Hrms Online


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  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


      HRMS, User Requirement Specification Pay Revision 1154.1.3.7 Step-Up of Pay 120

    4.1.4  Pay Roll 125 Life Insurance Premium 125 Updated AD List 130

    4.1.5  Loan 131 Loan Sanction 131 Release of loan 138 Repayment of loan 1454.1.6  GPF & Insurance 151 Enrollment to Insurance 151 Insurance Premium 157 GPF Nomination 1624.1.7  Transfer & Promotion 1654.1.7.1 Additional Charge  1654.1.7.2 Allowed to Officiate  1734.1.7.3

    Joining  1814.1.7.4 Placement of Service  1894.1.7.5 Posting  1964.1.7.6 Promotion  2034.1.7.7 Relieve  2124.1.7.8 Transfer  2194.1.8  Deputation 2264.1.8.1 Deputation 2264.1.8.2 AG Endorsement on Deputation 2334.1.8.3 Repatriation  2424.1.9  Recruitment 2504.1.9.1 Recruitment 2504.1.9.2 Absorption 2594.1.9.3 Redeployment 2674.1.9.4 Regularization of Service 2764.1.9.5 Redesignation 282

    4.1.10  Education & Training 2884.1.10.1 Education 2884.1.10.2 Training 2944.1.10.3 Departmental Examination 2994.1.10.4 Travel Concession 3054.1.10.5 Free Travel Concession 305

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    4.1.13  Service Closure4.1.13.1 Termination 3694.1.13.2 Retrenchment 3754.1.13.3 Retirement 3824.1.13.4 Resignation 3864.1.14  Miscellaneous 4904.1.14.1 Miscellaneous 3904.1.14.2 Personal Information History 397 Quarter Allotment 4054.1.14.4 Brass Allotment 4084.1.14.5 Reservation Category Information 4134.1.14.6 Equivalent Post 417

    4.1.15  Calendar 423 Employee Calendar 423 Acknowledge Optional Calendar 4254.1.16  Setup Service History 428 Change in Structure 4284.2 Office Specific Government Transactions / processes 435

    4.2.1  Setup Office Info Department 435 Subject Identity 436 Office Level 438 Treasury 440 List of Office 442

    4.2.2 Setup Cadre Info Cadre Label 449 Cadre List 451 Cadre Wise Grade 453 Mode of Cadre Allotment 455

    4.2.3  Setup Post Info Group of Post  456 Classification of Post 458 Type of Post 460 Deployment Status 462 Where Deployed 464 Sector Type 466

    4.2.4  Setup Reservation Info Reservation Category 468 Disability Option 469

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification Category 4894.2.6.4 Blood Group 492 Personal Relatives 494 Identification Document 496 Language Definition 498

    4.2.7  Setup Education Info Degree 500 Faculty 502

    5044.2.7.4 University 506

    4.2.8  Setup Location Info Block 508 District 510 Police Station 512 Post Office 514 State 516 Village 518

    4.2.9  Payroll Allowance and Deduction 520 Bill Browser 524 Bill Group List 526 Section Definition 530

    4.2.10  Miscellaneous PAR Browser 534 PAR Register 535

    4.2.11  Calendar4.2.11.1 Provide Calendar 537 Calendar Management 539

    4.2.12  System Administration Role management 544 Privilege management 545 Create Employee 548 Service Book Update Privilege 553

    5. Chapter-V (Process Re-Engineering through Workflow Pattern) 5.1 Transfer 531

    5.2 Leave 535

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 


    1.1. Objectives of HRMS

    General Administration (AR) Department, Government of Orissa is implementing a

    comprehensive Human Resources Management System for employees and HR managers of all

    departments across the state with following four objectives. (1) Through HRMS, all human resourcesmanagement activities will be transacted electronically through internet, so as to provide timely

    disposal of HR issues of the employees and incentivize them to perform efficiently. (2) HRMS will

    accurately project, account, and monitor revenue expenditure and enable efficient utilization of

    government resources. (3) The decision makers will have a scope for effective planning and utilization

    of existing manpower by identifying their skills. (4) Time and energy of government employees both at

    managerial and micro level will be saved by the automated HRMS leading to optimum utilization oftheir services for the purpose of public.

    1.2. Stakeholders & Their Role

    Stakeholders are identified through their user-id and their role in the system is decided by

    HRMS. The stakeholders are categorized in following manner within HRMS. The Chief Minister and

    Council of Ministers, Secretaries of Administrative Departments, Heads of Departments (HoD), Head

    of Office, District Collectors and above all in-service and retired Employees of Government of Orissa

    are the major stakeholders of HRMS. HRMS will certainly contribute to empower common citizen.

    HRMS deals with very valuable personnel information, so they are protected through stringent

    security system. Moreover, role based access authorization plan is implemented within HRMS.

    Access authorization plan is two dimensional; i.e. the pool of employees, whose service information

    can be accessed vis-à-vis the functionalities of software, which can be applied onto.

    1.3. Business Logic Framework

    Our goal is to make HRMS fulfill exact requirement of all level of stakeholders. Requirement

    engineering is a vital phase of activities to achieve our goal. During this phase, Orissa Service Rule

    (OSR), Orissa Service Manual (OSM), All India Service Rule (AISR), Orissa General Finance Rule

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    Governance System for reinforcement of accountability of employees. Employee Profile module,which will dynamically prepare the profile of the employee on current date in the prescribed format is

    described in subsequent Chapter-II.

    As government employees perform within the government structure, it is essential to create

    such structures within computerized HRMS to manage human resources of government effectively.

    Current version of HRMS records the government structures and allows updating the same when any

    changes brought into the system. The structure includes from the Administrative Departments, their

    respective Heads of Departments (HoD) and corresponding field offices to Cadre, Grade of different

    services under cadre controlling departments and Substantive Posts under each department.

    Description of such structures is narrated in Chapter-III.

    Government deals with their employees through series of transactions such as Increment

    Sanction, Leave Sanction, Promotion and Deputation etc for effective personnel management. Such

    transactions are recorded in the service book of concerned employee. Any transaction occurs

    between the Government and their employees can be recorded post facto in HRMS and updated e-

    service book of an employee can be published on-line. Such facility can make e-service book

    available concurrently to all authorities of government to work upon. Requirement specification of

    such transaction recording is presented in Chapter-IV. Ready to use version of HRMS software

    automatically maintain and publish all related accounts, registers like Service Book, Leave Account,

    Loan Account, Salary Account, Insurance Passbook, incumbency chart, Cadre Disposition list as well

    as employee profile etc picking up related data from automated transactions. User requirement of

    such reports are presented in Chapter-V. Transaction recording system in turn builds up a

    comprehensive database for further reference as a comprehensive tool for HR management.

    Preliminary search engine is also a primary part of current version of HRMS.

    Each transaction is outcome of a process, and for accomplishing that process a series of

    activities are to be performed. HRMS envisages automating all HR processes through workflow model

    to make transaction recording automatic and thus more sustainable. Moreover process automation

    ensures timely delivery of G2E services (Government to Employee services). Process automation

    includes Actionable-email facilities for HR Mangers and employees to perform activities under their

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    actions through bulletin-board-services (BBS) in HRMS. The requirement specification of suchprocess automation is presented in Chapter VI. MIS reporting and analytical reporting, those act as

    tools for effective HR management are also the part of ready to use HRMS.

    1.5. Upcoming Features of HRMS

    Work in progress version of HRMS will cover workflow automation along with related DSS &

    BBS of other HR processes, Departmental Proceeding, Payroll System, integration with Orissa

    Treasury Management System (OTMS) and integration with Vigilance Information System. Analytical

    reports, dashboards and other Business Intelligence (BI) applications of HRMS will be developed in

    the second phase. Moreover it will also help retiring employees to prepare their own pension papers

    on clicking of buttons and help authorities to process pension papers easily and quickly. Future

    version of HRMS will indirectly empower common citizens to search and locate appropriate employee

    responsible to provide specific citizen centric service. Maintenance of such citizen portal is purely

    automatic and will not require any extra effort. Envisaged citizen portal is the part of the second

    phase. These facilities may be provided in phases in quick succession of every couple of months. It is

    needless to mention that this User Requirement Specification (URS) document covers only the

    requirement of first phase.

