HKUSU Council Annual Debate 2015 - Written Opinions



The topic of HKUSU Council Annual Debate this year is "The University of Hong Kong shall abolish the Common Core Curriculum". Councillors' Written Opinions are included in the booklet.

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序 Preface普選評議員

Popularly Elected Union Councillors




The Hong Kong University Students’ Union (Union) is the first established student body amongst all Hong Kong tertiary institutions. Its sustainable and steady development serves as a complex model for some other student bodies.

The Hong Kong University Students’ Union Council (Council) is the highest standing organ of the Union. The functions range from scrutinising the exec-utive and all the affiliated clubs and societies. For clubs and societies, they referred to different Hall Students’ Associations, Faculty Societies, Sports, Cultural and Independent Clubs Associations, and their affiliated clubs. In the meantime, the Council extended its function to formulate the Union’s policies and stance. In order to ensure the opinions of the members are duly reflected, the Council is composed of the executive committee, different halls, faculty societies, the Sports, Cultural and Independent Clubs Associations and the media representatives, as well as 10 seats of Popularly Elected Union Councillor. Regarding the relatively renowned standing committee of the Council, the University Affairs Committee and the Current Affairs Committee are respectively responsible for proposing directions on the university matters and social affairs.

In accordance with the By-laws of the Council, Annual Debate will be held in every council session to allow members to express their views on various issues to the Council and the school, and it also serves as an opportunity for members to understand the functioning of the Union. The seven Popularly Elected Union Councillor, with reference to the By-law, organised this Annual Debate. The motion for today is “The University of Hong Kong shall abolish the Common Core Curriculum”. This motion is related to the everyday life of the undergraduates. Therefore, the Council cordially invites members to ac-tively participate in the discussion and reflect your views to us.


評議會主席 Council Chairperson (CC)

郭善靈 KWOK Sin Ling


- Nil -

註:評議會主席負責帶領會議進程,一般不參與討論。P.S.: Council Chairperson is responsible for guiding the discussion, and will not be involved in the discussion normally.

評議會榮譽秘書 Honorary Secretary (HS)

陳采欣 CHAN Tsoi Yan


- Nil -

註一:評議會榮譽秘書負責作文書紀錄,一般不參與討論。P.S. 1: Honorary Secretary is responsible for taking minutes, and will not be involved in the discussion normally.

註二:評議會榮譽秘書並無投票權。P.S. 2: Honorary Secretary does not have voting rights.


Union Executives


會長 President (P)

馮敬恩 FUNG Jing En

立場:贊成 Stance: For

根據港大核心課程 (Common Core) 網頁,核心課程的主要目的有三,分別是協助建立跨學院的友誼、了解自身以及其他文化、扣連所學之物與其他學科,並從而培育學生的創意、社交等技能。 是故核心課程推行一段時日,能否達到其目的實在有目共睹,以下將羅列數點加以討論。

道術將為天下裂 大學教育為深度

同學當初按照興趣和能力,選擇自己的學院和主修,並且深造下去,盼有日成為有關領域的翹楚,手執牛耳,貢獻社會。一般來說,港大的主修科目通常要求同學修畢七十二至九十六個學分,而副修則普遍要求同學完成三十六個學分。本意是以學分要求,為同學提供具有深度的教育,主修、副修皆然。 以文學院的同學為例,在學期間需要修讀六個,共三十六個學分的核心課程。同學用以修畢所有核心課程的學分,變相可以選修多一個符合自己興趣和能力的副修,甚至可以在其主修領域更加深入的學習下去。因此,與其設立核心課程,不如取消有關課程以省下學分,讓同學更加深入地窺探他們具興趣的領域。

紙上談兵誠壞事 啟發能力在課外


最後,篇幅有限,在此打住。且在週年辯論之時,與各位評議員及同學再作交流。 謝謝。

According to the website of HKU Common Core, the rationales for establishing the common core curriculum are for building friendship across the faculties; for cultural exchange; for making connections both to and beyond the chosen disciplinary fields of study and cultivating students intellectual, social and in-novative skills, etc. Since common core curriculum has been existing for long, this is a high time for us to evaluate its effectiveness.

In-depth Learning in University is of paramount importance

HKU students, at the very beginning, have chosen their faculties and Major(s) according to their interest and ability. Generally, students are required to fulfill 72-96 credits for a major while 36 credits for a minor. However, taking an Arts student as an example, they are required to finish six common core courses, 36 credits in total, before graduation. Such 36 credits can be spent on another minor or more in-depth study of their original major(s). With such 36 credits, students are given chances to develop their additional interest or more in-depth learning. Therefore, common core curriculum should be abolished for the students’ sake.

Common Core Curriculum: Learn beyond the class in the class?

It is undebatable that some of the common core courses consist of field trips or other assessment measures. However, with insufficient resources in university in general, such courses are just the special cases. The reality is that students are occupied with the common core courses’ lectures, tutori-als, examination and homework, which is the common learning practice of non-common core courses. To me, it is the critical time to abolish the com-mon core curriculum, which enable students to extricate themselves from heavy workload in school and get a greater space for voluntary exchange pro-gramme and internship. After all, innovative skills and social skills can only be inculcated beyond the class.

Due to limited space on the booklet, I am looking forward to having more interaction with councillors and students during annual debate. Thank you very much.


內務副會長 Vice-president (Internal) (IVP)

何珈彥 HO Ka Yin

立場:反對 Stance: Against


為配合新學制及時代的挑戰,香港大學核心課程自 2012 年開始推行,旨在培育擁有創新及批判思維的通才,但這必修課程的制定框架及教授模式都備受批評,有些會提到香港大學核心課程不應是必修部分。不過,將其廢除與將其列為選修科目的討論不同,在是次週年辯論,前者才是重點。因此,討論基礎不應流於實際操作的弊病及可改善之處,而忽略課程的核心理念。是次討論核心課程存廢的基礎,應是它的理念及目標是否與港大教育的發展相吻合,並推進港大達至其教育目標 (Educational Aims)。


比較不同本港大學,類似課程多被命名為通識課程,香港中文大學推入通識課程的歷史最悠久,貴校重視同學對各種人文精神的了解,範圍包括人文和科技及社會,並加入中華文化以及自然;香港城市大學設定的三大範疇,除了一般的人文和科技與科學,還有社會及商業機構研究,而其學習目標較重視個人技能,如表達能力及有效溝通;香港科技大學核心課程的框架,與城大的類似,但未有提及商業研究,而提及推論能力及文明歷史,不過依然偏重個人技能;至於香港浸會大學,他們所謂的核心課程不算是通識課程,只重點提升同學的個人技能,並另外要求同學修讀非主修學院的科目。環觀所有,人文、科技與科學及中華文化,都是不少本港大學倡議的核心學習範疇,反映這些對本港大學生的重要,而全球化是港大獨有選取的範疇,這明顯呼應港大立身為國際大學的理念,部分海外大學(如大阪大學及新加坡國立大學)的類似課程都有提及 。


Regarding the motion that the University of Hong Kong shall abolish Common Core Curriculum, I personally stand against it.

Since 2012 HKU Common Core Curriculum has been a mandatory programme to all undergraduate students, aiming at nurturing the future pillars to quip with creative and critical thinking and also to be a leader in inter-disciplinary aspects. Yet its setting and learning framework has also being severely criti-cized, some students have shown fierce objection towards its compulsory pol-icy. It is understand that the main focus here should pinpoint to its aims and objectives, but not simply to a practical concern. Whether CC synchronies with HKU educational aims should instead be the basis of the debate.

HKU CC is in all means to support our aims in teaching and learning develop-ment, especially hindrance of its actual implementation is not considered here. In years the university would like to cultivate us with an understanding of being cross disciplinary, open-minded and responsible global citizen, which the four main core aspects covered in CC indeed echo this ideology. In comparison with other tertiary institutions in Hong Kong, commonly humanities, and science and technology, and usually study of Hong Kong society are adopted as core perspectives in Common Core, or some calling as General Education. HKU is an exclusive one to title globalization as a core pillar, other than simply equipping us with talent and skills to face life and career challenges, it is echoing our back-ground and aims to status ourselves us an international institution.

Therefore, today the motion should not stand. To further follow-up, it is be-lieved CC setting and policies always have rooms to improve, for example, some courses, like two or some out of the six credit-bearings could be waived


in GPA counting, and assessment methods or learning outcomes of some CC courses should have amendments, as well as offering more seats of popular-ly enrolled CC courses favors students to make best options. Though amid sparks, HKU governance leaders are willing to make changes on CC. I look forward to the full review on CC planed to conduct in mid 2016 after the end of first cycle of NSS curriculum reform.

外務副會長 Vice-president (External) (EVP)

李峰琦 LI Fung Kei

立場:反對 Stance: Against




I think the University of Hong Kong should not abolish the Common Core Cur-riculum.

The Common Core curriculum is the major change of the University of Hong Kong in response to the change of undergraduate curriculum from 3-year to 4-year. Students are required to take four to six common core courses within a certain period, at least one in four domains, which are Scientific and Technolog-ical Literacy, Humanities, Global Issues and China: Culture, State and Society.

With the technological advancement, having more knowledge is not longer an apparent advantage, indeed, the society emphasis on having global vision and the ability of continue education. Therefore the aim of university education, in order to maintain students’ competitiveness, shifted from solely providing career-oriented knowledge to liberal education. There was a growing trend that renown universities worldwide added curriculum requirement similar to the common core courses system. For example, the National University of Singapore required to take one courses each from the five areas of liberal education; in Yale University, students are required to take two courses from humanities, sciences and social sciences three domains each. Therefore I am oppose to the motion above. Thank you.


常務秘書 General Secretary (GS)

鄭博文 CHENG Pok Man

Common core curriculum has long been a controversial topic among all un-dergraduates. They are compulsory credit-bearing courses with four restricted aspects. Undergraduates are required to take 6 Common core courses. To me, the common core curriculum should not be abolished, but modification is in-dispensable.

The common core curriculum provides chances for students to explore more on the societies and the whole worlds, and develop critical thinking skills. The courses of their own majors seldom have the chance to teach this.

The major controversy is the restriction on choosing common core courses. In current situation, students can only choose courses among the four select-ed aspects, scientific and technology literacy, humanities, global issues and China: culture, state and society. They are required to take at least one but not more than two courses in each aspect. The idea of the common core cur-riculum is actually agreeable. However, the introduction of the restriction on course selection ruined the whole curriculum.

Firstly, I cannot explain the reason why students are compulsory to take cours-es in all the four aspects. I do not think making the four aspects compulsory can better attain the four goals of the common core curriculum. Instead, the goals could already be achieve by taking every single course in the common core curriculum.

Furthermore, some students may find courses in some particular topics in-terested, but totally abominate the others. Under current practice, most of the courses with relevant topics will be categorize into one aspect. So that, students are not allowed to have more understanding of topics they are in-terested in, but forced to take courses they are less attentive to.

To conclude, the restriction on common core courses selection is contrary to the benefits of students and hence should be abolished.








財務秘書 Financial Secretary (FS)

王子欣 WONG Tsz Yan

I oppose the abolishment of the Common Core Curriculum.

Two of the objectives of undergraduate education that Professor George M. Whitesides mentions in his article ‘Undergraduate Education at Harvard’ (2004), which are enabling students to cope with changes and equipping them with knowledge to understand and use globally accessible information, are also applicable to universities in Hong Kong. With the overall rise in education level in Hong Kong and the shift of the level of professional qualification from Bachelor’s to doctoral degrees, the objective of undergraduate education is less and less regarded as to train up professionals and specialists but an es-sential stage to nurture knowledgeable citizens with social awareness who are committed to ethics and values.

Since most advanced courses in major or minor curriculums teach theories and concepts that are seldom realized in our daily lives, these curriculums must be paralleled with courses on the practical knowledge of the world in order to make students realize flaws and thereby have the urge to apply their more advanced knowledge to change for the better. By requiring students to take courses from four different categories, the Common Core Curriculum of The University of Hong Kong equips students with interdisciplinary knowledge and skills of doing research for a wide variety of topics. Assignments and tasks put the knowledge into practice and encourage students to think critically about society and the information they get every day. According to my experi-ence, materials used in the Common Core courses relate closely with our daily lives and social affairs - experience of people with disabilities, the science in science fiction movies, human trafficking etc. and are, therefore, helpful to our understanding of the world and most importantly, unfortunate incidents hap-pening around us.

In conclusion, the Common Core Curriculum works in parallel with theories and concepts taught in academic curriculums and altogether cultivate young people with social responsibility who are capable of thinking critically, and it should not be abolished.


George M. Whitesides 教授於其在二零零四年出版的文章 “Undergraduate Edu-cation at Harvard” 中評論哈佛大學本科生課程的目的,當中有兩點亦適用於港大。教授認為本科生課程旨在令同學能夠適應、應對環境及時代等不同方面的變遷,和有足夠知識去理解及運用大眾可獲得的資訊。近年香港人教育水平提高,學歷由學士水平上升至碩士或以上的水平,本科生課程的目的也應由訓練專業人才漸漸化為培養有教養及社會意識、遵守基本倫理及道德的市民。




大學事務秘書一 University Affairs Secretary I (UAS1)

陳兼 CHAN Jian

In today's motion, the University of Hong Kong shall abolish the Common Core Curriculum, I hold a contrary view that the Common Core Curriculum shall be kept. The motion shall not stand base on the following reasons.

The curriculum aims to foster inter-disciplinary learning, enhance the relation-ship with students' major and future career, so as to build friendship across faculty. Through the curriculum, students may acquire different skills, have positive impact to the society and be curious towards different issues. The University have a quote “Engage, experiment, enjoy” to describe the curricu-lum which showed how the curriculum should be designed and what attitude students should have towards the curriculum.

I see these aims and directions rather unique to the Common Core Curricu-lum. There is no curriculum that I could think of that can serve the same pur-pose as this Curriculum. Therefore, I agree with the ideology where this curric-ulum certainly has its value of being kept.

Although the ideology sounds interesting, insightful and innovative, students do not see alike. I believe the problems are in execution! The problems in-cludes registration process, class size not fulfilling students’ need and the quality of the course. I would like to further explain on the quality of the course as the other two reasons are widely known by most students.

In fact, some courses are not in line with the course design as the Common Core Office presented to students. In the introductory video of the Curricu-lum on the Common Core website, the Curriculum was being portrayed as

“actively taught, active learning and learning by doing”. It said that these courses are living laboratories between the campus and the city. “It's all about WORK and PLAY!” By these claims, as a student, I assume these cours-

es are very much experiential and are being taught in an innovative way with little traditional assessments (Exams, quizzes, essays). But I am very sure that this is not the reality.

Among all 152 Common Core Courses, there are a total of 85 (56%) courses with exams, quizzes, in-class test where 30 (20%) courses count 10%-20%, 41 (27%) courses count 21-40% and 14 (9%) courses count 41-80% of total course grade. There are also courses that stress a lot in written assignments including reflective journal after every lecture, mid-term/ final term essays, individual assignments while these usually take up to 40% of total course grade. This is obviously not the expected way of assessing student performance in Common Core courses and definitely not the dominated assessment.

From my understanding, this curriculum is to provide components of experi-ential learning from different fields of study for students to learn in different ways. Student works, in the exhibition beside the Common Core Office in the Main Building, shown posters and infographics about certain topics. There is also a video in the CC Theatre on it's website about installation arts done during a Common Core course around the campus. These are examples of creative elements that a Common Core course should include. Traditional assessment should be a minor part of a Common Core course. The traditional mindset of assessment methods is hindering the development of Common Core courses, restricting the shining part of the curriculum. Efforts have to be made in order to provide quality courses to students which, in turn, will lead to the success of the curriculum.

To conclude, it is obvious that there are flaws in the execution of the Common Core Curriculum. Perfections are awaiting for the true brightness of the curric-ulum to shine. I wish that the curriculum will grow as the review, conducted by the University, is done and the suggestions are implemented.






事實上,某部份核心課程的設計與核心課程辦事處 (Common Core Office) 給予同學的期望不符。該辦事處於網上發佈的一段短片中將核心課程塑造為「生動教學、邊做邊學」(Actively taught, active learning and learning by doing)。短片中亦提及此課程是個生動的實驗室,旨在把校園及社區連接,同時希望同學憲學習於娛樂 (It's all about WORK and PLAY!)。作為同學,我會認定此等課程有大部份為體驗式學習,較少傳統測驗考試的評核模式。遺憾地,我們深知事與願違。

在 152 個核心課程中,有 85 個課程 (56%) 有考試、測驗、小測。當中,30 個課程 (20%) 以測考模式計算 10-20% 總成績,41 個課程 (27%) 以測考模式計算 21-40% 總成績,14 個課程 (9%) 以測考模式計算 41-80% 總成績。另外,亦有部份課程以書寫習作,包括課堂日誌、期中/期末短篇論文、個人習作等模式評定學生成績。這種守舊的評核模式明顯偏離同學期望,更不應成為核心課程中最主要的評核方法。



大學事務秘書二 University Affairs Secretary II (UAS2)

招永聰 CHIU Wing Chung


根據香港大學官方的資料,核心課程其中一個主要目標,是讓同學涉獵不同範疇的議題,增加對國際、地區及本土事項的了解。而此目標與港大「國際公民」(Global Citizenship) 的目標扣連。與此同時,同儕間合作溝通的能力亦同為港大其中目標。由此可見,核心課程的定為與香港大學的教學目標關係密切。

以本科生普遍修讀 240 學分為例,僅佔 36 學分的核心課程並非為多。有指核心課程的制度有不少改善之處,在此深表認同,但核心課程至今推行四年,言及刪去制度實言之尚早。我認為校方應利用第一批修讀核心課程的新學制同學畢業之時機,改善課程制度,方向可為減少所佔學分、免除計算學分積點、改善評核方法等等,以令制度貼近同學需要。


I believe that the controversy over Common Core Curriculum is mainly due to the compulsory nature. Although the motion of the Annual Debate is about whether we shall cancel Common Core Curriculum, the scope of discussion should be focused on the prerequisite of compulsory course of the universi-ty. I think that compulsory course in the university should be put only when it closely associates with the direction of the university, and the basic skill of students.

