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  • III-S dng Intent nh th no?

    -Cc hm thc thi Activity

    -Intent tng minh thc thi Activity

    Nh trnh by phn II, intent c th dng thuc tnh ph component ch nh ch danh tn lp s thc thi Activity. thc hin iu ny, lp Intent cung cp cc hm l setComponent(ComponentName) v setClass(Context, Class) v setClassName(Context, String) setClassName(String, String).

    Ch c dng gi cc Activities trong cng mt app

    VD: PHP Code:

    Intent intent = new Intent();

    intent.setClassName("ten_package", "ten_lop_ben_tr



  • -Intent khng tng minh thc thi Activity

    Trong trng hp ny intent khng ch nh mt lp c th m thay vo dng cc d liu khc (action, data, type, etc.) v h thng t quyt nh xem lp no (app no) s thch hp p ng intent .

    Thng tin action v category ca activity trong mt app p ng intent phi c khai bo trong Manifest ca app (AndroidManifest.xml) di dng Intent-filter (tt nhin nu chng ta mun gi mt built-in action th ta khng cn quan tm n vn ny). VD: PHP Code:

    IV-Truyn nhn thng tin gia cc Activity s dng intent

    -Gi s ta xy dng mt app c hai activites A v B nh hnh v trn. Khi bn phi Activity A ta s gi hm: PHP Code:


    -Bn pha Activity B ta s gi hm:

    PHP Code:

    setResult(return_code, intentB);

  • Trong phn 1, mnh trnh by nhng kin thc c bn v Intent. Tip theo mnh s hng dn cc bn lm mt Tutorial n gin hiu r hn nhng vn nu trong l thuyt.

    -Gi s bn cn vit mt app tnh cc phn t ca mt dy s c cho theo quy lut: PHP Code:

    a0,b0 nhp t bn phm



    thc hin, chng ta xy dng hai Activities 1 v 2. Activity 1 s lm nhim v ly d liu nhp vo sau gi Activity 2 tnh ton kt qu v ly d liu tr v. Ngi dng s quyt nh tip tc tnh ton hay reset li t u. Ton b qu trnh ny c minh ha nh hnh v di y:

    -u tin bn to mt New Project nh sau: PHP Code:

    Project Name: IntentBasic

    Target: bt k (vd 1.5)

    Package name: com.vietanddev.intent

    Application name: Intent Basic

    -Tip theo bn to layout cho hai Activities nh hnh v di

  • input.xml PHP Code:

  • android:background="@android:drawable/editbox_backg





    result.xml PHP Code:

  • android:text="A * B = "

