Jeetajali Gems - Kiti


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I am pleased to present the project report on "MARKETING


readers$ It %s a h&m!le attempt rom m# part to j&d'e cons&mer!eha(%or or the e)ect%(eness o e*%st%n' and sel des%'ned ad+

cop# o Sp%ces$

 Th%s st&d# deals ,%th a n&m!er o top%cs- ,h%ch ,%ll help the

reader &nderstand and learn ho, cons&mers ma.e

cons&mpt%on dec%s%ons re'ard%n' Sp%ces$

Lan'&a'e o the report %s s%mple and l&c%d$ Attempts ha(e !een

made to arran'e the s&!ject matter %n a s#stemat%c and ,ell+.n%t st#le$ E)orts ha(e also !een made to deal ,%th all top%cs

prec%sel# and 'entl#$

I e*press than.s to all those prol%/c teachers and e*perts o 

mana'ement ,hose theor%es and %deas ha(e !een %ncorporated

%n th%s project report$

0esp%te o th%s %t %s (er# d%1c&lt to !e perect to the core and do creep %n or ,h%ch I e*tend m# apolo'# and car(e

the hosp%tal%t# o the readers to po%nt them o&t$ The%r cr%t%c%sm

and s&''est%ons or the %mpro(ement %n &t&re are ,elcomed$



Preparing a project of this nature is an arduous task and I was fortunate

enough to get support from a large number of persons. Iwish to expressmy deep sense of gratitude to all those who generously helped in

8/10/2019 Jeetajali Gems - Kiti 2/48

successful completion of this report by sharing their invaluable time and


It is my proud and previledge to express my deep regards to Respected

Mr. Anand Tiwari, Head, aculty !f ".".#. $epartment, %ovt.

 #utonomous %irls P.%. &ollege of 'xcellence (agar for allowing me to

undertake this project.

I feel extremely exhilarated to have completed this project under the able

and inspiring guidance of Mrs Shikha Urmil Khan  He rendered me all

possible help and guidence while reviewing the manuscript in finalisingthe report.

I also extend my deep regards to my teachers, family members, friends

and all those whose encouragement has infused courage in me to

complete the work successfully.


B.B.A. IV Sem. IInd Year



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 The project report t%tled "MARKETING STRATIGIES OF


GO2AL- IInd 4atch- &nder the '&%dance and s&per(%s%on o MRS$

S5IK5A 6RMIL K5AN - or the part%al &l/llment o the de'ree

o 4$4$A$75on8$

Signature of the Signature of Signature of

Supervisor: Head of the the examiner 

  Department 3



I declare that the project report t%tled "MARKETING


cond&cted &nder the s&per(%s%on o MRS$ S5IK5A 6RMIL K5AN-

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 jewelers hold '(per ent of the market share, while large brands or organised

retail form only ) per ent of the overall market.

%mong the gold market, gems and jewellery segments shows highest potentialof growth the growth of retail business in this area. *he Indian gems and

 jewellery setor ontributed to about + per ent of India-s total merhandise

exports during //0/(. %nd in //(0/1, it aounted for +&.1 per ent of the

ountry-s total merhandise exports. *he domesti demand for retail jewelry

2both branded and unbranded3 was estimated at 4s )'/ billion in //, with

diamond jewelry omprising 4s 5/ billion. 6y /+/, aording to a study by

78insey, the branded jewelry market alone would touh 4s +// billion mark.

*he sale of diamond jewelry in India has been inreasing at a rapid pae of 9

every year over the last two years. *he branded jewelry segment has shown an

astonishing trend, inreasing by /9 eah year.

In the reent years, jewelry market has witnessed tremendous hange. :ld,

traditional ornaments are giving way for branded designs and gold is replaed

 by diamonds and preious stones. 6uying pattern is also hanging. ;eople are

more and more opting for branded jewelry than buying from a <family jeweler#.

*his hange has reated ample opportunity for the retailers. 7ulti0national

 jewellery brands suh as *iffany, "artier, =ales and >arry ?inston, all are

showing interest in setting up their shops in India. Government#s deision to

allow +per ent @AI in single brand retail store also helped many foreignretailers to enter into India.

Aamas Bewelry, one of the world#s leading jewelry retailer entered India in //&

with a /0/ joint venture with Gitanjali Gems Ctd. Aamas opened its first retail

store in 6angalore in // and it inreased its presene by another seven

showrooms in short span of months. It intends to open another &/ showrooms

 by //(0/1.

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Generally, Indian onsumer looks out for low0ost jewelry for daily wear and

 prefers to buy from trustworthy jewelers. Aiamonds, preious stones whih give

elegant look not so expensive and hangeable after few years of wearing are

 preferred by the working lass women. Dome of the prominent brands in the

market are %dora, A-Aamas, :ysterbay, Ae 6eers and "arbon. *here are about

&/ major players marketing about / brands in India.

8eeping Indian onsumers preferenes and tastes %rens Gold Douk 

International Cimited has opened a speial shopping mall for branded jewelry.

*he ompany is planning to open about +// Gold Douks in India in near future.

Bewelry retailers are exploring the vast India Gold and jewelry market,

espeially brand jewelry in their own way of branding, suiting to the needs and

expetations of the onsumer. %mong Indian brands, for example, Eakshatra is

 produt speifi, %smi is feeling speifi, and Glitterati is star oriented.

@or thousands of years, Indian jewellery has remained unhanged with design

ditated by regional and religious tradition. :ver the last few years, however, it

has begun to bubble with hange. Fonomi reform and the impat of television

have suddenly opened the doors and latest global trends have found favor.

@ashion is now an important new sales driver and  jewellery manufaturers are

srambling to adjust their produt design to ater to this segment. % host of 

variables0 the buying oasion, the wearing oasion, the eonomi strata of the

target segment and the effet of regional and religious influenes on all of them

are now being juggled to find the winning mix.

 % reent study of youth in India, a segment onsisting of those under &0

onstituting a olossal ) per ent of Indian population with high disposable

inome and a propensity to spend, showed that young Indians today, despite

 being a part of the global fraternity, would gladly hoose to stay onneted with

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their ultural roots. *his study makes it abundantly lear that onneting

tradition with trends is one of the keys to suess in the Indian market.

@ashion jewellery integrates many aspets from the tangibles to the intangiblesand is evolved of an environment from purpose, material, tehnique, prodution,

user, eonomis, to aesthetis, values, pereption, and time. Eo matter where

and when, a designer annot proeed without onsidering all the aspets

involved in turning a onept to an atual produt on the ounter. "hange is an

integral part of soiety and traditions need to be reinterpreted and restated with

subtle modifiations to suit the hanging times.

Bewellery industry hasn#t yet got around to really understanding the onsumer.

*he onept of design is still new to India, and it is not quite sure if serious,

systemati efforts are put in by Indian designers and ompanies to understand

what the Indian jewellery market is about, who the Indian onsumer is and what

she really wants in a piee of jewellery. *he jewellery institutes hold design

workshops for ompanies and they are often a omplete revelation to most of 

the older generation who attend them. :ne an understand trends and design,

 but you annot simply put the two together. % design is reated keeping in mind

ones prodution base, orporate identity marketing and pakaging efforts,

 branding and the like.