    1.6. Safety & Security

    HRMS appropriately appreciate the importance of safety and security of personnel

    information. Stringent security mechanisms such as User Id with Password, 128bit SSL (Secured

    Socket Layer), Firewall with Intrusion Protection System (IPS), LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access

    Protocol) and Portal are implemented to make HRMS highly secured website. Future version of

    HRMS may include Digital Signature Certificate as full proof security system, if desired so by the


    1.7. Information Technology

    HRMS is built with latest proven internet technologies to provide highest satisfaction to the

    users. MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture is followed to create transaction pages; where as

    SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) is used to automate HR processes. Dynamically updatable huge

    structure of Government of Orissa is built up with Oracle Internet Directory (OID), a superset of

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    least to the most popular browser Windows Internet Explorer. It is better to make the application alsocompliant to other preferred browsers like Opera and Firefox in future.

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 


    2.1. Unique Employee Identification Number (UEId)

    Each employee of the Government of Orissa is identified by HRMS with an 8-digit unique-

    employee-identification number (UEId). UEId is randomly generated number assigned to an employee

    on his first recruitment and remain unchanged throughout his life even during his post retirement

    period. HRMS records or retrieve information regarding any employee using this UEId throughout the

    system. Moreover authorities of Government of Orissa may take the advantage of UEId in any other

    department centric software application for identifying the employee and reinforcing accountability.

    2.2. User Name & Password

    Users of HRMS are of two categories, one authentic user and other common citizen or guest

    users. Guest users do not carry a username and password or need not to login to the system. Guestusers can only browse or access information from an unsecured zone. On the other hand, authentic

    users can login to the system with username-password and can access secured information.

    The Chief Minister and Council of Ministers, the Secretaries of Administrative Departments,

    the District Collectors, the Head of Offices and common employees of Government of Orissa are

    authentic users of HRMS. HRMS provides above users a Username and a default specific Password.

    The username-password system prevents unauthorized user to get inside secured zone of the

    system. The password system provided by HRMS is case sensitive. The user enjoys liberty to change

    own password whenever s/he feels like for security reasons, but can not change her/ his own

    username. Any user can use her/ his Username and Password to login to HRMS system. The login

    page is protected through encryption methods of 128bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to prevent

    hackers from hacking the username and password.

    HRMS recognizes the user and retrieves her/ his group-status and employee-status (if the

    user is an employee) when the user logs in to software. HRMS decides the provision of functionality to

    the logged in user according to user’s group-status and employee-status. Moreover, HRMS also

    decides provision of personnel information of the particular pool of employees according to the status

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    5. Head of Office 6. Waiting for Posting

    6. Common Employee 7. Under Suspension

    7. System Administrator 8. Superannuated

    9. Resigned

    10. Terminated

    Common Employee can only avail service information of self and never authorized to access service

    information of any other employee. Where as Head of office can access to the service information of

    all employees in his office. Similarly, District Collector can access to the information regarding all

    employees in his district. Secretary of Administrative Department can access information regarding

    employees working in field offices of their departments. Whereas, Cadre controlling authorities can

    avail service information of employees those are members of concerned service or cadre.

    Government can avail aggregating information on all employees of the state. System Administrator

    can avail service information of entire pool of employees of the government.

    2.3. Employee Profile

    It is envisaged to automate Employee Profile for each employee through HRMS. Employee

    Profile module in HRMS should dynamically prepare a 9-page report containing brief information

    about the employee on current date in the prescribed format (Annex-I). Employee Profile has three

    major parts. First part should contain the scanned image of the first page of her/his service book.

    Subsequent part of Employee Profile presents Section-A: Employee’s Personal Information, Section-

    B: Employees Education Details, Section-C: Reservation Category, First Appointment, Current Cadre

    and Service Book Update Status. The last part of Employee Profile presents Employee’s Deployment

    Status, Substantive Posting Details, Office Details, Additional Charges and Pay Details of employee.

    Information on some sections in Employee Profile can be changed directly by the employee

    as and when required. But some critical information in Employee Profile is restricted to employee formodification. Some of such restricted information may be changed by the respective HR managers.

    Some other information, those are automatically retrieved from the database stored by various

    transactions, are not modifiable by any user.

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 


    3.1. Introduction to Government Structure

    Government employees perform within the government structure, where the Chief Minister

    and Council of Ministers are at the apex. The structure includes from the Administrative Departments,

    their respective Heads of Departments (HoD), corresponding field offices and Substantive Postsunder each offices to Cadre, Grade of different services under each cadre controlling authorities.

    Such structures are not static and changes are made on these structures time to time according to the

    need. Employees once recruited gets mapped to such structures according to their eligibility and thus

    empowered with authorities to discharge certain responsibility. Current version of HRMS records the

    government structures and allows updating the same when any changes brought into the system.

    3.2. Department

    For smooth management of public service delivery Government created departments.

    Departments are the top level controlling authority in government hierarchical structure. It is found

    that, in Government of Orissa there were several departments which are now abolished. Similarly,

    new departments may be created in future when Government feels necessary. Currently, there are 38

    departments operative. Provision should be made in the HRMS to manage department list. The list

    should contain a) Name of Department, b) Abbreviated Name of Department and c) If Department is

    currently Abolished (Yes/ No). HRMS must assign a unique department-id in the format of ‘NN’ (e.g.

    ‘01’ for AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT) for each Administrative Department.

    3.3. Posts in Department

    Some Posts may be department specific and some of them may be generic in nature. Posts

    like Under Secretary, Joint Secretary and Additional Secretary etc are examples of Generic Postbecause such posts are created invariably by all departments. Similarly each Administrative

    Department created several Generic Posts to carry out specific responsibilities of the department (e.g.

    Block Development Officer in Panchayatiraj Department).

    P b dl i 4 diff i i h h lid d l l h

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    format of ‘DDNNNN’ (e.g. ‘010001’, first two digit for department and next 4 digit is the serial no of the

    post) for each Post.

    3.4. Offices of Department

    Each Department has created offices across the state for reaching out to the citizen for

    effective service delivery. Those offices are of several levels according to their capacity and

    responsibility and the levels are Administrative Department level, Heads of Department level, Field

    office level and Subsidiary office level. However, Field office is the bottom most level of office to

    discharge any personnel management responsibility. Field offices and all higher level offices are

    allotted with DDO Code and authorized with drawing & disbursement power. There are 6143 such

    offices under 38 Departments of Government of Orissa. On the other hand subsidiary offices do not

    have any personnel management or drawing-disbursement authority; rather, they are managed by

    their concerned field office. Departments may create new office, rename or make obsolete an existing

    office. HRMS should facilitate to manage information about office in the prescribed format (Annex-II ).

    3.5. Cadre & Grade

    The eligibility criteria to get into a particular post or responsibility is called cadre. Different

    levels that define the criticality of the post are the grades attached to that post. Cadre and grade are

    two most important information’s attached to a post. On change of a cadre of an employee several

    attributes attached to his posting gets changed. Those attributes are post structure (jobresponsibilities), pay structure (salary information), services to be availed and reporting authority

    information. Depending on certain cadre rule (of Orissa Service Code) the pay structure of employee

    would be revised. Grade also does several changes to a post. In case of govt. processes like

    promotion, deputation, repatriation, allotment to cadre, the cadre and grade are likely to be changed.

    Different cadre levels are defined for each cadre. They are: All India Services, HODs,

    Secretariat, State and others. A set of grades is defined according to a particular cadre. For example

    grades available under cadre Indian administrative Service (under General Administration Dept.) are

    different from grades available under cadre Orissa Administrative Service (under same Dept.).

