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    Timbangan Pocket

    Jenis timbangan kecil yang bisa dibawa kemana mana.

    Disamping dimensinya kecil juga kapasitas yang disandangnya pun

    kecil. Biasanya dengan kapasitas 30 kg kebawah.

    Timbangan Portable/ Bench Scale

    Timbangan ini terpisah antara tempat timbang dan

    penunjukannya ( Indicator ). Biasanya

    dihubungkan dengan tiang penyangga.

    Kalau dari Pabrikan resmi biasanya ukurannya

    sudah tertentu semisal : 30 x 40 cm, 45 x 60 cm


    Sebagian pabrikan timbangan baik dari China,

    Jepang, Korea, Eropa dan Amerika mengeluarkan

    produk ini. Semisal Cardinal dari Amerika, Avery

    dari Eropa mengeluarkan Seri HL nya, Kemudian

    Shimadzu dari JEPANG dan UWE buatan


    Ukuran kapasitas timbangan ini biasanya antara

    lain : 6 kg, 15 kg, 30 kg, 60 kg, 100 kg, sampai

    300 kg. Timbangan model ini juga bisa dibuat

    sesuai pesanan sipembeli sendiri dari mulai

    ukuran maupun kapasitasnya.

  • Timbangan Platform/ Floor Scales

    Timbangan ini seperti bench scale. Yang

    membedakan adalah Kapasitasnya lebih besar

    tidak adanya tiang penyangga. Dimensi tempat

    timbangpun akan jauh lebih besar.

    Biasanya Platform dari floor scale dibuat oleh

    pabrikan lokal untuk menekan biaya produksinya.

    Disini floor scale akan benar benar membebaskan penggunanya untuk menentukan

    ukuran Platform yang cocok. Ukuran yang biasa

    dipesan adalah 1 x 1m, 1,2 x 1 m, 1,2 x 1,2 m, 1,5

    x 1,5 m dll.

    Dinamakan timbangan lantai awal mulanya karena

    timbangan ini biasanya ditanam dilantai yang

    dibuat kolam, jadinya timbangan tersebut akan

    rata dengan lantai.

    Biasanya barang yang akan ditimbang di foor

    Scale ini adalah barang dengan beban berat.

    Barang tersebut dibawa dengan memakai kereta

    dorong. Jadi disitu karena timbangan rata dengan

    lantai maka kereta tinggal disorong ketempat

    timbang kemudian barang ditaruh ditimbang dan

    kereta keluar. Timbangan tersebut bisa dibuat

    dengan memenuhi permintaan pesanan dari


    Timbangan Gantung/ Crane Scale/ Hanging Scale

    Dinamakan timbangan gantung karena system

    penimbangannya digantungkan ditimbangan


    Jadi Timbangan tersebut tidak mempunyai

    platform tempat timbang.

    Beban yang akan ditimbang digantung langsung

    menarik Loadcell yang sudah menyatu dengan


  • Timbangan Ternak (Live Stock/ Animal Weighing)

    Dinamakan timbangan ternak karena kegunaan

    timbangan ini untuk menimbang hewan ternak

    semisal sapi, kerbau, kambing dll.

    Perbedaan timbangan ternak elektronik dengan

    timbangan elektronik lain adalah adanya fungsi

    HOLD / PEAK HOLD disamping memang tempat

    timbangnya yang juga berbeda.

    Fungsi HOLD adalah fungsi dimana bila didapat

    angka yang sering menunjuk maka angka tersebut

    otomatis berhenti dan mengunci.

    Sedang fungsi PEAK HOLD adalah sama dengan

    HOLD akan tetapi angka berhentinya pada saat

    timbangan mendapatkan angka tertingginya.

    Fungsi-fungsi ini diterapkan pada timbangan

    ternak karena bila hewan ternak ditimbang pasti

    akan bergerak-gerak terus. Bergeraknya benda

    diatas timbangan akan menyebabkan angka tidak

    bisa stabil.

    Timbangan Tahan Air (Waterproof)

    Seperti timbangan-timbangan elektronik yang

    lainnya. Timbangan waterproof memiliki

    kelebihan akan adanya ketahanan terhadap

    lingkungan yang berair dan lembab.

