ISO 20022 RMG 2015 12 - Bank of JapanISO 20022メッセージを利用した24/7 即時振込シス...


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2 0 1 6 年 1 月 2 7 日 日 本 銀 行 金 融 研 究 所 ISO/TC68 国内委員会事務局

ISO 20022 登録管理グループ(RMG)2015 年 12 月会合の模様

○ 12 月 1~2 日に、ISO 200221 登録管理グループ(Registration Management Group:RMG)の定例会合が日本銀行にて開催された(アジェンダは別添 1、会議中に採択された決議は別添 2)。

―― RMG は、国際標準化機構(ISO)金融サービス専門委員会(TC68)2 のの下に設けられた、ISO 20022 の標準化全般に関する意思決定機関。傘下

にある 5 つの標準評価グループ(Standards Evaluation Groups:SEGs)3や、

技術支援グループ(Technical Support Group:TSG)の任命・所掌範囲の確

定、登録機関(Registration Authority: RA)4および各 SEGs のガバナンス

等、ISO 20022 にかかる標準化プロセス全般を統括する役割を担う。

○ 以下、今次会合の概要について説明する。


○ カード標準評価グループ(Cards SEG)が 2015 年 7 月に公表を決定した ISO 20022 ベースのカード電文:ATICA(Acquirer to Issuer Card Messages)ver.1 につき、米国および VISA が「技術的にも法制度的にも内容不備につき公表は時

期尚早」として不服申し立てを行い、ATICA の ver.1 公表に併行して、RMG と


1 ISO 20022 は、2004 年に ISO/TC68 により制定された、XML(eXtensible Markup Language)を用いた金融業務分野における通信メッセージに関する国際規格である。XML で記述され




加して送ることができるようになる。 2 国際標準化機構(ISO)には数多くの専門委員会(Technical Committee:TC)があり、TC68が金融サービス分野を担当している。

3 現在、①Payment、②Securities、③Trade Services、④Foreign Exchange、⑤Cards and Related Retail Financial Services の 5 つの SEG がある。SEG では、新しいメッセージ開発や既存メッセージ


を検証する。 4 RA は、ISO 20022 メッセージが登録されるデータベース(レポジトリ)や ISO 20022 ウェ

ブサイトの管理者であり、現在、SWIFT がその役割を担っている。RA は、開発やメンテナン

スが行われた ISO 20022 メッセージのレポジトリへの登録のほか、メッセージの開発に関す


し、ISO 20022 ウェブサイトに公表している。



―― アクワイアラ―イシュア 5間のメッセージ標準として現在広く利用され

ている ISO 8583 と ATICA の間で、データ項目の違いにより相互運用性


よび VISA は、こうした問題を解決するうえでは ATICA のメッセージ利



○ 会合では、同ディスクレイマーを公表することが承認された。また、今後の



る ver.2 の 2016 年末までの公表を目指し、②その後 MUG を作成・公表してい

くこととなった(RMG 決議 15/332)。

○ さらに、メッセージ開発プロセスにおけるガバナンスの問題点も指摘された。


ジの評価主体である Cards SEG の主査を同じ人物が務めていることで利益相反

が生じるおそれがあるというものである。こうした状況は、ATICA に限らず他


であるため、RMG のガバナンスの問題として今後対応を検討していくことと

された(RMG 決議 15/340)。

2.即時リテール決済用 ISO 20022 メッセージの共通化

○ 24 時間・365 日稼動(以下、24/7) 即時振込システムを構築する動きが世


5 アクワイアラは、クレジット・カード業界の中で、加盟店管理を行う主体。また、イシュア



が重要となる。 6 Message Usage Guide。ISO 20022 では、メッセージ定義書(Message Definition Report: MDR)とは別に、必要に応じて MUG を RA に登録することができる。

7 スウェーデン、シンガポール等では既にISO 20022メッセージを利用した24/7 即時振込システムが稼動しているほか、米国、豪州、ユーロ圏、カナダ等でも同様のシステムの構築に向