    A cadre controlling authority can be accessible to all the services and reports related to cadre

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    1 Indian Forest Service Junior Scale Rs.8,000-275-13,500

    2 Indian Forest Service Senior Timescale (A) Rs.10,000-325-15,200

    3 Indian Forest Service Junior Administrative



    Indian Police Service –

    Sl. No Cadre Grade Scale

    1 Indian Police Service Selection Grade Rs.14,300-400-18,300

    2 Indian Police Service Super Timescale (A) Rs.16,400-450-20,000

    3 Indian Police Service Super Timescale (B) Rs.18,400-500-22,400

    Indian Administrative Service –

    Sl. No Cadre Grade Scale

    1 Indian Administrative Service Junior Scale Rs.8,000-275-13,500

    2 Indian Administrative Service Senior Timescale Rs.10,650-325-15,850

    3 Indian Administrative Service Junior Administrative



    3.6. Offices

    There are 6143 number Govt. offices under Government of Orissa which are distributed under

    38 departments. Each office has a unique DDO (drawing disbursement officer) code.

    Nomenclature of DDO code: Each DDO code is of 9 characters. The first 3 characters are

    district code, the next 3 characters are department code and last 3 are serial number. For example

    CTSGAD002 is a DDO code where CTS specifies Cuttack district, GAD indicates General

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    their categorization. An office is created by a concerned department depending on its job

    requirements. After set up of that office, several posts need to be defined in that particular office to

    make it functional.

    [This figure represents the office hierarchy at different levels]

    For office listing, information like exact nomenclature of office, department under which this

    office is created, subject of that department, territory of office, at which level the office is to be

    established, whether it’ll be a child office or parent office, location of the office, treasury name from

    where the office employee will get their salary, Drawing disbursement officer, officer in charge etc are

    required. To create a new office DDO code should be provided. If DDO code is not available for an

    office, then parent office must be provided. Parent offices are list of offices that have got child offices

    within it.

    Here one office can be a reporting authority to another office, i.e. one parent office may have

    more than one child office. The software should be developed such that, it can accommodate theparent-child relationship. Offices should be managed in its hierarchical level. Like reporting office of

    some child offices can be changed to parent offices of some other child offices.

    3.7. Post

    Every employee is recognized through the post he/she carries and the service provided as a

    responsibility of that post. The term post is recognized as two parts. They are Generic Post and

    Substantive Post. Generic post is the name of the post defined in a particular office. Exact

    specification of the post is substantive post where the name of post and position of the chair is given.

    In other words substantive post constitutes generic post, subject identity and territory identity. For

    example, Junior Stenographer is a Generic post and Junior Stenographer, Rural Water Supply and

    Department level

    HOD level

    Field Offices


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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    Posting information of an employee has a big effect on pay structure of that employee. Salary

    structure is directly related to the posting criteria. For a particular post, a fixed amount is defined

    which gets changed depending on cadre and grade. Through different service transactions or

    processes the post changes like Promotion, Transfer, Fixation of pay, Step up of pay, Re-designation

    etc. On processing each of these transactions, the pay information gets revised.

    Like the office hierarchy, post also maintains its hierarchy where one post can be the

    reporting authority of another post. A lower level post can be treated as child to another post. In thisscenario the software to be developed should provide facility to acquire the parent-child relationship in

    post management.

    After an office setup, posts are created according to different responsibilities within the office.

    The software should create a number of new posts at time of requirement.

    3.8. Substantive PostAdministrative Department allots Posts to the concern offices, and Such Posts are called

    Substantive Post. Every employee holds a substantive post to perform all duties and responsibilities

    mapped to the particular substantive posts. An employee may hold multiple substantive post at a time

    as additional charges. A substantive post contains information like Generic post (e.g. Executive

    Engineer), subject identity (e.g. RWSS Division) and territory (e.g. Koraput) identity within it. In

    Government of Orissa there are tentatively 5 lakhs substantive posts distributed over 6143 no ofDDOs throughout the state in different departments. If no employee is mapped to any substantive

    post then it remains vacant. The software should have the provision for creating such substantive post

    under different offices. For creating a substantive post information like Generic post, subject identity,

    territory identity, post level, post serial no. are required.

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 


    (Recording of G2E Transactions) 

    4.1.  Employee Speciic !o"e#$me$% T#&$'&c%io$' ( p#oce''e'

    4.1.1. !R)*P )+ +*,CTI),S- Leave  +*,CTI),- Sanction of Leave through Leave sanction

    ESCRIPTI),-  Authority sanctions leave to mae any employee !e lawfully

    a!sent from duty" The period of leave is de!ited to the particular leave account of

    the employee" #t captures the data lie Type of leave$ Period of sanction with

    prefi% and suffi% date &if any'"

    I$%e#&ce- The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Leave

    transactions is shown" (very single Leave transaction can !e viewed for further

    viewing)updating purpose in a data page !y clicing on view)edit lin" *etail

    a!out the list page and data page is descri!ed in the ne%t section"

    /i'% P&e- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it" The list

    page is divided into three different sections namely a' +eader$ !' List c' Control

    Panel as shown in Fig: 2.1(a)" The detail descriptions a!out all the sections are as


    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this

    section data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data components

    lie (mployee -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as


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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    /i'%- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it" #t contains

    data components lie *ate of (ntry$ -otification Order -o etc as descri!ed !elow" 

    •  &%e o E$%#y- This is the date of entry into service !oo$ it means

    the date on which the entry was taen" 

    •  Type o /e&"e- This field shows the type of leave" 

     +#om &%e- This will show from which date the employee will tae the


    •  To &%e- This will show up to which date the employee has taen the


    •  Si #om &%e-  This field shows the start date of vacation which

    comes after the leave date taen !y the employee" 

    •  Si %o &%e- This field shows the end date of vacation which comesafter the leave date taen !y the employee" 

    •  P#ei +#om &%e- This field shows the start date of vacation which

    comes !efore the leave date taen !y the employee 

    •  P#ei %o &%e- This field shows the end date of vacation which comes

    !efore the leave date taen !y the employee" 

    •  I /o$ /e&"e- This field shows if the leave duration period was long" 

    •  Vie Ico$- The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

    particular row on clicing the view lin" 

    •  Ei% Ico$- This lin is used when the user wants to edit some of the

    e%isting entries from the list" After clicking on the edit lin it will go to

    (diting page with all data" The edited data can !e saved through

    clicing on save !utton" 

    •  Spe#'ee Ico$-  This lin is used to modify the current order" The

    corresponding row containing a particular order which can !e

    modified)superseded !y clicing on the supersede hyperlin" After

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    Co$%#ol P&$el- #t allows user to perform certain functions lie adding new leave

    record or e%iting from the module" #t contains !uttons lie add new and e%it"

    *etail description is given !elow" 

    •  A,e %%o$-  This !utton is used to add a new record to the

    e%isting record or data. 

    •  Ei%- This !utton is closed the current transaction page window" 

    Fig: 2.1(a)

    &%& P&e- *ata page contains detail data components of a particular leave

    transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information" This page

    is divided into three different sections namely a' header$ !' data panel$ c' control

    panel as shown in 2Fig: 2.1(b)’. *etail description a!out each section is discussed!elow"

    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this

    section data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data components

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    •  Po'%- This is the current post of an Employee.

