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Environment Unit 4

Unit 4 Environment


Key Structures 询问某人对某地的印象:What do you think of Singapore? 描述污染程度:The pollution is much more serious than my expectation. 询问发生事件:Please tell me what’s happening. 表示愿望:After hearing what you have said,I hope I can also visit there one day.

Dialogues & MonologueDo you know how to talk with your friends about the environment? The following situations

will tell you how to express your opinion on the environment.

1 John is talking with Mary about Singapore. Mary: Hi,John. When did you get back f rom

Singapore? John: Last week. Mary: What do you think of Singapore? I heard it’s

very beautiful. John: Yes. It’s a very small but modern country.

Now I know why it is called the Diamond Island in the Pacific Ocean.

Mary: Can you describe it in detail? John: Sure. The environment in Singapore is very

beautiful. People there are fond of f lowers very much and you can see the flowers along the sides of the roads,in the gardens and squares,etc.

Mary: I heard it’s also very clean there,right? John: Yes. If you smoke in public,you will be fined heavily. You know the rules there are

very strict. And the public order is very good. People there are very kind and polite. Mary: After hearing what you have said,I hope I can also visit there one day.

Notes:People there are fond of f lowers very much... 那儿的人们非常喜欢花…be fond of 喜欢,爱好。

Questions: 1. Which country is called the Diamond

Island?2. What is John’s impression of Singapore?3. Why is Singapore very clean everywhere?



家庭与环境第 章2 Environment

2Vera is complaining to the local government about the noise pollution near her house.

Steven: Can I help you,Madam? Vera: I come here for the noise pollution near my

house. Steven: We will try our best to help you. Please tell

me what’s the problem. Vera: I live in the 7th street and a few days ago a

new building began to be built in front of my house.

Steven: Yes. But it is approved by us. Vera: I know that. But do you know that workers

continue their construction even at night? Every night I hear the noise of the truck and can’t sleep well. My neighbors also have the same complaints.

Steven: If it is true,we’ll stop them immediately and fine them. Vera: I’ll be thankful for your help. In fact I have asked them to stop working at night,

but they refused. Some of them even quarrelled with my neighbors,so I come here to see if the government can help us.

Steven: It’s our duty. We’ll solve this problem at once.

3 Zhang is talking to his teacher about the protection of the Yellow River. Wang: Zhang,have you finished the research on the pollution of the Yellow River? Zhang: Yes. The pollution is much more serious than my expectation. Wang: I feel sad! How many places have you been

to this time? Zhang: Because of the limited time,we have only

been to 5 provinces to invest igate the pollution of it.

Wang: What are your findings? Zhang: Pa r t s of the r ive r a re d r y now. Some

factories still neglect the environmental rules and throw the waste into the water.

Wang: They are killing our mother river. Zhang: But I also met some students from Mother River Protection Operation. They went to

different cities and villages to persuade more and more people to join their movement. Wang: To protect the Yellow River,we also should plant more trees along the river and try to

make the river clean. If everyone can join the movement,our mother river can be saved. Zhang: Yes,it needs everyone’s love.

Notes:In fact I have asked them to stop working at night,but they refused.事实上我已经请他们不要晚上工作,但是他们拒绝了。ask do sth. 请某人做某事。

Questions: 1. Why did Vera come to the government

office?2. Has Vera tried to solve the problem by

herself?3. What is Steven’s answer?

Notes:The pollution is much more serious than my expectation.污染情况比我想象的要严重得多。

Questions: 1. What about the pollution of the Yellow

River?2. How many provinces has Zhang been to?3. What can we do to protect the Yellow River?


Environment Unit 4

4The following monologue is about the improvement of the hospital environment.

The medical world is gradually realizing that the quality of the environment in hospitals may play an important role in helping patients to get better.

As part of nationwide effort in Britain to bring art out of the museums and into public places,some of the country’s best artists have been called in to change old hospitals and to soften the hard edges of modern buildings.

These recent movements first started by one artist,Peter Senior,who set up his studio at a Manchester hospital on northeastern England during the early 1970s. He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society,and that he should be enjoyed by a wider audience.

