ﯽﯾاﺮﺟاو ﯽﺸﻫوﮋﭘ ،ﯽﺷزﻮﻣآ يﺎﻫ ﺖﯿﻟﺎﻌﻓ ﻪﺻﻼﺧ...


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ـ مشخصات فردي:رامین محمد علی طهرانی (تهرانی)نام و نام خانوادگی :

محل تولد: تهرانسال تولد: 1348

مرتبه علمی : دانشیار پایه 15مدرك تحصیلی: دکتري در شیمی تجزیه گرایش نانو الکتروشیمی پسا دکتري ( Post-Doc) : نانوالکتروشیمی- نانوحسگرها و نانو بیوحسگرها

سال اخذ مدرك دکتري: 2009 و پسا دکتري 2012(USM) محل اخذ مدرك دکتري و پسا دکتري: داشگاه علوم مالزي

شغل: عضو هیات علمی تمام وقت (رسمی- قطعی) دانشگاه آزاد اسالمی واحد یادگارامام (ره) شهرري - گروه شیمی

ramintehrani@gmail.com/ rmt@iausr.ac.ir :پست الکترونیکی

خالصه فعالیت هاي آموزشی، پژوهشی واجرایی

سابقه همکاري با دانشگاه آزاد اسالمی- واحد یادگار امام (ره) شهرري : از اردیبهشت 1373 - تاکنون

تدریس در دانشگاه علوم انتظامی - آزمایشگاه تحقیقات جنایی (1376-1377) خالصه سوابق پژوهشی:

ثبت اختراع (تولید بیودیزل به روش الکترولیز) با تاییدیه سازمان پژوهش هاي علمی و صنعتی ایران-1395 ثبت اختراع (تولید نانو پرلیت مغناطیسی جهت حذف آالینده هاي آلی رنگی از پسابهاي صنعتی) با تاییدیه پژوهشکده رنگ-1392

شرکت دربیش از30 کنفرانس بین المللی و همایش ملی وارائه مقاله به صورت سخنرانی وپوستر

ترجمه کتاب مبانی شیمی تجزیه اسکوگ- جلد2 , انتشارات دانش نگار 1390

ساخت نانو حسگر ناخالصی بیودیزل و رسانه اي شدن اخبار مربوطه از سوي ستاد نانو ریاست جمهوري و صدا و سیما-1391

انتخاب سه دوره پژوهشگر برتر درسالهاي 1383، 1384 و 1391 در دانشگاه آزاد اسالمی واحد یادگار امام (ره) شهرري

تالیف 2 کتاب به زبان انگلیسی در زمینه Nanoelectrochemistry و Ion selective Electrodes - ناشر VDM آلمان -2010

ثبت اختراع (تصفیه پساب رنگی صنایع چوب وکاغذ واجرایی شدن آن درشرکت ایران خودرو و چوب و کاغذ مازندران)-1382مجري 4 طرح پژوهشی دردانشگاه آزاد اسالمی واحد یادگارامام (ره) شهرري در سالهاي 1382 -1393

IF>3 با ISI انتخاب دو دوره پژوهشگر نمونه در دانشگاه علوم مالزي در سالهاي 2010 و 2009 بدلیل چاپ مقاله

مجري طرح تصفیه پساب صنایع چوب وکاغذ مازندران مطابق اختراع ثبت شده در سه مقیاس آزمایشگاهی،نیمه صنعتی وصنعتی1384-1385

انتخاب پژوهشگر برتر درسال 1384دردانشگاه آزاد اسالمی ودریافت لوح سپاس ازریاست عالیه دانشگاه آزاد اسالمی، جناب آقاي دکترجاسبی

خالصه سوابق آموزشی:تدریس دردانشگاه آزاد اسالمی واحد یادگار امام (ره) شهرري ( از سال 1373-تاکنون)

تدریس دردانشکده علوم پایه واحد علوم و تحقیقات دانشگاه آزاد اسالمی ( مهر 1394- تاکنون)تدریس به زبان انگلیسی دردانشکده شیمی دانشگاه علوم مالزي، (2008-2009)

گذراندن دوره Post-Doc درگرایش نانوالکتروشیمی درکشور مالزي با مجوز رسمی سازمان مرکزي دانشگاه آزاد 2011-12

IF>3 (2005- 2016) با ISI (wos) چاپ 12 مقاله(2011-2017)ISC چاپ 12 مقاله علمی-پژوهشی وزارتین و

برگزاري کارگاههاي مقاله نویسی به زبان التین و فارسی دوره هاي ضمن خدمت اعضاي هیئت علمی دانشگاه آزاد 1393- تاکنونبرگزاري دوره هاي آشنایی با ارزیابی مقاالت ISI وسرقت علمی و ژرنالهاي جعلی براي اعضاي هیئت علمی و نهاد هاي پژوهشی، 1393- تاکنون