In the globali$ed era, jewellery in India, like many other traditional produt

segments, is undergoing an astounding hange of pereption. ?hile it ontinues

to enjoy the position of being an enhaner of beauty and means of seurity, the

new0age onsumer pereives jewellery as a personal aessory that manifests

the wearer#s attitude, personality and lifestyle. It is imperative for jewellery

manufaturers to reogni$e this shift and adopt new, innovative approahes in

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the reation of jewellery. *his is what will enable them to establish an edge over 

their ompetitors. :n the other hand, a glaring reality is that the traditional

 jewellery setor onstitutes a signifiant hunk of the  jewellery market . *his

 jewellery in most instanes is handrafted and bought from the family jeweler.

*his segment has a strong soio0ultural bias, as the jewellery is bought for 

auspiious oasions like weddings, engagements, and rituals. *he deision to

 buy a piee of jewellery is more often a family deision than an individual

hoie. Bewellery in this segment is also a means of investment and future

seurity traditionally onstituting the wealth that a bride takes with her to her 

new home.

*his offers the biggest opportunities to designers they need to understand that

traditional jewellery emphasi$es a deep $ymology and meaning soio0ultural,

religious and psyhologial0 that plaes it way beyond its sole funtion of 

adornment. *here is an unimaginably vast opportunity for us to leverage this by

 pakaging the ontext of tradition and ulture in designs that are universal and

ontemporary in their aestheti appeal. *his blending results in a produt that

stand out in today#s world where globali$ation has resulted in produts being

massively homogeni$ed and onsequently losing their individual, ultural and

regional identity.

% lot of ompanies are already experimenting with this blending onept, but it

is important that the resulting jewellery, while keeping in mind traditionalreverene and meaning, should not look very ethni. >ere branding and

 pakaging play an important role in linking a new0look piee to its traditional

inspiration. *he suessful Eakshatra brand that launhed by Ae 6eers. @loral

designs have always existed in Indian ulture with different ommunities

interpreting them in a myriad different ways. 6ut the traditional jewellery was

heavy and worn only at weddings or for religious eremonies. 7ost of the timeit stayed in safety deposit lokers. Eakshatra suessfully reintrodued it by

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modifying it into light, everyday0wear designs. %ny sensitive designer today is

trying hard to establish a balane between tradition and trend. *he interplay of 

traditional tehnique and international design trend is apparent in today#s

8undan 2traditional )0karat gem0set3 jewellery.

Dome designers have already inorporated the linear earring design, whih is a

global trend today, into their kundan0studded earrings. % lassi example of 

mangal sutra, the traditional beaded neklae worn by women to signify their 

married status, a soial symbol that has remained unhanged in design for 

millennia. *he basi onept of blak and gold beads with a pendant the entre

remains the same, but one an now have interplay of blak, white and gold

 beads. %s for the pendant, the beads were first replaed by diamonds but have

now made a omebak. *he variations in design are atually asked for today by

young brides of traditional and modern tastes. *here exists a traditional Indian

woman within every modern woman and jewellery has to appeal to both.

%part from the subtle hanges in the traditional jewellery market, most

designers observe that more and more people today are interested in horosopes,

hanting mantras, yoga and alternative therapies.*oday#s onsumers have a

strong interest in birthstones and the benefiial properties of gems.

"onsequently, spiritual and auspiious motifs have seen a great omebak in

fashion, inluding the jewellery segment. *hus the 4udraksha, Ganesha and

religious swastika motifs, the traditional nine0gem or Eavratna ombinationsand many other auspiious onepts have beome very popular in the Indian

 jewellery market over the last ouple of years. Indian designers inorporate

these motifs into urrent fashion so harmoniously that they are as urrent as the

latest trends.

*he Indian D; nlike many other fashion markets in the world, whih are

more homogeneous in harater, the Indian market demonstrates a great element

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of duality, partiularly in traditional produt segments like jewellery. Indian

onsumers operate with two ontraditory mindsets when deiding to buy a

 piee of jewellery. %t heart, we remain quite rooted in ulture and tradition and

ontinue to revere and value jewellery as a time0honored possession. :n the

other hand, the same onsumers exhibit ontemporary urban traits and see

trendy jewellery as an extension of their personality and lifestyles. *hey opt for 

 brands, thereby emphasi$ing their pereived worth aorded to a piee of 

 jewellery. *he jewellery buying pattern in the Indian market is also hanging.

@or instane, the Indian woman today is eonomially independent and does not

seek approval from her father or husband to buy jewellery as was the ase

earlier. Indian fashion does not surrender to the burdens of fall0winter or spring0

summer influenes. In India people stik to their personal tastes and do not

kowtow to the imposed opinion. It ould also be beause most of them annot

afford the routine makeover of the wardrobe another interesting feature is that

the Indian onsumer looks for the longevity in a produt. >ene the produt

supersedes the season. %lso, Indians might see tough ompetition from other luxury items like high0end mobile phones, travel, and the like, Indians have a

rih ulture and heritage, whih ontinue to respet and follow despite hanging

modern attitudes. Bewellery is far too integrated into lifestyles to get affeted in

one generation. *his ould all hange some two generations down. *he good

 part is that they still have the luxury of time to work on it, unlike the west.

It is felt during a reessionH jewellery omes in last and goes out first. ?hile

 buying, jewellery is last on the list. %lthough mobile phones are a luxury item,

they have beome a neessity. Eonetheless, the Indian market is getting stronger 

 by the dayH it will see a big hange in the tastes of the Indian onsumer within

three or four years. %nd while many point to the growing use of diamonds in

Indian jewellery, omplete makeover is still a way off. 4ural India still has a

mindset for plain gold jewellery, as it is easily traded as ompared to diamonds

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2meaning investment is still a big jewellery purhase driver3. %nd rural India

aounts for a major hunk of jewellery onsumption. *here are several trends

running parallel in the Indian market as far as the design life yle goes. ?hile

in the traditional jewellery market, hange is gradual, spread over years, in the

urban segment, it is quik and ongoing. 7oreover, in preious jewellery, the

evolution is muh slower and most often, jewellery in the high0end segment

tends to have a long0term appeal. >owever in the fashion segment, it is very

important to tie it to trends, as the prie points for these are muh more

affordable, and this is where the onsumer is able to experiment.

*he produt life yle in India is muh longer beause of the high value osts

involved. :ther lifestyle produts undergo four fashion yles a year, but

 jewellery annot follow this pattern. :nly between one and three per ent an

afford to buy so frequently. *rends in jewellery hange at muh lower rate as

ompared to the rest of the luxury market due to the high osts involved.

 Designing To Follow Fashion:

?ith so muh hange and so many variables to onsider, most jewellery

designers agree that it is vital to understand the holisti lifestyle praties of the

ustomer, visit jewellery stores aross the ountry, national and international

fairs, fashion weeks and travel to observe what people wear in terms of their 

garments and aessories. %ll these provide valuable inputs to a designer. It#s

important to wath the fashion segment for the olors, styling and detailing on

the garments. :ne need to study the neklines that are in vogue to deide the

 profiles of the nek0 wear that you are going to design. % good example of 

fashion trends affeting jewellery design was the layered look. % few seasons

 bak, all the big design houses were suddenly wrapping up their models in

many layers of different materials. *his onept took off in the jewellery

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industry like a rage with designs featuring many different beaded neklaes and

 bangles at the same time.