A common hospital waiting room might have as many as 5,000 visitors each week. What a better place to hold regular exhibitions of art! Senior held the first exhibition of his own paintings in the out-patients waiting area of the Manchester Royal Hospital in 1975. Believed to be Britain’s first hospital artist,Senior was so much in demand that he was soon joined by a team of six young art school graduates.

The good effect is striking. Now in the passages and waiting rooms the visitors experience a full view of fresh colours,playful images and restful countyards.

The good quality of the environment may reduce the need for expensive drugs when a patient is recovering from an illness. A study has shown that patients who had a view into garden needed half the amount of strong pain killers compared with patients who had no view at all or only a brick wall to look at.

Notes:The medical world is gradually realizing that the quality of the environment in hospitals may play an important role in helping patients to get better. 医疗界现在已逐渐认识到医院环境的质量在帮助病人恢复方面起着重大作用。play an important role(part)in sth. / doing sth. 意为“在……中扮演角色,起重要作用”。例如:Women are playing an important part in society. 妇女在社会中发挥了重大作用。

Questions: 1. Why have some of the best artists of

Britain been called in?2. Who is a pioneer in introducing art into

hospitals?3. What’s the result after the improvement

of the hospital environment?4. How is the effect?5. What can be inferred from the passage?

PassagePre-reading questions:Do you know what’s the situation of population in the world? Do you know the effect of a large world population? After reading this passage, you may get some idea.

Have you heard about the World Population Day? Do you know how it comes? The world population reached 5 billion on July 11,1987. To draw the attention of every country and everyone,July 11 was named the World Population Day by the U. N. in 1987.

According to the experts,the world population has reached about 6 billion and is growing by 70 million people every year. This is the fastest growth rate in man’s history and if this continues,we can



家庭与环境第 章2 Environment

reach 9 billion by the year 2050. Now we come to realize that large population can destroy

nature because the large population is making more and more demands on its environment. For example,wild animals are dying 50 to 100 times faster than they naturally would,because of the rapid population growth. Every 7 years one species will die. Some experts even say that the 6th Species Extinction is coming. The large population also gives much demand for food! In some

developing countries where food is not enough,the death rate is very high. To get more food,even the poor land is farmed,and trees are cut down to get money,leaving the soil unprotected against wind and rain. Thus the deserts are spreading fast. But about 600 million people have to live in these dry places because of the large population and they must walk hundreds of miles away to get water.

To achieve sustainable development,we should protect our environment and control the world population. Now population growth is slowing,but more than 90 percent of the growth happens in the developing countries. We need everyone’s strength to help them!

Notes:1. draw the attention of sb. 引起某人的注意。 常用的与 attention 搭配的短语有 catch one’s attention 吸引某人注意;devote one’s attention to 专心于;致力于 ;pay

attention to 注意,留心。2. according to sb. 根据某人的观点。 according to... 表示“根据,依照”之意,例如:You will be paid according to the amount of work you do.3. come to realize 逐渐认识到。 come to 表示“逐渐”,例如:I came to believe that he was innocent after all.4. The large population also gives much demand for food ! 庞大的人口数量也对食物有很大需求!5. In some developing countries where food is not enough,the death rate is very high. 在一些发展中国家,粮食很有限,人口死亡率比较高。 developing countries 发展中国家;developed countries 发达国家。6. We need everyone’s strength to help them ! 我们需要每个人的力量来帮助他们!

Questions:1. When is the World Population Day?2. How does it come?3. According to the experts, how many people will there be on the earth in 2050?4. Why can the large population destroy nature?5. What is the situation in developing countries?