According to the official document of HKU, Common Core Curriculum aims to enhance students’ exposure over different issues, including international, regional and local issues. This aim echoes one of the direction of HKU, Global Citizenship. Moreover, collaboration and communication between students are also one of the major focus of the educational goal. Therefore, the aims of Common Core Curriculum and the direction of HKU is closely correlated.

Common Core Curriculum only occupies 36 out 240 credits of a 4-year curric-ulum. I agree that there are many shortcomings of Common Core in its curric-ulum as well as execution, however, there are still rooms for us to investigate other possible solutions for the betterment of common core, such as shrinking the total credits, excluding from the calculation of GPA and reform the assess-ment method, instead of cancelling the entire common core curriculum.

外務秘書一  External Affairs Secretary I (EAS1)

黎的琛 LAI Samuel Dic Sum


參考核心課程的首要條件,其目的為使學生能對不同範疇有基本認知,從而不會侷限於自己的範疇或專業。在此大原則下,核心科目理應設置於初階水平讓所有學生修讀,但不少核心科目其實需要一定的基本知識以應付課堂以致功課。以一個文學院的學生為例,在他們大多從沒在中學修讀科學科目的情況下,修讀與科學有關的核心科目難免對他們有一定難度, 同時增加他們的工作量。


因此,我認為可以以選修科目 (Free Electives) 代替核心科目以達致擴闊視野同時探索自己興趣的目的。我亦因此支持本議案廢除核心課程。

The Common Core Curriculum has been in place since 2012 which aims at achieving interdisciplinary learning and multi perspective thinking. It yet remains a doubt in most students’ minds of whether such aims have ever been achieved due to the inconsistency in difficulty of courses’ matter and its forced nature for interdisciplinary learning.


With reference to the overarching goals of the Common Core Curriculum, it is sure that it has an aim to make everyone acknowledge about at least some-thing from other fields so that no one shall ever be confined to their own ex-pertise. In order to achieve such an objective, the courses should thus be set at an introductory level so that everyone shall be able to enroll. But taking an arts student as example, some Common Core courses actually require much prior knowledge from specific science subjects, while many arts students do not even take one during their secondary education. It results in an immense workload of them in catching up with the progress of others, while failing to achieve the aims effectively. It becomes an even more detrimental failure when such difference in difficulty becomes a criterion for students in choosing the courses, with most of them preferring those of a smaller workload.

On the other hand, while one’s interest shall always be a major criterion in choosing courses, the many restrictions under the Common Core Curriculum make it hard for students to really choose according to their favour. While some faculties require students to complete their Common Core courses with-in a certain number of years, there is also a requirement on the number of courses from each AoI, which further restricts the flexibility of the Curriculum while students can hardly fully follow their interest in choosing the courses. Together with the limited space for each course, it is a usual case for students to enroll in courses that they do not even have slight interest in. Such only de-ters their passion for learning and becomes a mere fulfillment of graduation requirement.

Thus, instead of the current Common Core Curriculum, I shall rather have more free electives for each student so as to broaden their scope of learning while ensuring that they are exploring their interests as well. I thus support the motion of abolishing the Curriculum.

外務秘書二 External Affairs Secretary II (EAS2)

謝皓庭 TSE Ho Ting






The University of Hong Kong shall abolish the Common Core Curriculum.

The Common Core Curriculum in the University of Hong Kong aims at sharp-ening the critical thinking skills and widening the horizon of students. After the implementation of the curriculum, there are opposing voices from some of the students accusing that the scheme is too difficult and the results of Common Core courses have affected their GPA.

I am against the motion while upholding the notion that the Common Core Curriculum should be retained.


When it comes to the discussion on deletion of the Common Core Curriculum, the education principles of the University should be taken into consideration. From the visions and missions of the University of Hong Kong, they state that our school aims at providing all-rounded education to students, as well as try-ing to encourage them to study while simultaneously enlightening them to be creative. The Common Core Curriculum provides an opportunity for the stu-dents to achieve what they would like to do in different aspects, which is in line with the mission of our university – to broaden the horizon and to equip better knowledge. For the education strategies applied in the university, I would prefer liberal education rather than professional, or specialized, education. University students, who are perceived as the pillars of our future and the intellectuals in our society, should be well-prepared for themselves especially in the aspect of knowledge in prior to facilitate the improvement of the society in long run. Wid-ening the horizon in the university should be the first step of all.

The objective of the Common Core Curriculum is not to examine the under-standing of students on an array of academic contexts, but to broaden the scope of knowledge that students can receive. Undoubtedly, loopholes and technical drawbacks are inevitable when the curriculum is put into practice, but this does not imply a persuasive ground for notion that the curriculum to be abolished.

學生福利秘書 Student Welfare Secretary (SWS)

陳諾衡 CHAN Nok Hang




然而,現時核心課程的編定,無法有效達到以上理念。多數學術部門均提供與系內課程相似的核心課程,予所有同學報讀。唯不少同學為求「靚 grade」,就算修讀過與內容相似的選修課程,亦選擇與該課程相似的核心課程。此等做法無法達致除接受專科教育課程外,令接受全面教育的目標。因此,本人建議建立名單以列載内容與學系課程相似的核心課程,禁止學生修讀。


The University of Hong Kong shall not abolish the Common Core Curriculum

I agree that there are reasons for the Common Core Curriculum to be existed, but The University of Hong Kong shall amend the Common Core Curriculum as soon as possible.

The aim of university education shall be general education, develops inde-pendent critical thinking mindset for students, and equips basic professional


knowledge and skills. The Common Core Curriculum requires of all undergrad-uates, covers areas of the artistic, social, and imaginative expressions of ideas and emotions, the reciprocal relationships between individuals and commu-nities, the relationships between scientific ways of knowing, technology and the natural world, and continuities and changes that weave together the past, present and future. Besides of knowledge, the curriculum also provides a space to build communication skills and enhance creativity for students. The curriculum allows students to be educated for more aspects instead of single field of studies.

The current arrangements of the Common Core Curriculum do not achieve the above aims and objectives. Most departments offer Common Core Curriculum courses whose content is similar to the departmental courses, for all students from all departments. However, some students as to aim for higher grade, enroll courses that they had ever studied in departmental courses. This prac-tice in fact failed in providing chances for students to be educated for more aspects instead of single field of studies. Therefore, I suggest that a course list shall be established to record all similar courses between departmental cours-es and Common Core Curriculum courses, so as to prohibit students to enroll.

Focusing on administrative problems, different Common Core Curriculum courses have varied grading distribution and actual work loads. With the same credits requirement, it is unfair for students taking different courses. I suggest that the University shall assess and review the grading distribution and work load for all the Common Core Curriculum courses annually.

出版及宣傳秘書 Publications and Publicity Secretary (PPS)

邱子健 YEOW Tsz Kin


一、「爛 Grade」「有邊啲 CC 靚 Grade」,是港大學生關心的恆常議題。除了出現在迎新營、討論區,

以及各色各樣的網站中,早前更有人舉辦分享會,向新生介紹靚 Grade CC。作為大學生,關心自己的成績自然合情合理。但學習絕非為了成績,而以「爛 Grade」為由,提倡廢除核心課程,更是令人費解。核心課程和其他科目一樣,有清晰、明確的評分指引,上足堂、交足功課、溫足書、考足試,成績絕不會差到哪裏去。怪核心課程「爛 Grade」,不如怪自己不夠努力。

二、「太 Chur」核心課程的其中一個「特色」,是其評核模式:除了一般的論文、考試、測驗,某些核心課程科目更會要求同學進行辯論、剪輯影片、製作網站、設計海報等等。固然,這些新穎的評核方式,令同學必須投放更多時間和心力,甚至要學習使用不熟悉的軟件和程式。但在現今資訊發達的社會中,這些何嘗不是重要的溝通技巧?況且,每一個核心課程科目的學習時數、評核方法、評分比重,均詳列在 “Common Core Student Handbook” 中,透明度極高。就算這些評核方法有不合理、不實用的地方,也可透過修改考核模式來解決,並不構成核心課程本質的問題,更不構成廢除核心課程的理由。



可以給予同學的重要資產。退一萬步來說,校方現時提供的核心課程科目共有 150多個,而絕大部分學生只須修讀 6 個,同學大可以只選修對自己最「有用」的核心課程科目。


One of the main reasons for this motion to be chosen is probably HKU stu-dents’ strong dislike of the Common Core curriculum. But why do they hate it so much?

1. “They offer poor grades.”“Which Common Core courses offer good grades” is a perpetual question

haunting thousands of HKU-ers. It appear in orientation camps, online discus-sion boards, and various websites; a few months ago, an organisation even organised a forum to offer freshmen tips on which Common Core courses to choose to obtain the best grades. It is of course natural and right for universi-ty students to be concerned about their grades. However, it should be made very clear that learning is not about academic results alone, and it is absurd to speak of abolishing the Common Core curriculum just because they do not offer good grades. Just like other courses, Common Core courses have very clear grading guidances. If you attend all lectures, hand in all assignments, revise properly, and do a reasonable job in exams, you will definitely perform well in terms of GPA. If you don’t, you should probably blame yourself, not the Common Core curriculum.

2. “They’re too demanding.”One special thing about Common Core courses is their modes of assessment. Aside from regular essays, tests, and exams, some Common Core courses re-quire students to participate in debates, produce videos, make websites, and design posters. These novel ways of assessment may indeed mean a heavier workload, and students may even have to learn to use unfamiliar software and programmes in order to complete the tasks. However, aren’t these also valuable communication skills in the modern era when information is flow-

ing so rapidly? What’s more, the study load, modes of assessment, and the weighting of each assignment are all clearly laid out in the Common Core Stu-dent Handbook. Even if these new ways of assessment are unreasonable and un-pragmatic, they can easily be improved by a change in the university’s policy. They do not constitute a problem in the nature of the Common Core curriculum, and certainly do not constitute a reason to abolish it.

3. “They’re useless.” This is probably the strongest argument out of the three. Students often com-plain, “I’m an engineering student. Why would I want to learn about the ways to reinterpret classical music in a modern context?” “I’m an arts stu-dent. Why would I need to understand the relationship between statistics and society?” Indeed, if you believe that a university student only needs to possess knowledge of the subject he studies, it’s perfectly okay to abolish the Com-mon Core curriculum. But a university student is much more than that. He should have basic knowledge about history and technology; he should pos-sess a clear analytical mind, and a keen ability to express himself; he should be capable of appreciating beauty and different cultures; and he should un-derstand what’s happening in the world, and be an adult of benefit to soci-ety. These are all things that are often criticised as “impractical”, “useless”, and “unproductive,” but they are in fact basic skills every university student should possess. And the Common Core curriculum offers students exactly that. What’s more, the university currently offers more than 150 Common Core courses, while the vast majority of students only have to study 6 in their entire university life. Students can always choose to only study the courses they consider to be “useful” to them.

Most complaints students have about the Common Core curriculum are not even problems of the curriculum itself, and the remaining problems can easily be solved through a change in the university’s policies. As the Common Core curriculum offers more benefits than harm to students, the university should not abolish it.


康樂秘書 Social Secretary (SS)

蔡穎妍 CHOI Wing In



無疑核心課程的目標皆值得同學追求。問題是:如何完善核心課程?在德國,部分大學鼓勵同學培養跨學科技能 (Cross-functional Competencies)。以德國歷史最悠久的海德堡大學 (University of Heidelberg) 為例,本科生需利用 20 個學分修讀跨學科技能的課程(主修學科需 113 個學分而副修學科則需 35 個學分)。課程需與學科有關,如修讀計算機語言學的同學可透過修讀計算機語言學的外語課程而獲取跨學科技能的學分。除此之外,大學亦視時間管理和跨文化溝通等職業訓練為瑰寶,增設課程教授相關技能。見習生計劃亦被劃入跨學科技能的課程之列。與海德堡大學的課程架構相比,香港大學的核心課程難以達至其目標。若核心課程的內容一成不變,課程的遠大目標只會淪為泡影,既不會為同學帶來裨益,更成為同學在四年大學生涯中的障礙。

While the Common Core Curriculum at HKU has indeed very good objectives to expose students to other disciplines and provide a change for students to build up networks with their counterparts from other faculties, it is observed that the Curriculum in practice has largely failed to achieve its goals and be-comes a burden to students, many of whom only aim for a good grade from the course.

Although students are encouraged to take the courses outside their majors and minors, in reality it is observed that many students take courses which have direct relation to their own scope of studies, where they already obtained competence. Moreover, as the common core courses only offer a short term exposure to students for a semester, this deceases students’ incentive to take the courses seriously, as they do not see a solid benefit from the courses.

The practice of offering such kind of curriculum is not limited to HKU. In Ger-many, students are also encouraged to have some cross-functional competen-cies (“Übergreifende Kompetenzen”, or “ÜK”). Take the oldest university in Germany – University of Heidelberg – as an example, undergraduate students have to take 20 ECTS points from ÜK (as compared to a major which requires 113 ECTS points and a minor 35 ECTS). However, what is demanded from stu-dents are courses which have relation to the subject. For example, a student in computer linguistics can declare ECTS points from a foreign language course specializing in computer linguistics. Besides, career-related courses about time management and inter-cultural communication are also recognized as part of the credits of the competencies. Lastly, internships can also be count-ed in the ÜK credit points.

As compared to the course structure of the University of Heidelberg, the Com-mon Core Curriculum at HKU has to a large extent failed in achieving its aims. It is nothing more than a bubble dream without a good structure and pro-gramme design.


時事秘書 Current Affairs Secretary (CAS)

李顯昇 LEE Hin Sing

立場:贊成 Stance: For



工作量,看的是同學應付課程審核的能力。核心課程提倡以多元的考核方法去評核同學,考核方法包羅萬有,較舊有刻板的考核有趣得多。但多年來,同學認為核心課程的負擔重,卻是以整個大學生涯作考量。同學一般需修讀六個核心課程,大多數同學均希望在三年級前修畢全部核心課程,因此同學在入學首兩年都忙於修讀核心課程,有部分學期甚至要修讀兩至三個核心課程,比主修學科的課程更多,故一二年級生不時會稱自己 “Major CC”。


以上問題均可透過改革核心課程來解決,如減少同學修讀核心課程的學分、將核心課程修改為不計學分課程 (Non-credit bearing courses) 及引入「翻轉課室」(Flipped classroom) 等,但問題卻不止於此,定位不清才是整個核心課程問題的根源。

毋庸置疑,核心課程四大目標對同學甚有裨益,但核心課程是否達至上述目標的唯一途徑?又是否能吸引同學修讀?現有的通識教育科同樣提供各種類型的課程,議題觸及香港足球發展、台灣總統選舉及非洲音樂文化等。課程不計學分之餘,又常邀請校外名人作分享,自然大受同學歡迎。此外,現時部分學系均會提供少量入門課程 (Introductory course) 供同學修讀,一方面同學可接觸其他學科的知識,又可以此為基礎繼續修選相關課程,並主修或副修該學科。相反核心課程則集各大缺點於一身,招惹眾多負評實在理之當然。


When choosing a course, there are usually three major selection criteria in the minds of students: their own interests, workload and the impacts of the course. Negative comments of the common core curriculum are commonly derived therefrom.

Interests come from students’ passion for and curiosity towards a certain field of study. The common core curriculum offers a broad range of over 200 cours-es annually. But if students are interested in a certain subject, why do they not take courses given by the related faculty in the first place? Some faculties pro-vide students with the freedom to choose electives outside the scope of their subject. Hence, students can take courses according to their own interests and even declare majors or minors after careful consideration.

Workload, on the other hand, concerns students’ capacity to meet the re-quirements and expectations of the course. The common core curriculum advocates a multidimensional assessment method, which is way more inter-esting than the traditional one. But for years, students have been thinking that the workload of such courses are too heavy in relation to their years of stud-ies at the university. Usually, they must complete six of the 6-credit common core courses. As most of them wish to complete all the credits before their 3rd year of study, sometimes they have to take 2 to 3 common course courses per semester, a workload which actually exceeds that of their majors or minors. For this reason, some 1st and 2nd year students often call themselves a “com-mon-core major”.


Impacts refers to the knowledge and skills obtained after the studies, which can be beneficial in the workplace. The common core curriculum has long-sighted goals, which hope to expose students not only to the disciplines, but also to the world as a global citizen. But did the content of each course successfully inspire students and offer them a unique experience to achieve the mentioned aims? While some courses invite external guests to come and share their views, or bring students to do site visits, it is a pity that such cours-es are not commonly found in HKU. Most courses are no more than lectures, failing to interest students.

The problems mentioned can be solved by reforming the curriculum in a num-ber of ways, such as reducing the course credits, listing common core courses as non-credit bearing, and introducing flipped classroom. However, the root of the problem is actually the vague positioning of the curriculum.

With no doubt, the curriculum has four goals which are beneficial to students, but are there no other alternatives? Can they actually attract students to take the courses? The existing General Education (GE) programme offers various courses, with topics ranging from the development of local football, the elec-tion of the president of Taiwan to African music culture. Courses are not only non-credit bearing, but they also often invite famous people to share their ideas with students, making the courses wildly popular. Other than that, some of the faculties offer introductory courses, encouraging students to touch upon other disciplines while providing them a basis for studying related fields, and even the option to declare a major or minor in that field of study. On the contrary, the common core curriculum has numerous deficiencies. It is under-standable that the curriculum has received many negative comments.

Therefore, I am in favour of the above motion, and hope that the university will review the necessity of the curriculum.