% designer has to also keep in mind the wear ability of the piee while beingonsious of trends. Indians have traditionally preferred emeralds and rubies for 

the olor in their jewellery but that of late, a variety of olors and types are in


*oday Indians want topa$, tourmaline and even synthetis if they give them the

look they want. 6ut even after fatoring all the variables, most designers will

tell you that there is no suh thing as a single, homogenous Indian jewellery

market. Geographi loation and ethni differenes break it up into distintly

different markets with differing tastes. ?hen one designs for the Indian market,

one has to definitely keep these aspets in mind. 6ut, the ontemporary

 jewellery segment responds losely to the hanges in the global market and the

onsumer base is not wholly segmented by geographi loation or ethni

groupings. Internationally, ompanies and marketers are segmenting onsumers

in the ontext of their attitudes and values, tastes and preferenes, lifestyles and

living patterns. >owever, there is a speifi, identifiable ustomer base in ities

like Aelhi, 7umbai, >yderabad and 6angalore, that is more willing to

experiment with new designs and onepts.

Aelhi definitely is very quik to ath on to trends whih are bold and visible.

6ombay is more style oriented where people are more aware of what works for 

them individually and whether it suits their personalities. *he south tends to stay

with a more lassi approah. In "hennai, gems are a no0no. *hough jewellery

is forever evolving, the underlying essene of a partiular region is always

visible in it. Cook at a bride from any partiular region of India. Fven the most

modern north Indian bride will shun international brands on her big day and opt

for ulturally and traditionally rih embellishments like 8undan jewellery, while

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a south Indian bride would go for temple jewellery. Indians attah a

onsiderable amount of emotional value to jewellery though this does not affet

the design onepts of fashion jewellery. *here is a very small segment

emerging of highly fashion0 onsious individuals who are ready to experiment

with tradition. *here is also another segment of people who are artistially

inlined, and prefer handrafted or artistially appealing jewellery. %nd then

there are olletors who go for ustomi$ed piees that are unique in design,

material, raftsmanship or tehnique. @ashion designers empathi$e with

this drift and thus are exploring more and more possibilities in terms of 

integrating regional tastes with the fashion ditates of today. >ot, Fvolving

7arket India is hot today, and tastes are moving from loal to global. *he

market for designed goods is fast evolving. @rom the fashion weeks beoming

 popular in India, to Indian design stores and Indian designer labels beoming

fashion ions globally, India on the path to beoming a design entre for the


@ive or ten years ago, one ould learly distinguish between a western and an

Indian design. 6ut today, the distintion is blurring. ;lus, the idea of fusion has

 brought the two worlds together. Indian designs are readily aepted in the west

and vie versa.

Aesigners and onsumers both are more open to experimentation and there are a

lot of new exiting materials being used today. Italian rubber, amalgamation of 

 preious and non0preious, leather, wood, suede, fabri, plastis and other 

unusual ombinations are ommonly seen. *he harateristis of ostume

 jewellery have penetrated the mainstream preious jewellery market and in the

large ities, the jeweler does not now hesitate to display these as his unique

sales proposition. %lso, value addition is ahieved with new stone settings and

uts, surfae finishes and textures on metals and ross ultural forms. In about

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five to ten years, the Indian market will have an identity of its own espeially

 beause of globali$ation.

*he last two years have shown a shift from a preferene for diamonds to oloredstones, while white gold is being aepted by middle and higher0end onsumers.


?hen 6ritain-s ;rine "harles returned home after his reent trip to India, he

arried with him a glittering Eakshatra pendant presented by the Aiamond

*rading "ompany 2A*"3. % gift fit for a prine, and fitting gift for him to

reeive in a ountry where the rok is fast beoming the ultimate style


@rom Dushmita Den flashing an eleven0arat stone on her finger, to elegant

dewdrops for boardroom belles and nine0to0five fashion for working women,

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Indian women have taken 7ae ?est-s wise words to heart JEo gold0digging

for me, I take diamondsK ?e may be off the gold standard somedayKJ

Aiamonds are not restrited to the eleb set anymore, nor are they a one0in0a0

lifetime indulgene.

?hether da$$ling white or sparkling hampagne, they are the stone for all

oasionsLfrom offie parties to page three dos. "ompetition is intensifying in

the M1/0billion global diamond jewellery market, as rising wealth in %sia buoys

demand. %nd India will easily top that growth, beause jewellery has always

avowedly been a part of the ountry-s tradition and lifestyle.

*his year, demand for diamond jewellery in India will have grown )/ per ent,

on the bak of a &/ per ent growth in //. Aiamonds aount for nearly 1/

 per ent of the 4s (/,///0rore gem and jewellery industry, in value terms the

highest share in any ountry. :ver a million people are employed in this

 business aross Gujarat and 7aharashtra. Fxports went up + per ent last year.*hese are fats that allow A*", the marketing arm of the Ae 6eers group,

whih supplies half of the rough diamonds sold worldwide as well as half of all

diamonds sold in India, to set its sights and hopes even higher. In volume terms,

India is now A*"-s third largest market, aounting for seven per ent of total

 business after the D 2/ per ent3 and Bapan 2+& per ent3. 6ut in terms of 

growth, India heads the A*" hart.Do what-s making diamonds overtake gold as the Indian woman-s best friendN

"ompared to mass0produed gold jewellery, eah stone an be unique,

depending upon the utting. ?hat lends a speial touh to the uniqueness is that

every stone is between a billion and three billion years old. 6et you didn-t know


%s a result, the industry is witnessing a surge in marketing and branding.

Gitanjali Gems, for instane, whih reently mopped up 4s &// rore0odd

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through a publi issue, has 5 per ent of sales revenues oming from

diamonds, ompared to + per ent from gold jewellery. *hat is getting

inreasingly visible in the profitline tooLmore than per ent of its profits

ome from diamonds.

6oth style and quality are important when seleting a diamond. "ontrary to

 pereption, it-s the young girls spending their parents- money who go for 

omplete sets, while women buyers prefer individual piees. *he largest volume

of purhase ours in the 4s +0& lakh range.

Gitanjali, one of A*"-s sightholders 2experts who selet and purhase rough

diamonds3, owns reputed brands like %smi, Gili, Dangini, and A-damas, apart

from the new, very premium Vitoria-s Aesire. A*" is also developing the

 Eakshatra brand, worth 4s +// rore as the umbrella brand, along with :rra and

%risia. "herie *andon Daldanha, the ompany-s marketing diretor for India,

 believes that with inreasing disposable inome, and a growing trend away from

unbranded, heavy jewellery towards modern, light yet expensive stuff, sky is the

limit for the industry. A*" spends about 4s &/ rore a year on brand promotion.*he idea is to reate a high aspirational image, where it has been largely


Days 7ehul "hoksi, hairman, Gitanjali group J*he runaway demand for 

diamonds is a result of three fators strong ommuniations, fashion appeal and

onfidene in their value. J %nd this has happened despite diamond pries rising by around + to / per ent every year. %ffordability, rather than prie, is a

fator. %nd diamonds have beome more affordable than before, thanks mainly

to a revolution in designing, branding and marketing. ?ith gold pries $ooming

for the past one year, diamond jewellery has beome Value @or 7oneyK

%s in international markets, where '/ per ent of the jewellery is sold as a

fashion aessory for everyday wear, and not as an investment, branded

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 jewellery is now being positioned in India as a lifestyle and personality

statement. 6randing also attahes faith to the produt. %ll branded jewellery

omes with ertifiation, whih is useful if you-re buying it as an investment or 

are interested in reselling or exhanging it at a later stage.

*he inreasing market presene of diamond ompanies is mirrored in their stok 

 pries as well as the ommodity markets. *he rising number of millionaires in

India and the surge in onsumption of luxury items will only make these roks

shine brighter than ever.

India and diamonds are the best known ombination throughout the diamond

industry. *hough India was known to have diamond mines many enturies ago 0

the fabulous 8ohinoor is an Indian diamond 0 it has virtually no mines today.

