&ional de supraveghere macropruden &ial a pie &elor Þ ... · privind supravegherea...


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Revista Român de Statistic - Supliment nr. 5 / 2016 67

Cadrul interna ional de supraveghere macropruden ial a pie elor Þ nanciar-bancare

Prof. univ. dr. Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHEAcademia de Studii Economice, Bucure tiConf. univ. dr. M d lina Gabriela ANGHELUniversitatea !ARTIFEZ" din Bucure tiDrd. Daniel DUMITRESCUDrd. Marius POPOVICIAcademia de Studii Economice, Bucure ti

Abstract Politica macropruden ial vizeaz : prevenirea acumul rii excesive de riscuri generate de factori externi i de deÞ cien e ale pie ei, pentru atenuarea ß uctua iilor ciclu-lui Þ nanciar (dimensiune temporal ); sporirea rezisten ei sectorului Þ nanciar i limita-rea efectelor de contagiune (dimensiune transversal ); încurajarea unei perspective la nivelul sistemului în ansamblu în domeniul reglement rii Þ nanciare, pentru a crea un set corespunz tor de stimulente pentru participan ii pe pia (dimensiune structural ). Cuvinte cheie: supravegherea macro-pruden ial , sistem, procesul de regle-mentare, pie ele Þ nanciar-bancare, încurajare.

1. Considera ii generale Criza debutat în 2007 # 2008 a fost una interna ional care a avut la baz servi-ciile Þ nanciare i care a eviden iat probleme cum ar Þ deÞ cien e ale sistemului de regle-mentare, structure de monitorizare ineÞ ciente, pie e opace i produse Þ nanciare multe prea complexe. Ca i rezultat, mai multe comitete i grupuri de lucru au fost înÞ in ate pentru re-formarea sistemului global de reglementare Þ nanciar în contextul prezentei crize Þ nanci-are. Scopul acestor ini iative a constat în prevenirea ca în viitor, sistemul Þ nanciar # bancar s nu se mai pr bu easc aducând prejudicii grave economiei mondiale. Având în vedere cele de mai sus, putem constata în ultimii ani schimb ri majore la nivel global în domeniul reglement rilor speciÞ c sistemului Þ nanciar # bancar. În urm toarele rânduri vom aborda perspectiva Statelor Unite ale Americii, ale Uniunii Europene i ale României. Ca urmare a acestor noi reglement ri, autorit ile cu atribu ii în domeniul supra-vegherii Þ nanciar # bancare au ob inut noi prerogative i drepturi. De asemenea putem asista la na terea a noi institu ii cu atribu ii pe partea de supraveghere i control a siste-mului Þ nanciar # bancar. Noul sistem de reglementare Þ nanciar # bancar este unul foarte complex, iar procesul de dezvoltare este la început. Noile reglement ri i legi cum ar Þ Basel III (la nivel mondial), Dodd # Frank Act (la nivelul Statelor Unite ale Americii), pe lâng faptul c reu esc diminuarea riscurilor investitorilor, a avut i unele efecte nea teptate. Prin evi-tarea activit ilor cu grad mare de risc i prin adoptarea noilor cerin e de capital, b ncile posed în lichidit i mari care le ajut s se protejeze în eventualitatea unor alte crize Þ -nanciare. Un rezultat al acestor m suri a constat în sc derea pie ei de credit privat, b ncile preferând s fac depozite în cadrul b ncilor centrale sau s investeasc în obliga iuni suverane. Ca o m sur de încurajare a Þ nan rii mediului privat, în Europa de exemplu, Banca Central European a promovat dobânzi de referin apropiate de zero.

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Mai exist o tendin de a analiza întregul sistem Þ nanciar # bancar ca un tot unitar, integrand diversele institu ii de supraveghere i reglementare a pie ei bancare, de asigur ri, de pensii private sau a pie ei de capital. În acest sens este de notat apari ia a noii institu ii de reglementare Þ nanciar # bancare cum ar Þ Financial Stability Board, en-titate înÞ in at de G20 (Grupul celor 20 de ri) ce are ca misiune s coordoneze agenda mondial pe tema stabilit ii Þ nanciare. G20 reprezint principalul forum de cooperare interna ional pe domeniul celor mai importante aspecte legate de economia global i agenda Þ nanciar interna ional . În Statele Unite ale Americii, Dodd-Frank Act a creat dou noi institu ii în do-meniul Þ nanciar: the Financial Stability Oversight Council (o entitate ce are ca misi-une supravegherea riscurilor associate sistemului Þ nanciar # bancar i coordonarea colabor rii cu cu alte institu ii de supraveghere) i the OfÞ ce of Financial Research, am-bele func ionând în cadrul Trezoreriei Americane. Uniunea European este lider mondial în implementarea obliga iilor asumate fa de G20. În acest sens, Comisia European a încredin at domnului Jaques de Larosiere s coordoneze un grup de lucru de nivel înalt care s dezvolte recomand ri de înt rire a sistemului Þ nanciar # bancar i care s propun o nou arhitectur a institu iilor de supra-veghere a sistemului Þ nanciar European. Ca urmare a acestui demers, observ m apari ia la nivelul Uniunii Europene a European Systemic Risk Board i a European System of Financial Supervision. De asemenea la nivel national semnal m apari ia proiectului Legii privind supravegherea macropruden ial a sistemului Þ nanciar na ional.

2. Con inutul supravegherii macropruden iale pe plan international * The Financial Stability Board % FSB a fost înÞ in at pentru a coor-dona, la nivel interna ional, eforturile autorit ilor Þ nanciare na ionale i a institu iilor interna ionale pentru dezvoltarea i promovarea implement rii de politici Þ nanciare în domeniul supravegherii i reglement rii pie elor Þ nanciare. FSB aduce la aceea i masa autorit ile na ionale responsabile cu supravegherea stabilita ii Þ nanciare în importan-tele centre Þ nanciare interna ionale, institu ii Þ nanciare interna ionale, institu ii de supre-veghere Þ nanciar sectoriale i comitete de exper i a b ncilor centrale. Financial Stability Board ac ioneaz , în principal pentru: - Evaluarea vulnerabilit ilor ce afecteaz sistemul Þ nanciar; identiÞ carea i

implementarea ac iunilor menite s le remedieze; - S promoveze schimbul de informa ii i s coordoneze cooperarea între

autorit ile responsabile cu stabilitatea Þ nanciar ; - S monitorizeze i s acorde asisten cu privire la dezvoltarea pie elor i

implica iile asupra politicilor de reglementare; - Acord asisten i asigur utilizarea celor mai bune practici pentru atingerea

standardelor în domeniul reglement rii; - S asigure c lucr rile de revizure i atingere a standardelor în materie sunt

realizate în timp util, coordonat i c au effect asupra problemelor identiÞ cate; - Implementarea liniilor directoare i sprijin pentru înÞ in area entit ilor de

supraveghere; - Managementul proiectelor de remediere a crizelor transna ionale, în particular

cu privire la întreprinderile importante din punct de vedere systemic; - Colaboreaz cu Fondul Monetar Interna ional pentru desf urarea \exerci iilor

de simularea alertelor timpurii".

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* Comitetul de la Basel pe Supraveghere Bancar ofer un forum de cooper-are în domeniul supravegherii bancare. Obiectivul s u const în îmbun t irea în elegerii aspectelor cheie ale monitoriz rii i perfec ion rii calit ii supravegherii bancare la nivel mondial. Are în vedere schimbul de informa ii pe probleme de supraveghere na ionale, abord ri i tehnici, în vederea promov rii unui set comun de ac iuni. De multe ori, Com-itetul utilizeaz aceste uzan e pentru a dezvolta linii directoare i standarde de supra-veghere în zone considerate de interes. În acest scop, Comitetul este cunoscut pentru standardele interna ionale în domeniul adecv rii capitalului; principiile fundamentale ale supravegherii bancare eÞ ciente i în elegerea cu privire la supravegherea bancar transna ional . Comitetul încurajeaz contactele i cooperarea între membrii s i i alte autorit i de supraveghere bancar . Supervizeaz la nivel mondial documente i linii directoare cu privire la supravegherea bancar . La Þ ecare doi ani are loc Conferin a Interna ional a Supraveghetorilor Bancari. Basel III este un set de reforme i m suri compreensive, cu aplicabilitate în înt rirea reglement rilor, supravegherii i managementul de risc al sistemului bancar.Aceste m suri intesc: îmbun t irea capacit ii sectorului bancar s absoarb ocurile legate de tensiuni economice i Þ nanciare, indiferent de sursa lor; îmbun t irea guverna ei corpo-rative li managementul de risc bancar; promovarea transparen ei bancare; reglement ri micropruden iale, la nivelul entit ilor bancare, care le vor ajuta pe acestea din urm s - i îmbun t easc rezisten a în perioadele de stress; reglement ri macropruden iale ale ris-curilor sistemice ce pot ap rea la nivelul întregului sector bancar precum i ampliÞ carea prociclic a acestor riscuri în timp. Ultimele dou abord ri sunt complementare deoarece înt rirea capacit ii de rezisten la ocuri Þ nanciare a b ncilor luate în mod individual, reduce riscul de propagare a riscurilor la nivelul întregului sistem bancar. Basel III este un rezultat al eforturilor continue ale Comitetului de la Basel pen-tru îmbun t irea reglement rilor bancare, cl dite pe documentul speciÞ c: !Interna ional Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standard".

3. Unele aspecte privind reglementarea sistemului Þ nanciar în SUA The Financial Stability Oversight Council are un mandat statutar clar ce creaz pentru prima dat o contabilitate colectiv pentru identiÞ carea riscurilor i r spunde amenin rilor iminente la adresa stabilit ii Þ nanciare. Este o entitate de tip colaborativ, prezidat de c tre Secretarul Trezoreriei Americane ce aduce la aceea i mas expertiza legislatorilor Þ nanciari federali, exper i independen i numi i de c tre Pre edintele Am-ericii i legislatori guvernamentali. În plus, pentru a asista procesul de identiÞ care a ris-curilor Þ nanciare emergente ce pot amenin a stabilitatea Þ nanciar , Consiliul poate oferi îndrum ri, solicita informa ii i analize de la noua entitate creat : OfÞ ce of Financial Research, ce activeaz de asemenea în cadrul Trezoreriei Americane. Consiliul are noi atribu ii ce pot restrânge riscul excesiv acumulat la nivel de sector Þ nanciar.Înainte de criza Þ nanciar , cadrul legsilativ i de reglementare Þ nanciar se axa cu prec dere pe institu ii luate în mod individual i pe pie e, neÞ ind luate în considerare lip-surile la nivel macropruden ial. Astfel, slabiciunile de sistem i standardele neadecvate au dus la apari ia unei crize Þ nanciare nedetectabile dup procedurile existente la momentul respectiv. Nici un supraveghetor nu a fost responsabil pentru lupta împotriva riscurilor globale la adresa stabilit ii Þ nanciare, ceea ce este total neadecvat pentru o pia global unde diferite tipuri de institu ii Þ nanciare operaz pe mai multe pie e. Astfel, mari p r i ale sistemului Þ nanciar au r mas nesupravegheate. Aceste probleme au fost abordate prin

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the Wall Street Reform care au dus la crearea FSOC. Aceast institu ie este ste mandatat s : faciliteze coordonarea reglement rilor Þ nanciare; faciliteze colectarea i diseminar-ea informa iilor; nominalizeze institu ii non bancare pentru supravegherea consolidat ; nominalizeze activit i de pl i, utilit i Þ nanciare, clearing, etc; s desÞ in eze companii ce prezint un grad mare de risc stabilit ii Þ nanciare.

4. Con inutul reformei Dodd-Frank prin legea protec iei consumatorului: Numele complet al acestei legi este: (O lege pentru a promova stabilitatea Þ nanciar a Statelor Unite de îmbun t ire i transparen a sistemului Þ nanciar , pentru a pune cap t conceptului "prea mare pentru a da faliment", pentru a proteja contribuabilul american de s salveze aceste institu ii print axe proprii (na ionalizare), pentru a proteja consumatorii împotriva practicilor de servicii Þ nanciare abuzive i pentru alte scopuri. Legea aduce amendamente Federal Reserve Act i celorlalte reglement ri existente la data respectiv , cum ar Þ crearea unor noi institu ii (în paralel cu închiderea i fuziunea altora), astfel încâ s poat Þ supravegheate acele companii prezumate a prezenta un risc sistemic speciÞ c. Legea prevede adoptarea de standarde mai riguroase i unui grad de supravegh-ere îmbun t it, astfel încât s protejeze economia i consumatorii americani, investitorii i afacerile, i s stopeze Þ nan area de c tre contribuabili a salv rii institu iilor Þ nanciare

în pericol de faliment. Legea prevede i un sistem avansat de alarm cu privire la sta-bilitatea economic , creaz reguli cu privire la compens ri i la guvernan a corporativ i elimin unele neajunsuri ce au dus la criza din 2008. Noile agen ii create au primit în

mod explicit puteri asupra anumitor aspecte ale supravegherii Þ nanciare, Þ e prin crearea lor, Þ e prin transferul de la altele. Multe din aceste noi agen ii sunt obligate în prezent s prezinte anual sau bianual Congresului American un raport a activit ii trecute i s explice scopuri viitoare. Cu privire la agen iile existente în prezent, au fost propuse schimb ri menite s îmbun t easc sistemul de reglementare a pie ei Þ nanciare. Institu iile afectate de aceste schimb ri sunt urm toarele: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; U.S: Securities and Exchange Commission; OfÞ ce of the Comptroller of the Currency; Federal Reserve; Se-curities Investor Protection Corporation.

5. SpeciÞ cul supravegherii macropruden iale la nivel European European Systemic Risk Board ca r spuns la criza Þ nanciar global , Comisia European a desemnat un grup de lucru de înalt reprezentare, prezidat de Jacques de Larosiere s examineze modalitatea în care sistemul European de supraveghere Þ nanciar poate Þ îmbun t it pentru a proteja mult mai bine cet enii s i i astfel s restaureze încrederea în sistemul Þ nanciar. Printre multele concluzii, grupul de lucru a eviden iat faptul c monitorizarea nu ar trebui s se concentreze exclusive asupra supravegherii individuale a Þ rmelor, ci ar trebui s aibe în vedere i stabilitatea sistemului Þ nanciar # bancar ca un întreg. În anul 2009, Raportul de Larosiere a recomandat, printre alte lu-cruri, stabilirea unui corp la nivelul Uniunii Europene cu un mandat clar de monitorizare a riscurilor ce pot ap rea în întregul sistem Þ nanciar # bancar. Astfel s-a n scut European Systemic Risk Board ca parte a European System of Financial Supervizion, cu scopul de a supraveghea sistemul Þ nanciar al Uniunii Europene. Conform Regulamentului (UE) NR. 1092/2010 , s-a instituit un Comitetul european pentru risc sistemic (CERS) cu sediul la Frankfurt pe Main. CERS face parte din Sistemul european de supraveghere Þ nanciar (SESF), al c rui scop este de a asigura

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supravegherea sistemului Þ nanciar al Uniunii.$ Rolul CERS a fost unul important pentru dezvoltarea unor noi politici macropruden iale cu aplicabilitate la nivelul Uniunii Eu-ropene. Acest comitet a pus la dispozi ia autorit ilor Europene i na ionale o serie de directive i bune practici cu privire la folosirea instrumentelor de macropruden ialitate prevazute de legisla ia Uniunii Euuropene. În aceela i timp s-a realizat un sistem de identiÞ care a riscurilor de tip sistemic ce include o serie de instrumente analitice speci-Þ ce. Acestea se refer în momentul de fa nu doar la domeniul bancar dar i la pia a asigur rilor, i a a altor institu ii Þ nanciare. Începând din anul 2011, CERS a monitorizat sistemul Þ nanciar European din punct de vedere al stabilit ii, eviden iind un trend de redresare economic modest dar neuniform la nivelul statelor membre. O serie de grupe de active au avut evolu ii positive în perioada de dup 2011, cu efect asupra amelior rii condi iilor în domeniul Þ nanciar. De i condi iile de Þ nan are pentru sistemul bancar s-au îmbun t it, au fost semnalate i zone riscante pe unele pie e imobiliare ale statelor membre. CERS poate recomanda sau avertiza autorit ile na ionale cu privire la aspect de risc sistemic. Conform Recomand rii CERS din 2013, activitatea comitetului se ghideaz dup cinci obiective intermediare ce se refer la minimizarea riscurilor sistemice ce pot ap rea în corela ie cu cre terea volumului de Þ nan are i a gradului de îndatorare, necorelarea scaden elor i absen a lichidit ii, concentrarea expunerilor, infrastructura Þ nanciar i stimulente nearmonizate pentru diminuarea hazardului moral. În prezent, Sistemul European pentru supervizare Þ nanciar este structurat i organizat în urm toarele activit i: European Systemic Risk Board; The European Bank-ing Authority; The European Inssurance and Occupational Pensions Authority; The Eu-ropean Securities and Market Authority; The Joint Committee of European Supervizory Authorities; Autorit ile na ionale competente cu atribu ii în supravegherea Þ nanciar .

Concluzii În anul 2009, raportul Larosiere a recomandat, printre altele, crearea unui or-ganism la nivelul UE, cu un mandat clar de monitorizare a riscurilor care pot ap rea în întregul sistem Þ nanciar-bancar. Acesta a constituit motivul pentru care a luat na tere Comitetul European pentru Riscuri Sistemice, ca parte a Sistemului European de Supervizare Financiar , cu scopul supravegherii sistemului Þ nanciar al UE. Comitetul European al Riscurilor Sistemice, cu sediul la Frankfurt, a fost insti-tuit în acord cu regelemntarea num rul 1092/2010. Face parte din Sistemul European de Supervizare Financiar , al c rui rol a vizat dezvoltarea unor noi politici macro-pruden iale cu aplicabilitate la nivel european. Acest comitet a pus la dispozi ia autorit ilor euro-pene i na ionale o serie de direc ii i de bune practici pentru utilizarea instrumentelor de macro-pruden stipulate în legisla ia UE. În acela i timp, s-a dezvoltat un sistem de identiÞ care a riscurilor sistemice, care include o serie de instrumente analitice speciÞ c. Ele se refer acum nu numai la sistemul bancar, dar i la pia a de asigur ri i alte institu ii Þ nanciare. Începând cu anul 2011, CERS sistemul european monitorizat Þ nanciar din punct de vedere al stabilit ii, prezint o tendin de revigorare economic modest , dar nu sunt constante la nivelul statelor membre. O serie de grupuri de active au avut evolu ii pozitive în perioada de dup 2011, cu efect asupra îmbun t irii condi iilor în sistemul Þ nanciar. De i condi iile de Þ nan are pentru sistemul bancar s-au îmbun t it, zonele de risc au fost semnalate pe anumite pie e imobiliare ale statelor membre.

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CERS poate recomanda sau avertiza autorit ile na ionale cu privire la aspectele de risc sistemic. În conformitate cu recomandarile CER în 2013, activitatea comisiei este ghidat de cinci obiective intermediare, care se refer la reducerea la minimum a riscuri-lor sistemice care pot ap rea în corela ie cu cre terea volumului de Þ nan are i gradul de îndatorare, lipsa de corelare a termenelor i absen a lichidit ii, concentrarea expunerilor, infrastructura Þ nanciar , i stimulente aleatorii pentru a diminua riscul moral.

BibliograÞ e selectiv 1. Cipollone, A., Giordani, P.E. (2016). When Entrepreneurs Meet Financiers: Evidence from the

Business Angel Market, University Library of Munich, Germany in its series MPRA Paper with number 69545

2. Combes-Thuelin, E., Escaffre, L. (2004). Financial Reporting Practices in the European Banking Sector: Financial Instruments and Fair value, HAL in its series Post-Print

3. Dumitrescu, D., Soare, D.V, New Global Financial Regulatory Framework, Revista Român de Statistic # Supliment Trim. I/2013, pag. 51 # 56

4. Dragoi i Balgar (2013). State Aid Policy Contribution to the Financial and Banking Sector Sta-bility in The European Union Member States, Revista de Economie Mondiala, Volume (Year): 5 (2013), Issue (Month): 3 (September)

5. Heid et. al. (2004). German bank lending during emerging market crises: A bank level analysis, Deutsche Bundesbank, Research Centre in its series Discussion Paper Series 2: Banking and Financial Studies

6. Khudko, E. (2015). The Corporate Bond Market, Russian, Economic Developments, Volume (Year): (2015), Issue (Month): 4 (April), Pages: 9-11

7. Petrasek,L. (2012). Multimarket trading and corporate bond liquidity, Journal of Banking < Finance, Volume (Year): 36 (2012), Issue (Month): 7 (), Pages: 2110-2121

8. Pinto.J (2014). The Economics of Securitization: Evidence from the European Markets, Católica Porto Business School, Universidade Católica Portuguesa in its series Working Papers de Econo-mia (Economics Working Papers) with number 02

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FINANCIAL-BANKING MARKETS Prof. Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE, PhDBucharest University of Economic StudiesAssoc. prof. M d lina Gabriela ANGHEL, PhD!ARTIFEX" University of BucharestDaniel DUMITRESCU PhD StudentMarius POPOVICI PhD StudentBucharest University of Economic Studies

Abstract Macro-prudential policies are aiming: preventing excessive accumulation of risks from external factors and market failures for smoothing the Þ nancial cycle (tempo-ral dimension); increasing resilience Þ nancial sector and limit contagion effects (cross-cutting); encouraging prospects in the system as a whole in Þ nancial regulation to create a corresponding set of incentives for market participants (structural dimension). Key words: macro-prudential supervision, system, reglementation, Þ nancial-banking markets, encourage.

1. General considerations The crisis which started in 2007 # 2008 was an international one, it was caused by Þ nancial services and emphasized problems such as the reglementation system, inef-Þ cient monitoring structures, non-transparent markets or too complex Þ nancial products. As a result, many commities or working groups were initiated in order to reform the global system of Þ nancial reglementation in the context of the current Þ nancial crises. The purpose of this initiative was to prevent the future fall of the Þ nancial-banking sys-tem causing serious damage to world economy. Considering all these aspects, we may conclude major global changes of reglementations in the Þ nancial-banking system. Fur-ther on, I shall describe the perspective of United States, European Union and Romania. As a consequence of the new reglementations, authorities with responsibilities in the Þ nancial-banking supervision obtained new prerogatives and rights. We may also witness the birth of a new institution with responsibilities in the Þ eld of supervision and control of the Þ nancial-banking system. The new system of Þ nancial-banking reglementation is a very complex one, and the development process is at its beginning. The new reglementations and laws such as Basel III (at the global level), Dodd # Frank Act (at the level of the United States of America), in addition to the fact that they manage to diminish the risk of the investors, that had unexpected consequences. By avoiding the high-risk activities and by imple-menting the new needs for capital, the banks have great amounts of liquidities which help protect against other possible Þ nancial crises. One result of these measures consisted of a decrease in the market of private credit, banks preferring to make deposits in central banks or invest in sovereign obligations. As a measure to encourage the Þ nancing of private sector, in Europe, for in-stance, the European Central Bank promoted refference interest close to zero.

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There is another tendency to analyse the Þ nancial system- as a whole, integrat-ing different supervision and reglementation institutions of the banking market, insur-ance market, private pensions and capital market. To this purpose, it is worth mentioning the new institution of Þ nancial-banking reglementation, Financial Stability Board, which was laid basis by the G20 (The Group of the 20 countries) whose purpose is to coordinate the world programme of Þ nancial stability. G20 represents the main forum of international cooperation in the Þ eld of most important aspects of world economy and international Þ nancial agenda. In USA, Dodd-Frank Act created two new institutions in the Þ nancial sector: the Financial Stability Oversight Council (an entity whose mission is to survey the risks associated to Þ nancial-banking system and coordination of collaboration with other su-pervision institutions) and the OfÞ ce of Financial Research, both functioning under the umbrella of American Treasurer. EU is world leader in implementing the obligations undertaken in front of G20. To this aim, EU asked Mr. Jaques de Larosiere to coordinate a working group at high level to rec-ommend measures of strengthening the Þ nancial-banking system and propose a new ar-chitecture of supervision institutions in the European Þ nancial system. As a consequence, we may notice at the level of EU, the apparition of European Systemic Risk Board and of European System of Financial Supervision. Likewise, we may notice the creation of the project of Law regarding the macro prudential supervision of national Þ nancial system at national level.