行政秘書 Administrative Secretary (AS)

黎沅慈 LAI Yuen Chi

立場:反對 Stance: Against

大學的教育模式可粗略分為英式及美式,兩者的其中一個差異是英式大學著重本科課程的專門訓練,奉行專才教育;美式大學則著重研究,並於本科課程採用通才教育,鼓勵學生作全人發展,如紐約市哥倫比亞大學推行 “Core Curriculum”,範圍涵蓋人文、藝術、外語、科學等。香港大學推行「核心課程」,規定學生必須從四個範疇中選修一定數目,以免學生知識受其本科課程所局限,明顯是走向美式通才教育的一步。





The university education can be roughly distinguished into two kinds of sys-tem - the British one and the American one. One of the many differences be-tween the two is that the former stresses more on the professional training of undergraduate programmes. Meanwhile, the latter provides more profession-al training in postgraduate programmes. On the other hand, the American sys-tem puts extra emphasis on liberal arts education and encourages all-round development for undergraduate students. For instance, Columbia University in the City of New York practises a “Core Curriculum” system which covers various aspects like humanities, art, foreign language, science and so on. With the goal of enabling students to develop a broader perspective, the University of Hong Kong has introduced the “Common Core” (CC) Curriculum, which re-quires students to take a certain number of CC courses from four modules. It is obviously a step towards the American university education system.

Other than the implementation of the CC Curriculum, there are in fact other traces showing that HKU is stepping closer and closer towards the American system. HKU started to implement the course credit system in late 1990s and it is fully adopted in the university in 2001. It allows a more flexible choice of courses for students. Besides, many faculties in HKU, for example, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Social Sciences have all started to practice a common admissions scheme. Students are not required to declare their majors and minors, thus they have more freedom to experience different courses. It is clearly shown that different education policies in HKU go hand in hand with one another to achieve the purpose of educating its students to become more all-rounded. The CC Curriculum is with no doubt a key element in the system and I do not see that there is a need to abolish it.

However, it is undoubtedly true that there is still room for discussion for some details of the CC Curriculum. From my observation, HKU students are general-ly not so satisfied with the CC Curriculum. Firstly, they find it hard to enrol in the CC courses they like due to the limited number of places. Secondly, their future study plan may be affected if they cannot enrol in their preferred CC

courses. Thirdly, they may not be interested in the CC courses that they have successfully enrolled in, causing them to receive a low grade. Fourthly, how students choose a CC course may not be based on whether they are interested in the content, but whether its instructor tends to give good grades. This prac-tice greatly blurs the purpose the CC Curriculum.

To conclude, though there is no need to abolish the CC Curriculum, HKU should definitely conduct a detailed consultation to students about the re-quired number, enrolling method and grading method of CC courses, so that the development of the CC Curriculum can be more mature.

體育聯會會長 President of Sports Association (SAP)

梁國通 LEUNG Kwok Tung





The aims of the Common Core Curriculum (CCC) in the University of Hong Kong are to enable students to develop a broader perspective and critical un-derstanding of the current issues in the world, and to enhance their communi-cations with students from other faculties. I think there is not any problem for the starting point of the CCC. The problem that students are not satisfied with the CCC should not be solved by abolishing the CCC.

Many universities from all over the world have set up curriculum like CCC (or equivalent). This shows that the setting up of CCC has its legitimacy. Indeed, most students in the university got their own major studies. And so most of the time they are studying or doing research in a specific field, especially those who are in professional studies such as Medicine, Law or Architecture. These students need to equip themselves with lots of professional knowledge during their four or more year’s studies in the university. Thus they have so little free electives for them to take other courses provided by other faculties. If the CCC is abolished, they will have even fewer chance to get in touch with knowledge in other fields, which is not something encouraged in the university.

I think the current problems of the CCC are its curriculum and the exam sys-tem which bring a lot more workload to students. So the way to solve the problem is not abolishing the CCC but make changes to the curriculum and the exam system to make it more “student-friendly”.

文化聯會會長 President of Cultural Association (CAP)

黃浩揚 WONG Ho Yeung

Dear all councillors,

The aim of common core curriculum is to enlarge students’ knowledge base beyond their academic professions. Education is more than profession-train-ing. Despite the fact that specialization is crucial to economic and social devel-opments especially in the era of globalization, human is not a machine per se. Furthermore, it does not appear better-off necessarily for our society to have more and more machines. Personal development, such as critical thinking, global awareness and so forth, should not be absent in the education system.

To put the context into HKU, I deeply understand that many students are con-cerned about the grading method, rather than the curriculum contents. First of all, they feel unfair when the common core course is not conducted by their faculty. They have to compete with the students from that faculty, who seem such more knowledgeable in that academic field. To put it short, the purpose of the common core courses creates unfair competition among students from different fields. Personally, non-graded common core curriculum is much more preferred to the sledge-hammer abolishment. Students have to “pass” six (There is room for discussion) common core courses within the academic years. If a student gets “fail” in a common core course, he or she has to re-take the course; or take another common core course as replacement. No grading would be conducted.

Some may propose that two common core courses could be graded while the remaining ones would not be graded. However, this approach seems very odd. What is the justification for some are graded while the rest are not grad-ed? Which criteria can be useful in determining the proportion of the graded courses against the non-graded? If we do not have such justified criteria, the proportion is purely based on subjective judgement, just like one hopes to


draw a line here, while the another hopes to draw a line opposite to it. Who can draw the best line? We do not know.

To put it back to the students’ concerns, some students may have difficulty in common core course enrolment. They complain that the lucky students may be enrolled to the courses which adopt easy grading, while the unlucky coun-terparts “suffer”. First of all, that is why I propose non-graded common core curriculum. Secondly, different lectures have different grading standards. This is not unique to common core courses. Lastly, the concern is indeed a supply concern. The concern does not rationalize the abolishment.

Any technical fault can be fixed by fine-tuning. As long as we deem personal development is at least as important as profession-training, core common curriculum should not be abolished.


學社聯會會長 President of Independent Clubs Association (ICAP)

施君陽 SZE Kwun Yeung

立場:反對 Stance: Against


十九世紀牛津學者 John Newman 的《大學的理念》(“The Idea of a Universi-ty”) 指出大學應為博雅教育 (Liberal education) 的提供地,乃對有修養與識見之文化人的「性格模鑄」(Character formation),此一觀點為傳統英式大學提供支持。但隨著社會進步和專業化,大學的理念產生鉅大的變化,特別是受德國大學以研究導向的理念所影響,現今大學的學科分類更為精細。






首先是科目之間協調不足的問題 。核心課程手冊第九頁詳列內容重疊之科目名單,四十六個科目因內容重疊而禁止同學同時選修。此反映科目之間協調不足,致使資源重疊。其次是核心課程範圍的問題。究竟課程的廣度和深度應為如何?很多同學或會認為核心課程內容多為「蜻蜓點水」,未必能對所探討的議題有所禆益。


A university’s curriculum often reflects its virtue and vision. There has long been debates about what virtue and vision a true university should uphold. In particular, one is on whether a university should focus on specialism or on universalism.

The 19th Century Oxford scholar John Newman stated in his famous book “The Idea of a University” that the university should provide liberal education

to students, which cultivates intellectuals and serves as a means of character formation. Following the modernization of society, the virtue of university has been re-shaped by the German style on “developing” new knowledge, which explains the disciplinary division nowadays.

In her centennial past, HKU inherits both British teaching style as well as Ger-man research-base style. The Common Core (CC) curriculum comprises both arts and science disciplines. Students can freely choose courses designed by other faculties, in accordance with their own interests. It aims at widening students’ horizons and provides a wide platform for us to think, to experience the true value of knowledge.

Frankly speaking, it is necessary for students to specialize in particular dis-cipline following the progression of society. However, university education

should not be merely vocational training. An ideal university student should maintain an independent and critical-thinking ability, a heart of pursuing knowledge and wisdom, and a sense of caring.

Some may think that the CC fails to achieve those purposes and therefore needs to be abolished. However, I believe the essence of the problem is not about the curriculum itself, but rather lie in some of the defects in practices.

One is about the lack of coordination among courses. According to page 9 of the student handbook of CC, there is a list of “non-permissible combinations” due to the overlap of issues covered. This reflects the situation that resources are duplicated to provide similar courses. In addition, there is question on the scope of CC courses. Many students might think that some CC courses touch merely on the surface, in which they hardly benefit from the course.

To conclude, I am in opposition to the abolishment of the CC curriculum. Al-though it does include some defects in practice, it truly reflects the missions and visions of this University. I therefore hope the university can evaluate and improve the curriculum constantly and treasure the valuable opportunity in putting an ideal university education model into reality.





Representatives from



體育聯會代表一 Representative of Sports Association I (RSA1)

黃嘉欣 WONG Marcia Ka Yan

Many students always think that Wednesday is a day for “day-off” as they think that Common Core courses are useless and not related to their majors. Also, some of them cannot register their prefer Common Core. Some of them will think that good grade is the only criteria of choosing the common core. Although there are many negative comments of the common core courses, I think the idea of setting up courses were good, like a space for building friend-ships across the faculty and becoming more creative and critical thinking. Yet, the difference between the idea and the mechanism of common core cours-es lead to the unsuccessful of holding the common core courses. The major problem is the students do not treat common core courses seriously as they thought it is an extra course and have nothing to do with their majors or fu-ture. I think the structure of course should be more practical like more chanc-es for students go outsides the classroom and have experiences for the future job experiences. It can archive the original goals for the common core and it can reduce the paper work workload of a student. Although there are some classes that cannot be more practical like philosophy, it can suit most of the courses. Also, in our major, we have learnt how to write essay or do projects, it is not necessary for us to learn in common core course again. It should grasp the chance of learning things that cannot learn in the lesson. Therefore, I do not agree with “The University of Hong Kong shall abolish the Common Core Curriculum”.

有很多學生都會認為星期三不用上課,因為他們認為核心課程很無聊,與他們的專業無關 。此外,有些人不能選擇自己喜歡的共同核心,有些人會選擇核心課程只會因為那一科有好成績。雖然核心課程有許多負面評論,我認同設立課程的原意 ,然而原意和實行之間的差異會導致核心課程出現了很多負評。我認為最主要的問題是學生不覺得核心課程很重要,因為他們認為這只是一個額外要修讀的一個科目,對他們的未來完全沒有幫助。所以我認為課程應該變得更實用,讓學生可以從實習和做義工取經驗,為將來的工作做好準備。這樣不但沒有違反核心課

程的原意, 而且可以減低學生在文字功課的負擔。 雖然有一些科目不能變得更實習例如哲學等, 但是大部份的核心課程能都能夠變得更實用, 加上在自己的專業都會學到如何寫論文,做研習,所以應該用這個機會學一些在平時課堂學不到的東西, 但總括而言,我認為核心課程應該保留,但受教的形式應該改變。

體育聯會代表二 Representative of Sports Association II (RSA2)

張毓鋒 CHEUNG Yuk Fung





Undoubtedly, Common Core courses (CC) can widen our horizons. Yet, I do not think it can achieve its goal effectively. Instead, CC will only increase our burden and provide us the skin-deep knowledge.

We are normally required to take 6 courses, one from each AoI and not more than 2 from any AoI. If students fail to acquire much knowledge from courses


of various Aol, it does nothing to help their growth. For instance, not only does CC squander the time of an arts student who is not interested in mathematics, it also lowers his GPA if he is required to learn something difficult to him such as the probability distribution and central limit theorem.

Some may argue that we cannot deny there are students who are interested in the CC from different perspectives. Yet, we may fail to choose the courses that we are interested in as the CC system is based on first-come-first-served. Some CC related to Buddhism are the cases in point. Many people fail to register the courses but they fail to do so.

All in all, instead of requiring students to learn something they are not inter-ested, we should let them to have a more comprehensive understanding in the subject they are majoring.

文化聯會代表一 Representative of Cultural Association I (RCA1)

楊子豐 YEUNG Chi Fung




I oppose the statement that The University of Hong Kong shall abolish the Common Core Curriculum. Common Core Curriculum define into 4 major aspects – Scientific and Technological Literacy, Humanities, Global Issue, and China: Culture, State and Society; those aspects can definitely widen our schoolmates’ horizon by understanding the knowledge from different fields in our university life.

I am a student from Faculty of Engineering, Common Core Curriculum was encouraged me to explore a brand new dimension of university study, and picked up some interested courses apart from the courses of my major. It helped me to more fully participate as the citizens in global, regional, and local communities. Moreover, the lectures and tutorials of Common Core pro-vide another channel to our schoolmates for meeting the study partners from 10 different faculties in HKU, in order to enlarge social network through Com-mon Core Curriculum.

On the other hand, we have to take total 6 Common Core course in out univer-sity study, I think the number of Common Core course that we have taken can be adjust downward to 4. It can strike the balance between the exposure of new field of knowledge and the study of our own major and programmes.


文化聯會代表二 Representative of Cultural Association II (RCA2)

伍卓然 NG Cheuk Yin






I agree that “The University of Hong Kong shall abolish the Common Core Cur-riculum” for several reasons:

Firstly, the goals of the Common Core Curriculum can be substituted by other means other than enforcing students to fulfill the requirements of the Com-mon Core curriculum. The four goals of the Common Core Curriculum like to enable students to develop a broader perspective and a critical understand-

ing, to cultivate students’ ability to navigate other cultures, to encourage students to participate in global, regional, and local communities and to help students develop the intellectual, collaborative, and communication skills can be achieved through other means like offering exchange programs or having their own curriculum well designed by faculties instead. It need not have a strict curriculum to serve for these goals to students.

Secondly, the current Common Core Curriculum has its limitations. Under the current circumstance, the curriculum is categorized as science, humanities, global issues and China: culture, state and society. However, in practical the courses are designed for the sake of different faculties or departments’ con-venience. The content of the courses is more like a relative simplified version but its skills required may be as difficult as the original course which means students from other faculties are more difficult to follow. Other than this, the current practice forces students to study all four domains but the knowledge they learnt may not be applicable in their own studies. It is a waste for time for students.

Finally, the proportion of the Common Core curriculum is quite high. For most of the students, each student has to fulfill 36 credits requirements in Common Core, which is half of one’s normal discipline’s workload. What the students learnt, however, may not be relevant to the student’s majors. It would be better to abolish the Common Core Curriculum to let students free to choose their interested electives or to pursue a more in-depth study in their own major/minor.

Therefore, I agree that “The University of Hong Kong shall abolish the Com-mon Core Curriculum”.


學社聯會代表一 Representative of Independent Clubs Association I (RICA1)

姚良餘 YAO Leung Yu


核心課程無疑能讓學生接觸不同範疇的知識,遠至科學研究,近至文化價值,的確對學生的全人發展有所幫助。然而,學生於此制度下被迫投入這種所謂博雅,實為強制灌輸資料的知識生產鏈中,不但無法在有限的資源下自主追求心中渴求的學問,還需付出時間應付興趣不大的課堂,事實讓我們看見這或換來偏低的上課出席率,或將課程淪為拉高學分的工具。十九世紀愛爾蘭詩人葉慈曾 (William Butler Yeats) 說:「教育不是注滿一桶水,而且點燃一把火。 」核心課程看似鼓勵學生培養各科知識,實則以制度限制學生接受填鴨式教育,忽略教育其「自覺」的學習精神,未免本末倒置。

香港大學的課綱中,本已留有自由選修學分,讓學生以自身興趣修讀所屬或其他學院的課程,探索更多本科或其他專業知識,尋求心中理想學問。然而,核心課程卻限制了學生自由修讀大學課程的機會。以護理學本科學位為例,36 分非護理學的學分全數被核心課程包攬,學生無法藉著課程預設的空間深造本科醫學知識或其他學院的常規課程,只能透過核心課程中提供的有限科目接觸其他知識,如此浮光掠影的課程設計,真的能夠給予學生真正的學習自由、達致理想的博雅教育嗎 ?

高等教育應該著眼的,是培養學生以課綱中的自由度尋求知識的自覺性,並不應倒行逆施,強加一套以「博學」為名,實則限制學生自由發展和學習的制度於學生身上。香港大學歷來人材輩出,哪一位靠的是大學中強迫學習的制度?他們成功的關鍵,是因為心中有著望追求學問的精神,而這些,並不是透過外加的壓力便能培養的。正如十九世紀德國著名教育家第斯多惠 (Friedrich Adolph Wilhelm Diesterweg) 所說:「教學的藝術不在於傳授本領,而在善於激勵喚醒和鼓舞。 」從學生心中培育他們對學習的熱誠,大學教育著眼之處,應當於此。


University education, the value of which is to let students maintain self-au-tonomy. Except own majors, students can freely take any course they want to explore.

The Common Core curriculum, no wonder, provides students a comprehen-sive platform to learn knowledge in various aspects, including scientific re-search and cultural values. However, the compulsory curriculum is problem-atic, in the sense that students cannot pursue knowledge autonomously with the limited resources provided, but also pay extra effort and time in courses that are not so interested. Empirical evidence shows that the low attendance rate in CC courses reflects the fact that CC serves merely as a means of en-hancing students' grades. The famous 19th century poet William Butler Yeats said: “Education is not only irrigating knowledge to students, but to ignite their heart of study”. The CC seemingly aims at encouraging students to cul-tivate interests in different aspects, but the fact is that it continues to enforce the “spoon-feeding” education via administrative means, and neglects the spirit of “self actualization” of education.

For many curriculums in HKU, there has already been a mechanism of choosing free electives to fulfill respective major requirement. Students can freely choose any courses beyond their own faculties in accordance with their own interests. Nevertheless, CC further restricts such opportunity. Take school of nursing as an example, 36 credits of non-major courses are occupied by CC. Now an ordinary nursing school students can only learn other disciplines through CC curriculum. Can such mere yet inadequate course design really give learning freedom to students, and hence attain the so-called “liberal education”?


The focus of the tertiary education should be cultivating a sense of self-study, rather than restricting students' autonomous. HKU has nurtured many great leaders. The key of their success is that they all maintain a heart of pursuing knowledge endlessly, without external intervention. As what the German ex-pert on education Wilhelm Diesterweg said: “The value of education should not be teaching your talents, but to encourage and motivate.” Encouraging, motivating students' enthusiasm should be the point of university education.