Words and Expressionsenvironment / nvarnmnt /n. 环境;四周;外界

offer / f /v. 提供;提出

diamond / damnd /n. 钻石;金刚石

island / alnd /n. 岛;岛屿

Pacific/ psfk /n. 太平洋

adj. 太平洋的

ocean / n /n. 海洋;大洋

detail / ditel /n. 细节;详情;琐事

fond / fnd /adj. 喜爱的;爱好的

square / skwe /n. 广场;正方形

public / pblk /adj. 公共的;公用的


Environment Unit 4

rule / rul /n. 条例;规则

pollution / plun /n. 污染;污染物

local / lkl /adj. 当地的;本地的;地方的

happen / hpn /v. 发生;碰巧

approve / pruv /v. 批准;核准;认可

continue / kntnju /v. 继续;连续;延续

construction / knstrkn /n. 建造;建筑;建设

truck / trk /n. 卡车;载重汽车

complaint / kmplent /n. 抱怨;埋怨

refuse / rfjuz /v. 拒绝;拒受

quarrel / kwrl /v. 争吵;吵架;不和

duty / djut /n. 职责;责任

solve /s lv /v. 解决;解释;解答

protection / prtekn /n. 保护;警戒

research / rst /n. 研究;调查

serious / srs /adj. 严重的;严肃的

expectation / ekspekten /n. 期望;预期

limited / lmt d/adj. 有限(度)的

province / prvns /n. 省;行政区

investigate / nvestget /v. 调查;审查

neglect / nglekt /v. 忽视;忽略

waste / west /n. 废物;废料;垃圾

persuade / pswed /v. 劝说;说服

pure / pj /adj. 洁净的;纯粹的;无暇的

save / sev /v. 拯救;挽救

art / t/n. 艺术;美术

gradually / rdl /adv. 逐渐地

quality / kwlt /n. 质量;特性

play an important role . 起重要作用

nationwide / nenwad /adj. 全国性的

museum /mju zm /n. 博物馆

artist / tst /n. 画家;艺术家

soften / sfn /v. (使)变柔和

passage / psd /n. 通路(道);小径

treatment / tritmn t/n. 治疗;处理;待遇

studio / stjud /n. 画室;工作室

audience / djns /n. 观众;听众

regular / rejl /adj. 规则的;定期的

exhibition / eksbn /n. 展览

graduate / rdt /n. (大学)毕业生

  adj. 毕业生的;研究生的

effect / fekt /n. 效果,影响

striking / strak /adj. 引人注目的

playful / plefl /adj. 活泼快乐的;嬉戏的

image / md /n. 像,偶像

reduce / rdjus /v. 减小;减少

drug / dr /n. 药

brick / brk /n. 砖(块)population / ppjlen /n. 人口;全体人民

attention / tenn /n. 注意;留心;照料

growth / gr /n. 增长;成长;生长

realize / rlaz /v. 认识到;使发生;实现

destroy / dstr /v. 破坏;损坏

nature / net /n. 自然界;大自然

demand / dmnd /v. 要求;需要;询问

wild / wald /adj. 野生的;野外的

naturally / ntrl /adv. 自然地

species / spz /n. 物种;类型

extinction / kstkn /n. 灭绝;绝种

death / de /n. 死;死亡

farm / fm /v. 种植;养殖

soil / sl /n. 土壤;土地

unprotected / nprtektd /adj. 不受保护的;无防


against / genst /prep. 防备;违反;逆

desert / dezt /n. 沙漠

spread / spred /v. 伸开;传播;散布

mile / mal /n. 英里

sustainable / sstenbl /adj. 可持续的;能维持的

control / kntrl /v. 控制;支配;管理

percent / psent /n. 百分之……

be afraid of 害怕;担心



家庭与环境第 章2 Environment


第一部分 口语



Candidate B,you want to ask some questions about the natural disaster of Tsunami. Use the words on this card to help you. (将 Card 1B 递给考生 B)

Card 1B







Candidate A,here is some information about the natural disaster of Tsunami. Please answer Candidate B’s questions using the information on your card. (将 Card 1A 递给考生 A)

Card 1A



时间:2004 年 12 月 26 日地点:印度尼西亚以及其他很多国家和地区

死亡人数:大约 300,000其他国家的援助:捐款和各种物资,派遣医护人员前往


口试教师结合前面的内容向考生各提出 2 或 3 个问题。

1. What do you think of the disaster?2. What would you do to help people in the disaster-stricken area?3. What can we learn from the help of other countries in the world?4. What should we do to prevent the disaster?

