IB Class 03


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  • 8/4/2019 IB Class 03


    T.J. Joseph

    Cultural Environmentof International


  • 8/4/2019 IB Class 03


    Introduction International business success requires cross-cultural


    An understanding of how cultural differences across

    and within nations may affect the business

    Ex: In China, guanxi(relationships backed by

    reciprocal obligations), are central to getting business

    done, but in West it is bribery or corruption

    EX: Class divisions led to high level of industrial

    disputes and thus high cost of doing business in

    Britain compared to Switzerland, Germany or Japan

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    What is Culture?

    Culture is that complex whole which includesknowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and other

    capabilities acquired by man as a member of society.

    - Edward Tylor

    A system of values and norms that are shared among a

    group of people and that when taken together

    constitute a design for living.- Hofstede, Namenwirth, and Weber

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    Components of CultureValues

    Abstract ideas about what a group believes to be good,

    right, and desirable

    Reflect a persons sense of right and wrong or what

    ought to be.Norms

    Norms are the social rules that govern peoples actions

    toward one another


    Society refers to a group of people who share a common

    set of values and norms

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    Values forms the bedrock of a culture

    They provide the context within which a societys

    norms are established and justified

    They include attitudes toward

    Individual freedom, Truth, Justice, Honesty, Loyalty,

    Social obligations, love, sex, marriage, etc.

    Values are also reflected in the political and

    economic systems

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    Folkways: Routineconventions of everyday


    Little moralsignificance

    Generally, social

    conventions such as

    dress codes, social

    manners, and neighborly


    Ex: Attitude towards time

    Mores: Norms central tothe functioning of

    society and its social life

    Greater significance than


    Violation can bring serious


    Theft, adultery, incestand cannibalism

    Ex: Alcohol drinking in US

    and Saudi Arabia

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    Culture, Society, and the

    Nation State

    A societyis a group of people bound together by a

    common culture

    There is not a strict one-to-one correspondence

    between a society and a nation state

    Nation State:

    Is a political creation May contain a single culture or several cultures

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    The Determinants of Culture

  • 8/4/2019 IB Class 03


    Social Structure

    Social structure refers to its basic social organization

    Two dimensions that are particularly important


    The extent to which society is group or

    individually oriented

    Degree of stratification into castes or classes

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    Religious and Ethical Systems

    Religion: a system of shared beliefs and rituals Ethical systems: a set of moral principles, or values, that

    are used to guide and shape behavior

    Most of the worlds ethical systems are the product of religions

    Among the thousands of religions in the world today, four

    dominate in terms of numbers of adherents:

    Christianity with 1.7 billion adherents

    Islam with 1 billion adherents

    Hinduism with 750 million adherents

    Buddhism with 350 million adherents

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    Language is one of the defining characteristics of a


    Spoken language

    Language-based cultures or stratas

    Learning local language has considerable advantage

    Ex: GMs Chevrolet Nova in Spanish

    Unspoken language

    Include body languages

    Ex: A circle with thumb and the forefingera friendly

    gesture in US, a vulgar in Greece and Turkey

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    Formal education plays a key role in a society

    It is the medium through which individuals learn many

    of the language, conceptual, and mathematical skills

    that are indispensable in a modern society

    Also supplements the familys role in socializing the

    young into the values and norms of a society

    Ex: Respect for others, obedience to authority, honesty,

    neatness, being on time

    Schools teach basic facts about the social and political

    nature of a society, as well as focusing on the

    fundamental obligations of citizenship

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    Culture in the Workplace

    How a societys culture affects values in the workplace?

    Management process and practices of international

    business need to vary according to culturally determined

    work-related values

    Most famous study by Geert Hofstede, a psychologist

    worked for IBM

    Collected data on employee attitude and values for more

    than 1 lakh individuals from 1967 to 1973 across 40countries

    Different cultures were summarized intofour dimensions

    and created an index score for each of them

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    Culture in the Workplace

    Hofstedes Four dimensions of culture

    Power distance - cultures are ranked high or low on this

    dimension based on the particular societys ability to deal

    with inequalities

    Individualism versus collectivism - this dimension focuseson the relationship between the individual and his/her

    fellows within a culture

    Uncertainty avoidance - this dimension measures the

    extent to which a culture socializes its members intoaccepting ambiguous situations and tolerating uncertainty

    Masculinity versus femininity- this dimension looks at the

    relationship between gender and work roles

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    Work-Related Values for 20 Selected Countries

  • 8/4/2019 IB Class 03


    Problems with Hofstede

    Assumes one-to-one relationship between culture

    and the nation state

    Research may have been culturally bound

    Survey respondents were from a single industry

    (computer) and a single company (IBM)

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    Cultural Change

    Culture is not a constant; it evolves over time

    Since 1960s American values toward the role of

    women have changed

    Japan moved toward greater individualism in the


    Globalization will continue to have impacts on

    cultures around the world

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    Managerial Implications

    Cross-cultural literacy

    Culture and competitive advantage

    Culture and business ethics

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    1. Chapters 3, International BusinessbyCharles W. Hill and Arun K. Jain, Tata McGrawHill publication.

    2. Chapter 2, International Business byOdedShenkar and Yadong Luo, Wiley publication.