All in all, the Common Core curriculum should be abolished, for it merely em-phasizes the top-down instillation of knowledge to students, while neglects the importance of self-learning among students. I hope the University can re-view the virtue on comprehensive education, and evaluate whether the com-mon core can still achieve such virtue.

學社聯會代表二Representative of Independent Clubs Association II (RICA2)

李妍慧 LI Ann Yin Wai

立場:反對 Stance: Against





總括而言,核心課程帶給同學在主修專業之外作出新嘗試的機會, 背負著一所理想大學的抱負,因此不應被廢除。縱使核心課程在實行上或許仍有美中不足之處,但需要的理應只是再作改善,而非稍有不順便完全廢除整個課程。因此我認為校方可以多聆聽教職員和同學的意見,讓核心課程的願景得以順利實踐


After the implementation of the 4-year cohort, apart form providing additional professional trainings, the University has put even greater emphasis on holis-tic education, leading to the appearance of HKU Common Core Curriculum. The Curriculum is divided into the following four areas of inquiry, Scientific and Technological Literacy, Humanities, Global Issues, and China: Culture, State and Society. Besides enabling students to develop a broader perspective of topics, exploring beyond their major disciplinary fields of study, Common Core, incorporated with a diversity of themes relating to our everyday lives, conduces intellectual exchange and ideological integration among students from different faculties.

The good intentions leading to the design of Common Core Curriculum is be-yond doubt, but how these ideals should be put into practice and execution is still open to question.

First and foremost, the variations in assessment criteria of the Common Core courses may leave students at a loss as to how to strike a balance between their interests and desired workload and grades. Since the ultimate goal of the Curriculum is to encourage academic exposure, there should not be too large of a gap among the assessment standards of its courses which may result in unfairness, and the undesirable situation in which students enroll in Common Core courses mostly according to practical considerations instead of their gen-uine intellectual curiosity.

All in all, Common Core Curriculum should not be abolished. Even that its implementation has yet to be perfected, it is still worth preserving, because in enabling students to be exposed to a wider variety of previously unfamiliar topics, the Curriculum is in fact embedded with the academic vision of an ide-al university. I believe that as long as the school consults more on the views of staff and students, the Curriculum will one day fully live up to its design objec-tive to maximize students’ benefits from university education.


Hall Students’ Association



康寧堂學生會代表Representative of Hornell Hall Students’ Association (HHR)

高翔 KO Cheung


綜觀本地各間大學,他們都有類似的核心課程,需要同學選修才可以畢業。課程的目標亦都十分相近,旨在擴闊同學的眼界,選修和本科不同的課程,多元化發展,訓練同學的批判性思考。課程的宗旨是十分理想,但由過往三年制必修兩個核心課程,增加至現在四年制的六個,數量未免太多。課程數量的增加, 並不一定意味更好的學習效果,反而適得其反。

正如我剛才所提到,核心課程是為了訓練同學本科以外的思考與發展。適量的課程數量的確能擴闊眼界,啟發思維的作用,然而, 若必修核心課程數量過多, 則有喧賓奪主的反效果。核心課程過多,容易使同學無法專注主修學科。現時副修學分的最少要求,正正是三十六個學分。而核心課程耗用的學分,使同學無法選修個別課程。 訓練同學本科以外的思維固然重要,但因此使同學無法專注自己興趣的課程,難免令人感到本末倒置。

故此本人認為核心課程應該修訂,可從數量上減少核心課程,或選修課程與核心課程學分互換, 使核心課程的學分能夠轉移在選修課程上。

The common core curriculum has been launched for several years. Students have different ideas on it. I believe it is the time for the university to have a review.

Local universities have similar curriculum with HKU. They share similar objec-tives, like broadening the horizons of students through courses across disci-pline, multicultural development, developing critical thinking, etc. Students are required to complete it for their graduation. The objective will be perfect if it is achieved. But the workload may be too high, as the requirement changed

from 2 common core courses in 3-year curriculum to 6 in 4-year curriculum. The increase of amount of work does not necessarily lead to good outcome. It can be worse.

The main goal of common core should be developing students thinking be-sides their major. It will be truly inspiring given appropriate workload. How-ever, too much common core will even worsen your major. The minimum requirement for minoring is 36 credits, which is exactly the same as common core. Learning beyond your chosen disciplinary fields of study is important. But we should not ignore our major and minor subjects.

Therefore, I believe the common core curriculum should be amended, so that the number of common core could be reduced or the credits of the common core can be counted in the major or minor.

李志雄紀念堂學生會代表Representative of Lee Chi Hung Hall Students’ Association (LCHHR)

鄭皓軒 CHENG Hao Xuan

I support today’s motion.

Before articulating my views on whether to abolish Common core courses or not, let’s review why Common core courses are set up in the first place.Ac-cording to the website of HKU, Common Core Curriculum is designed to help you see connections across history, culture, 1knowledge and to experience more.

But, are common core courses as good as it sounds like?


Common core courses are claimed to be different from the normal courses undergraduates are taking. However, the differences between two are not as big as we thought. Field trips, tutorials, group projects, these elements are in-cluded in a majority of courses offered by HKU.

There are also lots of restrictions of common core courses. First of all, students cannot take more than one subjects from the same AOIs. Secondly, most courses are of very limited vacancies and will be filled up immediately after the add/drop period started

Besides, common core courses are quite time consuming. Students have to take 6 common core courses in total which accounts for up to 15% of the total credits of an undergraduate.

From my point of view, there are a lot of ways to let students experience more . For instance, a student from faculty of science can take Japanese courses from faculty of art as their electives. And there are many exchange programmes, extra-curricular activities, programmes from CEDARS, UNI-Sports Adventure Programme organized by Institute of Human Performance. Common core courses aims to let students to have more exposure in different backgrounds. However , I do think that it kind of limited students exposure. Without com-mon core courses, students could have more time to experience different kinds of life within or outside the university, like a part time job, or joining the programmes that I have just mentioned. More importantly, I strongly doubt the influence of common core courses. Therefore, I support today’s motion, to abolish common core courses.








利希慎堂學生會代表 Representative of Lee Hysan Hall Students’ Association (LHHR)

陳希朗 CHAN Hei Long


核心課程由十個學院提供,針對人類共通議題設計,涉獵政經社文環等不同範疇,寬廣地為學生打開不同領域的知識連結。按現時課綱,核心課程所佔百分比較自由選修課為低,四年共讀三十六學分,實乃綽綽有餘。雖有規定學生必須在各四大範疇修讀至少一個核心課程,亦不足影響其龐大的選科彈性。成效而言,則於學生的能力及學習環境等而有所差異,未能一概而論。惟港大一直依循 SETL 及SLEQ 為參照,每兩年從整檢修一次,並頻密收集同學意見,適時調節,量體裁衣。




Common Core Curriculum is a newly established structure designed by the University of Hong Kong in light of the educational reform in Hong Kong, which occupies 15% of total required credits. We should first review the cur-rent curriculum and credits required and its effectiveness superficially, and its existence and transformation of Universities’ educational concepts in-depth before we take stance on the motion.

Ten faculties, focusing on different aspects and common issues faced, desig-nate Common Core Curriculum, which provides an opportunity for students to study in different fields. Common Core Curriculum, bears 36 credits in 4 years, actually occupies a lower percentage than free electives. It doesn’t affect the elasticity in choosing subjects even it is required that we must study at least 1 course in each AoI. I am not able to comment on the effectiveness of Common Core Curriculum due to the difference of the ability of each student and their learning environment. Nevertheless, HKU has been collecting students’ opin-ions from SETL and SLEQ and evaluating the whole system on a two-years ba-sis. The Common Core Curriculum Committee will make changes according to students’ opinions in a bid to lift up to students’ expectations.

The goal of Common Core Curriculum is a cliché yet the effectiveness is left to be experienced by all of us. In fact, the Common Core Curriculum opens up not just the same study ground for the ten faculties’ students, but also the ed-ucational concept of HKU. It is not uncommon to see students from different faculties form study groups and investigate on the same issue. This is exactly an analogue to the actual situation of our society - it is necessary for different professions to work together to build a better society. It is a lack of breadth of knowledge if we just focus on certain degree’s knowledge for 4 years. Under the current economic globalization and knowledge-based economy in Hong Kong, it is definitely necessary for students to learn knowledge from different aspects. Thus, I believe that the establishment of Common Core Curriculum is to provide knowledge in different aspects to students before they enter their own professional field.


In pursuit of knowledge is one of the core values of University. None of us should be satisfied with the pursuit of knowledge in our own degree. A com-prehensive university should be able to connect every student with knowl-edge. If students’ don’t have the same study field, it will split the University in long term. Common Core Curriculum is appropriately a good system to draw all students to the same study ground, which enables students to dis-cuss on the same issue.

The Common Core Curriculum embodies the educational concept of the Uni-versity. Regardless of the practical problems encountered, it is beyond dispute that we, teachers and students, should join hands to improve the whole cur-riculum in a bid to benefit more students in HKU.

何東夫人紀念堂宿生會代表Representative of Lady Ho Tung Hall Students’ Association (LHTHR)

陳嘉穎 CHAN Ka Wing


首先,核心課程提高了香港大學學生的視野。 世界變得一體化是無用置疑的事實。學生關心的不應只是本地的事,還有國際大事。學生能透過核心課程有關科技、人文、國際和中國的範疇更加了解全球化的世界。



I oppose the motion with the following reasons.

To commence with, the Common Core Curriculum does provide HKU students with broader horizons. It is no doubt that our world is gradually become more and more globalized. Students shall not only focus on local issues, but also the international one. Scientific, humanities, global and China related topics are all bases for teenagers to gain greater exposure to the globalized world.

Common Core Curriculum also provides a platform for students to have a bet-ter adaptation to the workplace in the future. The Common Core Curriculum does actually act as a cross disciplinary channel for undergraduate students, given that they may also face fields they are not familiar with and need to work with people from different streams of professional in the workplace in the future.

Not only is the Common Core Curriculum provide students with horizons in the globalized world as well as workplace, it also helps bridge the gap be-tween secondary and university studies, assisting freshmen in getting use to the mode of teaching in the university. The assessment methods, which divert from written report, debate and to model united nations conference, are good ways to train up students with various skills apart from their major studies.


李兆基堂宿生會代表Representative of Lee Shau Kee Hall Students’ Association (LSKHR)

王馨怡 WONG Hing Yi





The introduction of Common Core Curriculum has become a controversial issue within the university since its full launch. In my opinion, despite the fact that there are plenty of rooms for improvement within the curriculum, it is worth being included in the broad curriculum instead of being abolished.

Ideally, Common Core Curriculum encourages students to pursue learning goals, which favors students and the learning atmosphere within the uni-versity. The objectives of the Common Core Curriculum are alike to those of General Education, which aims to cultivate local and global citizens as well as to train students’ critical thinking skills. Students can study beyond their own disciplines according to their own interest by picking up courses from a large variety of choices from different domains. Under the exposure to differ-ent contemporary issues, students are encouraged to think out of the box and contemplate over their multiple roles, thus advocating them to utilize their knowledge for the sake of the society.

Apparently, many students are concerned with the extra workloads brought by the Common Core Courses, but in fact the cause of the problem is not due to the curriculum, it is majorly due to the implementation of the new curriculum. Under the current system, Common Core courses are credit-bearing, which makes up maximally 36 credits out of 240 credits of the whole curriculum. Stu-dents need to pay effort in the assessments since they are accounted for the grades, this measurement turns the Common Core Curriculum from learning goals oriented to performance goals oriented that students only sign up for courses with good grade, rather than picking up courses in accordance with their interest.To conclude, though there is much to do with the implementa-tion of the curriculum, such as reconsidering whether it should be credit-bear-ing or the flexibility of the credits on Common Core courses, it helps estab-lishing positive learning atmosphere within the campus if it is implemented properly. Thus, I am opposed to abolishing Common Core Curriculum.


馬禮遜堂宿生會代表Representative of Morrison Hall Students’ Association (MHR)

蕭震華 SIU Chun Wa





Before commencing the discussion of this topic, we have to clarify the reason of setting up Common Core Curriculum, abbreviated as CCC. There are four major goals of CCC for students under the new 3-3-4 scheme, first is to allow students to develop critical thinking skills and broaden their horizons, so as to discover and understand the connections existed in their daily lives. Second, is to expose students’ ability into different socio-cultural context and develop skills in comparing and contrasting their own culture with others. What’s more, it raises students’ awareness of the identity of a global, regional, as well

as a local citizen. Lastly, it enables and enhances collaboration and commu-nication, which are widely useful in their disciplinary study and more impor-tantly, their lives. This commonplace practice is similar to General Education or Liberal Art Education in other universities.

Common Core Curriculum for the University of Hong Kong is a valuable chance for students to catch a glimpse of different aspects. The nature of CCC is not equipping students with professional standard in those aspects, and as a result of this, there is a greater capacity for CCC to develop students’ critical thinking skills. For instance, some CCC coordinated by School of Philosophy can make use heated current affairs for discussion and debates. In the mean-time, Arts students can explore the history and worldview of science by en-rolling themselves in CCC coordinated by the Faculty of Science. They could discuss the development of nuclear power or the application of renewable energy, which broadens their horizons.

Free elective course is also a choice for students to get the knowledge of differ-ent aspects. However, contradictory to CCC courses, most of the free elective courses available for enrolment are closely related to students’ disciplinary studies, as they aim to acquire students with the professional or specialized knowledge. It is nearly inevitable to have a limited flexibility in course design. Moreover, the way of assessment of those courses is different to CCC course. In other words, CCC and traditional course are complementary.

Concerning the nature of CCC and the feedbacks from students, there is no ground for the cancellation of CCC in the coming future. It is undeniable that flaws of CCC exists, as this is newly established in HKU. Indeed, there are opin-ions of study load and difficulty of particular CCC course. However, what we should do is to think of ways to improve the quality of content of CCC, as well as to modify the study load of CCC by amending its study hours and the num-ber of CCC required. These could be well achieved by continued opinion col-lection and reflection; we should not fall into the trap of nirvana fallacy, which puts off a desirable policy by a slight risk. All in all, common core curriculum should be preserved.


利銘澤堂宿生會代表Representative of R. C. Lee Hall Students’ Association (RCLHR)

薛祈安 SIT Ki On




When it comes to the problem of whether or not to abolish the Common Core Curriculum, we must consider the suitability of the matter. Regarding the cur-rent situation of the HKU Common Core Curriculum, I think that it does pro-vide benefits for the individual, the university even the society, so I am against abolishing it. Of course, there are alleged problems regarding the curriculum, including the low attendance rate, vague examination scope and the mini-mum required courses and credits. However, these problems are largely tech-nical and do not contradict with the original ideology behind the Common Core Curriculum.

First and foremost, the content of the curriculum includes 4 main domains. They are the humanities, scientific issues, Chinese culture, and Global topics - all are vital to a university student’s studies. We can broaden our knowledge due to the vast span of the topics offered by these courses. Moreover, some Common Core courses related to history and philosophy can further open up our eyes, building up our critical thinking abilities. At the same time, there is a notion that current university students only focus on courses related to their major. Students are notoriously famous for being products made from an assembly line, made to suit societal needs only. However, the Common Core Curriculum can introduce students to other academic subjects. Through these courses, they can change the public’s perception of university students, making the public believe that university students can learn broadly and ac-tively in an effort to provide positive change to our society.

All in all, the Common Core Curriculum may not have direct benefits to stu-dents’ majors, but it can bring much upside for a student’s spiritual devel-opment. Such intangibles include building up individual thinking, fostering creativity or understanding global topics, which are immaterial yet meaningful qualities. As for the above-mentioned problems such as the low attendance rate or vague teaching methods, these are only practical problems. If we are under the impression that the Common Core Curriculum does have a saving grace, we should actively think of ways to solve these problems immediately rather than just abolish the Common Core Curriculum entirely.


利瑪竇宿舍宿生會代表 Representative of Ricci Hall Students’ Association (RHR)

李彥衡 LEE Yin Hang Jeffrey

核心課程的原意為讓同學擴闊自己的知識層面,涉獵所屬學科以外的學問,並與日常生活裡加以應用。然而,現行核心課程的運作模式卻未能帶來此功效,更淪為同學「拉 grade」之工具。 因此,本人認為香港大學應廢除核心課程。

讓同學涉獵更多範疇的學問當然百利而無一害,但前提是同學擁有足夠的自由度選擇自己感興趣的課程修讀。儘管核心課程提供了四大範疇的內容讓同學選擇,同學的興趣卻絕不僅如此。另外,大部分同學在考慮選擇什麼課程時,總是將課程是否「好grade」作為優先考量因素,令核心課程的本意未能彰顯。或許,如果大學不將核心課程的分數撥入 GPA 計算,才可以讓同學根據自己的興趣選修科目。


The primary goal of the common core curriculum in HKU is to allow students develop a broader knowledge base for real life application. Yet, the current situation in the University reflects that this program is not running effectively, while common core courses are always regarded by students as tools for im-proving their GPA, instead of an opportunity to learn from wider perspectives. Therefore, I do agree that the University of Hong Kong shall abandon the com-mon core curriculum, and allow students to have the freedom to utilise the credits for courses from fields they are interested in.

It is always important for students to gain knowledge from a wide range of aspects, yet it is also vital that students have the freedom to pick what they want to learn. Despite the common core system allows us to choose courses from 4 categories, students often fail to choose courses they are interested

in from the given choices. Even they do, to succeed in selecting popular CC courses requires quite some luck due to keen competition. Another pity is that CC courses become popular usually not because of its interesting content, but the good grades distributed by the professors. The situation might get better if the University introduces the CC curriculum without counting the scores in GPA calculation.