The content of macro prudential supervision at international level The Financial Stability Board % FSB was created to coordinate, at interna-tional level, the efforts of national and international Þ nancial authorities to develop and promote the implementation of Þ nancial policies in the Þ eld of supervision and regle-mentation of Þ nancial markets. FSB brings at the same table national authorities respon-sible for supervision of Þ nancial stability in important international Þ nancial centres, international Þ nancial institututions, institutions of sectorial Þ nancial supervision and commities of experts of central banks. Financial Stability Board mainly takes action in: - Assessing the vulnerabilities which affect the Þ nancial system; identiÞ cation

and implementation of actions to remedy them; - Promote the exchange of information and coordinate the cooperation between

the institutions responsible for Þ nancial stability; - Monitor and assist the development of markets and implications of reglemen-

tation policies ; - Assist and guarantee the use of best practices in order to reach standards in the

Þ eld of reglementation; - Guarantee that the works of revising and reaching the standards in the Þ eld are

accomplished in due time and have effect on identiÞ ed problems; - Implement the main directions and support for the new supervision entities; - Management of projects of surpassing the trans-national crises, in particular of

actions important from the systemic point of view ; - Collaborate with the International Monetary Fund to organize the \exercises

of simulation of early alerts" Committee of Banking Supervision from Basel offers a forum of cooperation

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in the Þ eld of banking supervision. Its objective is to improve the understanding of key aspects of monitoring and enhancing the quality of banking supervision at global level. It focuses on exchange of information in problems of national supervision, practices and techniques, in order to elaborate a common set of practices. Many times, the Committee uses these practices in order to develop main directions and supervision standards in the Þ eld of capital adjustment ; the fundamental principles of efÞ cient banking supervision and understanding the trans-national banking supervision . The Commitee encourages contacts and cooperation between its members and other authorities of banking supervision. It supervises documents and main directions of banking supervision at global level. The International Confference of Banking Surveilers takes place every two years. Basel III is a set of reforms and comprehensive measures with aplicability in enhancing the reglementations, supervision and risk management of the banking sys-tem. These measures aim at: improving the capacity of the banking system to absorbe the shocks of economic and Þ nancial tensions, regardless of their origin; iproving the corprative governance in the management of banking risk; promoting banking transpar-ency; microprudential reglementations at the level of banking entities, which will help to improve the resistance in the stressful periods; macro-prudential reglementations of sistemic risks which may appear at the level of the whole banking system as well as the procyclical ampliÞ cation of these type of risks in time. These two latter approaches are complemantary as enhancing the capacity to resist Þ nancial shocks of banks considered individually reduce the risk of multiplicating risks at the level of the whole banking system. Basel III is a result of continuous effort of Basel Committee to improve banking reglementations based on the speciÞ c document named !Interna ional Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standard".

2. Some aspects regarding the reglementation of the Þ nancial system in USA The Financial Stability Oversight Council has a clear mandate which creates for the very Þ rst time a collective accountancy to identify risks and answer to imminent threats to Þ nancial stability. It is a collaborative entity, run by the Secretary of American Treasury, which brings at the same table the expertise of federal Þ nancial legislators, in-dependent experts appointed by the President of America and governmental legislators. Moreover, in order to assist the process of identifying the emergent Þ nancial risks which may threaten the Þ nancial stability, the Council may provide advice, solicit information and analises to the newly-created entity: OfÞ ce of Financial Research, which activates within American Treasury. The Council has new attributions which can reduce the exces-sive risk accumulated at the level of Þ nancial sector. Before the Þ nancial crises, the legislative and Þ nancial reglementation frame-work was mainly based on institutions considered individually and on markets, not tak-ing into consideration the losses at macro-prudential level. Thus, system weaknesses and unadequate standards led to an undetectable Þ nancial crises according to the existing procedures at the time. None of the survillers was responsible for the Þ ght against global risks in the Þ eld of Þ nancial stabilty, which is totally inadequate for a global market where different types of Þ nancial institutions operates in many markets. So, great parts of the Þ nancial system remained unsupervised. These problems were approached in the Wall Street Reform which led to the creation of FSOC. This institution is meant to: facilitate the coordination of Þ nancial

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reglementaions; facilitate the gathering and dissemination of information; appoint non-banking institutions to check the consolidated supervision; establish payment activities, Þ nancial utilities, clearing, etc; liquidate companies with a high risk of Þ nancial stability.

3. The content of Dodd-Frank reform in terms of the law of consumer's protection:

The entire name of this law is: a law to promote the Þ nancial stability of United States in terms of improvement and transparency of Þ nancial system, in order to put an end to the concept of !too big to go bankruptcy", so as to protect the American citizen who pays taxes, to save institutions by domestic practices, to protect consummers against abusive Þ nacial services, and for other purposes. The law brings ammendments to Fed-eral Reserve Act and to other reglementations existent at the time, such as the creation of new institutions (in parallel with the fussion of others), so as to be supervised by those companies suspected of a speciÞ c systemic risk. The law requires the implementation of more rigorous standards and an im-proved degree of supervision in order to protect economy and Ammerican consumers, investors and businesses, and to stop the Þ nance of tax-payers in order to save Þ nancial institutions which are on the brink of bankruptcy. The law has an advanced alarm system regarding economic stability, creates rules rearding compensations and corporative governance and eliminates errors which caused the crises in 2008. The newly-created agencies received explicit powers in the Þ eld of Þ nancial supervision, some of them recently created, some transffered. Many of these new agencies have to present a report on the past activity and future objectives to the American Congress on a annual or bi-annual basis. As far as the existing agencies are concerned, there have been suggested chang-es meant to improve the system of reglementaion the Þ nancial market. The institutions which were inß uenced by these changes are: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; U.S: Securities and Exchange Commission; OfÞ ce of the Comptroller of the Currency; Federal Reserve; Securities Investor Protection Corporation.

4. The speciÞ c aspects of macro- prudential supervision at European level As an answer to the global Þ nancial crises, the European Systemic Risk Board, The European Commision appointed a working group of high ofÞ cials, presided by Jacques de Larosiere to examine the way in which the European system of Þ nancial su-pervision can be improved in order to better protect its citizens and thus to reinstore the trust in the Þ nancial system. Among its many conclusions, the working group emphasized the fact the pro-cess of monitorization should not focus exclusively on the individual supervision of com-panies but it has to consider the stability of the Þ nancial-banking system as a whole. In 2009, the Larosiere report recommended, among other things, the creation of a body at the level of EU with a clear mandate of monitorizing the risks which may appear in the whole Þ nancial-banking system. That was the reason the European Systemic Risk Board was born, as part of the European System of Financial Supervizion, with the purpose of supervising the Þ nancial system of EU. The Eurpean Committee for systemic risk ( with headquarters in Frankfurt, Main, was created in accordance with Regulation (UE) No. 1092/2010 . CERS is part of the European System of Þ nancial supervision (SESF), whose purpose is to ensure the supervision of the Þ nancial system of EU. CERS& role was important as it developed new

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macro-prudential policies with aplicability at the European level. This committee put at the disposal of European and national authorities a series of directions and good practices for using the instruments of macro-prudence stipulated in the EU legislation. At the same time, there was developed a system of identiÞ cation systemic risks which includes a se-ries of speciÞ c analytic instruments. They refer now not only to the banking system but also to the insurance market and other Þ nancial institutions. Beginning with 2011, CERS monitorized the Þ nancial European system from the stability point of view, emphasing a trend of modest economic revival, yet not con-stant at the level of member states. A series of groups of actives had positive evolutions in the period after 2011, with effect on improving the conditions in the Þ nancial system. Although the Þ nancing conditions for the banking system improved, risky areas were signaled on certain real estate markets of member states. CERS may recommend or warn national authorities on aspects of systemic risk. According to CERS& recommandation in 2013, the activity of the committee is guided by Þ ve intermediate objectives which refer to minimizing sistemic risks which may appear in correlation with increasing the volume of Þ nance and the degree of debt, necorrelation of deadlines and absence of liquidity, concentration of exposures, Þ nancial infrastructure, and random incentives to diminish moral hazard. At present, European System for Þ nancial supervision is structured and orga-nized in the following activities : European Systemic Risk Board; The European Bank-ing Authority; The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority; The Eu-ropean Securities and Market Authority; The Joint Committee of European Supervisory Authorities; competent National authorities with attributions in Þ nancial supervision.

Conclusions In 2009, the Larosiere report recommended, among other things, the creation of a body at the level of EU with a clear mandate of monitorizing the risks which may ap-pear in the whole Þ nancial-banking system. That was the reason the European Systemic Risk Board was born, as part of the European System of Financial Supervizion, with the purpose of supervising the Þ nancial system of EU. The Eurpean Committee for systemic risk ( with headquarters in Frankfurt, Main, was created in accordance with Regulation (UE) No. 1092/2010 . CERS is part of the European System of Þ nancial supervision (SESF), whose purpose is to ensure the supervision of the Þ nancial system of EU. CERS& role was important as it developed new macro-prudential policies with aplicability at the European level. This committee put at the disposal of European and national authorities a series of directions and good practices for using the instruments of macro-prudence stipulated in the EU legislation. At the same time, there was developed a system of identiÞ cation systemic risks which includes a se-ries of speciÞ c analytic instruments. They refer now not only to the banking system but also to the insurance market and other Þ nancial institutions. Beginning with 2011, CERS monitorized the Þ nancial European system from the stability point of view, emphasing a trend of modest economic revival, yet not con-stant at the level of member states. A series of groups of actives had positive evolutions in the period after 2011, with effect on improving the conditions in the Þ nancial system. Although the Þ nancing conditions for the banking system improved, risky areas were signaled on certain real estate markets of member states. CERS may recommend or warn national authorities on aspects of systemic risk. According to CERS& recommandation in 2013, the activity of the committee is guided by

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Þ ve intermediate objectives which refer to minimizing sistemic risks which may appear in correlation with increasing the volume of Þ nance and the degree of debt, necorrelation of deadlines and absence of liquidity, concentration of exposures, Þ nancial infrastructure, and random incentives to diminish moral hazard.

References 1. Cipollone, A., Giordani, P.E. (2016). When Entrepreneurs Meet Financiers: Evidence from the

Business Angel Market, University Library of Munich, Germany in its series MPRA Paper with number 69545

2. Combes-Thuelin, E., Escaffre, L. (2004). Financial Reporting Practices in the European Banking Sector: Financial Instruments and Fair value, HAL in its series Post-Print

3. Dumitrescu, D., Soare, D.V, New Global Financial Regulatory Framework, Revista Român de Statistic # Supliment Trim. I/2013, pag. 51 # 56

4. Dragoi i Balgar (2013). State Aid Policy Contribution to the Financial and Banking Sector Sta-bility in The European Union Member States, Revista de Economie Mondiala, Volume (Year): 5 (2013), Issue (Month): 3 (September)

5. Heid et. al. (2004). German bank lending during emerging market crises: A bank level analysis, Deutsche Bundesbank, Research Centre in its series Discussion Paper Series 2: Banking and Financial Studies

6. Khudko, E. (2015). The Corporate Bond Market, Russian, Economic Developments, Volume (Year): (2015), Issue (Month): 4 (April), Pages: 9-11

7. Petrasek,L. (2012). Multimarket trading and corporate bond liquidity, Journal of Banking < Finance, Volume (Year): 36 (2012), Issue (Month): 7 (), Pages: 2110-2121

8. Pinto.J (2014). The Economics of Securitization: Evidence from the European Markets, Católica Porto Business School, Universidade Católica Portuguesa in its series Working Papers de Econo-mia (Economics Working Papers) with number 02

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Elemente privind instrumentele macropruden iale pentru a asigura stabilitatea Þ nanciar

Prof. univ. dr. Constantin ANGHELACHEAcademia de Studii Economice, Bucure ti, Universitatea !ARTIFEX" din Bucure tiDrd. Emilia STANCIUDrd. Marius POPOVICIDrd. Alexandru URSACHEAcademia de Studii Economice, Bucure ti

Abstract Stabilitatea Þ nanciar reprezint o situa ie, cu scopul de a promova cre terea economiei în timp ce majoritatea tranzac iilor sunt efectuate prin intermediul sistemului Þ nanciar. Lipsa stabilit ii Þ nanciare indic valoarea sa real . In vremuri de instabilitate Þ nanciar , b ncile tind s Þ e mai rezervate în ceea ce prive te Þ nan area proiectelor proÞ tabile, pre urile bunurilor s-ar putea abate de la valoarea lor intrinsec i program-ul de pl i poate varia în conformitate cu normele în vigoare. Instabilitatea Þ nanciar ar putea avea un efect distructiv asupra întregii credibilit i a sistemui. S-ar putea genera falimentul, hiperinß a ia sau pr bu irea pie ei de capital. Cuvinte cheie: instrumente macro-pruden iale, stabilitate Þ nanciar , cre tere economic , riscuri Þ nanciare, efecte.

Stabilitatea Þ nanciar este un atribut al sistemului Þ nanciar de a face fa di-verselor ocuri de tip sistemic în mod solid i durabil pe o baz durabil i f r a Þ afectat în mod decisiv , de a putea asigura alocarea eÞ cient de resurse b ne ti în economie i , de a identiÞ ca i de a diminua într-un mod eÞ cient riscurile Þ nanciare. Noile reglement ri au în vedere asigurarea Stabilit ii Financiare deÞ nite ca existând în momentul în care un sistem Þ nanciar este capabil s aloce în mod efÞ cient resurse Þ nanciare, prin evaluarea i m surarea riscurilor Þ nanciare, cu men inerea nivelului de ocupare a for ei de munc la valori obi nuite i eliminând ß uctua iile de pre uri ale bunurilor Þ nanciare c ear putea duce la afectarea stabilit ii monetare ori a nivelului de ocupare a for ei de munc . Un sistem Þ nanciar este stabil în momen-tul în care disip inegalit ile Þ nanciare ce apar ca un rezultata al unor evenimente neprev zute. Într-o stare de stabilitate, sistemul Þ nanciar este capabil s absoarb aceste ocuri în prim faz prin mecanisme de corec ii automate, prevenind ca aceste evenimente neprev ute s aibe un effect disruptive asupra economiei reale sau asupra altor sisteme Þ nanciare. Stabilitatea Financiar este un \sine qua non" pentru asigurarea cre terii eco-nomice având în vedere c majoritatea tranzac iilor sunt realizate prin sistemul Þ nan-ciar. Adev rata valoare a stabilit i Þ nanciare este cel mai bine eviden iat în absen a sa, în perioade de instabilitate Þ nanciar . În timpul acestor evenimente, b ncile sunt mai re inute în a Þ nan a proiecte proÞ tabile, pre urile bunurilor pot devia excesiv de la valo-area lor intrinsec , iar programul de pl i poate varia de la norm . Instabilitatea Þ nanciar poate zdruncina teribil încrederea în întregul sistem. Instabilitatea Þ nanciar poate avea ca i efecte falimentele, hyperinß a ia, sau pr bu irea pie elor de capital.

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Stabilitatea Þ nanciar trebuie s ocupe o pozi ie principal pentru a ocoli even-tuale întreruperi de baz ale func iilor principale exercitate în economie ale sistemului Þ nanciar luat ca un tot, i are în vedere: Sistemul de pl i i de decont ri; Intermedierea dintre persoanele care realizeaz economii i persoanele care realizeaz investi ii ; Asigu-rarea în contra riscului. Politica macropruden ial are ca obiectiv men inerea stabilit ii sistemului Þ -nanciar # bancar realizat cu consolidarea rezisten ei la diversele ocuri ce pot ap rea în cadrul sistemului Þ nanciar; minimizarea acumul rii de riscuri sistemice; asigurarea unei contribu ii sustenabile a sectorului Þ nanciar-bancar la majorarea evolu iei economice. Riscul sistemic este riscul de a afecta în sens negativ sistemul Þ nanciar-bancar care poate avea efecte negative pentru economie. . Prin decizia Consiliului de Administra ie a BNR din luna decembrie 2014, BNR a adoptat obiectivele intermediare Europene, i a deÞ nitivat un pachet de instru-mente de tip macropruden ial: $ Diminuarea i preven ia cre terii excesive a Þ nan rilor i a îndator rii: - Amortizorul capitalului anticiclic genereaz un plus de rezerve de capital în

situa ia major rii riscurilor cauzate de o politic de creditare excesiv ; - Cerin ele de capital la nivel de sector au ca efect înt rirea capacit ii institu iilor

de a face fa riscurilor generate dintr-un sector de activitate individual, crescând rezerva de capital;

- Efectul de levier la nivel macropruden ial duce la ponderea fondurilor proprii de nivel 1 în totalul expunerilor;

- Cerin ele cu privire la raportul dintre împrumuturi i garan ii au ca rezultat plafonarea sumei unui credit raportat la garan ia de tip colateral (LTV);

- Cerin e privind raportul dintre credite i venituri i raportul datorii (cunoscut i ca serviciul datoriei)/venituri conduc la plafonarea serviciului datoriei în

raport cu venitul existent (DSTI). * Diminuarea i preven ia necorel rilor majore a scaden elor dintre active i

pasive i a absen ei lichidit ii din pia - Ajustare de tip macropruden ial pentru indicatorul de lichiditate. Aceast rat

a lichidit ii calculeaz capacitatea institu iilor de credit de a r spunde cu succes unor turbulen e pe perioade scurte cu privire la lichiditate ;

- Restric iile macropruden iale ce au în vedere originea credit rii au în vedere impunerea unei limit ri inferioare a volumului de creditare pe termen lung de inut de institu iile de credit în contravaloarea unor categorii de active infe-rioare din punct de vedere al lichidit ii. ;

- Limita macropruden ial neponderat ce se aplic instabilit ii credit rii (cum ar Þ , raportul dintre credite i depozite) se poate utiliza pentru plafonarea dependen ei structurale în exces de creditarea mai pu in stabil ;

- Cerin e privind marjele i factorii de ajustare indic limita de colateralizare a credit rii cu garan ii i a tranzac iilor ce se realizeaz cu instrumente derivate.

$ Plafonarea concentr rii de expuneri directe i indirecte - Limit ri cu privire la tipurile de expuneri importante expunerea pe client

sau pe grup de clien i ce se aß în leg tur nu poate excede i o valoare prestabilit din capital (fonduri proprii);

- Solicit ri cu privire la compensare anumite tranzac ii ale institu iilor de credit i Þ nanciare trebuie s se compenseze utilizând contrapartidele centrale, pen-

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tru a se plafona astfel efectul de contagiune i pentru a asigura stabilitatea pie ei inter-bancare.

* Plafonarea impactului sistemic de hazard moral - Cerin e suplimentare de capital pentru institu iile de credit i Þ nanciare de

importan sistemic au rolul de a îmbun t ii capacitatea proprie de absorb ie a pierderilor. Func ioneaz ca un amortizor de capital ce poate Þ înÞ in at din valoarea expunerii institu iei la risc i din componente de fonduri proprii de nivel 1 de baz , cum ar Þ proÞ tul nerepartizat, rezervele i capitalul.

$ Îmbun t irea rezisten ei infrastructurilor de tip Þ nanciar - Cerin e alemarjelor i factorilor de ajustare pentru a compensa prin contrapar-

tide centrale în stabilirea factorilor de ajustare i a marjelor ini iale. Contrapar-tidele centrale trebui s aibe în vedere lichiditatea existent pe pia , efectele prociclice i riscurile de tip sistemic.

- Raportarea sporit are în vedere utilizarea unor cerin e de raportare suplimen-tare pentru a cre te transparen a

- Amortizorul de riscului sistemic structural se utilizeaz la nivel individual sau la nivelul unui grup de institu ii sau la nivelul sectorului Þ nanciar # ban-car, atunci când se identiÞ c riscuri sistemice sau riscuri macropruden iale neciclice pe termen lung. Aceste riscuri difer de cele cauzate de m rimea institu iilor i Þ nan area excesiv i au ca scop îmbun t irea capacit ii de rezisten a institu iilor de credit prin majorarea capacit ii de absorb ie a pierderilor.

În momentul de fa exist urm toarele instrumente pentru m surare i evaluare pe care BNR le poate utiliza : exerci ii de stress-test a solvabilit ii sectorului Þ nanciar - bancar; identiÞ carea b ncilor sistemice; indicatorii de stabilitate Þ nanciar ; testul la a lichidit ii institu iilor de credit din punct de vedere macropruden ial; testul la stres a lichidit ii institu iilor de credit din punct de vedere micropruden ial; sistem de alarm a unei crize de tip valutare sau a unei stop ri a intr rilor capitalului din str in tate; evaluarea gradului de nerambursare pentru companii neÞ nanciare; evaluarea bilan ier a sectorului real; indice de utilizare a lichidit ii în cadrul sistemului de pl i cu valoare mare; indice de contagiune pentru pia a de capital; indicele Compozit de Risc Sistemic; indicele CoVaR.

Concluzii În prezent, exist urm toarele instrumente de m surare i evaluare, care ar putea Þ utilizate de c tre Banca Na ional a României: în sectorul Þ nanciar-bancar de solvabilitate exerci ii de stress-test; b ncile sistemice de identiÞ care; indicatori de sta-bilitate Þ nanciar ; institu iile de credit de testare a lichidit ii din punct de vedere macro-pruden ial; sistem de alarm pentru a detecta o criz sau pentru a opri intr rile de capital str in; evaluarea gradului implicit pentru societ ile neÞ nanciare; echilibru de evaluare pentru un sector real; folosirea indicelui lichidit ii în ceea ce prive te sistemul de pl i de mare valoare; indicele de contagiune pentru pia a de capital; indicele compozit al riscului sistemic; indicele COVAR.

BibliograÞ e selectiv 1. Anghelache, C., Mitru , C., Voineagu, V. (2013). Statistic macroeconomic : sistemul conturilor

na ionale, pg. 230-265 2. Covalschi, T., Rotaru, L. (2015). The European Union&S General Budget- An Instrument For

Economic Governance, Centre for European Studies, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in CES Working Papers, Volume (Year): 7(2A) (2015), Issue (Month): 2a (September), Pages: 407-419

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3. Drewniak, ]. (2013). Private equity and venture capital # theoretical considerations, Copernican Journal of Finance < Accounting, Volume (Year): 2 (2013), Issue (Month): 1 (), Pages: 51-63

4. Dziuba, D. (2015). Economics of crowdfunding # research premises, Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, Volume (Year): (2015), Issue (Month): 36 (), Pages: 181-196

5. Huber, S. Kim, J. (2015). Centralized trading of corporate bonds, Department of Economics - University of ]urich in its series ECON - Working Papers with number 211

6. Maxwell, A.L. et. al. (2011). Business angel early stage decision making, Journal of Business Venturing, Volume (Year): 26 (2011), Issue (Month): 2 (March), Pages: 212-225;

7. Okhrimenko, O., Manaenko, I. (2014). Determinants Of Investment Support: Principles, Mecha-nisms, EfÞ ciency, Economics of Development, Volume (Year): 69 (2014), Issue (Month): 1 (), Pages: 34-40

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Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE, PhDBucharest University of Economic Studies, !ARTIFEX" University of BucharestEmilia STANCIU PhD StudentMarius POPOVICI PhD StudentAlexandru URSACHE PhD StudentBucharest University of Economic Studies

Abstract The Þ nancial stability represents a situation in order to promote the economy growth while most of the transactions are made through the Þ nancial system. The lack of the Þ nancial stability indicates its real value. In times of Þ nancial instability, banks tend to be more restrained with regard to proÞ table projects Þ nancing, the prices of goods might deviate from their intrinsic value and the payments program might vary as regard to the norm. The Þ nancial instability might have a destructive effect on the whole system credibility. It might generate bankruptcy, hyperinß ation or capital market crash. Key words: macro-prudential instruments, Þ nancial stability, economy growth, Þ nancial risks, effects.