دریافت لوح سپاس جهت ارایه اختراع و پروتوتایپ درنهممین جشنواره و نمایشگاه فناوري نانو- مجلس شوراي اسالمی، مهر 1395 برگزیده اول در بخش مقاالت نانوشیمی سومین جشنواره فناوري نانو دانشگاه آزاد -اردیبهشت 95

برگزیده علمی دانشگاه آزاد ودریافت لوح سپاس ویک پایه تشویقی بدلیل کسب حداکثرآراي هیئت ممیزه درارتقاء به مرتبه دانشیاري-اسفند94 خالصه سوابق مدیریتی و اجرایی:

رییس دانشکده آموزش معلمان دانشگاه آزاد واحد یادگار امام خمینی (ره) شهرري (مهر1395- تاکنون)رییس دانشکده شیخ صدوق دانشگاه آزاد واحد یادگار امام خمینی (ره) شهرري (شهریور1394-مهر 1395)

عضو کمیسیون پژوهشی سازمان حفاظت محیط زیست کشور (مهر1394-تاکنون)عضو شوراي پژوهشی پژوهشکده محیط زیست سازمان حفاظت محیط زیست کشور (مهر1394- تاکنون)

(ISI) , Electrochimica Acta و Journal of Hazardous Materials داور ژرنال هاي

IF>3 با ISI انتخاب دو دوره پژوهشگر نمونه در دانشگاه علوم مالزي در سالهاي 2010 و 2009 بدلیل چاپ مقاله

آدرس محل کار:تهران اتوبان خلیج فارس دانشگاه آزاداسالمی واحد یادگار امام (ره) شهرريتلفن محل کار: 5229200 و 021-33743015

: . / . . پست الکترونیکی:

عضو کمیته استقرار و راه اندازي شرکت هاي دانش بنیان دانشگاه آزاد واحد یادگارامام (ره) شهرري،(1393-تاکنون)رییس دانشکده مدیریت و حسابداري دانشگاه آزاد اسالمی واحد یادگار امام خمینی (ره)، شهرري (اسفند 1392-شهریور1394)

عضو اصلی کمیسیون موارد خاص آموزشی دانشگاه آزاد واحد یادگارامام (ره) شهرري، 1395-1394معاون دانشکده علوم پایه دانشگاه آزاد واحد یادگار امام (ره) شهرري (آبان 1389-آبان 1390)

عضو کمیته داوران همایش شیمی سبز- دانشگاه آزاد اسالمی واحدشهرري (اسفند 1393)مسئول هماهنگی در حوزه نمایشگاهی اولین همایش ملی دانشگاه و دفاع مقدس، مهر 1393 دانشگاه آزاد واحد یادگار امام (ره)

عضو کمیته علمی همایش منطقه اي آسیب شناسی اجتماعی شهري و ارتقاء امنیت شهرها، اسفند 1393، باشگاه پژوهشگران جوان رباط کریمعضو اصلی ستاد برگزاري هفته پژوهش و فناوري، دانشگاه آزاد واحد یادگارامام (ره) شهرري، آذر1393

رییس شوراي پژوهشی دانشکده هاي مدیریت (1394) و آموزش معلمان (1395-تاکنون)، دانشگاه آزاد واحد یادگارامام (ره) شهرريرییس کمیته برنامه ریزي اولین مسابقه برنامه نویسی کامیپوترACM دانشگاه آزاد واحد یادگار امام (ره) شهرري،آذر1395مسئول راه اندازي واحد تولیدي مواد آرایشی و بهداشتی و ارایه فرموال سیون در شرکت لطافت شیمی پویا (سال 1382)

* جزئیات اطالعات آموزشی- پژوهشی در CV به زبان انگلیسی پیوست می باشد

مدیر پروژه تصفیه پساب صنایع چوب وکاغذ مازندران در سه مقیاس آزمایشگاهی،نیمه صنعتی وصنعتی در سال1383-1385

رئیس اداره پژوهش دانشکده فنی مهندسی دانشگاه آزاد واحد یادگارامام (ره) شهرري ( ازبهمن 1388 -آذر 1389)مدیرگروه آموزشی شیمی دانشگاه آزاد واحد یادگارامام (ره) شهرري ( ازاسفند 1388 -اسفند 1389)

مسئول راه اندازي آزمایشگاه تحقیقات جنایی دانشکده علوم و فنون نیروي انتظامی جمهوري اسالمی ایران (1377- 1376)



Ramin Mohammad Ali Tehrani

Personal Data

Date of birth: ١٥.٠٩.١٩٦٩

Place of birth: Tehran - Iran

Marital status: Married

Languages: Persian, English

Occupation: Academic staff - Associate Professor

Affiliation: Department of Chemistry, Yadegar Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre

Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University,Tehran, Iran

Tel/Fax: (+٢١ ٩٨) ٥٥٢٢٩٢٠٠

E-mail: rmt@iausr.ac.ir , ramintehrani@hotmail.com

Work experience: More than ٢٢ years, since ١٩٩٤

Education Records ٢٠١٢-٢٠١١ Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Nanoelectrochemistry at School of Chemical Sciences, Uiversiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. ٢٠٠٩-٢٠٠٦ Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry-Nanoelectrochemistry, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia

١٩٩٦-١٩٩٣ M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch,Tehran, Iran ١٩٩٣-١٩٨٨ B.Sc. in Applied Chemistry, Islamic Azad University, Shahre Rey Branch,Tehran, Iran


Research Interests


Sensors & Biosensors

Fuel Cells

Analytical Chemistry- Environmental Chemistry

M.Sc. Thesis The Study of Dehumidifying Carbon Monoxide, Ammonia and Moisture Adsorption by

Iranian Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite, Supervisor: Dr. Hossein Ghafuriyan

Ph.D. Thesis

The Electrochemical Syntheses and Characterizations of Nickel Nanoparticles and Zinc-Nickel

Nanoalloy on Composite Graphite Substrate, Supervisor: Prof. Sulaiman Ab Ghani

Award Selected Scientist at Islamic Azad University and Get Certificate With Signature Senior

Presidency, ٢٠١٦

Top Researcher of the ٣rd National Nanotechnology Festival (Papers Section), Islamic Azad

University, ٢٠١٦

To Achieve USM Sanggar Sanjung Award in the Category of Journal Publication, ٢٠٠٨ &


To Achieve USM Fellowship Scheme, ٢٠٠٩-٢٠٠٨

To Receive Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) from Malaysian Minister of Higher

Education on presented proposal, ٢٠٠٧

Top Researcher at Islamic Azad University and Get Certificate With Signature Senior

Presidency, ٢٠٠٥

Top Researcher at Islamic Azad University, Shahre Rey Branch, ٢٠١٠ & ٢٠٠٦


Experience Academic-Industry Positions

Dean, Faculty of Teacher Trainig, Yadegar Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (Sep ٢٠١٦-present).

Dean, Faculty of Architecture & General Drawing (Sheykh Sadugh), Yadegar Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (٢٠١٦-٢٠١٥).

Dean, Faculty of Accounting and Management, Yadegar Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre Rey

Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (٢٠١٥-٢٠١٤). Deputy Dean-Academic & Student Affairs, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Shahre-Rey Branch,

Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (٢٠١١-٢٠١٠).

Head of Department of Chemistry, Shahre-Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (٢٠١٠-٢٠٠٩).

Research Manager, Faculty of Technical & Engineering, Shahre-Rey Branch,

Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (٢٠١٠-٢٠٠٩).

Research Project Manager in the Waste-Water treatment, Mazandaran Wood and Paper Ind. Sari, Iran (٢٠٠٦-٢٠٠٤).


Lecturer of Analytical Electrochemistry, Industerial Electrochemistry, Nanoelectrochemistry

and Principle of Nanotechnology for Postgraduate Students, Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad

University, ٢٠١٠-Present.

Lecturer of Analytical Electrochemistry for Postgraduate Students (MSc & PhD), Research and

Science Branch, Islamic Azad University, ٢٠١٥-Present.

Teaching assistant (Analytical Chemistry and Electronic in Chemistry Lab.),USM, ٢٠٠٩-٢٠٠٨.

Lecturer of Analytical Chemistry Lab. I for Undergraduate Students at Shahre Rey Azad

University, Research and Sciences of Azad University and Islamshahr Azad University

Branches, ٢٠٠٤-١٩٩٦.


Lecturer of Aanalytical Chemistry II , Course & Lab. at Shahre Rey Azad University, Research

and Sciences of Azad University and Islamshahr Azad University Branches. ٢٠١٠ ,٢٠٠٥-١٩٩٨-

Present), Shahre Rey Azad University.

Lecturer of Inorganic Chemistry Lab. I,II, Shahre Rey Azad University and Islamshahr Azad

University Branches, ١٩٩٨-١٩٩٤.

Lecturer of General Chemistry Lab. I,II, Shahre Rey Azad University and Research and

Sciences of Azad University Branches, ١٩٩٧-١٩٩٥.

Lecturer of Principles of Water and Wastewater Treatment, Course & Lab., Shahre Rey Azad

University and Islamshahr Azad University Branches, ٢٠٠٢-Present.

Lecturer of Metals Corrosion, Shahre Rey Azad University and Islamshahr Azad University

Branches, ٢٠١٠ ,٢٠٠٥-٢٠٠٢-Present.

Lecturer of Criminal Investigation Lab., Faculty of Science and Techniques in the Police

University of Iran, ١٩٩٨-١٩٩٧.