ATICA Messages ver.1 は“proof of concept”として発表するものであり、テス



取引のセキュリティに関する他の ISO 標準に従っていないリスクがあるこ




24/7 即時振込システムやカード決済など、end-to-end でデータをやり取りする

即時リテール決済に用いるISO 20022 メッセージの共通化を図るWG(ad-hoc real-time payments working group: RTPG)を設置が承認されていた(RMG決議


○ 今回の会合では、RTPGが即時リテール決済のコア・メッセージとして特定



―― MUGは、極力、①ISO 20022のレポジトリに登録されているコードを利



○ 今後RTPGでは、コア・メッセージ以外の関連するメッセージ(下図参照)



○ RAであるSWIFTから、①ISO 20022 RAとして2015年9月からW3Cの活動に参

加していること、②W3C内に“ISO 20022 Harmonization Task Force”を立ち上げよ

けた検討を行っている。また、ISO 8583をベースにした電文を用いて2008年から24/7 即時振込サービスを提供している英国でも、電文をISO 20022に替えるべく検討が進められている。

8 資金決済に関する指図の受付状況に関する通知。 9 顧客送金指図。 10 例えば、複雑で情報量の多い付記情報は、即時リテール決済における支払指図とは別に送

ることが推奨されている。 11 World Wide Web Consortium。World Wide Web で使用される各種技術の標準化を推進する

ために設立された非営利の標準化団体。HTML やXML など多数の標準化を行っている。



―― W3Cは、2014年10月にWeb を用いた資金決済の標準化に関する検討を


いる13。“ISO 20022 Harmonization Task Force”は、そうした標準化の中でISO 20022の成果物や知見を活かすとともに、両標準間の重複を避けることを


○ これに対して、RMGメンバーからは、W3CとISO 20022との連携を図ってい







○ こうした意見を踏まえ、①RAは“ISO 20022 Harmonization Task Force”の趣意

書(Terms of Reference)をRMGに提出し、RMGはその承認是非について2週間



トを取り、ISO 20022を巡るTC68とW3Cの関係について協議することとされた


○ また、金融サービスでAPIの活用ニーズが高まる中、ISO 20022レポジトリに


いくことや、API事業者が利用しやすい形でISO 20022レポジトリを公表してい


ス分野でのAPI標準化の帰趨が見通し難い現時点において、ISO 20022レポジト


―― 欧州の金融業界では、APIの標準化に向けた議論が進められている。そ

12 Application Program Interface。アプリケーション間でデータをやり取りするためのプログラ

ムや仕様。 13 Web 技術を活用して支払人と受取人のシステム間の相互運用性を向上させることで、クレ



ことを目的としている。 14 ISO 20022 は金融サービスに利用されるメッセージに関する国際規格である。このため、

API を ISO 20022 のスコープに入れるためには国際規格の改訂が必要となるが、そうした作

業は、(ISO 20022RMG ではなく)TC68 の所管となる。




いる資金決済サービス指令の改正(Payment Service Directives 2)など、第





○ ISDA15から、デリバティブの標準評価グループ(SEG)の新設を求める提案

がなされた。背景には、金融商品市場規制(MiFIR)に関して ESMA16が 9 月

に公表した「規制上および適用上の技術的規準案」の最終報告書 17において、

金融商品取引の当局への報告に ISO 20022 メッセージを利用することとされた

ことがある。これにより、2017 年 1 月以降に欧州の取引所等で行われた金融商

品取引を所管当局に報告するための ISO 20022 メッセージの開発が急務となっ

ている。短期間で多数のメッセージを開発する必要があることから、今般 ISDAが、現在は証券標準評価グループ(Securities SEG)の所掌となっているデリバ