    Timbangan ini biasanya dipakai untuk Industri

    Ikan atau hewan yang hidup diair. Lingkungan

    yang dingin, lembab dan cenderung basah akan

    mengakibatkan timbangan biasa tidak bisa


    Pada produk timbangan waterproof tertentu malah

    ada yang mengklaim bisa tahan tidak rusak

    walaupun direndam dalam air sekalipun.

  • Timbangan Penghitung Satuan (Counting Scale)

    Timbangan ini berfungsi untuk menghitung

    barang barang kecil yang bila dilakukan akan memakan waktu. Semisal Baut dan Mur, Kancing,

    Tablet obat dll.

    Kerja timbangan ini adalah dengan

    menimbangkan sample dulu ketimbangan.

    Semisal 10 biji kancing. Selanjutnya berat kancing

    itu akan disimpan didalam memori timbangan itu

    untuk jumlah 10 kancing. Setelah itu berapapun

    kancing yang dimasukan kedalam timbangan akan

    bisa dihitung berat dan jumlahnya oleh timbangan


    Timbangan Harga Retail ( Retail Computing Scale )

    Timbangan ini biasanya dipakai untuk menimbang

    buah, oleh-oleh, makanan kecil, permen, daging dll.

    Biasanya dipakai oleh Toko Buah, Oleh-oleh,

    Supermarket, Minimarket dll.

    Timbangan tersebut dilengkapi dengan 3 buah display

    antara lain : display untuk penunjukan berat, display

    untuk harga perkilo barang yang ditimbang dan display

    untuk total harga.

    Timbangan jenis ini juga ada yang memiliki berbagai

    fitur yang lengkap. Antara lain :

    Memiliki memory yang besar hingga bisa menyimpan

    PLU sampai 3000. Itu artinya timbangan tersebut bisa

    memuat data barang dan harganya sampai 3000 item.

    Bisa Melakukan Berbagai Jurnal dan Laporan. Barang-

    barang yang sudah laku, nama maupun jumlahnya bisa

    dibuatkan jurnalnya setiap saat.

    Dilengkapi dengan printer yang akan mencetak dari

    setiap transaksi yang ada.

    Ada Interface yang bisa mengkomunikasi timbangan

    tersebut dengan timbangan-timbangan sejenis yang

    lain kemudian semuanya bermuara ke komputer Induk.

    Jaringan tersebut nanti berbentuk LAN.

  • Timbangan Laboratorium (Lab. Balance)

    Timbangan ini dipakai dilaboratorium. Biasanya

    dengan ketelitian yang cukup tinggi. Range yang

    dipakai antara 0,01 g sampai 0,0001 g.

    Timbangan Kadar Air (Moisture Balance)

    Timbangan tersebut sangatlah unik yaitu bisa

    mengeluarkan panas.

    Jadi kegunaan timbangan tersebut adalah untuk

    mengetahui seberapa banyak kadar air yang

    tersembunyi dalam setiap barang yang ditest.

    Cara kerja timbangan tersebut adalah sebagai

    berikut : Barang yang akan ditest kadar airnya

    ditimbang terlebih dahulu. Setelah didapat

    beratnya kemudian barang tersebut dipanaskan

    oleh system pemanas dari timbangan. Setelah

    dipanasi kemudian barang tersebut ditimbang lagi.

    Perbandingan antara berat barang yang basah /

    belum dipanasi dengan barang yang sudah kering

    setelah dipanasi itulah yang menjdi pengukuran

    kadar airnya

  • Timbangan Mobil & Truk

    (Truck Scele/ Weighbridge/ Jembatan Timbang)

    Inilah Jenis timbangan paling besar. Dinamakan

    jembatan timbang karena memang bentuknya

    seperti jembatan. Timbangan ini dipergunakan

    untuk menimbang kendaraan roda 4 atau lebih.

    Kapasitas timbangan ini bisa sampai 100 ton

    dengan dimensi yang berbeda-beda. Ada ukuran 9

    x 3 m, 12 x 3 atau 16 x 3 m.

    Jembatan Timbang sekarang sudah bukan

    monopoli milik LLAJR saja melainkan sudah

    merupakan kebutuhan pokok perusahaan-

    perusahaan yang mempunyai kegiatan bongkar

    muat barang dengan kendaraan bermotor.