To Set up Criminal Investigation Lab., Faculty of Science and Technology in the Police

University of Iran, ١٩٩٧.

Advisor for Setting up and Controlling Electroplating Units, ٢٠٠٢-١٩٩٩.

To Provide Formulation and Production of Liquid Soap, Dishwashing Liquid and Moisturizing

Crème, ٢٠٠٣-٢٠٠٢.

To Set up a Production Unit for Detergents, ٢٠٠٢.

Administrator project; “The Decrease of Pollution and Colour from Pulp and Paper Waste” by

self invent method in the lab., bench and industrial scales, Mazandaran Pulp & Paper Industry-

Mazandaran- Iran, ٢٠٠٦-٢٠٠٢.

Research Projects

Study and Manufacturing Organic Complex-Liquid Gold for Designing China and Crystals.


Study the Adsorption of CO, NH٣ Gases and Humidity on Natural Active Zeolite


Study the Use Electrochemical Methods for Waste Industrial Treatment.

Study and Investigating Various Methods for Treatment of Industrial Wastes at

Electroplating, Phosphorylate Units of Iran.

Investigating New Formulation for Producing Cosmetics and Hygienic Materials.

Investigating New Electroplating Methods for Metals

Study New Methods of Waste Treatment for Small Industrial Units and Households (Container

Based Treatment and Rotating Biological Contactor, RBC)

Study Rotating Biological Contactor and its Manufacture in Semi-Industrial Field.

Study Treatment of Pulping Effluents by Using Alum and Clay-Colour Removal.

Study Treatment of Pulping Effluents in Weaving Industry by Using New Compounds.

Study Electrochemical Syntheses of Nanomaterilas and its Application on Sensors, Biosensors

and Fuel Cells.

Study Fabrication of Electrodes Based on Nanomaterials for Using as Sensors and Biosensors.

The Electrochemical Determination of Glycerol in Biodiesel by Using Ni Nanoparticles

Modified Composite Graphite Electrode.

Trainings Short course and Workshop on “Nanoparticles and Polymer Nanocomposites: Synthesis and

Characterizations”, USM, ١٥-١٣ Jan ٢٠٠٩.

Short course on “Sol-Gel Science and Technology: Coating NanoCentury”, Speaker: Prof.

Atsunori Matsuda (Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan), USM, ١٢-١١ Feb ٢٠٠٩.

Workshop on “Writing and Publishing a Research Paper and Thesis” USM Library, ٢٤-٢٠ Jul


Workshop on “Plagiarism”, USM Library, ٢١-٢٠ Aug ٢٠٠٨.


Registered invention in patents office (Invention Reg. No : A-٧٣٧٠١, Iran- ١٢/١٠/٢٠٠٤) entitle:

Dye Removal & Decrease Pollution from Paper and Pulping Industerials Waste Black Liquor


and End Effluents by New Inorganic Compounds.

Registered invention in patents office (Invention Reg. No : A-٧٩٢٣٤, Iran- ٢٠/١٠/٢٠١٢) entitle:

Preparation of Nanoperlite for Dye Removal & Decrease Pollution from Industerials


Scientific Society Memberships

American Chemical Society, Member No: ٢٠١٤ ,٣٠٨٠٦٣٦١ -Present.

Member of Iranian Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Society, ٢٠٠٥-١٩٩٧.

Member of Iranian Inventors Society, since ٢٠٠٤.



١. Ramin M.A.Tehrani, A.A. Salari, The Study of Dehumidifying Carbon Monoxide and

Ammonia Adsorption by Iranian Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite, Applied Surface Science ٢٥٢ (٢٠٠٥) ٧٠-٨٦٦. (Elsevier, ISI citation, IF= ٢.٥٣٨), Q٢

٢. Ramin M.A.Tehrani, S. Ab Ghani, The Electrocodeposition of Nanocrystalline Single Phase

γ-Zn٣Ni Alloy on Composite Graphite, Journal of the Electrochemical Society (٢٠٠٨) ١٥٥ K٢٠٤-١٩٩. (ECS, USA, ISI citation, IF= ٢.٨٥٩), Q٢

٣. Ramin M.A.Tehrani, S. Ab Ghani, The Hexagonal Close-Packed Nickel Nanocrystals Prepared by Fast Scan Voltammetry, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science ١٣٢-١٢٥ (٢٠٠٩) ٣٣٩. (Elsevier, ISI citation, IF= ٣.٥٥٢), Q٢ ٤. Ramin M.A.Tehrani, S. Ab Ghani, The Nanocrystalline Nickel with Catalytic Properties on

Methanol Oxidation in Alkaline Medium, Fuel Cells ٥٨٧-٥٧٩ (٢٠٠٩) ٩. (Wiley-VCH, ISI citation, IF=١.٥٤٦), Q١