第二部分 听力理解


听下面 5 段对话,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你

都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What are the two speakers talking about?


Environment Unit 4

[A]The clean air and clean water. [B]Protecting the environment. [C]Enjoying the air,water and sky.

2. What does the man think the woman should do?

[A]Go out of the restaurant. [B]Keep silent. [C]Change another seat.

3. Where does the woman prefer to live?

[A]In the countryside. [B]In the city. [C]In a country.

4. Why didn’t the man sleep well last night?

[A]Because he burnt the midnight oil. [B]Because he was troubled by the noise. [C]Because he had to do his homework.

5. Where are the two speakers?

[A]In the street. [B]In the subway. [C]In a park.


听下面 2 段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听每段对话前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。


听第 6 段对话,回答第 6~7 题。

6. What has happened to the river?

[A]It has been polluted by the waste water. [B]Many swans swim in the river. [C]There is little water left in it.

7. What can we learn from the conversation?

[A]The man always swims in the river. [B]The man used to swim in the river. [C]The woman used to swim in the river.

听第 7 段对话,回答第 8~10 题。

8. What has polluted the Songhua River?

[A]Waste water. [B]Chemicals. [C]Oil.

9. Why was there a cutoff of water in Harbin?

[A]Because people in Harbin polluted the water. [B]Because people in Harbin didn’t want to drink the water. [C]Because the Songhua River provides Harbin with drinking water.



家庭与环境第 章2 Environment

10. How much money does the Heilongjiang government offer for the control of the pollution?

[A]10 million yuan. [B]10 million dollars. [C]10 billion yuan.

第三部分 英语知识运用


阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出能填入相应空白处的


If you do not use your arms or your legs for 11 ,they will become weak; and when you start using them again,they will gradually become strong again. Everybody 12 this,and nobody would think of 13 the fact.

Yet there are many people who seem 14 that the memory works in the same way. When someone says that he has a good memory, 15 really means that he 16 his memory 17 practice by exercising it very often, 18 consciously or unconsciously. When someone else says that his memory is 19 ,he means that he does not give it enough chance 20 strong. The position is exactly the same as 21 of 22 people,one of whom exercises his arms and legs by playing balls, 23 the other sits in a chair or a car all day. If a friend of yours says that his arms are weak,we know that it is his own 24 . But if he tells us that he has a poor memory,many of us think that his parents are 25 ,or that he is just 26 ,and few of us realize that it is just 27 it was his arms or legs that were weak. Not all of us can become very strong in body or very clever 28 mind,but all of us can improve our strength and our memory by the same method.

Have you ever noticed that people who cannot read or write usually have 29 memories than those who can? Why is this? Of course,because they cannot write down something in a little notebook or something else. They have to remember names,places,songs and stories; so their memory is always 30 .

11. [A]some time [B]some times [C]sometime [D]sometimes12. [A]know [B]knows [C]knowing [D]knew 13. [A]proving [B]believing [C]displaying [D]questioning 14. [A]know [B]knowing [C]to know [D]to knowing15. [A]she [B]he [C]they [D]it16. [A]lets [B]puts [C]makes [D]keeps17. [A]in [B]on [C]of [D]for18. [A]and [B]either [C]neither [D]too19. [A]better [B]bad [C]worse [D]poor20. [A]to become [B]become [C]becoming [D]becomes21. [A]those [B]that [C]this [D]it22. [A]many [B]four [C]two [D]three23. [A]while [B]but [C]however [D]and24. [A]mistake [B]fault [C]business [D]matter25. [A]blaming [B]blamed [C]to be blamed [D]to blame26. [A]unfortunate [B]fortunate [C]happy [D]sadly27. [A]like [B]as [C]same [D]similar


Environment Unit 4

28. [A]on [B]in [C]with [D]of29. [A]better [B]good [C]poor [D]poorer30. [A]exercised [B]exercising [C]being exercised [D]exercises