>owever, India has ontinued to maintain its tradition of diamond utting and

thousands of people are involved in this skilled oupation.

*oday, with its ut and polished diamonds, olored gemstones, gold jewellery,

 pearls, non0gold jewellery and fashion jewellery, India aounts for almost /9

of the international market. *he gems and jewellery setor ontributes nearly

9 of the world#s net exports of ut and polished diamonds in value, '/9 in

terms of piees and 5/9 in terms of arats. Fvery ++ of + diamonds sold

around the globe are proessed in India, irrespetive of where these are mined.

?ith the right poliy and regulatory framework, India ould establish itself as a brand in the international Gems O Bewellery market, inrease employment and

reate new breed of entrepreneurship.

%part from being the world#s largest diamond proessing 2utting and polishing3

ountry with an 5/ per ent share in world market India#s favorable trade

 poliies have made India the hub for gems and jewellery. *he burgeoning retail

industry in India is instrumental in innovatively marketing and branding

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diamonds and traditional jewellery, making inroads in this setor and

ontributing to the nation#s eonomy.

*he Indian onsumer has lately beome the fous of every retailer-s eye, proof  being the international brands floking in to set up franhises in India.

Fonomi boom oupled with retail sales explosion has made a smooth pathway

for all those who understand the art of retail in India. Aue to the Fonomi

 boom in the ountry, India is emerging as a very big "onsumer 7arket for 

 jewellery and other luxury produts and offering a very lurative opportunity for 

major brands to establish presene in the Indian market. *he booming domesti

market along with export advantage of the industry and the Government-s

deision to allow foreign diret investment of up to + per ent in single brand

retail stores has attrated a large number of players to the setor.

;layers like 4eliane, pantaloons, ?al07art, et have already set up shops in

India. *he 4eliane group plans to spend M billion in new retail formats

inluding malls and ombined servie and retail formats along the evolving

Indian highway system. Global behemoth ?al07art has also offiially entered

India with a strategi tie0up with the 6harti group. ?al07art will provide the

 bak0end servies suh as souring and supply0hain management for the 6harti

group#s planned retail formats aross the ountry as well as an initiative to

supply the ountless small, onveniene stores that dot the ountryside all

aross India0 reahing out diretly to the onsumer.

6randed jewellery is the new mantra in the market, having rapidly aquired a

nihe over the past few years. Inreasing purhasing power and disposable

inomes of India#s middle lass has resulted in onsumption growth of this

industry by about ++ per ent in the five0year period preeding //(0/1. %dd to

that the insatiable Indian raving for gems and jewellery, and the demand will

skyroket to DM / billion by /+/ and DM &/ billion in /+, aording to

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industry experts. @oused marketing reating awareness and demand for the

 produts, innovative produt range reating exitement and expanding the

ategory as well as transpareny and adherene to best praties will help build

onsumer onfidene.

*he surprising thing about retail investment is that about / per ent of retail

effort P in a planned manner P is targeted at rural areas, whih is defined as

towns with a population of less than a million. India has seen a signifiant

growth in disposable inomes as a result of the eonomi growth that it has been

enjoying. *his inome is spread in the rural areas also. %ording to the *ata

Dtatistial :utline of India P //0/(, around (/ per ent of the rural inome is

from north and east. Aepending on the si$e of the market, retailers work with

multiple formats P urrently they are partnering with loal jewellers and these

 jewellers retail their brands, ommonly known as the <shop in shop#. *hese

stores would arry a merhandise mix and are in the range from (//0 to +,///

square feet.

4etailers are also looking at mobile store onepts and thinking of innovative

ways to onnet to the onsumer. 6rand building, and reating brand identity is

the fous of every retailer in India at present. Indian retailers see a huge

 jewellery onsumer market in India but there is a slight speulation that they

might soon fae stiff ompetition from within as well as from international

 brands who are rapidly setting up hain stores.

India onsumes nearly 5// tonnes of gold aounting for about / per ent of 

the world gold onsumption. :ut of whih nearly (// tonnes goes into making

 jewellery. %ording to *he ?orld Gold "ounil 2?G"3 total gold supply in the

seond quarter this year stood 2Q@R/53 at 5)/ tonnes, whereas the demand

was ')) tonnes. % study by 8;7G reveals the Indian jewellery market to be

DM +&. billion in fisal //(0/1, aounting for 5.& per ent of world

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 jewellery sales. >owever the export of diamond0studded jewellery from India is

merely ) per ent of the total export of gems and jewellery worth DM +5./(

 billion. Dine the demand of diamond0studded jewellery among Indian

onsumers has risen sharply, the industry should fous on the domesti market.

Aiamantaires, in Durat-s DM ++.' billion diamond industry, are eyeing

 jewellery manufaturing in a major way, after A*" has deided to prune supply

of rough diamonds to India. If India beomes a manufaturing hub for jewellery

as well as a onsumption market it will just prove India#s strength in both


*he government has offered some onession to the industry by lowering

import duty on platinum from DM +&.5 per +/ gms to DM ./& P exempting

rough oloured preious gems stones from ustoms duty at the first stage itself,

instead of laiming reimbursements later. 4ough, semi0preious stones are

already exempt, a move aimed at further promoting the exports of studded

 jewellery and platinum jewellery. Auty0free import of onsumable metals other 

than gold and platinum up to per ent of f.o.b. value of exports and duty0free

import entitlement for rejeted jewellery up to per ent of f.o.b. value of 

exports. *here is inreased duty0free import of ommerial samples of jewellery

to DM ./ and import of gold of +5 arat and above under the replenishment


*he Indian retail sene is set to flourish and there is no looking bak for thosewho know how to sell jewellery to an Indian woman, sine jewellery is a part of 

Indian tradition and ustoms.

Gol" In#o$%a&ion

Gold is a highly sought0after preious metal in the world. :ne of the oldest

 preious metal in the history of mankind, it had been used as money, as a store

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of value, in jewellery, in sulpture, in mediine, in eletronis and for 

ornamentation. Gold does not tarnish, rust or orrode. Aue to its wonderful

qualities and its magnifient luster, gold is onsidered the most important metal

in jewellery making.

*he purity of gold is measured in terms of karats. ;ure gold is designated as )

karat. % karat is the perent of pure gold in the alloy. :ne an determine the

 perentage of pure gold in any gold piee by dividing the karat by ) 2e.g., +5

karat gold +5S) T /.1/ T 19 pure gold3.

%s pure gold is soft, it is frequently mixed or alloyed with other metals in order 

to make the gold harder to be used for jewellery. %lso mixing of gold with other 

metals affets the olour. @or example, gold must be alloyed with different

metals suh as silver, nikel, palladium, opper, bron$e, aluminium in order to

get different shades of gold i.e. yellow gold, white gold, green gold.

*he karat sale is used for measuring the proportion of gold in jewellery.

%ordingly, )karat denotes pure gold. +5 karat gold is 1 9 gold and 9

alloy, and so forth.

In India, +5 karat and karat are the most popular forms of gold jewellery. *he

+5 karat is popular beause of its rih olour and durability.