٥. Ramin M.A.Tehrani, S. Ab Ghani, Erratum to the Nanocrystalline Nickel with Catalytic

Properties on Methanol Oxidation in Alkaline Medium, Fuel Cells ٧٦١-٧٦٠ (٢٠٠٩) ٩. (Wiley-VCH, ISI citation, IF=١.٥٤٦), Q١

٦. Ramin M.A.Tehrani, S. Ab Ghani, Voltammetric Analysis of Uric Acid by Zinc-Nickel

Nanoalloy Coated Composite Graphite, Sensors and Actuators: B Chemical ٢٠ (٢٠١٠) ١٤٥-٢٤. (Elsevier, ISI citation, IF=٣.٨٤٠), Q١


٧. Ramin M.A.Tehrani, S. Ab Ghani, Electrocatalysis of Free Glycerol at Nanonickel Modified Graphite Electrode and its Determination in Biodiesel, Electrochimica Acta ١٥٣ (٢٠١٢) ٧٠-١٥٧. (Elsevier, ISI citation, IF =٤.٠٨٦), Q١

٨. Ramin M.A.Tehrani, S. Ab Ghani, MWCNT-Ruthenium Oxide Composite Paste Electrode as Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensor, Biosensors and Bioelectronics ٢٨٣-٢٧٨ (٢٠١٢) ٣٨. (Elsevier, ISI citation, IF ٦.٤٥١), Q١

٩. H. Fraji, Ramin M.A.Tehrani, Liquid-Phase Microextraction Based on the Solidification of a Floating Organic Micro Drop for Trace Analysis of BTEX in the Aqueous Sample, International Journal of Industrial Chemistry ٨-١ (٢٠١٢) ٣:١٢. (SpringerOpen, ISC citation)

١٠. Ramin M.A.Tehrani M.R. Allahgholi Ghasri, F. Bakhtiarzadeh, Navid Tafreshi, Sulaiman Ab Ghani, Electrocatalytic Determination of Free Glycerol in Biodiesel at Nanonickel Modified Graphite Electrode, International Journal of Nano Dimension ٢٤٧-٢٤١ (٢٠١٣) ٣. (I.A.U, ISC citation) ١١. Ramin M.A.Tehrani, H. Ghadimi, S. Ab Ghani, Electrochemical Studies of Two Diphenols Isomers at Graphene Nanosheet–Poly(٤-vinyl pyridine) Composite Modified Electrode, Sensors and Actuators: B Chemical ٦١٩-٦١٢ (٢٠١٣) ١٧٧. (Elsevier, ISI citation, IF=٣.٨٤٠), Q١ ١٢. A. Akbarzadeh, Ramin M.A.Tehrani, Graft Copolymerization of Polychloroprene with Methylmethacrylate and its Application as a Single Component Adhesive, Journal of Applied Researches in Chemistry (JARC) ٢٢-١٥ (٢٠١٢) ٤. (Persian) (I.A.U, ISC citation) ١٣. H. Ghadimi, Ramin M.A.Tehrani, S. Ab Ghani, Sensitive Voltammetric Determination of Paracetamol by Poly(٤-Vinylpyridine)/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode, Analytica Chimica Acta ٧٦-٧٠ (٢٠١٣) ٧٦٥. (Elsevier, ISI citation, IF=٤.٥١٧), Q١ ١٤. Ramin M.A.Tehrani, Somayeh Beyzavi, A Non-enzymatic Amperometric Glucose Sensor Based on RuO٢/graphene Sheet Composite Electrode, Sensors and Materials ٦٨٧ (٢٠١٤) ٢٦- ٩٨. (MYU Tokyo, ISI citation, IF=٠.٤٦١), Q٣

١٥. Ramin M.A.Tehrani, A. Akbari, M.R. Allahgholi Ghasri, Synthesis and Characterization of Halloysite/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite and its Application for Lead Removal from Environmental Media, (Persian) Journal of Applied Researches in Chemistry (JARC) ٤ (٢٠١٥) ٣٣-٢٥. (Persian) (I.A.U, Approved by Ministry of Science, Research & Technology, Iran) ١٦. M. Mashhadi Aghaei, Ramin M.A.Tehrani, Non-enzymatic Amperometric Glucose Sensor Based on a Graphene Oxide/Cupric Oxide Nanoparticles /Nanocellulose Composite on a Graphite Paste Electrode. Journal of Applied Chemistry ٤٦-٣٥ (-٢٠١٥) ٣٥. (Persian) (Semnan University, ISC citation, Approved by Ministry of Science, Research & Technology,Iran)


١٧. A. Tajik, Ramin M.A.Tehrani, Voltammetric Determination of Chlorpromazine based on

Polypyrrole/Graphene Oxide Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode. Journal of Applied Chemistry ١٣٩-١٢٣ (٢٠١٥) ٣٦. (Persian) (Semnan University, ISC citation, Approved by Ministry of Science, Research & Technology, Iran)