第四部分 阅读理解

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项。

People who live in heavily industrialized areas do not get as much sunshine as they should. Dust floating over a city at the height of more than 4,000 feet and cuts between 20 and 50 percent of sunlight and up to 90 percent of ultraviolet light(紫外线). But dust is not the only thing to worry about. When materials for burning are burned,whether in a factory or in a home,or in the engine of a car,carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)and carbon monoxide(一氧化碳)are given off. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere prevents loss of heat and keeps warmth in and slowly raises the temperature of the earth. This could actually change the climate all over the world. Carbon monoxide is very poisonous and quite small amounts can kill.

Everybody wants to have a motor car,and sometimes when we are caught in a traffic jam it seems as though everybody has already got one. Unfortunately,while giving us so much pleasure,cars are also poisoning us. The amount of dangerous substances sent out by a car is quite astonishing. Do you know,for example,that a hundred cars could produce a third of a ton of carbon monoxide and many other poisonous substances every day? When you realize that in Great Britain there are over 18,000,000 motor vehicles(车辆),you can see the greatness of the problem.

What the answer then? Scientists are trying to produce a car engine that gives off no pollution at all. But what about the millions of cars already in use now? Must they all be thrown away? It would probably be very expensive to make changes in them so that they will have nothing to do with pollution control.

31. People in big cities   .

[A]are in need of more sunshine [B]are advised to throw away their cars[C]are in poor health [D]want to move to the countryside

32. Which of the following is true?

[A]Small amounts of carbon dioxide can kill people. [B]Everyone has a car in big cities. [C]Great Britain is the most polluted country in the world. [D]The cars bring a lot of pollution besides pleasure.

33. Suppose there are 600,000 cars in a city,then how much carbon monoxide do the cars give off?

[A]1,800,000 tons. [B]2,000 tons.[C]20,000 tons. [D]30,000 tons.

34. What do you think people should not do to prevent pollution?

[A]Buy cars with high quality.[B]Choose public transportation as much as possible.[C]Keep the engines going on when they are waiting for someone or caught in the traffic jam. [D]Use high-quality oil.



家庭与环境第 章2 Environment

35. What will happen to the scientists’ new car engines?

[A]They will disappear from the market for they aren’t helpful for pollution control. [B]The engines will be very popular with private car owners. [C]People don’t want to buy them. [D]People dislike them.

第五部分 写作


36. 承德避暑山庄是著名的旅游胜地,游客量很大,尤其是在节假日。但是,有少数人不注


在 100 左右。

过去的不良行为 现在的文明行为随地吐痰,乱扔垃圾 随身携带塑料袋破坏树木、花草 爱护树木、花草向动物乱投食物,惊吓动物 保护动物随处写字 拍照

【生词】避暑山庄 summer resort 旅游胜地 place of interest 环境保护 environmental protection 塑料袋 plastic bag 当地人 local people

Supplementary ReadingAppreciate the Silence

H ave you ever been on a bus when someone answered a telephone loudly? Have you ever been in a taxi when the driver always pressed the horn(喇叭)? You probably answer “yes”,but have you ever tried to stop for a moment and listen to the silence? Probably not. Silence is a thing to which we pay little attention.

Today many of us are too busy to appreciate(意识到,享受)the small things in life,including. silence. With the development of economy,we are surrounded(环绕) by noise and sometimes we can’t realize how noise affects us,but it really changes how we talk and listen to each other. Because we are so used to noise,we forget to be thankful when there finally is no noise. Even when there is no noise we want to talk to fill up the silence. It seems funny that we are afraid of these moments when there is no talking,and we call for the awkward noise because we feel uncomfortable. But in fact silence can be better than noise,and we need to appreciate it.

Some of my friends asked why I didn’t talk very much. In fact I like talking,but I don’t like pushing away silence by talking because I appreciate the beauty of silence. I believe in what one of my friends ever said,“Do not talk unless you can improve upon silence. ” So next time when you are on a bus or in a taxi,remember to appreciate the silence you come across later in some day.