The Þ nancial stability is characteristic for the Þ nancial system in order to en-dure different systemic shocks in a powerful and durable manner, thus avoiding any in-ß uences and conclusive effects, in order to allocate money efÞ ciently, and to identify and minimize Þ nancial risks efÞ ciently. The new regulations view to ensure the Þ nancial stability by evaluating and measuring Þ nancial risks while maintaining the same employment level and eliminating Þ nancial goods price ß uctuations which might compromise the monetary stability or the employment level. A Þ nancial system is deÞ ned as stable when it dissolves Þ nancial in-equalities appeared as a consequence of unpredictable events. When the system is stable, the Þ nancial system is able to absorb shocks primarily through mechanisms of automatic corrections while preventing a disrupting effect on the real economy or on other Þ nancial systems. The Þ nancial stability represents a \sine qua non" situation in order to promote the economy growth while most of the transactions are made through the Þ nancial sys-tem. The lack of the Þ nancial stability indicates its real value. In times of Þ nancial insta-bility, banks tend to be more restrained with regard to proÞ table projects Þ nancing, the prices of goods might deviate from their intrinsic value and the payments program might vary as regard to the norm. The Þ nancial instability might have a destructive effect on the whole system credibility. It might generate bankruptcy, hyperinß ation or capital market crash. The Þ nancial stability should be central for any effort made in order to avoid po-tential basic disruptions of the Þ nancial system main functions exercise. This effort shall take into account the following: payment and discount system; intermediation between

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savers and investors; risks insurance. The macro-prudential policy aims to maintaining Þ nancial and banking system stability by consolidating the shock endurance; by mini-mizing systemic shock accumulation; providing a sustainable Þ nancial-banking system contributing to economic growth. The systemic risk affects not only the Þ nancial system, but also the whole econ-omy. By the decision of the Board of Administration of The National Bank of Romania, starting with December 2014, the National Bank adopted the intermediary objectives of the European Union, deÞ ning a macro-prudential instruments package as follows: $ Financing and debt increase diminution and prevention: - Depreciation of the anti-cyclic capital generates a plus of capital reserves in

case of excessive crediting policy that generates a risk increase; - Capital demand at sector level consolidates the capacity of the institutions to

face the risks generated by an individual activity sector, with the effect of rais-ing the capital reserve;

- Lever effect at macro-prudential level will lead to level 1 own funds impor-tance as to the total exposure;

- Requirements regarding report between borrowings and guaranties results in the amount of a credit cap as to collateral type guaranty (LTV);

- Requirements regarding the report of credits/incomes and the report of debts/incomes leads to duty service cap as to the existing income (DSTI).

$ Diminution and prevention of major non-correlation of Þ nancial assets/Þ nan-cial liabilities and the absence of the cash on the market

- Macro-prudential adjustment of the cash indicator. The cash rate calculates the capability of credit institutions to respond successfully in times of turbulence for short periods regarding cash;

- Macro-prudential restrictions with regard to crediting source regards impos-ing limitation inferior to the crediting volume on long term, counterbalancing some assets category which are inferior regarding the liabilities;

- Macro-prudential limit applied to the crediting instability (see the report cred-its/deposits) can be used to cap the excessive crediting structural dependence which is less stable;

- Requirements regarding margins and adjustment factors indicate the limit of credit collateralizing of the crediting with guaranties and transactions obtained with derivative instruments.

$ Direct and indirect exposure concentration cap - Limitations regarding important exposure types, client or connected client

group exposure which cannot exceed a capital preset value (own funds); - Solicitation regarding compensating certain transactions of the credit and Þ -

nancial institutions by central counterparts, thus capping the contagious effect and for assuring the inter-banking market stability.

$ Moral hazard systemic impact capping - Supplementary capital requirements regarding credit and Þ nancial institutions

of systemic importance are intended to improve the loss absorbing capacity. It functions as capital capping that can be set up by the value of institution risk exposure and components of level 1 own funds, as non-shared proÞ t, reserves and capital.

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$ Improvement of Þ nancial type infrastructures durability - Margin and adjustment factors requirements to compensate by central coun-

terparts in setting up the adjustment factors and initial margins. Central coun-terparts should consider the existing cash on the market, the pro-cyclic effects and the systemic type risks.

- Increased reporting considers supplementary reporting requirements to im-prove transparency.

- Structural systemic risk capping agent is used at individual and institutions group level, or at Þ nancial-banking sector level, when the systemic risks or long term non-cyclic macro-prudential risks are identiÞ ed. These risks are dif-ferent than those caused by institution size and excessive Þ nancing, and their aim is to improve the endurance capacity of credit institutions by increasing their loss absorption capacity.

Conclusions In the present, there are the following measuring and evaluation instruments that might be used by The National Bank of Romania: Þ nancial-banking sector solvency stress-test exercises; systemic banks identiÞ cation; Þ nancial stability indicators; credit institutions liquidity testing from macro-prudential perspective; alarm system to detect a currency type crisis or to stop foreign capital entries; evaluation of default degree for non-Þ nancial companies; balance evaluation for a real sector; using index of liquidity regarding high value payments system; contagion index for capital market; systemic risk composite index; CoVaR index.

REFERENCES 1. Anghelache, C., Mitru , C., Voineagu, V. (2013). Statistic macroeconomic : sistemul conturilor

na ionale, pg. 230-265 2. Covalschi, T., Rotaru, L. (2015). The European Union&S General Budget- An Instrument For

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3. Drewniak, ]. (2013). Private equity and venture capital # theoretical considerations, Copernican Journal of Finance < Accounting, Volume (Year): 2 (2013), Issue (Month): 1 (), Pages: 51-63

4. Dziuba, D. (2015). Economics of crowdfunding # research premises, Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, Volume (Year): (2015), Issue (Month): 36 (), Pages: 181-196

5. Huber, S. Kim, J. (2015). Centralized trading of corporate bonds, Department of Economics - University of ]urich in its series ECON - Working Papers with number 211

6. Maxwell, A.L. et. al. (2011). Business angel early stage decision making, Journal of Business Venturing, Volume (Year): 26 (2011), Issue (Month): 2 (March), Pages: 212-225;

7. Okhrimenko, O., Manaenko, I. (2014). Determinants Of Investment Support: Principles, Mecha-nisms, EfÞ ciency, Economics of Development, Volume (Year): 69 (2014), Issue (Month): 1 (), Pages: 34-40

Romanian Statistical Review - Supplement nr. 5 / 201686

Model statistico-econometric de analiz dispersional

Prof. univ. dr. Constantin ANGHELACHEAcademia de Studii Economice, Bucure ti, Universitatea !ARTIFEX" din Bucure tiProf. univ. dr. Ioan PARTACHIAcademia de Studii Economice a Moldovei, Chi in uConf. univ. dr. M d lina Gabriela ANGHELUniversitatea !ARTIFEX" din Bucure tiDrd. Cristina SACALAcademia de Studii Economice, Bucure tiEc. Andreea Ioana MARINESCU

Abstract Dispersie statistic se refer la gradul de dispersie al unui set de valori de date. Analiza de dispersie este bazat pe metoda de grupare. Prin aceasta inß uen a asu-pra caracteristicii rezultate a factorilor înregistra i ca Þ ind esen iali (determinan i) este separat de inß uen a factorilor ocazionali (accidentali). Modelul analizei de dispersie se bazeaz pe ipoteza c mijloacele condi ionate de factorul de grupare reprezint valori tipice obtinute la nivel de Þ ecare grup, în timp ce valoarea medie general (y) este valo-area tipic pentru întreaga colectivitate. Cuvinte cheie: model statistic-econometric, dispersie, metod , ipotez , mod-elul uni-factorial

1. No iuni introductive Analiza dispersional , cunoscut i sub numele de analiz de variant nova), a fost introdus de statisticianul R.A. Fisher. Prin aceast metod se veriÞ c m sura în care valorile reale ale unei caracteristici se abat de la valorile teoretice, calculate de regul sub form de m rimi medii sau ecua ii de regresie, precum i m sura în care aceste varia ii sunt dependente sau nu de factorul de grupare. Pe baza interpret rii logice a varia iei celor dou sau mai multe variabile luate în studiu, se constat c se pot stabili rela ii, de la cauz la efect. În aceast situa ie atunci prin analiza dispersional se testeaz dependen a variabilei respective (y) de factorul (factorii) de grupare. Acest procedeu este utilizat înainte i dup aplicarea metodelor corela iei i regresiei statistice. În cazul în care este veriÞ cat independen a variabilei rezultative de o variabil de sistematizare a datelor, atunci analiza dispersional este apreciat a Þ o metod independent , cu rezultate Þ nale. Analiza dispersional are la baz metoda grup rii. Prin aceasta se separ inß uen a asupra caracteristicii rezulta ive, a factorilor înregistra i ca esen iali (determinan i) de inß uen a factorilor întâmpl tori (accidentali). Când se utilizeaz analiza dispersional se pot întâlni dou situa ii în func ie de omogenitatea datelor care compun colectivitatea, respectiv grupele: datele sunt omogene i cazul când datele sunt neomogene. În asemenea situa ii lucrurile se complic pu in i trebuie luate m surile necesare pentru omogenizarea datelor statistice. În func ie de num rul factorilor care au inß uen asupra varia iei caracteristicii

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rezultative, avem modele de analiz dispersional unifactorial , bifactorial sau multi factorial . Modelul de analiz dispersional are la baz ipoteza c mediile condi ionate de factorul de grupare reprezint valorile tipice care se formeaz la nivelul Þ ec rei grupe, în timp ce media general (y) este valoarea tipic pentru întreaga colectivitate. M sura în care valorile individuale se abat de la aceste valori tipice reprezint rezultatul modului de asociere a factorilor care determin varia ia caracteristicii (y). În analiza dispersional se folosesc trei tipuri de modele, respectiv: modelul Þ x, modelul aleatoriu i modelul mixt, care rezult din combinarea primelor modele. Dispersia teoretic (general ) se poate estima cu ajutorul func iei de selec ie, Þ ind, în acest caz, un estimator nedeplasat al dispersiei teoretice. Func ia de selec ie este de forma:

(1) Ideea de baz a analizei dispersionale const în împ r irea acestei sume de p trate într-un anumit num r de componente, Þ ecare dintre acestea corespunzând unei surse reale sau ipotetice de varia ie a mediilor. Ipoteza nul pe care urmeaz s o test m la analiza dispersional este legat de egalitatea mediilor:

cu alternativa: Hi cel pu in dou medii difer între ele. Mediile teoretice (m) se estimeaz cu ajutorul mediilor de grup empirice sau de selec ie simbolizate în continuare (y), adic :

Testul sau criteriul egalit ii celor r!" medii sau selec ii are la baz

presupunerea c dispersiile de selec ie sunt omogene, adic sunt estima ii ale uneia i aceleia i dispersii generale. De aceea, ori de câte ori exist dubiu în leg tur cu omogenitatea celor !r" dispersii, se trece la veriÞ carea egalit ii lor, folosind testele Cochran i altele.

2. Model de analiz dispersional unifactorial Pentru aplicarea modelului este necesar s se in seama de num rul (volumul) de date cu care oper m, precum i de tipul de grupare a caracteristicii factori ale xi.Putem dispune de: * un num r mic de date i o grupare simpl dup caracteristica factorial xi; * un num r mare de unit i observate, pentru care se utilizeaz o grupare combinat . În prima situa ie vom considera c datele de observare au fost repartizate în !r" grupe, iar Þ ecare grup con ine !n" variabile care urmeaz o distribu ie normal . Vom folosi deci o grupare simpl i nu vom utiliza în calcule frecven ele. Rezultatele sunt prezentate în tabelul urm tor.

Romanian Statistical Review - Supplement nr. 5 / 201688

unde: 1 X i < r, 1 X j < n,. Rezult c media grupei i este:


iar media tuturor valorilor Yg este dat de rela ia:

unde (3)

Suma p tratelor abaterilor de la media aritmetic este:

i se poate scrie conform rela iei urm toare:


Însumând în dup cu j, ob inem:


deoarece prin deÞ ni ie , este valoarea medie a lui yij în familia lui !y".

Introducem în continuare rela iile:

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Deoarece suma de produse este nul , putem scrie identitatea: S

T = S1 +S2. (7)

Indicatorul ob inut din însumarea p tratelor diferen elor se nume te varian sau devian . Pentru modelul de analiz dispersional unifactorial se calculeaz trei varian e, respectiv: * varianta total (ST) ca sum a p tratelor abaterilor valorilor observate fa

de media aritmetic a colectivit ii totale; * varianta dintre grupe (S1), numit i factorial sau sistematic , drept sum

a p tratelor diferen elor dintre mediile de grup i media total , ponderate cu frecven a grupelor;

* varianta din interiorul grupelor (S2) sau varianta rezidual , ca sum a p tratelor abaterilor dintre valorile observate i media lor de grup .

Cele trei varian e ST, S1 i S2 sunt forme p tratice în variabilele y ij. Se poate demonstra c ST poate deveni, printr-o transformare ortogonal , o sum de p trate de rangul n-1, respectiv:

S1 este suma p tratelor a !r" forme liniare al c ror rang este cel mult egal cu r - 1, iar S2 este suma a !n" forme liniare ce satisfac !r" rela ii independente, ceea ce ne permite s aÞ rm m c rangul s u este cel mult egal cu n - r. A adar, rangul varian ei totale ST este egal cu suma rangurilor varian elor S1 i S2,"respectiv:

n - 1 = ( r - 1 ) + ( n - r ) , (8) ceea ce ne permite s aÞ rm m c formele p tratice S1 i S2 sunt independente. Rangul, cunoscut frecvent i sub denumirea de grad de libertate, pune în eviden num rul de elemente independente necesare pentru a deÞ ni un ansamblu. Num rul gradelor de libertate se ob ine sc zând din num rul de elemente considerate simultan atâtea unit i câte niveluri condi ionate se stabilesc pentru acea colectivitate F când raportul dintre cele trei variante i num rul gradelor de libertate corespunz tor Þ ec reia, se ob in dispersiile corectate, respectiv estima iile dispersiilor teoretice. Preciz m faptul c nici una dintre aceste estima ii ale dispersiei nu poate Þ independent de estima iile derivate din dispersia total , întrucât, a a cum rezult din demonstra iile f cute, ultima le cuprinde pe amândou . Testul de semniÞ ca ie se refer la raportul dintre varian a între grupe (sistematic ) i varian a din interiorul grupei (rezidual ). A adar, pentru a veriÞ ca dac factorul de grupare este semniÞ cativ, se folose te testul !F" dat de rela ia:

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în care s12 este dispersia corectat dintre grupe, respectiv:



s22 este dispersia corectat în interiorul grupelor (r mas sau rezidual ).


Vom nota cu s2 dispersiile corectate care se ob in ca raport între variant i num rul gradelor de libertate.

Schema de calcul pentru modelul de analiz dispersional unifactorial

Corespunz tor nivelului de semniÞ ca ie ales !g" i a numerelor gradelor de libertate (r - 1) i ( n - r ) se caut în tabel valoarea

Interpretarea const în a stabili dac valoarea calculat dep e te valoarea tabelar . Atunci nu avem motive s accept m ipoteza cu privire la egalitatea mediilor, deoarece cel pu in dou medii difer între ele. Factorul de grupare este semniÞ cativ, în caz contrar, i accept m ipoteza, neexistând diferen e semniÞ cative între medii. Concluzionând, apreciem c dac cele trei estima ii ale dispersiei generale sunt într-o concordan suÞ cient de exact , nu avem niciun motiv s respingem ipoteza c toate grupele provin din aceea i colectivitate (popula ie). Putem aÞ rma c datele sunt omogene sau c nu exist diferen e semniÞ cative între mediile de grup i invers. Pentru a determina inß uen a Þ ec rei grupe de factori în cadrul varia iei totale se calculeaz coeÞ cientul de determina ie i coeÞ cientul de nedetermina ie.

CoeÞ cientul de determina ie se ob ine cu rela ia:


Revista Român de Statistic - Supliment nr. 5 / 2016 91

i eviden iaz ponderea factorului de grupare.CoeÞ cientul de nedeterminatie se ob ine cu rela ia:


i arat ponderea factorilor neînregistra i (reziduali). Suma celor doi coeÞ cien i este egal cu 1. Pe m sur ce coeÞ cientul de determina ie se apropie de 1, factorul de grupare (determinant) are o ac iune mai semniÞ cativ asupra variabilei studiate i invers. În cazul când num rul de unit i observate este mai mare, se utilizeaz o grupare combinat . În aceast situa ie, variantele, mediile i dispersiile trebuie s in seama de frecven ele cu care apar.

3. Modelul de analiz dispersional bifactorial La analiza dispersional bifactorial datele de observa ie sunt repartizate în func ie de doi factori de grupare A i B. Se ob in în felul acesta !r" grupe dup o caracteristic i !p" grupe dup cealalt caracteristic . Rezult în Þ nal !rp" subgrupe. Pentru a în elege acest mod de analiz dispersional , vom considera un experiment în care dorim s compar m efectele a !r" tratamente diferite. Num rul total al experien elor va Þ împ r it în !j" blocuri de volum egal. Fiecare bloc îl vom împ r i în !r" obiecte de experien e egale pe care vom aplica cele !r" tratamente diferite. Vom nota cu yij valoarea ob inut la obiectul de experien c ruia i s-a aplicat tratamentul !i" i care apar ine blocului !j". Totodat , vom presupune c variabilele yij sunt independente i repartizate dup legea normal . Pe baza datelor ob inute calcul m urm toarele medii aritmetice:

media pentru tratamentul \i"

media pentru tratamentul \j"

media de selec ie (general ). (14)

Varia ia total se descompune în varia ia produs de Þ ecare dintre cei doi factori de grupare i varia ia produs de factorii reziduali. Rezult identitatea:

pe care o vom scrie prescurtat sub forma:

, în care:

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Rangul formelor p tratice ST, S1, S2, S3 este respectiv rp - 1; p - 1; r - 1; i ( r - 1) ( p - 1), de unde egalitatea: r p -l = (r - 1) + (p # l ) + ( r # l ) (p - 1). (16) Împ r ind formele p tratice (variantele) la rangurile (gradele) ce le apar in, ob inem dispersiile nedeplasate, respectiv dispersia general ; dispersia pentru factorul !tratamente"; dispersia pentru factorul !blocuri" i dispersia rezidual . Interpretarea rezultatelor se face tot cu ajutorul testului F, care se ia din tabele, în func ie de nivelul de semniÞ ca ie ales i numerele gradelor de libertate corespunz toare dispersiei reziduale, respectiv, dispersiilor celor doi factori. Valoarea lui F calculat pentru Þ ecare factor se va compara cu valoarea F tabelat a factorului respectiv. Interpretarea se va face ca în modelul de analiz dispersional unifactorial descris anterior. Inß uen semniÞ cativ pot avea ambii factori de grupare (!tratamente" i !blocuri"), sau numai unul singur dintre ace tia. Se poate întâmpla ca nici unul dintre cei doi factori s nu inß uen eze semniÞ cativ.

Schema analizei dispersionale bifactoriale

În practic sunt dese cazurile în care datele se prezint sub forma unor grup ri. În asemenea situa ii intervin i frecven ele, ceea ce face ca formulele de calcul s Þ e adaptate corespunz tor. La analiza dispersional multifactorial se studiaz nu numai ac iunea separat , izolat , a caracteristicilor (factorilor), ci i ac iunea reciproc a lor (interac iunea). Analiza dispersional î i g se te o larg aplicabilitate i în programarea experimentelor.

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În practic se utilizeaz atât metodele clasice de programare a experimentelor, cât i cele moderne. În ultimii ani se utilizeaz cu succes experimentele factoriale, folosesc modele de analiz dispersional . În Þ nal, putem aprecia faptul c modelele de analiz dispersional au un vast câmp de aplicare.

Concluzii Interpretarea rezultatelor se face, de asemenea, prin intermediul testului F, care este scos din tabele în func ie de nivelul de semniÞ ca ie ales i num rul gradelor de libertate corespunz toare dispersiei reziduale, respectiv, la dispersiile celor doi factori. Valoarea lui F calculat pentru Þ ecare factor va Þ comparat cu valoarea tabelar a lui F a respectivului factor. Interpretarea se va face în mod similar cu cea în care se aplic modelul uni-factorial de analiz a dispersiei, prezentat anterior.O inß uen semniÞ cativ poate Þ indus de ambii factori de grupare ( ^abord ri& i ^blocuri&), sau de doar unul dintre ele. Se poate întâmpla ca nici unul dintre cei doi factori is aib nß uen semniÞ cativ . În practic , cazurile în care datele sunt g site în form de grupuri sunt destul de rare. În aceste situa ii, frecven ele sunt implicate, precum i care fac ca formulele de calcul s Þ e adaptate în mod corespunz tor. În ceea ce prive te analiza dispersiei multi-factoriale, studiem nu numai ac iunea separat , izolat a caracteristicilor (factorilor), ci ac iunea lor reciproc (interac iunea), de asemenea. Analiza de dispersie are o larg aplicabilitate în experimentele de programare, de asemenea. În practic , pentru programarea experimentelor, exist atât metode clasice i moderne utilizate. În ultimii ani am observat o utilizare de succes a experimentelor factoriale adica utilizarea modelelor de analiz a dispersiei. În cele din urm , putem aprecia faptul c modelele de analiz a dispersie ofer un câmp larg de aplicabilitate.

BibliograÞ e selectiv 1. Aarma, A., Vainu, J. (2004). Possibilities of Using Econometric Models in Bank Analysis,

Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration, Tallinn University of Technology in its series Working Papers

2. Andrei, T., Bourbonais, R. (2008). Econometrie, Editura Economic , Bucure ti 3. Anghelache, C. (2016). Econometrie teoretic , Editura Artifex, Bucure ti 4. Anghelache, C., Anghel, M.G. (2015). Statistic . Teorie, concepte, indicatori i studii ce caz,

Editura Artifex, Bucure ti 5. Anghelache, C. (2008). Tratat de statistic teoretic i economic , Editura Economic ,

Bucure ti 6. Dougherty, C. (2008). Introduction to econometrics. Fourth edition, Oxford University Press 7. Hendry, D.F. (2002). Applied econometrics without sinning, Journal of Economic Surveys, 16 8. Mitru , C. (2008). Basic econometrics for business administration, Editura ASE, Bucure ti 9. Voineagu, V., i an, E. i colectiv (2007). Teorie i practic econometric , Editura Meteor


Romanian Statistical Review - Supplement nr. 5 / 201694


Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE, PhDBucharest University of Economic Studies,!ARTIFEX" University of BucharestProf. Ioan PARTACHI, PhDAcademy of Economic Studies of Moldavia, ChisinauAssoc. prof. M d lina Gabriela ANGHEL, PhD!ARTIFEX" University of BucharestCristina SACAL PhD StudentBucharest University of Economic StudiesEc. Andreea Ioana MARINESCU

Abstract The statistical dispersion refers to the degree of dispersion of a set of data values. The dispersion analysis is based on the grouping method. Through this one the inß uence on the resulting characteristic of the factors recorded as essential (determinant) is separated from the inß uence of the casual (accidental) factors. The model of dispersion analysis is based on the hypothesis that the means conditioned by the grouping factor are representing typical values getting formed at the level of each group while the general mean (y) is the typical value for the entire collectivity. Key words: statistical-econometric model, dispersion, method, hypothesis, uni-factorial model

1. Introductive notions The dispersion analysis, known also as the analysis of the nova variant, has been introduced by the statistician R.A. Fisher. This method helps to verify the extent to which the real values of a characteristic deviate from the theoretical values calculated, usually, in the form of average values or regression equations, as well as the extent to which these variations are dependent or not on the grouping factor. On the basis of the logical interpretation of the variation of the two or more variables considered by the study, it can be stated out that relations cause-effect can be established. Under the circumstances, through the dispersion analysis we can test the dependence of the respective variable (y) on the grouping factor (factors). This proceeding is used before and after applying the correlation and statistical regression methods. In the case the independence of the resulting variable from a variable of data systematization is veriÞ ed then the dispersion analysis is considered as being an independent method, with Þ nal results. The dispersion analysis is based on the grouping method. Through this one the in! uence on the resulting characteristic of the factors recorded as essential (determinant) is separated from the in! uence of the casual (accidental) factors. When the dispersion analysis is applied to, we can meet two situations, depending on the homogeneity of the data which form the collectivity, respectively the groups: the data are homogenous or the data are non-homogenous. In such situations the matter gets a little bit complicated and necessary steps should be taken in order to homogenize the statistical data. Depending on the number of factors which inß uenced on the variation of the resulting characteristic, we have the uni-factorial, bi-factorial or multi-factorial models of dispersion analysis.