١٨. H. Ghadimi, B. Na. Tabrizi, P. M. Nia,W.J. Basirun, Ramin M.A.Tehrani, F. Lorestani, Nanocomposites of Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Decorated with a Palladium Silver Bimetallic Alloy for Use as a Biosensor for Methotrexate Detection. RSC Advances ٩٩٥٥٥ (٢٠١٥) ٥- ٩٩٥٦٥. (RoyalSociety of Chemistry, RSC, ISI citation, IF=٣.٨٤), Q١ ١٩. Ramin M.A.Tehrani, H. Ghadimi, Sensitive Voltammetric Determination of Acetaminophen at Poly(٤-vinyl pyridine)/Graphene Composite Modified Electrode, Analytical and

Bioanalytical Chemistry Research ١٢١-١١١ (٢٠١٦) ٣. (Iranian Chemical Society,ISI (Listed), Approved by Ministry of Science, Research & Technology, Iran) ٢٠. H. Ghadimi, Ramin M.A.Tehrani, W.J. Basirun, N. J. Ab Aziz, N. Mohamed, S. Ab Ghani, Electrochemical Determination of Aspirin and Caffeine at MWCNTs-poly-٤-Vinylpyridine Composite Modified Electrode, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers ١٠٩-١٠١ (٢٠١٦) ٦٥, (Elsevier, ISI citation, IF=٣.٠), Q١

٢١. M. Shadfar, Ramin M.A.Tehrani, F. Hooshyar, Determination of Nitrate in Aqueous using Electrochemical Nanosensor Based on Silver Nanoparticles/Nanocelloluse/ Graphene oxide Composite, Journal of Water and Wastewater ١١-١ (٢٠١٧) (٥) ٢٨, (Water and Wastewater Consulting Engineers, Approved by Ministry of Science, Research & Technology, Iran) ٢٢. N. Zolfaghari, Ramin M.A.Tehrani, F. Hooshyar, Performance investigation of magnetic halloysite nanotube/ graphene oxide nanocomposite (M-HNT/GO) for the removal of zinc ions from aqueous solutions, Journal of Water and Wastewater, (in press, WWJ-١٦٠٢- ٢٠١٦ .٢١٣٩), (Water and Wastewater Consulting Engineers, Approved by Ministry of Science, Research & Technology, Iran)

٢٣. Ramin M.A.Tehrani, A. Faridan, F. Hooshyar, Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetic Nanocellulose/Halloysite Nanotube Composite for Zinc (II) Removal from Aqueous Solutions, Journal of Applied Researches in Chemistry (JARC)٦٠-٥١ (٢٠١٦) ٣. (I.A.U, Approved by Ministry of Science, Research & Technology, Iran) ٢٤. F. Hooshyar, Ramin M.A.Tehrani, Study of Synthesis and Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts based on Carbon Nanomaterials for Biodiesel Production, Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (JEST), (in press, JEST- ٢٠١٧ .٣٥٥٥-١٧٠٤), (I.A.U, Approved by Ministry of Science, Research & Technology, Iran)



R. M.A.Tehrani, S. Ab Ghani, Nanoelectrochemistry: Syntheses and Characterizations of Nickel Nanoparticles and Zinc-Nickel Nanoalloy on Composite Graphite Substrate. VDM Publisher,Uk-Germany, ٢٠١٠.

F. Bakhtiarzadeh, R. M.A.Tehrani, S. Ab Ghani, Mercury Ion Selective Electrodes,

Polypyridine Derivatives as Ionophores, VDM Publisher, Uk-Germany, ٢٠١٠.

M. Rabani, R. M.A.Tehrani, E. A.Mehrabi, Translation to Persian: Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Skoog, West, Holler, ٨th edition, Danesh Negar Publisher, Tehran-Iran, ٢٠١١.


Preparing Iran Natural Active Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) for Adsorption of NH٣ and H٢O. ٥th International Symposium Surface Hetrogeneity Effects In Adsorption and Catalysis on Solids, ٣٠ Aug-٠٣ Sept. ٢٠٠٤, Gdansk-Poland.

Dehumidifying of Carbon Monoxide and Study of Ammonia Adsorption by Semnan Natural Iranian Clinoptilolite Zeolite. International Symposium On Surface and Colloid Chemistry Applied to Nanoscience, ١٩-١٨ Nov. ٢٠٠٤, Lund-Sweden.

Oxidative Coupling Of Methane Over Several Two Functional Mesoporous Titanate Catalysis .

International Symposium on Surface and Colloid Chemistry Applied to Nanoscience, ١٩-١٨ Nov. ٢٠٠٤, Lund-Sweden.

Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidative Coupling of Methane Over Mesoporous CaBaTiO٣,

International Symposium On Surface and Colloid Chemistry Applied To Nanoscience, ١٩-١٨ Nov. ٢٠٠٤, Lund-Sweden.

Generation of Ferrate by Electrochemistry Method Using Cast Iron for Waste Treatment.

٥th Asian Conference on Electrochemistry, ACEC١٢-٩ ,٢٠٠٥ May ٢٠٠٥, Shanghai-China.

Effect of Oxidation Number of Silver Supported on Silica and Reactivity for Oxidation of Hydrazine.(International Symposium Recent on Catalysis, RAC ٩-٥ ,٢٠٠٥ Sept. ٢٠٠٥, Rennes-France.

Effect of Oxidation Number of Cu Supported on Silica and Reactivity for Oxidation of Ethylamine. International Symposium Recent on Catalysis, RAC ٩-٥ ,٢٠٠٥ Sept. ٢٠٠٥, Rennes-France.


Preparation and Characteristic of Two-functional Catalysts (Rhodium-Platinum-Silica) and Effect of it’s on the Hydrogenation of mixture of Xylene isomers. International Symposium Recent on Catalysis, RAC ٩-٥ ,٢٠٠٥ Sept. ٢٠٠٥, Rennes-France.

Adsoption Characterization of CO٢ Corrosion Retardation From the View Point of

Electrochemistry .١st Penang International Conference for Young Chemists (ICYC), ٢٧-٢٤ May ٢٠٠٦, USM. Penang-Malaysia.

Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) an Efficient,Economical and Suitable System for Waste

Treatment of Industrial and Household Units, in Order to Resolve the Complicated Problem of Water Shortage in Iran.( Presenting the Article in the Scientific-Research Meeting of young Researchers Club-Tehran-٢٠٠٢).

Electrodeposition of Ni Nanoparticles on Composite Graphite by a Medium High Scan Rate Cyclic Voltammetry. SICC-٥, Singapore International Chemistry١٩-١٦ ,٥ Dec ٢٠٠٧, Singapore. (Accepted as oral present)

The Preparation and Characterization of Pure' hcp' Ni Nanoparticles in an Aqueous Solution at a Medium High Scan Rate Voltammetry. ٢٠٠٧ Virtual Conference on Nanoscale Science and Technology VC-NST, October ٢٠٠٧ ,٢٥-٢١ Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA.

Nanocrystalline Single Phase γ- Zn٣Ni Alloy Formed by a Noble Cyclic Voltammetry Technique. The ١st Regional Electrochemistry Meeting of South-East Asia ٢٠٠٨ (REMSEA ٧-٥ ,(٢٠٠٨ Aug ٢٠٠٨, Singapore.

The Electrocatalysis of Glycerol Oxidation in Alkaline Medium on hcp Nickel Nanocrystal

Modified Composite Graphite Electrode. ٣rd Penang International Conference for Young Chemists (ICYC), ٢٥-٢٣ June ٢٠١٠, USM. Penang-Malaysia. (Accepted as oral present)

The Enhancement of Copper and Nickel Removal in Biological Treatment Process of Electroplating Wastewater by Combined Use of Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) and Chemical Precipitation Methods. ٣rd Penang International Conference for Young Chemists (ICYC), ٢٥-٢٣ June ٢٠١٠, USM. Penang-Malaysia.

The Fourier Transform-Infrared Study on the Configuration and Unsaturation of Polybutadiene Polymeric Chain. ٣rd Penang International Conference for Young Chemists (ICYC), ٢٥-٢٣ June ٢٠١٠, USM. Penang-Malaysia.

A MWCNT–poly (٤-vinyl pyridine) Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode for the Detection of

Diphenols, BIT's ١st Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials, ٨-٦ June ٢٠١٢, Beijing-China.

A Non-enzymatic Amperometric Glucose Sensor Based on Graphene Oxide/CuO Nanoparticles/Nanocellulose Composite Paste Electrode. ٤th International Conference on Biosensing Technology, ١٣ - ١٠ May ٢٠١٥, Lisbon-Portugal.


Research Supervisions (Main) MSc (Research) ١. Parisa Ansari- The Electrochemical Synthesis of Ni/MWCNT Nanocomposite onto

Composite Graphite Electrode and their Electrodcatalytic Applications. (٢٠١٢-٢٠١١)

٢. Maryam Mehrazin- The Electrochemical Synthesis of Cu/MWCNT Nanocomposite onto

Composite Graphite Electrode and their Electrodcatalytic Applications. (2011-2012)

٣. Somayeh Beyzavi- The Electrochemical Determination of Sugars by Using Sensor Based on

Graphene. (2012-2013)

4. Asma Akbari- Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocomposites Based on Cyclodexterine/

Graphene oxide and its Application for Lead Removal From Environmental media. (2013-