To broaden students’ knowledge base, another suggestion is that the credits from abandoning the common core curriculum can be transferred to free elec-tives, while the courses originally available in the CC curriculum can be kept in free elective choices. Students cannot spend all the free elective credits to choose courses from their own discipline, such that on one hand we can gain knowledge from a variety of aspects, and on the other hand the freedom of choice of students can be secured.

孫志新堂宿生會代表Representative of Suen Chi Sun Hall Students’ Association (SCSHR)

吳欣怡 NG Yan Yee Dorothy






Before discussing whether or not the Common Core Curriculum (CCC) is to be rescinded, let us look into its significance. To me, the most special part about CCC is that it enables students to step out of our own curriculum and explore knowledge of other fields. We can also meet schoolmates from different facul-ties, which enlarges our social circle.

So how is students' attitude towards the curriculum? Some said CC is used to improve their GPA, while some said the opposite. Yet more commonly heard is that CC assessments consume loads of time in addition to the heavy workload from their own curriculum. Apparently, the aforementioned showed us that CCC does not work well in current situation, but is abolishment the best solution?

In HKU where plentiful resources are provided with, it would more than a pity if university students can only stick in their own subject. Personally, I would suggest improvement to CCC system be made. Examples include reducing credits bore by each course and lowering proportion of examinations and assignments. The aim of CCC is to broaden our horizon and that is why we should make students focus on the content of course for ideas exchange and inspirations instead of grades. What's more, under the twisted education sys-tem in Hong Kong, students often overlook the happiness of learning as they simply engross in getting a higher GPA. Begin with Common Core Curriculum, it could be a way out to lessen students’ stress by focusing more on quality, instead of quantity.

聖約翰學院學生會代表 Representative of St. John’s College Students’ Association (SJCR)

劉卓琳 LAU Cheuk Lam Jocelyn






When observing the institutions around the globe providing higher education, we can see that most has the vision to nurture the youth and help them find their life goals in preparation for contributing back to the society in the future. The University of Hong Kong’s mission for example is to produce excellent graduates who will take up important leading roles in their professional sec-tors in later life. In order to be real leaders in this knowledge-based society, professional knowledge in one particular field is no longer the only criteria, but only to be equipped with the skills of being able to communicate with people of different ethnicity and backgrounds and with the broad knowledge of the world can make one a successful leader. Therefore, I think that the Com-mon Core Curriculum should not be abolished, but the way that it is carried out should be revised so that the students of HKU can benefit from it largely.

Firstly, the Common Core Curriculum can increase HKU students’ exposure to different areas of study. HKU’s Common Core courses are divided into four areas, namely Scientific and Technological Literacy, Humanities, Global Issues and China: Culture, State and Society. All students from different pro-grammes in the university needs to study three to six courses according to their programmes’ requirement. As having a global vision, having knowledge in human history and establishing good moral values are virtures that an ideal university student should possess, studying the courses in the Common Core can serve as a start for them to have a glimpse at the different viewpoints and issues happening around them, then gradually being able to establish their own views.

Taking reference from the other universities in Hong Kong and those around the world, there are many other institutions that provide general and broad education to undergraduates, with the aim of letting them get the taste of dif-ferent knowledge across various disciplines step by step, but not to stuff them up with prescribed knowledge within a short period of time. This should be what general education truly means. From this we can see that many other universities do put emphasis on giving their students general education. On the other hand, it is observable that some students in HKU do not have a deep

understanding of the current affairs occurring at the moment, and thus do not possess a complete and mature set of moral values concerning the issues hap-pening around them. As a result, as one of the top universities in the world, it becomes more important for HKU to continue to lead in the academic filed by using general education to equip students to become all-rounded leaders with global vision, under its vision of nurturing the leaders of society of the next generation.

Although there is still plenty of room of improvement for the execution of the Common Core Curriculum, like whether or not it should be treated as compul-sory courses and be counted for credits, or should students choose them for their own interests and pursuit of knowledge, or even should the mechanism for choosing courses be modified etc., I think these can be solved and revised after thorough investigation and discussion. However, I strongly believe that the Common Core Curriculum is fundamental to university education, and thus should not be abolished.


李國賢堂學生會代表 Representative of Simon K. Y. Lee Hall Students’ Association (SKYLHR)

楊定康 YEUNG Ting Hong

I am against the motion. I will show you today on the side Opposition with the following three points.

1. Broadening students’ horizon

Having been recognized as the educated in the society, university students are being equipped with diverse, rich and professional knowledge in the tertiary education. Common Core courses help achieve this goal with their three char-acteristics.

First, four streams are covered by 125 Common Core courses. The diversity ex-tends from life issues like impacts of smoking and coffee, to investigating mor-als and philosophies of different peoples. Second, Common Core courses do not presume students come with relevant knowledge background. Teaching will be adjusted to deliver basic knowledge before building up advanced one. Third, students cannot only focus on a particular stream. It is required to study all four streams in order to graduate.

All these characteristics allow students to develop a broad sense of knowledge according to their interest. Without Common Core courses, HKU students will be equipped nothing but their own area of study only. One of the tertiary edu-cation goals will be omitted.

2. Enhancing students’ critical thinking

Richard Charles Levin, the 22nd President of Yale University, devoted to nur-turing future leaders. To Levin, general education and enhancing students’ critical thinking are the core of university education, setting foundation for

lifelong study. Some educators even deem critical thinking a stepping-stone before encountering things. It can make one’s viewpoints and judgement clear and conscious. It helps make one deliver a sensible point, empowering the speech. It untangles one’s messy mind. It exposes fallacies. It takes away irrelevant issues. It helps you convince others to take up any job. It allows you to master with ease any fields of study. Common Core courses provide a platform for students from different faculties via small classes, group discus-sion and exhibitions, which highly involves cooperation and communication between students from different backgrounds. Multi-facets analysis can be performed on one issue. During discussion of coffee culture, Chinese med-icine, Western medicine, tradition, self-identity and business angles can be employed. Students can benefit from deep and broad ideas.

3. Extending students’ network

Through devoting time to Common Core courses, students can meet their classmates from different fields of study and professionals. Extended network paves path for students in their career.

All in all, Common Core courses are essential. It helps achieve university edu-cation goals, and therefore today I am against the motion.








前任耶魯大學校長,理查德 · 萊文 (Richard Charles Levin),耶魯致力於領袖人物的培養。在萊文看來,大學教育的核心是通識,是培養學生批判性獨立思考的能力,併為終身學習打下基礎。而且有教育學者認為擁有批判性思維是每人做事的踏腳石,批判性思維,能使一個人的觀點和判斷有清醒和自覺的認識,能令人闡明觀點時有道理,表達時有說服力,鼓動時有力量。能令人解開思緒的亂麻,識破似是而非的詭辯,撇開無關的細節,能讓人信服地勝任任何職位,駕輕就熟地精通任何學科。核心課程是一個不同學院學生聚集的平台,透過每星期的小班教學、小組討論、小組形式制作展覽等富溝通合作性的課業讓擁有不同專業知識的學生互相交流,針對同一議題上進行多角度分析,例如討論飲咖啡文化,你可以從中醫、西醫、傳統文化、身份認同、商業等等角度探討,讓學生於其中學習發展更深入和全面的見解。




施德堂學生會代表Representative of Starr Hall Students’ Association (STHR) ( 法定觀察員 Official Observer)

黃融 WONG Yung






Owing to the introduction of Common Core Curriculum, university education is more comprehensive. Students are required to take courses from each of the four Areas of Inquiry, namely Scientific and Technological Literacy, Hu-manities, Global Issues, and China: Culture, State and Society. As such, stu-dents would go beyond their study major and explore other relatively distant academic fields. Given the requirements, students are still entitled the right to choose courses from each Areas of Inquiry based on personal interest, so as to keep them motivated and explore further than their scope of interest in various academic fields. A university student is demanded to know far beyond their specialized field.

The HKU Common Core Curriculum is an essential part of providing a space to build friendships across all the Faculties, enhancing creative and critical think-ing, and addressing complex questions of the contemporary world. The idea of the Common Core Curriculum is out of good intention and I am in favor of its introduction in the University. However, regarding the practical details on implementation, voices of dissatisfaction from the students are noticeable and worth our reflection.

Judging from the aims of the Common Core Curriculum, it is undeniably a right move to introduce it in the University. Having said that, there is necessity for the University to review the curriculum and evaluate whether it is able to achieve its ideal. The first point to ponder is whether the course should cover relatively advanced and technical, or fundamental and applicable knowl-edge. A relevant question is whether the aim of the curriculum is to dig deep into the topic or introduce basic knowledge and encourage students’ further self-initiated research on the topic. A wide range of course option is available to encourage students to take courses based on their own interest, so as to motivate their learning and enable them to attain the most out of the curricu-lum. However, due to lack of common standards in course design, in terms of level of difficulty, workload or strictness in grading, students are largely side-tracked by the abovementioned factor in course-taking. Variation in course design is not a problem. However, it should be addressed if the variation is too

large and concerning the issue of fairness. The University should address their insecurity and concern towards the unfairness in calculating course grade, to encourage students to primarily follow their interest. For example, narrow down these variations, by introducing standards to course design, or exempt courses from accounting to GPA but simply count pass or fail.

In conclusion, although the Common Core Curriculum should not be abol-ished, there is still room for improvement before the maximum learning effect can be attained out of the curriculum.

註:法定觀察員不具投票權。P.S.: Official Observer does not have voting rights.

太古堂宿生會代表Representative of Swire Hall Students’ Association (SWHR)

李綽瑤 LEE Cheuk Yiu






To consider whether Common Core Curriculum in the University of Hong Kong shall be abolished or not, I think there are mainly two approaches. The first one would be considering the usefulness of Common Core Curriculum and their burden to study of students in terms of utility, while the other approach would be prioritizing the pursuance of knowledge by broadening of learning horizon of students and facilitate exchanges between students from different faculties. To me, I think a university should adopt the later approach for the sake of students as a university should act in a way best for students’ learning interest and provide the best platform for students to learn as a tertiary edu-cation institution.

To further explains on how Common Core Curriculum can broaden students’ learning horizon, Common Core Curriculum includes courses specialized in different professional areas and it is compulsory for each student to take one course from each of the four domains. This ensures students have chances to learn about knowledge outside their field of study.

On the other hand, each course would consist of students from various facul-ties, departments or having different majors and minors. Provided that many of the Common Core Curriculum courses not just consist of lecture but also many group work like group project or group debate, the process of allowing students from different disciplines enables them to look at the same thing from different angles. This helps students to achieve a higher level in learning.

To conclude, I disagree that the University of Hong Kong shall abolish the Common Core Curriculum due to its immense value for students’ learning.

大學堂宿生會代表 Representative of University Hall Students’ Association (UHR)

劉智恆 LAU Chi Hang

立場:反對 Stance: Against






Tracing the aims or purposes of the common core curriculum,it is to culti-vate creativity; and to equip students with the ability to confront every day's social issues. In my humble opinion, the answer of the motion rests on wheth-er the Common Core Curriculum can achieve its aims and purposes. Although there are rooms for improvement in the curriculum, we shall not abolish the Common Core Curriculum due to the reasons highlighted in the following paragraphs.

With various themes and topics, the Common Core Curriculum can broaden students' horizon and provide them with adequate resources. Ideas come from experience and knowledge. The resources, in other words,the knowl-edge, that are accumulated through common core courses can therefore ap-plied to create new ideas. Also, under the current teaching structure, students may have less contact with these specifics realms. Meanwhile,the double-de-greed students are also difficult to take the courses other than their prereq-uisite courses due to the limitation of credits. The establishment of Common Core Curriculum allows students to be exposed to different fields and disci-plines. Together with the application of what they have learnt in the curricu-lum, students can nurture their creativity.

Some may argue that although the knowledge base can be enriched, the ap-plication of the knowledge in daily lives remains a question. “The Doctrine of the Mean” states, “to acquire, to question, to meditate, to distinguish, to act out.” The process of learning takes steps. Although we cannot ensure that stu-dents can utilise and apply what they have learnt immediately, these courses help and encourage students to take the first and significant step to start ac-cumulating resources they need in the challenging future.

All in all, although the Common Core curriculum cannot fully achieve its aim, the students can still benefit from the knowledge acquired in the cur-riculum. Thus, the University of Hong Kong shall not abolish the Common Core Curriculum.

偉倫堂學生會代表 Representative of Wei Lun Hall Students’ Association (WLHR)

馬嘉穎 MA Ka Wing Vanessa

The Common Core curriculum should be abolished because it has no substan-tial difference from normal courses, and it is an unnecessary burden to a stu-dents’ academic workload. The Common Core curriculum fails to make a distinction between itself and the regular curriculum. The Common Core curriculum claims its special fea-ture would be its “diverse modes of assessments”, such as fieldtrips or jour-nal writing, which aims to equip students with different skills such as critical understanding and thinking from a broader perspective. However, not all Common Core courses have such a wide array of assessment methods, with most of them simply retaining methods such as the traditional quiz, exam-ination and weekly tutorial lessons. It is evident to see that the common core lesson is no different from a regular one and does not particularly provide an alternative education to students.

Furthermore, the mandatory nature of the Common Core curriculum poses an unneeded amount of workload on students and lowers their freedom to study what they choose. In is understandable that students must choose courses from the four aspects of common core in order to expose them to different fields of study. However, the beauty of a university education as opposed to primary or secondary education is that students receive a more specialized schooling and are given a higher degree of freedom to decide what they study. Instead of spending time studying something they aren’t interest in, the Common Core credits should be exchanged for more free electives so that stu-dents can explore new subjects if they want to, or deepen their understanding of a subject they are already interested in.


There is no doubt that the Common Core curriculum aims to benefit students, however, it fails to show how it differs from the regular curriculum. Therefore, the motion must stand.







Faculty Society



建築學會代表 Representative of Architectural Society (ASR)

蔡子軒 CHOY Tsz Hin




Before discussing whether or not we should abolish the Common Core Curric-ulum in the University, we need first to consider the intention behind the pro-gramme itself. For there is no purpose for the common core to exist, should it fail in ascertaining the importance of its role and purpose within the University.

According to the principles of our University’s Common Core Curriculum, its purpose are as follows: to widen the horizons of the students, to train their critical thinking, and to build a link between the academia and the society. We have always labelled those who receive university education as the “Intellec-tuals”, and while we may hold different opinions as to the purpose of univer-sity education, there should be little opposition to the notion that university education is meant to train an individual to be assertive and critical, in order to contribute greater to the society than other people.

Ideally, the Common Core Curriculum has a certain fixed value in university education. From an operational point of view, the common core establishes its role in the curriculum, is that it can explore academic topics in such a way that it encourages more critical thinking, and to establish a stronger link between the academia and the society. One need only to look at the course objectives of the Common Core Curriculum, and would realize that the purpose of the courses is not to increase students’ knowledge in that academic field. Rather, the objectives are often oriented around philosophy, ideologies and universal values, etc. Some courses even openly discuss matters such as life & death, democracy and the rule of law, etc. Some courses may not have a concise title, but it may offer an overview to global insight to personal values. Comparing the common core with free electives offered by the faculties, there is an indis-putable difference in that the electives focus far more on academic discussion and knowledge.

Although the Common Core Curriculum has more than secured its role in the University from its achievements above, it has added additional troubles to students. Problems such as failing to register their desired courses, lower grades from additional workload, have arisen through the past few years.


Are these problems intrinsic in the Common Core Curriculum? Or is it a matter of operational oversight and the attitude of the students towards the common core? Looking from past statistics we can observe that the number of students for different Common Core Curriculums varied widely. These figures, comple-mented by observations on online forums, lead us to consider the possibility that some courses have attracted large amount of students over the years due to higher past grades, or low workload. The situation is understandable, and yet should the students’ hold such utilitarian motivations of taking these courses, it would be against the intention of the Common Core Curriculum. For this will result in students failing to register for their desired courses, or forcing them to trade a desired course for better grades.

What we here should all consider, is why do we take a Common Core Curric-ulum? Irrefutably, the university must take into its own hands the technical problems or small quota of the courses. Yet are we, the students, unable to re-solve the real issues at hand? What exactly is the attitude we hold towards the Common Core Curriculum? What the Common Core Curriculum need now is a surgical revision, not abolishment.

文學院學生會代表 Representative of Arts Association (AAR)

葉子成 YIP Tsz Shing

立場:反對 Stance: Against


隨着大學教育擴展,校方有足夠空間在主修科外開設核心課程以推動港大同學的全人發展。往昔根據 1988 年教育委員會編制第三號報告書,本科課程被統一至只有三年;可見本科課程因受限於時間與學分問題而未能廣泛開設跨學科的課程。時移世易,在新學制之下,本科課程之修讀年期延長至四年,因而使校方有足夠空間開設核心課程,改善以往大學教育有欠全面的流弊 。因此,香港大學不應廢除核心課程。


維多利亞時代著名教育家紐曼 (John Henry Newman) 在其著作《大學的理想》(“The Ideal of a University”) 曾解釋和論述大學教育的重點:「大學教育旨在訓練批判性思維,以傳授知識、培養理性為己任……大學教育亦應提供普遍和完整的知識,而非狹隘的專業知識。 」


除此之外,世界各地不少著名大學均有開設跨學科課程,令學生瞭解學科之間的關係。例如在普林斯頓大學,文學院的學生必須修讀科學和定性推理課程,而工程和應用科學學院的學生則必需修讀至少七個人文社會科學課程,包括:社會和歷史分析丶文學藝術丶倫理思想丶道德觀念和外語等。再者,以研究應用科技工程而聞名的麻省理工學院,亦把人文、藝術、社會科學和體育發展等科目納入課程設計和教學大綱之中。由此可見,學科與學科之間的關係密不可分,當中的融合乃大勢所趨,亦能彰顯全人教育之精神 。


縱觀以上論點,本人反對香港大學應廢除核心課程。為促進同學的多元發展,校方亦應繼續將核心課程列為必修項目。然而,核心課程制度流弊眾多,本人認為校方需重新審視現時核心課程的規劃,務求對症下藥,以完善此立意甚佳之制度 。


為 提 高 同 學 對 課 堂 活 動 的 參 與, 本 人 認 為 把 核 心 課 程 改 革 為 非 學 分 課 程 (Non-credit bearing courses) 的看法未必能達至以上效果,因其無法提供合適誘因予同學學習。此舉有可能會進一步減低同學學習的動力。



在探索範疇加入本土研究課程能直接連繫到你我的日常生活,除了能培養同學在日常生活中析毫剖釐的能力,更有助我們了解中港關係與本土身份認同 。




I am of the opinion that Common Core (CC) of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) should not be abolished. I shall hereby provide relevant justifications.

