kila emjae


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  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    Basic Types ofBusinessCorrespondence

    Prepared by: GROUP 4


    Jasmine Layugan

    Members:Kate Ericka Bico

    Michael Joe Gonzaga

    Kamille Ann A. Hilot

    Giselle Ybanez

  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    OVERVIEWThis presentation will tackle about basic

    types of business correspondences that wellfind helpful in the career we will be having in thefuture. Here, we will be studying about theproper composition and validity of letters such as:request letters, sales letters, order letters, claimand adjustment letters, credit letters, collectionletters, public relations letters, memorandum,business reports, resume, application letters,and employment letters.

  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    OBJECTIVES To give easy-to-understand and easy-to-follow

    guidelines and suggestions for writing various

    types of business letters, memos, and reports. To be able to help students construct meaningful

    and concise business letters essential and

    related to the course or future careers that they

    will be having after they graduate.

  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    Request letters One that asks for something.

    When writing a request letter you must: Define exactly what you need before of the you start to write

    Keep your request reasonable

    Give the title and date of publication if your request is prompted byan advertisement in a newspaper or a magazine.

    State your request in simple, courteous language. Be especiallycareful to avoid commands and demands.

    Make it easy for your reader to determine what exactly you want Express your appreciation in some way but dont thank the reader in


  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    Sales letters Developed for the specific purpose of obtaining an

    order from the reader for a particular product orservice.

    When writing a sales letter you must: Acquire a thorough knowledge of the product or service you are selling.

    Obtain all the information you can about the person or group of persons towhom you are writing

    Select the feature or features of your product or service that are likely to beof greatest interest and importance to your reader or readers.

    Choose the best appeal or appeals to use in leading your reader or readersto buy your product or service.

    Time the delivery of your message so that it will have the greatest impact onyour reader.

  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    Order acknowledgements Acknowledging all orders immediately upon

    receiving them.

    When writing an order acknowledgement. Develop the message to fit the particular type of situation

    Express appreciation for the order

    State the problem and indicate how it is being handled

  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    Claim letters A letter in which you make a claim against

    the supplier of the product or service.

    When writing a claim letter: Explain carefully and tactfully what your complaint is.

    Give all the details the reader of your letter will need in orderto process your claim.

    Indicate whatever loss or unusual inconvenience you have

    experienced as a result of your readers error or perhaps theerror of someone else.

    State what you consider to be a fair adjustment.

    Dont lose your temper.

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  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    Reminder Letter A letter that reminds the reader what must be

    done, accomplished or paid and informs the

    reader about a certain grace period.

    In writing a reminder letter you must: Remind the customer that payment is past due.

    Restate the amount due.

    Provide the customer with an excuse for not having paid ontime.

    Show that you still value and solicit the customers business.

  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    Ultimatum Letter A letter that warns the reader about a certain deadline that if

    not met, will result into legal actions or collections through anagency that will prove to be unpleasant, expensive and at thesame time embarrassing.

    When writing a discussion letter you must: Review your efforts to bring about a settlement and indicate that all of them

    where ignored.

    State that the entire balance of the account is due and indicate what the fullamount is.

    Appeal again that the customers fear of losing a good credit rating.

    State the specific date by which payment must be received and indicate theactions that will be taken if it is not.

  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    Special Occasions Letter This type of letters presents an opportunity to

    remind customers of the event as well as you and

    your company. When writing a discussion letter you must:

    Stress the occasion and what it means to the


  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    Business Reports Provide an information about a wide variety of

    subject activities in the business for the members toperform their duties successfully.

    When writing a discussion letter you must: Consider your reason for writing the report

    Determine what data you need in order to develop the report

    Collect the data and organize it.

    Consider the reader and the subject of your report.

    Keep your report as short as possible. Prepare your report in the format that you feel is most appropriate.

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  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    Follow-up Letters

    Written to thank the interviewer for the time and

    courtesy extended to you. Also used to provide

    additional information or to ask for additional


  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    Letter of acceptance or refusal

    For accepting or refusing such as job offers.

    When writing a letter of acceptance: Make sure to state in the letter that you are acknowledging

    the offer and that you are accepting it.

    Reassure the employer that you are the right person for the


    Indicate your eagerness to begin work Ask when you can start reporting for work.

  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    When writing a letter of refusal:

    Be courteous and have business ethics. Write a

    friendly, tactful letter. Identify the job by title.

    Give the reason for not accepting it.


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    Resignation letters Written when one has decided to resign for a job.

    In writing a letter of resignation you must: Give your employer a two weeks notice.

    Address the letter to your immediate supervisor.

    Show a positive attitude.

    Briefly discuss your reason for your resignation.

    Give the date on which your resignation is to become effective.

    Never make statements that may haunt you later. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your resignation,

    express your appreciation for at least one or two things about yourpresent employer.

  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    Application Letter Letter you write to apply for a job.

    When writing a discussion letter you must:

    Attract the readers attention Interest the reader in you as a prospective


    Make the reader want to hire you

    Lead to a request for a personal interview.

  • 8/8/2019 kila emjae


    Resume Compact statement of the applicants

    education, experience, so on. Helps the

    applicant get a personal interview. When writing a discussion letter you must:

    Highlight your strengths

    Match the needs of the hiring company

    Be positive

    Appropriate background information about yourself should be

    condensed, well-organize, easy-to-understand, and in

    attractive format.

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