iOS Testing


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iOS TestingDerrick Chao


• XCTest

• OCMock


XCTest• Xcode 內建測試框架

• ⽅方法以 test 開頭

- (void)testExample { // This is an example of a functional test case. XCTAssert(YES, @"Pass"); XCTAssert(1+1==2); XCTAssertTrue(1+1==2); XCTAssertFalse(1+1==3); }

• XCTAssert XCTAssert(expression, …); XCTAssertTrue(expression, …); XCTAssertFalse(expression, ...);

Unit Test Example- (void)testValidatePassword { NSString *password1 = @"AbCd1234"; NSString *password2 = @"AbCd12"; NSString *password3 = @"ABCD"; NSString *password4 = @"AbCd1"; NSString *password5 = @""; XCTAssertTrue([Helper validatePassword:password1]); XCTAssertTrue([Helper validatePassword:password2]); XCTAssertFalse([Helper validatePassword:password3]); XCTAssertFalse([Helper validatePassword:password4]); XCTAssertFalse([Helper validatePassword:password5]); }

Test Async Function Example

• 寄⼀一則 message 給另⼀一個 user 的 function

• async

• block callback

Test Async Function Example

- (void)testSendMessageWithNilMessage { XCTestExpectation *expectation =

[self expectationWithDescription:@"completion should be called"]; [Message sendMessage:nil recipientInfo:nil completion:^(id responseObject, NSError *error) { [expectation fulfill]; XCTAssertNotNil(error); XCTAssert([error.userInfo[@"message"] isEqualToString:@"message can't be nil"]); }]; [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:2 handler:nil]; }

Singleton// LoopdManager.h file + (instancetype)sharedManager;

// LoopdManager.m file + (instancetype)sharedManager { static dispatch_once_t onceToken; static LoopdManager *sharedInstance; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ sharedInstance = [[LoopdManager alloc] init]; }); return sharedInstance; }

Test Singleton Example

- (void)testSharedManager { LoopdManager *manager1 = [LoopdManager sharedManager]; LoopdManager *manager2 = [LoopdManager sharedManager]; LoopdManager *manager3 = [LoopdManager new]; XCTAssertNotNil(manager1); XCTAssertNotNil(manager2); XCTAssertEqual(manager1, manager2); XCTAssertNotEqual(manager1, manager3); }

OCMock• 建造⼀一個虛擬的對象物件,可以⾃自訂回傳值

- (void)testMock { id mockUserInfo = OCMClassMock([UserInfo class]); // fullname should be nil for now XCTAssertNil([mockUserInfo fullname]); // make a custom return value OCMStub([mockUserInfo fullname]).andReturn(@"David"); // fullname should be David now XCTAssert([[mockUserInfo fullname] isEqualToString:@"David"]); }

OCMock Example (1)ListViewController 有個 collection view viewDidLoad 時從 server 上 find all SomeModel, 並 show 出來

// in SomeModel.h file@interface SomeModel : ModelObject

+ (void)findAllByCurrentUserId:(NSString *)currentUserId completion:(ArrayResultBlock)completion;


OCMock Example (2)- (void)testCollectionViewCellNumber { id mockSomeModel = OCMClassMock([SomeModel class]); OCMStub([mockSomeModel findAllRelationshipsByCurrentUserId:[OCMArg any] completion:[OCMArg any]]).andDo(^(NSInvocation *invocation) { ArrayResultBlock completion; [invocation getArgument:&completion atIndex: 3]; NSArray *someModels = @[@“1”, @“2”, @“3”, @“4”, @“5”]; completion(someModels, nil); }); ListViewController *listVC = [ListViewController new]; listVC.view; NSInteger num = [listVC collectionView:nil numberOfItemsInSection:0]; XCTAssert(num == 5); XCTAssert(num != 6); }