Extended University Education

Following the British system, undergraduate degrees were commonly award-ed after three-year education when Education Commission Report No.3 was issued in 1988. Less emphasis was laid on education across disciplines but concentrated on specialized fields instead due to the constraints imposed when developing undergraduate curriculum. Yet it should be noted that a reformation has already been introduced and undergraduate education was lengthened to four years under New Academic Structure (NAS) to mainly expand the comprehensiveness of our university education. With extended university education, CC courses can be included in tertiary education, akin to the North American education system.

Paramount Values of Common Core Curriculum (CCC)

John Henry Newman, the Cardinal Deacon of San Giorgio and a renowned Ox-ford academic in the mid-1830s once discussed the importance of a university in his publication “the Idea of a University” and he stated:

“It (University education) is the education which gives a man a clear, con-scious view of their own opinions and judgments, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and a force in urging them. It teaches him to see things as they are, to go right to the point, to disentangle a skein of thought to detect what is sophistical and to discard what is irrelevant.”

CCC allows our university to better serve as an ideal one. They equip our stu-dents with general and easily transferable skills, such as analytical thinking, articulateness when expressing ideas and diverse approaches to seek knowl-edge. As such, courses in CCC are of great variety in its components, embed-ding more than the conventional essays and examinations, and cover debates,


reflective journals or progressive reports, so as to enhance our all-round de-velopment.

CC also stimulate thinking and encourage investigations with different ap-proaches as students contemplate the interconnectedness of knowledge in the contemporary world today. Leading universities around the globe are also making their very best effort to offer more diversified learning to students in freshmen years. In Princeton University, courses that are not directly related to a certain discipline are made mandatory to students; for example, Arts students are required to enroll in science and technology courses with labo-ratory experiences and quantitative reasoning. Students from the School of Engineering and Applied Science are also required to take at least seven hu-manities and social sciences courses, including social and historical analysis, literature and arts, ethical thoughts and moral values and foreign languages.

In Massachusetts Institute of Technology, elements in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, or Physical Education are incorporated into their general syllabus and curriculum design despite the University’s technology-orient-ed nature. The modern trend of education encourages and supports fusions across disciplines to enhance the extensiveness of one’s education. Con-sidering the benefits offered by the courses, they do attach immense value in university education and I believe it is not justiciable to eliminate it from the curriculum.

Considering all aforesaid arguments and justifications, I believe that CC of HKU should not be abolished. CC courses shall also remain as compulsory courses to provide sufficient incentives for students to obtain diversified learn-ing opportunities. However the school authority ought to review the short-comings of the current CCC and improve the relevant system to make CC more appealing and welcomed among students.

Proposed amendment in CC credit counting system

I have some reservations in changing the CC courses to be non-credit bearing, as it may undermine learning motivation and certainly cannot encourage stu-dents to actively participate in in-class activities.

However as most students believe that the CC courses usually come with very heavy workload and are hence rather stressful to them. Therefore, it is recom-mended that the credits bore by each course shall be reduced to three to four credits so that pressure on students may be relieved.

Introduction of local studies courses

Local studies courses, I believe, should be established to substitute this cur-rent areas of inquiry (AoIs). Students may better understand the similarities and differences between their own and other cultures through the courses, especially if they can offer more different perspectives to students when mak-ing intercultural comparisons. Hong Kong-China Relations and our identity, considered crucial to the development of Hong Kong, can also be studied.

Understanding local communities directly relates to our everyday lives, and our understanding of the complex connections among local issues can be fa-cilitated through CC. Moreover, it is also necessary for students to identify and debate on local problems in different dimensions. A stronger attachment to Hong Kong, the city that our University bases in, can then be stimulated and strengthened through our reflections on the city’s distinctive cultural identi-ty and ethnical characteristics.

As one of leading universities in Hong Kong, we are in an irreplaceable and unique position to enrich understandings and offer rudimentary knowledge of Hong Kong through the provision of relevant learning experiences. The local issues in this metropolis are frequently complex, intricate and worth address-


ing. We shall adhere to the belief that it is the responsibility of our university to enable our students to comprehend different global and local communities clearly. By reviewing our existing resources and courses offered by different departments under various faculties, it is entirely feasible to initiate and de-velop a reasonable number of courses to facilitate understandings of Hong Kong’s history and its comprehension from different disciplinary perspec-tives and to engage HKU students in critical inquiries of the issues and prob-lems faced by Hong Kong.

Most other universities, most aim at deepening understandings about their own cultures and societies. For example, the compulsory general education of Stanford University addresses its country’s history, political development, social changes, legal system and cultural diversity.

In the long run, I believe all possible amendments in different areas including the AoIs, credit-counting system and modes of learning will be introduced. Our university, incontestably, had faced difficulties in enhancing its CC cours-es, but I am optimistic that the problems shall be tackled in time.

The motion discussed today, in my humble opinion, should not be carried.

經濟及工商管理學會代表Representative of Business and Economics Association (BEAR)

韓珈琪 HON Ka Ki

I disagree the abolishment of Common Core curriculum (CC).

Firstly, on the academic aspect, the cross-disciplinary manner of CC is benefi-cial for enriching students’ knowledge on multi-aspects. HKU is a unique uni-versity, which allows students to declare second major or minor(s) in outside their home faculties. In fact, many students may not really know what are their strengths and interests. CC provides a platform for students to explore the knowledge from different fields and allows them to step out from the comfort zone of their own discipline to seek for their real academic interest. Students are exposed to a diverse aspects of knowledge with first-hand experience un-der the structure of the four Areas of Inquiry. The functions of CC do not only constrain to nurturing students to be all-rounded people but also enable them to consolidate the knowledge they pursuit.

Secondly, on the aspect of realistic concerns, CC equips students with “soft power” to prepare for their future in the ever-changing society. Through re-viewing the syllabus of different courses, group-based elements such as tuto-rial, group discussion and in-class presentation are indispensable in most of the courses. The collaborations, presentations, and interpersonal skills arouse from these courses are valuable supplements for the programmes which concentrate on personal investigation and practical operation. Students’ soft skill is strengthened by more frequent contacts with people from all academic backgrounds. The characteristic of its compulsiveness also forms a collective memory of all HKU students, which connects fellow mates from all years and strengthens the unity and cohesion of HKU as a whole. Therefore, CC holds indispensable impacts on both the academic and personal development of students in the long run.




第二,在實際考量的層面而言,核心課程加強了同學的軟實力,為未來生活作好準備。核心課程推動了的香港大學的其中一個教育目標 - 發展同學溝通與合作的技能。翻查核心課程大綱,大多均加入了讓學生互相切磋交流的元素,如導修、小組討論及班上報告等。這彌補了部分本科課程專注個人研究、實際操作的不足之處,增加同學與不同學術背景的人溝通的機會,為日後投身社會打好基礎。核心課程的必修特點,有望使其成為港大學生的共同回憶,團結各屆的學生,加強港大的凝聚力。可見核心課程於同學的學術及個人成長方面,均有着不可或決的角色。

牙醫學會代表 Representative of Dental Society (DSR)

陳冠彤 CHAN Clinton Koon-tung

Common Core (CC) Curriculum, or its equivalence, is prevalent among high-er education institutes across Hong Kong and the globe alike as a means of general education by requiring undergraduate students to take credit-bearing courses. Its prevalence among institutes may be tied with its many advantag-es, and as such it ought not to be abolished.

The CC Curriculum provides an opportunity for students to learn outside of their discipline, allowing them to explore or delve into their interests, thus expanding their education. This is especially invaluable for students in cur-riculum with few, if any free electives, such as BDS and MBBS. Take BDS as an example, Common Core, along with University Language courses, are the only courses its students have apart from its professional core.

The CC Curriculum also ensures each and every student take part in all 4 Areas of Inquiry (AoI), all of which have a high relevance to modern society, e.g. top-ics related to globalization and modern China. This enables and ensures that all undergraduate students develop a broader perspective and a critical un-derstanding of everyday life issues. In an increasingly intellectual society, it is highly likely that the knowledge will prove useful in the students’ future. The credit-bearing nature of the courses also ensures the education be properly received as the student’s grade-point average is concerned.

One of the University of Hong Kong’s missions is “to provide a comprehen-sive education, developing fully the intellectual and personal strengths of its students while developing and extending lifelong learning opportunities for the community.” The above-mentioned two points clear illustrate how the CC Curriculum supplements the shortcomings when university education is limit-ed within a discipline, thus achieving a comprehensive education. As a result, the CC Curriculum should not be abolished.






教育學會代表  Representative of Education Society (EDSR)

馬卓羚 MA Cheuk Ling Rachel

While the means of implementing and administering the Common Core Cur-riculum is still disputed, the Common Core Curriculum is essentially designed for the benefit of learners.

The world is in so many ways being condensed in terms of space and time; the advance in technology and civilisation has brought information closer and more accessible than ever. The extension of connectedness in this new millen-nium has changed how the world works and in turn calls for a change in the demand for human resources and thus the mode of learning. Knowledge is no longer simply measured by depth, but also in broadness and dimensions. Common Core courses in various domains provide a window and platform for students to broaden our intellectual perspectives, equipping us to become graduates that possess the necessary skills and high order thinking to make connections across different fields and between theory and reality. In a prac-tical sense, the Curriculum is intended to foster in us adequate understanding and capacity to face issues and changes in the local and global community.

As an institution of higher education, its goal should not merely remain on the level transmitting declarative knowledge; the essence of education is to inspire in learners inquisitiveness and to equip learners with self-learning skills such that learners can “stay hungry, stay foolish” and be able to acquire new information and skills. The Common Core Curriculum comes in as a key element to cultivating this mentality and skill set. Being exposed to unfamiliar areas of study, learners explore new dimensions through the process of rea-soning and critical enquiry, provoking their thoughts and interests with new ideas. This builds up multi-perspective thinking, ideally guiding students to fully appreciate the richness, diversity and meaning in the pursuit of knowl-edge across different academic domains.


It cannot be denied, however, that there exist limitations in the current curric-ulum structure. Some students find the Common Core Curriculum impractical and irrelevant to their studies; the credits distribution, workload and content of courses have also been criticised. Such problems remain on the administra-tive level, thus showing the need for revision and adjustment of the Curricu-lum, not its abolition.

All in all, the motion itself is an argument between means and ends. The in-tended ends are well-intentioned, but apparently the means have come under fire. While it is agreed that further modification on the curriculum’s imple-mentation and execution is needed in order to enhance its efficacy in reaching its ideal aims, the platform for general education offered through the Com-mon Core Curriculum is worth preserving in a sense that students can broad-en their perspectives and grow as inquisitive and life-long learners.







工程學會代表 Representative of Engineering Society (ENSR) 

葉碧欣 YIP Pik Yan



毫無置疑,核心課程對擴闊學生的眼界有所幫助,但是我們需要重新考慮核心課程所需的時間和核心課程的內容。在這裡,我想提出美國部分大學的課程作為參考:以分類選修課程取代核心課程。學生必須完成三個 NQE 課程(自然科學 / 定量科學/工程學),以及三個人文學或社會科學課程。這些課程涉及範圍廣泛,例如社會科學課程中的硬科學(自然科學),如神經解剖學,或軟科學(社會科學),如社會心理學。學生能自由選擇修讀自己感興趣的課程。而這些課程正正是其他學生的主修課,因此能同時傳授學生不同於自己的主修課的深度知識。學生亦能選擇跟自己主修有關的課程,例如心理學學生能報讀不是必讀但有關的神經科學班,這可以增加學生對分類選修課程的興趣,再而提高他們在分類選修課程及主修課程中的成績。


The goal of college experience is not only to equip students with knowledge in their majors, but also to train students’ critical thinking skills and broaden their horizons in order to nurture talents. Therefore the common core curric-ulum was set up to ensure that students acquire knowledge in an all-rounded way by taking classes in different areas outside their majors. However, prob-lems with the curriculum have not only hindered students’ performance in common core classes and affecting their GPAs, but have also undermined the effect of the common core curriculum on students in terms of non-major knowledge acquisition and critical thinking training.

As a 4-year curriculum engineering student, I believe that common core cours-es disrupt the learning schedule. First-year engineering students now need to take Mathematics and Physics courses which were supposed to be taught in the A-Level syllabus. Since the first academic year is common to all engineer-ing students, students have to take at least 2 introductory courses in their first year of study. Based on their academic performance in year 1, they then select their programmes at the end of the academic year. This implies that students can only acquire little professional knowledge in their first year of study in HKU. As engineering students have to take 36 credits of common courses throughout the years, it is common for students to take 3 courses per annum during their first two years. When students start studying their programmes in depth during their second year, the 3 common core courses would take up a lot of time in their schedules. Compared to the 12 credits of common core re-quirement for engineering students in the past, the common core system now reduces the amount of time available for engineering courses in the students’ schedules.

It is undoubted that the common core courses help broadening students’ minds, but the amount of time required and the content of CC classes should be reconsidered. Referring to the system in some universities in America, I suggest that the university can consider replacing common core courses with Distribution Requirements: instead of taking classes from the Common Core curriculum, in order to graduate, students have to take 3 courses of NQE (Nat-


ural science/ quantitative science/ engineering), and 3 courses of humanities or social sciences; these areas are very broad, e.g. social science can be “hard science” classes like functional neural anatomy or “soft science” classes like social psychology. Students are free to choose whichever class within the cat-egory that they are comfortable with and would like to know more about. The classes to choose from are actually major classes for students in other majors, and can provide students with in-depth knowledge in other majors. Students are also free to choose classes that are related in some way to their major (e.g. psychology student choosing a neuroscience class that is not required for the major but is related), and this would increase students’ interest in the required distribution class and hence enhance their performance in both the distribution classes and major classes.

The Common Core Curriculum should be abolished under the condition that the time requirement and contents remain unchanged.

法律學會代表 Representative of Law Association (LAR)

譚皓 TAM Ho

I am against the motion that HKU should abolish Common Core courses once and for all.

To commence with, it is valuable to apprehend the initiatives of implementing Common Core courses. It has long been criticised that the Hong Kong edu-cation system is such a spoon-feeding one, churning out moulded products and that students lack critical thinking in general. Common Core courses aim to broaden students’ horizons by enabling them to expose to multifarious aspects of study, including Scientific and Technological Literacy, Humanities, Global Issues as well as China: Culture, State and Society. Since students are required to take courses in each of the four categories, it can be guaranteed that students can learn something not directly related to their major curric-ulum and gain a taste of diversified courses provided by different faculties. Common Core courses also strive to let students learn in more vivid ways, such as through media production, fieldwork and interviews.

People who support this motion claim that students are already under im-mense pressure and cannot take these additional credit-bearing courses under the disguise of an all-round education. According to the Common Core Curriculum handbook, workload hours for a 6-credit course are approximately 120-180 hours. Admittedly, this figure could be daunting, especially to those who are taking 3 Common Core courses in one semester. Also, the grading sys-tems of these courses vary. There are often complaints from students about courses having extremely heavy workload but giving out poor grades easily.

Putting aside whether or not these opinions are only myths, the current sys-tem generally gives students an impression of uncertainty and unfairness. This is particularly true when students of the same major are taking various non-major courses and the divergences are not reflected in their GPA. Some


feel that this practice bars them from showing their capability regarding their major curriculum to their future employers.

To ameliorate the situation, changes shall be made to the current system. I believe that keeping these courses as compulsory is acceptable but the work-load of each course can be adjusted to ensure that students will not be under suffocating pressure. Moreover, consultations can be made to see whether students agree that grades of Common Core courses should not be counted in their GPA. This will patently help reduce stress and perhaps deal with the issue of fairness. Nonetheless, it can be foreseen that some may raise concerns as to whether students will endeavour to study these Common Core courses. If not, the new practice will inevitably undermine the objective of fostering all-round learners.

As a tertiary institution, a prominent stepping stone for students to gain a foothold in society, it is no doubt important to equip them with more than one spectrum of knowledge. I trust that Common Core courses serve this cause but some details of implementing the curriculum can be altered after thor-ough discussions among relevant parties. Considering the above viewpoints, I believe that there is no imminent need to abolish Common Core courses and thus today’s motion shall not stand.



有人批評大學生已面對不勝枚舉的壓力,不適宜額外修讀這些與其主修學科無關的課程。根據核心課程手册,每個課程要求學生投放 120 至 180 小時。對某些在一個學期修讀三個核心科目的同學來說,修讀核心課程無疑會大大削減他們溫習主修學科的時間。另外,由於每個核心科目的工作量及評分標準有異,經常可聽到同學抱怨一些科目不但課程內容繁重,而且評分特別嚴苛。

先撇除以上論點是否成立,現行的制度的確給不少同學留下難以預計及不公的印象。背後的原因不難理解,現時非主修科的學分,也會跟主修科的學分一同計算成績平均點 (GPA),一些只在主修科目獲取卓越成績的同學,因而憂慮這張成績單會影響他們的就業競爭力。

我認為保留核心課程為必修科目有其價值,但同時應該調教每個課程的工作量,好使同學不會因個別核心課程範圍太廣闊而感到過分吃力,甚至難以抽取足夠時間應付主修科目。另外,校方可以諮詢同學關於把核心課程的學分計算在成績平均點的做法。要是主修、核心課程的分數分開計算,相信有助同學舒緩壓力及解除對核心課程的公平性的疑慮。當然,這做法很可能會引起爭議,例如令同學失去認真研習核心課程的動力,無法達到推行核心課程的初衷 ——多元學習。



醫學會代表 Representative of Medical Society (MSR)

陳頌暉 CHAN Chung Fai

Common Core Courses should not be abolished. Although many complaints were received from students, the courses should be improved instead of abolished.