ティブについて、独立した SEG の設置を求めたもの。

○ これに対し RMG メンバーからは、2016 年中にメッセージ開発を確実に完了




②Securities SEG を構成する 70 名以上のメンバーの中にはデリバティブに関す



○ 本件の扱いについては今回会合で結論は出さず、引き続き検討を行うことと


―― 前回の会合でも、中央銀行や当局への報告に用いる ISO 20022 メッセー

ジの開発を担う SEG の新設の是非について議論がなされた 18。このよう

に、ISO 20022 メッセージを報告目的で利用する動きが欧州を中心に高ま

15 International Swaps and Derivatives Association. 16 European Securities and Markets Authority. 17 Final Report, Draft Regulatory and Implementing Technical Standards MiFID II/MiFIR, ESMA, 28

September, 2015. 18 議論の結果、既存の枠組みで対応可能であることから、新たなSEGの設置は行わないこと




5.Meet the Market イベント

○ 12 月1 日の午後には、“ISO 20022 Meet the Market”イベントを開催。各国に

おけるISO 20022を巡る動向が紹介され、わが国からは、証券保管振替機構、



―― ISO/TC68国内委員会からは20名程度が参加。そのうち、多くがRMG会



○ 次回会合は、2016 年 4 月 27 日に欧州中央銀行(フランクフルト)で開催予

定(他の TC68 関係会合も 4 月 25~29 日にかけて開催される予定)。

以 上

19 す べ て の プ レ ゼ ン 資 料 は ISO/TC68 国 内 委 員 会 の ウ ェ ブ サ イ ト

(に掲載されている。 20 RMG では ASEAN 諸国などアジアへのアウトリーチを模索しており、今回の一連の会合に



ISO 20022 RMG

DRAFT Agenda N3422

Meeting Date(s):

Meeting Time(s):

1-2 December 2015 1 Dec 09:30 – 13:00 2 Dec 09:00 – 16:30

Meeting Location: Bank of Japan Tokyo Head Office 2-1-1 Nihonbashi-Hongokucho Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8660 Japan

Issued to RMG members 1

Notice on Meeting Attendance: Only RMG Members may attend the RMG meetings. No more than two RMG

Members from each delegation may attend in person.

Day 1 - December 1st 2015 AGENDA ITEM

1. 09:30 hrs Opening of Meeting and Introductions by Convenor/Vice Convenor - Mr. Whittle and Mr. Tagai

2. Adoption of Agenda – Mr. Whittle

3. Formation and Duties of Resolutions Drafting Committee - Mr. Whittle

Note - the Drafting committee members are expected to draft a record of decisions during the course of the meeting and to prepare these into a written report for approval by the RMG members during the meeting.

4. Approval of Meeting Report and follow-up from Toronto, Canada – Mr. De Roy


Matters Arising Requiring RMG Decision/Guidance

5. 10:10 hrs Appeal ATICA Publication Decision To consider the issues relevant to the decision on the publication of the ATICA message definitions and to agree on the publication of the ATICA message definitions with the following caveat as proposed by the United States of America and VISA Inc. “The initial ISO 20022 ATICA message definitions have a limited application as they are the first messages to be published as a result of an ongoing work effort to create interoperability within the global card transaction space to replace and/or interoperate with ISO 8583 as the existing widely used standard. Consistent implementation of the initial ISO 20022 ATICA message definitions at this initial stage would be enhanced by the development and publication of a Message Usage Guide (MUG) to complement the Message Definition Report (MDR). The Initial ISO 20022 ATICA message definitions are newly published as a “proof of concept” and have not been tested or implemented*. Therefore, please note that there is a risk that: 1. the ISO 20022 message definitions may not be described accurately enough in the published documentation to allow users to implement them as intended and approved by the SEG; 2. the approved message definitions are, as yet, technically unproven. The effects on communication infrastructures and/or applications are unknown (for example, excessive processing time). 3. the ISO 20022 ATICA message definitions may not conform to all ISO standards affecting the security of card transactions.” * Note – According to ISO 20022 governance procedures, the submitting organization is invited to review the published documentation and organize/encourage testing and implementation of the message definitions. The Cards and Related Retail Financial Services SEG, testers or first implementers are invited to communicate to the RA any remarks they have on the published documentation. The remarks may include proposals for changes to clarify the documentation, align it with what was approved by the SEG, eliminate ambiguity or correct errors that prevent implementation of the message definitions. They may include proposals to make the message definitions easier to implement or process, but may normally not include new business requirements, unless (1) they are within the scope of the business justification and (2) the SEG, the RA and submitting organization jointly agree that the proposed changes can and must be implemented as soon as possible to ensure adoption of the message definitions.If a correction of the message definitions and/or documentation is approved, the new publication is clearly announced on the ISO 20022 website and an 'errata' with the list of the changes is published by the RA for the convenience of implementers who would have started using the initial version of the messages/documentation. If the message schemas have been 'patched' to correct a mistake (the schemas did not reflect what the SEG had approved) or an error (the schema was invalid), the corrected schemas bear a new generation timestamp but keep the same version number. If any other change is made to a schema (improvement, new requirement), the message version number is increased.