Gold alloys an also affet the olour of gold. *he following list inludes the

most ommon olours of gold alloys and the metals used for produing them

Colo$ o# Gol" A""i&ional Me&als Use"

'a$a& Pe$(en&age P)$e Gol" Fineness *E)$o+ean Ma$,ing-

 ) +// '''  '+.(1 '+1 +5 1.// 1/ +) 5.&/ 5& +/ )+.(1 )+1  ' &1./ &1

8/10/2019 Jeetajali Gems - Kiti 22/48

Rellow Gold "opper, Dilver  

?hite Gold Eikel, =in, "opper  

Green Gold Dilver, =in, "opper  

4ose Gold "opper, Dilver  

Gol" Jewelle$. Ma$,e& in In"ia

6efore the liberali$ation of the Indian eonomy in +''+, only the 7inerals and

7etals *rading "orporation of India 277*"3 and the Dtate 6ank of India 2D6I3

were allowed to import gold. *he abolition of the Gold "ontrol %t in +'',

allowed large export houses to import gold freely.

Fxporters in export proessing $ones were allowed to sell +/ perent of their 

 produe in the domesti market. In +''&, gold and diamond mining were

opened up for private investors and foreign investors were allowed to own half 

the equity in mining ventures. In +''1, overseas banks and bullion supplierswere also allowed to import gold into India. *hese measures led to the entry of

foreign players like Ae6eers, *iffany and "artiers into the Indian market.

In the +''/s, the number of retail jewellery outlets in India inreased greatly

due to the abolition of the Gold "ontrol %t. *his led to a highly fragmented

and unorgani$ed jewellery market with an estimated +//,/// workshops

supplying over &/,/// retailers, mostly family0owned, single shop operations.

In //+, India had the highest demand for gold in the worldH 5 tons were

onsumed a year, '9 of whih was used for jewellery. *he bulk of the

 jewellery purhased in India was designed in the traditional Indian style.

Bewellery was fabriated mainly in +5, and ) arat Gold as >allmarking

was not very ommon in India under aratege was prevalent. %ording to a

survey done by a 6ureau of Indian Dtandard 26ID3, most Gold jewellery

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advertised in India as 0 arat was of a lesser quality. :ver 5/9 of the jewelers

sold Gold jewellery ranging from +&. arat to +50 arats as 0 arat Gold


) "arat +// perent pure gold

"arat '+.(( perent pure gold

/ "arat 5&.&& perent pure gold

+5 "arat 1 perent pure gold

"arat 5.&& perent pure gold

+ "arat ).+(( perent pure gold

*he late +''/s saw a number of branded jewellery players entering the Indianmarket. *itan sold Gold jewellery under the brand name *anishq, while

Gitanjali jewels, a 7umbai based jewellery exporter, sold +50 arat Gold

 jewellery under the brand Gili. Gitanjali jewels also started selling )0 arat

Gold jewellery in assoiation with a *hai ompany, ;randa. Du0 4aj 2India3 Ctd.

launhed its olletion of Aiamond and 0 arat Gold jewellery in +''1.

*he 7umbai based group, 6eautiful, whih marketed *iffany range of produts

in India, launhed its own range of studded +50 arat jewellery, Aagina. "artiers

entered India in +''1 in a franhise agreement with 4avissant. :ther players

who entered the Indian branded Gold jewellery market during the +''/s and

///0/+ inluded Intergold Gem Ctd. :y$terbay, "arbon and *ribhovandas

6himji =averi 2*6=3.

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Gitanjali Group a /// rores ompany, strategially positioning itself as the

leading diamond studded jewellery0manufaturing ompany, today has one of 

the largest fully integrated diamond and jewellery manufaturing plants in the

ountry. *he Group, whih has been a pioneer in the branded jewellery industry,

has always been at the threshold of boosting the prodution of quality jewellery,

whih has obliquely proved to be an exellent, branding and marketing strategy

 baked by a formidable retailing network 0 all ensuring the group an enviable

advantage in the jewellery arena. *he Gitanjali Group is engaged in the business

of souring rough diamonds, its manufature, import and export of diamonds,

manufature of plain and diamond studded gold and platinum jewellery and its

marketing and domesti retailing. %s Bewellery exports form one of the largest

ontributors to the foreign exhequers, the jewellery major Gitanjali, is one of 

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IndiaUWs high0end ontributors to the foreign exhequer as well as a major 

 player in the domesti market.

Gitanjali has four deades of experiene, being one of the earliest diamondhouses in India. >aving reeived over / Eational and "ounil awards from the

7inistry of "ommere for outstanding exports, it is today one of the largest

diamond exporting ompanies in India. ;resently the Gitanjali Group has highly

moderni$ed diamond utting and polishing failities at loations in India and

globally diversified manufaturing operations in 6angkok, Vietnam and "hina

and a marketing network spread aross Furope, >ong 8ong, D% and Bapan.

*he very basis of their existene is to suessfully develop, produe and sell

high0quality jewellery brands worldwide O helps the ustomers in getting the

maximum Value for 7oney in the proess.

In +''), Gili Bewellery was established as a distint brand by Gitanjali Bewels,

soon after the abolition of the Gold "ontrol %t by the Indian government. Gili

offered a wide range of +50arat plain gold and diamond0studded jewellery,

designed for the ontemporary Indian woman. *he designs ombined both the

Indian and western styles and motifs. ?ith sales of 4s./.+) billion for the year 

///0/+, Gili had a /./& perent share of the )// billion jewellery market in

India and a +.) perent share of the branded jewellery market.

Gili distributed its jewellery pried between 4s. // and 4s. )/,/// through

lifestyle and department stores aross the ountry to inrease aessibility

among its target segment, the + to &/ age group. *he ompany-s produts were

also made available through a mail0order atalogue. In +''1, Gili launhed a

olletion of traditional Indian ornaments made of +50arat gold. In +''', the

Gili Gold range was introdued. *his range inluded rings, pendants, earrings,

neklaes and bangles made of )0arat gold. %ll Gili produts ame with a

guarantee of diamond and gold quality. ?hen researh onduted in @ebruary

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/// showed that there was a big gap between the 4s. +/// and 4s. +//// prie

segment and keeping in view the teenage population, and the kind of poket

money they had, Gili brought out a olletion targeting teens.

In ///, Gili launhed its -diamond heart olletion- targeted at teenagers and

 pried between 4s // and 4s.//. *he olletion was promoted at ollege

ampuses with banners, pamphlets and a few advertisements targeted at teens.

Gili soon reali$ed that just pushing its produt was not enoughH it also had to

ustomi$e its produts for speial oasions. @ollowing this, it launhed a

Aiamond >eart "olletion speially designed for Valentine-s Aay. *his

olletion onsisting of tiny, heart0shaped diamond jewellery was well reeived

 by teens 24efer Fxhibit VI3. Dpeial pakaging, athy advertising and

extensive press overage ontributed to the suess of the olletion. Gili also

made speial promotional offers during festive seasons like "hristmas and


>aving aptured the low prie point market of 4s./// to 4s.+/, ///, in ///,

the ompany foused on penetrating the premium market of ustomi$ed

 jewellery. @or this, Gitanjali jewels opened a jewellery salon, Gianti, to provide

ustomi$ed jewellery to lients in India.



• Gitanjali has strong retail presene in the world#s largest markets for 

 jewellery. 4etail business is a major "ontributor in Gitanjali#s revenue.

Gitanjali has over /// plus retail outlet aross India and in the proess

of expansion in tier II and III ities to ater to new segment of the


• D% is a largest jewellery onsuming ountry and )9 of worldwide

diamond jewellery sales are made in the nited Dtates. In @R //10/5,

Gitanjali made a strategi aquisition in D%, inluding Damuels and

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4ogers, and now has about +&1 stores in "entre and aross D%, being

expanded to // stores in the near future.

• Damuels and 4ogers of Gitanjali are the 5th largest branded jewellery

retail hain in D.