5. Shiva Davoodi Nia- Synthesis and characterization of graphene oxide/cyclodexterine/natural

cellulose compounds nanocomposite and its application for nickel removal from environmental

media. (2013-2014)

6. Matin Aghaei- Non-enzymatic amperometric glucose sensor based on CuO nanoparticles/

nanocellulose/graphene oxide composite graphite paste electrode. (2013-2014)

7. Atena Tajik- Voltammetric determination of chlorpromazine based on conductive

polymer/Graphene oxide modified glassy carbon electrode. (2013-2014)

Reviewer/Referee: Journals


1- Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier, ISI citation), (HAZMAT-D-٠٣٦٣٤-١٢) (Editor: Prof. Gerasimos Lyberatos),Cr (VI) Removal with Clinoptilolite Rich Mineral, E.coli and

B.subtilis Loaded Clinoptilolite Rich Mineral Using Factorial Design.



١- Electrochimica Acta (Elsevier, ISI citation), (TM١٤٧-١٣) (Editor: Prof. Tomokazu Matsue) Electrochemical Determination of Bisphenol A Based on Diblock Weak Polyelectrolyte PHEMA- b-PDMAEMA and Multi- Walled Carbon Nanotubes.

٢- Electrochimica Acta (Elsevier, ISI citation), (TM٢٠٠-١٣) (Editor: Prof. Tomokazu Matsue) Long Term Products and Intermediate Species Produced via the Electrochemical/Chemical Oxidation of Bisphenol A in a Four-Electron/Two-Proton Process.

٣- Electrochimica Acta (Elsevier, ISI citation), (EA-S-٠٤٣٨٥-١٣) (Editor: Prof. Tomokazu Matsue) Facile and Novel Electrochemical Preparation of Graphene/β-Cyclodextrin Nanocomposite Film for Ultrasensitive Electrochemical Sensing of Quercetin.

٤- Electrochimica Acta (Elsevier, ISI citation), (EA-S-٠٥١٧٦-١٣) (Editor: Prof. Tomokazu Matsue) A novel and simple method for the electrochemical determination of the antipsychotic drug olanzapine.

٥- International Journal of Bioinorganic hybrid Nanomaterials, (IJBHN: ١٢١٢-٤-٠٥) (Editor: Prof. Mirabdullah Seyed Sadjadi), Seperation and Determination of Pb(II) by Histidine Functionalized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Adsorbed on Surfactant Coated C18.

٦- International Journal of Bioinorganic hybrid Nanomaterials, (IJBHN : ١٢١٢-٤-٠٤) (Editor: Prof. Mirabdullah Seyed Sadjadi), Nano-structural Characteristics of Post-annealed ZnO Thin Films by X-Ray Diffraction and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy.

٧- International Journal of Bioinorganic hybrid Nanomaterials, (IJBHN : ١٢١٢-٤-٠٧) (Editor: Prof. Mirabdullah Seyed Sadjadi), Lu٣+/Yb٣+ and Lu٣+/Er٣+ Co-doped Antimony Selenide Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization, Electrical, Thermoelectrical and Optical Properties.

٨- International Journal of Bioinorganic hybrid Nanomaterials, (IJBHN : ١٢١٢-٤-٠٩) (Editor: Prof. Mirabdullah Seyed Sadjadi), Extraction of Co(II) by Isocyanate-Treated Graphite Oxides (iGOs)Adsorbed on Surfactant Coated C١٨ Before Determination by FAAS. ٢٠١٤

١- Electrochimica Acta (Elsevier, ISI citation), (EA-S-٠٣١٥١-١٤) (Editor: Prof. Tomokazu Matsue) Methanol electrooxidation on flexible multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified sponge based nickel electrode.

٢- Electrochimica Acta (Elsevier, ISI citation), (EA-S-٠٤٣٩١-١٤) (Editor: Prof. Tomokazu Matsue) Pulsed electrodeposition of Au nanodendrites supported on C@TiO٢ core/shell nanoarrays and their high electrocatalytic performance for H٢O٢ reduction.



Prof. Sulaiman Ab Ghani, School of Chemical Sciences, USM, Penang, Malaysia.

E-mail: sulaimanabghani٣@gmail.com

Prof. Norita Mohamed, School of Chemical Sciences, USM, Penang, Malaysia.

E-mail: mnorita@usm.my

Prof. Baharuddin Saad, School of Chemical Sciences, USM, Penang, Malaysia.

E-mail: bahrud@usm.my

Prof. Mohammad Rauf Darvish, Department of Chemistry, Islamic Azad University, Shahre

Rey Branch,Tehran, Iran. E-mail: darvich_m_r@yahoo.com

Dr. Mohammad Jafarzadeh, Faculty of Chemistry, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran. E-mail: mjafarzadeh١٠٢٧@yahoo.com