ISO 20022 RMG

DRAFT Agenda N3422

Meeting Date(s):

Meeting Time(s):

1-2 December 2015 1 Dec 09:30 – 13:00 2 Dec 09:00 – 16:30

Meeting Location: Bank of Japan Tokyo Head Office 2-1-1 Nihonbashi-Hongokucho Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8660 Japan

Issued to RMG members 2

6. 11:10 hrs Real Time Payments Group update and publication of the first RTPG market practice guidelines – Mr DeCicco


12:30 hrs Lunch break - ISO 20022 RMG meeting day 1 adjournment - followed by the meet the market event in the afternoon.

Meet the Market Event hosted by Bank of Japan 14:00 – 17:00 followed by buffet dinner and reception

Day 2 - December 2nd 2015 AGENDA ITEM (lunch at 12:30)

7. 09:00 hrs W3C Web Payments Interest Group ISO 20022 RA participation and principles – Mr Eloy

8. 09:50 hrs ISO 20022 Application Programming Interface – discussion of issues and agree next steps – Mr Whittle

9. 10:15 hrs Governance of ISO 20022 Umbrella Organisation – ISO developments and market facing issues of impact or concern - Mr Whittle

Business as Usual Reporting Focusing on Key Issues for RMG Attention


11:00 hrs SEG Reports – update reports from SEG leadership on matters requiring RMG attention attention/action – max 30mins

10.1 Payments SEG – (Ms. Colles or named designee) N3439

10.2 Securites SEG – (Ms. Axelle Wurmser or named designee)

10.3 Foreign Exchange SEG – (Mr. Ram Komarraju or named designee)

10.4 Trade Services SEG – (Mr. Tapani Turunen or named designee) N3438

10.5 Card and Related Retail Services SEG – (Mr. William Vanobberghen or named designee)

10.6 Technical Support Group (TSG) – (Mr. Dreisch) N3425

12:30 hrs Lunch break

11. 13:30 RMG 20022 – Subgroup Reports

11.1 Rules – (Mr Whittle, Tagai, Eloy)

11.2 Cross SEG Harmonisation (CSH) – (Mr. Korsgaard) N3445

11.3 Communications – (Ms. Jones) N3446

ISO 20022 RMG

DRAFT Agenda N3422

Meeting Date(s):

Meeting Time(s):

1-2 December 2015 1 Dec 09:30 – 13:00 2 Dec 09:00 – 16:30

Meeting Location: Bank of Japan Tokyo Head Office 2-1-1 Nihonbashi-Hongokucho Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8660 Japan

Issued to RMG members 3

12. 14:10 hrs Registration Authority Report - Mr. Eloy N3425

13. 14:30 hrs Secretariat Report – Mr. De Roy – covering terms of office and voting score card


14. 14:40 hrs RMG Membership Reports – 30mins

OPTIONAL REPORTS from members highlighting only those matters requiring

the attention of the RMG










N3435 N3427 N3447 N3428 N3429 N3430 N3431 N3432 N3434

15. 15:00 hrs Any other business – followed by a break for the resolution drafting team to finalise draft resolutions