    •  !P+ ( PPA, ,o- This is GP1 ) PPA- -o of an (mployee" 

    &%& P&$el-  #t contains detail data components of a particular deputation

    transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information" #t contains

    information lie 














    •  Se#"ice oo Te% o-  This shows the date of entry into service

    !oo$ it means the date on which the entry was taen" #t can tae only

    33 characters #t is a mandatory field The user has to give the entry

    Fig: 2.1(b)

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    •  )#e# ,o Te% o- This field shows the notification order num!er" #t

    can tae only 9: characters$ #t can tae num!ers as well as characters$

    an entry more than that will show an alert message" #t is a mandatory


    •  )#e# &%e Te% o- This field shows the notification order date of

    an employee" #t means the notification date given to the employee will

    !e displayed in this field" #t can tae only 33 characters" The user has

    to give the entry according to particular date format &**4...45555'" 

    •  e%&il' ) ,o%iyi$ A%o#i%y- #t contains 6 com!o !o%es named as

    Department of the !otifying Authority, ffice of the !otifying

     Authority, !otifying Authority.  These three fields are mandatory"

    7ithout selecting the department user can8t select either office or


    o  ep%me$% o %e ,o%iyi$ A%o#i%y Como o- This is

    a com!o !o%" The user has to select one particular department

    of the particular employee" #t is a mandatory field" #f the user

    leaves it !lan then it will show a message "plea#e  #elect the

    Department of !otifying Authority ". 

    o  )ice o %e ,o%iyi$ A%o#i%y Como o-  This is a

    com!o !o%" The user has to select one office relevant to the

    corresponding department" #t is a mandatory field" #f the user

    leaves it !lan then it will show a message "plea#e  #elect the

    ffice of the !otifying Authority ". 

    o  ,o%iyi$ A%o#i%y Como o-  This is a com!o !o%" The

    user has to select one employee of office of the particular

    department" #t is also a mandatory field" #f the user leaves it

    !lan then it will show a message "plea#e  #elect !otifying

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      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    •  Si +#om- This field shows the start date of vacation which comes

    after the leave date taen !y the employee" 

    •  Si To- This field shows the end date of vacation which comes after

    the leave date taen !y the employee" 

    •  P#ei +#om- This field shows the start date of vacation which comes

    !efore the leave date taen !y the employee 

    •  P#ei To- This field shows the end date of vacation which comes

    !efore the leave date taen !y the employee" 

    •  I eic&l Ce#%iic&%e Smi%%e, This field shows the status of

    su!mission of medical certificate" 

    •  I Comm%e- This field shows the leave has !een commuted" 

    •  I /o$ Te#m &'i'- This field shows if the leave duration period waslong" 

    •  ,o%e Te% A#e&- This te%t !o% will contain -ote &if any' relating to the

    cancellation of 1irst Appointment of an employee" #t is an optional

    area" #t can tae only 3::: characters$ #t can tae num!ers as well as

    characters$ an entry more than that will show an alert message" 

    Co$%#ol P&$el- #t allows user to perform certain functions lie cancel"

    •  C&$cel %%o$-  #t is used to cancel the editing records from the

    list and go !ac to List Page"  +*,CTI),- Sanction of +ead/uarter Leave Permission through Leave


    ESCRIPTI),- Any Govt servant wants to leave his head /uarter) woring

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    /i'% P&e- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Leave Permission events in

    it" The list page is divided into three different sections namely a' +eader$ !' List

    c' Control Panel as shown in Fig: 2.2(a)" The detail descriptions a!out all the

    sections are as follows,

    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this

    section data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data components

    lie (mployee -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as


    •  Employee ,&me- -ame of the selected employee is shown at the top

    left corner of the header section" #t is a la!el for viewing purpose"

    (mployee -ame cannot !e edited here in this section" 

    •  HRS I- This is an (mployee #* of a particular employee" #t is a

    uni/ue value and has ma%imum limit of 0 characters.

    •  Po'%- This is the current post of an Employee.

    •  !P+ ( PPA, ,o- This is GP1 ) PPA- -o of an (mployee" 

    /i'%- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it" #t contains

    data components lie *ate of (ntry$ Permission type etc as descri!ed !elow" 

    •  &%e o E$%#y- This is the date of entry into service !oo$ it means

    the date on which the entry was taen" 

    •  Pe#mi''io$ Type- This field shows the type of permission of leave" 

    •  +#om &%e-  This shows from which date the employee will tae the


    •  Time - This shows the time of from date the employee has taen the


    • To &%e- This shows up to which date the employee has taen the

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    to (diting page with all data" The edited data can !e saved through

    clicing on save !utton" 

    Co$%#ol P&$el- #t allows user to perform certain functions lie adding new leave

    record or e%iting from the module" #t contains !uttons lie add new and e%it"

    *etail description is given !elow" 

    •  A,e %%o$-  This !utton is used to add a new record to the

    e%isting record or data. 

    •  Ei%- This !utton is closed the current transaction page window" 

    Fig: 2.2(a)

    &%& P&e- *ata page contains detail data components of a particular leave

    transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information" This page

    is divided into three different sections namely a' header$ !' data panel$ c' control

    panel as shown in 2Fig: 2.2(b)’. *etail description a!out each section is discussed


    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this

    section data shown in the form of la!els &read only' #t contains data components

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    •  Po'%- This is the current post of an Employee.

    •  !P+ ( PPA, ,o- This is GP1 ) PPA- -o of an (mployee" 

    &%& P&$el- #t contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction

    and allows the user to add or update relevant information" #t contains information
















    •  ,o%iic&%io$ ,o Te% o- This te%t!o% will contain notification num!er for head

    / a te lea ing of the emplo ee #t can tae onl 9: cha acte s #t can tae

    Fig: 2.2(b) 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    •  Pe#mi''io$ Type Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to select the

    type of permission of the employee" #t is a mandatory field" #f the user left it

    !lan then it will show a message lie ;Please Select the Permission Type;" 

    •  e%&il' o A%o#i%y- #t contains 6 com!o !o%es named as Department, ffice

    an$ Authority. 7ithout selecting the department user can8t select either office or


    o  ep%me$% Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to selectone particular department of the particular employee" #t is not a

    mandatory field" 

    o  )ice Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to select one office

    relevant to the corresponding department" #t is not a mandatory field"

    o  A%o#i%y Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to select one

    employee of office of the particular department" #t is not a mandatory


    •  +#om &%e Te% o- This is a te%t!o% which contains the date from which from

    which the +ead

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    button$ the page will !e !ac to the initial stage as it is appeared at

    the time of loading" 

    •  C&$cel %%o$- #t is used to cancel the editing records from the

    list and go !ac to List Page"  +*,CTI),- Preparation of  Leave Account through Leave Opening ?alance"

    ESCRIPTI),- +R.S software taes input of Opening ?alance of particular type

    of Leave &mostly earned leave' on a specific date" This input is essential for +R.S

    to automate leave account for su!se/uent period" This form records Type of

    Leave$ Cutoff *ate of opening !alance and -um!er of leave days as Opening


    I$%e#&ce- The modules have one list page where the list of all previous LeaveOpening ?alance transactions is shown" (very Leave Opening ?alance transaction

    can !e viewed for further viewing)updating purpose in a data page !y clicing on

    view)edit lin" *etail a!out the list page and data page is descri!ed in the ne%t


    /i'% P&e- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Leave Opening ?alanceevents in it" The list page is divided into three different sections namely a'

    +eader$ !' List c' Control Panel as shown in Fig: 2.%(a)" The detail descriptions

    a!out all the sections are as follows,

    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this

    section data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data componentslie (mployee -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as


    • Employee ,&me- -ame of the selected employee is shown at the top

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    /i'%- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it" #t contains

    data components lie *ate of (ntry$ Permission type etc as descri!ed !elow" 

    •  /e&"e I-  This field stores the #* of the leave name as in a!!reviated


    •  /e&"e Type- This field stores the name of the leave" 

    •  &%e o )pe$i$ &l&$ce-  This field stores the *ate of opening

    !alance of a leave" 

    •  Time- This field stores the time of opening !alance in connection with

    the date" 

    •  )pe$i$ &l&$ce- This field stores the remaining !alance of leave" 

    •  Ei% Ico$- This hyperlin is used when the user wants to edit some of

    the e%isting entries from the list" After clicking on the edit lin it will goto (diting page with all data" The edited data can !e saved through

    clicing on save !utton" 

    •  Remove Icon: #t is used to delete e%isting records from the list" 

    Co$%#ol P&$el- #t allows user to perform certain functions lie adding new leave

    record or e%iting from the module" #t contains !uttons lie add new and e%it"*etail description is given !elow" 

    •  C&$cel %%o$-  #t is used to cancel the editing records from the list

    and go !ac to List Page"

    •  Ei%- This !utton is closed the current transaction page window" 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    Fig: 2.%(a)

    &%& P&e- *ata page contains detail data components of a particular leave

    transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information" This page

    is divided into three different sections namely a' header$ !' data panel$ c' control

    panel as shown in 2Fig: 2.%(b)’. *etail description a!out each section is discussed!elow"

    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this

    section data shown in the form of la!els &read only' #t contains data components

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    •  Po'%- This is the current post of an Employee.