    Sumber :

    penggunaannya/ ( diunduh pada tanggal 12 oktober 2013 pada pukul 12.15 wib).

  • pH METER

    A pH meter is an electronic device used for measuring the pH (acidity or alkalinity) of a liquid

    (though special probes are sometimes used to measure the pH of semi-solid substances). A typical

    pH meter consists of a special measuring probe (a glass electrode) connected to an electronic meter

    that measures and displays the pH reading.

    The probe

    The probe is an essential part of a pH meter, it is a rod like structure usually made up of glass.

    At the bottom of the probe there is a bulb, the bulb is a sensitive part of a probe that contains

    the sensor. Never touch the bulb by hand and clean it with the help of an absorbent tissue

    paper with very soft hands, being careful not to rub the tissue against the glass bulb in order

    to avoid creating static. To measure the pH of a solution, the probe is dipped into the solution.

    The probe is fitted in an arm known as the probe arm.

    Calibration and use

    For very precise work the pH meter should be calibrated before each measurement. For

    normal use calibration should be performed at the beginning of each day. The reason for this

    is that the glass electrode does not give a reproducible e.m.f. over longer periods of time.

    Calibration should be performed with at least two standard buffer solutions that span the

    range of pH values to be measured. For general purposes buffers at pH 4.01 and pH 10.00 are

    acceptable. The pH meter has one control (calibrate) to set the meter reading equal to the

    value of the first standard buffer and a second control (slope) which is used to adjust the

    meter reading to the value of the second buffer. A third control allows the temperature to be

    set. Standard buffer sachets, which can be obtained from a variety of suppliers, usually state

    how the buffer value changes with temperature. For more precise measurements, a three

    buffer solution calibration is preferred. As pH 7 is essentially, a "zero point" calibration (akin

    to zeroing or taring a scale or balance), calibrating at pH 7 first, calibrating at the pH closest

    to the point of interest (e.g. either 4 or 10) second and checking the third point will provide a

    more linear accuracy to what is essentially a non-linear problem. Some meters will allow a

    three point calibration and that is the preferred scheme for the most accurate work. Higher

    quality meters will have a provision to account for temperature coefficient correction, and

    high-end pH probes have temperature probes built in. The calibration process correlates the

    voltage produced by the probe (approximately 0.06 volts per pH unit) with the pH scale.

  • After each single measurement, the probe is rinsed with distilled water or deionized water to

    remove any traces of the solution being measured, blotted with a scientific wipe to absorb any

    remaining water which could dilute the sample and thus alter the reading, and then quickly

    immersed in another solution.

    Storage conditions of the glass probes

    When not in use, the glass probe tip must be kept wet at all times to avoid the pH sensing

    membrane dehydration and the subsequent dysfunction of the electrode.

    A glass electrode alone without combined reference electrode is typically stored immersed in

    an acidic solution of around pH 3.0. In an emergency, acidified tap water can be used, but

    distilled or deionised water must never be used for longer-term probe storage as the relatively

    ionless water "sucks" ions out of the probe membrane through diffusion, which degrades it.

    Combined electrodes (glass membrane + reference electrode) are better stored immersed in

    the bridge electrolyte (often KCl 3 M) to avoid the diffusion of the electrolyte (KCl) out of

    the liquid junction.

    Cleaning and troubleshooting of the glass probes

    Occasionally (about once a month), the probe may be cleaned using pH-electrode cleaning

    solution; generally a 0.1 M solution of hydrochloric acid (HCl) is used, having a pH of one.

    Alternatively a dilute solution of ammonium fluoride (NH4F) can be used. To avoid

    unexpected problems, the best practice is however to always refer to the electrode

    manufacturer recommendations or to a classical textbook of analytical chemistry.

    Types of pH meters

    pH meters range from simple and inexpensive pen-like devices to complex and expensive

    laboratory instruments with computer interfaces and several inputs for indicator and

    temperature measurements to be entered to adjust for the slight variation in pH caused by

    temperature. Specialty meters and probes are available for use in special applications, harsh

    environments, etc.