15:30 hrs Approval of the Meeting Resolutions – (Mr. Whittle/Drafting Committee

Prepared by the Resolutions Drafting Committee

17. Future Meetings: 2016 mid-year Frankfurt, Germany. 2016 year-end – host and location to be determined.

18. 16:30 hrs Adjournment of Meeting


ISO20022 RMG Resolutions Tokyo, December 1-2 2015 N3457

15/329 Appointment of the drafting committee

The RMG resolves to appoint Axelle Wurmser (France), Lauren Jones (UK) and Stephen

Lindsay (SWIFT) as members of the resolutions drafting committee.

15/330 Approval of the agenda of the meeting

The RMG approves the proposed agenda N3422 for the meeting.

15/331 Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

The RMG approves the minutes N3449 of the previous RMG plenary meeting held on 6

May 2015 in Toronto.

15/332 Appeal ATICA Publication Decision

The RMG approves the publication of the ATICA message definitions developed by ISO

TC68/SC7/TG1 drawing specific attention to the standard note regarding

implementation*. The below additional wording will be explicitly and directly referenced on

the ISO 20022 website alongside the message definitions.

Successful transition from the existing card industry ISO8583 standard to ISO20022

Acquirer-To-Issuer Cards Messages (ATICA) depends on a standard that can be used by

a broad spectrum of stakeholders in the global card networks environment. This version 1

set of ISO20022 ATICA message definitions are the first ATICA messages approved by

the Cards SEG and published as a proof of concept. It is a result of an ongoing work

effort to create interoperability within the global cards transaction space as a replacement

for the industry standard that is currently extensively used by networks and other industry

stakeholders for card transaction processing worldwide. The main objective of publication

of the messages is to raise awareness among the card payment industry stakeholders

about the availability of preliminary and, at this stage, to-be-further-completed series of

common specifications to be used in an acquirer-to-issuer card payment environment.

These messages will be updated with new and/or modified data elements and additional

message sets to cover all acquirer-to-issuer card messages will be developed. A

dedicated Message Usage Guide (MUG) will be released with the second version of the

messages, and a security review will be conducted to fully document what is required for

an operational card payment environment. The aspiration is that the publication of version

2 will be developed by the end of 2016 and the publication of the MUG will follow.


* Until the newly published message definitions have been tested or implemented, one

cannot fully guarantee that:

the ISO 20022 message definitions are described accurately enough in the

published documentation to allow users to implement them as intended and

approved by the SEG;


– 2 –


the approved message definitions can be implemented from a technical

perspective with no or minimal adverse effects on communication infrastructures

and/or applications (for example, excessive processing time).

The submitting organization is also invited to review the published documentation and

organize/encourage testing and implementation of the message definitions.

The submitting organization, testers or first implementers are invited to communicate to

the RA any remarks they have on the published documentation. The remarks may include

proposals for changes to clarify the documentation, align it with what was approved by the

SEG, eliminate ambiguity or correct errors that prevent implementation of the message

definitions. They may include proposals to make the message definitions easier to

implement or process, but may normally not include new business requirements, unless

(1) they are in the scope of the business justification and (2) the SEG, the RA and

submitting organization jointly agree that the proposed changes can and must be

implemented as soon as possible to ensure adoption of the message definitions.

If a correction of the message definitions and/or documentation is approved, the new

publication is clearly announced on the ISO 20022 website and an 'errata' with the list of

the changes is published by the RA for the convenience of implementers who would have

started using the initial version of the messages/documentation. If the message schemas

have been 'patched' to correct a mistake (the schemas did not reflect what the SEG had

approved) or an error (the schema was invalid), the corrected schemas bear a new

generation timestamp but keep the same version number. If any other change is made to

a schema (improvement, new requirement), the message version number is increased.

15/333 Approve ISO 20022 Real-Time Payments Group (RTPG) deliverables

The RMG approves the ISO 20022 RTPG Message Usage Guidelines as Phase 1 of its

work. The RTPG will liaise with the ISO 20022 Registration Authority to ensure these are

published on the ISO 20022 website.

