Larousse Engleza distractiva 11-12 ani - Engleza distractiva 11-12 ani.pdf · g...


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9 nV n*? is Sophie! ...................p..f @ ". like sport! .............. .-.............p.22

. Verbele be 5i have got. . Articolul the 5i articolul zero (@).

. c.uvintele pentru a rnd, prezenta et a vorbi . tncdperire casei.despre rnine. . Hob:bg_urile.

. Denumirile nagionalitd$ilor.

p neased to rneztyou! ..............p.6 @ *,y;;:u"u*English? """""p'21. fh,s ri 5i these are, pentrua prezenta pe cineva.. Pronuwvle personale subiecte.

. lanp.

. Lim,bile.

. Prezentul cube + -ing.

. Anotit'npurile.

fl n day in my life ' vrewv^

. prezentur sirnptu. "p'10 s; wnat ara you gomg to do

tornomow? ............... . p.zg. Viitorul cube going to.. Exprimarea viitorului (toynorrow, next


Hy schoolbag... ........p.30. Sov'ae 5i ang.. Qhiozdanul.

@ wnat do you tike? ....................p.1r €) wlat is it? ................p.32. Verbul lrke, pentru a spune daci ne place sau nu ' tntrebirile cuwho,where,what.

fl tet's get dressedt .....................p.16. This /these qi that /those.. D enurnirile hainelor.. Culorile.

fl Wfnt's your number? ..............p.18. Nuvnerele.. Namdrul de telefon.

S) uers go shopping! ..p.20. Exprimarea eantitdgii.. Substantivel e numdrabile qi nenurad,rabile.. Magazinele., M&.nearea.

. Posesia.

. Membriifavniliei,

. Adverbele de frecvent6

. Zilelesdptdrnhnii.

fl Wrtat can you see? .................p.u

" There is Sithere are, pentru a spune,,existd"in englezi.

. Prepazifiile de loc.

. Vocabularul car'nerei.


. intrebirile cu do.

. Fructele.

. Auxiliarele a vn, is, are gi have, has,

. Mijloacele de transport.

@ tr it allowed? .............................. p.3'f. Verbele ynust, can, be allowed to.. Vocabularulstrdzii.

$D t'* taller tlran yout ..................p.36. Cornparafia.. Adjectivele pentru a descrie pe cinava.

@ Wrrat tima is it? .....p.3s. Ora.. Ziua.

Hic laxicon englerromen............. p. t6

Y erbe neregulat e anglezegtf ...... p. ttz

g g&&&&&T%t&&& & * * T & &%%be{Md pv'ezint Si vorbesc despv'e vnineCa sd te prezinli gi sd vorbegti despre tine (ti despre prieteniitii)in englezS, trebuie sd gtii cum si folosegti verbele be(= a fi) $i have got(= a avea, cu sensul de a poseda):

Hello, vng navne is Sophie. l'nn [- I avn] English.Salut, md numesc Sophie. Sunt englezoaicd.

l've got L= I have gotl long brown hairamd l'wt twelve gears old.Am p5rul lung, castaniu, gi am doisprezece ani.

She is thirstg.Ei ii e sete.

We are cold.Noud ne e frig.

Be earef,ul!Se folosegte adesea forma contrasdcu be Si have got:

l'v,a tall,

He's got brown eges.

.ai**l:rr:... , r

Completaazd anunlurile urrndtoare:

o Jack lives in London. He isEnglish.

o Kevin lives in Paris. He

o Spune-ti numele: Hello, Mg lnavz.e

o Spune ci egti francezlfran;uzoaici: I

o Spune-!i vArsta: I

oSpune-liculoareaochilor:t................ .........eges.

o Spune ci eqci scund(i) sau inalt(a): I

o Spune ci egti fericit(i): , ................

eonnplsteezd enLm-turile urmdtoare:

.. Freneh.

II avnhungrg.

BE=ah. I ann..-

. He/She/tt/goPhie/Mg wavvto is"'

. You/V,)e/Theg/Jack and SoPhie are

HAVE6Of=aavea. t/You/We/Theg/

Mg frionds have got. He/9he/tt/Jack/

Mg vvvrr* has got"


Mi-e foame.

&@i namen{barl


o Ralf and Uli live in Berlin.

o Laura lives in Rome. She

s Pablo lives in Madrid. He




o Diana and Rob live in New York. They


[qjLrygrye cc s& g6s5€t[ numets a petru onaFe ee{eh_re.




o Hes got long hair.

o Hes got brown hair.

o Hes got curly hair.

,r He's got blue eyes.

o He's got short hair.


',::l 6*



Uvt tur ?ntr'-6:4,,-



fncereuieEte s'{+smunsui

s &.&&&&{e&{}'&&& & & * & & &&ePrezentarea cuivaPentru a prezenta pe cineva, folosim:

r' Thisis(pentru a prezenta o singuri persoand)

This is Max. He's vnrg brother. We go to the savne school.

y' These are (pentru a prezenta mai multe persoane)

These are vng cousins, Anna and Julian. Theg are Avnerican.

Pronumele p ersonale subiecte

Complateazd fhecarz enun! cu "this is" sau "these are".

o "llhis is my friend, Matthew

my dog, Scooby.

...., my grandparents.

my sisters, Sadie and Zoe.

my hamsrer; Cookie.

my cousins, Joe and Tim.

my parents.

o This is Jack. He is my Dad.

o These are my brothers. , are very nice.

o This is Ceorge, my rabbit. . ears carrors.

o These are my friends. go to school rogerher.

s This is a present for you! .... a book.

o This is my Dad. .,,. is very funny.

o This is my Mum. is a teacher.

Alege pronumele potrivit.tort'rf

,i:i.i:"lt\oShe olt

oShe oTheA

aTheg aWe

oYou ol

oltl aHe's

oHe oShe

oShe olt

Foligilu l,ta';ih.*aibi,n








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