  • The first commercial pH meters were built around 1936 by Radiometer in Denmark and by

    Arnold Orville Beckman in the United States. While Beckman was an assistant professor of

    chemistry at the California Institute of Technology, he was asked to devise a quick and

    accurate method for measuring the acidity of lemon juice for the California Fruit Growers

    Exchange (Sunkist). Beckman's invention helped him to launch the Beckman Instruments

    company (now Beckman Coulter). In 2004 the Beckman pH meter was designated an ACS

    National Historic Chemical Landmark in recognition of its significance as the first

    commercially successful electronic pH meter.

    In the 1970s Jenco Electronics of Taiwan designed and manufactured the first portable digital

    pH meter. This meter was sold under Cole-Parmer's label.

    Building a pH meter

    Because the circuitry of a basic pH meter is quite simple, it is possible to build a serviceable

    pH meter or pH controller with parts available at a neighborhood electronics retailer. (pH

    probes, however, are not so easily acquired and must usually be ordered from a scientific

    instrument supplier.) For a walkthrough of how to build the simplest possible pH meter or a

    detailed description of how to build a pH meter/pH controller, see The pH Pages. The

    application note for the LM6001 chip at the National Semiconductor web site also has a very

    simple demonstration circuit. Although the application note is for a specialty IC, serviceable

    pH meters can be built from any operational amplifier with a high input impedance, such as

    the common and inexpensive National Semiconductor TL082 or its equivalent.

    Sumber :,( diunduh pada tanggal 12 oktober 2013 pada

    pukul 12.15 wib).

  • Viscometer

    A viscometer (also called viscosimeter) is an instrument used to measure the viscosity of a fluid. For

    liquids with viscosities which vary with flow conditions, an instrument called a rheometer is used.

    Viscometers only measure under one flow condition.

    In general, either the fluid remains stationary and an object moves through it, or the object is

    stationary and the fluid moves past it. The drag caused by relative motion of the fluid and a surface is

    a measure of the viscosity. The flow conditions must have a sufficiently small value of Reynolds

    number for there to be laminar flow.

    At 20.00 degrees Celsius the viscosity of water is 1.002 mPas and its kinematic viscosity (ratio of

    viscosity to density) is 1.0038 mm2/s. These values are used for calibrating certain types of


    Standard laboratory viscometers for liquids

    U-tube viscometers

    These devices also are known as glass capillary viscometers or Ostwald viscometers, named

    after Wilhelm Ostwald. Another version is the Ubbelohde viscometer, which consists of a U-

    shaped glass tube held vertically in a controlled temperature bath. In one arm of the U is a

    vertical section of precise narrow bore (the capillary). Above this is a bulb, with it is another

    bulb lower down on the other arm. In use, liquid is drawn into the upper bulb by suction, then

    allowed to flow down through the capillary into the lower bulb. Two marks (one above and

    one below the upper bulb) indicate a known volume. The time taken for the level of the liquid

    to pass between these marks is proportional to the kinematic viscosity. Most commercial

    units are provided with a conversion factor, or can be calibrated by a fluid of known

    properties. The time required for the test liquid to flow through a capillary of a known

    diameter of a certain factor between two marked points is measured. By multiplying the time

    taken by the factor of the viscometer, the kinematic viscosity is obtained.

    Such viscometers are also classified as direct flow or reverse flow. Reverse flow viscometers

    have the reservoir above the markings and direct flow are those with the reservoir below the

    markings. Such classifications exists so that the level can be determined even when opaque or

  • staining liquids are measured, otherwise the liquid will cover the markings and make it

    impossible to gauge the time the level passes the mark. This also allows the viscometer to

    have more than 1 set of marks to allow for an immediate timing of the time it takes to reach

    the 3rd mark, therefore yielding 2 timings and allowing for subsequent calculation of

    Determinability to ensure accurate results.

    Falling sphere viscometers

    Stokes' law is the basis of the falling sphere viscometer, in which the fluid is stationary in a

    vertical glass tube. A sphere of known size and density is allowed to descend through the

    liquid. If correctly selected, it reaches terminal velocity, which can be measured by the time it

    takes to pass two marks on the tube. Electronic sensing can be used for opaque fluids.

    Knowing the terminal velocity, the size and density of the sphere, and the density of the

    liquid, Stokes' law can be used to calculate the viscosity of the fluid. A series of steel ball

    bearings of different diameter are normally used in the classic experiment to improve the

    accuracy of the calculation. The school experiment uses glycerine as the fluid, and the

    technique is used industrially to check the viscosity of fluids used in processes. It includes

    many different oils, and polymer liquids such as solutions.