Revista Român de Statistic - Supliment nr. 5 / 2016 95

The model of dispersion analysis is based on the hypothesis that the means conditioned by the grouping factor are representing typical values getting formed at the level of each group while the general mean (y) is the typical value for the entire collectivity. The extent to which the individual values deviate from these typical values, is representing the result of the mode of the factors association which measures the variation of the characteristic (y). In the dispersion analysis, there are three types of models being used, respectively: the Þ x model, the alleatory model amd the mix model which outcomes from the combination of the Þ rst two. The theoretical (general) dispersion can be estimated through the selection function being, in this case, a non-displaced estimator of the theoretical dispersion. The selection function is of the form:


The basic idea of the dispersion analysis consists of dividing this sum of squares into a certain number of components, each of them corresponding to a real of hypothetical source of the means variation. The null hypothesis which we are going to test for the dispersion analysis is connected to the means equality:

With the alternative: Hi at least two means differ from one another. The theoretical means (m) are estimated by means of the empirical grouping means, or of selection, kept on being symbolized as (y), namely:

The test of equality criterion of the !r" means or selections, is based on the

assumption that the selection dispersions are homogenous, namely they are estimates of the one and single general dispersion. This is why, whenever there is a doubt in connection with the homogeneity of the !r" dispersions, it is compulsory to proceed to their equality veriÞ cation, by using the Cochran tests and other ones.

2. The uni-factorial model of dispersion analysis In order to apply the model it is necessary to take into account the number (volume) of data we operate with, as well as the type of grouping of the factorial characteristic xi. We can deal with: * a small number of data and a simple grouping according to the factorial characteristic xi.; * a large number of observed units for which a combined grouping is utilized. In the Þ rst case, we shall consider that the observance data have been distributed in !r" groups and each group contains !n" variables following a normal

Romanian Statistical Review - Supplement nr. 5 / 201696

distribution. Hence, we shall use a simple grouping and shall not consider the frequencies for calculations. The outcomes are submitted in the following table:

where: 1 X i < r, 1 X j < n,. It results that the mean of the group i is:


While the mean of all the values Yg is given by the relation:

where (3)

The sum of the squares of the deviations from the arithmetical average is:

and can be written according to the followig relation:


Adding with j, we get:


since by deÞ nition , is an average value of yij in the family of !y". Further on, we introduce the relations rela iile:

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As the products sum is null, we can write the identity: S

T = S1 +S2. (7)

The indicator obtained by adding the differences squares is called variance or deviance. For the uni-factorial model of dispersion analysis, there are three variances to be calculated, respectively: * The total variance (ST) as the sum of the squares of the deviations of the observed values as against the arithmetical average of the total collectivity; * The variance between groups(S1), called also factorial or systematic, as sum of the squares of the deviations between the group averages and the total average, weighted with the groups frequencies; * The variance from within the groups (S2) or the residual variance, as sum of the squares of the deviations between the observed values and their group average. The three variances ST, S1 and S2 are squared forms in the variables y ij. It can be demonstrated that ST can become, through an orthogonal transformation, a sum of squares of the rank n-1, respectively:

S1 is the sum of the squares of !r" linear forms which rank is equal with maximum r - 1, while S2 is the sum of !n" linear forms satisfying !r" independent relations which allw us to allege that its rank is equal with n # r at the most. Hence, the rank of the total variance ST equals the sum of the ranks of the variances S1 and S2,"respectively: n - 1 = ( r - 1 ) + ( n - r ) , (8) which allows us to state out that the squared forms S1 and S2 are independent. The rank, frequently referred to as freedom degree, underlines the number of elements required for deÞ ning an assembly. The number of freedom degrees is obtained deducting out of the number of elements simultaneously considered as many units as conditioned levels are established for that collectivity. By making the ratio between the three variants and the number of freedom degrees corresponding to each one, we get the corrected dispersions, respectively, the estimates for the theoretical dispersions. We underline the fact that none of these estimates of the dispersion cannot be independent from the the estimates deriving from the total dispersion since, as it results out of the above demonstrations, the last one included both of them. The signiÞ cance test is referring to the connection between the variance between groups (systematic) and the variance from inside the group (residual). Consequently, in order to verify whether the grouping factor is signiÞ cant, we apply the test !F" given by the relation:

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where s12 is the corrected dispersion between groups, respectively:



s22 is the corrected dispersion from inside groups (remaining or residual).


We shall note s2 the corrected dispersions obtained as ration between the variant and the number of freedom degrees.

The calculation scheme for the uni-factorial model of dispersion analysis

Corresponding to the chosen signiÞ cance level !g" and to the number of freedom degrees (r - 1) and ( n - r ) we look in the table after the value

The interpretation consists of establishing whether the calculated value is exceeding the tableted value. Then we shall have no reason to accept the hypothesis concerning the equality of the means since at least two means differs from each other. The grouping factor is signiÞ cant, otherwise and we accept the hypothesis, as there are not signiÞ cant differences between the means. Concluding, we appreciate that if the three estimates of the general dispersion are in an enough exact concordance, we have no reason to reject the hypothesis that all the groups are originating in the same collectivity (population). We can allege that the data are homogenous or that there are no signiÞ cant differences between the group means and revers. In order to establish the inß uence of each group of factors in

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the frame of the total variance, the coefÞ cient of determination and the coefÞ cient of non-determination have to be calculated.

The determination coefÞ cient is obtained with the relation:


and it emphasizes the weight of the grouping factor. The non-determination coefÞ cient is obtained with the relation:


and shows the weight of the non-recorded factors (residual). The sum of the two coefÞ cients equals with 1. As much as the determination coefÞ cient approaches the value 1, the grouping factor (determinant) has a more signiÞ cant action on the studied variable and vice-versa. In the case that the number of the observed units is bigger, there is a combined grouping to be used. In such a situation, the variants, means and dispersions must take into consideration the frequencies of their occurrence.

3. The bi-factorial model of the dispersion analysis In the case of the bi-factorial dispersion analysis, the observation data are distributed depending on two grouping factors A and B. Thus, a number of !r" groups depending on a characteristic and a number of !p" groups depending on the other characteristic are obtained. Finally, there are !rp" sub-groups resulting. In order to understand this mode of dispersion analysis, we shall consider an experiment where we want to compare the effects of !r" different approaches. The total number of the tests will be divided in !j" blocks of equal volume. Each block will be divided in !r" objects of equal experiences on which we shall apply the !r" different approaches. We shall note with yij the obtained value for the object of experience on which the approach !i" has been applied and which belongs to the block !j". Meantime, we shall assume that the variables yij are independent and distributed according to the normal law. On the basis of the obtained data we calculate the following arithmetical averages:

the average for the approach \i"

the average for the approach \j"

the selection average (general) (14)

Romanian Statistical Review - Supplement nr. 5 / 2016100

The total variation is decomposed in the variation produced by each of the two grouping factors and the variation produced by the residual factors. The following identity is resulting:

Which we shall shorten writing it in the form:

, where:


The rank of the squared forms ST, S1, S2, S3 is respectively rp - 1; p - 1; r - 1; and ( r - 1) ( p - 1), where from the equality: r p -l = (r - 1) + (p # l ) + ( r # l ) (p - 1). (16) Dividing the squared forms (variants) to the ranks (degrees) belonging to them, we get the non-displaced dispersions, respectively the general dispersion; the dispersion for the \approaches" factor; the dispersion for the factor !blocks" and the residual dispersion. The interpretation of the outcomes is done also by the test F, which is taken out of tables depending on the selected signiÞ cance level and the numbers of the freedom degrees corresponding to the residual dispersion, respectively, to the dispersions of the two factors. The value of F calculated for each factor will be compared with the tableted value of F of the respective factor. The interpretation will be done similarly to the one applying to the uni-factorial model of dispersion analysis, submitted above. A signiÞ cant inß uence can be induced by both grouping factors (\approaches" and !blocks"), or by only one of them. It may happen that none of the two factors inß uences signiÞ cantly.

Revista Român de Statistic - Supliment nr. 5 / 2016 101

The scheme of the bi-factorial dispersion analysis

In practice, the cases in which the data are found in form of groups are quite seldom. In these situations, the frequencies are involved as well which makes that the calculation formulas are adapted accordingly. As for the multi-factorial dispersion analysis, we are studying not only the separate, isolated action of the characteristics (factors) but their mutual action (interaction) as well. The dispersion analysis has a large applicability in the experiments programming as well. In practice, for the experiments programming there are both the classical and modern methods utilised. These last years we observe a successful utilization of the factorial experiments meaning the utilization of models of dispersion analysis. Finally, we can appreciate the fact that the models of dispersion analysis offer a large Þ eld of application.

Conclusions The interpretation of the outcomes is done also by the test F, which is taken out of tables depending on the selected signiÞ cance level and the numbers of the freedom degrees corresponding to the residual dispersion, respectively, to the dispersions of the two factors. The value of F calculated for each factor will be compared with the tableted value of F of the respective factor. The interpretation will be done similarly to the one applying to the uni-factorial model of dispersion analysis, submitted above. A signiÞ cant inß uence can be induced by both grouping factors (\approaches" and !blocks"), or by only one of them. It may happen that none of the two factors inß uences signiÞ cantly. In practice, the cases in which the data are found in form of groups are quite seldom. In these situations, the frequencies are involved as well which makes that the calculation formulas are adapted accordingly. As for the multi-factorial dispersion analysis, we are studying not only the separate, isolated action of the characteristics (factors) but their mutual action (interaction) as well. The dispersion analysis has a large applicability in the experiments programming as well. In practice, for the experiments programming there are both the classical and modern methods utilised. These last years we observe a successful utilization of the factorial experiments meaning the utilization of models of dispersion analysis. Finally, we

Romanian Statistical Review - Supplement nr. 5 / 2016102

can appreciate the fact that the models of dispersion analysis offer a large Þ eld of application.

References 1. Aarma, A., Vainu, J. (2004). Possibilities of Using Econometric Models in Bank Analysis,

Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration, Tallinn University of Technology in its series Working Papers

2. Andrei, T., Bourbonais, R. (2008). Econometrie, Editura Economic , Bucure ti 3. Anghelache, C. (2016). Econometrie teoretic , Editura Artifex, Bucure ti 4. Anghelache, C., Anghel, M.G. (2015). Statistic . Teorie, concepte, indicatori i studii ce caz,

Editura Artifex, Bucure ti 5. Anghelache, C. (2008). Tratat de statistic teoretic i economic , Editura Economic ,

Bucure ti 6. Dougherty, C. (2008). Introduction to econometrics. Fourth edition, Oxford University Press 7. Hendry, D.F. (2002). Applied econometrics without sinning, Journal of Economic Surveys, 16 8. Mitru , C. (2008). Basic econometrics for business administration, Editura ASE, Bucure ti 9. Voineagu, V., i an, E. i colectiv (2007). Teorie i practic econometric , Editura Meteor


Revista Român de Statistic - Supliment nr. 5 / 2016 103

Model de evaluare a riscurilor bancare în contextul Comitetului BASEL

Prof. univ. dr. Constantin ANGHELACHEAcademia de Studii Economice, Bucure ti, Universitatea !ARTIFEX" din Bucure tiProf. univ. dr. Radu Titus MARINESCUConf. univ. dr. Aurelian DIACONUUniversitatea !ARTIFEX" din Bucure tiDrd. Daniel DUMITRESCUAcademia de Studii Economice, Bucure ti

Abstract Comitetul Basel pentru supraveghere bancar prevede un forum de cooperare periodic cu privire la chestiuni de supraveghere bancar . Obiectivul s u este de a spori în elegerea problemelor-cheie de supraveghere i de a îmbun t i calitatea supravegherii bancare la nivel mondial.

Comitetul Basel este principalul standard global pentru reglementarea pruden ial a b ncilor i ofer un forum pentru cooperarea în materie de supraveghere bancar . Scopul s u este de a consolida reglementarea, supravegherea i practicile b ncilor la nivel mondial, cu scopul cre terii stabilit ii Þ nanciare. Cuvinte cheie: risc bancar, evaluare, model, Comitetul de la Basel, economie, creditare, Þ nan are

1. Reglementarile Acordului de la BASEL III, privind o serie de criterii care trebuie respectate de banc

BASEL III fa de Basel II solicit b ncilor: un plafon minim minim pentru rezerva de capital comun în procent de 4,5% comparative cu 2% pentru Basel II , iar cuatumul minim al capitalului de rang I în valoare de 6% comparative cu 4% pentru Basel II în cazul tipurilor de active ponderate la risc, i rata capitalului total de 8%. Basel III adduce ca i noutate reserve majorate de capital de 2,5%.Sunt favorizate depozitele retail, considerate a Þ stabile, precum i resursele pe termen mediu i lung. Bancile au inceput sa- i adapteze sistemele i produsele implicand costuri suplimentare importante.Basel III reprezint mai mult decât un set de reglement ri, prevedrile sale afectand în mod fundamental capacitaea de a produce proÞ t activitatii bancare.În acest sens sunt utiliza i urm torii indicatori: credit guvernamental in lei i valut , rata de solvabilitate - efectul de pârgie, rata creditelor neperformante, indicatorul de lichiditate, ROA (rata rentabilit ii activelor), ROE (rata rentabilit ii capitalurilor proprii). Indicatori agrega i privind institu iile de credit sunt prezenta i în tabelul urm tor:

Romanian Statistical Review - Supplement nr. 5 / 2016104

Tabel 1


Indicatorul de solvabilitate


Efectul de pârghie

ROA ROERata creditelor neperformante

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)


mar. 2015 18,64 8,26 0,91 8,88 13,85dec. 2014 17,59 7,38 -1,32 12,45 13,94sep. 2014 17,06 7,63 -0,60 5,58 15,33iun. 2014 16,95 7,87 0,12 1,10 19,19mar. 2014 16,32 8,55 0,67 6,30 20,39dec. 2013 15,46 7,96 0,01 0,13 -sep. 2013 13,92 7,49 0,55 5,04 -iun. 2013 14,67 8,02 0,65 5,96 -mar. 2013 15,03 8,20 0,55 5,08 -dec. 2012 14,94 8,02 -0,64 5,92 -sep. 2012 14,67 8,30 -0,04 0,34 -iun. 2012 14,66 8,42 -0,11 0,96 -mar. 2012 14,63 8,60 0,14 1,30 -dec. 2011 14,87 8,07 -0,23 2,56 -sep. 2011 13,43 7,50 -0,31 3,37 -iun. 2011 14,19 7,79 0,06 0,62 -mar. 2011 14,88 7,96 0,46 5,00 -dec. 2010 15,02 8,11 -0,16 1,73 -sep. 2010 14,59 7,89 -0,19 2,13 -iun. 2010 14,33 7,91 -0,15 1,58 -mar. 2010 14,98 8,09 0,55 5,96 -dec. 2009 14,67 7,55 0,25 2,89 -sep. 2009 13,73 7,04 0,28 3,22 -iun. 2009 13,51 6,92 0,05 0,64 -mar. 2009 13,16 6,81 -0,25 2,90 -dec. 2008 13,76 8,13 1,56 17,04 -sep. 2008 11,85 7,10 1,77 19,41 -iun. 2008 12,78 7,30 1,44 15,82 -mar. 2008 12,99 7,20 1,51 16,45 -dec. 2007 13,78 7,32 - - -

Indicatorii agrega i privind institu iile de credit sunt reliefa i în graÞ cul urm tor.

Revista Român de Statistic - Supliment nr. 5 / 2016 105

Figura 1

2. Creditarea i Þ nan area economiei României Pentru reliefarea celor expuse mai sus am recurs la analiza principalelor aspect privind Þ nan area economiei României prin creditare.

Reluarea credit rii i Þ nan area economiei este vital . Care este rolul b ncilor în acest proces? În perioada premergatoare crizei Þ nanciare globale, sectorul Þ nanciar # bancar a cunoscut o perioada de cre tere rapid , ce se poate cuantiÞ ca printr-o cre tere a indicatorilor ce determin \profunzimea Þ nanciar ". În mod similar altor state din regiune, cre terea rapid a creditului domestic a fost alimentat de ample fonduri bane ti provenite de la la b ncile mama ale institu iilor de credit straine aß ate in România.

Evolu ia sectorului Financiar din România Figura 2

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În ceea ce prive te, scorul României pentru profunzimea institu iilor Þ nanciare a crescut de la 3 în anul 2000 la 28 în anul 2007, i scorul s u pentru profunzimea pie ei Þ nanciare a crescut de la 1 la 13 în aceea i perioad .

Sistemul bancar românesc, care are o pondere majoritar în cadrul sistemului Þ nanciar-bancar na ional, a intrat în anul 2008 (anul de debut al crizei) raportând o capitalizare a b ncilor estul de ridicata i o rata a lichidit tilor mare. (FMI 2009). De asemenea, înainte de criz , nivelul procentului creditelor neperformante raportat la totalul creditelor acordate era relativ sc zut; dar acest lucru s-a datorat faptului c în România, cre terea accelerat a credit rii a mascat într-o mare m sur slabiciunea intern a sistemului. Scorul z, indicatorul pentru stabilitate utilizat în anterioar , sugereaza c în România, înainte de anul 2008, soliditatea b ncilor era departe de a Þ perfect .

O deteriorare rapid a încrederii de pia în economia României a dus la: - scaderea valorii monedei române ti fa de valutele straine; - cre terea ratei dobânzii; - un declin acentuat al valorilor de capital (aproximativ 80% între 2008 i

2009). Aceste efecte au dus la cre teri importante ale creditelor neperformante. Analizele tip stress-test întreprinse în decursul recentului (FSAP) Financial Sector Assesment Program (Programul de Evaluare al Sectorului Financiar) (FMI 2009), sugereaz c unele b nci s-au aß at în situa ia de a deveni subcapitalizate odat cu continuarea crizei economice. FSAP a facut apel la înt rirea pozi iilor de capital ale unor b nci i la men inerea, de c tre b ncile mam , a liniilor de credit deschise în favoarea subsidiarelor i a corpora iilor împrumutate direct din România.

Aceste provoc ri cu privire la stabilitate se reß ect în sc deri semniÞ cative ale indicatorilor Þ nanciari, atât pentru institu ii Þ nanciare cât i pentru pie ele Þ nanciare pentru 2008, 2009 i urm torii. De asemenea, schema releva faptul c în ciuda faptului ca la nivel mondial criza a fost înghe at , România cunoa te o cre tere continu a nivelului creditelor neperformante. Un indicator relevant pentru anticiparea instabilit ii Þ nanciare este &cre terea excesiv a creditarii". Aici se pune accentual pe caracterul \excesiv" al cre terii. Un sistem Þ nanciar dezvoltat trebuie într-adevar s raporteze o cre tere a credit rii, factor esen ial pentru profunzimea acestuia i pentru imbunat irea calit ii serviciilor Þ nanciare. Chiar dac cre terea credit rii este important i necesar , totu i, o cre tere foarte rapid a Þ nan rii s-a dovedit în timp a reprezenta o cauza principal a declan rii crizelor Þ nanciar # bancare.

FMI a estimate in 2004 ca aproximativ 75% din bumurile de creditare in pietele emergente se Þ nalizeaza cu crize bancare. De obicei, cresterea creditarii este alimentata de asteptari mai mult decat optimiste cu privire la veniturile viitoare i preturile activelor, in parallel cu o infuzie de capital disponibil. De-a lungul

timpului, caminele (familiile) i companiile acumuleaza datorii substantiale in timp ce veniturile lor stagneaza. O posibila diminuare a veniturilor sau a preturilor activelor va duce automat la o crestere a creditelor neperformante si a creditelor in default. Daca problema este serioasa, atunci tara intra criza Þ nanciar # bancara. Pentru pietele de capital, cea mai uzitata variabila pentru identiÞ carea instabilitatii Þ nanciare este volatilitatea pietei.

Revista Român de Statistic - Supliment nr. 5 / 2016 107

Criza economic nu a însemnat pentru activitatea de creditare numai aplicarea metodelor viabile privind îmbun t irea gradului de acoperire a pierderilor din credite cu provizioane i execut ri silite ale clien ilor care nu mai pl tesc, ci i g sirea unor noi posibilit i de cre tere pe anumite segmente de pia , de Þ delizare a clientelei atât timp cât sl birea concuren ei las mai mult spa iu pentru a ac iona. Pe m sura adâncirii crizei economice mondiale i manifestarea acesteia în rândul rilor europene, sitemul bancar românesc a fost expus consecin elor nefaste ale acesteia. În acest context, o institu ie bancar nu poate Þ considerat viabil decât printr-o monitorizare atent a performan ei de creditare în raport cu riscurile la care este supus .

3. Impactul acordului Basel III asupra sistemului bancar european In 2007 datorit crizei declan ate pe plan mondial s+a observat sl biciunea sistemului bancar i insuÞ cien a capitalului, in acest context se impunea o revizuire a acordului Basel II. În anul 2010 au avut loc mai multe întâlniri între membrii Comitetului de la Basel în scopul de a înt ri reglement rile sistemului bancar Þ nanciar. În septembrie 2010 au fost anun ate oÞ cial modiÞ c rile în reglement rile care vor trebui adopdate de c tre b ncile comerciale pan la sfâr itul anului 2018. Acordul de la Basel III are ca scop int rirea standardelor globale de capital, adaptarea mai usoar la perioadele de criz economic , care va asigura un sistem bancar stabil. Basel III aduce nou calcularea cerintelor de capital aferente riscului de credit prin restric ii pe anumite atribute completate de c tre lucr torul bancar. Categoriile de clien i pentru care vor Þ completate atributele Basel în aplica ia bancar a B ncii, atributele Basel vor Þ completate pentru toti clientii nebancari care în prezent înregistreaz , sau în viitor vor înregistra o expunere fa de Ban . Prin expunere se in elege orice angajament asumat de Banc fa a de un client, eviden iat în conturi bilan iere sau în conturi în afara bilan ului, incluzând, far a se limita la acestea: credite, efecte de comer scontate, efecte de comer avalizate, garan ii emise (scrisori de garan ie), facilit i de credit neutilizate, acreditive deschise sau conÞ rmate. B ncile odat cu cerin ele Basel III i-au modiÞ cat aplica iile informatice, dupa cum urmeaz : - VeriÞ carea valorilor pentru câmpul !Cifra de afaceri" - se va veriÞ ca

la momentul acord rii creditului cifra de afaceri anual exprimat în lei (RON), cifra preluat din ultimul bilan anual(31/12/....) existent la dosarul clientului cu cifra de afaceri existenta în ecranul unde au fost introduse date despre Client. În cazul în care exista neconcordan e ve i transmite o sesizare la Serviciul Raportari.

- Completarea valorilor pentru campul !Tip imobil", condi ia ce trebuie îndeplinit pentru încadrarea unui imobil ca Þ ind de tip reziden ial este ca imobilul sa aib destina ia de locuin , s Þ e dat cu chirie sau destinat pentru a Þ date cu chirie de c tre proprietar pentru a Þ locuit. Condi ia ce trebuie îndeplinit pentru încadrarea unui imobil ca Þ ind de tip non-reziden ial este ca imobilul luat în gara tie s aib destina ie comercial (birouri, activit i productive sau comerciale).

- Completarea valorilor pentru campul !Data ultima evaluare" se va completa data ultimei evalu ri a cl dirii realizate de un evaluator independent, în format zz-ll-aaaa.

Romanian Statistical Review - Supplement nr. 5 / 2016108

- Completarea valorilor pentru scadenta !Polite de asigurare", se realizeaz pentru bunuri ce constituie garan ie i sunt cesionate B ncii.

- Completarea valorilor pentru campul !Capacitate de rambursare" , se va completa valoarea rezultat din raportul dintre ß uxurile de numerar generate de respectivul imobil (ß uxuri de numerar (chirii) care s-au luat în considerare de banca pentru rambursarea creditului) i angajamentele de plat lunare(respectiv principalul i dobânda), valoare exprimata în procente. Daca aceasta valoare ß uctueaz pe durata de acordare a creditului, conform cash-ß ow-ului calculat, se va completa valoarea maxim ce poate rezulta din acest raport. Acest raport arat în ce masur rambursarea expunerii depinde în mod exclusiv de veniturile generate din respectivul imobil. În cazul în care exist i alte surse de rambursare care acopera în totalitate ratele lunare atunci atributul Capacitatea de rambursare ia valoarea 0.