    •  !P+ ( PPA, ,o- This is GP1 ) PPA- -o of an (mployee" 

    &%& P&$el- #t contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction

    and allows the user to add or update relevant information" #t contains information




















    Fig: 2.%(b)

    S S f

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    •  Time Como o- This com!o !o% will contain the timing of the opening

    !alance" #t stores the timing either in after noon or in forenoon when the

    !alance is credited" #ts a mandatory field" 

    •  )pe$i$ &l&$ce  Te% o-  This te%t!o% will contain the opening

    !alanceB #t means how much leave he has taen throughout his service

    period that will display in this field" #t is an optional field" #t can tae

    only 6 characters" #t won8t allow writing more than three" 

    Co$%#ol P&$el- #t allows user to perform certain functions lie cancel"

    •  S&"e %%o$- This !utton is used for saving the changed)newly

    entered data to the list" 

    •  C&$cel %%o$-  #t is used to cancel the editing records from the

    list and go !ac to List Page"

    •  Ei%- This !utton is closed the current transaction page window"  +*,CTI),- A!sent from *uty"

    ESCRIPTI),- Authority may record period of unauthori@ed a!sence from duty

    of an employee into his) her service !oo" +R.S facilitates to record such events"

    Such recordings will !e referred in future to decide upon whether to treat the

    same as &egulari'ation of Ab#ence or as reak in er*ice"

    I$%e#&ce- The modules have one list page where the list of all previous A!sent

    from *uty transactions is shown" (very A!sent from *uty transaction can !e

    viewed for further viewing)updating purpose in a data page !y clicing on

    view)edit lin" *etail a!out the list page and data page is descri!ed in the ne%t


    HRMS U R i t S ifi ti

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    lie (mployee -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as


    •  Employee ,&me- -ame of the selected employee is shown at the top

    left corner of the header section" #t is a la!el for viewing purpose"

    (mployee -ame cannot !e edited here in this section" 

    •  HRS I- This is an (mployee #* of a particular employee" #t is a

    uni/ue value and has ma%imum limit of 0 characters.

    •  Po'%- This is the current post of an Employee.

    •  !P+ ( PPA, ,o- This is GP1 ) PPA- -o of an (mployee" 

    /i'%- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it" #t contains

    data components lie *ate of (ntry$ Permission type etc as descri!ed !elow" 

    •  /e&"e I-  This field stores the #* of the leave name as in a!!reviated


    •  &%e o E$%#y- This is the date of entry into service !oo$ it means

    the date on which the entry was taen" 

    •  A'e$ce Time +#om &%e- 

    •  A'e$ce Time To &%e- 

    •  Vie- The  employee can view the details of the transaction of a

    particular row on clicing the view lin" 

    •  Ei% Ico$- This hyperlin is used when the user wants to edit some of

    the e%isting entries from the list" After clicking on the edit lin it will go

    to (diting page with all data" The edited data can !e saved throughclicing on save !utton" 

    •  Spe#'ee Ico$- This hyperlin is used to modify the current order"

    The corresponding row containing a particular order which can !e

    HRMS User Requirement Specification

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    Co$%#ol P&$el- #t allows user to perform certain functions lie adding new leave

    record or e%iting from the module" #t contains !uttons lie add new and e%it"

    *etail description is given !elow" 

    •  A,e %%o$-  This !utton is used to add a new record to the

    e%isting record or data. 

    •  Ei%- This !utton is closed the current transaction page window" 

    Fig: 2.+(a)

    &%& P&e- *ata page contains detail data components of a particular leave

    transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information" This page

    is divided into three different sections namely a' header$ !' data panel$ c' control

    panel as shown in 2Fig: 2.+(b)’. *etail description a!out each section is discussed


    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this

    section data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data components

    lie (mployee -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as


    HRMS User Requirement Specification

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    &%& P&$el- #t contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction

    and allows the user to add or update relevant information" #t contains information


















    •  )#e# ,o Te% o- This is a te%t!o% which will contain the cancellation order

    num!er" #t can tae only 9: characters$ #t can tae num!ers as well as

    characters$ an entry more than that will show an alert message" #t is a mandatory


    Fig: 2.+(b)

    HRMS User Requirement Specification

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

    •  ep%me$% Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to select

    one particular department of the particular employee" #t is not a

    mandatory field" 

    •  )ice Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to select one office

    relevant to the corresponding department" #t is not a mandatory field"

    •  A%o#i%y Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to select one

    employee of office of the particular department" #t is not a mandatory


    •  Pe#io o &'e$% #om %y: This field holds the time period from which the

    employee was absent. 

    •  +#om &%e Te% o- This is a te%t!o% which contains the date from which from

    which the +ead

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    HRMS, User Requirement Specification  +*,CTI),- Joining from *uty"

    ESCRIPTI),- 7hen an employee oins a new post on transfer then the

    employee is entitled with oining time" This form in +R.S helps recording the

    period of availed oining time in terms of num!er of days"

    I$%e#&ce- The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Joining

    from *uty transactions is shown" (very Joining from *uty transaction can !e

    viewed for further viewing)updating purpose in a data page !y clicing on

    view)edit lin" *etail a!out the list page and data page is descri!ed in the ne%t


    /i'% P&e- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Joining from *uty events in

    it" The list page is divided into three different sections namely a' +eader$ !' List

    c' Control Panel as shown in Fig: 2.(a)" The detail descriptions a!out all the

    sections are as follows,

    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this

    section data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data components

    lie (mployee -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as


    •  Employee ,&me- -ame of the selected employee is shown at the top

    left corner of the header section" #t is a la!el for viewing purpose"

    (mployee -ame cannot !e edited here in this section" 

    •  HRS I- This is an (mployee #* of a particular employee" #t is a

    uni/ue value and has ma%imum limit of 0 characters.

    •  Po'%- This is the current post of an Employee.

    •  !P+ ( PPA, ,o- This is GP1 ) PPA- -o of an (mployee" 

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    , q p

    •  +#om &%e-  This field contains the date from which head /uarter

    leaving permission is effective" 

    •  To &%e, This field contains the date up to which head /uarter leaving

    permission is effective" 

    •  Vie- The  employee can view the details of the transaction of a

    particular row on clicing the view lin" 

    •  Ei% Ico$- This hyperlin is used when the user wants to edit some of

    the e%isting entries from the list" After clicking on the edit lin it will go

    to (diting page with all data" The edited data can !e saved through

    clicing on save !utton" 

    •  Spe#'ee Ico$- This hyperlin is used to modify the current order"

    The corresponding row containing a particular order which can !e

    modified)superseded !y clicing on the supersede hyperlin" After

    clicing on it$ transaction will go to another page called supersession


    •  C&$cel Ico$- This hyperlin is used to cancel the current order" The

    corresponding row containing a particular order which can !e cancelled

    !y clicing on the cancel hyperlin" After clicing on it$ transaction will

    go to another page called cancellation page"

    Co$%#ol P&$el- #t allows user to perform certain functions lie adding new leave

    record or e%iting from the module" #t contains !uttons lie add new and e%it"

    *etail description is given !elow" 

    •  A,e %%o$-  This !utton is used to add a new record to the

    e%isting record or data. 