First and foremost, Common Core Courses provides great opportunities for students to cooperate and communicate with students in other faculties. For most students learning in Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, the courses take place either in Medical Campus on Sassoon Road or in Queen Mary Hospital. Isolated from main campus, they may find it hard know more students from other background. Tutorials, group assignments and field trips provide stu-dents to interact more and allow the exchange of ideas. The Common Core Courses provide this distinctive advantage that no other courses could replace as most students in medical faculty do not have extra credits for taking free electives.

Apart from that, Common Core Courses enable students to understand com-plex connection between issues in daily lives and this is essential for tertiary education. Students in the medical faculty receive in-depth professional train-ing and have a packed schedule, so they may be discouraged to learn in dif-ferent fields of study due to limited time. Common core courses enable them to have a basic understanding on different issues in contemporary world. Di-vided into four categories, different faculties provide introductory courses for students from other faculties and promote lifelong learning among students. In the 21st century, graduates of university should not possess particular skills or qualifications only. Instead, they should understand the world in various aspects thanks to multidisciplinary learning.

However, despite all the advantages mentioned above, the Common Core courses fail to achieve their objectives. Even so, I firmly believe that they should be kept and improved, instead of abolished.

On top of all, more flexible timeslots for tutorials should be offered by the courses. Due to packed schedule, many medical students find it hard to reg-ister appropriate timeslots for tutorials. Hence many MBBS students would register the same tutorial. Consequently, the aim of integrating students from different faculties would not be achieved.

Besides, continuous assessment should be the major assessment method in Common Core courses. Some Common Core courses require examination but this does not fit the original purpose of having these courses. Rather than memorizing the content before the examinations, it is better for students to understand and reflect the concepts taught in order to have a basic un-derstanding on different issues. In fact, summative examinations of medical students pose huge pressure on students already and it is inappropriate to increase the burden of students before examination period.

In general, Common Core courses should be monitored and improved as the problems mentioned. Nevertheless, they should not be abolished, as the orig-inal intention is valuable to tertiary education.








理學會代表 Representative of Science Society (SSR)

張澤深 CHEUNG Chak Sum

立場:反對 Stance: Against







Discontent towards the Common Core courses has been raised from students these years. The reasons of their discontent include a waste of academic re-sources and how these courses affect the grades of students. However, in view of its aims of establishment, I believe Common Core courses still have their reasons to be kept.

Firstly, Common Core courses allow students to enrich their knowledge be-yond their Major. Most students need to study 4 different key areas of Com-mon core courses. With the close interaction between the contents of key areas, studying Common Core courses can broaden their horizon beyond their original scope of study. Secondly, Common Core courses cultivate students to be a global citizen. Studying Common Core courses allow students to ac-knowledge change of the world from different perspectives, broadening their horizon again in this sense. Thirdly, tutorial classes and projects in Common Core courses allow students to interact with schoolmates from different study backgrounds. Through in-class discussions, students can learn from their schoolmates and enrich their knowledge.

Although there are many inadequacy in Common Core courses syllabus, the syllabus should not be demolished, but reform should be adopted instead.

Firstly, there are too many Common Core courses required for students. Most students need to take 6 Common Core courses. For students in the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Social Sciences, they will take intro-ductory courses from different intended Majors in order to select their Major. When students from these faculties intended to take double Majors, these 6 Common Core courses may impose burden for students. Hence, the Univer-sity may consider reducing the amount of Common Core courses to be taken by students taking double Majors from 6 to 3. Secondly, there is a lack of el-ements including local cultures in Common Core courses. Local culture con-tributes much to the identity of Hong Kong people. Even though Hong Kong is claimed to be an international city, it is also being called the “cultural des-ert”. Apart from the inadequate input of resources from the government to lo-

cal culture, the education sector rarely includes local culture into the current syllabuses. Common Core courses can be a valuable opportunity for students to know more about local cultures. The University could include more courses about local heritages, architecture or history about Hong Kong. A new catego-ry providing courses about local culture could be provided for students.

To conclude, even though there are rooms for improvement towards the cur-riculum design of Common Core courses, I believe in the view of the nature of establishment, it is beneficial for students. Hence, the motion should not stand.

社會科學學會代表 Representative of Social Sciences Society (SSSR)

張皓明 CHEUNG Ho Ming Preston 

“Education can give you a skill, but a liberal education can give you dignity.” - Ellen Key

Today the debate of retaining or abolishing the Common Core curriculum is more than just a debate on an educational reform at the University of Hong Kong, but intrinsically a debate on which model of education we believe in. That being said, I would first like to discuss the two associated educational models, general education and liberal education, so as to establish a ground in support of the Common Core curriculum. And in later parts of my argu-ments against the motion, I will briefly examine the major weaknesses of the Common Core curriculum. The attachment of general education to liberal education dates back to the 18th century, it was when the higher education in the United States was first organised to serve the aim of providing liberal education to allow students to be well versed in classic literary works, philosophy, foreign languages, rhet-


oric, and logic. This model stressed “the importance of a broad base of edu-cation that encouraged an appreciation of knowledge, an ability to think and solve problems, and a desire to improve society”. Later in the century, how-ever, the American society began to ask for a more utilitarian and practical education that would prepare students for work upon graduation, and there-fore, the Morrill Act was passed in the U.S. Congress in 1862 to push the new education model forward. But not until the mid-twentieth century, the notion of general education was raised by the President's Commission on Higher Education, in quest of a balance in tertiary education between “specialized training on the one hand, aiming at a thousand different careers”. Therefore, valuing the significance of liberal education and recognizing the importance of vocational training evolved the model of general education, which is the edu-cation model pursued by nearly every college and university as a part of their curricula nowadays. Needless to say, the Common Core curriculum at HKU is designed in accordance to the philosophy of general education, too. Hence, I would like to elaborate on how crucial the Common Core curric-ulum is to the university graduates and in meeting social expectations. As information across the globe is now produced so seamlessly at an precedent speed with the fine services of instant communication, the demand for high-er productivity for both human beings and machines inevitably outpaces improvements in this era of big data, and therefore, university graduates are very much expected to have both the vocational skills as well as some es-sential “soft” skills to comprehend and solve a variety of challenges at their workplaces. And this is what the Common Core curriculum is prepared for - to “enable students to develop a broader perspective and a critical under-standing of the complex connections between issues in their everyday lives.” On that account, the curriculum assured that the graduates would have been trained to complete inter-disciplinary inquiries, in order to solve problems not only at workplaces but in daily lives too. On another hand, from a larger social perspective, universities are responsible for preparing educated citizens to initiate improvements of our society. The educated sector of the population has long been an essential driving force for social changes and improvements

across countries and regions in the globe, and ever since the higher education was formulated in the U.S. in the eighteenth century, it has been a mission of tertiary education to foster the sense of consciousness of the local and global community among students. In order to serve such a purpose, courses in the Common Core curriculum are designed to have relevance with an array of social issues from both local and global aspects to allow matters of diverse natures to be discussed, analysed, and even debated in a free and guided ac-ademic environment. To conclude, the Common Core curriculum at HKU is to equip our students with essential inter-disciplinary knowledge and skills to let them not only work well, but also bring advancements to our society.

If we are to abolish the Common Core curriculum today, we are to create a deadly flaw in the education at the University of Hong Kong. Despite utilitari-anism is much valued in the current education in a fast-paced society, univer-sities and institutions of higher education never provide vocational trainings only, as tertiary education serves aims more than just empowering students to be self-sufficient economic entities. The major difference between a university and a vocational school have been illustrated clearly by Newman and Turner (1996) in The Idea of a University, “If then a practical end must be assigned to a University course, I say it is that of training good members of society... It is the education which gives a man a clear, conscious view of their own opin-ions and judgements, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and a force in urging them. It teaches him to see things as they are, to go right to the point, to disentangle a skein of thought to detect what is so-phistical and to discard what is irrelevant.” That being so, if the Common Core curriculum is abolished or made not compulsory, I am afraid that the Universi-ty may fail to uphold its reputation and quality of education, meanwhile grad-uates may even face more difficulties in securing work positions. Of course, there has never been a flawless piece of human design, so does the Common Core curriculum. I am to highlight a few major weaknesses of the curriculum that are obstructive to serving its aims. First and foremost, some courses require an unreasonable level of prior knowledge about the subjects.


This problem is distinctly worrying for the courses in the area of Scientific and Technological Literacy, as many students have received no previous education in sciences. An unreasonable requirement of prior knowledge would double students’ workloads and kill their curiosity about the subjects as being over-whelmed. Second, the distribution of disparate workloads among the courses may pose an issue of unfairness. There are seemingly some courses of much heavier workloads than others in the curriculum, and students admitted in these courses would have more time reduced for other courses that they are admitted in, thus this causes unfairness and discourages students from choos-ing courses of heavier workloads, too.

In spite of the weaknesses that the curriculum may have, it is of utmost impor-tance for us to notice that the Common Core curriculum is an indispensable part in our pursuit of general education. Whilst our society is in search of gen-eralists who are capable in handling obstacles in multiple fields of profession, we should not underestimate the importance of general education, and thus to undermine the success of the University of Hong Kong by removing an im-perative element of its education.

「教育,能賦予你一技專長,然而博雅教育,卻能賦予尊嚴。 」--愛倫凱

今天關於保留抑或是廢除香港大學核心課程的辯論不僅是關於香港大學的一項教育改革,更是在本質上一場關於選擇教育模式的辯論。因此,我首先希望探討通識教育 (General education) 和博雅教育 (Liberal education) 這兩項具關連性的教育模式,以確立支持核心課程的原因。在反對這項議案的同時,我亦會在文章後半部份審視核心課程的主要不足。

通識教育與博雅教育之間的連結可回溯至十八世紀。當時美國以博雅教育為目標,推行高等教育,期望學生能精通於古典文學,哲學,外語,修辭學與邏輯學。此教育模型強調博學多聞的重要性,並藉此鼓勵學生欣賞知識、發展其思考解難的能力及對改善社會的渴求。然而,美國社會後來要求推廣一種能讓學生在畢業後立即投入工作及更接近功利主義和具實用性的教育。因此,美國國會於 1862 年通

過摩利爾法案 (Morrill Act) 來推動新的教育模式。但直到二十世紀中葉,通識教育的概念才正式出現。 總統高等教育委員 (President’s Commission on Higher Education) 希望學生能在專業訓練與廣泛學習間取得平衡,在接受專業訓練同時,能配備適用於不同發展路向的知識。所以,社會對博雅教育的重視及對職業培訓的認同逐漸演化成現時近乎每所大學或學院都追求的通識教育。無疑,香港大學的核心課程便是以通識教育理念為本而所設計出的課程。

接下來,我希望能闡述核心課程對於大學畢業生及回應社會期望的重要性。置身在這大數據時代,資訊無遠弗屆。人與機器的生產力均難以趕上社會的需求。因此社會希冀大學畢業生能同時具備實質職業技能和一些必要的「軟技巧」,以理解及解決工作中的各種挑戰。這也正是核心課程的目標 --「讓學生培養更廣闊的視野,及對日常生活中的複雜關係具有批判性理解」。所以核心課程能確保學生在完成跨學科探究的同時,具備解決工作和日常生活中問題的能力。另外,從更大的社會層面來看,大學肩負為社會培訓精英從而改進社會的使命。在全球各國家和地區,有受教育的一群一直都是推動社會革新的重要力量。自從美國在十八世紀開始推動高等教育發展,高等教育肩負了重要的使命,讓學生更認識本地社群,乃至培養國際視野。為達到如此目標,在設計上,核心課程都與不同種類的社會事務都會有所連繫,從而讓同學可以在自由和附有導師指導的學術氛圍下,就事件作討論丶分析丶甚至辯論。總括而言,香港大學的核心課程是以跨學科的知識和技能裝備學生,從而讓他們不僅僅在工作上取得成功,更能為社會帶來革新。

若然我們今天廢除核心課程,香港大學的教育將會出現嚴重漏洞。儘管現今社會事事求快,推崇功利主義,但是大學和其他高等教育院校都不會只提供職業培訓,只因高等教育除了讓學生有自立的經濟能力外,還有其他目標。約翰 · 亨利 · 紐曼在在《大學之理念》一書中,就闡述了關於一所大學和一所職業學校的分別 --「只有教育,才能使一個人對自己的觀點和判斷有清醒和自覺的認識,只有教育,才能令他闡明觀點時有道理,表達時有說服力,鼓動時有力量。教育令他看世界的本來面目,切中要害,解開思緒的亂麻,識破似是而非的詭辯,撇開無關的細節。教育能讓人信服地勝任任何職位,駕輕就熟地精通任何學科」。因此,我們若對核心課程予以廢除,或取消其強制修讀性質,有可能會危及大學的名聲和其教育質素,同時畢業生在求職或者會遇上更大困難。





Popularly Elected Union



普選評議員一 Popularly Elected Union Councillor I (PC1)

陳俊傑 CHAN Chun Kit


校方稱,課程令學生可在本科以外學習;而現實正正相反,如果對課程有所認識,即更易取得佳績,豈有不讀之理?惟其修讀核心課程時,學生多關注課程是否靚Grade 少 Workload。君不見靚 Grade 者報讀者眾、爛 Grade 者報讀者寡?由學生反應即見課程之敗。




I am for the motion, that common core curriculum should be abolished. The curriculum was introduced with the aims of enabling students to explore, ex-periment and jostle with the unfamiliar, and to make something new, said by Common Core Director, Gray Kochhar-Lindgren. These expected outcomes, however, are just too idealistic when the curriculum comes in to practice.

The school introduces that common core curriculum can serve the purpose of encouraging students to explore in fields that they are not unfamiliar with and

out of their major studies. In reality, majority of the students would choose courses that they are familiar with and easier to get good grades. What they are concerned about when choosing a course are the workload and expected grade of it, but seldom about their interest. This creates a phenomenon that courses with higher tendency to get good grades are fully enrolled, leaving courses that are relatively harder to get good grades with lots of vacancies. Therefore, it is said that the curriculum fails to cultivate students’ interest in fields outside of their major.

Each common core course only lasts for one semester. Though time is limited, the concepts taught could be so broad and complex. It is quite difficult for students to digest all the new knowledge which may not necessarily related to their own studies within one. With students’ preference of focusing on their own studies rather than the common core, they can hardly develop deep understanding in the unexplored fields. It is ridiculous to expert students to make something new.

Some may worry that abolition of common core curriculum will mean having no way for students to explore in their interested fields. But actually, students can choose to sit in in lectures whenever they want or enrol in a wide range of free electives offered by different faculties. Learning should not be bound in the classroom. Students can take some online courses, apply for internships and go on an exchange to learn. They can even skip their lessons to do some-thing that they find to be more meaningful and worth their time. These ways should be what students should take to step from their own studies to explore the new.

Making it compulsory for students to take common core course and satisfy the course requirements actually goes against the curriculum’s aim. In the uni-versity, students should be given the choice to freely choose what they want to learn outside of their disciplinary studies, which should not be restricted in the common core courses.


普選評議員二 Popularly Elected Union Councillor II (PC2)

陳烈文 CHAN Lit Man

立場:反對 Stance: Against

主席大會,在我表達對對辯題的看法前,我想先談談我對大學教育的意義和目標的看法。林語堂先生在〈論現代批評的職務〉一文裏談到大學教育的目的:「我們要明白大學的宗旨,並不是教出一位有學問的人,因為這是四年中萬萬辦不到的事。我們所求於大學的畢業生,並不是一位學問淵博的專家,只是一位知道學問的門徑,及有學問的旨趣,而最重要的還是一位頭腦清楚思路通達的人,對於普通文化事物、文學、美術、政治、歷史有相當批評的見解。 」



然而,有不少同學認為核心課程所教授所涵蓋的知識領域並非他們的強項,核心課程或會對學生成績 (GPA) 構成影響。因此,我認為在維持現有制度的同時,核心課程的學分比重可以減少。目前為止,同學普遍需要在三年內修讀六個核心課程科目,合共三十六個學分。個人認為校方可把學生需修讀的核心課程數目由六個減到四個(合共二十四學分),而四個核心科目必需平均涵蓋四個核心課程的領域,包括中國、全球化、人文社科及科學。透過此安排,同學仍能探索不同的學習領域,又能減少核心課程對 GPA 的負面影響。

Council Chairperson and the Assembly fellows, I would like to talk about the purposes and meanings of tertiary education before expressing my views con-cerning the abolition of the Common Core Curriculum. “Tertiary education does not aim at nurturing people with high academic qualifications, but nur-turing pillars for the society and country which are equipped with the ability of independent and critical thinking.” Lam Yutang said. Undeniably, a univer-sity graduate could not be developed into an expert in a certain academic field after 4 years of university education.

From Lam’s viewpoint, Students should have developed the interests in ac-quiring knowledge after 4 years of university education, more importantly the ways of acquiring knowledge. Human beings possess the ability of self-eval-uation and self-improvement. The recipe for self-evaluation and self-im-provement is the acquisition of knowledge. In the pragmatic sense, university education cannot nurture a mass of graduates with remarkable academic achievements, but nurturing students’ attitude in learning. A university grad-uate has much more to learn after graduation including inter-personal com-munication skills and the ability in wrestling with adversities.

Therefore, in enlightening students’ minds different viewpoints and helping them to explore the contemporary world, the Common Core Curriculum is of great importance and significance. HKU’s Common Core Curriculum is char-acterized by great flexibility and diversity. The Curriculum covers a wide range of issues including China, globalization, arts and humanities and science. Common Core Courses can therefore help inspire students and prevent them from having an imbalanced personal development.

