Listening and Reading Tactics for the TOEIC (中上...


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講座番号 521水曜日

開 講 日




時   間 13:30~15:00 受 講 料 16,200円

定  員 25人

This is an introduction to TOEIC course. We will examine the various parts of the test and plan and practice strategies to approach each section. These strategies are different for each section so it is important to practice these skills and strategies at home. We will also plan for the test day and discuss general skills for the test such as a homework plan, how to place the test booklet and marking on the answer key. This is a fun and interactive course but there will be weekly homework. I look forward to seeing you in class! *講座開始前の4月22日(水)13:30~15:00にプレテストを行います。


土曜日講座番号 705Advanced Reading and Vocabulary(上級)

開 講 日 4/25・5/9・16・23・30・6/6・13・20・27・7/4(全10回)

時   間 10:30~12:00 受 講 料 16,200円

定   員 25人

This class focuses on improving reading skills and building vocabulary to the Eiken One or TOEIC 900 Level. We will read and discuss articles on Japanese politics, economy, and culture. The difficulty of the Eiken and TOEIC tests is the large vocabulary. Instead of memorizing many words, you will learn how to analyze vocabulary so you can understand unfamiliar words. Most English words are much like Japanese Jukugo. They are built from meaningful parts called roots, which are similar to Kanji. Unlike Kanji, these roots normally have a single meaning that applies to many words. You will learn some of these important parts, and how they combine with prefixes and suffixes to suggest the meaning of the word, and practice advanced level reading.


テキスト プリントを使用します。


講座番号 663金曜日

開 講 日

時   間 18:30~20:00 受 講 料 16,200円

定  員 25人

This class is designed for students hoping to improve their TOEIC score by 100 points or more. In class, we treat the TOEIC as a game, and by taking the test apart we learn its tricks and traps. By focusing on Listening and Reading Tactics students can quickly master specific TOEIC abilities and vastly improve their score the next time they take the TOEIC. Students are encouraged to personalize the class and the test tactics, allowing them to individually demystify the TOEIC test. In the Spring Semester, we will place more emphasis on Listening Tactics, and in the Fall Semester more focus will be on Reading. However, we will cover both each semester.



テキスト プリントを使用します。

Listening and Reading Tactics for the TOEIC (中上級)R

Introduction to TOEIC (初級)RNEW