15/334 Interoperability of software tooling

The RMG resolves to raise to TC68 the issue of interoperability between software tools

that design and document ISO 20022 usage guidelines.

15/335 Relationship with W3C

The RMG resolves for the RMG Convenor and TC68 Chair to contact W3C to discuss the

liaison relationship between ISO TC68 and W3C, the information exchange obligations of

an ISO liaison relationship and to clarify ISO TC68 and W3C engagement in relation to

ISO 20022.

The RMG does not approve the Terms of Reference for the W3C ISO 20022

Harmonisation Task Force at this stage. The RMG will have a two week consultation

period to approve or disapprove the Terms of Reference.

The RA need to ensure that all efforts of engagement with W3C are fully coordinated with

the RMG.

15/336 – Derivatives SEG

The RMG resolves to ask ISDA to make a proposal to the RMG regarding the

requirement and value of a specific Derivatives SEG.

– 3 –


15/337 Extension of thanks to Susan Colles

The RMG extends it thanks to Susan Colles (Payments SEG Convenor) for her continued

commitment to the RMG and wishes her well in her retirement.

15/338 Approval of Securities SEG Vice Convenor

The RMG approves Charles-Raymond Boniver as Securities SEG Vice Convenor.

15/339 – Call for experts for FX SEG

The RMG resolves to issue a call for experts for the FX SEG. It will seek the help of the

Communications Subgroup to facilitate this communication to a wider audience.

15/340 Governance on RMG leadership positions

The RMG resolves for the Rules Group, from a good governance perspective, to

investigate the implications of multiple leadership positions being held by a single person.

15/341 – Normative advice for BAH

The RMG resolves to ask the TSG to formalise advice on use of the BAH in a message

set in ISO 20022 normative documentation.

15/342 – Publication of Governance and Registration Procedures

The RMG resolves to approve the new ISO 20022 Registration Bodies Governance

Procedures and Registration Procedures for publication and implementation.

15/343 – Implementation of migration to Sharepoint hosting

The RMG resolves for the RA to implement the migration of the RMG document

repository from ISO Livelink to Sharepoint. The RMG thanks the RA for its extensive work

to achieve this. The new document environment will be fully operational by April 2016.

15/344 – Extension of thanks to the hosts

The RMG extends it thanks to the Bank of Japan and Takaaki Kurebayashi for their

hospitality and the organisation of the Meet the Market event.


ISO 20022 “Meet the Market” in Tokyo

December 1, 2015

Meeting Location: Bank of Japan Tokyo Head Office

9th floor large conference room A (Dai-A)

2-1-1 Nihonbashi-Hongokucho

Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8660 Japan


Meeting starts at 14:00

Welcome (Takaaki Kurebayashi) 14:00-14:05

[5 min]

1. Background on 20022 and the RMG (James Whittle/Mike Tagai)

- how to get involved and why


[15 min]

2. Market insights into 20022 adoption


- Francois Laurent (European Central Bank)

- Stig Korsgaard (Nets)


- Cathy Williams (RBC)


- Roy DeCicco (J.P. Morgan)


- Weiwei Shen (China Foreign Exchange Trade System)


[15 min


Coffee Break 15:35-15:50

[15 min]

(別添 3)


2. Market insights into 20022 adoption (cont.)


- Heasuk Jo (Korea Financial Telecommunications & Clearings Institute)


- Seiya Hikuma (Bank of Japan)

- Jun Sugie (Japan Securities Depository Center)

- Yuichiro Kogure (Japanese Banks’ Payment Clearing Network )


[15 min


3. Summary review discussion (James Whittle/Mike Tagai)

Possible discussion topics:

- market strategy

- adoption policy

- strategic drivers e.g. APIs

- impact/benefit to the market/end-users

- harmonization and cooperation e.g. Real Time Payments Group

- future visions e.g. Distributed ledger/block chain - W3C web payments

interest group


[40 min]

Adjourn 17:30