    In 1851, George Gabriel Stokes derived an expression for the frictional force (also called

    drag force) exerted on spherical objects with very small Reynolds numbers (e.g., very small

    particles) in a continuous viscous fluid by changing the small fluid-mass limit of the

    generally unsolvable Navier-Stokes equations:


    is the frictional force, is the radius of the spherical object, is the fluid viscosity, and is the particle's velocity.

    If the particles are falling in the viscous fluid by their own weight, then a terminal velocity,

    also known as the settling velocity, is reached when this frictional force combined with the

    buoyant force exactly balance the gravitational force. The resulting settling velocity (or

    terminal velocity) is given by:

  • where:

    Vs is the particles' settling velocity (m/s) (vertically downwards if ,

    upwards if ), is the Stokes radius of the particle (m), g is the gravitational acceleration (m/s2), p is the density of the particles (kg/m

    3), f is the density of the fluid (kg/m

    3), and is the (dynamic) fluid viscosity (Pa s).

    Note that Stokes flow is assumed, so the Reynolds number must be small.

    A limiting factor on the validity of this result is the roughness of the sphere being used.

    A modification of the straight falling sphere viscometer is a rolling ball viscometer which

    times a ball rolling down a slope whilst immersed in the test fluid. This can be further

    improved by using a patented V plate which increases the number of rotations to distance

    traveled, allowing smaller more portable devices. This type of device is also suitable for ship

    board use.

    Falling Piston Viscometer

    Also known as the Norcross viscometer after its inventor, Austin Norcross. The principle of

    viscosity measurement in this rugged and sensitive industrial device is based on a piston and

    cylinder assembly. The piston is periodically raised by an air lifting mechanism, drawing the

    material being measured down through the clearance (gap) between the piston and the wall of

    the cylinder into the space which is formed below the piston as it is raised. The assembly is

    then typically held up for a few seconds, then allowed to fall by gravity, expelling the sample

    out through the same path that it entered, creating a shearing effect on the measured liquid,

    which makes this viscometer particularly sensitive and good for measuring certain thixotropic

    liquids. The time of fall is a measure of viscosity, with the clearance between the piston and

    inside of the cylinder forming the measuring orifice. The viscosity controller measures the

    time of fall (time-of-fall seconds being the measure of viscosity) and displays the resulting

    viscosity value. The controller can calibrate the time-of-fall value to cup seconds (known as

    efflux cup), Saybolt universal second (SUS) or centipoise.

    Industrial use is popular due to simplicity, repeatability, low maintenance and longevity. This

    type of measurement is not affected by flow rate or external vibrations. The principle of

  • operation can be adapted for many different conditions, making it ideal for process control


    Oscillating Piston Viscometer

    Sometimes referred to as electromagnetic viscometer or EMV viscometer, was invented at

    Cambridge Viscosity (Formally Cambridge Applied Systems) in 1986. The sensor (see figure

    below) comprises a measurement chamber and magnetically influenced piston.

    Measurements are taken whereby a sample is first introduced into the thermally controlled

    measurement chamber where the piston resides. Electronics drive the piston into oscillatory

    motion within the measurement chamber with a controlled magnetic field. A shear stress is

    imposed on the liquid (or gas) due to the piston travel and the viscosity is determined by

    measuring the travel time of the piston. The construction parameters for the annular spacing

    between the piston and measurement chamber, the strength of the electromagnetic field, and

    the travel distance of the piston are used to calculate the viscosity according to Newtons Law of Viscosity.