    •  Ei%- This !utton is closed the current transaction page window" 

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    q p



    &%& P&e- *ata page contains detail data components of a particular leave

    transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information" This page

    is divided into three different sections namely a' header$ !' data panel$ c' control

    panel as shown in 2Fig: 2.(b)’. *etail description a!out each section is discussed


    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this

    section data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data componentslie (mployee -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as


    E l , - f th l t d l i h t th t

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    &%& P&$el- #t contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction

    and allows the user to add or update relevant information" #t contains information
















      )#e# ,o Te% o- This is a te%t!o% which will contain the cancellation ordernum!er" #t can tae only 9: characters$ #t can tae num!ers as well as

    characters$ an entry more than that will show an alert message" #t is a mandatory


    Fig: 2.(b)

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    •  ep%me$% Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to select

    one particular department of the particular employee" #t is not a

    mandatory field" 

    •  )ice Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to select one office

    relevant to the corresponding department" #t is not a mandatory field"

    •  A%o#i%y Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to select one

    employee of office of the particular department" #t is not a mandatory


    •  Pe#io o &"&ile

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online

    40/535  +*,CTI),- *etention on Dacation"

    ESCRIPTI),- Dacations are entitled to the government employees in vacation

    department lie (ducational #nstitutions$ Court etc" This period of vacation can !e

    detained !y the authority if re/uired" Against such detention of vacation

    su!stitute no of leave days may !e credited to the leave account of the concern

    employee" Period of detention of vacation of particular employee is recorded

    through this form in +R.S"

    I$%e#&ce- The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Detention

    on Vacation  transactions is shown" (very Detention on Vacation  transaction can !e

    viewed for further viewing)updating purpose in a data page !y clicing on

    view)edit lin" *etail a!out the list page and data page is descri!ed in the ne%t


    /i'% P&e- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Detention on Vacation events

    in it" The list page is divided into three different sections namely a' +eader$ !'

    List c' Control Panel as shown in Fig: 2.-(a)" The detail descriptions a!out all the

    sections are as follows,

    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this

    section data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data components

    lie (mployee -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as


    •  Employee ,&me- -ame of the selected employee is shown at the top

    left corner of the header section" #t is a la!el for viewing purpose"

    (mployee -ame cannot !e edited here in this section" 

    •  HRS I- This is an (mployee #* of a particular employee" #t is a

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    •  &%e o E$%#y- This is the date of entry into service !oo$ it means

    the date on which the entry was taen" 

    •  +#om &%e- This will show from which date the employee will tae the


    •  To &%e- This will show up to which date the employee has taen the


    •  Vie- The  employee can view the details of the transaction of a

    particular row on clicing the view lin" 

    •  Ei% Ico$- This hyperlin is used when the user wants to edit some of

    the e%isting entries from the list" After clicking on the edit lin it will go

    to (diting page with all data" The edited data can !e saved through

    clicing on save !utton" 

      Spe#'ee Ico$- This hyperlin is used to modify the current order"The corresponding row containing a particular order which can !e

    modified ) superseded !y clicing on the supersede hyperlin" After

    clicing on it$ transaction will go to another page called supersession


    •  C&$cel Ico$- This hyperlin is used to cancel the current order" The

    corresponding row containing a particular order which can !e cancelled

    !y clicing on the cancel hyperlin" After clicing on it$ transaction will

    go to another page called cancellation page"

    Co$%#ol P&$el- #t allows user to perform certain functions lie adding new leave

    record or e%iting from the module" #t contains !uttons lie add new and e%it"

    *etail description is given !elow" 

    •  A,e %%o$-  This !utton is used to add a new record to the

    e%isting record or data. 

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    Fig: 2.-(a)

    &%& P&e- *ata page contains detail data components of a particular leave

    transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information" This page

    is divided into three different sections namely a' header$ !' data panel$ c' control

    panel as shown in 2Fig: 2.-(b)’. *etail description a!out each section is discussed


    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this

    section data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data components

    lie (mployee -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as


    •  Employee ,&me- -ame of the selected employee is shown at the top

    left corner of the header section" #t is a la!el for viewing purpose"

    (mployee -ame cannot !e edited here in this section" 

    •  HRS I- This is an (mployee #* of a particular employee" #t is a

    uni/ue value and has ma%imum limit of 0 characters.

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    •  &%e o E$%#y )#e# ,o Te% o-  This is a te%t!o% which will

    contain the cancellation order num!er" #t can tae only 9: characters$ #t can tae

    num!ers as well as characters$ an entry more than that will show an alertmessage" #t is a mandatory field" 

    •  )#e# &%e Te% o-  This is a te%t!o% which contains the cancellation order

    date of an employee" #t means the notification date given to the employee will !e

    displayed in this field" #t can tae only 33 characters" The user has to give the

    entry according to particular date format &**4...45555'" 

    •  e%&il' o S&$c%io$i$ A%o#i%y- #t contains 6 com!o !o%es named as 

    Department, ffice an$ Authority. 7ithout selecting the department user can8t

    select either office or authority

    Fig: 2.-(b) 

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    •  A%o#i%y Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to select one

    employee of office of the particular department" #t is not a mandatory


    •  &%e #om Te% o- This is a te%t!o% which contains the date from which

    the *etention is effective for employee" #t can tae only 33 characters" #t is a

    mandatory field" The user has to give the entry according to particular date

    format &**4...45555'"

    •  &%e To Te% o- This is a te%t!o% which contains the date up to which

    the *etention is effective" #t can tae only 33 characters" #t is a mandatory field"

    The user has to give the entry according to particular date format &**4...4


    •  ,o o &y'- -o of *ays leave detention" #t can tae only 33 characters" 

      No of Years: -o of Years leave detention" #t can tae only 9 characters" •  Type of Leave: This field shows the type of leave" 

    •  ,o%e :I A$y; Te% A#e&- This te%t area contains the note "#f the authority has

    any notes to specify regarding *etention$ it can !e mentioned in this te%t area" #t

    is an optional field. #t can tae only 3::: characters$ more than that will show a

    message 2(nter only 3::: characters"

    Co$%#ol P&$el- #t allows user to perform certain functions lie cancel"

    •  S&"e %%o$- This !utton is used for saving the changed)newly

    entered data to the list" 

    •  ele%e %%o$- #t is used to delete e%isting records from the list" 

    •  Re'e% %%o$- This !utton is used for resetting the page" #f the

    user does not want to save the changed data$ then !y clicing re#et

    button$ the page will !e !ac to the initial stage as it is appeared at

    the time of loading" 

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    I$%e#&ce- The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Extension

    of Joining Time transactions is shown" (very Extension of Joining Time transaction can

    !e viewed for further viewing)updating purpose in a data page !y clicing on

    view)edit lin" *etail a!out the list page and data page is descri!ed in the ne%t


    /i'% P&e- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Extension of Joining Time 

    events in it" The list page is divided into three different sections namely a'

    +eader$ !' List c' Control Panel as shown in Fig: 2.(a)" The detail descriptions

    a!out all the sections are as follows,

    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this

    section data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data components

    lie (mployee -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as


    •  Employee ,&me- -ame of the selected employee is shown at the top

    left corner of the header section" #t is a la!el for viewing purpose"

    (mployee -ame cannot !e edited here in this section" 

    •  HRS I- This is an (mployee #* of a particular employee" #t is a

    uni/ue value and has ma%imum limit of 0 characters.

    •  Po'%- This is the current post of an Employee.