4. Unele aspecte privind modelul dinamic al proceselor bancare si riscurile aferente

Modelul general dinamic al procesului bancar permite identiÞ carea riscurilor bancare de baz i integrarea acestora în procesul de planiÞ care care stabilile te în mod explicit, scopul procesului bancar. Orice factor al modelului poate Þ considerat un subproces al unui proces global in activitatea bancar . B ncile efectueaz activit ile de m surare i control punctual al riscurilor de pia , de credit, de concurenta, rata dobânzii i de lichiditate, de ar i opera ionale la care Banca este expus i cuantiÞ c expunerea global i a factorilor individuali de risc, stabilind absorb iile aferente de capital ale Bancii, efectueaza analize de portofoliu pentru tipurile de risc, segmente de clien i, sectoare de activitate economic . B ncile efetueay prin departamentele speciÞ ce, analiza evolu iei principalelor pie e monetare i Þ nanciare, precum i în elaborarea de rapoarte periodice privind scenariile macroeconomice pe termen scurt i pe termen lung, utile pentru gestionarea activit ilor de trezorerie referitoare la ratele dobânzilor, cursurile de schimb valutar i a cota iilor de pia .

Concluzii Criza economic nu a însemnat doar recursul la metode viabile care se aplic pentru îmbun t irea gradului de acoperire a pierderii de credit prin dispozi ii i execut ri silite, în cazul în care clien ii nu au putut pl ti, dar, de asemenea, presupune g sirea de noi posibilit i de cre tere pe anumite segmente de pia , loialitatea clien ilor, în timp ce sl birea competi iei las mai mult spa iu pentru ac iune. În timp ce adâncirea crizei economice mondiale a devenit global , de asemenea, în rile europene, sistemul bancar românesc a fost expus la consecin e negative. Astfel, o institu ie bancar nu poate Þ considerat viabil , alta decât printr-o monitorizare atent a performan ei sale de creditare în compara ie cu riscurile cu care se confrunt . Modelul general dinamic al procesului bancar permite posibilitatea de a identiÞ ca principalele riscuri bancare i de a le integra în procesul de planiÞ care care a stabilit în mod explicit scopul procesului bancar. Modelul general dinamic al procesului bancar permite posibilitatea de a identiÞ ca principalele riscuri bancare i de

Revista Român de Statistic - Supliment nr. 5 / 2016 109

a le integra în procesul de planiÞ care care a stabilit în mod explicit scopul procesului bancar. Orice factor al modelului poate Þ considerat un sub-proces al unui proces global al activit ii bancare. B ncile m soar aÞ area i controlul expres al pie ei, creditul, concuren a, riscurile, rata dobânzii i rata de lichidare, ar i riscurile opera ionale, pentru care este expus banca, setarea absorb iei de capital aferente, i face analize de portofoliu pentru tipul de riscuri, segmente de clien i, segmente de activitate economic .

BibliograÞ e selectiv 1. Anghelache C. (2009). Metode i modele de m surare a riscurilor i performan elor Þ nanciar-

bancare, Editura Artifex Bucure ti 2. Blaseg,D., Koetter, M. (2015). Friend or Foe? Crowdfunding Versus Credit when Banks are

Stressed, Halle Institute for Economic Research in its series IWH Discussion Papers with number 8

3. Carnell, R. (1997). Innovation and banking risk, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in its series Proceedings;

4. Combes-Thuelin, E., Escaffre, L. (2004). Financial Reporting Practices in the European Banking Sector: Financial Instruments and Fair value, HAL in its series Post-Print

5. Crété, E. (2012). Analysis of banking activity by business line, Quarterly selection of articles - bulletin de la Banque de France, Volume (Year): (2012), Issue (Month): 26 (Summer), Pages: 53-64

6. Doga-Mãrzac, M., Naval, E. (2014). Theoretical And Methodological Approaches On The Evaluation Of Business Incubators, Journal of Financial and Monetary Economics, Volume (Year): 1 (2014), Issue (Month): 1 (), Pages: 252-256

7. Govori, F. (2014). The development of capital market and its impact on providing alternative sources of business Þ nancing: Empirical analysis, University Library of Munich, Germany in its series MPRA Paper with number 58189

8. Wa niewski, K. (2015). Discretionary freedom of choice and risk in alternative capital markets, European Journal of Law and Economics, Volume (Year): 39 (2015), Issue (Month): 3 (June), Pages: 573-605

Romanian Statistical Review - Supplement nr. 5 / 2016110


Prof. Constantin ANGHELACHE, PhDBucharest University of Economic Studies, !ARTIFEX" University of BucharestProf. Radu Titus MARINESCU PhDAssoc. prof. Aurelian DIACONU PhD!ARTIFEX" University of BucharestDaniel DUMITRESCU, PhD StudentBucharest University of Economic Studies

Abstract The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision provides a forum for regular cooperation on banking supervisory matters. Its objective is to enhance understanding of key supervisory issues and improve the quality of banking supervision worldwide. The Basel Committee is the primary global standard-setter for the prudential regulation of banks and provides a forum for cooperation on banking supervisory matters. Its mandate is to strengthen the regulation, supervision and practices of banks worldwide with the purpose of enhancing Þ nancial stability. Key words: banking risk, evaluation, model, Basel Committee, economy, crediting, Þ nancing

1. BASEL III Agreement regulations on banks obeying criteria Compared to BASEL II, BASEL III asks from the banks the following: a minimum ceiling of the common capital reserve of 4.5% compared to 2% for BASEL II, in a minimum quantum of rank 1 capital of 6% compared to 4% of BASEL II with regard to the risk balanced assets, and the total capital rate of 8%. BASEL III brings also increased capital reserves with 2.5%. Retail deposits are favored as they are considered to be stable on medium and long terms. Banks began to adapt their systems and products implying important supplementary costs. BASEL III represents more than a set of regulations. Its provisions affect banks capacity to produce proÞ t. With this purpose, the following concepts are introduced: government credit in lei and foreign currency, solvency rate # lever effect, un-performing credit rate, liquidity indicator, ROA and ROE.

Aggregate indicators of credit institutions (table 1) .

Revista Român de Statistic - Supliment nr. 5 / 2016 111


Solvability indicator (>8&)

Leverage effect ROA ROE Rate of non-

performant credits

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)


mar. 2015 18,64 8,26 0,91 8,88 13,85dec. 2014 17,59 7,38 -1,32 12,45 13,94sep. 2014 17,06 7,63 -0,60 5,58 15,33iun. 2014 16,95 7,87 0,12 1,10 19,19mar. 2014 16,32 8,55 0,67 6,30 20,39dec. 2013 15,46 7,96 0,01 0,13 -sep. 2013 13,92 7,49 0,55 5,04 -iun. 2013 14,67 8,02 0,65 5,96 -mar. 2013 15,03 8,20 0,55 5,08 -dec. 2012 14,94 8,02 -0,64 5,92 -sep. 2012 14,67 8,30 -0,04 0,34 -iun. 2012 14,66 8,42 -0,11 0,96 -mar. 2012 14,63 8,60 0,14 1,30 -dec. 2011 14,87 8,07 -0,23 2,56 -sep. 2011 13,43 7,50 -0,31 3,37 -iun. 2011 14,19 7,79 0,06 0,62 -mar. 2011 14,88 7,96 0,46 5,00 -dec. 2010 15,02 8,11 -0,16 1,73 -sep. 2010 14,59 7,89 -0,19 2,13 -iun. 2010 14,33 7,91 -0,15 1,58 -mar. 2010 14,98 8,09 0,55 5,96 -dec. 2009 14,67 7,55 0,25 2,89 -sep. 2009 13,73 7,04 0,28 3,22 -iun. 2009 13,51 6,92 0,05 0,64 -mar. 2009 13,16 6,81 -0,25 2,90 -dec. 2008 13,76 8,13 1,56 17,04 -sep. 2008 11,85 7,10 1,77 19,41 -iun. 2008 12,78 7,30 1,44 15,82 -mar. 2008 12,99 7,20 1,51 16,45 -dec. 2007 13,78 7,32 - - -

Aggregate indicators of credit institutions (graph 2)

Romanian Statistical Review - Supplement nr. 5 / 2016112

2. Romania's economy crediting and Þ nancing In order to emphasize the above mentioned information, we will analyze the main aspects regarding the Romania&s economy Þ nancing by crediting.

Given the situation, replaying economy crediting and Þ nancing is vital for Romania. Evidently, banks play an important role. During the global pre-crisis period, the Þ nancial-banking sector grew rapidly. This process can be quantiÞ ed showing an increase of the \Þ nancial profoundness" indicators.Similarly to other regional states, in Romania, the rapid growth of the domestic credit was supplied by large funds from the mother banks of the foreign crediting institutions operating here.

Financial sector evolution in Romania

Romania score for Þ nancing institutions profoundness grew from 3 in 2000 to 28 in 2007, and its score for the Þ nancial market profoundness grew from 1 to 13 in the same interval of time.

The Romanian banking system being the majority of the national Þ nancial banking system reported in 2008 a capitalization of the banks quite high and a high liquidity rate. (IMF 2009) Before the start of the global crisis, the level of the un-performing credits level compared to granted credits was relatively low; this happened given the fact that in Romania the accelerated increase of crediting covered an internal weakness of the system. The score z, which is the indicator for stability used previously, suggests that in Romania and before 2008, banks situation was far from being perfect.

A rapid deterioration of market trust in Romania led to: - the value decrease of the Romanian currency compared to foreign currency; - the increase of the interest rate; - a stressed decline of the capital values (approximately 80% between 2008

and 2009).

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These effects led to important increases of the un-performing credits. The analysis stress-test type concluded during the recent Financial Sector Assessment Program -FSAP (IMF 2009), suggest that some banks were ready to be sub-capitalized during the economic crisis. FSAP made an appeal for consolidation of capital positions of some of the banks and maintaining by mother-banks of the credit lines opened in favor of subsidiaries and of corporations that borrowed directly on the territory of Romania.

These provocations to stability reß ect itself in signiÞ cant decreasing of the Þ nancial indicators, both for the Þ nancial institutions, and for the Þ nancial markets in 2008, 2009 and the following years.

Also, this frame shows that regardless the international context where the crisis was stopped, in Romania the level of the un-performing credit continued to grow. A relevant indicator anticipating Þ nancial instability is &excessive increase of crediting". A developed Þ nancial system should report an increase of crediting, which indicates an improving quality of the Þ nancial services. Even though the increase of crediting is important and necessary, a very rapid increase of Þ nancing proved to be the main cause of the start of each Þ nancial-banking crisis.

In 2004, IMF estimated that approximately 75% of the credited booms on the emergent markets will end in banking crisis. Usually, the crediting increase is fed by more than optimistic expectations regarding future incomes and assets prices, parallel to an available capital infusion. In time, households and companies accumulate substantial debts, while their incomes are stagnant. A possible diminishing of incomes and assets prices will automatically led to a n increase of the un-performing credits and of default credits. If this situation is serious, then the respective country is subject to a Þ nancial-banking crisis.

Regarding capital markets, the most used variable for Þ nancial instability identiÞ cation is market volatility. The economic crisis didn&t mean only the appeal to viable methods applying for the improvement of the degree of credit loss covering by provisions and foreclosures in cases the clients couldn&t pay, but also Þ nding new possibilities of growing on certain market segments, loyalty of the clients while the weakening of the competition let more room for action. While the deepening of the economic crisis became global also in the European countries, the Romanian banking system was exposed to evil consequences. Thus, a banking institution cannot be considered viable other than by an attentive monitoring of its crediting performance compared to the risks it is confronted to.

3. The impact of BASEL III agreement on the European banking system In 2007, a certain weakness of the banking system and a capital shortage were signaled. This demanded a revision of the BASEL II Agreement. In 2010, the members of BASEL Committee had series of meetings in order to consolidate the regulations of the banking Þ nancial system. In September 2010, they ofÞ cially announced the modiÞ cations in the regulations that had to be adopted by the commercial banks until the end of 2018.

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The BASEL III Agreement aims at consolidating the capital global standards, an easier adaptation crisis periods, thus ensuring a stable banking system. BASEL III means calculation of the requirements of the capital afferent to the credit risk by restrictions regarding certain attributes Þ lled by the banking agent. The client categories had in view will be completed in the bank application, Basel attributes being completed for all non-banking clients who now register or will do it in the future becoming exposed to the bank. By exposure we mean any engagement assumed by the bank for a client, in balance accounts or in extra-balance accounts, including, credits, trade discount effects, trade effects, guaranty letters, credit facilities not used, open or conÞ rmed letters of credit. Thus, the banks modiÞ ed the informatics applications, as follows: - VeriÞ cation of the values for the Þ eld "business turnover" # the annual turnover will be checked at the moment of credit granting in lei (RON), taken from the last annual balance (31/12`) that can be found in the client Þ le with the existing turnover on the screen where data about the client was introduced. In case inconsistencies might be found, a notiÞ cation shall be transmitted to Reports Service. - Completion of the values for the Þ eld \Real Type", condition to be met by a building as a residential type is to be a residence, rented or meant to be rented by the owner in order to be inhabited. For a building which is not a residence type building, the condition is to have a commercial destination. - Completion of the values in the Þ eld \Date of the last evaluation": it will be completed the date of the last evaluation of the building made by an independent evaluator, like mm-dd-yyyy. - Completion of the values in the Þ eld \Insurance policies": for the goods that are guaranties and are assigned to the bank. - Completion of the values in the Þ eld \Capacity of Repayment": it will be completed with the value resulted from the report between the cash ß ows generated by the respective building (rents) taken into account by the bank in order to repay the credit, and the commitments of monthly payment in percentage. In case this value ß uctuates during the time of credit granting, according to the calculated cash ß ow, it will be completed with the maximum value from the report. This report shows the measure the repayment exposure depends exclusively on the incomes generated by the respective building. In case there are other repayment sources capable to cover completely the monthly installments, the attribute \Repayment Capacity" takes value 0.

4. Some aspects regarding the dynamic model of the banking processes and afferent risks

The general dynamic model of the banking process allows the possibility to identify the main banking risks and to integrate them in the planning process that set explicitly the purpose of the banking process. Any factor of the model may be considered a sub-process of a global process of the banking activity. The banks display measurement and express control of the market, credit, competition, risks, interest rate and liquidation rate, country and operational risks, for which the bank is exposed, setting the afferent capital absorption, and makes portfolio analyses for risks type, client segments, economic activity segments.

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The banks also operate the analyses of the main monetary and Þ nancial market evolution through its specialized departments, and periodical reports regarding macroeconomic scenarios on short and long terms, that are useful in the management of treasury activities referred to interest rate, currency exchange rate and market quotation.

Conclusions The economic crisis didn&t mean only the appeal to viable methods applying for the improvement of the degree of credit loss covering by provisions and foreclosures in cases the clients couldn&t pay, but also Þ nding new possibilities of growing on certain market segments, loyalty of the clients while the weakening of the competition let more room for action. While the deepening of the economic crisis became global also in the European countries, the Romanian banking system was exposed to evil consequences. Thus, a banking institution cannot be considered viable other than by an attentive monitoring of its crediting performance compared to the risks it is confronted to. The general dynamic model of the banking process allows the possibility to identify the main banking risks and to integrate them in the planning process that set explicitly the purpose of the banking process. Any factor of the model may be considered a sub-process of a global process of the banking activity. The banks display measurement and express control of the market, credit, competition, risks, interest rate and liquidation rate, country and operational risks, for which the bank is exposed, setting the afferent capital absorption, and makes portfolio analyses for risks type, client segments, economic activity segments.

References 1. Anghelache C. (2009). Metode i modele de m surare a riscurilor i performan elor Þ nanciar-

bancare, Editura Artifex Bucure ti 2. Blaseg,D., Koetter, M. (2015). Friend or Foe? Crowdfunding Versus Credit when Banks are

Stressed, Halle Institute for Economic Research in its series IWH Discussion Papers with number 8

3. Carnell, R. (1997). Innovation and banking risk, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in its series Proceedings;

4. Combes-Thuelin, E., Escaffre, L. (2004). Financial Reporting Practices in the European Banking Sector: Financial Instruments and Fair value, HAL in its series Post-Print

5. Crété, E. (2012). Analysis of banking activity by business line, Quarterly selection of articles - bulletin de la Banque de France, Volume (Year): (2012), Issue (Month): 26 (Summer), Pages: 53-64

6. Doga-Mãrzac, M., Naval, E. (2014). Theoretical And Methodological Approaches On The Evaluation Of Business Incubators, Journal of Financial and Monetary Economics, Volume (Year): 1 (2014), Issue (Month): 1 (), Pages: 252-256

7. Govori, F. (2014). The development of capital market and its impact on providing alternative sources of business Þ nancing: Empirical analysis, University Library of Munich, Germany in its series MPRA Paper with number 58189

8. Wa niewski, K. (2015). Discretionary freedom of choice and risk in alternative capital markets, European Journal of Law and Economics, Volume (Year): 39 (2015), Issue (Month): 3 (June), Pages: 573-605

Romanian Statistical Review - Supplement nr. 5 / 2016116

Redresarea economic la nivel mondial i european

Conf. univ. dr. Raluca Andreea MIHALACHEUniversitatea Artifex, Bucuresti

Abstract The recovery in euro area economic activity will continue according to projections. It is anticipated that real GDP will increase by 1,7% in 2016 and 1,9% in 2017. The overall prospects are unchanged compared to the previous period, the domestic demand is however more favorable external demand and the less favorable.It is estimated that the recovery of economic activity in the euro area will continue, supported increasingly by domestic demand over the projection horizon. In the third quarter of 2015, real GDP grew by 0,3%. Looking ahead, on the basis of high levels of consumer conÞ dence and corporate sector in recent months, we anticipate maintaining economic growth in the short term. Subsequently, a number of favorable factors are expected to support real GDP growth over the projection horizon, especially the accommodative monetary policy, a slight Þ scal loosening, low prices of oil and gradually improving demand prospects worldwide, combined with the increase in quota the market share held by euro area exports, reß ecting the relatively weaker exchange rate of the euro effectively. Key words: economic recovery, GDP, private consumption, government consumption, inß ation, HICP inß ation, budget balance, ß ash consumer conÞ dence indicatorJEL classiÞ cation: C82, E20, E22, E60, H6

Redresarea economica la nivel european si mondial continua, avand o crestere economica. Potrivit directorului general al FMI, Christine Lagarde, citat de Bloomberg si Reuters, nu suntem in criza, insa !vestile mai putin bune sunt ca redresarea ramane prea lenta, prea fragila, si riscurile la adresa durabilitatii ei sunt in crestere. In timp ce zona euro este afectata de nivelul scazut al investitiilor si somajul ridicat, economia SUA se confrunta cu o crestere redusa partial din cauza aprecierii dolarului". Acesta a mai aÞ rmat ca !avansul PIB-ului Japoniei a fost mai slab decat s-a estimat, iar tranzitia Chinei spre un model economic mai sustenabil implica un ritm de crestere mai lent. DiÞ cultatile economice cu care se confrunta Rusia si Brazilia depasesc estimarile, iar statele din Orientul Mijlociu se lupta cu efectele declinului pretului titeiului". Redresarea activitatii economice in zona euro va continua potrivit proiectiilor. Se anticipeaza ca PIB real se va majora cu 1,7% in 2016 si cu 1,9% in 2017. Perspectivele generale sunt nemodiÞ cate in comparatie cu perioada anterioara, cele ale cererii interne Þ ind insa mai favorabile, iar cele ale cererii externe mai putin favorabile. Potrivit datelor din tabelul 1 # Proiectii economice pentru zona euro, in trimestrul III 2015, PIB real a crescut ci 0,3%, anticipand mentinerea ritmului de crestere economica pe termen scurt, ritm bazat pe nivelul ridicat al increderii consumatorilor si a sectorului corporativ in anul 2015. Totodata cresterea PIB real este sustinuta de o serie de factori favorabili precum politica monetara, relaxarea usoara a politicii Þ scale, preturile scazute ale petrolului, cresterea cotelor de piata detinute

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de catre exporturile din zona euro, bazata pe nivelul depreciat al cursului de schimb efectiv al monedei euro. Consumul privat, potrivit datelor din tabelul 1 # Proiectii economice pentru zona euro, se mentine constant pe toata perioada de proiectie 2016-2017 la o cota de 1,7%, la fel ca si consumul administratiilor publice de 0,7% in 2015 si 2017, respectiv 0,8% in 2016. Rata somajului pe perioada proiectiei este estimata ca avand o evolutie descendenta de la 11,0% in 2015, la 10,6% in 2016 si la 10,1% in 2017. In ceea ce priveste dinamica schimburilor comerciale la nivel mondial se asteapta o consolidare treptata a acesteia, in concordanta cu redresarea activitatii economice la nivel mondial. Potrivit raportului Bancii Centrale Europene, desi scaderea semniÞ cativa a importurilor in Rusia si in Brazilia pe parcursul perioadei analizate este explicata partial prin scaderea cererii interne si deprecierea cursului de schimb, evolutiilr din alte economii sunt cu precadere evolutii conjuncturale din punct de vedere al schimburilor comerciale (inclusiv Japonia, China, Regatul Unit).

Sursa: BCE, Proiectiile macroeconomice pentru zona euro ale expertilor Eurosistemului - decembrie 2015, pp. 5

In comparatie cu proiectiile realizate in luna septembrie 2015, potrivit tabelului anterior, proiectiile actuale reprezinta o revizuire negativa cu 1,6% in 2015, 0,7% in 2016 si 0,3% in 2017. In dinamica, cererea externa adresata zonei euro, calculata ca medie ponderata a importurilor partenerilor comerciali ai zonei euro, va creste de la -0,1% in 2015, la 2,7% in 2016 si la 3,8% in 2017.Inß atia va avea o majorare pe parcursul orizontului de proiectie, in principal prin scaderea pretului petrolului, ajungand in 2016 la 1,0% si in 2017 pana la 1,6%. In ultimele luni inß atia IAPC s-a mentinut la un nivel apropiat de zero, nivel care reß ecta intensiÞ carea presiunilor in sensul scaderii generate de preturile produselor energetice si asociate reducerilor preturilor petrolului. In schimb, inß atia IAPC exclusiv produse energetice a crescut usor in ultimele luni, reß ectand totodata intensiÞ carea dinamicii preturilor produselor industriale non-energetice si a preturilor alimentelor, datorata de deprecierea puternica a euro. Totodata, dinamica preturilor serviciilor se mentine nemodiÞ cata in ultima perioada, reß ectand presiuni moderate din surse interne asupra costurilor.

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Sursa: BCE, Proiectiile macroeconomice pentru zona euro ale expertilor Eurosistemului - decembrie 2015, pp. 2

Potrivit Bancii Centrale Europene !dinamica produselor energetice incluse in IAPC este asteptata sa inß uenteze puternic proÞ lul inß atiei IAPC pe parcursul orizontului de proiectie. Se anticipeaza ca atat efectele de baza semniÞ cative in sensul cresterii, cat si majorarile estimate aferente cotatiilor petrolului (in concordanta cu pietele futures) vor conduce la o crestere substantial a componentei !produse energetice" a inß atiei IAPC pana in 2017. Conform proiectiilor, inß atia IAPC exclusiv produse energetice se va consolida treptat in concordanta cu intensiÞ carea presiunilor din surse interne asupra costurilor, pe fondul restrangerii deviatiei negative a PIB de la nivelul potential. De asemenea, se estimeaz ca deprecierea semniÞ cativa a euro si efectele indirecte ale cresterii estimate a preturilor materiilor prime pe parcursul orizontului de proiectie vor genera inß uente in sensul cresterii asupra inß atiei IAPC exclusiv produse energetice. Totodata, se anticipeaza ca impactul exercitat de preturile administrate si de modiÞ carile impozitelor indirecte asupra inß atiei se va mentine limitat". Comparativ cu proiectiile publicate in luna septembrie 2015 de catre Banca Centrala Europeana, perspectivele inß atiei IAPC au fost revizuite in ultimul trimestru al anului 2015 in sens usor descendent. Asa cum am mentionat anterior revizuirea se datoreaza cu precadere presiunilor mai scazute din surse externe asupra preturilor, asociate preturilor sub asteptari ale petrolului (tabel 1). Ameliorarea treptata a ponderii soldului bugetar in PIB se datoreaza atat

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ameliorarii ciclice cat si scaderii cheltuielilor cu dobanzile, anticipandu-se ca soldul primar structural se va deteriora usor in anul 2016 si se va mentine stabil in anul 2017. Daca pana in 2014 ponderea datoriei publice in PIB a inregistrat o crestere, incepand cu anul 2015 aceasta va inregistra o scadere. Soldul bugetar a fost revizuit in sens usor ascendent pentru anul 2015 si usor descendent pentru anul 2017, reß ectand modiÞ cari la nivelul consolidarii Þ scale. Traiectoria datoriei este mai favorabila pe parcursul perioadei de proiectie 2016 - 2017, Þ ind asociata unui diferential mai favorabil intre ritmul de crestere a PIB si rata dobanzii aferenta datoriei publice si unui efect pozitiv al ajustarii datorie-deÞ cit.