    The oscillating piston viscometer technology has been adapted for small sample viscosity and

    micro-sample viscosity testing in laboratory applications. It has also been adapted to measure

    high pressure viscosity and high temperature viscosity measurements in both laboratory and

    process environments. The viscosity sensors have been scaled for a wide range of industrial

    applications such as small size viscometers for use in compressors and engines, flow-through

    viscometers for dip coating processes, in-line viscometers for use in refineries, and hundreds

    of other applications. Improvements in sensitivity from modern electronics, is stimulating a

    growth in oscillating piston viscometer popularity with academic laboratories exploring gas


  • Vibrational viscometers

    Vibrational viscometers date back to the 1950s Bendix instrument, which is of a class that

    operates by measuring the damping of an oscillating electromechanical resonator immersed

    in a fluid whose viscosity is to be determined. The resonator generally oscillates in torsion or

    transversely (as a cantilever beam or tuning fork). The higher the viscosity, the larger the

    damping imposed on the resonator. The resonator's damping may be measured by one of

    several methods:

    1. Measuring the power input necessary to keep the oscillator vibrating at a constant amplitude. The higher the viscosity, the more power is needed to maintain the amplitude of oscillation.

    2. Measuring the decay time of the oscillation once the excitation is switched off. The higher the viscosity, the faster the signal decays.

    3. Measuring the frequency of the resonator as a function of phase angle between excitation and response waveforms. The higher the viscosity, the larger the frequency change for a given phase change.

    The vibrational instrument also suffers from a lack of a defined shear field, which makes it

    unsuited to measuring the viscosity of a fluid whose flow behaviour is not known before


    Vibrating viscometers are rugged industrial systems used to measure viscosity in the process

    condition. The active part of the sensor is a vibrating rod. The vibration amplitude varies

    according to the viscosity of the fluid in which the rod is immersed. These viscosity meters

    are suitable for measuring clogging fluid and high-viscosity fluids, including those with

    fibers (up to 1,000 Pas). Currently, many industries around the world consider these

    viscometers to be the most efficient system with which to measure the viscosities of a wide

    range of fluids; by contrast, rotational viscometers require more maintenance, are unable to

    measure clogging fluid, and require frequent calibration after intensive use. Vibrating

    viscometers have no moving parts, no weak parts and the sensitive part is very small. Even

    very basic or acidic fluids can be measured by adding a protective coating such as enamel, or

    by changing the material of the sensor to a material such as 316L stainless steel.

    Rotational viscometers

    Rotational viscometers use the idea that the torque required to turn an object in a fluid is a

    function of the viscosity of that fluid. They measure the torque required to rotate a disk or

    bob in a fluid at a known speed.

    'Cup and bob' viscometers work by defining the exact volume of a sample which is to be

    sheared within a test cell; the torque required to achieve a certain rotational speed is

    measured and plotted. There are two classical geometries in "cup and bob" viscometers,

    known as either the "Couette" or "Searle" systems - distinguished by whether the cup or bob

    rotates. The rotating cup is preferred in some cases because it reduces the onset of Taylor

    vortices, but is more difficult to measure accurately.

    'Cone and Plate' viscometers use a cone of very shallow angle in bare contact with a flat

    plate. With this system the shear rate beneath the plate is constant to a modest degree of

  • precision and deconvolution of a flow curve; a graph of shear stress (torque) against shear

    rate (angular velocity) yields the viscosity in a straightforward manner.

    Electromagnetically Spinning Sphere Viscometer (EMS Viscometer)

    The EMS Viscometer measures the viscosity of liquids through observation of the rotation of

    a sphere which is driven by electromagnetic interaction: Two magnets attached to a rotor

    create a rotating magnetic field. The sample to be measured is in a small test tube . Inside the

    tube is an aluminium sphere . The tube is located in a temperature controlled chamber and

    set such that the sphere is situated in the centre of the two magnets. The rotating magnetic

    field induces eddy currents in the sphere. The resulting Lorentz interaction between the

    magnetic field and these eddy currents generate torque that rotates the sphere. The rotational

    speed of the sphere depends on the rotational velocity of the magnetic field, the magnitude of

    the magnetic field and the viscosity of the sample around the sphere. The motion of the

    sphere is monitored by a video camera located below the cell. The torque applied to the

    sphere is proportional to the difference in the angular velocity of the magnetic field B and the one of the sphere S. There is thus a linear relationship between (BS)/S and the viscosity of the liquid.

    This new measuring principle was developed by Sakai et al. at the University of Tokyo. The

    EMS viscometer distinguishes itself from other rotational viscometers by three main


    All parts of the viscometer which come in direct contact with the sample are disposable and inexpensive.

    The measurements are performed in a sealed sample vessel. The EMS Viscometer requires only very small sample quantities (0.3 mL).

