microbial properties that help prevent overgrowth of bacteria and fungi in the body. Raspberry seeds contain ellagic acid, a phytochemical that fights cancer. Raspberry extract has also been found to suppress cervical cancer cell production.

Raspberries make an excellent choice for nourishment during menopause. Pick some up today at your local store!

Ginkgo: Protect Your Health Against the Effects of Menopause

Menopause is not a disease, but it can have a big impact on health. Protect yourself against the associated problems with healthy plant foods, like ginkgo!

Reduces Risk of Cardiovascular DiseaseLower estrogen levels lead to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Ginkgo contains phytoestrogens that help to restore hormonal balance and heart-protective terpenoids, which have antioxidant properties that can help improve blood flow. These terpenoids dilate blood vessels and reduce platelet stickiness. Improving blood circulation to hands and feet also relieves chilliness before hot flashes.

Memory EmpowermentGinkgo eases memory lapses during menopause by improving blood flow to the brain. Scientists found that ginkgo may be useful in therapy for neurodegenerative diseases in postmenopausal women. Studies also indicate that ginkgo is helpful for perimenopausal effects of fatigue, depression and memory problems, and postmenopausal visual or cognitive difficulties.

Enhance ImmunityTraditional Chinese medicine uses ginkgo to enhance immunity, and support heart, brain and lung function. Ginkgo flavonoids have more antioxidant activity than vitamin C, E and beta-carotene to help fight free radical damage. It’s active components include ginkgolies and bilobalide, which can aid the immune system in fighting disease.

Studies show ginkgo extract increases natural killer cell activity, and is anti-cancer due to its ability to improve oxygen delivery throughout the body; oxygenated blood has anti-tumor properties. Ginkgo also contains quercetin, which inhibits extrogen-activated cancers.

Ginkgo is great for anyone, but especially helpful for those going through menopause!












銀 杏 ﹕ 保護您的健康﹐讓您在更年期免受困擾








維 生 素 E 和 β – 胡 蘿 蔔 素 更 高 , 可 幫 助 抵 制 自 由 基 造成的傷害。銀杏含有的活性化合物如銀杏內脂和白果內



銀 杏 有 益 於 每 一 個 人 , 可 對 於 正 在 經 歷 更 年 期 的 女 性 來說,它更是特別地有用﹗


Licorice: Sweet News for Menopausal Blues

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) has been used for food and medicine for thousands of years. It contains over 334 potentially healing substances, including phytoestrogens, phytosterols, flavonoids, isoflavonoids, chalcones and saponins. It’s main active conponent—glycyrrhizin—is about 50 times sweeter than sugar.

Licorice relieves these menopausal symptoms

• Hot flashes

• Fatigue

• Irritability

• Memory problems

PhytoestorgensPhytoestrogens have weak estrogenic-like effects on the human body. Licorice contains the phytoestrogens daidzein, daidzin, genistein, formononetin, ononin, coumestrol, coumarin and beta-sitosterol, among others.

AdaptogenMenopausal symptoms worsen under stress. As an adaptogen, licorice improves the body’s response to stress and helps maintain normal levels of cortisol, a stress-fighting adrenal hormone.

Adrenal SupportPost-menopause, adrenal glands provide a source of estrogen for the body. Licorice enables adrenally produced hormones to work for longer periods.

Licorice’s isoflavonoids and glycyrrhetinic acid help balance estrogen levels by stopping progesterone from breaking down, leaving more available for the body’s cells.

Licorice flavonoids, such as glabridin and glabrene, have antioxidant activity to fight free radical damage.

Eat your licorice with the knowledge that you are helping support your body’s nutritional needs.



甘草(Glycyrrhiza g labra)被當作食物和藥物食用已有幾千年。它含有超過334種具有治療效益的成份,包括植物性雌激素﹑植物固醇﹑類黃酮﹑異黃酮﹑查爾酮和皂甙。它的主要活性成份甘草素,比食糖甜50倍。


• 潮熱

• 疲倦

• 易怒

• 記憶力消退


植 物 性 雌 激 素 在 人 體 中 發 揮 著 微 弱 的 類雌激素作用。甘草中含有大豆苷元﹑大豆苷 ﹑ 染 料 木 黃 酮 ﹑ 芒 柄 花 黃 素 ﹑ 芒 柄 花甙﹑擬雌內脂﹑香豆素和β–穀甾醇等植物性雌激素。





甘草所含的異黃酮和甘草次酸能夠阻止孕激素的分解,讓人體細胞能獲得更多的孕激素,以此維持體內雌激素水平的平衡。甘 草 所 含 的 類 黃 酮 如 光 甘 草 定 和 光 甘 草素,都具有抗氧化的活性,能夠防止自由基的傷害。



Is It All in the Genes?

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