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Sursa: BCE, Proiectiile macroeconomice pentru zona euro ale expertilor Eurosistemului - decembrie 2015, pp. 10

Potrivit datelor furnizate de Comisia Europeana si Eurostat, indicatorul de incredere al consumatorilor pentru UE si zona euro in perioada aprilie 2005 - aprilie 2016 este redat in graÞ cul urmator:

Sursa: Comisia Europeana

BibliograÞ e selectiv 1. Barro, Robert - 1997 # !Macroeconomics", MIT Press, Cambridge 2. Blanchard, Olivier # 2011 # !Macroeconomics", Pearson, Boston 3. Dinga, Emil # 2010 # !Studii de economie. Contribu ii de analiz logic ,

epistemologie i metodologic ", Editura Economic , Bucure ti 4. Romer, David # 2006 # !Advanced Macroeconomics", McGraw-Hill

Irwin, Boston 5. http://www.capital.ro/fmi-riscurile-la-adresa-redresarii-economiei-

globale-sunt-in-crestere.html 6. http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/db_indicators/surveys/index_

en.htm 7. http://www.ecb.europa.eu

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Assoc. prof. Raluca Andreea MIHALACHE PhDUniversity Artifex, Bucharest

Abstract The recovery in euro area economic activity will continue according to projections. It is anticipated that real GDP will increase by 1,7% in 2016 and 1,9% in 2017. The overall prospects are unchanged compared to the previous period, the domestic demand is however more favorable external demand and the less favorable. It is estimated that the recovery of economic activity in the euro area will continue, supported increasingly by domestic demand over the projection horizon. In the third quarter of 2015, real GDP grew by 0,3%. Looking ahead, on the basis of high levels of consumer conÞ dence and corporate sector in recent months, we anticipate maintaining economic growth in the short term. Subsequently, a number of favorable factors are expected to support real GDP growth over the projection horizon, especially the accommodative monetary policy, a slight Þ scal loosening, low prices of oil and gradually improving demand prospects worldwide, combined with the increase in quota the market share held by euro area exports, reß ecting the relatively weaker exchange rate of the euro effectively. Key words: economic recovery, GDP, private consumption, government consumption, inß ation, HICP inß ation, budget balance, ß ash consumer conÞ dence indicator JEL classiÞ cation: C82, E20, E22, E60, H6

The economic recovery in Europe and the world continues as economic growth. According to Director General of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, quoted by Bloomberg and Reuters, we are not in crisis, but !less good news is that the recovery remains too slow, too fragile and its sustainability risks are increasing. While the euro area is affected by low levels of investment and high unemployment, the US economy is facing reduced growth partly due to dollar appreciation." She also said that !Japan&s GDP growth was weaker than previously estimated, and China&s transition towards a more sustainable economic model implies a slower pace of growth. The economic difÞ culties facing Russia and Brazil exceed estimates and the Middle East countries are struggling with the effects of oil price decline." The recovery in euro area economic activity will continue according to projections. It is anticipated that real GDP will increase by 1,7% in 2016 and 1,9% in 2017. The overall prospects are unchanged compared to the previous period, the domestic demand is however more favorable external demand and the less favorable. According to data from table 1 - Euro area economic projections, in the third quarter of 2015, real GDP grew by 0,3%, anticipating maintain the pace of economic growth in the short term rate based on the high level of consumer conÞ dence and the corporate sector in 2015. Also real GDP growth is supported by a number of favorable factors such as monetary policy easing easy Þ scal policy, low prices of oil, the increase of market shares held by euro-area exports, based on the depreciated exchange rate effective exchange euro.

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Private consumption, according to data from table 1 - Euro area economic projections, remains constant throughout the projection period 2016-2017 at a rate of 1,7%, as well as government consumption of 0,7% in 2015 and 2017, and 0,8% in 2016. The unemployment rate is estimated projection period as having a downward trend from 11,0% in 2015 to 10,6% in 2016 and 10,1% in 2017.Regarding global trade dynamics expects its gradual consolidation, consistent with the recovery in global economic activity. According to the report the European Central Bank, although a signiÞ cant decrease in imports in Russia and Brazil over the review period is explained partly by lowering domestic demand and exchange rate depreciation, developments in other economies are predominantly conjunctural developments in terms of trade (including Japan, China and United Kingdom).

Source: ECB - Staff macroeconomic projections for the euro area Eurosystem - December 2015, pp. 5

Compared with the projections made in September 2015, according to the table above current projections represent a negative revision to 1,6% in 2015, 0,7% in 2016 and 0,3% in 2017. In dynamics, euro area foreign demand addressed calculated as a weighted average of import trading partners of the euro area will increase from 0,1% in 2015 to 2,7% in 2016 and 3,8% in 2017. Inß ation will increase over the projection horizon, mainly by decreasing oil prices, reaching 1,0% in 2016 and 2017 to 1,6%. In recent months HICP inß ation (IAPC) was maintained at a level close to zero, which reß ects increased pressure prices downward generated by energy products and associated reductions in oil prices. In contrast, HICP inß ation excluding energy products increased slightly in recent months, reß ecting the intensiÞ cation dynamics also non-energy industrial goods prices and food prices, due to the sharp depreciation of the euro. Also, service price dynamics remains unchanged lately, reß ecting moderate pressures from domestic sources on costs.

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Source: ECB - Staff macroeconomic projections for the euro area Eurosystem - December 2015, pp. 2

According to the European Central Bank !dynamic energy products included in the HICP is expected to strongly inß uence the proÞ le of HICP inß ation over the projection horizon. It is anticipated that the signiÞ cant base effects both on the upside and increases related to expected oil prices (according to futures markets) will lead to a substantial increase in component !energy products" until 2017 HICP inß ation. Projected HICP inß ation excluding energy products will strengthen gradually in line with increased pressure on costs from internal sources, amid negative output gap from the lead. Also, it is estimated that the signiÞ cant depreciation of the euro and indirect effects of the projected increase in commodity prices over the projection horizon inß uences will generate upward pressure on HICP inß ation excluding energy products. However, it is anticipated that the impact of administered prices and indirect tax changes on inß ation will remain limited." Compared to projections published in September 2015 the European Central Bank, the HICP inß ation outlook have been revised in the last quarter of 2015 slightly downwards. As we mentioned earlier revision was mainly due to lower pressures on prices from external sources associated oil prices below expectations (table 1). Gradual improvement in the budget balance share of GDP improvement is due to both cyclical and fall in interest expenditure is anticipated that the structural primary balance will deteriorate slightly in 2016 and remain stable in 2017.

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If by 2014 the public debt GDP grew, starting 2015 it will drop. The budget balance has been revised slightly upwards and for 2015 slightly downwards for 2017, reß ecting changes in Þ scal consolidation. Debt path is more favorable over the projection period 2016 - 2017, being associated with a more favorable differential between GDP growth and the interest rate on public debt and a positive effect of deÞ cit-debt adjustment.

Sourc e: ECB - Staff macroeconomic projections for the euro area Eurosystem - December 2015, pp. 10

According to data from the European Commission and Eurostat, the ß ash consumer conÞ dence indicator for the EU and euro area in the period April 2005 - April 2016 is shown in the graph below:

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Source: European Commission services

References 1. Barro, Robert - 1997 # !Macroeconomics", MIT Press, Cambridge 2. Blanchard, Olivier # 2011 # !Macroeconomics", Pearson, Boston 3. Dinga, Emil # 2010 # !Studii de economie. Contribu ii de analiz logic , epistemologie si

metodologic ", Editura Economic , Bucure ti 4. Romer, David # 2006 # !Advanced Macroeconomics", McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston 5. http://www.capital.ro/fmi-riscurile-la-adresa-redresarii-economiei-globale-sunt-in-crestere.

html 6. http://ec.europa.eu/economy_Þ nance/db_indicators/surveys/index_en.htm 7. http://www.ecb.europa.eu

Romanian Statistical Review - Supplement nr. 5 / 2016126

Model de analiz a pie ei de asigur ri. Noi provoc ri pentru managementul companiilor

de proÞ lConf. univ. dr. Cristina Elena PROTOPOPESCUUniversitatea !ARTIFEX" din Bucure ti

Abstract In this paper we present some considerations about the Romanian insurance market and its evolution for the last six years. The insurance companies are important players of the Þ nancial market, serving a number of economic functions, such as allowing risk transfer, helping companies and people save and invest, enabling entrepreneurial spirit and business initiatives. All these are possible only on a stable and developed market. In order to describe our internal insurance sector we used some particular indicators such as gross written premium volume, insurance density and insurance penetration rate. Based on our conclusions we submit some directions to be followed in order to overstep the present situation of our insurance market. We think that some decisions must be taken by insurance companies management because more often lately insures are being reproached for their exclusive concern for rising proÞ ts despite of their basic activity and function which is delivering a proper Þ nancial cover for the policy holders. Key words: insurance market, insurance density and penetration, management, diversiÞ cation strategy, product innovation JEL ClassiÞ cation: A1, G2, M1

1. Introducere Considerat ani la rând unul dintre cele mai dinamice sectoare ale economiei române ti, cu un poten ial de cre tere apreciabil, domeniul asigur rilor se confrunt ast zi cu numeroase i diÞ cile provoc ri, care necesit interven ii competente atât din partea managementului companiilor, dar i din partea organismului de supraveghere a pie ei. Înainte de criza economic global industria asigur rilor a înregistrat ritmuri de cre tere ce au dep it evolu iile majorit ii sectoarelor economiei române ti. Timp de mai mul i ani rata de cre tere a volumului de prime brute subscrise # principalul indicator de apreciere a dimensiunii acestui sector de activitate # a dep it cre terea produsului intern brut. În ciuda acestei evolu ii, al i doi indicatori majori ai pie ei # densitatea asigur rilor i gradul de penetrare a asigur rilor au continuat s înregistreze valori sub cele ale indicatorilor similari calcula i în ri din Uniunea European # i nu vorbim neap rat de rile capitaliste dezvoltate, ci ne referim la ri cu un trecut similar cu al nostru. În cele ce urmeaz , inten ia noastr este de a descrie situa ia actual a pie ei de asigur ri din România, dar i evolu ia ei în ultimii ase ani (perioada 2009-2016, considerând anul 2009 ca an de referin , având în vedere criza economic global ). Pentru aceasta vom apela la indicatori speciÞ ci, precum volumul de prime brute subscrise la nivelul întregii pie e dar i pe categorii de asigurare # asigur ri generale i

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asigur ri de via , densitatea asigur rilor, gradul de penetrare a asigur rilor i volumul indemniza iilor brute pl tite.

2. Stadiul cunoa terii în domeniu Lucrarea de fa este structurat pe dou mari p r i: una este dedicat evolu iei pie ei române ti de asigur ri iar cea de-a doua con ine o serie de solu ii pentru dep irea diÞ cult ilor cu care se confrunt acest sector de activitate, în prezent. În ceea ce prive te prima parte a lucr rii noastre, principalii indicatori de evolu ie ai pie ei de asigur ri fac obiectul unor largi explica ii în literatura de specialitate (V c rel, Bercea, 2003), (Bistriceanu, 2010), relevan a lor pentru o analiz competent a pie ei Þ ind reliefat în multe lucr ri de proÞ l. De asemenea, Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiar din ara noastr ofer anual analize cantitative complete ale sectorului de asigur ri. În ceea ce prive te cea de-a doua parte a lucr rii, aspectele legate de managementul societ ilor de asigurare, acestea au f cut obiectul analizei speciali tilor no tri într-o m sur mai mic (Constantinescu, 2004, 2000).

3. Analiza pie ei de asigur ri din România Pe baza informa iilor aferente perioadei 2009-2014, furnizate de Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiar # organismul responsabil cu reglementarea i supravegherea pie ei # constat m o sc dere de la un an la cel lalt a nivelului primelor brute subscrise, excep ie f când o singur perioad , anul 2012, când s-a înregistrat o cre tere real fa de anul anterior de 2,15% (a se vedea tabelul 1). Potrivit ASF, dup ace ti ani de declin al volumului primelor brute subscrise, în anul 2015, pia a româneasc de asigur ri a înregistrat o evolu ie favorabil 1. Pentru acest an, 2015, s-au raportat prime brute subscrise în cre tere cu 8,23% fa de aceea i perioad a anului 2014, ajungând la 8,75 miliarde lei. La sfâr itul acestui interval de raportare existau pe pia , potrivit informa iilor ASF, 35 de societ i de asigurare, din care 20 au practicat numai asigur ri generale, 8 au subscris numai asigur ri de via , în timp ce 7 societ i au încheiat atât poli e de asigur ri generale, cât i poli e de asigur ri de via .

Evolu ia primelor brute subscrise pe pia a româneasc de asigur ri (2009-2014)Tabel 1

AnulPrime brute subscrise

(RON)Cre tere PIB

tx/tx-1 (%)Rata inß a iei (%)

Cre tere real PBS tx/tx-1 (%)

2009 8,869,746,957 -0.74 5.59 -6.002010 8,305,402,152 -6.36 6.09 -11.742011 7,822,309,952 -5.82 5.79 -10.972012 8,256,914,950 5.56 3.33 2.152013 8,122,446,890 -1.63 3.98 -5.392014 8,085,676,884 -0.45 1.07 -1.51

(Sursa: Raportul Autorit ii de Supraveghere Financiar pentru anul 2014, www.asfromania.ro)

Dac analiz m pia a româneasc de asigur ri pe baza densit ii asigur rilor (prime brute subscrise/locuitor) i a gradului de penetrare a asigur rilor (ponderea în PIB a primelor brute subscrise), vom constata c România înregistreaz unele dintre cele mai sc zute valori din Europa, evolu iile Þ ind chiar negative în ultimii ani. Îns

1. Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiar # Evolu ia pie ei române ti de asigur ri i reasigur ri, decembrie 2015

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trebuie precizat c datele disponibile la acest moment indic sc deri ale indicatorilor men iona i în rile din Uniunea European , în anul 2014, ca urmare a conjuncturii economice interna ionale; cu toate acestea, nivelurile densit ii asigur rilor i ale gradului de penetrare a asigur rilor înregistrate pe pia a autohton se situeaz mult sub media european sau sub nivelurile înregistrate pe pie e europene emergente similare. Datele disponibile pentru anul 2013 (sursa: www.asfromania.ro) indic faptul c Olanda i Marea Britanie înregistreaz cel mai ridicat nivel al gradului de penetrare a asigur rilor (11.7%) în timp ce densitatea asigur rilor pe pia a olandez se ridic la 4,491.4 euro/loc. De asemenea, Ungaria a înregistrat un grad de penetrare a asigur rilor de 2,71% în anul 2013, în timp ce densitatea asigur rilor a fost de 275,5 euro/loc.; pentru pia a polonez , indicatorii similari sunt 3,47%, i respectiv 257,4 euro/loc., în timp ce Bulgaria a înregistrat un grad de penetrare a asigur rilor de 2,15% i o densitate a asigur rilor de 121,2 euro/loc în anul 2013. Pentru aceea i perioad , România a raportat 1,27% gradul de penetrare a asigur rilor i 92 euro/loc densitatea asigur rilor (a se vedea tabelul 2).

Densitatea asigur rilor i gradul de penetrare a asigur rilor pe pia a româneasc (2009-2015)

Tabel 2

Indicatori 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015Densitatea asigur rilor (lei/loc)

435,49 410,21 388,25 411,61 406,41 405,35 440,41

Gradul de penetrare a asigur rilor (%)

1,74 1,56 1,38 1,41 1,27 1,21 1,24

(Sursa: Raportul Autorit ii de Supraveghere Financiar pentru anul 2014 i Evolu ia pie ei române ti de asigur ri i reasigur ri, decembrie 2015, www.asfromania.ro)

Evolu ia pozitiv a primelor brute subscrise în anul 2015 a avut o inß uen favorabil asupra evolu iei densit ii asigur rilor # ASF a raportat o cre tere de 0,03 puncte procentuale în anul 2015 comparativ cu anul 2014 (www.1asig.ro) când nivelul acestui indicator a fost de 1,21%. De asemenea, potrivit organismului de supraveghere i reglementare a pie ei, gradul de penetrare a asigur rilor a înregistrat un ritm de cre tere de 8,64% fa de anul 2014, ajungând astfel la cel mai ridicat nivel din ultimii ase ani - 440,41 lei/loc.Evolu ia industriei de asigur ri pe baza primelor brute subscrise înainte, în timpul i dup criza economic global este prezentat în Þ gura nr. 1. Putem astfel constata c pia a româneasc de asigur ri nu s-a reîntors deocamdat la cel mai ridicat nivel al s u, înregistrat în anul 2008, ceea ce nu reprezint tocmai un punct forte pentru pia .

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Volumul primelor brute subscrise în perioada 2006-2015Figura 1

(Sursa: Raportul Autorit ii de Supraveghere Financiar pentru anul 2014 i Evolu ia pie ei române ti de asigur ri i reasigur ri, decembrie 2015, www.asfromania.ro)

Dac analiz m pia a româneasc de asigur ri din punct de vedere al reparti iei geograÞ ce a riscurilor, constat m c 49,88% din primele brute subscrise au fost furnizate în anul 2014 de zona Bucure ti-Ilfov, situat la mare distan de zona de nord-vest care a furnizat 8,95% din volumul total al primelor brute subscrise la nivelul întregii pie e. Pia a de asigur ri din România este dominat de asigur rile generale. Acestea au reprezentat în anul 2015, 79,27% din primele brute subscrise la nivelul întregii pie e, ceea ce reprezint chiar, o sc dere u oar fa de ponderea de 79,75% înregistrat în anul 2014. Segmentul de asigur ri de via a reprezentat 20,72% din primele brute subscrise la nivelul întregii pie e în anul 2015, ceea ce înseamn o cre tere fa de anul trecut când ponderea a fost în jur de 20,25%. În acela i timp, indemniza iile brute pl tite pentru asigur rile generale au reprezentat 95,77% din totalul indemniza iilor brute pl tite la nivelul întregii pie e de asigur ri în anul 2015 (ceea ce reprezint o cre tere fa de ponderea anului 2014, când procentul înregistrat a fost de 90,18%). Pentru asigur rile de via s-au pl tit indemniza ii în valoare de doar 4,23%, înregistrându-se astfel o sc dere fa de anul 2014 când procentul a fost de 9,82%. Potrivit Autorit ii de Supraveghere Financiar , în anul 2015, 85,76% din primele brute subscrise din asigur ri generale au fost furnizate de trei clase de asigur ri (fa de 69% în anul 2014): - Asigur ri de mijloace de transport terestru (este vorba despre poli ele autocasco)

(clasa a III-a) cu 24,33% din primele brute subscrise din asigur ri generale; - Asigur ri de incendiu i alte dezastre naturale (clasa a VIII-a ) # 13,92%; - Asigur ri de r spundere civil auto (clasa a Z-a) # 47,41%.

Totodat pentru aceste trei clase de asigur ri s-a înregistrat cea mai mare pondere a indemniza iilor brute pl tite în total indemniza ii brute aferente asigur rilor

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generale. De exemplu, în anul 2015, indemniza iile brute pl tite pentru contractele de asigur ri de r spundere civil auto au reprezentat în jur de 53,79% din indemniza iile aferente asigur rilor generale (fa de 48,6% în anul 2014), în timp ce indemniza iile aferente poli elor autocasco au fost în procent de 33,00% (fa de 35,81% în 2014) i de doar 4,85% pentru asigur rile de incendiu i alte dezastre naturale (în sc dere fa de anul 2014 când ponderea a fost de 5.08%). Pe baza acestor date, dar i a evolu iilor din anii anteriori, putem constata c pia a româneasc de asigur ri este dominat de sectorul asigur rilor auto, sector caracterizat printr-o daunalitate foarte ridicat . Potrivit raportului aferent anului 2014 al Autorit ii de Supraveghere Financiar , 55,35% din primele brute subscrise la nivelul pie ei în perioada men ionat reprezint indemniza iile brute pl tite pentru daunele aferente contractelor de asigur ri generale i de asigur ri de via . În aceste condi ii, consider m oportun întrebarea dac pia a româneasc de asigur ri este sau nu preg tit s fac fa unor daune ce ar putea Þ produse de un cutremur major? O alt caracteristic important a sectorului de asigur ri din ara noastr este aceea c pia a este foarte concentrat . Astfel, în anul 2015, 79,25% din primele brute la nivel de pia (asigur ri generale i asigur ri de via ) au fost subscrise de primele zece companii de asigurare, fapt ce are o inß uen negativ asupra competitivit ii companiilor dar i asupra calit ii serviciilor furnizate clien ilor. În aceste condi ii, falimentul ASTRA # al treilea mare asigur tor de pe pia în anul 2014, cu o cot de pia de 9,52%, 1,8 milioane de asigura i i 2,5 milioane contracte de asigurare, va inß uen a negativ întregul sector. De i unii speciali ti în domeniul asigur rilor consider falimentul ASTRA drept un \exerci iu de maturitate" al pie ei noastre interne, consider m c acest eveniment va conduce la sc derea încrederii popula iei în capacitatea pie ei de a furniza o acoperire adecvat a nevoilor poten ialilor asigura i i la diÞ cult i legate de plata daunelor aferente contractelor de asigurare. Este adev rat, potrivit legisla iei, pentru astfel de cazuri exist Fondul de Garantare a Asigura ilor. În Þ ecare lun , societ ile de asigurare pl tesc 1% din veniturile din prime brute ob inute din contractele de asigur ri generale i 0,4% din veniturile din prime brute aferente contractelor de asigur ri de via 1. În anul 2016 instan a din România a dat o decizie deÞ nitiv referitoare la falimentul ASTRA. În baza acestei decizii, toate cererile de desp gubire depuse pentru contractele de asigur ri încheiate la ASTRA vor putea Þ onorate de Fondul de Garantare a Asigura ilor. Clien ii au fost nevoi i s a tepte acest moment aproape un an, având în vedere c ac ionarii ASTRA au contestat în instan decizia Autorit ii de Supraveghere Financiar de a suspenda autoriza ia companiei i a deschide procedura de faliment. Pe de alt parte, Fondul de Garantare a Asigura ilor din ara noastr s-a mai confruntat în trecut cu alte falimente precum falimentul ADAS, Croma, GrupAs, Metropol, Delta Addendum, dar niciuna dintre aceste societ i nu a fost de m rirea ASTRA. Dincolo de faptul c falimentul unui mare asigur tor pe o pia i a a foarte

1 Ordinul Autorit ii de Supraveghere Financiar nr. 16/2015 Ordinul nr. 17/2015 referitor la Fondul de Garantare a Asigura ilor, publicat în M.Of. nr. 667/2015

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concentrat nu este un eveniment de dorit, este necesar s analiz m consecin ele sale atât pe termen scurt dar i pe termen mediu i lung, i, un aspect i mai important, trebuie s identiÞ c m cauzele generatoare ale falimentului, pentru a preveni repetarea lui în viitor. ASTRA a fost sub procedura administr rii speciale timp de 18 luni, începând cu luna februarie 2014, dup ce ASF-ul a descoperit nerespectarea nivelurilor minime ale indicatorilor de solvabilitate i lichiditate. Pentru procesul de administrare special a fost numit compania KPMG Advisory, aceasta având drept obiectiv principal g sirea unui investitor strategic care s reconsolideze situa ia Þ nanciar a ASTRA. Dup un an i jum tate, nu s-a reu it majorarea de capital necesar pentru dep irea diÞ cult ilor companiei, astfel încât Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiar a suspendat autoriza ia de func ionare a ASTRA i a declan at procedura de faliment. Este interesant de analizat i ceea ce a descoperit Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiar drept cauze ale falimentului ASTRA: managementul defectuos al companiei care a decis utilizarea activelor ASTRA pentru a servi unor scopuri private ale ASTRA Grup1 i a raportat distorsionat situa iile Þ nanciare referitoare la lichiditate, solvabilitate i performan ele Þ nanciare ale companiei. Aceast situa ie conÞ rm ceea ce Douglas G. Olson, un specialist american în materie de asigur ri, citat frecvent în lucr rile noastre anterioare, studiind companiile de asigurare a constatat: !în istoria majorit ii cazurilor de faliment ale companiilor de asigurare, sunt mai multe cauze legate de managementul incompetent i fraudulos decât ac iunea negativ a for elor pie ei." În ciuda faptului c pia a de asigur ri este una intens reglementat i supravegheat , se pare c instrumentele aß ate la dispozi ia Autorit ii de Supraveghere Financiar Þ e nu au fost suÞ ciente, Þ e nu au fost adecvate pentru a preveni o astfel de situa ie. În anul 2005, când companiile de asigurare existente atunci pe pia au fost obligate s î i majoreze semniÞ cativ capitalul social (unele disp rând cu aceast ocazie), am subliniat c nu m rimea unui asigur tor trebuie s Þ e criteriul de baz dup care s se men in sau s Þ e eliminate companiile de pe pia . i atunci i acum am considerat necesar analizarea riscurilor subscrise de asigur tori, managementul activelor i pasivelor acestora, pe lâng indicatorii de solvabilitate i lichiditate.