    •  !P+ ( PPA, ,o- This is GP1 ) PPA- -o of an (mployee" 

    /i'%- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it" #t contains

    data components lie *ate of (ntry$ Permission type etc as descri!ed !elow" 

    •  &%e o E$%#y- This is the date of entry into service !oo$ it means

    the date on which the entry was taen" 

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    to (diting page with all data" The edited data can !e saved through

    clicing on save !utton" 

    •  Spe#'ee Ico$- This hyperlin is used to modify the current order"

    The corresponding row containing a particular order which can !e

    modified ) superseded !y clicing on the supersede hyperlin" After

    clicing on it$ transaction will go to another page called supersession


    •  C&$cel Ico$- This hyperlin is used to cancel the current order" The

    corresponding row containing a particular order which can !e cancelled

    !y clicing on the cancel hyperlin" After clicing on it$ transaction will

    go to another page called cancellation page"

    Co$%#ol P&$el- #t allows user to perform certain functions lie adding new leave

    record or e%iting from the module" #t contains !uttons lie add new and e%it"

    *etail description is given !elow" 

    •  A,e %%o$-  This !utton is used to add a new record to the

    e%isting record or data. 

    •  Ei%- This !utton is closed the current transaction page window" 

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this section

    data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data components lie (mployee

    -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as follows, 

    •  Employee ,&me- -ame of the selected employee is shown at the top

    left corner of the header section" #t is a la!el for viewing purpose"

    (mployee -ame cannot !e edited here in this section" 

    •  HRS I- This is an (mployee #* of a particular employee" #t is a

    uni/ue value and has ma%imum limit of 0 characters.

    •  Po'%- This is the current post of an Employee.

    •  !P+ ( PPA, ,o- This is GP1 ) PPA- -o of an (mployee" 

    &%& P&$el-  #t contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction and

    allows the user to add or update relevant information" #t contains information lie 












      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    characters$ an entry more than that will show an alert message" #t is a

    mandatory field" 

    •  )#e# &%e Te% o-  This is a te%t!o%  which contains the cancellation

    order date of an employee" #t means the notification date given to the

    employee will !e displayed in this field" #t can tae only 33 characters" The

    user has to give the entry according to particular date format &**4...4


    •  e%&il' o S&$c%io$i$ A%o#i%y-  #t contains 6 com!o !o%es named  as 

    Department, ffice an$ Authority. 7ithout selecting the department user can8t

    select either office or authority"

    •  ep%me$% Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to select

    one particular department of the particular employee" #t is not a

    mandatory field" 

    •  )ice Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to select one

    office relevant to the corresponding department" #t is not a mandatory


    •  A%o#i%y Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to select

    one employee of office of the particular department" #t is not amandatory field"

    •  +#om &%e Te% o- This is a te%t!o% which contains the date from which

    from which the +ead

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    •  S&"e %%o$- This !utton is used for saving the changed)newly

    entered data to the list" 

    •  ele%e %%o$- #t is used to delete e%isting records from the list" 

    •  C&$cel %%o$- #t is used to cancel the editing records from the

    list and go !ac to List Page"  +*,CTI),- Periodic eave Credit 

    ESCRIPTI),-  There are several methods for crediting the leave account of an

    employee for a particular type of leave" ?ut here +R.S emphasi@e on standard periodic

    credit of leave according to Leave Rule" +R.S provides facility to auto4compute credit

    days to the leave account and waits for user confirmation of such credit" Eser is e%pected

    to update and confirm !o of cre$ite$ /ea*e# in a specific semester.

    I$%e#&ce- The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Periodic eave

    Credit  Time  transactions is shown" (very Periodic eave Credit  Time  transaction can !e

    viewed for further viewing)updating purpose in a data page !y clicing on view)edit lin"

    *etail a!out the list page and data page is descri!ed in the ne%t section"

    /i'% P&e- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Periodic eave Credit events in it"The list page is divided into three different sections namely a' +eader$ !' List c' Control

    Panel as shown in Fig: 2.0(a)" The detail descriptions a!out all the sections are as


    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this section

    data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data components lie (mployee-ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as follows, 

    •  Employee ,&me- -ame of the selected employee is shown at the top

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

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    /i'%- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it" #t contains data

    components lie *ate of (ntry$ Permission type etc as descri!ed !elow" 

    •  Selec% Type ) /e&"e Como o-  This is a com!o !o% which

    contains the type of leave of an employee" According to these leave it

    has to display the opening !alance date" #t is a mandatory field" 

      To e% /e&"e C#ei% Reco#' Ok   %%o$-  After clic on this "ok"  !utton it will display the leave credit details up to its superannuation

    date$ it will show the list of leave credit details in the same page as

    given !elow" 

    •  Se#"ice Pe#io +#om &%e-  This field shows the leave will !e

    effective from this date" 

    •  Se#"ice Pe#io To &%e- This field shows the leave will !e credited up

    to this date" 

    •  Comple%e o$%'-  This field shows the complete months of the

    credited leave" 

    •  ,o o C#ei%e /e&"e- This field shows the num!er of credited leave" 

    •  Clic %o *p&%e Cec o- This !utton is used when the user wantsto update some of the e%isting entries from the list" After clicking onthe update Chec ?o% it will update with all data" After updating thedata clic on "a*e"  !utton" 

    •  Vie- The  employee can view the details of the transaction of a

    particular row on clicing the view lin" 

    •  Ei% Ico$- This hyperlin is used when the user wants to edit some of

    the e%isting entries from the list" After clicking on the edit lin it will go

    to (diting page with all data" The edited data can !e saved through

    clicing on save !utton

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    •  Ei%- This !utton is closed the current transaction page window" 

    Fig: 2.0(a)

    &%& P&e- *ata page contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction

    and allows the user to add or update relevant information" This page is divided into three

    different sections namely a' header$ !' data panel$ c' control panel as shown in 2Fig:2.0(b)’. *etail description a!out each section is discussed !elow"

    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this section

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

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    •  Po'%- This is the current post of an Employee.

    •  !P+ ( PPA, ,o- This is GP1 ) PPA- -o of an (mployee" 

    &%& P&$el-  #t contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction and

    allows the user to add or update relevant information" #t contains information lie 









    •  +#om &%e Te% o-  This is a te%t!o% which contains the date from

    which the leave is credited "#t can8t !e changed" 

    •  To &%e Te% o- This is a te%t!o% which contains the date to which the

    leave is credited "#t can8t !e changed" 

    •  ,o o o$%' Te% o-  This te%t!o% will contain the num!er of

    complete months" #t is read only field" Eser is not allowed to change it" 

    •  ,o o /e&"e Te% o- This is a te%t!o% which will contain the num!er of

    leaveB it means how many leaves are credited in that period that will !e

    displayed in this field" #t is a mandatory field" #t taes ma%imum of F

    Fig: 2.0(b)

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online

    53/535  +*,CTI),- Surrender of eave

    ESCRIPTI),-  The o!ective of this module is to record all the leave details

    surrendered !y a particular employee during his)her service period.

    I$%e#&ce- The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Surrender of

    eave Time transactions is shown" (very Surrender of eave Time transaction can !e viewed

    for further viewing)updating purpose in a data page !y clicing on view)edit lin" *etail

    a!out the list page and data page is descri!ed in the ne%t section"

    /i'% P&e- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Surrender of eave events in it" The

    list page is divided into three different sections namely a' +eader$ !' List c' Control

    Panel as shown in Fig: 2.(a)" The detail descriptions a!out all the sections are as


    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this section

    data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data components lie (mployee

    -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as follows, 

    •  Employee ,&me- -ame of the selected employee is shown at the top

    left corner of the header section" #t is a la!el for viewing purpose"

    (mployee -ame cannot !e edited here in this section" 

    •  HRS I- This is an (mployee #* of a particular employee" #t is a

    uni/ue value and has ma%imum limit of 0 characters.

    •  Po'%- This is the current post of an Employee.