• Gitanjali#s integrated supply hain business model has given an

advantage to survive and post profit despite of D reession.

• Gitanjali retail business has spread through all hannels and in all

geographies, aross all the market segments

•  Eet ;rofit has gone up beause of shift in market from wholesale to retail.



• Gitanjali#s strategy is to inrease the market share of various brands and

its positioning in the market. Dtrategy is to generate demand for branded

diamond jewellery in the future

• Gitanjali has also aquired a 1(9 stake in Dalasar 4etail and will roll out

multi0format retail stores under the #7aya# brand. *he Dalasar stake gives

Gitanjali Cifestyle +/ multi0storey stores with //,/// square feet of 

retail spae in Eorthern India.

• @lagship produt brands of the ompany are able to onvert themselves

into retail brands.

• *he group has introdued many promising brands to its bouquet. *he new

olletion inludes ?orld of Dolitaire, ?orld of Dilver, 7F Dolitaire,

7aya, Gitanjali 7en$, 7aya 6ridal, 6e$el and many more.


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• :verall Gold and jewellery industry is estimated to be about DA &

 billion, out of whih +0+9 is onstituted by diamond jewellery market.

i.e. DA ) billion, +/9 of whih is branded jewellery market aounts

for DA // million

• :verall Industry is growing at the rate of +0+59 and where as share of 

diamond jewellery is growing at +50/9

• :ut of +/ leading gems and jewellery brands in India ( of them are under 

the Gitanjali umbrella. Dhare of branded diamond jewellery in India is

growing by 0&/9 and therefore, share of Gitanjali growing at that pae.

• In modern retail, Gitanjali holds (01/9 market share

• *hese industry dynamis has ompounding effet on the growth of the

Gitanjali Gems.


Gitanjali Gems Ctd is one of largest integrated diamond and jewellery manufaturers

and retailers in India. *he ompany is engaged in souring of rough diamonds from

 primary and seondary soure suppliers in the international market, utting and

 polishing the rough diamonds for export, manufaturing and selling of diamonds and

other branded and unbranded jewellery. *hey also manufaturers and sell diamond

and other jewellery through the retail outlets in India. *he ompany sells their branded

 jewellery under the name, Eakshatra, %smi, Gili and A-Aamas. *hey are having two

modern manufaturing failities loated at 6orivali in 7umbai and at the Dpeial

Fonomi =one in Durat. @urther, the ompany has two modern jewellery

manufaturing failities at 7IA" at %ndheri, 7umbai and a faility at the Dantaru$

Fletroni Fxport ;roessing =one at %ndheri, 7umbai. Gitanjali Gems was

inorporated in the year +'5(.*he ompany was onverted into a limited ompany

Deptember ///. @rom being primarily involved in the utting, polishing and

 proessing of diamonds, Gitanjali emerged as one of the few organi$ed and integrated

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 players in the Indian gem and jewellery industry. In the year +''/, the ompany

ommened prodution of diamond studded and other jewellery at their manufaturing

faility at the D;= at %ndheri, 7umbai. In the year +''), they ommened their retail

sales though their assoiate ompany Gili India Ctd. Auring the year //0/(, three

groups of ompanies namely Gemplus Bewellery India Ctd, ;rism Bewellery ;vt Ctd

and Giantti Bewels ;vt Ctd were merged with the ompany. ;ursuant to the sheme of 

amalgamation, "4I% Bewellery ;vt Ctd beame a subsidiary of the ompany with

effet from %pril +, // and ANdamas Bewellery 2India3 ;vt Ctd beame a joint

venture ompany. Gitanjali Fxports "orporation Ctd beame a subsidiary on

Deptember /, // subsequent to inrease in share holding to +9 by the ompany

and in :tober //, >yderabad Gems DF= Ctd beame a wholly owned subsidiary of 

the ompany. In 7arh //(, the ompany formed a joint venture ompany with

Danghavi Fxports namely, Dpetrum Bewellery ;vt Ctd for manufaturing and

marketing the Danghini brand of Aiamond Bewellery. In 7ay //(, Dhubalavanyaa

Bewel "rafts ;vt Ctd beame a subsidiary of the ompany and in Buly //(, Aesire

Cifestyle ;vt Ctd has beome a wholly owned subsidiary of the ompany. In Buly

//(, the ompany entered into a shareholder-s agreement with 7odern India Ctd to

form a joint venture by way of subsription to equal number of Fquity Dhares of 

7odali Aistributors ;vt Ctd. Auring the year //(0/1, the ompany inreased their 

stake in Gili India Ctd, thereby the ompany beame a subsidiary ompany. *he

ompany through their subsidiary @antasy Aiamond "uts ;vt Ctd, along with Aiadem

4anka International ;vt Ctd, formed a joint venture ompany Aiadem 4anka Aesire

Cifestyle ;vt Ctd, engaged in the business of gold and diamond jewellery. Auring the

same year, the ompany inorporated a wholly owned subsidiary ompany namely

Gitanjali Infrateh Ctd. %lso, they inorporated Gitanjali Ventures A7" in Aubai for 

trading Aiamonds, preious stones, diamonds jewellery and perals. *he ompany

aquired the majority stake in Damuels Bewelers In a D based ompany engaged in

the business of merhandising jewellery and also purhased a majority interest in *ri0

Dtar ?orldwide CC". Auring the year //10/5, the ompany formed wholly owned

subsidiaries namely 4aigad Gems DF= Ctd, %urangabad DF= Ctd, Eanded DF= Ctd,

?est 6engal DF= Ctd, Eashik 7ulti Dervies DF= Ctd and Eagpur 7ulti0;roduts

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DF= Ctd as Dpeial ;urpose Vehile for development and exeution of the projet. *he

ompany has ompleted the proess of aquisition of required land measuring +/./&

htrs at ;anvel, 4aigad and in the proess of aquiring required land in respet of their 

other DF= projets at %urangabad, Eanded, Eashik and Eagpur. *hey also expanded

their diamond and jewellery manufaturing failities by setting up state0of0%rt

7odern fatory in >yderabad DF= for diamond proessing. In %pril +, //1 ANdamas

Bewellery 2India3 ;vt Ctd, a joint venture ompany beame a subsidiary ompany and

in 7ay //1, the ompany set up a wholly owned subsidiary ompany, Gitanjali

Cifestyle Ctd to build and promote luxury malls aross the ountry. In Deptember 

//1, Ivida *ehnologies ;vt Ctd was inorporated as a wholly owned subsidiary

ompany and thus they forayed into the software, tehnology and teleom business. In

 Eovember //1, the ompany aquired +//9 stake in 4ogers Ctd In, a D based

ompany and also aquired the 6rand %sset -Eakshartra- through one of their wholly

subsidiary Gitanjali Ventures A7"". *he ompany signed a joint venture agreement

with Eetherlands based %47: Eetherlands @inane 6V to form a BV ompany

7orelleto India ;vt Ctd, to arry on their business of manufaturing, assembling,

importing, exporting et. *he ompany inreased their stake in 6rightest "irle

Bewellery ;vt Ctd and thus made 6"B;C beame a wholly owned subsidiary and

aquired 4enaissane 4etail Venture ;vt Ctd through their wholly owned subsidiary

Gitanjali Cifestyle Ctd. %lso, they signed a 7o with 7ariella 6urani @ashion Group

of Italy through their wholly owned subsidiary Gitanjali Cifestyle Ctd to form a Boint

Venture in India. In 7arh //5, 7ohar Bewels Ctd was inorporated as a wholly

owned subsidiary for arrying on the business of providing safe deposit vault,

displaying and export of Gold Bewellery. *he ompany aquired *rinty ?ath

"ompany ;vt Ctd, through their wholly owned subsidiary Gitanjali Cife style Ctd

engaged in the business of sale of wathes under their registered premium brand Iris.