However, it is widely heard that Common Core Courses would pose a menace to student’s GPA since the students are not good at the academic areas cov-ered by the Common Core Courses. In hopes of striking a balance between GPA and the balanced academic development of the students, it is suggested that the number of Common Core Courses taken by the students can be re-duced from 6 to 4, from 36 credits to 24 credits.


普選評議員三 Popularly Elected Union Councillor III (PC3)

陳穎琪 CHAN Wing Ki

立場:贊成 Stance: For





I agree on this motion since common core curriculum failed to go along with its goal. Common core curriculum is set up for several purposes. Firstly, en-able students to develop a broader perspective and a critical understanding of the complex connections between issues in their everyday lives. Secondly, cultivate students’ ability to navigate the similarities and differences between their own and other cultures. Thirdly, enable students to more fully participate as individuals and citizens in global, regional, and local communities. Last, enable the intellectual, collaborative, and communication skills that will be further enhanced in students’ disciplinary studies, and, in turn, contribute to the quality of their lives after graduation. However, students are disappointed to common core curriculum due to the contradictions between executing and aiming.

The design of Common core is creative and breakthrough the traditional lean-ing methods. Unfortunately, all courses in common core curriculum are lim-ited in to four categories only. Students do not have their freedom to choose what they want to learn. Also, many courses are failed on giving connections between students’ daily lives and social issues and behind the times due to the lack of updating. Some even close because it failed to enroll sufficient number students. Many students get confused during the learning experience.

Also, it is contradictory to force students taking exam and tests for under-standing and experience the global and regional cultures. Over 50% common core course syllabuses include exams, tests and quiz. The learning burden of students and the loathing for these courses will definitely be increased. Con-servative study load could not match the development of learning method.

It is difficult to get back the confidence from students even the reform of common core curriculum will be conducted in the future. It will be better if we could choose what we really want to study and even change the credits to internship and placement for the future career of students.


普選評議員四 Popularly Elected Union Councillor IV (PC4)

霍旻鍵 FOK Man Kin Ken








I disagree with the motion despite the unsatisfactory execution of the cur-rent setting. As I may have indicated, the opposition to the curriculum mainly comes from the arrangement and execution of the curriculum, in which the subsistence of the curriculum is acceptable, if not desirable. I will first illus-trate why the curriculum has value in itself, followed by the discussion of the current arrangement.

To begin with, this is the common practice in prestigious schools around the globe. As what I found out, most of the schools offered general education or some other curriculums which are equivalent to common core curriculum in Hong Kong, such as Harvard University, UNSW and Osaka University. They may exist in different forms, but they do recognise the importance of infusing the correct values or some fundamental social knowledge into the students during their study. I am not to say that the curriculum is valuable as most of the other universities offered it, but rather, it very much fits into the social needs in Hong Kong.

Common core curriculum could assist students in their understanding to-wards different disciplines to prevent the over-emphasis on expertise in early


stage. The fact that Hong Kong did not distinguish professional degree from that of the purely academic degree, students might have over-focused in their expertise. It is often heard that human tends to turn a deaf ear to opinions of the others as they experience more, as they affirmed their own set of values. University education might be the last (involuntary) step to acquire knowl-edge from different disciplines, and open up to opinions of others. This is particularly important when Hong Kong is often condemned as a place of po-litical aloofness, as we focused too much on economic development, in which the most of the citizens, the silent majority neglected the importance of other aspects of life. Therefore, I see the advantages in the curriculum. However desirable it seems, the low (both quantitative and qualitative) attendance rate and the recurring criticism in the campus manifested its problematic execu-tion. Based on this observation, I suggest that the university should maintain the curriculum, subject to three main reforms, which are reduction of credits, and improving grading distribution and the quality of common core courses.

Regarding the credit issue, I do recognise the need of compulsory nature, but the curriculum may have taken up more than enough credits compared to the core courses of the degree. Students are expected to take up 36 credits of common core courses for single degree, and 24 credits for double degree. However, contrast to a minor subject in for example social sciences, I find it quite disproportionate as it requires also 36 credits. It is always important to strike a balance between the exposure to general knowledge and the knowl-edge necessary to complete a degree as they should, in order to better pre-pare themselves under the Hong Kong’s arrangement of bachelor degree. As a suggestion in the preliminary point, a common core course may share 3 credits or fewer in the system, and I do not find it deviate from the usual prac-tice to add or deduct from the 6 credits per course, as it could be easy to man-age and there are in fact courses that bear more than 6 credits currently.

On the account of grade distribution, I think this is necessary to take steps to review the assessment criteria of all of the common courses in order to balance between student’s incentive to be attentive and their burden in

academic study. I find that students are not willing to attend common core courses, and the fact that they can still get a good grade from some courses further reduces their incentive. A suggestion can be on the one hand, abolish the current grading system, and replace it with a pass-and-fail credit-bearing course. On the other hand, the coordinators have to ensure that the course requirement is tight enough to allow students to be attentive. For instance, one must not be absent to any lesson or tutorial without proper explanation in order to get a pass.

Another reason that can be attributed to the current general reluctance to attend lectures is presumably the low quality of lectures and the not-so-in-depth curriculum. If students think that they cannot get anything out of the lecture, they would just save their time for study or entertainment. Therefore, it is essential to assure that the common core courses are informative. Also, in the review, it shall consult the student’s opinion on what should or should not be included in the curriculum, as they are the ones who studied the cours-es and the future students are the greatest beneficiaries of the curriculum.

In conclusion, notwithstanding the improvements that could be made in long, the common core curriculum shall not be abolished.


普選評議員五 Popularly Elected Union Councillor V (PC5)

韓鈞元 HON Kwan Yuen





I think the motion “The University of Hong Kong shall abolish the Common Core Curriculum” shall be defeated.

Firstly, firms nowadays require both the qualities of generalists and specialist from the graduates who should be skillful in their professions and knowl-edgeable to the global issues. In order to educate its students who are one step from the workforce with a broaden vision, the Common Core Curriculum, focusing on significant issues, in the University of Hong Kong do it well in improving their analytical skills and problem-solving skills. For example, the courses in the Globalization module allow students to keep up with the world so as to increase their competitiveness in their career.

Secondly, Common Core Courses enables students from different curriculums to interflow their thoughts. In the issue-based courses, students can share their ideas based on their professions so that the discussed topics are ana-lyzed all-roundedly through debating, group discussion and conducting proj-ects. On the other hand, students can expand and enrich their network and academic profile through meeting their fellows with different background.Some may argue that the workload of some Common Core courses is too heavy that the students cannot focus on their own curriculum core courses. While some may doubt that there are different marking standards and diffi-culties for different courses resulting in students crazily fighting for so called

“good grade” courses, which is contradictory to the original aim of letting people register courses regarding their interests. However, I think improper management should be blamed on these flaws, which can be revised later, but not hindering students to get benefit from the curriculum. And the details of amendment should not be discussed under this motion.

All in all, the University of Hong Kong shall not abolish the Common Core Cur-riculum.


普選評議員六 Popularly Elected Union Councillor VI (PC6)

盧業威 LO Yip Wai


今天之動議是香港大學應廢除核心課程。對此議案,我未可苟同。在決定支持或否決此議案時,我認為必須要問自己一個問題,大學教育應該是提供什麼知識予學生,大學是培育什麼的人的地方。1993 年度至 2013 年度的耶魯大學校長理查德 ‧ 利文 (Richard Charles Levin) 曾經在其演講中提到:「大學的教育核心在於通識,在於培養學生批判性思維的能力,為其終身的學習經歷打好基礎。 」我對此看法十分認同,特別是在香港大學的層面上。我認為在歷經十多年填鴨式教育的香港大學學生,身負同年齡層香港學識層面上最高的背景,實在有必要去學得更多,想得更闊。而我認為,核心課程實有助學生去認識更多,思考更多。




Chairperson and Assembly,

To begin with, I have to express my stance on today’s motion. I think we have to consider a few things before we pick our side: what is University Education, what type of students would be produced under such education? Richard Charles Levin, the former principle of Yale University said, “the realization of human potential, in ourselves and for those around us – is the ultimate goal of higher education.” I totally agree with him, especially when we are mention-ing HKU. In Hong Kong, students all are suffering a lot under the Hong Kong Education system, the system that emphasizes recitation, and is lack of logical thinking process. Even though we are learning in this environment, every sin-gle one of us is standing on the top of our generation. We are the best. At least we have to believe it. We have to learn more, to think more, to step out of our comfort zone. In that sense, the Common Core Curriculum is the key and pil-lars for HKU students to develop more on it.

Common Core Curriculum in HKU requires every undergraduate to study at least 4 courses with different areas. They are Scientific and Technological Lit-eracy, Humanities, Global Issues and China: Culture, State and Society. These are the courses that could help students to broaden their horizon. To give an extreme example, a science student would not have any chances in studying any humanities courses. The profession of a science student would never have the chance to explore the ideas of debate. They are studying about fact, evi-dence and data. However, the Common Core Curriculum offers a chance for different students to explore different aspects of knowledge.


Most of the opinions of opposing against Common Core Curriculum are that it would make our GPA become lower, wasting our time and cannot help our students to widen their vision. However, those are all attacking the straw man. University should be the institution that helps university students to develop their logical thinking and prepare them for their learning in the future. It is a precious experience for personal development.

Indeed, Common Core Curriculum still has rooms for improvement. As it is re-lated to all undergraduate students, we have to examine its problems and im-prove it. Should Common Core Curriculum be counted in the credits, should it have the same requirement as a profession course, what areas should it in-clude? These are some of the aspect we could consider to have a suitable im-provement. In here, I sincerely hope that the HKUSU Council could gain more opinions from our members, so that we can reflect our voice to the school and let them know what HKU students are truly thinking.

普選評議員七 Popularly Elected Union Councillor VII (PC7)

宋晧妍 SUNG Ho In






I am opposing the motion “The University of Hong Kong shall abolish the Common Core Curriculum”.

Students of HKU are normally required to take 6 six-credit courses, one from each area of inquiry (Aol) and not more than 2 from any Aol while students from double degrees are required to take 4 six-credit courses. The four Aols are namely, Scientific and Technological Literacy, Humanities, Global Issues and China: Culture, State and Society; Common Core (CC) is divided into these four areas in order to ensure a balanced exploration.

I believe one major objective of CC Curriculum is to provide a space for build-ing friendships across all the Faculties and it will help students make con-nections both to and beyond their chosen disciplinary fields of study. I am in favour of this idea. Studying the courses of CC Curriculum can equip us with dissimilar knowledge other than specialized knowledge from our majors and minors. The four Aols ensure the diversity of knowledge gained. How-ever, problems generated during the execution of CC Curriculum and make students in disfavour of it. For instance, the heavy workload of some courses pressurizes the students; students always ditch the lessons of CC Curriculum. For the former phenomenon, I would suggest to reduce the number of re-quired courses of CC Curriculum for all students to 4 uniformly. For the latter phenomenon, I believe the reason of students ditching lessons is that they have no interest of that course. Therefore, I am making suggestions including broadening the Aol, increasing the vacancies of those popular courses and al-lowing credits transfer from free electives as credits of CC Curriculum courses so as to ensure students can study what they are really interested in.

To conclude, I find the principle of establishing CC Curriculum is justified yet the execution part still has room for improvement. Therefore, I am opposing the motion but still looking forward to seeing the changes which make the CC Curriculum to achieve its goals more easily.


Past Representative


去屆會長 President of the previous Union Session (PP)

梁麗幗 LEUNG Lai Kwok Yvonne

因應香港於 2012 年推行四年制學士學位課程,香港大學銳意革新核心課程。作為2012 年最後一屆入讀三年制學士學位課程的學生,我於一年級選修兩個核心課程共十二學分,便已完成相關學位要求。惟同年入讀四年制課程的學弟妹,已須在首兩年選修六科共三十六學分,佔四年課程總學分多達一成五。





In response to the implementation of the new 4-year curriculum in Hong Kong in 2012, HKU carried a reform on common core curriculum. As one studying in the last batch of 3-year curriculum, I only had to study 12 credits of common core in my freshman year to fulfill the degree requirement. Nonetheless, those in the 4-year curriculum who entered the University in the same year as I did had to study 6 common core courses comprising 36 credits in their first two years of studies, attributing to 15% of the total credits they need to take.

In the three years subsequent to the reform, there have been calls for abol-ishing the whole common core curriculum. The main reasons being the over-loading burden common core curriculum brought to students, and the risk of them overriding the importance of their own professional studies. However as a fourth year student having completed the old system of common core, I do sense the worthiness to keep the common core curriculum despite a need for fine-tuning.

First of all, the aim of common core curriculum is to introduce important sub-jects or their combination as a wider scope of studies for all students. The gist is to address social problems, social needs and social functions, in order to provide students a comprehensive learning experience. Providing common core courses in tertiary studies helps ensure the acquisition of all necessary skills and an ability to identify social problems before the student actually complete their degrees. This facilitates civic training, and is a response to the increasing social demand of polymath.

Secondly, common core curriculum in HKU is complementary to its status being a comprehensive university. With the diversified human and academic resources, HKU shall excel in training students who do not only excel in their own professions, but also in emerging knowledge from various disciplines.

Undeniably there is quite some room for improvement in the HKU Common Core Curriculum. In terms of weight, six courses comprising 36 credits attri-butes to as much as 15% of the total credits for a degree, thus it affects the


overall honors. After all, there is no direct correlation between the results and the number of credits to be taken; the key is yet vested on whether sufficient chances for students to acquire necessary knowledge from other disciplines. As a student majoring in politics and public administration & law, I chose “Rule of Law in a Globalizing World” and “China and the World” to fulfill the Com-mon Core requirement. As a result, I did not benefit a lot from the presence of common core courses. In my opinion, the University shall consider reducing the proportion of common core courses, and at the same time, introduce measures to prevent students choosing courses that correlate to their own profession.


Campus Media


學苑總編輯 Editor-in-Chief of Undergrad (ECU)

劉以正 LAU Yee Ching



從課程指引可見,核心課程的模版參考現代美式大學教育的博雅教育模式,其目的在於培養學生於不同領域之興趣,達到全人發展。然而今日可見,此目的之實行效果成疑,有學生反映對核心課程的重視比其他課程低、選課時學分導向、不同科目的評分標準不一、單一課程未必能提高學生興趣芸芸 。惟批評多針對制度的執行面向多於否定其目的,故或可從現行制度著手改善,至於如何改善則仍可開放討論,例如減少課程所佔學分、每三年對課程的科目進行全面檢討、統一所修科目的數量等,惟具體措施不在是次辯題的討論之列。

其次在於核心課程之工具與內在意義,核心課程有助緩解香港高等教育長年積累的專業導向問題,提供予香港教育生態更多的可能,亦容許學生探索主學科以外的不同知識,藉著結合舊有的知識版塊,鞏固知識體系,有助學生了解當下複雜的社會 。另外,核心課程中有不少學科是由跨部門的教師一同教授,此舉體驗跨學科學習的可能性,在跨學科學習愈見普及之際,就算單純基於工具價值的層面,核心課程亦有需要持續在校推行。


Even the design and execution of the current Common Core curriculum has been revealed different problem through out the years, its significance in the education of the University of Hong Kong is still irreplaceable. Therefore, I don’t see justified causes that suggest a need to abolish the entire curricu-lum as a resolve to the problems occurred.

I believe when discussion comes down to the Common Core (CC) curriculum, the two major concerns are whether the current system can achieve its aim and secondly, its significance in the undergraduate education.

With reference to the course guide, the concept of CC is quite similar to the liberal arts education in universities in the United States. It aims at nurturing students’ interest in different fields including arts and science, with an end goal of whole person development. As we see today, however, whether the aims have been achieved very much remains in mist. For instance, students pay less attention to the CC system, or the motive behind them choosing the courses is very much GPA-driven, etc. Most critics pinpoint on the execution instead of refuting the objective of the curriculum thus it is plausible to im-prove on the current system. Take for example, does it necessary of a CC to be worth for six credits like any other courses or it can be less. Let say, for three? Improvements are too early to be discussed in the debate though.

The introduction of CC allows on one hand for the university to alleviate the problem of professional-oriented education in Hong Kong, and on the other for students to search for potential interests apart from their major. It also helps students in understanding the complex society we are living in today. The design of having professors from different department in formulating the same course itself has manifested the possibilities of interdisciplinary studies. Given interdisciplinary studies has become more popular in recent decades, we can see both instrumental and intrinsic values in CC, and the need of keep-ing it as well.


In the course of the debate, I hope any councilors or students who think there is a need to abolish explain and persuade all of us why abolishment is the only option on the table. In short conclusion, even with the constraints of the current system, the aims of the CC as a whole cannot fully deliver to the un-dergraduates, yet if we assume the pitfalls of the curriculum can be gradually solved in time, there is still a need to keep the CC.

註:學苑總編輯不具投票權。P.S.: Editor-in-Chief of Undergrad does not have voting rights.

校園電視主席 Chairperson of Campus TV (CTVC)

丘明曜 YAU Ming Yiu




The Common Core Curriculum of HKU allows students to learn about and apply concepts from a wide range of academic fields to address issues of our world. Teaching staff do consider the differences in knowledge and ability of students from different faculties, and then try to guide students to briefly understand concepts of different fields of study. Hence, students can explore ways of thinking of different fields while going through issues addressed in the Common Core courses with more incentive.

Liberal arts education has been valued high as it can provide students with the mindset to critically evaluate this world with different ways of thinking. Common Core Curriculum of HKU is aiming to do the same while it cannot be replaced by other existing policies to achieve the goal. Therefore, the Com-mon Core Curriculum of HKU should be kept, and we should keep going on improving its effectiveness in achieving its goal.

註:校園電視主席不具投票權。P.S.: Chairperson of Campus TV does not have voting rights.