Concluzii De i datele provizorii publicate de ASF pentru anul 2015 arat o revenire în acest an a primelor brute subscrise, problemele pie ei nu sunt rezolvate i se pot acutiza. Consider m c solu iile pentru revenirea i dezvoltarea pie ei trebuie reg site la trei niveluri: la nivelul Autorit ii de Supraveghere Financiar , la nivelul managementului companiilor de asigurare i la nivelul de in torilor de poli e. În primul rând, Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiar trebuie s î i joace rolul activ de organism de reglementare, supraveghere i control al pie ei de asigur ri, inându-se la distan de diferite scandaluri care i-ar putea inß uen a credibilitatea i reduce încrederea oamenilor în capacitatea institu iei de a proteja interesele

de in torilor de poli e. Apreciem c noua politic de recrutare a personalului i noua strategie de comunicare public , împreun cu unele decizii referitoare la pia vor

1 Sursa: Comunicat de pres al Autorit ii de Supraveghere Financiar

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ajuta organismul de supraveghere s î i desf oare activitatea în condi ii de eÞ cacitate sporit . Legat de instrumentele aß ate la dispozi ia Autorit ii de Supraveghere Financiar , consider m oportun i binevenit implementarea Solvency II în anul 2016 care va spori eÞ cien a supravegherii, având în vedere faptul c aceste reglement ri se bazeaz pe analiza riscurilor companiilor de asigurare. În al doilea rând, atâta vreme cât orientarea c tre client r mâne doar un simplu slogan de pia , care nu este asumat la toate nivelurile decizionale din companiile de asigurare, situa ia pie ei nu se va modiÞ ca prea curând. Într-un mediu competitiv care permite doar o cre tere lent , capacitatea companiilor de asigurare de a furniza valoarea promis clien ilor depinde mai ales de în elegerea i valoriÞ carea ra ional a punctelor forte organiza ionale dar i de abilitatea lor de a î i adapta activit ile în concordan cu evolu iile din mediul ambiant. Ast zi, ob inerea unui echilibru între proÞ tabilitatea companiilor de asigurare i responsabilitatea lor social constituie o provocare major pentru acestea. Foarte des în ultima vreme li se repro eaz asigur torilor preocuparea exclusiv pentru ob inerea de proÞ t, în dauna sau în defavoarea îndeplinirii func iilor lor de baz # furnizarea unei protec ii Þ nanciare adecvate clien ilor. În vederea ampliÞ c rii competitivit ii asigur torilor i derul rii unui management performant, am formulat o serie de abord ri manageriale precum: promovarea managementului strategic, recurgerea la orientarea managerial bazat pe procese, metodologizarea managementului i schimbarea culturii organiza ionale. Consider m c pentru perioada urm toare, companiile trebuie s î i stabileasc op iuni strategice clare care s conduc la ob inerea unui avantaj competitiv corespunz tor. Printre aceste op iuni strategice putem enumera: diversiÞ carea portofoliului de asigur ri, ampliÞ carea eÞ cien ei activit ii prin reproiect ri organizatorice adecvate, implicarea mai intens în educarea popula iei pentru o mai bun în elegere a necesit ii i importan ei asigur rilor. A a cum am men ionat în prima parte a lucr rii, pia a româneasc de asigur ri este dominat de asigur rile auto, asigur ri caracterizate printr-o rat a daunei ridicat . De aceea, pentru îmbun t irea rezultatelor activit ii de subscriere, consider m necesar promovarea si a altor produse de asigurare, precum: asigur ri de case, asigur ri agricole, ori asigur ri de r spundere civil profesional . Pe lâng acestea, oferta de asigurare trebuie s se adapteze posibilit ilor Þ nanciare ale clien ilor i s pun la dispozi ia acestora asigur ri pe care majoritatea cet enilor s i le poat permite. Activitatea de inovarea la nivelul produselor de asigurare poate constitui o op iune ra ional a companiilor ce activeaz pe o pia emergent precum este pia a româneasc . Asigur torii trebuie s proiecteze i s ofere acele produse prin care s se furnizeze o protec ie pe în elesul i al popula iei cu venituri mai reduse, s contribuie la favorizarea economisirii pe termen lung în rândul acesteia. De asemenea, o alt abordare managerial major trebuie s Þ e îmbun t irea procedurilor de management al riscurilor i a acoperirilor prin reasigurare. Este foarte important ca societ ile de asigurare s î i îndeplineasc func iile lor majore din cadrul economiei (furnizarea unei acoperiri adecvate clien ilor i la un pre competitiv i plata daunelor asigurate) pentru a cre te încrederea oamenilor i a poten ialilor

asigura i în capacitatea pie ei de a-i proteja împotriva unei largi plaje de riscuri. Al treilea aspect ce trebuie avut în vedere este legat de clien i; ace tia trebuie s Þ e con tien i c se confrunt cu o serie de riscuri i c cea mai bun protec ie

Revista Român de Statistic - Supliment nr. 5 / 2016 133

împotriva acestora o constituie poli a de asigurare. Suntem cu to ii con tien i de faptul c pre ul unui contract de asigurare este foarte important în alegerea companiei de asigurare, dar nu trebuie s Þ e singurul criteriu. De obicei, o rat de prim redus poate Þ atractiv pentru client dar pre ul redus # prima de asigurare nu poate garanta viitoarele pl i ale asigur torilor, mai ales în cazul produselor cu o daunalitate ridicat . Pia a de asigur ri constituie o component major a pie ei Þ nanciare. Func ia sa principal este aceea de a compensa daunele produse de dezastre naturale ori accidente i de a pl ti sumele asigurate în cazul contractelor de asigur ri de via , la producerea evenimentelor asigurate. Dincolo de aceste considerente, sectorul de asigur ri este o parte semniÞ cativ a economiei, inß uen ând semniÞ cativ amplitudinea i durata ciclurilor economice, dar i progresul economic i social. Totodat , acest

sector de activitate contribuie la dezvoltarea economic i la îmbun t irea calit ii vie ii. Toate acestea sunt posibile doar dac societ ile de asigurare r mân competitive, pl tesc daunele i fac afaceri în condi ii de transparen .

BibliograÞ e selectiv 1. Bistriceanu, Gh., (2010), !Sistemul asigur rilor i reasigur rilor în România", Editura

Universitar Bucure ti 2. Constantinescu, D.A. (2004), !Tratat de asigur ri, vol. I i II", Editura Economic , Bucure ti

Constantinescu, D.A. (2004), !Management în asigur ri", Editura Semne, Bucure ti 2000 3. Rotaru, A., (2005), \Asigur ri i reasigur ri", Colec ia Na ionala, Editura Semne, Bucure ti,

pp. 17 4. V c rel, I., Bercea, F., (2003), \Asigur ri i reasigur ri", Editura Expert, Bucure ti 5. ASF Law no. 17/2015 published in M.Of. 667/september 2015 6. ASF Law no. 16/2015 published in M.Of. 667/september 2015 7. www.asfromania.ro 8. www.1asig.ro

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COMPANIES MANAGEMENTAssoc. prof. Cristina Elena PROTOPOPESCU PhD!Artifex" University of Bucharest

Abstract In this paper we present some considerations about the Romanian insurance market and its evolution for the last six years. The insurance companies are important players of the Þ nancial market, serving a number of economic functions, such as allowing risk transfer, helping companies and people save and invest, enabling entrepreneurial spirit and business initiatives. All these are possible only on a stable and developed market. In order to describe our internal insurance sector we used some particular indicators such as gross written premium volume, insurance density and insurance penetration rate. Based on our conclusions we submit some directions to be followed in order to overstep the present situation of our insurance market. We think that some decisions must be taken by insurance companies management because more often lately insures are being reproached for their exclusive concern for rising proÞ ts despite of their basic activity and function which is delivering a proper Þ nancial cover for the policy holders. Key words: insurance market, insurance density and penetration, management, diversiÞ cation strategy, product innovation JEL ClassiÞ cation: A1, G2, M1

1. Introduction Previously seen as one of the most dinamic and promising activity Þ eld of our economy, the insurance sector is nowadays challenging major evolutions that requires proper interventions from the suprevisory authority and insurers management. Before the global economic recession, the insurance sector grew more than most Þ elds of the Romanian economy. For some years, the rate of development in terms of gross written premium volume exceeded the Romanian GDP. In spite of this favourable evolution, other major insurance indicators such as insurance density and penetration rate were far below similar indicators from EU countries. Hereinafter our intention is to describe the present situation and also the Romanian insurance market development for the last six years (2009-2016) using some particular indicators such as gross written premium volume for the entire market and for each major category # life insurance and non-life insurance, insurance density, insurance penetration rate or the amount of paid claims.

2. Literature review Our paper contains two major parts: one is dedicated to the Romanian insurance market evolution and the other presents some solutions for overstepping the present unfavourable situation of this sector.

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Regarding the Þ rst part, the main insurance indicators are largely explained in the insurance literature (V c rel, Bercea, 2003), (Bistriceanu, 2010), their importance for a proper analysis of the market being presented in many papers. Also the Financial Supervisory Authority provides every year a complete quantitative analysis of the insurance sector. For the second part, there are a few papers dedicated to management in insurance companies (Constantinescu, 2004, 2000), this domain being less analysed by our specialists.

3. Insurance market analysis The information provided for 2009-2014 by the Financial Supervisory Authority # which is responsible for regulating and supervising the insurance market # shows us a decline from the level of gross written premium volume reported in each prior year with one exception: there was a real growth of this indicator with 2.15% in 2012 (table 1). According to FSA, after these years of premium volume decline, the insurance market returned to positive growth in 20151. In 2015 the gross written premiums increased with 8.23% to RON 8.75 bn from the level reported in december 2014. If we analyse the Romanian insurance market in terms of insurance density (gross written premiums per capita) and insurance penetration (gross written premium in GDP-%) we will Þ nd out that Romania has ones of the lowest values of these particular indicators in EU and also their dynamics were negative for the past few years.

Evolution of gross written premium on Romanian insurance market (2009-2014) Table 1

Year Gross Written Premium (RON)

GWP Growth tx/tx-1 (%)

Inß ation rate (%) GWP Real Growth tx/tx-1 (%)

2009 8,869,746,957 -0.74 5.59 -6.002010 8,305,402,152 -6.36 6.09 -11.742011 7,822,309,952 -5.82 5.79 -10.972012 8,256,914,950 5.56 3.33 2.152013 8,122,446,890 -1.63 3.98 -5.392014 8,085,676,884 -0.45 1.07 -1.51

Source: Financial Supervisory Authority Report 2014 (www.asfromania.ro)

But it is also a fact that insurance density and penetration decreased in EU in 2014 due to the international Þ nancial environment but the levels of these indicators for our internal insurance market are far below the EU average rate or similar emergent european markets. Data available (source: www.asfromania.ro) for 2013 indicated that Netherlands and United Kingdom have the highest level of insurance penetration rate (11.7%) while insurance density for Nederlands was around 4,491.4 EUR per capita. Also for 2013 Hungary has 2.71% the insurance penetration rate and 275.5 EUR per capita the insurance density level, also Poland 3.47% and 257.4 EUR per

1. Financial Supervisory Authority - The Evolution of Romanian Insurance and Reinsurance Market, december 2015

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capita while the Bulgarian market reported 2.15% the insurance penetration rate and 121.2 EUR per capita for the insurance density in 2013. For the same period, Romania reported 1.27% for the insurance penetration rate and 92 EUR per capita for the insurance density (table 2).

Insurance density and insurance penetration rate for the Romanian market (2009-2015)

Table 2

Indicators 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Insurance density (RON per capita) 435.49 410.21 388.25 411.61 406.41 405.35 440,41

Insurance penetration rate (%) 1.74 1.56 1.38 1.41 1.27 1.21 1,24(Source: Financial Supervisory Authority Report 2014 and The Evolution of Romanian Insurance and Reinsurance Market, december 2015, (www.asfromania.ro))

The positive dynamics of gross written premiums for 2015 had a favourable inß uence on insurance density evolution # FSA reported a 0.03 percentage points growth for 2015 from the level reported (www.1asig.ro) for the same period of 2014 (1.21%). Also according to the insurance supervisory authority insurance penetration rate experienced a 8,64% growth, thus, reaching the highest level of the last six years # 440,41 RON per capita. The insurance industry trend based on gross written premium volume before, during and after the economic crisis is presented using Þ gure 1. We can see that the Romanian insurance market is not back yet to its best level from 2008 which is not a strong point for this economic sector. Looking at the insurance market from the geographically risks spreading view we observe that 49.88% of the gross written premiums are delivered in 2014 by the Bucharest-Ilfov area, which is a long distance from the level of 8.95% delivered by the North-West area of the country. The Romanian global insurance market is dominated by non-life insurance. This line of business gave 79.27% of the gross premiums subscribed at the level of the entire market in 2015, which is, in fact, a slightly decline from 2014 when the level was around 79.75%. Life insurance delivered 20.72% from the gross written premiums in 2015, more than last year when the similar indicator was around 20.25%. In the same time, the claims paid last year by the Romanian insurance companies for the non-life insurance policies were 95,77% from the claims paid by the entire market in 2015 (which is a growth from 2014 when the percent was about 90,18%) while for the life insurance contracts the market paid only 4,23% (the percent decreased from 9.82% in 2014). According to the Financial Supervisory Authority, in 2015, 85,76% of the non-life gross written premiums are delivered by three lines of business (69% for 2014): - Car insurance (class 3) with 24,33% of non-life premiums; - Fire and natural disaster insurance (class 8) # 13,92%; - Motor third party liability insurance (class 10)# 47,41%. These three lines of insurance business are sharing the gross claims paid for the non-life policies. For example, in 2015 the insurance industry paid for the motor third party liability insurance contracts around 53,79% of the entire claims (48.6% in

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2014), 33,00% for the car insurance policies (35.81% in 2014) and only 4,85% for the Þ re and natural disaster insurance line (5.08% in 2014). Therefore the Romanian insurance industry is dominated by the motor insurance # a high loss ratio line of business.

Gross written premium volume for 2006-2015Figure 1

(Source: Financial Supervisory Authority Report 2014 and The Evolution of Romanian Insurance and Reinsurance Market, december 2015) (www.asfromania.ro)

According to Financial Supervisory Authority, for example, 55.35% of gross written premiums in 2014 represent the gross claims paid for non-life and life insurance contracts. Under these circumstances we wonder if the insurance market is prepared to pay losses produced by a major earthquake? Another important feature of Romanian insurance sector is that the market is highly concentrated. 79.25% of gross written premiums (both life and non-life) were delivered in 2015 by ten insurance companies. This situation has a negative impact towards market competitiveness and inß uences the quality of services delivered to the policy holders. Under these circumstances the bankruptcy of Astra # the third largest insurance company in 2014, with a market share of 9.52%, 1.8 million policy holders and 2.5 insurance contracts will seriously affect the entire sector. Althought many insurance specialists consider Astra&s bankruptcy as a !maturity exercise" for our internal insurance market, we think that this event will decrease people&s trust in the market&s capacity to deliver the expected coverage for their needs and also will create a number of diÞ culties in the process of paying the insured claims. Of course, according to our legislation for such cases there is the Romanian Insurance Guarantee Fund. Every month the insurance companies pay 1% of the gross premium incomes for non-life insurance contracts and 0.4% of the gross premium incomes for life insurance contracts1.

1. FSA Law no. 16/2015 and Law no 17/2015 relating to the Romanian Insurance Guarantee Fund, published in M.Of. no. 667/2015

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In 2016 the Romanian justice system issued a deÞ nitive decision regarding Astra&s bankruptcy. Under these circumstances, all of Astra&s claims requests will be managed by the Romanian Insurance Guarantee Fund. The clients had to to wait almost one year, giving the fact that Astra&s shareholders went to court to appeal the decision of the Financial Supervisory Authority to suspend its license and send it into bankruptcy. On the other hand, the Romanian Insurance Guarantee Fund had confrunted in the past with another insurers bankruptcies such as ADAS, Croma, GrupAs, Metropol, Euroasig, Delta Addendum, but none of these companies weren&t as large as Astra. Beyond the fact that the bankruptcy of a large insurance company on a highly concentrated market is not the most wanted event, we should analyse its consequences on short term as well as on the medium and long term, but more important, we must identify all its causes in order to prevent future similar events. ASTRA has been under special administration for 18 months starting February 2014 after the Financial Supervisory Authority discovered the solvency and liquidity indicators of the insurer were not meeting the legal requirements. KPMG Advisory was named to run the company during the special administration process, with the task of Þ nding a strategic investor that could restore the insurer&s Þ nancial strength. After one year and a half, the insurer failed to increase its capital, therefore FSA suspended its licence and began bankruptcy procedures. The Financial Supervisory Authority discovered the following causes for Astra&s bankruptcy: the defective Astra&s management which had used the insurer&s assets in order to attend to some private interests from Astra Group1 and a distorted reporting of Þ nancial performances and solvency and liquidity indicators. This situation conÞ rms what Douglas G. Olson, an american insurance specialist, frequently quoted in our previous papers, studying the insurance companies, observed: !in history of majority insurance companies& bankruptcies there are more causes related to incompetent management and fraudulent behaviour than the negative actions of market factors." Althought the insurance market is highly regulated and supervised it seems that FSA&s instruments were not enough or appropiate. In 2005 when the insurance companies were forced to signiÞ cantly increase their capital (with some of them dissapearing after that) we underlined that it musn&t be the size of an insurer the most important criterion to eliminate companies from the market. It is neccesary to analyse the risks undertaken by an insurer, the assets and liabilities management along with solvability and liquidity indicators.

Conclusions Althought the preliminary results for 2015 show a recovery of insurance premiums, the market problems still exist and they are getting bigger. We think that the solutions for market recovery and growth must be found at three levels: at the FSA level, the insurance companies management level and the policy holders level. First of all, the Financial Supervisory Authority must play its active task as a regulation, supervisory and control authority on the insurance market, in the absence or keeping the distance from different scandals which may affect its credibility and

1. Source: Financial Supervisory Authority Press release

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reduce people&s trust in its capacity to protect policy holders interests. We think that the new personnel recruting policy and public relation strategy along with some decisions related to the market are better and appropriate for a more efÞ cient supervisory authority. About FSA&s instruments, we consider that implementing Solvency II in 2016 will increase the efÞ ciency of the supervisory activity, giving the fact that this new legal requirements are based on risks analysis. Second, as far as the orientation towards clients remains only a market slogan and it isn&t undertaken by all decision levels in an insurance company, the situation isn&t going to change soon. In a competitive environment which allows only a slow development, the insurance companies& capacity to deliver the promised value to the policy holders depends Þ rstly by the rational understanding of organizational strengths and the insurers& ability to adjust their activities according to the external movements. Nowadays, to achieve a balance between proÞ tability and social responsibility of insurance companies is a major challenge for them. More often lately insures are being reproached their exclusive concern for rising proÞ ts, despite of their basic activity and function which is delivering a proper Þ nancial cover for the policy holders. In order to rise insurers& competitiveness and to carry on a performent management in this domain, we have deÞ ed a series of managerial approaches such as: strategic management, management based processes orientation, management methodologisation or changing organizational culture. We think that for the next period companies should establish clear strategic options in order to deliver a proper competitive advantage. Among these are: diversiÞ cation of insurance portfolio, increasing efÞ ciency of their activities, involvement in peoples education towards insurance for a better understanding of its necessity and importance. The Romanian insurance market is dominated by motor insurance products characterised by a high loss ratio. Therefore, in order to improve the underwriting results, it is necessary to promote other insurance products, such as: homeowners insurance, agriculture insurance and professional liability insurance. Besides these, the insurance supply should adapt to the Þ nancial possibilities of the clients and deliver simple and affordable mass-market solutions. Product innovation is a rational choice for insurance companies doing business on an emergent market. Insurers must design products that offer more comprehensive life protection, help mobilise savings and enable wealth accumulation, especially for low-income population. Also another major management aproach should be the improvement of risks management procedures and reinsurance covers. It is very important for the insurance companies to fulÞ ll their major function: to provide clients a proper coverage at a competitive price and to pay insured losses in order to raise people&s trust in the insurance market capacity to protect them against all kind of risks. The third aspect is that clients should know that they are dealing with risks and the best protection against them is an insurance policy. We know that the price of an insurance contract is very important in choosing the right company and the

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most suitable insurance product but it shouldn&t be the only criterion. Usually a low premium rate could be a good deal for the policy holder but this price cannot guarantee the future payments of the insurers, especially for the high ratio lines of insurance business. The insurance market represents a major component of the Þ nancial market. Its main function is to compensate the losses caused by natural disasters and accidents and to pay sums insured for some life events. Besides that major function the insurance sector is an important part of the economy, signiÞ cantly inß uencing the amplitude and duration of economic cycles, the social and economic progress. This activity sector also contributes to the economic development and quality life improving. All these are possible only if the insurance companies remain competitive, pay claims and do business under transparent conditions and circumstances.

References 1. Bistriceanu, Gh., (2010), !Sistemul asigur rilor i reasigur rilor în România", Editura

Universitar Bucure ti 2. Constantinescu, D.A. (2004), !Tratat de asigur ri, vol. I i II", Editura Economic , Bucure ti

Constantinescu, D.A. (2004), !Management în asigur ri", Editura Semne, Bucure ti 2000 3. Rotaru, A., (2005), \Asigur ri i reasigur ri", Colec ia Na ionala, Editura Semne, Bucure ti,

pp. 17 4. V c rel, I., Bercea, F., (2003), \Asigur ri i reasigur ri", Editura Expert, Bucure ti 5. ASF Law no. 17/2015 published in M.Of. 667/september 2015 6. ASF Law no. 16/2015 published in M.Of. 667/september 2015 7. www.asfromania.ro 8. www.1asig.ro

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Prof. univ. dr. Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHEAcademia de Studii Economice, Bucure tiProf. univ. dr. Radu Titus MARINESCUConf. univ. dr. Anca Sorina POPESCU-CRUCERUUniversitatea !ARTIFEX" din Bucure tiDrd. Cristina SACALAcademia de Studii Economice, Bucure ti

AbstractO proprietate de baz a sistemului de rating este abilitatea de a încadra clien ii în clasa de risc din care fac parte, respectov client buni platinici sau client r u-platinici. Testele de stabilire a metodelor de clasiÞ care au fost apicate la inceput în tiin a medical, biologie, ingineri incepând cu 1950, pe la sfâr itul anilor 1990 acestea au fost adaptate pentru a putea Þ aplicaze in modele ale ratingului de credit. Comitetul de la BASEL (1999) identiÞ c acest model ca diÞ cil în dezvoltarea modelelor cantitative de credit. Cuvinte cheie: curba caracteristicilor opera ionale, proÞ lul de acurate e acumulat , sistem, banc , evaluare

Cele mai cunoscute m suri sunt: Curba caracteristicilor opera ionale (\receiver operating characteristics" #ROC) i ProÞ lul de acurate e acumulat (\cumulative accuracy proÞ le" - CAP).