%lso, they aquired +//9 shares of 7odali Bewels ;vt Ctd, earlier a joint venture

ompany. In 7ay //5, the ompany formed 8olkata %xis 7all Ctd through their 

wholly owned subsidiary Gitanjali Infrateh Ctd. In Bune //5, the ompany made

Fureka @instok ;vt Ctd and Aeent Deurities O @inane ;vt Ctd as wholly owned

subsidiaries whih were earlier promoter group ompanies. %lso, the ompany

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aquired +//9 stake in 6 Vijay 4etail Ventures ;vt Ctd through their wholly owned

subsidiary, Gitanjali Cifestyle Ctd. In :tober //5, the ompany inreased their stake

in Gitanjali Fxports "orporation Ctd to +//9 and thereby made the ompany a wholly

owned subsidiary ompany


M$/ Meh)l C/ Cho,si"hairman of the 6oard

M$/ Nehal Mo"i Eon Fxeutive Airetor 

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affordable pries!. *he first jewellery brand that brought diamond jewellery

within the reah of masses.

*he "ompany was originally inorporated on %ugust +, +'5( as a private

limited ompany and beame a deemed publi limited ompany pursuant to

Detion )&% of the "ompanies %t, +'(, as amended, with effet from %ugust

, +''+. *he "ompany was subsequently onverted into Gitanjali Gems

Cimited, a publi limited ompany pursuant to a ertifiate of hange of name

dated Aeember 5, +'').



P$o")(&s:  Aiamond, 4ings, ;endants, 6raelets, Farrings, 6angles, *wo0

*ones, "olor Dtones, Dets.

Colle(&ions:  Valentine "ommitment, "hinese =odia, Dign =odia, Gili *eens,

"orporate Gifts, ;endants, %gni, Aiamond >eart, ;riness and @orever


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Gili has a unique an" &i%eless (olle(&ion o# +$e(io)s 0ewelle$.. ?hat-s more,

these fabulous piees are available at really affordable pries, with the Gili

ertifiate of authentiity

In 2334 Gili in&$o")(e" Ri5aa6, a olletion of ethni Indian jewellery. *he

 brand has also ome out with a range of 789(a$a& 0ewelle$. with a guaranteed .

'' fineness under the launh name Gili Gold. Gili has also launhed a range of 

"ia%on" (l)s&e$s )n"e$ &he na%e Agni set in yellow and white gold. It has to

its redit added Gili plus, a premium range of diamond0studded  0ewelle$.

+$i(e" ao5e Rs 7;< ;;;/


 Brand Ambassador 

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 Bipasha Basu gives brand glitter to Gili. Bipasha Basu ;ose for Gili Bewels P 

>uge Dan going by the promos of ‘Bachna Ae Haseeno’ 

6ipasha 6asu, a leading Indian film atress has been signed on by Gitanjali

Group as the new brand ambassador for its diamond jewellery retail brand Gili.

*he atress will be the new fae for an undislosed time frame.

*he Gili brand has been one of the very first diamond jewellery brands in India.

It has grown over the years into // outlets aross &/ ities in the ountry,

 besides being retailed through shop0in0shop formats.

Gili has been noted for its unique retailing formats, by setting up its stores at

sites like airports in elite areas. Its exlusive showrooms are alled -Gili ?orld-.

7ehul "hoksi, "hairman, Gitanjali Group and Eakshatra, said, “In our effort to

find the right brand ambassador for Gili, a brand of mass appeal, we have

stumbled upon 6ipasha 6asu to endorse her alluring personality on its produts,

whih is a rhapsody of the traditional and modern. Eot only were weenthusiasti about the brand fit, but we also feel that 6ipasha lends a refreshing

look to the brand. ?e are exited about having her on board as the new fae for 



  A#&e$ Sales se$5i(es &o $e&ain &he ()s&o%e$s: Giliwants its "ustomers to be delighted every time they shop. :asionally though,

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there are situations where ustomer would like to return the produt or exhange

it with a new one. nderstanding this need of onsumer Gili introdued

E=(hange Poli(.> B). Ba(, Poli(. at any point of time O anywhere in India.

It helps Gili to retain their ustomers O forms a good relationH also ustomers

 beome 6rand Coyal beause of suh servies.

Gili was the first one to ome up with 6randed Aiamond Bewellery in India, Gili

is not the Eo.+ 6randH but Gili is one of the *op Aiamond Bewellery 6rands.

"urrent events 0 Gili Caunhes the ->eart of Gold- and Gili *urns +/

 Maret Shares

In @ebruary this year, GGC raised around 4s.&&/ r. through an I;: of 4s.+.1/r. shares at 4s.+' per share to invest in its subsidiariesS assoiate ompanies

expand its manufaturing apaities and penetrate the retail market besides the

development of the DF= near >yderabad. @or @R/(, it reorded /9 rise in

top0line to 4s.+(+ r. but its net profit $oomed by )/9 to 4s.)5 r. on the

 bak of better operating margins. *his led to an F;D of 4s.5 on equity of 4s.'

r. onsidering its fous on jewellery business and retail expansionH it is

estimated to report a turnover of 4s./// r. and net profit of 4s.1/ r. for 

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@R/1. *his will translate to an F;D of 4s.+ and at a reasonable disounting of 

+5 0 timesH it should trade in the range of 4s./0(/. Investors are strongly

reommended to buy and hold for at least +0+5 months

 Mareting Strategies

In +''1 Gili  introdued 4ivaa$, a olletion of ethni Indian jewellery

Gili to attrat its ostumers and satisfy its onsumers omes up with

strategies like

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a3 Gili promisei.e. Guarantee of %uthentiity of its produts.

 b3 provides with ertifiate of %uthentiity3 ID:0'//+/// O 6est 6usiness ;ratie "ertifiate *he

66; "ertifiation enompasses areas inludingFmployee Dafety, Datisfation Index, 7edial%vailability, Fnvironmental ;rotetion Dtandards, et.

d3 Deasonal %dvertisements >oardings, 6rohures toValued "ustomers O :asional %ds like ValentineDpeials, 4aksha 6andhan, ;ersonal >earts, 6ridalBewellery, et.

e3 "orporate gifts "olletion *he 6rand is very muh popular in the market for its "orporate Bewellery

"olletionsf3 "ostumer "are Gili#s attempt to build a rapport with its

end onsumer is set up of "ustomer are servie +/.//amto './/pm ( days a week.

g3 Gili also omes up with speial offers on top selling


h3 :nline shopping onept is also adopted by Gili

 ACHI!"!M!#$S % A&A'(S 

Gitanjali Group is Business Super brand 2008

Was +$esen&e" &he awa$" . B$an" Co)n(il o# In"ia

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Gi&an0ali G$o)+  has been honoured by 6rand "ounil of India with the

“6usiness Duper brand //5! award in the gem and jewellery segment. % Duper 

 brand is profiled by its management, as one, whih has established the finest

reputation in its field and offers ustomers signifiant emotional andSor tangible

advantages over its ompetitors, whih 2onsiously or sub0onsiously3

ustomers want and reogni$e. *he onept evolved in the 8 in +''&, and

ame into India as Duper brand India in Aeember //.