    •  !P+ ( PPA, ,o- This is GP1 ) PPA- -o of an (mployee" 

    /i'%- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it" #t contains data

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    •  Vie- The  employee can view the details of the transaction of a

    particular row on clicing the view lin" 

    •  Ei% Ico$- This hyperlin is used when the user wants to edit some of

    the e%isting entries from the list" After clicking on the edit lin it will go

    to (diting page with all data" The edited data can !e saved through

    clicing on save !utton" 

    •  Spe#'ee Ico$- This hyperlin is used to modify the current order"

    The corresponding row containing a particular order which can !e

    modified)superseded !y clicing on the supersede hyperlin" After

    clicing on it$ transaction will go to another page called supersession


    •  C&$cel Ico$- This hyperlin is used to cancel the current order" The

    corresponding row containing a particular order which can !e cancelled

    !y clicing on the cancel hyperlin" After clicing on it$ transaction will

    go to another page called cancellation page"

    Co$%#ol P&$el- #t allows user to perform certain functions lie adding new leave record

    or e%iting from the module" #t contains !uttons lie add new and e%it" *etail description

    is given !elow" 

    •  A,e %%o$-  This !utton is used to add a new record to the

    e%isting record or data. 

    •  Ei%- This !utton is closed the current transaction page window" 

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    Fig: 2.(a)

    &%& P&e- *ata page contains detail data components of a particular leave transactionand allows the user to add or update relevant information" This page is divided into three

    different sections namely a' header$ !' data panel$ c' control panel as shown in 2Fig:

    2.(b)’. *etail description a!out each section is discussed !elow"

    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this section

    data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data components lie (mployee

    -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as follows, 

    •  Employee ,&me- -ame of the selected employee is shown at the top

    l f f h h d i # i l ! l f i i

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    &%& P&$el-  #t contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction and

    allows the user to add or update relevant information" #t contains information lie 









    •  )#e# ,o Te% o- This is a te%t!o% which will contain the cancellation

    order num!er" #t can tae only 9: characters$ #t can tae num!ers as well

    as characters$ an entry more than that will show an alert message" #t is a

    mandatory field" 

    •  )#e# &%e Te% o- This is a te%t!o% which contains the cancellation

    order date of an employee" #t means the notification date given to the

    Fig: 2.(b)

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    •  ep%me$% Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to

    select one particular department of the particular employee" #t is

    not a mandatory field" 

    •  )ice Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to select

    one office relevant to the corresponding department" #t is not a

    mandatory field"

    •  A%o#i%y Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to

    select one employee of office of the particular department" #t is not

    a mandatory field"

    •  Period of surrender oining time 

    •  +#om &%e Te% o- This is a te%t!o% which contains the date from

    which from which the +ead

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    then the remaining days will !e credited to his)her leave account" This form in +R.S

    helps recording period of un4availed oining time in terms of num!er of days$ which willautomatically reflected in his)her leave account" 

    I$%e#&ce- The modules have one list page where the list of all previous !navailed "oining

    Time  transactions is shown" (very !navailed "oining Time  transaction can !e viewed for

    further viewing)updating purpose in a data page !y clicing on view)edit lin" *etail

    a!out the list page and data page is descri!ed in the ne%t section"

    /i'% P&e- #t shows the list of all previously occurred !navailed "oining #ime events in it"

    The list page is divided into three different sections namely a' +eader$ !' List c' Control

    Panel as shown in Fig: 2.1(a)" The detail descriptions a!out all the sections are as


    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this section

    data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data components lie (mployee

    -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as follows, 

    •  Employee ,&me- -ame of the selected employee is shown at the top

    left corner of the header section" #t is a la!el for viewing purpose"(mployee -ame cannot !e edited here in this section" 

    •  HRS I- This is an (mployee #* of a particular employee" #t is a

    uni/ue value and has ma%imum limit of 0 characters.

    •  Po'%- This is the current post of an Employee.

    •  !P+ ( PPA, ,o- This is GP1 ) PPA- -o of an (mployee" 

    /i'%- #t shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it" #t contains data

    components lie *ate of (ntry$ Permission type etc as descri!ed !elow" 

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    •  Ei% Ico$- This hyperlin is used when the user wants to edit some of

    the e%isting entries from the list" After clicking on the edit lin it will go

    to (diting page with all data" The edited data can !e saved through

    clicing on save !utton" 

    •  Spe#'ee Ico$- This hyperlin is used to modify the current order"

    The corresponding row containing a particular order which can !e

    modified)superseded !y clicing on the supersede hyperlin" After

    clicing on it$ transaction will go to another page called supersession


    •  C&$cel Ico$- This hyperlin is used to cancel the current order" The

    corresponding row containing a particular order which can !e cancelled

    !y clicing on the cancel hyperlin" After clicing on it$ transaction will

    go to another page called cancellation page"

    Co$%#ol P&$el- #t allows user to perform certain functions lie adding new leave record

    or e%iting from the module" #t contains !uttons lie add new and e%it" *etail description

    is given !elow" 

    •  A,e %%o$-  This !utton is used to add a new record to the

    e%isting record or data. 

    •  Ei%- This !utton is closed the current transaction page window" 

      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this section

    data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data components lie (mployee

    -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as follows, 

    •  Employee ,&me- -ame of the selected employee is shown at the top

    left corner of the header section" #t is a la!el for viewing purpose"

    (mployee -ame cannot !e edited here in this section" 

    •  HRS I- This is an (mployee #* of a particular employee" #t is a

    uni/ue value and has ma%imum limit of 0 characters.

    •  Po'%- This is the current post of an Employee.

    •  !P+ ( PPA, ,o- This is GP1 ) PPA- -o of an (mployee" 

    &%& P&$el-  #t contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction and

    allows the user to add or update relevant information" #t contains information lie 











      HRMS, User Requirement Specification 

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    as characters$ an entry more than that will show an alert message" #t is a

    mandatory field" 

    •  )#e# &%e Te% o- This is a te%t!o% which contains the cancellation

    order date of an employee" #t means the notification date given to the

    employee will !e displayed in this field" #t can tae only 33 characters" The

    user has to give the entry according to particular date format &**4...4


    •  e%&il' o S&$c%io$i$ A%o#i%y- #t contains 6 com!o !o%es named as 

    Department, ffice an$ Authority. 7ithout selecting the department user

    can8t select either office or authority"

    •  ep%me$% Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to

    select one particular department of the particular employee" #t isnot a mandatory field" 

    •  )ice Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to select

    one office relevant to the corresponding department" #t is not a

    mandatory field"

    •  A%o#i%y Como o- This is a com!o !o%" The user has to

    select one employee of office of the particular department" #t is not a

    mandatory field"

    •  +#om &%e Te% o- This is a te%t!o% which contains the date from

    which from which the +ead

  • 8/18/2019 Hrms Online


    •  S&"e %%o$- This !utton is used for saving the changed)newly

    entered data to the list" 

    •  ele%e %%o$- #t is used to delete e%isting records from the list" 

    •  C&$cel %%o$- #t is used to cancel the editing records from the

    list and go !ac to List Page" +*,CTI),- .onthly a!sent Statement"

    ESCRIPTI),- Authority may record period of a!sence from duty of an employee into

    his) her service !oo" +R.S facilitates to record such events"

    I$%e#&ce- The modules have one list page where the list of all previous A!sent from

    *uty transactions is shown" (very A!sent from *uty transaction can !e viewed for

    further viewing)updating purpose in a data page !y clicing on view)edit lin" *etail

    a!out the list page and data page is descri!ed in the ne%t section"

    /i'% P&e- #t shows the list of all previously occurred A!sent from *uty events in it" The

    list page is divided into three different sections namely a' +eader$ !' List c' Control

    Panel as shown in Fig: 2.11" The detail descriptions a!out all the sections are as follows,

    He&e#- The header section shows details a!out the selected employee" #n this section

    data shown in the form of la!els &read only'"#t contains data components lie (mployee

    -ame$ +R.S #* etc" *etails of all the data components are as follows, 

    •  Employee ,&me- -ame of the selected employee is shown at the top

    left corner of the header section" #t is a la!el for viewing purpose"(mployee -ame cannot !e edited here in this section" 

    •  HRS I
