Homeopatia ca Etică în administrația publică univers...


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Homeopatia ca univers moral

Etică în administrația publică

Cosima Rughiniș

Universitatea din București



Doar efectul placebo

Placebo / psihosomatic

Efectul placebo=jargon experimental pentru un impact mediu



Samuel Hahnemann1785-1843

• Similia Similibus Curentur:Cui pe cui se scoate

• Doza minimă

• Remediul potentizat

• Remediul unic

Source: Homeopathy Info, http://www.wholehealthnow.com/homeopathy_info

1857 painting by Alexander Beydeman, „Homeopathy watching horrors of Allopathy”

Organizarea socială a homeopatiei

• „Efectul placebo” și „efectul nocebo”• Cum sunt produse prin interacțiuni sociale sistematice?

• Similaritate/ mimetism + diferență radicală• „Obiect de graniță” între știință și spiritualitate

• Remediu • Prospect• Rețeaua de distribuție în farmacii tipice și specializate

• Consultație• Rețeaua de medici de familie & cabinete de specialiști• Integrarea marginală în știință

• Propria metodă și rețea de publicații

• Povești de succes

1. The homeopathic


Under cover?

Natural / syntheticGlobule / pill

2. The homeopathic consultation

What does a Homeopathic consultation involve?(Margot Barton)

The consultations take place in a comfortable, relaxed and friendly environment. The first time you come along for a consultation, we spend up to two hours talking through the specific symptoms you have, how long you have had them and other health related questions. During this time you will have a unique opportunity to talk confidentially about how you are feeling. (...)We all inherit weaknesses and susceptibilities from our parents, so information on your health history as well as that of your family are also explored as these invariably show how you have got to your current state of health.Once Homeopathic treatment has started, follow-up appointments take place once a month, lasting one hour each. (...)

3. Social organization of homeopathic healing

Boundary object• Personal & technological

• Science & „vital force”

• Integration in the medical system• Professional competence• Position

• The moral career of the patient

• Clinics & drugstores

Distributed agency• Doctors, patients, web &

media accounts• Storytelling on

homeopathic healing

• Therapeutic alliance• Indepth probing

• Person/remedy profiling



Integration in the medical system


Mariana TrifaIntegration

...any form of suffering, illness or life situation


...there’s no incurable disease


...first option in child treatment

...no chemical aggression