  • Stabinger viscometer

    Stabinger Viscometer principle

    By modifying the classic Couette type rotational viscometer, it is possible to combine the

    accuracy of kinematic viscosity determination with a wide measuring range.

    The outer cylinder of the Stabinger Viscometer is a tube that rotates at constant speed in a

    temperature-controlled copper housing. The hollow internal cylinder shaped as a conical rotor is specifically lighter than the filled samples and therefore floats freely within them, centered by centrifugal forces. In this way all bearing friction, an inevitable factor in most

    rotational devices, is fully avoided. The rotating fluid's shear forces drive the rotor, while a

    magnet inside the rotor forms an eddy current brake with the surrounding copper housing. An

    equilibrium rotor speed is established between driving and retarding forces, which is an

    unambiguous measure of the dynamic viscosity. The speed and torque measurement is

    implemented without direct contact by a Hall effect sensor counting the frequency of the

    rotating magnetic field. This allows for a highly precise torque resolution of 50 pNm and a

    wide measuring range from 0.2 to 20,000 mPas with a single measuring system. A built-in density measurement based on the oscillating U-tube principle allows the determination of

    kinematic viscosity from the measured dynamic viscosity employing the relation


    is the kinematic viscosity (mm2/s) is the dynamic viscosity (mPa.s) is the density (g/cm3)

  • Bubble viscometer

    Bubble viscometers are used to quickly determine kinematic viscosity of known liquids such

    as resins and varnishes. The time required for an air bubble to rise is directly proportional to

    the viscosity of the liquid, so the faster the bubble rises, the lower the viscosity. The

    Alphabetical Comparison Method uses 4 sets of lettered reference tubes, A5 through Z10, of

    known viscosity to cover a viscosity range from 0.005 to 1,000 stokes. The Direct Time

    Method uses a single 3-line times tube for determining the "bubble seconds", which may then

    be converted to stokes.

    This method is considerably accurate, but the measurements can vary due to variances in

    buoyancy because of the changing in shape of the bubble in the tube However, this does not

    cause any sort of serious miscalculation.

    Micro-Slit Viscometers

    Viscosity measurement using flow through a slit dates back to 1838 when Jean Lonard

    Marie Poiseuille conducted experiments to characterize the liquid flow through a pipe. He

    found that a viscous flow through a circular pipe requires pressure to overcome the wall shear

    stress. That was the birth of Hagen-Poiseuille flow equation. The slit viscometer geometry

    has flows analogous to the cylindrical pipe but has the additional advantage that no entrance

    or exit pressure drop corrections are needed. Detailed information regarding the

    implementation of this principal with modern MEMS and microfluidic science is further

    explained in a paper by RheoSense, Inc.

    Generally, the slit viscosity technology offers the following advantages:

    Measures true (absolute) viscosity for both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids[3] Enclosed system eliminates air interface and sample evaporation effects [4] Measurements can be made using very small sample volumes Laminar flow even at high shear rates due to low Reynolds number[5] Slit flow simulates real application flow conditions like drug injection or inkjetting.

    Miscellaneous viscometer types

    Other viscometer types use balls or other objects. Viscometers that can characterize non-

    Newtonian fluids are usually called rheometers or plastometers.

    In the I.C.I "Oscar" viscometer, a sealed can of fluid was oscillated torsionally, and by clever

    measurement techniques it was possible to measure both viscosity and elasticity in the


    The Marsh funnel viscometer measures viscosity from the time (efflux time) it takes a known

    volume of liquid to flow from the base of a cone through a short tube. This is similar in

    principle to the flow cups (efflux cups) like the Ford, Zahn and Shell cups which use different

    shapes to the cone and various nozzle sizes. The measurements can be done according to ISO

    2431, ASTM D1200 - 10 or DIN 53411.

  • The Flexible blade rheometer improves the accuracy of measurements for the lower viscosity

    range liquids utilizing the subtle changes in the flow field due to the flexibility of the moving

    or stationary blade (sometimes called wing or single side clamped cantilever).

    Sumber : ,( diunduh pada tanggal 12 oktober 2013 pada

    pukul 12.15 wib).

    Nama : Irwan jaya

    Prodi : teknologi pengolahan pulp and paper

    NIM : 012.12.001