"ommenting on the award, 7r. 7ehul "hoksi, "hairman, Gitanjali Gems, says,

“Gitanjali has always stood for unparalleled quality, trust and reliability. It is

indeed a great honour to reeive a prestigious award like the Duper brand

%ward. I believe that the marketing and the promotional ativities of any

ompany plays a major role in the growth of any ompany and this award just

 proves that!. *he Gitanjali Group has nurtured brand values of leadership,

 performane, trust, are, innovation and sensitivity, and has been providing this

 pakage to its onsumer ommuniation fouses at eliiting segment, at every

stage of marketing, promotions and advertising. Gitanjali brand has and

ontinues to tap every human emotion, in effet beoming an expression of 

emotions, for ustomers.

 '!S!A'CH M!$H)()L)G* 


It is the siene that tells the method of doing researh .It mainly onsists of 

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following stepsH

• Aeveloping researh design

Aetermining the data olletion method• Aeveloping sampling plan

• "onduting field work 

4esearh in ommon parlane refers to a searh for knowledge. :ne an

also define researh as a sientifi and systemati searh for pertinent

information on a speifi topi.

*he word researh has been derived from @renh word 4esearher means

to searh.


4esearh may be defined as Ja areful investigation or enquiry speially

through searh for new fats in any branh of knowledge Jin a tehnial sense

researh omprise defining Oredefining problems, formulating hypothesis or 

suggested solutionsH olleting ,organi$ing Oevaluating dataH making

dedutions O reahing onlusion O at last arefully testing the onlusion to

determine weather they fit the formulating hypothesis.


4esearh Aesign is the oneptual struture within whih researh is

onduted. It onstitutes the blueprint for olletion, measurement and

analysis of data. *he design used for arrying out this researh is



"onsidering the objetives of the study and also the importane of the deision

it was deided to undertake an exploratory survey.

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A%*% ":CCF"*I:E

T.+es o# "a&a:

2 . +rimar, data- primary data are those whih are fresh and olleted for thefirst time and thus happen to be original haraters.

7 . Secondar, data 0 It is the data that is already been olleted by someone else/

In this survey I used both primary and seondary data. %ll information olleted

through questionnaire.


*he soures of olletion of seondary data are

• Questionnaire

• 6ooks

• ?ebsites

• 7aga$ine

• 6rohure


It is very diffiult to ollet information from every member of a

 population .%s time and osts are the major limitation that the researher 


% sample of &/ was taken the sample si$e of &/ individuals were seleted

on the basis of onvenient sampling tehnique. *he individuals were

seleted in the random manner to form sample and data were olleted

from them for the researh study.



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• It %s a t%me cons&m%n' act%(%t#$


• In the preparat%on o project lot o mone# Waste


• It man# e)orts to complete the project %n

search%n' ma'a<%ne- ne,s paper and Internet$


• 9roper Secondar# 0ata ,as not A(a%la!le



=Lar'e %nte'rated d%amond > je,eller# pla#er and ha(%n' an %nternat%onalpresence$

 =9%oneers o !randed je,eller# %n Ind%a$

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=Stron'' > d%str%!&t%on net,or.$ Stron' reta%l presence %n Ind%aand %n 6$S$ ??@ d%str%!&tors and ?@; o&tlets %n Ind%a and ?;B o&tlets %n6$S$

=Stron' !rand eC&%t# and !road prod&ct ran'e S&ch as- G%l%- Asm%-

Na.shatra- San'%n%- 0Ddamas- %(aaha- Ma#a- G%antt%- 0es%re- Sam&els etc$ =%s%onar# leadersh%p 7AcC&%r%n' Na.shatra- Sam&els- Ro'ers etc$8

=E*pand%n' man&act&r%n' capa!%l%t%es %n M&m!a% and at spec%al econom%c<one %n S&rat to address %ncreas%n' demand$

=Net Worth %s B-;$B m%ll%on Rs$ So ,e can sa# that %t %s /nanc%all# (er#stron' compan#$

=S%'ht holder stat&s ,%th 0T: thro&'h a promoter 'ro&p compan#$

=5%'hl# s.%lled- C&al%/ed and mot%(ated emplo#ee$


=There ma# !e conH%cts o %nterest !et,een them and certa%n o the%r9romoter 'ro&p compan%es$

=As the major ra, mater%al reC&%rements need to !e %mported- compan%esnormall# stoc. h&'e C&ant%t%es o %n(entor# res&lt%n' h%'h %n(entor#carr#%n' costs$

=Technolo'# %s less %mpro(ed compared to :h%na and Tha%landDs compan#$

 O99ORT6NITIES=Ne, mar.ets %n E&rope > Lat%n Amer%ca$

=Gro,%n' demand %n So&th As%an > Far East co&ntr%es$

=Ind&str# mo(%n' rom a phase o consol%dat%on$

=E*pans%on poss%!%l%t%es %n l%est#le and l&*&r# prod&cts %n Ind%a l%.e,atches- leather 'oods- 9lat%n&m je,eller# !eca&se %ncreas%n' d%sposa!le%ncome o people$


=Internat%onal :ompet%t%on3+:h%na- Sr% Lan.a and Tha%landDs entr# %nsmall d%amond je,eller#$

=Increase %n the pr%ce o Gold > 0%amonds$

=Other local compet%tors$ Accord%n' to the data je,eller# salesare !# am%l# je,elers$

=Threat rom prod&c%n' nat%on l%.e S$A$ > R&ss%a$


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• 9RFA:E


















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: O N T E N T S

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*he onlusions that an be drawn from the study are

+. *he guiding fator behind purhasing jewellery is prie, purity and design

whih sore the maximum. :ther fators are variety, the brand image, influene

of family and friends. *he least guiding fator for purhasing jewellery is the

servie and display. >ene when a ustomer goes to buy jewellery they do keep

the prie in mind followed by the purity and the design. @ators like servie

given the shop or by the jeweler and the display do not have a very big impat

on the ustomers.. 6randed jewellery is extremely popular sine it has +//9 awareness. *his may

 be due to the wide spread publiity taken up by the various brands. 6rands like

Gili, Adamas, and *anishq are again the most popular brands. *rendsmith is a

 brand by *ribhovandas 6himji =averi 2*6=3 whih is not very popular.&. %s stated in the literature review that <there was a shift in onsumer tastes

women were inreasingly opting for fashionable and lightweight jewellery

instead of traditional hunky jewellery.# Is proved to be orret by this researh

as respondents have seleted fashion over investment while purhasing

 jewellery. Eow jewellery is regarded as more of an aessory and less of an

investment.). 6randed jewellery is bought by more than &S)th of the population. >ene it an

 be said that the population is aware and has also tried these brands.. ?hen jewellery is bought for gifting purpose the population still wants to buy

it from their family jewelers.


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?$ Ma%n o!ject%(e o the project %s to /nd o&t the' strate'%es o Geetanjal% Je,ellers$

@$ To /nd o&t the compan# pro/le$

B$ To /nd the h%stor# o Geetanjal% Je,ellers$

;$ To /nd a!o&t the acts o JEMS > JEWELLERS$

$ To /nd o&t shares - collect%on-

ach%e(ement and a,ards and 4rand


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?$ 9lease open #o&r sho, rooms %n small c%t%es

also $

@$ Lo, #o&r pr%ce- e(er#one cannot a)ord %t$

B$ Ma.e #o&r je,eler# %n @; :arrots$

;$ Wedd%n' Je,eler%es sho&ld !e more


$ :as&al J,eller# sho&ld also !e %ntrod&ced$