KIF• KIF iOS Integration Testing Framework

KIF Example@interface UITests : KIFTestCase


@implementation UITests

- (void)testLoginSteps { [tester tapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"regular_button"]; [tester enterText:@"" intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"emailTextField"]; [tester enterText:@"abcdefg" intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"passwordTextField"]; [tester tapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@“checkmark_button"]; }



MVC• view 可透過 controller 取得 model 資料

• 顯⽰示 UI 的邏輯寫在 view 裡⾯面

• 耦合較⾼高


MVP• 由 MVC 演變⽽而來

• View 無法直接取得 model, 資料傳遞需透過 presenter

• 耦合較低

MVP 的優點• view 和 model 完全分離, 修改

view 不會影響到 model

• ⼀一個 presenter 可以⽤用於多個 view, 不需改變 presenter 邏輯

• model 取得的邏輯在 presenter 內, 所以不需要 view 即可做 unit test

- (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { UICollectionViewCell *cell = [collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"Cell" forIndexPath:indexPath]; // config cell Car *car =[indexPath.item]; cell.makeLabel.text = car.make; cell.modelLabel.text = car.model;

cell.yearLabel.text = car.year; cell.detailLabel.text = car.detail;

return cell; }

- (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { UICollectionViewCell *cell = [collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"Cell" forIndexPath:indexPath]; // config cell Car *car =[indexPath.item]; = car;

[cell showUI]; return cell; }

Test Cell- (void)testCollectionViewCellNumber { id mockSomeModel = OCMClassMock([SomeModel class]); OCMStub([mockSomeModel findAllRelationshipsByCurrentUserId:[OCMArg any] completion:[OCMArg any]]).andDo(^(NSInvocation *invocation) { ArrayResultBlock completion; [invocation getArgument:&completion atIndex: 3]; NSArray *someModels = @[mod1, mod2, mod3, mod4, mod5]; completion(someModels, nil); }); ListViewController *listVC = [ListViewController new]; listVC.view; NSInteger num = [listVC collectionView:nil numberOfItemsInSection:0]; XCTAssert(num == 5); XCTAssert(num != 6);

UICollectionViewCell *cell = [contactListVC collectionView:nil cellForItemAtIndexPath:0];


為什麼 Apple 說 iOS app 是 MVC?

• 在開發 iOS app 的時候, view 和 model 並沒有直接的關係

• 不會在 view 中寫取得 model 的 code

Spike Solution

Spike Solution

• 不確定功能如何設計

• 不確定此功能是否符合需求

Spike Solution (2)• A spike solution is dirty and quick.

Code just enough to get the answer you need.

• Throw it away when you’re done with it.

Spike Solution (3)• 開個新的 branch

• 在這個 branch 內測試新功能

• 結束以後切回原本 branch,不要 merge 回去,測試的 code 不應該出現在 production code 中

TDD with Xcode• 需求: 想要有個做加法運算的 Helper

TDD with Xcode (2)• 建出缺少的類別和⽅方法

TDD with Xcode (3)• 可以將 Xcode 選擇分割畫⾯面, 並將右邊畫⾯面選 Test Classes

TDD with Xcode (4)• command-U

TDD with Xcode (5)• 驗證加法運算是否正確

TDD with Xcode (6)• 補完 function, 然後再測試⼀一次

⼀一開始我對 TDD 的感覺

Testing or TDD 的好處• test => spec

• 確保新的 code 不會造成舊的 code 出現 bug

• 同伴或下⼀一個接⼿手的⼈人,不會⽤用錯誤的⽅方式使⽤用。修改舊的 code 也較有信⼼心

• 幫助程式寫得更好更乾淨

• 提⾼高測試的涵蓋率

使⽤用 TDD 之後

使⽤用 TDD 之後

使⽤用 TDD 之後

The End

備註• sorry 當天我忘了 Q&A 時間, 所以有任何問題都可以 email 給我 => , 我們可以互相討論!

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• 按這裡邀請你⾃自⼰己加⼊入 Slack 群組!