1. Curba caracteristicilor opera ionale (*receiver operating characteristics" %ROC)

Sistemul reprezint un instrument pentru evaluarea institu iilor de credit în vederea analizei i identiÞ c rii b ncilor care sunt ineÞ ciente i care vor Þ supravegheate mai atent de c tre ASF.. Acesta impune evaluarea a ase componente care reß ect într-o manier uniform i cuprinz toare performan ele unei b nci, în conformitate cu legisla ia i reglement rile bancare în vigoare. Componentele evaluate în cadrul acestui sistem sunt urm toarele: - capital (C) - ac ionariat (A) - active (A) - management (M) - proÞ t (P) - lichiditate (L) De men ionat c , Þ ecare din cele ase componente, este evaluat între 1 i 5, astfel încât 1 reprezint cel mai performant nivel, iar 5 cel mai sc zut. Patru din cele ase componente (C # adecvarea capitalului, A # calitatea activelor, P # proÞ tabilitate i L - lichiditate) sunt evaluate în func ie de anumi i indicatori, pentru care sunt

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stabilite cinci intervale i cinci ratinguri. Baza de calcul a indicatorilor ce deÞ nesc cele patru componente o reprezint raport rile Þ nanciare FINREP i pruden iale COREP, la nivel individual, transmise lunar de b nci. În timpul ac iunilor de inspecie on site analiza se evalueaz celelalte dou componente (elemente preponderent de ordin calitativ), respectiv calitatea ac ionariatului - A i managementul - M, care contribuie în mod direct la stabilirea proÞ lului de risc al b ncilor, precum i la aprecierea conforman ei cu cerin ele pruden iale. Evaluarea celor ase componente speciÞ ce de performan (CAAMPL) reprezint fundament pentru stabilirea ratingului compus, ce presupune de asemenea acordarea unui punctaj de la 1 la 5. O condi ie important care este luat în calculul ratingului compus este ca în cazul în care cel pu in una dintre componente a fost evaluat în rating 5, ratingul compus atribuit b ncii si nu poate Þ unul superior (1 sau 2). Fiecare banc prime te câte un rating pentru Þ ecare indicator de analiz , pentru Þ ecare component CAAMPL i în Þ nal un rating compus i un scor Þ nal ce reprezint punctajul total acordat indicatorilor ce deÞ nesc elementele CAAMPL. Ratingurile aferente componentelor CAAMPL sunt periodic actualizate în urma ac iunilor de inspec ie la sediul b ncilor. Pe baza datelor agregate ale indicatorilor economico-Þ nanciari i de pruden bancar se stabile te un rating compus pentru sistemul bancar. Interpretarea probabilistic a ROC i prezentarea unui mod eÞ cient de calcul al intervalelor de conÞ den se bazeaz pe articolul din 1975 a lui Bamber. Testul pentru compararea AUC a dou sisteme diferite de rating validate pe aceea i baz de date se bazeaz pe articolul din 1988 a lui DeLong, DeLolong i Clarke Pearson. Potrivit deÞ ni iei sale curba ROC este non-descresc toare. Este de asemenea cunoscut Bamber (1975) c func ia ROC este concav dac i numai dac Likelihood Ratio este non-cresc toare în i.

Proprietatea este aproape intuitiv pentru c probabilitatea de a ob ine un score mare ar trebui s Þ e mare pentru un non default i mic pentru un debitor din categoria default i este u or de observat c concavitatea curbei ROC este echivalent cu monotonicitatea lekelihood ratio, monotonicitate care este echivalent cu optimalitatea regulilor cut off în sensul c nu exist regul de decizie care s aib atât eroarea de tip I cât i eroarea de tip II mici. Interpretarea probabilistic a AUC este urm toarea : Consider m urm torul experiment : doi debitori sunt extra i aleator, primul din cadrul distribu iei default i cel de-al doilea din cadrul distribu iei non default. Scorurile debitorilor default i non default pot Þ interpretate ca i realiz rile a dou variabile aleatoare independente SD i SND. Cineva trebuie s presupun care dintre debitori este default. Un decident ra ional ar presupune c în default este debitorul care are scorul de rating inferior, iar dac ambii debitori au scoruri identice ar da cu banul. De aici probabilitatea ca decizia s s Þ e corect este un calcul simplu demonstreaz c aceast probabilitate este egal cu AUC.

un calcul simplu demonstreaz c aceast probabilitate este egal cu AUC.

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Interpretarea probabilistic a AUC ca i aria de sub curba ROC este legat de testul statistic U a lui Mann Whitney (1947). Dac extragem un debitor default cu scorul sD din cadrul mul imii SD i un debitor non default din cadrul mul imii sND din cadrul mul imii SND, i deÞ nim uD, ND

2. Modelul de tip HEAVY Modelul de tip HEAVY (High-frEquency-bAsed VolatilitY Model) a fost propus de c tre Kevin Sheppard profesor în cadrul Departamentului de Economie la Universitatea Oxford i de Neil Shephard, profesor de economie i Statistic în anul 2010. Ace ti doi profesori au dezvoltat modelul HEAVY conderând estimatorul agregat Kernel robust în ciuda zgmotului generat de efectele pie elor. Pentru identiÞ carea componentei pe termen lung a volatilit ii se iau în considerare dou surse de informa ii: - informa ii reprezentate de reantabilit ile zilnice (R1, R2, R3``Rt) - informa ii reprezentate de m surile zilnice ale volatilit ii agregate (RV1, RV2, RV3`..RVt) Modelul liniar HEAVY are doua ecua ii: - HEAVY-r este prima ecuatie care modeleaz varian a condi ionat ht: unde, În cazul în care informa iile despre volatilitatea trecut se înlocuiesc cu o forma a m surilor zilnice ale volatilit ii agregate RV, putem considera c modelul HEAVY este un model GARCH. Comparativ cu modelele GARCH , modelele HEAVY sunt mai perfomante iar procesul estim rii este mai complex. Modelul HEAVY se consider ca Þ ind un model \GARCH turbo" deoarece folose te estimatorul sumei p tratelor rentabilit ii zilnice i nu estimatorul p tratului rentabilit ii zilnice. - HEAVY # RM, modeleaz varian a condi ionat a teptat ,

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Cei doi profesori Stephard i Sheppard au estimat c , în studii empirice valoarea coeÞ cientului pr variaz în intervalul (0,6 # 0,7) iar valoarea coeÞ cientului parametrului br este foarte apropiat de valoarea zero. În 2011, a fost dezvoltat de Nourelidin, Shephard i Sheppard o extensie a Modelului denumit Modelul HEAVY Multivariat (multivariate High-frEquency-bAsed VolatilitY Model). Acest model conform celor doi cercet tori se remarc pentru performan a prognozei volatilit ii dar nu pentru m surarea acesteia. Totodat din cercet rile realizate în cea ce prive te dezvoltarea unui pachet care s ofere un procedeu performant de estimare, atât programul statistic R cât si EViews nu permit înc calculu pentru acest model.

3. Modelul de tip HARRV In 2003 Corsi a propus Modelul HARRV (Heterogeneus Auto-Regressive Model), inspirându-se din modelul Herogeneous Market Hzpothesis construit de c tre Muller în 1997, pentru a surprinde volatilitatea pe pia a de capital. Modelul realizat de c tre Muller ne explic rela ia pozitiv între volatilitate i activitatea de pe pia a de capital.În acest sens, volatilitatea reprezint riscul ca Þ ind

un activ de tip Þ nanciar care î i schimb valoarea. . În ceea ce prive te participan ii, în condi iile eterogenit ii cu cât sunt mai mul i participan i cu atât sunt mai diferite pre urile cerute-oferite. Modelul HARRV trateaz eterogenitatea cauzat de participan i. Ace tia pot considera importante diferite intervale de timp de tranzac ionare. Fiecare participant percepe diferit intervalele de timp si reac ioneaz la intervale mai mari de timp. În acest sens , Modelul lui Corsi identiÞ c o volatilitate pe terme scurt (zilnic # z) i o volatilitate pe termen mediu (s pt mân , s) si pe term lung (lunar, l). Scopul principal al Modelului HARRV este prognoza volatilit ii, pentru diferite intervale de timp, ecua ia este scris astfel:

- volatilitatea agregat la momentul t pentru un orizont de prognoz t+1;

- constan a modelului; - coeÞ cien ii parametrilor pentru un interval de timp de 1 zi, 1

saptamân , 1lun ; - volatilitatea agregat ;

- volatilitatea agregat pentru 1 s pt mân ;

- volatilitatea agregat pentru 1 s pt mân ;

- volatilitatea agregat pentru 1 lun ;

- erorile modelului

În 2012, modelul HARRV a fost îmbun t it de Corsi, Audrino i Reno (2012) Þ ind mai u or de utilizat, în cee ace prive te furnizarea informa iilor economice de valoare, pronind de la ipoteza c estimatorul RV poate depinde de varia ia ontinu a

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pre utilor, de jump-uri si de impactul rentabilit ii negative. Astfel, în modelul HARRV, estimatorul RV este inß uen at de volatilitate, efectul de levier i de efectul jump-urilor. Aceste efecte pot Þ studiate la nivel de zi, s pt mân si de lun .

4. Model de identiÞ care i analiz a gestiunii riscurilor la banc Pentru a reliefa modelul de analiz a gestiunii riscurilor vom utiliza datele ob inute de la Banca Vento. In acest context vom prezenta datele suport de analiz . În perioada decembrie 2012 # februarie 2013, dinamica anual a creditului acordat sectorului privat a continuat s se intensiÞ ce negativ ajungând la -4,7% fa de -1,3% în perioada septembrie-noiembrie 2012. Evolu ia negativ este reg sit atât la nivelul popula iei, cât i la cel al companiilor, astfel se eviden iaz diminuarea în termeni relativi volumul de creditelor noi acordate acestor entit i. Între lunile august 2012 i august 2013 diminuarea Þ nan rii a cumulate aproximativ 6 miliarde de lei, remarcându-se sc derea creditului sectorului privat i ajungând la valori negative în luna martie 2013 (cu # 6,11% în luna august 2013 în termeni reali). La nivelul primelor categorii de clien i mai puternic pentru creditele în valut i reß ect o revenire economic înceat i o cre tere a riscului de credit ce a determinat ajust ri ale bilan urilor pentru sectorul Þ nanciar i non Þ nanciar. Din perspectiva structurii pe monede, împrumuturile în valut au înregistrat o sc dere de ritm pronun at , context în care ponderea medie a acestora în totalul creditului acordat sectorului privat a atins minimul ultimului an i jum tate. Analiza creditelor acordate popula iei reß ect prelungirea efectelor modiÞ c rilor aduse la Þ nele anului 2012 conform Regulamentul nr. 17/2012, publicat în Monitorul OÞ cial, Partea I, nr. 855, privind creditele destinate persoanelor Þ zice respectiv majorarea dinamicii creditelor în lei în detrimentul celor în valut . În contextul actual al sistemului bancar sunt conturate dou tendin e ce doresc s aduc o not pozitiv în sistemul de creditare românesc: orientarea c tre clien ii corporate i IMM i cre terea calit ii credit rii întreprinderilor care î i desf oar activitatea în sectoare speciÞ c comercializ rii de bunuri. Preocupant r mâne accesul IMM la sistemul de creditare deoarece împrumuturile în acest sector au fost reduse atât prin vânz rile inerne cât i prin Þ rmele de intermediere Þ nanciar colaboratoare. B ncile comerciale din ara noastr ofer urm toarele tipuri de Þ na ri, în func ie de scopul pentru care sunt solicitate: - Þ nan ri pe termen scurt, având termen de rambursare de pân la 2 ani; - Þ nan ri pe termen mediu, având termen de rambursare între 1-5 ani; - Þ nan ri pe termen lung, având termen de rambursare de peste 5 ani. Credite acordate societ ilor neÞ nanciare # Credite în lei # Credite existente în sold (% p.a)" sunt prezentate în graÞ cele urm toare:

Romanian Statistical Review - Supplement nr. 5 / 2016146

Sursa: date prelucrate dup rapoartele BNR, INSSE

Credite acordate societ ilor neÞ nanciare # Credite în euro # Credite existente în sold sunt reß ectate în graÞ cul urm tor:

(% p.a)"; Sursa: date prelucrate dup rapoartele BNR, INSSE

Evolu iile înregistrate la nivelul principalelor categorii de clien i s-au conÞ rmat potrivit sondajului BNR privind creditarea popula iei i a companiilor neÞ nanciare, potrivit c rora b ncile anticipau pentru trimestrul I a anului 2013 o diminuare a solicit rilor de credite a societ ilor neÞ nanciare i a cererii de credite imobiliare a popula iei, concomitent cu în sprirea standardelor de creditare în cazul ambelor sectoare. Pe acest fond, varia ia anual a creditelor acordate societ ilor neÞ nanciare s-a redus în continuare cu -3,4% pentru lunile ianuarie-februarie ale anului 2013, comparativ cu -0,6% în trimestrul IV a anului 2012, exclusiv pe seama componentei în valut la -4,1% de la -3,0% pe baza valorilor exprimate în euro.

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În schimb, creditele în lei acordate acestor entit i au avut o evolu ie favorabil de 5,1% fa de 4,9% în trimestrul IV a anului 2012.Dinamica creditelor acordate popula iei i-a accentuat declinul cu -6,5 %, de la -3,4% în trimestrul IV al anului 2012. !Credite acordate gospod riilor popula iei # Credite în lei # Credite existente în sold (% p.a) "Sursa: date prelucrate dup rapoartele BNR, INSSE

Credite acordate gospod riilor popula iei # Credite în euro# Credite existente în sold(% p.a) "

Sursa: date prelucrate dup rapoartele BNR, INSSE

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BibliograÞ e selectiv 1. Bamber, D. (1975): The area above the the ordinal dominance graph and the area below the

Receiver Operating Graph, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 2. DeLong, E., D. DeLong i Clarke, Pearson (1998): Comparing the Area under Curves of

Two or more Corellated Receiver Operating Characteristics, A Nonparametric Aproach, Biometrics, 44, S. 837-845

3. Estimatorul Kernel a fost introdus de Barndorff+ Nielsen în 2008. Exist dpua tipuri de estimatori : pre-averanging (Jacod 2009) i multiscale (]hang 2005)

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Prof. Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE, PhDBucharest University of Economic StudiesProf. Radu Titus MARINESCU, PhDAssoc. Prof. Anca Sorina POPESCU-CRUCERU PhD!ARTIFEX" University of BucharestCristina SACAL PhD StudentBucharest University of Economic Studies

Abstract A basic property of the rating system is the ability to Þ t customers risk class to which they belong, namely good payer customers or bad payer clients. The tests establishing the classiÞ cation methods have been applied beginning with the medical science, biology, engineers starting with 1950 and in the late 1990s they have been adapted to be models of application in the credit rating. Basel Committee (1999) identiÞ es this model as a difÞ cult one to develop quantitative models of credit. Key words: Receiver Operating Characteristics, cumulative accuracy proÞ le, system, bank, valuation

The most popular measures are: operating characteristics curve ($Receiver Operating Characteristics$ -ROC) and proÞ le accuracy accrued ($cumulative accuracy proÞ le$ - CAP).

1. Operational characteristics curve ($Receiver Operating Characteristics$ -ROC)

The system is a tool for assessing credit institutions in order to analyze and identify banks that are inefÞ cient and will be monitored closely by ASF. This requires assessment of six components that reß ect a uniform and comprehensive manner of banks performance under banking laws and regulations in force. The components assessed under this system are as follows: - Capital (C); - Shareholders (A); - Assets (A); - Management (M); - ProÞ t (P); - Liquidity (L) One can remark that each of the six components, is valued between 1 and 5, so that 1 is the most advanced level, and 5 the lowest. Four of the six components (C - capital adequacy, A - asset quality, P - proÞ tability and L - liquidity) are evaluated according to certain indicators, for which there are Þ ve intervals for ratings. The basis for calculating the indicators that deÞ ne the four components is the prudential Þ nancial reporting FINREP and COREP at individual level, submitted monthly by the banks. During checks procedures other two components are evaluated (mainly qualitative elements), the quality of ownership - A and management - M, which contribute directly to determine the risk proÞ le of banks, and in assessing conformance with prudential requirements. Evaluation of speciÞ c performance of the six components (CAAMPL) rating is the basis for determining the composite rating, which also involves giving scores from 1 to 5. An important condition that is taken

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into the rating calculation is made as if at least one of the components were evaluated in Þ ve ratings, the composite rating assigned to the bank and it may not be an upper (1 or 2). Each bank receives one rating for each indicator analysis for each component and Þ nally a CAAMPL composite rating and a Þ nal score that represents the total score for the indicators that deÞ ne the elements CAAMPL. The ratings deÞ ning the CAAMPL components are periodically updated by the actions of bank's premises. A composite rating, based on aggregated data for Þ nancial indicators is set for the banking system. ROC probabilistic interpretation and presentation of an efÞ cient calculation of conÞ dence intervals is based on Article 1975 of Bamber. AUC comparison test of two different validated rating on the same database is based on Article 1988 of DeLong and Clarke DeLolong Pearson. According to its deÞ nition the ROC curve is non-decreasing. It is also known Bamber (1975) that the ROC function is concave if and only if Likelihood Ratio is non-increasing in i.

The property is almost intuitive because the probability of getting a high score should be high for a non-default client and low for a borrower client from default category and it is easy to see that the concavity of the ROC curve is equivalent to likelihood ratio, which is equivalent with the optimality rules of cut off in the sense that there is not a rule of decision to have both type I error and type II error with a low value. AUC probabilistic interpretation is as follows: - We consider the following experiment: two borrowers are drawn randomly,

the Þ rst one is selected from the default distribution and the second one from the non-default distribution. The scores of the default and non-default clients can be interpreted as the achievements of two independent random variables SD and SND. One must presume which of the debtors are in default. A rational decision maker would assume that the default client is the debtor who scores lower rating. Hence the likelihood that the decision is correct is:

A simple calculation shows that this probability is equal to AUC.

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2. Heavy Model HEAVY model type (High-frEquency-bAsed VolatilitY Model) was proposed by Kevin Sheppard, professor in the Department of Economics at Oxford University and Neil Shephard, Professor of Economics and Statistics in 2010. These two professors have developed the aggregate HEAVY considering Kernel estimator robust despite the noisy effects generated by the markets. To identify long-term component of volatility we consider two sources of information: - Information represented by daily proÞ tability (R1, R2, R3 ...... R) - Information represented by daily measures of the aggregated volatility (RV1, RV2, RV3, ` RVt). HEAVY linear model has two equations: * HEAVY-r is the Þ rst equation that models the conditional variance ht: Where information about past volatility are replaced by a form of daily measures of aggregated volatility RV and the HEAVY model is a GARCH model. Compared with GARCH models, the HEAVY models are more performant because the estimation and the process are more complex.HEAVY model is considered as a model $GARCH turbo$ because it uses the estimator of the daily proÞ tability sum of squares and do not use the estimator of daily proÞ tability square. - HEAVY-RM # models the expected variance

Sheppard and Stephard estimated that, in the empirical studies, the coefÞ cient is in the range (0.6 to 0.7) and the value of the parameter is very close to zero. In 2011 Nourelidin, Shephard and Sheppard developed an extension of the Sheppard Model called HEAVY multivariate model (multivariate High-Frequency-Based Volatility Model). This model is distinguished according to the two researchers for volatility forecasting performance but not for measuring it. Also, from the research conducted in the development of this model, we could not Þ nd a package to provide an efÞ cient method of estimation, as well as R or E-Views statistical programs.

3. The HARRV Model In 2003 Corsi proposed model HARRV (Heterogeneus Auto-regressive Model), drawing on the model Herogeneous Market Hypothesis built by Muller in 1997 to capture the volatility of the stock market. The model developed by Muller explains the positive relationship between volatility and market activity capital. In this case the volatility is a Þ nancial asset which risk changes its value. In terms of participants, given the heterogeneity the more participants are, the more different are the offered-asking prices.

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The HARRV model manages heterogeneity caused by the participants. They may consider as being important different trading time. Each participant perceives and reacts differently in time. In this regard, Corsi's model identiÞ es volatility on short terme (daily, z) and medium-term volatility (week, s) and long term (monthly, l). The main purpose of the Model HARRV is forecast volatility for different time intervals, the equation is written as follows:

- aggregate volatility for t moment for forecast time t+1 - the constant of the model - the coefÞ cients for 1 day, 1 week, 1 month. - aggregate volatility - aggregate volatility for 1 week - aggregate volatility for 1 month - the errors of the model

In 2012, the model HARRV was improved by Corsi, Audrino and Reno (2012) being easier to be used in terms of providing economic information of value, on the assumption that the estimator RV may depend on continuous variation of prices and negative proÞ tability impact. Thus, in the HARRV model, RV estimator is inß uenced by volatility, leverage and the effect of jump sites. These effects can be studied by day, week and month.

4. IdentiÞ cation and analysis of risk management in the banking system To emphasize risk management analysis model we use data obtained from the Bank Vento. In this context we present data analysis support. In December 2012 - February 2013, the annual growth of credit to the private sector continued to increase reaching negative level -4.7% compared to -1.3% in September-November 2012. The negative development is found both in the population and at the companies, so in relative terms is highlighted thr diminishing volume process of new loans to these entities. Between August 2012 to August 2013 the funding has accumulated about 6 billion lei, the private sector credit decreased and reaching to negative values in March 2013 (by - 6.11% in August 2013 in real terms). At the Þ rst class of customers the currency loans were important and reß ects a slow economic recovery and a rise in credit risk adjustments that leads to Þ nancial and non Þ nancial balance sector. Based on currencies and foreign currency loans structures the rhythm of decreasing was important, in which context their average share in total credit to the private sector reached the minimum last year and a half. The analysis of household credit extension reß ects the effects of changes to the end of 2012 in accordance with Regulation no. 17/2012, published in the OfÞ cial Gazette, Part I, no. 855, regarding the household loans dynamics that increased the expense of loans in domestic currency. In today's banking system two trends are outlined, that give a positive note in the Romanian credit system: corporate and SME customers orientation and quality lending businesses operating in speciÞ c sectors of goods trade. The access of SMEs to the credit system is still a concern, because the loans in this sector were reduced by sales of both inertia and through Þ nancial

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intermediaries collaborating Þ rms. Commercial banks in our country provides the following types of funding by, depending on the purpose for which they are required: -short-term funding, with repayment period up to two years; -medium-term funding, with repayment period of 1-5 years; -long-term Þ nancing, with a tenor of 5 years. Loans to non-Þ nancial corporations - Loans in lei - existing loan balance (% P.A.) are shown in the following charts:

Source: NBR, NIS datas

Loans to non-Þ nancial corporations - loans in euros - existing loans outstanding are reß ected in the chart below:

Source: NBR, NIS data reports

Developments in the main categories of customers have conÞ rmed the NBR survey on lending to households and non-Þ nancial companies that banks anticipated for the Þ rst quarter of 2013, meaning a decrease in loan applications to non-Þ nancial corporations and demand for real estate loans population, along with the tightening of credit standards for both sectors. Against this background, the annual change of loans to non-Þ nancial corporations declined further to -3.4% for January-February of 2013, compared with -0.6% in the fourth quarter of 2012, due solely to currency component to -4.1% from -3.0% based on values expressed in euro.

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In contrast, loans in lei to these entities had a favorable evolution of 5.1% compared to 4.9% in the fourth quarter of the year 2012. The loans dynamic to households widened to -6.5% decline from -3.4% in the fourth quarter of 2012. Loans to households - loans in lei - outstanding loans

Source: NBR, NIS data

Loans to households - loans in euro- outstanding loans

Source: NBR, NIS data

References 1. Bamber, D. (1975): The area above the the ordinal dominance graph and the area below the

Receiver Operating Graph, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 2. DeLong, E., D. DeLong i Clarke, Pearson (1998): Comparing the Area under Curves of

Two or more Corellated Receiver Operating Characteristics, A Nonparametric Aproach, Biometrics, 44, S. 837-845

3. Estimatorul Kernel a fost introdus de Barndorff+ Nielsen în 2008. Exist dpua tipuri de estimatori : pre-averanging (Jacod 2009) i multiscale (]hang 2005)
