If I were a graduate student again: Like what you do, do what you like, and maintain good...


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If I were a graduate student again: Like what you do, do what you like, and maintain good communication

with professorsChung S. Yang (杨中枢 )

Department of Chemical Biology and Center for Cancer Prevention Research

Ernest Mario School of PharmacyRutgers, The State University of New Jersey


Like what You do

Do what You like

Meaningful Enjoyable


B.S. National Taiwan University, Agric Chem 1962

M.S. Cornell University, Nutrition 1965

Ph.D. Cornell University, Biochem & Mol Biol 1967

Postdoctoral, Scripps & Yale University 1967-1971

Assistant Professor – Professor, New Jersey Medical School 1971-1987

Distinguished Professor, Rutgers University 1988-

Chung Shu Yang (杨中枢 )

Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness by Tal Ben-Shahar

1. Permission to be Human

2. Finding Happiness (meaningful, enjoyable)

3. Building Good Relationships

4. Focusing on the Positive (Gratitude)

5. Managing Stress (relax to recover, simplify)

6. Exercise and Meditation

1. Do you like your research project?

Do you understand your project?

Is there a better approach?

2. Do you like the experiments that you do?

Can you design better experiments?

3. Do you obtain accurate results?

Why not? How to improve?

4. What if the results are unexpected?


• If the results of your experiments are reproducible (and accurate), every unexpected result is a new discovery.

• If your results are not reproducible, every unexpected result is another bad experiment.

• You need to pay more attention to your experiments to improve your lab skills.

• Be mindful, focus on one thing at a time.

Importance of Experimental Skills

• Think about the reasons before repeating.

• What is the basis of the assay?

• Did you follow the protocol?

• What is the variability of your assay?

• Did you use the wrong reagents?

• What is an alternative approach?

Why did the experiment not work?

UnderstandingLab skillsNew Ideas


Like your Research Project

Develop a MeaningfulResearch Project

The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are. - John Burroughs

Do not wait for ideal circumstances, nor for the best opportunities; they will never

come. - Janet Erskine Stuart

• Trust and trustworthy (honest, on time, keep promises)

• First to understand and then to be understood

• Mutual help, on the same side

• Mutual respect, synergies

• Open communication in meetings, and by writing

• Be patient, make specific plans to improve

Good Communication Between Students and Professors

Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness by Tal Ben-Shahar

1. Permission to be Human

2. Finding Happiness (meaningful, enjoyable)

3. Building Good Relationships

4. Focusing on the Positive (Gratitude)

5. Managing Stress (relax to recover, simplify)

6. Exercise and Meditation

• Like what I do, do what I like and have fun

• Maintain good communication with professors

• Be curious, interested in other peoples’ research projects and ask questions - ideas, opportunities

• Read more about new scientific development

• Enjoy the learning process, even if the experiments do not work out

• Be optimistic; as long as you do your

best, there is always a way

If I were a graduate student again

1. Be Proactive

2. Begin with the End in Mind

3. Put First Things First

4. Think Win/Win

5. Seek First to Understand and then to be Understood

6. Synergies

7. Renewal

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective PeopleBy Stephen R. Covey

1. Continually Learning

2. Service Oriented

3. Radiate Positive Energy

4. Believe in Other People

5. Lead a Balanced Life

6. See Life as an Adventure

7. Synergistic

8. Exercise for Self-Renewal

Principle-Centered LeadershipBy Stephen R. Covey

1. Joyful Words Celebrate Life

2. Gentle Words Teach Kindness in Our Schools

3. Affirming Words Inspire Others… and Ourselves

4. Supportive Words Boost Morale and Results at Work

5. Encouraging Words Enhance Performance and Fun in Research

6. Loving Words Build and Heal Relationships

7. Gracious Words Show Respect and Gratitude

8. Affectionate Words Build Strong Families

9. Funny Words Make Us Laugh

Power of Words

“Luck is when a person is ready for the opportunity when it comes” - Seneca

“Diligence is the mother of good luck” - Benjamin Franklin
